[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package IO::Uncompress::Base ;

use strict ;
use warnings;
use bytes;

@ISA    = qw(IO::File Exporter);

$VERSION = '2.074';

use constant G_EOF => 0 ;
use constant G_ERR => -1 ;

use IO::Compress::Base::Common 2.074 ;

use IO::File ;
use Symbol;
use Scalar::Util ();
use List::Util ();
use Carp ;

push @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{all} }, @EXPORT_OK ;

sub smartRead
    my $self = $_[0];
    my $out = $_[1];
    my $size = $_[2];
    $$out = "" ;

    my $offset = 0 ;
    my $status = 1;

    if (defined *$self->{InputLength}) {
        return 0
            if *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} <= 0 ;
        $size = List::Util::min($size, *$self->{InputLengthRemaining});

    if ( length *$self->{Prime} ) {
        $$out = substr(*$self->{Prime}, 0, $size) ;
        substr(*$self->{Prime}, 0, $size) =  '' ;
        if (length $$out == $size) {
            *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} -= length $$out
                if defined *$self->{InputLength};

            return length $$out ;
        $offset = length $$out ;

    my $get_size = $size - $offset ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH}) {
        if ($offset) {
            # Not using this 
            #  *$self->{FH}->read($$out, $get_size, $offset);
            # because the filehandle may not support the offset parameter
            # An example is Net::FTP
            my $tmp = '';
            $status = *$self->{FH}->read($tmp, $get_size) ;
            substr($$out, $offset) = $tmp
                if defined $status && $status > 0 ;
          { $status = *$self->{FH}->read($$out, $get_size) }
    elsif (defined *$self->{InputEvent}) {
        my $got = 1 ;
        while (length $$out < $size) {
                if ($got = *$self->{InputEvent}->($$out, $get_size)) <= 0;

        if (length $$out > $size ) {
            *$self->{Prime} = substr($$out, $size, length($$out));
            substr($$out, $size, length($$out)) =  '';

       *$self->{EventEof} = 1 if $got <= 0 ;
    else {
       no warnings 'uninitialized';
       my $buf = *$self->{Buffer} ;
       $$buf = '' unless defined $$buf ;
       substr($$out, $offset) = substr($$buf, *$self->{BufferOffset}, $get_size);
       if (*$self->{ConsumeInput})
         { substr($$buf, 0, $get_size) = '' }
         { *$self->{BufferOffset} += length($$out) - $offset }

    *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} -= length($$out) #- $offset 
        if defined *$self->{InputLength};
    if (! defined $status) {
        $self->saveStatus($!) ;
        return STATUS_ERROR;

    $self->saveStatus(length $$out < 0 ? STATUS_ERROR : STATUS_OK) ;

    return length $$out;

sub pushBack
    my $self = shift ;

    return if ! defined $_[0] || length $_[0] == 0 ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH} || defined *$self->{InputEvent} ) {
        *$self->{Prime} = $_[0] . *$self->{Prime} ;
        *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} += length($_[0]);
    else {
        my $len = length $_[0];

        if($len > *$self->{BufferOffset}) {
            *$self->{Prime} = substr($_[0], 0, $len - *$self->{BufferOffset}) . *$self->{Prime} ;
            *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} = *$self->{InputLength};
            *$self->{BufferOffset} = 0
        else {
            *$self->{InputLengthRemaining} += length($_[0]);
            *$self->{BufferOffset} -= length($_[0]) ;

sub smartSeek
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $offset = shift ;
    my $truncate = shift;
    my $position = shift || SEEK_SET;

    # TODO -- need to take prime into account
    if (defined *$self->{FH})
      { *$self->{FH}->seek($offset, $position) }
    else {
        if ($position == SEEK_END) {
            *$self->{BufferOffset} = length ${ *$self->{Buffer} } + $offset ;
        elsif ($position == SEEK_CUR) {
            *$self->{BufferOffset} += $offset ;
        else {
            *$self->{BufferOffset} = $offset ;

        substr(${ *$self->{Buffer} }, *$self->{BufferOffset}) = ''
            if $truncate;
        return 1;

sub smartTell
    my $self   = shift ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH})
      { return *$self->{FH}->tell() }
      { return *$self->{BufferOffset} }

sub smartWrite
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $out_data = shift ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH}) {
        # flush needed for 5.8.0 
        defined *$self->{FH}->write($out_data, length $out_data) &&
        defined *$self->{FH}->flush() ;
    else {
       my $buf = *$self->{Buffer} ;
       substr($$buf, *$self->{BufferOffset}, length $out_data) = $out_data ;
       *$self->{BufferOffset} += length($out_data) ;
       return 1;

sub smartReadExact
    return $_[0]->smartRead($_[1], $_[2]) == $_[2];

sub smartEof
    my ($self) = $_[0];
    local $.; 

    return 0 if length *$self->{Prime} || *$self->{PushMode};

    if (defined *$self->{FH})
        # Could use
        #  *$self->{FH}->eof() 
        # here, but this can cause trouble if
        # the filehandle is itself a tied handle, but it uses sysread.
        # Then we get into mixing buffered & non-buffered IO, 
        # which will cause trouble

        my $info = $self->getErrInfo();
        my $buffer = '';
        my $status = $self->smartRead(\$buffer, 1);
        $self->pushBack($buffer) if length $buffer;

        return $status == 0 ;
    elsif (defined *$self->{InputEvent})
     { *$self->{EventEof} }
     { *$self->{BufferOffset} >= length(${ *$self->{Buffer} }) }

sub clearError
    my $self   = shift ;

    *$self->{ErrorNo}  =  0 ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = '' ;

sub getErrInfo
    my $self   = shift ;

    return [ *$self->{ErrorNo}, ${ *$self->{Error} } ] ;

sub setErrInfo
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $ref    = shift;

    *$self->{ErrorNo}  =  $ref->[0] ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = $ref->[1] ;

sub saveStatus
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $errno = shift() + 0 ;

    *$self->{ErrorNo}  = $errno;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = '' ;

    return *$self->{ErrorNo} ;

sub saveErrorString
    my $self   = shift ;
    my $retval = shift ;

    ${ *$self->{Error} } = shift ;
    *$self->{ErrorNo} = @_ ? shift() + 0 : STATUS_ERROR ;

    return $retval;

sub croakError
    my $self   = shift ;
    $self->saveErrorString(0, $_[0]);
    croak $_[0];

sub closeError
    my $self = shift ;
    my $retval = shift ;

    my $errno = *$self->{ErrorNo};
    my $error = ${ *$self->{Error} };


    *$self->{ErrorNo} = $errno ;
    ${ *$self->{Error} } = $error ;

    return $retval;

sub error
    my $self   = shift ;
    return ${ *$self->{Error} } ;

sub errorNo
    my $self   = shift ;
    return *$self->{ErrorNo};

sub HeaderError
    my ($self) = shift;
    return $self->saveErrorString(undef, "Header Error: $_[0]", STATUS_ERROR);

sub TrailerError
    my ($self) = shift;
    return $self->saveErrorString(G_ERR, "Trailer Error: $_[0]", STATUS_ERROR);

sub TruncatedHeader
    my ($self) = shift;
    return $self->HeaderError("Truncated in $_[0] Section");

sub TruncatedTrailer
    my ($self) = shift;
    return $self->TrailerError("Truncated in $_[0] Section");

sub postCheckParams
    return 1;

sub checkParams
    my $self = shift ;
    my $class = shift ;

    my $got = shift || IO::Compress::Base::Parameters::new();
    my $Valid = {
                    'blocksize'     => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, 16 * 1024],
                    'autoclose'     => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                    'strict'        => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                    'append'        => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                    'prime'         => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any,      undef],
                    'multistream'   => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                    'transparent'   => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any,      1],
                    'scan'          => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                    'inputlength'   => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_unsigned, undef],
                    'binmodeout'    => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],
                   #'decode'        => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_any,      undef],

                   #'consumeinput'  => [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_boolean,  0],

                    #'Todo - Revert to ordinary file on end Z_STREAM_END'=> 0,
                    # ContinueAfterEof
                } ;

    $Valid->{trailingdata} = [IO::Compress::Base::Common::Parse_writable_scalar, undef]
        if  *$self->{OneShot} ;
    $got->parse($Valid, @_ ) 
        or $self->croakError("${class}: " . $got->getError()) ;

        or $self->croakError("${class}: " . $self->error()) ;

    return $got;

sub _create
    my $obj = shift;
    my $got = shift;
    my $append_mode = shift ;

    my $class = ref $obj;
    $obj->croakError("$class: Missing Input parameter")
        if ! @_ && ! $got ;

    my $inValue = shift ;

    *$obj->{OneShot} = 0 ;

    if (! $got)
        $got = $obj->checkParams($class, undef, @_)
            or return undef ;

    my $inType  = whatIsInput($inValue, 1);

    $obj->ckInputParam($class, $inValue, 1) 
        or return undef ;

    *$obj->{InNew} = 1;

        or $obj->croakError("${class}: " . *$obj->{Error});

    if ($inType eq 'buffer' || $inType eq 'code') {
        *$obj->{Buffer} = $inValue ;        
        *$obj->{InputEvent} = $inValue 
           if $inType eq 'code' ;
    else {
        if ($inType eq 'handle') {
            *$obj->{FH} = $inValue ;
            *$obj->{Handle} = 1 ;

            # Need to rewind for Scan
            *$obj->{FH}->seek(0, SEEK_SET) 
                if $got->getValue('scan');
        else {    
            no warnings ;
            my $mode = '<';
            $mode = '+<' if $got->getValue('scan');
            *$obj->{StdIO} = ($inValue eq '-');
            *$obj->{FH} = new IO::File "$mode $inValue"
                or return $obj->saveErrorString(undef, "cannot open file '$inValue': $!", $!) ;
        *$obj->{LineNo} = $. = 0;
        setBinModeInput(*$obj->{FH}) ;

        my $buff = "" ;
        *$obj->{Buffer} = \$buff ;

#    if ($got->getValue('decode')) { 
#        my $want_encoding = $got->getValue('decode');
#        *$obj->{Encoding} = IO::Compress::Base::Common::getEncoding($obj, $class, $want_encoding);
#    }
#    else {
#        *$obj->{Encoding} = undef;
#    }

    *$obj->{InputLength}       = $got->parsed('inputlength') 
                                    ? $got->getValue('inputlength')
                                    : undef ;
    *$obj->{InputLengthRemaining} = $got->getValue('inputlength');
    *$obj->{BufferOffset}      = 0 ;
    *$obj->{AutoClose}         = $got->getValue('autoclose');
    *$obj->{Strict}            = $got->getValue('strict');
    *$obj->{BlockSize}         = $got->getValue('blocksize');
    *$obj->{Append}            = $got->getValue('append');
    *$obj->{AppendOutput}      = $append_mode || $got->getValue('append');
    *$obj->{ConsumeInput}      = $got->getValue('consumeinput');
    *$obj->{Transparent}       = $got->getValue('transparent');
    *$obj->{MultiStream}       = $got->getValue('multistream');

    # TODO - move these two into RawDeflate
    *$obj->{Scan}              = $got->getValue('scan');
    *$obj->{ParseExtra}        = $got->getValue('parseextra') 
                                  || $got->getValue('strict')  ;
    *$obj->{Type}              = '';
    *$obj->{Prime}             = $got->getValue('prime') || '' ;
    *$obj->{Pending}           = '';
    *$obj->{Plain}             = 0;
    *$obj->{PlainBytesRead}    = 0;
    *$obj->{InflatedBytesRead} = 0;
    *$obj->{UnCompSize}        = new U64;
    *$obj->{CompSize}          = new U64;
    *$obj->{TotalInflatedBytesRead} = 0;
    *$obj->{NewStream}         = 0 ;
    *$obj->{EventEof}          = 0 ;
    *$obj->{ClassName}         = $class ;
    *$obj->{Params}            = $got ;

    if (*$obj->{ConsumeInput}) {
        *$obj->{InNew} = 0;
        *$obj->{Closed} = 0;
        return $obj

    my $status = $obj->mkUncomp($got);

    return undef
        unless defined $status;

    *$obj->{InNew} = 0;
    *$obj->{Closed} = 0;

    if ($status) {
        # Need to try uncompressing to catch the case
        # where the compressed file uncompresses to an
        # empty string - so eof is set immediately.
        my $out_buffer = '';

        $status = $obj->read(\$out_buffer);
        if ($status < 0) {
            *$obj->{ReadStatus} = [ $status, $obj->error(), $obj->errorNo() ];

            if length $out_buffer;
    else {
        return undef 
            unless *$obj->{Transparent};

        *$obj->{Type} = 'plain';
        *$obj->{Plain} = 1;
        $obj->pushBack(*$obj->{HeaderPending})  ;

    push @{ *$obj->{InfoList} }, *$obj->{Info} ;

    $obj->saveStatus(STATUS_OK) ;
    *$obj->{InNew} = 0;
    *$obj->{Closed} = 0;

    return $obj;

sub ckInputParam
    my $self = shift ;
    my $from = shift ;
    my $inType = whatIsInput($_[0], $_[1]);

    $self->croakError("$from: input parameter not a filename, filehandle, array ref or scalar ref")
        if ! $inType ;

#    if ($inType  eq 'filename' )
#    {
#        return $self->saveErrorString(1, "$from: input filename is undef or null string", STATUS_ERROR)
#            if ! defined $_[0] || $_[0] eq ''  ;
#        if ($_[0] ne '-' && ! -e $_[0] )
#        {
#            return $self->saveErrorString(1, 
#                            "input file '$_[0]' does not exist", STATUS_ERROR);
#        }
#    }

    return 1;

sub _inf
    my $obj = shift ;

    my $class = (caller)[0] ;
    my $name = (caller(1))[3] ;

    $obj->croakError("$name: expected at least 1 parameters\n")
        unless @_ >= 1 ;

    my $input = shift ;
    my $haveOut = @_ ;
    my $output = shift ;

    my $x = new IO::Compress::Base::Validator($class, *$obj->{Error}, $name, $input, $output)
        or return undef ;
    push @_, $output if $haveOut && $x->{Hash};

    *$obj->{OneShot} = 1 ;
    my $got = $obj->checkParams($name, undef, @_)
        or return undef ;

    if ($got->parsed('trailingdata'))
#        my $value = $got->valueRef('TrailingData');
#        warn "TD $value ";
#        #$value = $$value;
##                warn "TD $value $$value ";
#        return retErr($obj, "Parameter 'TrailingData' not writable")
#            if readonly $$value ;          
#        if (ref $$value) 
#        {
#            return retErr($obj,"Parameter 'TrailingData' not a scalar reference")
#                if ref $$value ne 'SCALAR' ;
#            *$obj->{TrailingData} = $$value ;
#        }
#        else  
#        {
#            return retErr($obj,"Parameter 'TrailingData' not a scalar")
#                if ref $value ne 'SCALAR' ;               
#            *$obj->{TrailingData} = $value ;
#        }
        *$obj->{TrailingData} = $got->getValue('trailingdata');

    *$obj->{MultiStream} = $got->getValue('multistream');
    $got->setValue('multistream', 0);

    $x->{Got} = $got ;

#    if ($x->{Hash})
#    {
#        while (my($k, $v) = each %$input)
#        {
#            $v = \$input->{$k} 
#                unless defined $v ;
#            $obj->_singleTarget($x, $k, $v, @_)
#                or return undef ;
#        }
#        return keys %$input ;
#    }
    if ($x->{GlobMap})
        $x->{oneInput} = 1 ;
        foreach my $pair (@{ $x->{Pairs} })
            my ($from, $to) = @$pair ;
            $obj->_singleTarget($x, $from, $to, @_)
                or return undef ;

        return scalar @{ $x->{Pairs} } ;

    if (! $x->{oneOutput} )
        my $inFile = ($x->{inType} eq 'filenames' 
                        || $x->{inType} eq 'filename');

        $x->{inType} = $inFile ? 'filename' : 'buffer';
        foreach my $in ($x->{oneInput} ? $input : @$input)
            my $out ;
            $x->{oneInput} = 1 ;

            $obj->_singleTarget($x, $in, $output, @_)
                or return undef ;

        return 1 ;

    # finally the 1 to 1 and n to 1
    return $obj->_singleTarget($x, $input, $output, @_);

    croak "should not be here" ;

sub retErr
    my $x = shift ;
    my $string = shift ;

    ${ $x->{Error} } = $string ;

    return undef ;

sub _singleTarget
    my $self      = shift ;
    my $x         = shift ;
    my $input     = shift;
    my $output    = shift;
    my $buff = '';
    $x->{buff} = \$buff ;

    my $fh ;
    if ($x->{outType} eq 'filename') {
        my $mode = '>' ;
        $mode = '>>'
            if $x->{Got}->getValue('append') ;
        $x->{fh} = new IO::File "$mode $output" 
            or return retErr($x, "cannot open file '$output': $!") ;
        binmode $x->{fh} if $x->{Got}->valueOrDefault('binmodeout');


    elsif ($x->{outType} eq 'handle') {
        $x->{fh} = $output;
        binmode $x->{fh} if $x->{Got}->valueOrDefault('binmodeout');
        if ($x->{Got}->getValue('append')) {
                seek($x->{fh}, 0, SEEK_END)
                    or return retErr($x, "Cannot seek to end of output filehandle: $!") ;

    elsif ($x->{outType} eq 'buffer' )
        $$output = '' 
            unless $x->{Got}->getValue('append');
        $x->{buff} = $output ;

    if ($x->{oneInput})
        defined $self->_rd2($x, $input, $output)
            or return undef; 
        for my $element ( ($x->{inType} eq 'hash') ? keys %$input : @$input)
            defined $self->_rd2($x, $element, $output) 
                or return undef ;

    if ( ($x->{outType} eq 'filename' && $output ne '-') || 
         ($x->{outType} eq 'handle' && $x->{Got}->getValue('autoclose'))) {
            or return retErr($x, $!); 
        delete $x->{fh};

    return 1 ;

sub _rd2
    my $self      = shift ;
    my $x         = shift ;
    my $input     = shift;
    my $output    = shift;
    my $z = IO::Compress::Base::Common::createSelfTiedObject($x->{Class}, *$self->{Error});
    $z->_create($x->{Got}, 1, $input, @_)
        or return undef ;

    my $status ;
    my $fh = $x->{fh};
    while (1) {

        while (($status = $z->read($x->{buff})) > 0) {
            if ($fh) {
                local $\;
                print $fh ${ $x->{buff} }
                    or return $z->saveErrorString(undef, "Error writing to output file: $!", $!);
                ${ $x->{buff} } = '' ;

        if (! $x->{oneOutput} ) {
            my $ot = $x->{outType} ;

            if ($ot eq 'array') 
              { push @$output, $x->{buff} }
            elsif ($ot eq 'hash') 
              { $output->{$input} = $x->{buff} }

            my $buff = '';
            $x->{buff} = \$buff;

        last if $status < 0 || $z->smartEof();

            unless *$self->{MultiStream};

        $status = $z->nextStream();

            unless $status == 1 ;

    return $z->closeError(undef)
        if $status < 0 ;

    ${ *$self->{TrailingData} } = $z->trailingData()
        if defined *$self->{TrailingData} ;

        or return undef ;

    return 1 ;

    return $_[0] if ref($_[0]);
    die "OOPS\n" ;

    my $self = shift ;

sub getHeaderInfo
    my $self = shift ;
    wantarray ? @{ *$self->{InfoList} } : *$self->{Info};

sub readBlock
    my $self = shift ;
    my $buff = shift ;
    my $size = shift ;

    if (defined *$self->{CompressedInputLength}) {
        if (*$self->{CompressedInputLengthRemaining} == 0) {
            delete *$self->{CompressedInputLength};
            *$self->{CompressedInputLengthDone} = 1;
            return STATUS_OK ;
        $size = List::Util::min($size, *$self->{CompressedInputLengthRemaining} );
        *$self->{CompressedInputLengthRemaining} -= $size ;
    my $status = $self->smartRead($buff, $size) ;
    return $self->saveErrorString(STATUS_ERROR, "Error Reading Data: $!", $!)
        if $status == STATUS_ERROR  ;

    if ($status == 0 ) {
        *$self->{Closed} = 1 ;
        *$self->{EndStream} = 1 ;
        return $self->saveErrorString(STATUS_ERROR, "unexpected end of file", STATUS_ERROR);

    return STATUS_OK;

sub postBlockChk
    return STATUS_OK;

sub _raw_read
    # return codes
    # >0 - ok, number of bytes read
    # =0 - ok, eof
    # <0 - not ok
    my $self = shift ;

    return G_EOF if *$self->{Closed} ;
    return G_EOF if *$self->{EndStream} ;

    my $buffer = shift ;
    my $scan_mode = shift ;

    if (*$self->{Plain}) {
        my $tmp_buff ;
        my $len = $self->smartRead(\$tmp_buff, *$self->{BlockSize}) ;
        return $self->saveErrorString(G_ERR, "Error reading data: $!", $!) 
                if $len == STATUS_ERROR ;

        if ($len == 0 ) {
            *$self->{EndStream} = 1 ;
        else {
            *$self->{PlainBytesRead} += $len ;
            $$buffer .= $tmp_buff;

        return $len ;

    if (*$self->{NewStream}) {

        $self->gotoNextStream() > 0
            or return G_ERR;

        # For the headers that actually uncompressed data, put the
        # uncompressed data into the output buffer.
        $$buffer .=  *$self->{Pending} ;
        my $len = length  *$self->{Pending} ;
        *$self->{Pending} = '';
        return $len; 

    my $temp_buf = '';
    my $outSize = 0;
    my $status = $self->readBlock(\$temp_buf, *$self->{BlockSize}, $outSize) ;
    return G_ERR
        if $status == STATUS_ERROR  ;

    my $buf_len = 0;
    if ($status == STATUS_OK) {
        my $beforeC_len = length $temp_buf;
        my $before_len = defined $$buffer ? length $$buffer : 0 ;
        $status = *$self->{Uncomp}->uncompr(\$temp_buf, $buffer,
                                    defined *$self->{CompressedInputLengthDone} ||
                                                $self->smartEof(), $outSize);
        # Remember the input buffer if it wasn't consumed completely
        $self->pushBack($temp_buf) if *$self->{Uncomp}{ConsumesInput};

        return $self->saveErrorString(G_ERR, *$self->{Uncomp}{Error}, *$self->{Uncomp}{ErrorNo})
            if $self->saveStatus($status) == STATUS_ERROR;    

        $self->postBlockChk($buffer, $before_len) == STATUS_OK
            or return G_ERR;

        $buf_len = defined $$buffer ? length($$buffer) - $before_len : 0;
        *$self->{CompSize}->add($beforeC_len - length $temp_buf) ;

        *$self->{InflatedBytesRead} += $buf_len ;
        *$self->{TotalInflatedBytesRead} += $buf_len ;
        *$self->{UnCompSize}->add($buf_len) ;

        $self->filterUncompressed($buffer, $before_len);

#        if (*$self->{Encoding}) {
#            use Encode ;
#            *$self->{PendingDecode} .= substr($$buffer, $before_len) ;
#            my $got = *$self->{Encoding}->decode(*$self->{PendingDecode}, Encode::FB_QUIET) ;
#            substr($$buffer, $before_len) = $got;
#        }

    if ($status == STATUS_ENDSTREAM) {

        *$self->{EndStream} = 1 ;

        my $trailer;
        my $trailer_size = *$self->{Info}{TrailerLength} ;
        my $got = 0;
        if (*$self->{Info}{TrailerLength})
            $got = $self->smartRead(\$trailer, $trailer_size) ;

        if ($got == $trailer_size) {
            $self->chkTrailer($trailer) == STATUS_OK
                or return G_ERR;
        else {
            return $self->TrailerError("trailer truncated. Expected " . 
                                      "$trailer_size bytes, got $got")
                if *$self->{Strict};
            $self->pushBack($trailer)  ;

        # TODO - if want file pointer, do it here

        if (! $self->smartEof()) {
            *$self->{NewStream} = 1 ;

            if (*$self->{MultiStream}) {
                *$self->{EndStream} = 0 ;
                return $buf_len ;


    # return the number of uncompressed bytes read
    return $buf_len ;

sub reset
    my $self = shift ;

    return *$self->{Uncomp}->reset();

sub filterUncompressed

#sub isEndStream
#    my $self = shift ;
#    return *$self->{NewStream} ||
#           *$self->{EndStream} ;

sub nextStream
    my $self = shift ;

    my $status = $self->gotoNextStream();
    $status == 1
        or return $status ;

    *$self->{TotalInflatedBytesRead} = 0 ;
    *$self->{LineNo} = $. = 0;

    return 1;

sub gotoNextStream
    my $self = shift ;

    if (! *$self->{NewStream}) {
        my $status = 1;
        my $buffer ;

        # TODO - make this more efficient if know the offset for the end of
        # the stream and seekable
        $status = $self->read($buffer) 
            while $status > 0 ;

        return $status
            if $status < 0;

    *$self->{NewStream} = 0 ;
    *$self->{EndStream} = 0 ;
    *$self->{CompressedInputLengthDone} = undef ;
    *$self->{CompressedInputLength} = undef ;

    my $magic = $self->ckMagic();

    if ( ! defined $magic) {
        if (! *$self->{Transparent} || $self->eof())
            *$self->{EndStream} = 1 ;
            return 0;

        *$self->{Type} = 'plain';
        *$self->{Plain} = 1;
        $self->pushBack(*$self->{HeaderPending})  ;
        *$self->{Info} = $self->readHeader($magic);

        if ( ! defined *$self->{Info} ) {
            *$self->{EndStream} = 1 ;
            return -1;

    push @{ *$self->{InfoList} }, *$self->{Info} ;

    return 1; 

sub streamCount
    my $self = shift ;
    return 1 if ! defined *$self->{InfoList};
    return scalar @{ *$self->{InfoList} }  ;

#sub read
#    my $status = myRead(@_);
#    return undef if $status < 0;
#    return $status;

sub read
    # return codes
    # >0 - ok, number of bytes read
    # =0 - ok, eof
    # <0 - not ok
    my $self = shift ;

    if (defined *$self->{ReadStatus} ) {
        my $status = *$self->{ReadStatus}[0];
        $self->saveErrorString( @{ *$self->{ReadStatus} } );
        delete  *$self->{ReadStatus} ;
        return $status ;

    return G_EOF if *$self->{Closed} ;

    my $buffer ;

    if (ref $_[0] ) {
        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::read: buffer parameter is read-only")
            if Scalar::Util::readonly(${ $_[0] });

        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::read: not a scalar reference $_[0]" )
            unless ref $_[0] eq 'SCALAR' ;
        $buffer = $_[0] ;
    else {
        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::read: buffer parameter is read-only")
            if Scalar::Util::readonly($_[0]);

        $buffer = \$_[0] ;

    my $length = $_[1] ;
    my $offset = $_[2] || 0;

    if (! *$self->{AppendOutput}) {
        if (! $offset) {    
            $$buffer = '' ;
        else {
            if ($offset > length($$buffer)) {
                $$buffer .= "\x00" x ($offset - length($$buffer));
            else {
                substr($$buffer, $offset) = '';
    elsif (! defined $$buffer) {
        $$buffer = '' ;

    return G_EOF if !length *$self->{Pending} && *$self->{EndStream} ;

    # the core read will return 0 if asked for 0 bytes
    return 0 if defined $length && $length == 0 ;

    $length = $length || 0;

    $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::read: length parameter is negative")
        if $length < 0 ;

    # Short-circuit if this is a simple read, with no length
    # or offset specified.
    unless ( $length || $offset) {
        if (length *$self->{Pending}) {
            $$buffer .= *$self->{Pending} ;
            my $len = length *$self->{Pending};
            *$self->{Pending} = '' ;
            return $len ;
        else {
            my $len = 0;
            $len = $self->_raw_read($buffer) 
                while ! *$self->{EndStream} && $len == 0 ;
            return $len ;

    # Need to jump through more hoops - either length or offset 
    # or both are specified.
    my $out_buffer = *$self->{Pending} ;
    *$self->{Pending} = '';

    while (! *$self->{EndStream} && length($out_buffer) < $length)
        my $buf_len = $self->_raw_read(\$out_buffer);
        return $buf_len 
            if $buf_len < 0 ;

    $length = length $out_buffer 
        if length($out_buffer) < $length ;

    return 0 
        if $length == 0 ;

    $$buffer = '' 
        if ! defined $$buffer;

    $offset = length $$buffer
        if *$self->{AppendOutput} ;

    *$self->{Pending} = $out_buffer;
    $out_buffer = \*$self->{Pending} ;

    substr($$buffer, $offset) = substr($$out_buffer, 0, $length) ;
    substr($$out_buffer, 0, $length) =  '' ;

    return $length ;

sub _getline
    my $self = shift ;
    my $status = 0 ;

    # Slurp Mode
    if ( ! defined $/ ) {
        my $data ;
        1 while ($status = $self->read($data)) > 0 ;
        return ($status, \$data);

    # Record Mode
    if ( ref $/ eq 'SCALAR' && ${$/} =~ /^\d+$/ && ${$/} > 0) {
        my $reclen = ${$/} ;
        my $data ;
        $status = $self->read($data, $reclen) ;
        return ($status, \$data);

    # Paragraph Mode
    if ( ! length $/ ) {
        my $paragraph ;    
        while (($status = $self->read($paragraph)) > 0 ) {
            if ($paragraph =~ s/^(.*?\n\n+)//s) {
                *$self->{Pending}  = $paragraph ;
                my $par = $1 ;
                return (1, \$par);
        return ($status, \$paragraph);

    # $/ isn't empty, or a reference, so it's Line Mode.
        my $line ;    
        my $p = \*$self->{Pending}  ;
        while (($status = $self->read($line)) > 0 ) {
            my $offset = index($line, $/);
            if ($offset >= 0) {
                my $l = substr($line, 0, $offset + length $/ );
                substr($line, 0, $offset + length $/) = '';    
                $$p = $line;
                return (1, \$l);

        return ($status, \$line);

sub getline
    my $self = shift;

    if (defined *$self->{ReadStatus} ) {
        $self->saveErrorString( @{ *$self->{ReadStatus} } );
        delete  *$self->{ReadStatus} ;
        return undef;

    return undef 
        if *$self->{Closed} || (!length *$self->{Pending} && *$self->{EndStream}) ;

    my $current_append = *$self->{AppendOutput} ;
    *$self->{AppendOutput} = 1;

    my ($status, $lineref) = $self->_getline();
    *$self->{AppendOutput} = $current_append;

    return undef 
        if $status < 0 || length $$lineref == 0 ;

    $. = ++ *$self->{LineNo} ;

    return $$lineref ;

sub getlines
    my $self = shift;
    $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . 
            "::getlines: called in scalar context\n") unless wantarray;
    my($line, @lines);
    push(@lines, $line) 
        while defined($line = $self->getline);
    return @lines;

    goto &getlines if wantarray;
    goto &getline;

sub getc
    my $self = shift;
    my $buf;
    return $buf if $self->read($buf, 1);
    return undef;

sub ungetc
    my $self = shift;
    *$self->{Pending} = ""  unless defined *$self->{Pending} ;    
    *$self->{Pending} = $_[0] . *$self->{Pending} ;    

sub trailingData
    my $self = shift ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH} || defined *$self->{InputEvent} ) {
        return *$self->{Prime} ;
    else {
        my $buf = *$self->{Buffer} ;
        my $offset = *$self->{BufferOffset} ;
        return substr($$buf, $offset) ;

sub eof
    my $self = shift ;

    return (*$self->{Closed} ||
              (!length *$self->{Pending} 
                && ( $self->smartEof() || *$self->{EndStream}))) ;

sub tell
    my $self = shift ;

    my $in ;
    if (*$self->{Plain}) {
        $in = *$self->{PlainBytesRead} ;
    else {
        $in = *$self->{TotalInflatedBytesRead} ;

    my $pending = length *$self->{Pending} ;

    return 0 if $pending > $in ;
    return $in - $pending ;

sub close
    # todo - what to do if close is called before the end of the gzip file
    #        do we remember any trailing data?
    my $self = shift ;

    return 1 if *$self->{Closed} ;

    untie *$self 
        if $] >= 5.008 ;

    my $status = 1 ;

    if (defined *$self->{FH}) {
        if ((! *$self->{Handle} || *$self->{AutoClose}) && ! *$self->{StdIO}) {
            local $.; 
            $! = 0 ;
            $status = *$self->{FH}->close();
            return $self->saveErrorString(0, $!, $!)
                if !*$self->{InNew} && $self->saveStatus($!) != 0 ;
        delete *$self->{FH} ;
        $! = 0 ;
    *$self->{Closed} = 1 ;

    return 1;

    my $self = shift ;
    local ($., $@, $!, $^E, $?);

    $self->close() ;

sub seek
    my $self     = shift ;
    my $position = shift;
    my $whence   = shift ;

    my $here = $self->tell() ;
    my $target = 0 ;

    if ($whence == SEEK_SET) {
        $target = $position ;
    elsif ($whence == SEEK_CUR) {
        $target = $here + $position ;
    elsif ($whence == SEEK_END) {
        $target = $position ;
        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} . "::seek: SEEK_END not allowed") ;
    else {
        $self->croakError(*$self->{ClassName} ."::seek: unknown value, $whence, for whence parameter");

    # short circuit if seeking to current offset
    if ($target == $here) {
        # On ordinary filehandles, seeking to the current
        # position also clears the EOF condition, so we
        # emulate this behavior locally while simultaneously
        # cascading it to the underlying filehandle
        if (*$self->{Plain}) {
            *$self->{EndStream} = 0;
            seek(*$self->{FH},0,1) if *$self->{FH};
        return 1;

    # Outlaw any attempt to seek backwards
    $self->croakError( *$self->{ClassName} ."::seek: cannot seek backwards")
        if $target < $here ;

    # Walk the file to the new offset
    my $offset = $target - $here ;

    my $got;
    while (($got = $self->read(my $buffer, List::Util::min($offset, *$self->{BlockSize})) ) > 0)
        $offset -= $got;
        last if $offset == 0 ;

    $here = $self->tell() ;
    return $offset == 0 ? 1 : 0 ;

sub fileno
    my $self = shift ;
    return defined *$self->{FH} 
           ? fileno *$self->{FH} 
           : undef ;

sub binmode
#    my $self     = shift ;
#    return defined *$self->{FH} 
#            ? binmode *$self->{FH} 
#            : 1 ;

sub opened
    my $self     = shift ;
    return ! *$self->{Closed} ;

sub autoflush
    my $self     = shift ;
    return defined *$self->{FH} 
            ? *$self->{FH}->autoflush(@_) 
            : undef ;

sub input_line_number
    my $self = shift ;
    my $last = *$self->{LineNo};
    $. = *$self->{LineNo} = $_[1] if @_ ;
    return $last;

*BINMODE  = \&binmode;
*SEEK     = \&seek; 
*READ     = \&read;
*sysread  = \&read;
*TELL     = \&tell;
*EOF      = \&eof;

*FILENO   = \&fileno;
*CLOSE    = \&close;

sub _notAvailable
    my $name = shift ;
    return sub { croak "$name Not Available: File opened only for intput" ; } ;

*print    = _notAvailable('print');
*PRINT    = _notAvailable('print');
*printf   = _notAvailable('printf');
*PRINTF   = _notAvailable('printf');
*write    = _notAvailable('write');
*WRITE    = _notAvailable('write');

#*sysread  = \&read;
#*syswrite = \&_notAvailable;

package IO::Uncompress::Base ;

1 ;

=head1 NAME

IO::Uncompress::Base - Base Class for IO::Uncompress modules 


    use IO::Uncompress::Base ;


This module is not intended for direct use in application code. Its sole
purpose is to be sub-classed by IO::Uncompress modules.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Compress::Zlib>, L<IO::Compress::Gzip>, L<IO::Uncompress::Gunzip>, L<IO::Compress::Deflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::Inflate>, L<IO::Compress::RawDeflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::RawInflate>, L<IO::Compress::Bzip2>, L<IO::Uncompress::Bunzip2>, L<IO::Compress::Lzma>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzma>, L<IO::Compress::Xz>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnXz>, L<IO::Compress::Lzop>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzop>, L<IO::Compress::Lzf>, L<IO::Uncompress::UnLzf>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyInflate>, L<IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress>


L<File::GlobMapper|File::GlobMapper>, L<Archive::Zip|Archive::Zip>,

=head1 AUTHOR

This module was written by Paul Marquess, C<pmqs@cpan.org>. 


See the Changes file.


Copyright (c) 2005-2017 Paul Marquess. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Adapter Folder 0755
AnyInflate.pm File 27.27 KB 0644
AnyUncompress.pm File 28.79 KB 0644
Base.pm File 37.2 KB 0644
Bunzip2.pm File 24.63 KB 0644
Gunzip.pm File 31.15 KB 0644
Inflate.pm File 27.4 KB 0644
RawInflate.pm File 30.86 KB 0644
Unzip.pm File 52.17 KB 0644