[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# This is a modified copy of version.pm 0.9909, bundled exclusively for
# use by ExtUtils::Makemaker and its dependencies to bootstrap when
# version.pm is not available.  It should not be used by ordinary modules.
# When loaded, it will try to load version.pm.  If that fails, it will load
# ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp and alias various *version functions
# to functions in that module.  It will also override UNIVERSAL::VERSION.

package ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version;

use 5.006001;
use strict;

use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $CLASS $STRICT $LAX *declare *qv);

$VERSION = '7.24';
$CLASS = 'version';

    local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
    eval "use version";
    if ( $@ ) { # don't have any version.pm installed
        eval "use ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp";
        die "$@" if ( $@ );
        local $^W;
        delete $INC{'version.pm'};
        $INC{'version.pm'} = $INC{'ExtUtils/MakeMaker/version.pm'};
        push @version::ISA, "ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp";
        $version::VERSION = $VERSION;
        *version::qv = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::qv;
        *version::declare = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::declare;
        *version::_VERSION = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::_VERSION;
        *version::vcmp = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::vcmp;
        *version::new = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::new;
        if ($] >= 5.009000) {
            no strict 'refs';
            *version::stringify = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::stringify;
            *{'version::(""'} = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::stringify;
            *{'version::(<=>'} = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::vcmp;
            *version::parse = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::vpp::parse;
        require ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex;
        *version::is_lax = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex::is_lax;
        *version::is_strict = \&ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex::is_strict;
        *LAX = \$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex::LAX;
        *STRICT = \$ExtUtils::MakeMaker::version::regex::STRICT;
    elsif ( ! version->can('is_qv') ) {
        *version::is_qv = sub { exists $_[0]->{qv} };



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Config.pm File 593 B 0644
FAQ.pod File 19.6 KB 0644
Locale.pm File 12.24 KB 0644
Tutorial.pod File 5.3 KB 0644
version.pm File 2.32 KB 0644