[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# -*- Mode: cperl; coding: utf-8; cperl-indent-level: 4 -*-
package CPAN::Tarzip;
use strict;
use CPAN::Debug;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
$VERSION = "5.5012";
# module is internal to CPAN.pm

@ISA = qw(CPAN::Debug); ## no critic
$BUGHUNTING ||= 0; # released code must have turned off

# it's ok if file doesn't exist, it just matters if it is .gz or .bz2
sub new {
    my($class,$file) = @_;
    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("CPAN::Tarzip->new called without arg") unless defined $file;
    my $me = { FILE => $file };
    if ($file =~ /\.(bz2|gz|zip|tbz|tgz)$/i) {
        $me->{ISCOMPRESSED} = 1;
    } else {
        $me->{ISCOMPRESSED} = 0;
    if (0) {
    } elsif ($file =~ /\.(?:bz2|tbz)$/i) {
        unless ($me->{UNGZIPPRG} = $CPAN::Config->{bzip2}) {
            my $bzip2 = _my_which("bzip2");
            if ($bzip2) {
                $me->{UNGZIPPRG} = $bzip2;
            } else {
CPAN.pm needs the external program bzip2 in order to handle '$file'.
Please install it now and run 'o conf init bzip2' from the
CPAN shell prompt to register it as external program.
    } else {
        $me->{UNGZIPPRG} = _my_which("gzip");
    $me->{TARPRG} = _my_which("tar") || _my_which("gtar");
    bless $me, $class;

sub _my_which {
    my($what) = @_;
    if ($CPAN::Config->{$what}) {
        return $CPAN::Config->{$what};
    if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("File::Which")) {
        return File::Which::which($what);
    my @cand = MM->maybe_command($what);
    return $cand[0] if @cand;
    require File::Spec;
    my $component;
  PATH_COMPONENT: foreach $component (File::Spec->path()) {
        next unless defined($component) && $component;
        my($abs) = File::Spec->catfile($component,$what);
        if (MM->maybe_command($abs)) {
            return $abs;

sub gzip {
    my($self,$read) = @_;
    my $write = $self->{FILE};
    if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
        $fhw = FileHandle->new($read)
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open $read: $!");
        my $cwd = `pwd`;
        my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($write, "wb")
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Cannot gzopen $write: $! (pwd is $cwd)\n");
            while read($fhw,$buffer,4096) > 0 ;
        $gz->gzclose() ;
        return 1;
    } else {
        my $command = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($self->{UNGZIPPRG});
        system(qq{$command -c "$read" > "$write"})==0;

sub gunzip {
    my($self,$write) = @_;
    my $read = $self->{FILE};
    if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
        $fhw = FileHandle->new(">$write")
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open >$write: $!");
        my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb")
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Cannot gzopen $read: $!\n");
            while $gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ;
        $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Error reading from $read: $!\n")
            if $gz->gzerror != Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();
        $gz->gzclose() ;
        return 1;
    } else {
        my $command = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($self->{UNGZIPPRG});
        system(qq{$command -d -c "$read" > "$write"})==0;

sub gtest {
    my($self) = @_;
    return $self->{GTEST} if exists $self->{GTEST};
    defined $self->{FILE} or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("gtest called but no FILE specified");
    my $read = $self->{FILE};
    my $success;
    if ($read=~/\.(?:bz2|tbz)$/ && $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Bzip2")) {
        $len = 0;
        my $gz = Compress::Bzip2::bzopen($read, "rb")
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf("Cannot gzopen %s: %s\n",
        while ($gz->bzread($buffer) > 0 ) {
            $len += length($buffer);
            $buffer = "";
        my $err = $gz->bzerror;
        $success = ! $err || $err == Compress::Bzip2::BZ_STREAM_END();
        if ($len == -s $read) {
            $success = 0;
            CPAN->debug("hit an uncompressed file") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        CPAN->debug("err[$err]success[$success]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    } elsif ( $read=~/\.(?:gz|tgz)$/ && $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib") ) {
        # After I had reread the documentation in zlib.h, I discovered that
        # uncompressed files do not lead to an gzerror (anymore?).
        $len = 0;
        my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($read, "rb")
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf("Cannot gzopen %s: %s\n",
        while ($gz->gzread($buffer) > 0 ) {
            $len += length($buffer);
            $buffer = "";
        my $err = $gz->gzerror;
        $success = ! $err || $err == Compress::Zlib::Z_STREAM_END();
        if ($len == -s $read) {
            $success = 0;
            CPAN->debug("hit an uncompressed file") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        CPAN->debug("err[$err]success[$success]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
    } elsif (!$self->{ISCOMPRESSED}) {
        $success = 0;
    } else {
        my $command = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($self->{UNGZIPPRG});
        $success = 0==system(qq{$command -qdt "$read"});
    return $self->{GTEST} = $success;

    my($class,$file) = @_;
    my $ret;
    my $self = $class->new($file);
    if (0) {
    } elsif (!$self->gtest) {
        my $fh = FileHandle->new($file)
            or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not open file[$file]: $!");
        binmode $fh;
        $self->{FH} = $fh;
        $class->debug("via uncompressed FH");
    } elsif ($file =~ /\.(?:bz2|tbz)$/ && $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Bzip2")) {
        my $gz = Compress::Bzip2::bzopen($file,"rb") or
            $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not bzopen $file");
        $self->{GZ} = $gz;
        $class->debug("via Compress::Bzip2");
    } elsif ($file =~/\.(?:gz|tgz)$/ && $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
        my $gz = Compress::Zlib::gzopen($file,"rb") or
            $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not gzopen $file");
        $self->{GZ} = $gz;
        $class->debug("via Compress::Zlib");
    } else {
        my $gzip = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($self->{UNGZIPPRG});
        my $pipe = "$gzip -d -c $file |";
        my $fh = FileHandle->new($pipe) or $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not pipe[$pipe]: $!");
        binmode $fh;
        $self->{FH} = $fh;
        $class->debug("via external $gzip");

    my($self) = @_;
    if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
        my $gz = $self->{GZ};
        $bytesread = $gz->gzreadline($line);
        return undef if $bytesread <= 0;
        return $line;
    } else {
        my $fh = $self->{FH};
        return scalar <$fh>;

sub READ {
    my($self,$ref,$length,$offset) = @_;
    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("read with offset not implemented") if defined $offset;
    if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
        my $gz = $self->{GZ};
        my $byteread = $gz->gzread($$ref,$length);# 30eaf79e8b446ef52464b5422da328a8
        return $byteread;
    } else {
        my $fh = $self->{FH};
        return read($fh,$$ref,$length);

    my($self) = @_;
    if (exists $self->{GZ}) {
        my $gz = $self->{GZ};
        $gz->gzclose() if defined $gz; # hard to say if it is allowed
                                       # to be undef ever. AK, 2000-09
    } else {
        my $fh = $self->{FH};
        $fh->close if defined $fh;
    undef $self;

sub untar {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $file = $self->{FILE};
    my($prefer) = 0;

    my $exttar = $self->{TARPRG} || "";
    $exttar = "" if $exttar =~ /^\s+$/; # user refuses to use it
    my $extgzip = $self->{UNGZIPPRG} || "";
    $extgzip = "" if $extgzip =~ /^\s+$/; # user refuses to use it

    if (0) { # makes changing order easier
    } elsif ($BUGHUNTING) {
    } elsif ($CPAN::Config->{prefer_external_tar}) {
        $prefer = 1;
    } elsif (
             $CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib") ) {
        my $prefer_external_tar = $CPAN::Config->{prefer_external_tar};
        unless (defined $prefer_external_tar) {
            if ($^O =~ /(MSWin32|solaris)/) {
                $prefer_external_tar = 0;
            } else {
                $prefer_external_tar = 1;
        $prefer = $prefer_external_tar ? 1 : 2;
    } elsif ($exttar && $extgzip) {
        # no modules and not bz2
        $prefer = 1;
        # but solaris binary tar is a problem
        if ($^O eq 'solaris' && qx($exttar --version 2>/dev/null) !~ /gnu/i) {
            $CPAN::Frontend->mywarn(<< 'END_WARN');

WARNING: Many CPAN distributions were archived with GNU tar and some of
them may be incompatible with Solaris tar.  We respectfully suggest you
configure CPAN to use a GNU tar instead ("o conf init tar") or install
a recent Archive::Tar instead;

    } else {
        my $foundtar = $exttar ? "'$exttar'" : "nothing";
        my $foundzip = $extgzip ? "'$extgzip'" : $foundtar ? "nothing" : "also nothing";
        my $foundAT;
        if ($CPAN::META->has_usable("Archive::Tar")) {
            $foundAT = sprintf "'%s'", "Archive::Tar::"->VERSION;
        } else {
            $foundAT = "nothing";
        my $foundCZ;
        if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Compress::Zlib")) {
            $foundCZ = sprintf "'%s'", "Compress::Zlib::"->VERSION;
        } elsif ($foundAT) {
            $foundCZ = "nothing";
        } else {
            $foundCZ = "also nothing";

CPAN.pm needs either the external programs tar and gzip -or- both
modules Archive::Tar and Compress::Zlib installed.

For tar I found $foundtar, for gzip $foundzip.

For Archive::Tar I found $foundAT, for Compress::Zlib $foundCZ;

Can't continue cutting file '$file'.
    my $tar_verb = "v";
    if (defined $CPAN::Config->{tar_verbosity}) {
        $tar_verb = $CPAN::Config->{tar_verbosity} eq "none" ? "" :
    if ($prefer==1) { # 1 => external gzip+tar
        my $is_compressed = $self->gtest();
        my $tarcommand = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($exttar);
        if ($is_compressed) {
            my $command = CPAN::HandleConfig->safe_quote($extgzip);
            $system = qq{$command -d -c }.
                qq{< "$file" | $tarcommand x${tar_verb}f -};
        } else {
            $system = qq{$tarcommand x${tar_verb}f "$file"};
        if (system($system) != 0) {
            # people find the most curious tar binaries that cannot handle
            # pipes
            if ($is_compressed) {
                (my $ungzf = $file) =~ s/\.gz(?!\n)\Z//;
                $ungzf = basename $ungzf;
                my $ct = CPAN::Tarzip->new($file);
                if ($ct->gunzip($ungzf)) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Uncompressed $file successfully\n});
                } else {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(qq{Couldn\'t uncompress $file\n});
                $file = $ungzf;
            $system = qq{$tarcommand x${tar_verb}f "$file"};
            $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Using Tar:$system:\n});
            my $ret = system($system);
            if ($ret==0) {
                $CPAN::Frontend->myprint(qq{Untarred $file successfully\n});
            } else {
                if ($? == -1) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf qq{Couldn\'t untar %s: '%s'\n},
                                           $file, $!);
                } elsif ($? & 127) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf qq{Couldn\'t untar %s: child died with signal %d, %s coredump\n},
                                           $file, ($? & 127),  ($? & 128) ? 'with' : 'without');
                } else {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie(sprintf qq{Couldn\'t untar %s: child exited with value %d\n},
                                           $file, $? >> 8);
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 1;
    } elsif ($prefer==2) { # 2 => modules
        unless ($CPAN::META->has_usable("Archive::Tar")) {
            $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Archive::Tar not installed, please install it to continue");
        # Make sure AT does not use uid/gid/permissions in the archive
        # This leaves it to the user's umask instead
        local $Archive::Tar::CHMOD = 1;
        local $Archive::Tar::SAME_PERMISSIONS = 0;
        # Make sure AT leaves current user as owner
        local $Archive::Tar::CHOWN = 0;
        my $tar = Archive::Tar->new($file,1);
        my $af; # archive file
        my @af;
        if ($BUGHUNTING) {
            # RCS 1.337 had this code, it turned out unacceptable slow but
            # it revealed a bug in Archive::Tar. Code is only here to hunt
            # the bug again. It should never be enabled in published code.
            # GDGraph3d-0.53 was an interesting case according to Larry
            # Virden.
            warn(">>>Bughunting code enabled<<< " x 20);
            for $af ($tar->list_files) {
                if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
                                           "illegal member [$af]");
                $tar->extract($af); # slow but effective for finding the bug
                return if $CPAN::Signal;
        } else {
            for $af ($tar->list_files) {
                if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
                    $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
                                           "illegal member [$af]");
                if ($tar_verb eq "v" || $tar_verb eq "vv") {
                push @af, $af;
                return if $CPAN::Signal;
            $tar->extract(@af) or
                $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Could not untar with Archive::Tar.");

        Mac::BuildTools::convert_files([$tar->list_files], 1)
            if ($^O eq 'MacOS');

        return 1;

sub unzip {
    my($self) = @_;
    my $file = $self->{FILE};
    if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Archive::Zip")) {
        # blueprint of the code from Archive::Zip::Tree::extractTree();
        my $zip = Archive::Zip->new();
        my $status;
        $status = $zip->read($file);
        $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Read of file[$file] failed\n")
            if $status != Archive::Zip::AZ_OK();
        $CPAN::META->debug("Successfully read file[$file]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
        my @members = $zip->members();
        for my $member ( @members ) {
            my $af = $member->fileName();
            if ($af =~ m!^(/|\.\./)!) {
                $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("ALERT: Archive contains ".
                                       "illegal member [$af]");
            $status = $member->extractToFileNamed( $af );
            $CPAN::META->debug("af[$af]status[$status]") if $CPAN::DEBUG;
            $CPAN::Frontend->mydie("Extracting of file[$af] from zipfile[$file] failed\n") if
                $status != Archive::Zip::AZ_OK();
            return if $CPAN::Signal;
        return 1;
    } elsif ( my $unzip = $CPAN::Config->{unzip}  ) {
        my @system = ($unzip, $file);
        return system(@system) == 0;
    else {

Can't unzip '$file':

You have not configured an 'unzip' program and do not have Archive::Zip
installed.  Please either install Archive::Zip or else configure 'unzip'
by running the command 'o conf init unzip' from the CPAN shell prompt.




=head1 NAME

CPAN::Tarzip - internal handling of tar archives for CPAN.pm

=head1 LICENSE

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
API Folder 0755
Exception Folder 0755
FTP Folder 0755
HTTP Folder 0755
Kwalify Folder 0755
LWP Folder 0755
Meta Folder 0755
Plugin Folder 0755
Author.pm File 6.68 KB 0644
Bundle.pm File 9.6 KB 0644
CacheMgr.pm File 7.48 KB 0644
Complete.pm File 5.88 KB 0644
Debug.pm File 2.05 KB 0644
DeferredCode.pm File 189 B 0644
Distribution.pm File 161.9 KB 0644
Distroprefs.pm File 11.71 KB 0644
Distrostatus.pm File 972 B 0644
FTP.pm File 41.63 KB 0644
FirstTime.pm File 70.16 KB 0644
HandleConfig.pm File 22.75 KB 0644
Index.pm File 21.7 KB 0644
InfoObj.pm File 6.75 KB 0644
Kwalify.pm File 3.35 KB 0644
Meta.pm File 29.56 KB 0644
Mirrors.pm File 16.3 KB 0644
Module.pm File 21.87 KB 0644
Nox.pm File 953 B 0644
Plugin.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Prompt.pm File 567 B 0644
Queue.pm File 6.78 KB 0644
Shell.pm File 71.88 KB 0644
Tarzip.pm File 16.32 KB 0644
URL.pm File 588 B 0644
Version.pm File 4.29 KB 0644