[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
# vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4:
package CPAN::FTP;
use strict;

use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use CPAN::FTP::netrc;
use vars qw($connect_to_internet_ok $Ua $Thesite $ThesiteURL $Themethod);

@CPAN::FTP::ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug);

use vars qw(
$VERSION = "5.5008";

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::ftp_statistics
# if they want to rewrite, they need to pass in a filehandle
sub _ftp_statistics {
    my($self,$fh) = @_;
    my $locktype = $fh ? LOCK_EX : LOCK_SH;
    # XXX On Windows flock() implements mandatory locking, so we can
    # XXX only use shared locking to still allow _yaml_load_file() to
    # XXX read from the file using a different filehandle.
    $locktype = LOCK_SH if $^O eq "MSWin32";

    $fh ||= FileHandle->new;
    my $file = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"FTPstats.yml");
    mkpath dirname $file;
    open $fh, "+>>$file" or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open '$file': $!");
    my $sleep = 1;
    my $waitstart;
    while (!CPAN::_flock($fh, $locktype|LOCK_NB)) {
        $waitstart ||= localtime();
        if ($sleep>3) {
            my $now = localtime();
            $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("$now: waiting for read lock on '$file' (since $waitstart)\n");
        sleep($sleep); # this sleep must not be overridden;
                       # Frontend->mysleep with AUTOMATED_TESTING has
                       # provoked complete lock contention on my NFS
        if ($sleep <= 3) {
        } elsif ($sleep <= 6) {
        } else {
            # retry to get a fresh handle. If it is NFS and the handle is stale, we will never get an flock
            open $fh, "+>>$file" or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open '$file': $!");
    my $stats = eval { CPAN->_yaml_loadfile($file); };
    if ($@) {
        if (ref $@) {
            if (ref $@ eq "CPAN::Exception::yaml_not_installed") {
                chomp $@;
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprintonce("Warning (usually harmless): $@\n");
            } elsif (ref $@ eq "CPAN::Exception::yaml_process_error") {
                my $time = time;
                my $to = "$file.$time";
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Error reading '$file': $@\nStashing away as '$to' to prevent further interruptions. You may want to remove that file later.\n");
                rename $file, $to or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not rename: $!");
        } else {
    CPAN::_flock($fh, LOCK_UN);
    return $stats->[0];

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_mytime
sub _mytime () {
    if (CPAN->has_inst("Time::HiRes")) {
        return Time::HiRes::time();
    } else {
        return time;

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_new_stats
sub _new_stats {
    my($self,$file) = @_;
    my $ret = {
               file => $file,
               attempts => [],
               start => _mytime,

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_add_to_statistics
sub _add_to_statistics {
    my($self,$stats) = @_;
    my $yaml_module = CPAN::_yaml_module();
    $self->debug("yaml_module[$yaml_module]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    if ($CPAN::META->has_inst($yaml_module)) {
        $stats->{thesiteurl} = $ThesiteURL;
        $stats->{end} = CPAN::FTP::_mytime();
        my $fh = FileHandle->new;
        my $time = time;
        my $sdebug = 0;
        my @debug;
        @debug = $time if $sdebug;
        my $fullstats = $self->_ftp_statistics($fh);
        close $fh;
        $fullstats->{history} ||= [];
        push @debug, scalar @{$fullstats->{history}} if $sdebug;
        push @debug, time if $sdebug;
        push @{$fullstats->{history}}, $stats;
        # YAML.pm 0.62 is unacceptably slow with 999;
        # YAML::Syck 0.82 has no noticable performance problem with 999;
        my $ftpstats_size = $CPAN::Config->{ftpstats_size} || 99;
        my $ftpstats_period = $CPAN::Config->{ftpstats_period} || 14;
        while (
               @{$fullstats->{history}} > $ftpstats_size
               || $time - $fullstats->{history}[0]{start} > 86400*$ftpstats_period
              ) {
            shift @{$fullstats->{history}}
        push @debug, scalar @{$fullstats->{history}} if $sdebug;
        push @debug, time if $sdebug;
        push @debug, scalar localtime($fullstats->{history}[0]{start}) if $sdebug;
        # need no eval because if this fails, it is serious
        my $sfile = File::Spec->catfile($CPAN::Config->{cpan_home},"FTPstats.yml");
        if ( $sdebug ) {
            local $CPAN::DEBUG = 512; # FTP
            push @debug, time;
            CPAN->debug(sprintf("DEBUG history: before_read[%d]before[%d]at[%d]".
                                "after[%d]at[%d]oldest[%s]dumped backat[%d]",
        # Win32 cannot rename a file to an existing filename
        unlink($sfile) if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'os2');
	_copy_stat($sfile, "$sfile.$$") if -e $sfile;
        rename "$sfile.$$", $sfile
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not rename '$sfile.$$' to '$sfile': $!\n");

# Copy some stat information (owner, group, mode and) from one file to
# another.
# This is a utility function which might be moved to a utility repository.
#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_copy_stat
sub _copy_stat {
    my($src, $dest) = @_;
    my @stat = stat($src);
    if (!@stat) {
	$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Can't stat '$src': $!\n");

    eval {
	chmod $stat[2], $dest
	    or $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Can't chmod '$dest' to " . sprintf("0%o", $stat[2]) . ": $!\n");
    warn $@ if $@;
    eval {
	chown $stat[4], $stat[5], $dest
	    or do {
		my $save_err = $!; # otherwise it's lost in the get... calls
		$CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Can't chown '$dest' to " .
					(getpwuid($stat[4]))[0] . "/" .
					(getgrgid($stat[5]))[0] . ": $save_err\n"
    warn $@ if $@;

# if file is CHECKSUMS, suggest the place where we got the file to be
# checked from, maybe only for young files?
#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_recommend_url_for
sub _recommend_url_for {
    my($self, $file, $urllist) = @_;
    if ($file =~ s|/CHECKSUMS(.gz)?$||) {
        my $fullstats = $self->_ftp_statistics();
        my $history = $fullstats->{history} || [];
        while (my $last = pop @$history) {
            last if $last->{end} - time > 3600; # only young results are interesting
            next unless $last->{file}; # dirname of nothing dies!
            next unless $file eq dirname($last->{file});
            return $last->{thesiteurl};
    if ($CPAN::Config->{randomize_urllist}
        rand(1) < $CPAN::Config->{randomize_urllist}
       ) {
        $urllist->[int rand scalar @$urllist];
    } else {
        return ();

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::_get_urllist
sub _get_urllist {
    my($self, $with_defaults) = @_;
    $with_defaults ||= 0;
    CPAN->debug("with_defaults[$with_defaults]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;

    $CPAN::Config->{urllist} ||= [];
    unless (ref $CPAN::Config->{urllist} eq 'ARRAY') {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Malformed urllist; ignoring.  Configuration file corrupt?\n");
        $CPAN::Config->{urllist} = [];
    my @urllist = grep { defined $_ and length $_ } @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}};
    push @urllist, @CPAN::Defaultsites if $with_defaults;
    for my $u (@urllist) {
        CPAN->debug("u[$u]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        if (UNIVERSAL::can($u,"text")) {
            $u->{TEXT} .= "/" unless substr($u->{TEXT},-1) eq "/";
        } else {
            $u .= "/" unless substr($u,-1) eq "/";
            $u = CPAN::URL->new(TEXT => $u, FROM => "USER");

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::ftp_get ;
sub ftp_get {
    my($class,$host,$dir,$file,$target) = @_;
                  qq[Going to fetch file [$file] from dir [$dir]
        on host [$host] as local [$target]\n]
                 ) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host);
    unless ($ftp) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("  Could not connect to host '$host' with Net::FTP\n");
    return 0 unless defined $ftp;
    $ftp->debug(1) if $CPAN::DEBUG{'FTP'} & $CPAN::DEBUG;
    $class->debug(qq[Going to login("anonymous","$Config::Config{cf_email}")]);
    unless ( $ftp->login("anonymous",$Config::Config{'cf_email'}) ) {
        my $msg = $ftp->message;
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("  Couldn't login on $host: $msg\n");
    unless ( $ftp->cwd($dir) ) {
        my $msg = $ftp->message;
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("  Couldn't cwd $dir: $msg\n");
    $class->debug(qq[Going to ->get("$file","$target")\n]) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    unless ( $ftp->get($file,$target) ) {
        my $msg = $ftp->message;
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("  Couldn't fetch $file from $host: $msg\n");
    $ftp->quit; # it's ok if this fails
    return 1;

# If more accuracy is wanted/needed, Chris Leach sent me this patch...

 # > *** /install/perl/live/lib/CPAN.pm- Wed Sep 24 13:08:48 1997
 # > --- /tmp/cp Wed Sep 24 13:26:40 1997
 # > ***************
 # > *** 1562,1567 ****
 # > --- 1562,1580 ----
 # >       return 1 if substr($url,0,4) eq "file";
 # >       return 1 unless $url =~ m|://([^/]+)|;
 # >       my $host = $1;
 # > +     my $proxy = $CPAN::Config->{'http_proxy'} || $ENV{'http_proxy'};
 # > +     if ($proxy) {
 # > +         $proxy =~ m|://([^/:]+)|;
 # > +         $proxy = $1;
 # > +         my $noproxy = $CPAN::Config->{'no_proxy'} || $ENV{'no_proxy'};
 # > +         if ($noproxy) {
 # > +             if ($host !~ /$noproxy$/) {
 # > +                 $host = $proxy;
 # > +             }
 # > +         } else {
 # > +             $host = $proxy;
 # > +         }
 # > +     }
 # >       require Net::Ping;
 # >       return 1 unless $Net::Ping::VERSION >= 2;
 # >       my $p;

#-> sub CPAN::FTP::localize ;
sub localize {
    my($self,$file,$aslocal,$force,$with_defaults) = @_;
    $force ||= 0;
    Carp::croak( "Usage: ->localize(cpan_file,as_local_file[,\$force])" )
        unless defined $aslocal;
    if ($CPAN::DEBUG){
        require Carp;
        my $longmess = Carp::longmess();
        $self->debug("file[$file] aslocal[$aslocal] force[$force] carplongmess[$longmess]");
    if ($^O eq 'MacOS') {
        # Comment by AK on 2000-09-03: Uniq short filenames would be
        # available in CHECKSUMS file
        my($name, $path) = File::Basename::fileparse($aslocal, '');
        if (length($name) > 31) {
            $name =~ s/(
                           readme(\.(gz|Z))? |
                           (tar\.)?(gz|Z) |
                           tgz |
                           zip |
            my $suf = $1;
            my $size = 31 - length($suf);
            while (length($name) > $size) {
                chop $name;
            $name .= $suf;
            $aslocal = File::Spec->catfile($path, $name);

    if (-f $aslocal && -r _ && !($force & 1)) {
        my $size;
        if ($size = -s $aslocal) {
            $self->debug("aslocal[$aslocal]size[$size]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            return $aslocal;
        } else {
            # empty file from a previous unsuccessful attempt to download it
            unlink $aslocal or
                $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Found a zero-length '$aslocal' that I ".
                                       "could not remove.");
    my($maybe_restore) = 0;
    if (-f $aslocal) {
        rename $aslocal, "$aslocal.bak$$";

    my($aslocal_dir) = dirname($aslocal);
    # Inheritance is not easier to manage than a few if/else branches
    if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('LWP::UserAgent')) {
        unless ($Ua) {
            eval {$Ua = CPAN::LWP::UserAgent->new;}; # Why is has_usable still not fit enough?
            if ($@) {
                $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("CPAN::LWP::UserAgent->new dies with $@\n")
                    if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            } else {
                $Ua->proxy('ftp',  $var)
                    if $var = $CPAN::Config->{ftp_proxy} || $ENV{ftp_proxy};
                $Ua->proxy('http', $var)
                    if $var = $CPAN::Config->{http_proxy} || $ENV{http_proxy};
                    if $var = $CPAN::Config->{no_proxy} || $ENV{no_proxy};
    for my $prx (qw(ftp_proxy http_proxy no_proxy)) {
        $ENV{$prx} = $CPAN::Config->{$prx} if $CPAN::Config->{$prx};

    # Try the list of urls for each single object. We keep a record
    # where we did get a file from
    my $ccurllist = $self->_get_urllist($with_defaults);
    $last = $#$ccurllist;
    if ($force & 2) { # local cpans probably out of date, don't reorder
        @reordered = (0..$last);
    } else {
        @reordered =
            sort {
                (substr($ccurllist->[$b],0,4) eq "file")
                (substr($ccurllist->[$a],0,4) eq "file")
                ($ccurllist->[$b] eq $ThesiteURL)
                ($ccurllist->[$a] eq $ThesiteURL)
            } 0..$last;
    $Themethod ||= "";
    $self->debug("Themethod[$Themethod]reordered[@reordered]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    my @all_levels = (
                      ["dleasy",   "file"],
                      ["dleasy",   "http","defaultsites"],
                      ["dlhard",   "http","defaultsites"],
                      ["dleasy",   "ftp", "defaultsites"],
                      ["dlhard",   "ftp", "defaultsites"],
                      ["dlhardest","",    "defaultsites"],
    if ($Themethod) {
        @levels = grep {$_->[0] eq $Themethod} @all_levels;
        push @levels, grep {$_->[0] ne $Themethod} @all_levels;
    } else {
        @levels = @all_levels;
    @levels = qw/dleasy/ if $^O eq 'MacOS';
    local $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} =
        exists $CPAN::Config->{ftp_passive} ?
        $CPAN::Config->{ftp_passive} : 1;
    my $ret;
    my $stats = $self->_new_stats($file);
    for ($CPAN::Config->{connect_to_internet_ok}) {
        $connect_to_internet_ok = $_ if not defined $connect_to_internet_ok and defined $_;
  LEVEL: for $levelno (0..$#levels) {
        my $level_tuple = $levels[$levelno];
        my($level,$scheme,$sitetag) = @$level_tuple;
        $self->mymkpath($aslocal_dir) unless $scheme && "file" eq $scheme;
        my $defaultsites = $sitetag && $sitetag eq "defaultsites" && !@$ccurllist;
        my @urllist;
        if ($defaultsites) {
            unless (defined $connect_to_internet_ok) {
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(sprintf qq{
I would like to connect to one of the following sites to get '%s':

                                         join("",map { " ".$_->text."\n" } @CPAN::Defaultsites),
                my $answer = CPAN::Shell::colorable_makemaker_prompt("Is it OK to try to connect to the Internet?", "yes");
                if ($answer =~ /^y/i) {
                    $connect_to_internet_ok = 1;
                } else {
                    $connect_to_internet_ok = 0;
            if ($connect_to_internet_ok) {
                @urllist = @CPAN::Defaultsites;
            } else {
                my $sleep = 2;
                # the tricky thing about dying here is that everybody
                # believes that calls to exists() or all_objects() are
                # safe.
                require CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist;
                die CPAN::Exception::blocked_urllist->new;
        } else { # ! $defaultsites
            my @host_seq = $level =~ /dleasy/ ?
                @reordered : 0..$last;  # reordered has file and $Thesiteurl first
            @urllist = map { $ccurllist->[$_] } @host_seq;
        $self->debug("synth. urllist[@urllist]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        my $aslocal_tempfile = $aslocal . ".tmp" . $$;
        if (my $recommend = $self->_recommend_url_for($file,\@urllist)) {
            @urllist = grep { $_ ne $recommend } @urllist;
            unshift @urllist, $recommend;
        $self->debug("synth. urllist[@urllist]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        $ret = $self->hostdlxxx($level,$scheme,\@urllist,$file,$aslocal_tempfile,$stats);
        if ($ret) {
            CPAN->debug("ret[$ret]aslocal[$aslocal]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            if ($ret eq $aslocal_tempfile) {
                # if we got it exactly as we asked for, only then we
                # want to rename
                rename $aslocal_tempfile, $aslocal
                    or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Error while trying to rename ".
                                              "'$ret' to '$aslocal': $!");
                $ret = $aslocal;
            elsif (-f $ret && $scheme eq 'file' ) {
                # it's a local file, so there's nothing left to do, we
                # let them read from where it is
            $Themethod = $level;
            my $now = time;
            # utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # too bad, if we do that, we
                                          # might alter a local mirror
            $self->debug("level[$level]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            last LEVEL;
        } else {
            unlink $aslocal_tempfile;
            last if $CPAN::Signal; # need to cleanup
    if ($ret) {
        $stats->{filesize} = -s $ret;
    $self->debug("before _add_to_statistics") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    $self->debug("after _add_to_statistics") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    if ($ret) {
        unlink "$aslocal.bak$$";
        return $ret;
    unless ($CPAN::Signal) {
        local $" = " ";
        if (@{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}) {
            push @mess,
                qq{Please check, if the URLs I found in your configuration file \(}.
                    join(", ", @{$CPAN::Config->{urllist}}).
                        qq{\) are valid.};
        } else {
            push @mess, qq{Your urllist is empty!};
        push @mess, qq{The urllist can be edited.},
            qq{E.g. with 'o conf urllist push ftp://myurl/'};
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(Text::Wrap::wrap("","","@mess"). "\n\n");
        $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not fetch $file\n");
    if ($maybe_restore) {
        rename "$aslocal.bak$$", $aslocal;
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Trying to get away with old file:\n" .
                                 $self->ls($aslocal) . "\n");
        return $aslocal;

sub mymkpath {
    my($self, $aslocal_dir) = @_;
    $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(qq{Warning: You are not allowed to write into }.
                            qq{directory "$aslocal_dir".
    I\'ll continue, but if you encounter problems, they may be due
    to insufficient permissions.\n}) unless -w $aslocal_dir;

sub hostdlxxx {
    my $self = shift;
    my $level = shift;
    my $scheme = shift;
    my $h = shift;
    $h = [ grep /^\Q$scheme\E:/, @$h ] if $scheme;
    my $method = "host$level";
    $self->$method($h, @_);

sub _set_attempt {
    my($self,$stats,$method,$url) = @_;
    push @{$stats->{attempts}}, {
                                 method => $method,
                                 start => _mytime,
                                 url => $url,

# package CPAN::FTP;
sub hostdleasy { #called from hostdlxxx
    my($self,$host_seq,$file,$aslocal,$stats) = @_;
  HOSTEASY: for $ro_url (@$host_seq) {
        my $url .= "$ro_url$file";
        $self->debug("localizing perlish[$url]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        if ($url =~ /^file:/) {
            my $l;
            if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('URI::URL')) {
                my $u =  URI::URL->new($url);
                $l = $u->file;
            } else { # works only on Unix, is poorly constructed, but
                # hopefully better than nothing.
                # RFC 1738 says fileurl BNF is
                # fileurl = "file://" [ host | "localhost" ] "/" fpath
                # Thanks to "Mark D. Baushke" <mdb@cisco.com> for
                # the code
                ($l = $url) =~ s|^file://[^/]*/|/|; # discard the host part
                $l =~ s|^file:||;                   # assume they
                                                    # meant
                                                    # file://localhost
                $l =~ s|^/||s
                    if ! -f $l && $l =~ m|^/\w:|;   # e.g. /P:
            $self->debug("local file[$l]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            if ( -f $l && -r _) {
                $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                return $l;
            # If request is for a compressed file and we can find the
            # uncompressed file also, return the path of the uncompressed file
            # otherwise, decompress it and return the resulting path
            if ($l =~ /(.+)\.gz$/) {
                my $ungz = $1;
                if ( -f $ungz && -r _) {
                    $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                    return $ungz;
                elsif (-f $l && -r _) {
                    eval { CPAN::Tarzip->new($l)->gunzip($aslocal) };
                    if ( -f $aslocal && -s _) {
                        $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                        return $aslocal;
                    elsif (! -s $aslocal) {
                        unlink $aslocal;
                    elsif (-f $l) {
                        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Error decompressing '$l': $@\n")
                            if $@;
            # Otherwise, return the local file path if it exists
            elsif ( -f $l && -r _) {
                $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                return $l;
            # If we can't find it, but there is a compressed version
            # of it, then decompress it
            elsif (-f "$l.gz") {
                $self->debug("found compressed $l.gz") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
                eval { CPAN::Tarzip->new("$l.gz")->gunzip($aslocal) };
                if ( -f $aslocal) {
                    $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                    return $aslocal;
                else {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Error decompressing '$l': $@\n")
                        if $@;
            $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Could not find '$l'\n");
        $self->debug("it was not a file URL") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('LWP')) {
            $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with LWP:\n$url\n");
            unless ($Ua) {
                eval { $Ua = CPAN::LWP::UserAgent->new; };
                if ($@) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("CPAN::LWP::UserAgent->new dies with $@\n");
            my $res = $Ua->mirror($url, $aslocal);
            if ($res->is_success) {
                $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                my $now = time;
                utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # download time is more
                                            # important than upload
                                            # time
                return $aslocal;
            } elsif ($url !~ /\.gz(?!\n)\Z/) {
                my $gzurl = "$url.gz";
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with LWP:\n$gzurl\n");
                $res = $Ua->mirror($gzurl, "$aslocal.gz");
                if ($res->is_success) {
                    if (eval {CPAN::Tarzip->new("$aslocal.gz")->gunzip($aslocal)}) {
                        $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                        return $aslocal;
            } else {
                                                 "LWP failed with code[%s] message[%s]\n",
                # Alan Burlison informed me that in firewall environments
                # Net::FTP can still succeed where LWP fails. So we do not
                # skip Net::FTP anymore when LWP is available.
        } elsif ($url =~ /^http:/i && $CPAN::META->has_usable('HTTP::Tiny')) {
            require CPAN::HTTP::Client;
            my $chc = CPAN::HTTP::Client->new(
                proxy => $CPAN::Config->{http_proxy} || $ENV{http_proxy},
                no_proxy => $CPAN::Config->{no_proxy} || $ENV{no_proxy},
            for my $try ( $url, ( $url !~ /\.gz(?!\n)\Z/ ? "$url.gz" : () ) ) {
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with HTTP::Tiny:\n$try\n");
                my $res = eval { $chc->mirror($try, $aslocal) };
                if ( $res && $res->{success} ) {
                    $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                    my $now = time;
                    utime $now, $now, $aslocal; # download time is more
                                                # important than upload
                                                # time
                    return $aslocal;
                elsif ( $res && $res->{status} ne '599') {
                            "HTTP::Tiny failed with code[%s] message[%s]\n",
                elsif ( $res && $res->{status} eq '599') {
                            "HTTP::Tiny failed with an internal error: %s\n",
                else {
                    my $err = $@ || 'Unknown error';
                            "Error downloading with HTTP::Tiny: %s\n", $err
        return if $CPAN::Signal;
        if ($url =~ m|^ftp://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
            # that's the nice and easy way thanks to Graham
            $self->debug("recognized ftp") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            my($host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3);
            if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('Net::FTP')) {
                $dir =~ s|/+|/|g;
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with Net::FTP:\n$url\n");
                $self->debug("getfile[$getfile]dir[$dir]host[$host]" .
                             "aslocal[$aslocal]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
                if (CPAN::FTP->ftp_get($host,$dir,$getfile,$aslocal)) {
                    $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                    return $aslocal;
                if ($aslocal !~ /\.gz(?!\n)\Z/) {
                    my $gz = "$aslocal.gz";
                    $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Fetching with Net::FTP\n$url.gz\n");
                    if (CPAN::FTP->ftp_get($host,
                                           $gz) &&
                    ) {
                        $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                        return $aslocal;
                # next HOSTEASY;
            } else {
                CPAN->debug("Net::FTP does not count as usable atm") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        if (
            $ro_url->{FROM} eq "USER"
           ) {
            ##address #17973: default URLs should not try to override
            ##user-defined URLs just because LWP is not available
            my $ret = $self->hostdlhard([$ro_url],$file,$aslocal,$stats);
            return $ret if $ret;
        return if $CPAN::Signal;

# package CPAN::FTP;
sub hostdlhard {
    my($self,$host_seq,$file,$aslocal,$stats) = @_;

    # Came back if Net::FTP couldn't establish connection (or
    # failed otherwise) Maybe they are behind a firewall, but they
    # gave us a socksified (or other) ftp program...

    my($devnull) = $CPAN::Config->{devnull} || "";
    # < /dev/null ";
    my($aslocal_dir) = dirname($aslocal);
    my $some_dl_success = 0;
    my $any_attempt = 0;
 HOSTHARD: for $ro_url (@$host_seq) {
        my $url = "$ro_url$file";

        # Courtesy Mark Conty mark_conty@cargill.com change from
        # if ($url =~ m|^ftp://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
        # to
        if ($url =~ m|^([^:]+)://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
            # proto not yet used
            ($proto,$host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
        } else {
            next HOSTHARD; # who said, we could ftp anything except ftp?
        next HOSTHARD if $proto eq "file"; # file URLs would have had
                                           # success above. Likely a bogus URL

        # making at least one attempt against a host

        $self->debug("localizing funkyftpwise[$url]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;

        # Try the most capable first and leave ncftp* for last as it only
        # does FTP.
        my $proxy_vars = $self->_proxy_vars($ro_url);
      DLPRG: for my $f (qw(curl wget lynx ncftpget ncftp)) {
            my $funkyftp = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($CPAN::Config->{$f});
            next DLPRG unless defined $funkyftp;
            next DLPRG if $funkyftp =~ /^\s*$/;

            my($src_switch) = "";
            my($chdir) = "";
            my($stdout_redir) = " > \"$aslocal\"";
            if ($f eq "lynx") {
                $src_switch = " -source";
            } elsif ($f eq "ncftp") {
                next DLPRG unless $url =~ m{\Aftp://};
                $src_switch = " -c";
            } elsif ($f eq "wget") {
                $src_switch = " -O \"$aslocal\"";
                $stdout_redir = "";
            } elsif ($f eq 'curl') {
                $src_switch = ' -L -f -s -S --netrc-optional';
                if ($proxy_vars->{http_proxy}) {
                    $src_switch .= qq{ -U "$proxy_vars->{proxy_user}:$proxy_vars->{proxy_pass}" -x "$proxy_vars->{http_proxy}"};
            } elsif ($f eq "ncftpget") {
                next DLPRG unless $url =~ m{\Aftp://};
                $chdir = "cd $aslocal_dir && ";
                $stdout_redir = "";
Trying with
to get
            my($system) =
                "$chdir$funkyftp$src_switch \"$url\" $devnull$stdout_redir";
            $self->debug("system[$system]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            my($wstatus) = system($system);
            if ($f eq "lynx") {
                # lynx returns 0 when it fails somewhere
                if (-s $aslocal) {
                    my $content = do { local *FH;
                                       open FH, $aslocal or die;
                                       local $/;
                                       <FH> };
                    if ($content =~ /^<.*(<title>[45]|Error [45])/si) {
No success, the file that lynx has downloaded looks like an error message:
                        next DLPRG;
                } else {
No success, the file that lynx has downloaded is an empty file.
                    next DLPRG;
            if ($wstatus == 0) {
                if (-s $aslocal) {
                    # Looks good
                $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                return $aslocal;
            } else {
                my $estatus = $wstatus >> 8;
                my $size = -f $aslocal ?
                    ", left\n$aslocal with size ".-s _ :
                    "\nWarning: expected file [$aslocal] doesn't exist";
    Function system("$system")
    returned status $estatus (wstat $wstatus)$size
            return if $CPAN::Signal;
        } # download/transfer programs (DLPRG)
    } # host
    return unless $any_attempt;
    if ($some_dl_success) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: doesn't seem we had substantial success downloading '$aslocal'. Don't know how to proceed.\n");
    } else {
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Warning: no success downloading '$aslocal'. Giving up on it.\n");

#-> CPAN::FTP::_proxy_vars
sub _proxy_vars {
    my($self,$url) = @_;
    my $ret = +{};
    my $http_proxy = $CPAN::Config->{'http_proxy'} || $ENV{'http_proxy'};
    if ($http_proxy) {
        my($host) = $url =~ m|://([^/:]+)|;
        my $want_proxy = 1;
        my $noproxy = $CPAN::Config->{'no_proxy'} || $ENV{'no_proxy'} || "";
        my @noproxy = split /\s*,\s*/, $noproxy;
        if ($host) {
          DOMAIN: for my $domain (@noproxy) {
                if ($host =~ /\Q$domain\E$/) { # cf. LWP::UserAgent
                    $want_proxy = 0;
                    last DOMAIN;
        } else {
            $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("  Could not determine host from http_proxy '$http_proxy'\n");
        if ($want_proxy) {
            my($user, $pass) =
            $ret = {
                    proxy_user => $user,
                    proxy_pass => $pass,
                    http_proxy => $http_proxy
    return $ret;

# package CPAN::FTP;
sub hostdlhardest {
    my($self,$host_seq,$file,$aslocal,$stats) = @_;

    return unless @$host_seq;
    my($aslocal_dir) = dirname($aslocal);
    my $ftpbin = $CPAN::Config->{ftp};
    unless ($ftpbin && length $ftpbin && MM->maybe_command($ftpbin)) {
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("No external ftp command available\n\n");
As a last resort we now switch to the external ftp command '$ftpbin'
to get '$aslocal'.

Doing so often leads to problems that are hard to diagnose.

If you're the victim of such problems, please consider unsetting the
ftp config variable with

    o conf ftp ""
    o conf commit

  HOSTHARDEST: for $ro_url (@$host_seq) {
        my $url = "$ro_url$file";
        $self->debug("localizing ftpwise[$url]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        unless ($url =~ m|^ftp://(.*?)/(.*)/(.*)|) {
        my($host,$dir,$getfile) = ($1,$2,$3);
        my $timestamp = 0;
            $ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aslocal);
        $timestamp = $mtime ||= 0;
        my($netrc) = CPAN::FTP::netrc->new;
        my($netrcfile) = $netrc->netrc;
        my($verbose) = $CPAN::DEBUG{'FTP'} & $CPAN::DEBUG ? " -v" : "";
        my $targetfile = File::Basename::basename($aslocal);
             "lcd $aslocal_dir",
             "cd /",
             map("cd $_", split /\//, $dir), # RFC 1738
             "get $getfile $targetfile",
        if (! $netrcfile) {
            CPAN->debug("No ~/.netrc file found") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        } elsif ($netrc->hasdefault || $netrc->contains($host)) {
                                $netrc->contains($host))) if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            if ($netrc->protected) {
                my $dialog = join "", map { "    $_\n" } @dialog;
                my $netrc_explain;
                if ($netrc->contains($host)) {
                    $netrc_explain = "Relying that your .netrc entry for '$host' ".
                        "manages the login";
                } else {
                    $netrc_explain = "Relying that your default .netrc entry ".
                        "manages the login";
  Trying with external ftp to get
  Sending the dialog
                $self->talk_ftp("$ftpbin$verbose $host",
                    $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aslocal);
                $mtime ||= 0;
                if ($mtime > $timestamp) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("GOT $aslocal\n");
                    $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
                    return $aslocal;
                } else {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Hmm... Still failed!\n");
                    return if $CPAN::Signal;
            } else {
                $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(qq{Your $netrcfile is not }.
                                        qq{correctly protected.\n});
        } else {
            $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Your ~/.netrc neither contains $host
  nor does it have a default entry\n");

        # OK, they don't have a valid ~/.netrc. Use 'ftp -n'
        # then and login manually to host, using e-mail as
        # password.
        $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Issuing "$ftpbin$verbose -n"\n});
                "open $host",
                "user anonymous $Config::Config{'cf_email'}"
        my $dialog = join "", map { "    $_\n" } @dialog;
  Trying with external ftp to get
  Sending the dialog
        $self->talk_ftp("$ftpbin$verbose -n", @dialog);
            $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat($aslocal);
        $mtime ||= 0;
        if ($mtime > $timestamp) {
            $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("GOT $aslocal\n");
            $ThesiteURL = $ro_url;
            return $aslocal;
        } else {
            $CPAN::Frontend->myprint("Bad luck... Still failed!\n");
        return if $CPAN::Signal;
        $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn("Can't access URL $url.\n\n");
    } # host

# package CPAN::FTP;
sub talk_ftp {
    my($self,$command,@dialog) = @_;
    my $fh = FileHandle->new;
    $fh->open("|$command") or die "Couldn't open ftp: $!";
    foreach (@dialog) { $fh->print("$_\n") }
    $fh->close; # Wait for process to complete
    my $wstatus = $?;
    my $estatus = $wstatus >> 8;
Subprocess "|$command"
  returned status $estatus (wstat $wstatus)
}) if $wstatus;

# find2perl needs modularization, too, all the following is stolen
# from there
# CPAN::FTP::ls
sub ls {
    my($self,$name) = @_;
    my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$sizemm,
     $atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = lstat($name);

    my $pname = $name;

    if ($blocks) {
        $blocks = int(($blocks + 1) / 2);
    else {
        $blocks = int(($sizemm + 1023) / 1024);

    if    (-f _) { $perms = '-'; }
    elsif (-d _) { $perms = 'd'; }
    elsif (-c _) { $perms = 'c'; $sizemm = &sizemm; }
    elsif (-b _) { $perms = 'b'; $sizemm = &sizemm; }
    elsif (-p _) { $perms = 'p'; }
    elsif (-S _) { $perms = 's'; }
    else         { $perms = 'l'; $pname .= ' -> ' . readlink($_); }

    my(@rwx) = ('---','--x','-w-','-wx','r--','r-x','rw-','rwx');
    my(@moname) = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
    my $tmpmode = $mode;
    my $tmp = $rwx[$tmpmode & 7];
    $tmpmode >>= 3;
    $tmp = $rwx[$tmpmode & 7] . $tmp;
    $tmpmode >>= 3;
    $tmp = $rwx[$tmpmode & 7] . $tmp;
    substr($tmp,2,1) =~ tr/-x/Ss/ if -u _;
    substr($tmp,5,1) =~ tr/-x/Ss/ if -g _;
    substr($tmp,8,1) =~ tr/-x/Tt/ if -k _;
    $perms .= $tmp;

    my $user = $user{$uid} || $uid;   # too lazy to implement lookup
    my $group = $group{$gid} || $gid;

    my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime($mtime);
    my($moname) = $moname[$mon];
    if (-M _ > 365.25 / 2) {
        $timeyear = $year + 1900;
    else {
        $timeyear = sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $min);

    sprintf "%5lu %4ld %-10s %2d %-8s %-8s %8s %s %2d %5s %s\n",



Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
FTP Folder 0755
HTTP Folder 0755
Kwalify Folder 0755
LWP Folder 0755
Meta Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Author.pm File 6.68 KB 0644
Bundle.pm File 9.6 KB 0644
CacheMgr.pm File 7.48 KB 0644
Complete.pm File 5.88 KB 0644
Debug.pm File 2.05 KB 0644
DeferredCode.pm File 189 B 0644
Distribution.pm File 161.9 KB 0644
Distroprefs.pm File 11.71 KB 0644
Distrostatus.pm File 972 B 0644
FTP.pm File 41.63 KB 0644
FirstTime.pm File 70.16 KB 0644
HandleConfig.pm File 22.75 KB 0644
Index.pm File 21.7 KB 0644
InfoObj.pm File 6.75 KB 0644
Kwalify.pm File 3.35 KB 0644
Meta.pm File 29.56 KB 0644
Mirrors.pm File 16.3 KB 0644
Module.pm File 21.87 KB 0644
Nox.pm File 953 B 0644
Plugin.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Prompt.pm File 567 B 0644
Queue.pm File 6.78 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 71.88 KB 0644
Tarzip.pm File 16.32 KB 0644
URL.pm File 588 B 0644
Version.pm File 4.29 KB 0644