[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
# vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4:
package CPAN::Author;
use strict;

use CPAN::InfoObj;
@CPAN::Author::ISA = qw(CPAN::InfoObj);
use vars qw(
$VERSION = "5.5002";

package CPAN::Author;
use strict;

#-> sub CPAN::Author::force
sub force {
    my $self = shift;

#-> sub CPAN::Author::force
sub unforce {
    my $self = shift;
    delete $self->{force};

#-> sub CPAN::Author::id
sub id {
    my $self = shift;
    my $id = $self->{ID};
    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Illegal author id[$id]") unless $id =~ /^[A-Z]/;

#-> sub CPAN::Author::as_glimpse ;
sub as_glimpse {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $class = ref($self);
    $class =~ s/^CPAN:://;
    push @m, sprintf(qq{%-15s %s ("%s" <%s>)\n},
    join "", @m;

#-> sub CPAN::Author::fullname ;
sub fullname {
*name = \&fullname;

#-> sub CPAN::Author::email ;
sub email    { shift->ro->{EMAIL}; }

#-> sub CPAN::Author::ls ;
sub ls {
    my $self = shift;
    my $glob = shift || "";
    my $silent = shift || 0;
    my $id = $self->id;

    # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::verifyCHECKSUM ;
    my(@csf); # chksumfile
    @csf = $self->id =~ /(.)(.)(.*)/;
    $csf[1] = join "", @csf[0,1];
    $csf[2] = join "", @csf[1,2]; # ("A","AN","ANDK")
    @dl = $self->dir_listing([$csf[0],"CHECKSUMS"], 0, 1);
    unless (grep {$_->[2] eq $csf[1]} @dl) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $csf[1]/ does not exist\n") unless $silent ;
    @dl = $self->dir_listing([@csf[0,1],"CHECKSUMS"], 0, 1);
    unless (grep {$_->[2] eq $csf[2]} @dl) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Directory $id/ does not exist\n") unless $silent;
    @dl = $self->dir_listing([@csf,"CHECKSUMS"], 1, 1);
    if ($glob) {
        if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Text::Glob")) {
            $glob =~ s|/$|/*|;
            my $rglob = Text::Glob::glob_to_regex($glob);
            CPAN->debug("glob[$glob]rglob[$rglob]dl[@dl]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            my @tmpdl = grep { $_->[2] =~ /$rglob/ } @dl;
            if (1==@tmpdl && $tmpdl[0][0]==0) {
                $rglob = Text::Glob::glob_to_regex("$glob/*");
                @dl = grep { $_->[2] =~ /$rglob/ } @dl;
            } else {
                @dl = @tmpdl;
            CPAN->debug("rglob[$rglob]dl[@dl]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        } else {
            $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Text::Glob not installed, cannot proceed");
    unless ($silent >= 2) {
             join "",
             map {
                      "%8d %10s %s/%s%s\n",
                 } sort { $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] } @dl

# returns an array of arrays, the latter contain (size,mtime,filename)
#-> sub CPAN::Author::dir_listing ;
sub dir_listing {
    my $self = shift;
    my $chksumfile = shift;
    my $recursive = shift;
    my $may_ftp = shift;

    my $lc_want =
                            "authors", "id", @$chksumfile);

    my $fh;

    CPAN->debug("chksumfile[@$chksumfile]recursive[$recursive]may_ftp[$may_ftp]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    # Purge and refetch old (pre-PGP) CHECKSUMS; they are a security
    # hazard.  (Without GPG installed they are not that much better,
    # though.)
    $fh = FileHandle->new;
    if (open($fh, $lc_want)) {
        my $line = <$fh>; close $fh;
        unlink($lc_want) unless $line =~ /PGP/;

    local($") = "/";
    # connect "force" argument with "index_expire".
    my $force = $self->{force};
    if (my @stat = stat $lc_want) {
        $force ||= $stat[9] + $CPAN::Config->{index_expire}*86400 <= time;
    my $lc_file;
    if ($may_ftp) {
        $lc_file = eval {
        unless ($lc_file) {
            $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Trying $lc_want.gz\n");
            $chksumfile->[-1] .= ".gz";
            $lc_file = eval {
            if ($lc_file) {
                $lc_file =~ s{\.gz(?!\n)\Z}{}; #};
            } else {
    } else {
        $lc_file = $lc_want;
        # we *could* second-guess and if the user has a file: URL,
        # then we could look there. But on the other hand, if they do
        # have a file: URL, why did they choose to set
        # $CPAN::Config->{show_upload_date} to false?

    # adapted from CPAN::Distribution::CHECKSUM_check_file ;
    $fh = FileHandle->new;
    if (open $fh, $lc_file) {
        my $eval = <$fh>;
        $eval =~ s/\015?\012/\n/g;
        close $fh;
        my($compmt) = Safe->new();
        $cksum = $compmt->reval($eval);
        if ($@) {
            rename $lc_file, "$lc_file.bad";
            Carp::confess($@) if $@;
    } elsif ($may_ftp) {
        Carp::carp ("Could not open '$lc_file' for reading.");
    } else {
        # Maybe should warn: "You may want to set show_upload_date to a true value"
    for $f (sort keys %$cksum) {
        if (exists $cksum->{$f}{isdir}) {
            if ($recursive) {
                my(@dir) = @$chksumfile;
                pop @dir;
                push @dir, $f, "CHECKSUMS";
                push @result, [ 0, "-", $f ];
                push @result, map {
                    [$_->[0], $_->[1], "$f/$_->[2]"]
                } $self->dir_listing(\@dir,1,$may_ftp);
            } else {
                push @result, [ 0, "-", $f ];
        } else {
            push @result, [

#-> sub CPAN::Author::reports
sub reports {
    $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("reports on authors not implemented.
Please file a bugreport if you need this.\n");



Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
FTP Folder 0755
HTTP Folder 0755
Kwalify Folder 0755
LWP Folder 0755
Meta Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Author.pm File 6.68 KB 0644
Bundle.pm File 9.6 KB 0644
CacheMgr.pm File 7.48 KB 0644
Complete.pm File 5.88 KB 0644
Debug.pm File 2.05 KB 0644
DeferredCode.pm File 189 B 0644
Distribution.pm File 161.9 KB 0644
Distroprefs.pm File 11.71 KB 0644
Distrostatus.pm File 972 B 0644
FTP.pm File 41.63 KB 0644
FirstTime.pm File 70.16 KB 0644
HandleConfig.pm File 22.75 KB 0644
Index.pm File 21.7 KB 0644
InfoObj.pm File 6.75 KB 0644
Kwalify.pm File 3.35 KB 0644
Meta.pm File 29.56 KB 0644
Mirrors.pm File 16.3 KB 0644
Module.pm File 21.87 KB 0644
Nox.pm File 953 B 0644
Plugin.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Prompt.pm File 567 B 0644
Queue.pm File 6.78 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 71.88 KB 0644
Tarzip.pm File 16.32 KB 0644
URL.pm File 588 B 0644
Version.pm File 4.29 KB 0644