[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package Pod::Perldoc::ToTk;
use strict;
use warnings;

use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '3.28';

use parent qw(Pod::Perldoc::BaseTo);

sub is_pageable        { 1 }
sub write_with_binmode { 0 }
sub output_extension   { 'txt' } # doesn't matter
sub if_zero_length { }  # because it will be 0-length!
sub new { return bless {}, ref($_[0]) || $_[0] }

# TODO: document these and their meanings...
sub tree      { shift->_perldoc_elem('tree'    , @_) }
sub tk_opt    { shift->_perldoc_elem('tk_opt'  , @_) }
sub forky     { shift->_perldoc_elem('forky'   , @_) }

use Pod::Perldoc ();
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

BEGIN{ # Tk is not core, but this is
  eval { require Tk } ||
  __PACKAGE__->die( <<"HERE" );
You must have the Tk module to use Pod::Perldoc::ToTk.
If you have it installed, ensure it's in your Perl library

    " doesn't work nice with Tk.pm version $Tk::VERSION"
    ) if $Tk::VERSION eq '800.003';

BEGIN { eval { require Tk::FcyEntry; }; };
BEGIN{ # Tk::Pod is not core, but this is
  eval { require Tk::Pod } ||
  __PACKAGE__->die( <<"HERE" );
You must have the Tk::Pod module to use Pod::Perldoc::ToTk.
If you have it installed, ensure it's in your Perl library

# The following was adapted from "tkpod" in the Tk-Pod dist.

sub parse_from_file {

    my($self, $Input_File) = @_;
    if($self->{'forky'}) {
      return if fork;  # i.e., parent process returns

    $Input_File =~ s{\\}{/}g
     if $self->is_mswin32 or $self->is_dos
     # and maybe OS/2

    my($tk_opt, $tree);
    $tree   = $self->{'tree'  };
    $tk_opt = $self->{'tk_opt'};

    #require Tk::ErrorDialog;

    # Add 'Tk' subdirectories to search path so, e.g.,
    # 'Scrolled' will find doc in 'Tk/Scrolled'

    if( $tk_opt ) {
      push @INC, grep -d $_, map catfile($_,'Tk'), @INC;

    my $mw = MainWindow->new();
    #eval 'use blib "/home/e/eserte/src/perl/Tk-App";require Tk::App::Debug';

    # CDE use Font Settings if available
    my $ufont = $mw->optionGet('userFont','UserFont');     # fixed width
    my $sfont = $mw->optionGet('systemFont','SystemFont'); # proportional
    if (defined($ufont) and defined($sfont)) {
        foreach ($ufont, $sfont) { s/:$//; };
        $mw->optionAdd('*Font',       $sfont);
        $mw->optionAdd('*Entry.Font', $ufont);
        $mw->optionAdd('*Text.Font',  $ufont);

    $mw->optionAdd('*Menu.tearOff', $Tk::platform ne 'MSWin32' ? 1 : 0);

      '-file' => $Input_File,
      (($Tk::Pod::VERSION >= 4) ? ('-tree' => $tree) : ())

    # xxx dirty but it works. A simple $mw->destroy if $mw->children
    # does not work because Tk::ErrorDialogs could be created.
    # (they are withdrawn after Ok instead of destory'ed I guess)

    if ($mw->children) {
        $mw->repeat(1000, sub {
                    # ErrorDialog is withdrawn not deleted :-(
                    foreach ($mw->children) {
                            return if "$_" =~ /^Tk::Pod/  # ->isa('Tk::Pod')
    } else {

    exit if $self->{'forky'}; # we were the child!  so exit now!


=head1 NAME

Pod::Perldoc::ToTk - let Perldoc use Tk::Pod to render Pod


  perldoc -o tk Some::Modulename &


This is a "plug-in" class that allows Perldoc to use
Tk::Pod as a formatter class.

You have to have installed Tk::Pod first, or this class won't load.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Tk::Pod>, L<Pod::Perldoc>

=head1 AUTHOR

Current maintainer: Mark Allen C<< <mallen@cpan.org> >>

Past contributions from:
brian d foy C<< <bdfoy@cpan.org> >>
Adriano R. Ferreira C<< <ferreira@cpan.org> >>;
Sean M. Burke C<< <sburke@cpan.org> >>;
significant portions copied from
F<tkpod> in the Tk::Pod dist, by Nick Ing-Simmons, Slaven Rezic, et al.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
BaseTo.pm File 3.55 KB 0644
GetOptsOO.pm File 3.8 KB 0644
ToANSI.pm File 2.25 KB 0644
ToChecker.pm File 1.65 KB 0644
ToMan.pm File 13.91 KB 0644
ToNroff.pm File 2.72 KB 0644
ToPod.pm File 1.91 KB 0644
ToRtf.pm File 2.1 KB 0644
ToTerm.pm File 3.74 KB 0644
ToText.pm File 2.21 KB 0644
ToTk.pm File 3.91 KB 0644
ToXml.pm File 1.37 KB 0644