[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package File::stat;
use 5.006;

use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings::register;
use Carp;

BEGIN { *warnif = \&warnings::warnif }


our $VERSION = '1.07';

my @fields;
    use Exporter   ();
    @EXPORT      = qw(stat lstat);
    @fields      = qw( $st_dev	   $st_ino    $st_mode 
		       $st_nlink   $st_uid    $st_gid 
		       $st_rdev    $st_size 
		       $st_atime   $st_mtime  $st_ctime 
		       $st_blksize $st_blocks
    @EXPORT_OK   = ( @fields, "stat_cando" );
    %EXPORT_TAGS = ( FIELDS => [ @fields, @EXPORT ] );
use vars @fields;

use Fcntl qw(S_IRUSR S_IWUSR S_IXUSR);

    # These constants will croak on use if the platform doesn't define
    # them. It's important to avoid inflicting that on the user.
    no strict 'refs';
    for (qw(suid sgid svtx)) {
        my $val = eval { &{"Fcntl::S_I\U$_"} };
        *{"_$_"} = defined $val ? sub { $_[0] & $val ? 1 : "" } : sub { "" };
    for (qw(SOCK CHR BLK REG DIR LNK)) {
        *{"S_IS$_"} = defined eval { &{"Fcntl::S_IF$_"} }
            ? \&{"Fcntl::S_IS$_"} : sub { "" };
    # FIFO flag and macro don't quite follow the S_IF/S_IS pattern above
    # RT #111638
    *{"S_ISFIFO"} = defined &Fcntl::S_IFIFO
      ? \&Fcntl::S_ISFIFO : sub { "" };

# from doio.c
sub _ingroup {
    my ($gid, $eff)   = @_;

    # I am assuming that since VMS doesn't have getgroups(2), $) will
    # always only contain a single entry.
    $^O eq "VMS"    and return $_[0] == $);

    my ($egid, @supp) = split " ", $);
    my ($rgid)        = split " ", $(;

    $gid == ($eff ? $egid : $rgid)  and return 1;
    grep $gid == $_, @supp          and return 1;

    return "";

# VMS uses the Unix version of the routine, even though this is very
# suboptimal. VMS has a permissions structure that doesn't really fit
# into struct stat, and unlike on Win32 the normal -X operators respect
# that, but unfortunately by the time we get here we've already lost the
# information we need. It looks to me as though if we were to preserve
# the st_devnam entry of vmsish.h's fake struct stat (which actually
# holds the filename) it might be possible to do this right, but both
# getting that value out of the struct (perl's stat doesn't return it)
# and interpreting it later would require this module to have an XS
# component (at which point we might as well just call Perl_cando and
# have done with it).
if (grep $^O eq $_, qw/os2 MSWin32 dos/) {

    # from doio.c
    *cando = sub { ($_[0][2] & $_[1]) ? 1 : "" };
else {

    # from doio.c
    *cando = sub {
        my ($s, $mode, $eff) = @_;
        my $uid = $eff ? $> : $<;
        my ($stmode, $stuid, $stgid) = @$s[2,4,5];

        # This code basically assumes that the rwx bits of the mode are
        # the 0777 bits, but so does Perl_cando.

        if ($uid == 0 && $^O ne "VMS") {
            # If we're root on unix
            # not testing for executable status => all file tests are true
            return 1 if !($mode & 0111);
            # testing for executable status =>
            # for a file, any x bit will do
            # for a directory, always true
            return 1 if $stmode & 0111 || S_ISDIR($stmode);
            return "";

        if ($stuid == $uid) {
            $stmode & $mode         and return 1;
        elsif (_ingroup($stgid, $eff)) {
            $stmode & ($mode >> 3)  and return 1;
        else {
            $stmode & ($mode >> 6)  and return 1;
        return "";

# alias for those who don't like objects
*stat_cando = \&cando;

my %op = (
    r => sub { cando($_[0], S_IRUSR, 1) },
    w => sub { cando($_[0], S_IWUSR, 1) },
    x => sub { cando($_[0], S_IXUSR, 1) },
    o => sub { $_[0][4] == $>           },

    R => sub { cando($_[0], S_IRUSR, 0) },
    W => sub { cando($_[0], S_IWUSR, 0) },
    X => sub { cando($_[0], S_IXUSR, 0) },
    O => sub { $_[0][4] == $<           },

    e => sub { 1 },
    z => sub { $_[0][7] == 0    },
    s => sub { $_[0][7]         },

    f => sub { S_ISREG ($_[0][2]) },
    d => sub { S_ISDIR ($_[0][2]) },
    l => sub { S_ISLNK ($_[0][2]) },
    p => sub { S_ISFIFO($_[0][2]) },
    S => sub { S_ISSOCK($_[0][2]) },
    b => sub { S_ISBLK ($_[0][2]) },
    c => sub { S_ISCHR ($_[0][2]) },

    u => sub { _suid($_[0][2]) },
    g => sub { _sgid($_[0][2]) },
    k => sub { _svtx($_[0][2]) },

    M => sub { ($^T - $_[0][9] ) / 86400 },
    C => sub { ($^T - $_[0][10]) / 86400 },
    A => sub { ($^T - $_[0][8] ) / 86400 },

use constant HINT_FILETEST_ACCESS => 0x00400000;

# we need fallback=>1 or stringifying breaks
use overload 
    fallback => 1,
    -X => sub {
        my ($s, $op) = @_;

        if (index("rwxRWX", $op) >= 0) {
            (caller 0)[8] & HINT_FILETEST_ACCESS
                and warnif("File::stat ignores use filetest 'access'");

            $^O eq "VMS" and warnif("File::stat ignores VMS ACLs");

            # It would be nice to have a warning about using -l on a
            # non-lstat, but that would require an extra member in the
            # object.

        if ($op{$op}) {
            return $op{$op}->($_[0]);
        else {
            croak "-$op is not implemented on a File::stat object";

# Class::Struct forbids use of @ISA
sub import { goto &Exporter::import }

use Class::Struct qw(struct);
struct 'File::stat' => [
     map { $_ => '$' } qw{
	 dev ino mode nlink uid gid rdev size
	 atime mtime ctime blksize blocks

sub populate (@) {
    return unless @_;
    my $stob = new();
    @$stob = (
	$st_dev, $st_ino, $st_mode, $st_nlink, $st_uid, $st_gid, $st_rdev,
        $st_size, $st_atime, $st_mtime, $st_ctime, $st_blksize, $st_blocks ) 
	    = @_;
    return $stob;

sub lstat ($)  { populate(CORE::lstat(shift)) }

sub stat ($) {
    my $arg = shift;
    my $st = populate(CORE::stat $arg);
    return $st if defined $st;
	my $fh;
		local $!;
		no strict 'refs';
		require Symbol;
		$fh = \*{ Symbol::qualify( $arg, caller() )};
		return unless defined fileno $fh;
    return populate(CORE::stat $fh);


=head1 NAME

File::stat - by-name interface to Perl's built-in stat() functions


 use File::stat;
 $st = stat($file) or die "No $file: $!";
 if ( ($st->mode & 0111) && $st->nlink > 1) ) {
     print "$file is executable with lotsa links\n";

 if ( -x $st ) {
     print "$file is executable\n";

 use Fcntl "S_IRUSR";
 if ( $st->cando(S_IRUSR, 1) ) {
     print "My effective uid can read $file\n";

 use File::stat qw(:FIELDS);
 stat($file) or die "No $file: $!";
 if ( ($st_mode & 0111) && ($st_nlink > 1) ) {
     print "$file is executable with lotsa links\n";


This module's default exports override the core stat() 
and lstat() functions, replacing them with versions that return 
"File::stat" objects.  This object has methods that
return the similarly named structure field name from the
stat(2) function; namely,

As of version 1.02 (provided with perl 5.12) the object provides C<"-X">
overloading, so you can call filetest operators (C<-f>, C<-x>, and so
on) on it. It also provides a C<< ->cando >> method, called like

 $st->cando( ACCESS, EFFECTIVE )

where I<ACCESS> is one of C<S_IRUSR>, C<S_IWUSR> or C<S_IXUSR> from the
L<Fcntl|Fcntl> module, and I<EFFECTIVE> indicates whether to use
effective (true) or real (false) ids. The method interprets the C<mode>,
C<uid> and C<gid> fields, and returns whether or not the current process
would be allowed the specified access.

If you don't want to use the objects, you may import the C<< ->cando >>
method into your namespace as a regular function called C<stat_cando>.
This takes an arrayref containing the return values of C<stat> or
C<lstat> as its first argument, and interprets it for you.

You may also import all the structure fields directly into your namespace
as regular variables using the :FIELDS import tag.  (Note that this still
overrides your stat() and lstat() functions.)  Access these fields as
variables named with a preceding C<st_> in front their method names.
Thus, C<$stat_obj-E<gt>dev()> corresponds to $st_dev if you import
the fields.

To access this functionality without the core overrides,
pass the C<use> an empty import list, and then access
function functions with their full qualified names.
On the other hand, the built-ins are still available
via the C<CORE::> pseudo-package.

=head1 BUGS

As of Perl 5.8.0 after using this module you cannot use the implicit
C<$_> or the special filehandle C<_> with stat() or lstat(), trying
to do so leads into strange errors.  The workaround is for C<$_> to
be explicit

    my $stat_obj = stat $_;

and for C<_> to explicitly populate the object using the unexported
and undocumented populate() function with CORE::stat():

    my $stat_obj = File::stat::populate(CORE::stat(_));

=head1 ERRORS

=over 4

=item -%s is not implemented on a File::stat object

The filetest operators C<-t>, C<-T> and C<-B> are not implemented, as
they require more information than just a stat buffer.



These can all be disabled with

    no warnings "File::stat";

=over 4

=item File::stat ignores use filetest 'access'

You have tried to use one of the C<-rwxRWX> filetests with C<use
filetest 'access'> in effect. C<File::stat> will ignore the pragma, and
just use the information in the C<mode> member as usual.

=item File::stat ignores VMS ACLs

VMS systems have a permissions structure that cannot be completely
represented in a stat buffer, and unlike on other systems the builtin
filetest operators respect this. The C<File::stat> overloads, however,
do not, since the information required is not available.


=head1 NOTE

While this class is currently implemented using the Class::Struct
module to build a struct-like class, you shouldn't rely upon this.

=head1 AUTHOR

Tom Christiansen


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Basename.pm File 5.3 KB 0644
Compare.pm File 4.23 KB 0644
Copy.pm File 15.78 KB 0644
Fetch.pm File 45.75 KB 0644
Find.pm File 33.1 KB 0644
GlobMapper.pm File 15.37 KB 0644
Path.pm File 18.06 KB 0644
Temp.pm File 45.83 KB 0644
stat.pm File 9.84 KB 0644