[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package Pod::Escapes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.006;

use vars qw(

require Exporter;
@ISA = ('Exporter');
$VERSION = '1.07';
@EXPORT_OK = qw(


$FAR_CHAR = "?" unless defined $FAR_CHAR;
$FAR_CHAR_NUMBER = ord($FAR_CHAR) unless defined $FAR_CHAR_NUMBER;

$NOT_ASCII = 'A' ne chr(65) unless defined $NOT_ASCII;

sub e2char {
  my $in = $_[0];
  return undef unless defined $in and length $in;
  # Convert to decimal:
  if($in =~ m/^(0[0-7]*)$/s ) {
    $in = oct $in;
  } elsif($in =~ m/^0?x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/s ) {
    $in = hex $1;
  } # else it's decimal, or named

  if($in =~ m/^\d+$/s) {
    if($] < 5.007  and  $in > 255) { # can't be trusted with Unicode
      return $FAR_CHAR;
    } elsif ($] >= 5.007003) {
      return chr(utf8::unicode_to_native($in));
    } elsif ($NOT_ASCII) {
      return $Code2USASCII{$in} # so "65" => "A" everywhere
             || $Latin1Code_to_fallback{$in} # Fallback.
             || $FAR_CHAR; # Fall further back
    } else {
      return chr($in);
  } else {
    return $Name2character{$in}; # returns undef if unknown

sub e2charnum {
  my $in = $_[0];
  return undef unless defined $in and length $in;
  # Convert to decimal:
  if($in =~ m/^(0[0-7]*)$/s ) {
    $in = oct $in;
  } elsif($in =~ m/^0?x([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/s ) {
    $in = hex $1;
  } # else it's decimal, or named

  if($in =~ m/^[0-9]+$/s) {
    return 0 + $in;
  } else {
    return $Name2character_number{$in}; # returns undef if unknown


%Code2USASCII = (
# mostly generated by
#  perl -e "printf qq{  \x25 3s, '\x25s',\n}, $_, chr($_) foreach (32 .. 126)"
   32, ' ',
   33, '!',
   34, '"',
   35, '#',
   36, '$',
   37, '%',
   38, '&',
   39, "'", #!
   40, '(',
   41, ')',
   42, '*',
   43, '+',
   44, ',',
   45, '-',
   46, '.',
   47, '/',
   48, '0',
   49, '1',
   50, '2',
   51, '3',
   52, '4',
   53, '5',
   54, '6',
   55, '7',
   56, '8',
   57, '9',
   58, ':',
   59, ';',
   60, '<',
   61, '=',
   62, '>',
   63, '?',
   64, '@',
   65, 'A',
   66, 'B',
   67, 'C',
   68, 'D',
   69, 'E',
   70, 'F',
   71, 'G',
   72, 'H',
   73, 'I',
   74, 'J',
   75, 'K',
   76, 'L',
   77, 'M',
   78, 'N',
   79, 'O',
   80, 'P',
   81, 'Q',
   82, 'R',
   83, 'S',
   84, 'T',
   85, 'U',
   86, 'V',
   87, 'W',
   88, 'X',
   89, 'Y',
   90, 'Z',
   91, '[',
   92, "\\", #!
   93, ']',
   94, '^',
   95, '_',
   96, '`',
   97, 'a',
   98, 'b',
   99, 'c',
  100, 'd',
  101, 'e',
  102, 'f',
  103, 'g',
  104, 'h',
  105, 'i',
  106, 'j',
  107, 'k',
  108, 'l',
  109, 'm',
  110, 'n',
  111, 'o',
  112, 'p',
  113, 'q',
  114, 'r',
  115, 's',
  116, 't',
  117, 'u',
  118, 'v',
  119, 'w',
  120, 'x',
  121, 'y',
  122, 'z',
  123, '{',
  124, '|',
  125, '}',
  126, '~',


%Latin1Code_to_fallback = ();
@Latin1Code_to_fallback{0xA0 .. 0xFF} = (
# Copied from Text/Unidecode/x00.pm:

' ', qq{!}, qq{C/}, 'PS', qq{\$?}, qq{Y=}, qq{|}, 'SS', qq{"}, qq{(c)}, 'a', qq{<<}, qq{!}, "", qq{(r)}, qq{-},
'deg', qq{+-}, '2', '3', qq{'}, 'u', 'P', qq{*}, qq{,}, '1', 'o', qq{>>}, qq{1/4}, qq{1/2}, qq{3/4}, qq{?},
'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'A', 'AE', 'C', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'E', 'I', 'I', 'I', 'I',
'D', 'N', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'O', 'x', 'O', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'U', 'Th', 'ss',
'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'a', 'ae', 'c', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'e', 'i', 'i', 'i', 'i',
'd', 'n', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', 'o', qq{/}, 'o', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'u', 'y', 'th', 'y',


  # Now stuff %Latin1Char_to_fallback:
  %Latin1Char_to_fallback = ();
  while( ($k,$v) = each %Latin1Code_to_fallback) {
    $Latin1Char_to_fallback{chr $k} = $v;
    #print chr($k), ' => ', $v, "\n";


%Name2character_number = (
 # General XML/XHTML:
 'lt'   => 60,
 'gt'   => 62,
 'quot' => 34,
 'amp'  => 38,
 'apos' => 39,

 # POD-specific:
 'sol'    => 47,
 'verbar' => 124,

 'lchevron' => 171, # legacy for laquo
 'rchevron' => 187, # legacy for raquo

 # Remember, grave looks like \ (as in virtu\)
 #           acute looks like / (as in re/sume/)
 #           circumflex looks like ^ (as in papier ma^che/)
 #           umlaut/dieresis looks like " (as in nai"ve, Chloe")

 # From the XHTML 1 .ent files:
 'nbsp'     , 160,
 'iexcl'    , 161,
 'cent'     , 162,
 'pound'    , 163,
 'curren'   , 164,
 'yen'      , 165,
 'brvbar'   , 166,
 'sect'     , 167,
 'uml'      , 168,
 'copy'     , 169,
 'ordf'     , 170,
 'laquo'    , 171,
 'not'      , 172,
 'shy'      , 173,
 'reg'      , 174,
 'macr'     , 175,
 'deg'      , 176,
 'plusmn'   , 177,
 'sup2'     , 178,
 'sup3'     , 179,
 'acute'    , 180,
 'micro'    , 181,
 'para'     , 182,
 'middot'   , 183,
 'cedil'    , 184,
 'sup1'     , 185,
 'ordm'     , 186,
 'raquo'    , 187,
 'frac14'   , 188,
 'frac12'   , 189,
 'frac34'   , 190,
 'iquest'   , 191,
 'Agrave'   , 192,
 'Aacute'   , 193,
 'Acirc'    , 194,
 'Atilde'   , 195,
 'Auml'     , 196,
 'Aring'    , 197,
 'AElig'    , 198,
 'Ccedil'   , 199,
 'Egrave'   , 200,
 'Eacute'   , 201,
 'Ecirc'    , 202,
 'Euml'     , 203,
 'Igrave'   , 204,
 'Iacute'   , 205,
 'Icirc'    , 206,
 'Iuml'     , 207,
 'ETH'      , 208,
 'Ntilde'   , 209,
 'Ograve'   , 210,
 'Oacute'   , 211,
 'Ocirc'    , 212,
 'Otilde'   , 213,
 'Ouml'     , 214,
 'times'    , 215,
 'Oslash'   , 216,
 'Ugrave'   , 217,
 'Uacute'   , 218,
 'Ucirc'    , 219,
 'Uuml'     , 220,
 'Yacute'   , 221,
 'THORN'    , 222,
 'szlig'    , 223,
 'agrave'   , 224,
 'aacute'   , 225,
 'acirc'    , 226,
 'atilde'   , 227,
 'auml'     , 228,
 'aring'    , 229,
 'aelig'    , 230,
 'ccedil'   , 231,
 'egrave'   , 232,
 'eacute'   , 233,
 'ecirc'    , 234,
 'euml'     , 235,
 'igrave'   , 236,
 'iacute'   , 237,
 'icirc'    , 238,
 'iuml'     , 239,
 'eth'      , 240,
 'ntilde'   , 241,
 'ograve'   , 242,
 'oacute'   , 243,
 'ocirc'    , 244,
 'otilde'   , 245,
 'ouml'     , 246,
 'divide'   , 247,
 'oslash'   , 248,
 'ugrave'   , 249,
 'uacute'   , 250,
 'ucirc'    , 251,
 'uuml'     , 252,
 'yacute'   , 253,
 'thorn'    , 254,
 'yuml'     , 255,

 'fnof'     , 402,
 'Alpha'    , 913,
 'Beta'     , 914,
 'Gamma'    , 915,
 'Delta'    , 916,
 'Epsilon'  , 917,
 'Zeta'     , 918,
 'Eta'      , 919,
 'Theta'    , 920,
 'Iota'     , 921,
 'Kappa'    , 922,
 'Lambda'   , 923,
 'Mu'       , 924,
 'Nu'       , 925,
 'Xi'       , 926,
 'Omicron'  , 927,
 'Pi'       , 928,
 'Rho'      , 929,
 'Sigma'    , 931,
 'Tau'      , 932,
 'Upsilon'  , 933,
 'Phi'      , 934,
 'Chi'      , 935,
 'Psi'      , 936,
 'Omega'    , 937,
 'alpha'    , 945,
 'beta'     , 946,
 'gamma'    , 947,
 'delta'    , 948,
 'epsilon'  , 949,
 'zeta'     , 950,
 'eta'      , 951,
 'theta'    , 952,
 'iota'     , 953,
 'kappa'    , 954,
 'lambda'   , 955,
 'mu'       , 956,
 'nu'       , 957,
 'xi'       , 958,
 'omicron'  , 959,
 'pi'       , 960,
 'rho'      , 961,
 'sigmaf'   , 962,
 'sigma'    , 963,
 'tau'      , 964,
 'upsilon'  , 965,
 'phi'      , 966,
 'chi'      , 967,
 'psi'      , 968,
 'omega'    , 969,
 'thetasym' , 977,
 'upsih'    , 978,
 'piv'      , 982,
 'bull'     , 8226,
 'hellip'   , 8230,
 'prime'    , 8242,
 'Prime'    , 8243,
 'oline'    , 8254,
 'frasl'    , 8260,
 'weierp'   , 8472,
 'image'    , 8465,
 'real'     , 8476,
 'trade'    , 8482,
 'alefsym'  , 8501,
 'larr'     , 8592,
 'uarr'     , 8593,
 'rarr'     , 8594,
 'darr'     , 8595,
 'harr'     , 8596,
 'crarr'    , 8629,
 'lArr'     , 8656,
 'uArr'     , 8657,
 'rArr'     , 8658,
 'dArr'     , 8659,
 'hArr'     , 8660,
 'forall'   , 8704,
 'part'     , 8706,
 'exist'    , 8707,
 'empty'    , 8709,
 'nabla'    , 8711,
 'isin'     , 8712,
 'notin'    , 8713,
 'ni'       , 8715,
 'prod'     , 8719,
 'sum'      , 8721,
 'minus'    , 8722,
 'lowast'   , 8727,
 'radic'    , 8730,
 'prop'     , 8733,
 'infin'    , 8734,
 'ang'      , 8736,
 'and'      , 8743,
 'or'       , 8744,
 'cap'      , 8745,
 'cup'      , 8746,
 'int'      , 8747,
 'there4'   , 8756,
 'sim'      , 8764,
 'cong'     , 8773,
 'asymp'    , 8776,
 'ne'       , 8800,
 'equiv'    , 8801,
 'le'       , 8804,
 'ge'       , 8805,
 'sub'      , 8834,
 'sup'      , 8835,
 'nsub'     , 8836,
 'sube'     , 8838,
 'supe'     , 8839,
 'oplus'    , 8853,
 'otimes'   , 8855,
 'perp'     , 8869,
 'sdot'     , 8901,
 'lceil'    , 8968,
 'rceil'    , 8969,
 'lfloor'   , 8970,
 'rfloor'   , 8971,
 'lang'     , 9001,
 'rang'     , 9002,
 'loz'      , 9674,
 'spades'   , 9824,
 'clubs'    , 9827,
 'hearts'   , 9829,
 'diams'    , 9830,
 'OElig'    , 338,
 'oelig'    , 339,
 'Scaron'   , 352,
 'scaron'   , 353,
 'Yuml'     , 376,
 'circ'     , 710,
 'tilde'    , 732,
 'ensp'     , 8194,
 'emsp'     , 8195,
 'thinsp'   , 8201,
 'zwnj'     , 8204,
 'zwj'      , 8205,
 'lrm'      , 8206,
 'rlm'      , 8207,
 'ndash'    , 8211,
 'mdash'    , 8212,
 'lsquo'    , 8216,
 'rsquo'    , 8217,
 'sbquo'    , 8218,
 'ldquo'    , 8220,
 'rdquo'    , 8221,
 'bdquo'    , 8222,
 'dagger'   , 8224,
 'Dagger'   , 8225,
 'permil'   , 8240,
 'lsaquo'   , 8249,
 'rsaquo'   , 8250,
 'euro'     , 8364,

# Fill out %Name2character...
  %Name2character = ();
  my($name, $number);
  while( ($name, $number) = each %Name2character_number) {
    if($] < 5.007  and  $number > 255) {
      $Name2character{$name} = $FAR_CHAR;
      # substitute for Unicode characters, for perls
      #  that can't reliably handle them
    } elsif ($] >= 5.007003) {
      $Name2character{$name} = chr utf8::unicode_to_native($number);
      # normal case for more recent Perls where we can translate from Unicode
      # to the native character set.
    elsif (exists $Code2USASCII{$number}) {
      $Name2character{$name} = $Code2USASCII{$number};
      # on older Perls, we can use the translations we have hard-coded in this
      # file, but these don't include the non-ASCII-range characters
    elsif ($NOT_ASCII && $number > 127 && $number < 256) {
      # this range on old non-ASCII-platform perls is wrong
      if (exists $Latin1Code_to_fallback{$number})  {
        $Name2character{$name} = $Latin1Code_to_fallback{$number};
      } else {
        $Name2character{$name} = $FAR_CHAR;
    } else {
      $Name2character{$name} = chr $number;


=head1 NAME

Pod::Escapes - for resolving Pod EE<lt>...E<gt> sequences


  use Pod::Escapes qw(e2char);
  ...la la la, parsing POD, la la la...
  $text = e2char($e_node->label);
  unless(defined $text) {
    print "Unknown E sequence \"", $e_node->label, "\"!";
  ...else print/interpolate $text...


This module provides things that are useful in decoding
Pod EE<lt>...E<gt> sequences.  Presumably, it should be used
only by Pod parsers and/or formatters.

By default, Pod::Escapes exports none of its symbols.  But
you can request any of them to be exported.
Either request them individually, as with
C<use Pod::Escapes qw(symbolname symbolname2...);>,
or you can do C<use Pod::Escapes qw(:ALL);> to get all
exportable symbols.

=head1 GOODIES


=item e2char($e_content)

Given a name or number that could appear in a
C<EE<lt>name_or_numE<gt>> sequence, this returns the string that
it stands for.  For example, C<e2char('sol')>, C<e2char('47')>,
C<e2char('0x2F')>, and C<e2char('057')> all return "/",
because C<EE<lt>solE<gt>>, C<EE<lt>47E<gt>>, C<EE<lt>0x2fE<gt>>,
and C<EE<lt>057E<gt>>, all mean "/".  If
the name has no known value (as with a name of "qacute") or is
syntactically invalid (as with a name of "1/4"), this returns undef.

=item e2charnum($e_content)

Given a name or number that could appear in a
C<EE<lt>name_or_numE<gt>> sequence, this returns the number of
the Unicode character that this stands for.  For example,
C<e2char('sol')>, C<e2char('47')>,
C<e2char('0x2F')>, and C<e2char('057')> all return 47,
because C<EE<lt>solE<gt>>, C<EE<lt>47E<gt>>, C<EE<lt>0x2fE<gt>>,
and C<EE<lt>057E<gt>>, all mean "/", whose Unicode number is 47.  If
the name has no known value (as with a name of "qacute") or is
syntactically invalid (as with a name of "1/4"), this returns undef.

=item $Name2character{I<name>}

Maps from names (as in C<EE<lt>I<name>E<gt>>) like "eacute" or "sol"
to the string that each stands for.  Note that this does not
include numerics (like "64" or "x981c").  Under old Perl versions
(before 5.7) you get a "?" in place of characters whose Unicode
value is over 255.

=item $Name2character_number{I<name>}

Maps from names (as in C<EE<lt>I<name>E<gt>>) like "eacute" or "sol"
to the Unicode value that each stands for.  For example,
C<$Name2character_number{'eacute'}> is 201, and
C<$Name2character_number{'eacute'}> is 8364.  You get the correct
Unicode value, regardless of the version of Perl you're using --
which differs from C<%Name2character>'s behavior under pre-5.7 Perls.

Note that this hash does not
include numerics (like "64" or "x981c").

=item $Latin1Code_to_fallback{I<integer>}

For numbers in the range 160 (0x00A0) to 255 (0x00FF), this maps
from the character code for a Latin-1 character (like 233 for
lowercase e-acute) to the US-ASCII character that best aproximates
it (like "e").  You may find this useful if you are rendering
POD in a format that you think deals well only with US-ASCII

=item $Latin1Char_to_fallback{I<character>}

Just as above, but maps from characters (like "\xE9", 
lowercase e-acute) to characters (like "e").

=item $Code2USASCII{I<integer>}

This maps from US-ASCII codes (like 32) to the corresponding
character (like space, for 32).  Only characters 32 to 126 are
defined.  This is meant for use by C<e2char($x)> when it senses
that it's running on a non-ASCII platform (where chr(32) doesn't
get you a space -- but $Code2USASCII{32} will).  It's
documented here just in case you might find it useful.


=head1 CAVEATS

On Perl versions before 5.7, Unicode characters with a value
over 255 (like lambda or emdash) can't be conveyed.  This
module does work under such early Perl versions, but in the
place of each such character, you get a "?".  Latin-1
characters (characters 160-255) are unaffected.

Under EBCDIC platforms, C<e2char($n)> may not always be the
same as C<chr(e2charnum($n))>, and ditto for
C<$Name2character{$name}> and
C<chr($Name2character_number{$name})>, because the strings are returned as
native, and the numbers are returned as Unicode.
However, for Perls starting with v5.8, C<e2char($n)> is the same as
C<chr(utf8::unicode_to_native(e2charnum($n)))>, and ditto for
C<$Name2character{$name}> and

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Pod::Browser> - a pod web server based on L<Catalyst>.

L<Pod::Checker> - check pod documents for syntax errors.

L<Pod::Coverage> - check if the documentation for a module is comprehensive.

L<perlpod> - description of pod format (for people documenting with pod).

L<perlpodspec> - specification of pod format (for people processing it).

L<Text::Unidecode> - ASCII transliteration of Unicode text.




Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Sean M. Burke.  All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Portions of the data tables in this module are derived from the
entity declarations in the W3C XHTML specification.

Currently (October 2001), that's these three:


=head1 AUTHOR

Sean M. Burke C<sburke@cpan.org>

Now being maintained by Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cpan.orgE<gt>


# What I used for reading the XHTML .ent files:

my(@norms, @good, @bad);
my $dir = 'c:/sgml/docbook/';
my %escapes;
foreach my $file (qw(
)) {
  open(IN, "<$dir$file") or die "can't read-open $dir$file: $!";
  print "Reading $file...\n";
  while(<IN>) {
    if(m/<!ENTITY\s+(\S+)\s+"&#([^;]+);">/) {
      my($name, $value) = ($1,$2);
      next if $name eq 'quot' or $name eq 'apos' or $name eq 'gt';
      $value = hex $1 if $value =~ m/^x([a-fA-F0-9]+)$/s;
      print "ILLEGAL VALUE $value" unless $value =~ m/^\d+$/s;
      if($value > 255) {
        push @good , sprintf "   %-10s , chr(%s),\n", "'$name'", $value;
        push @bad  , sprintf "   %-10s , \$bad,\n", "'$name'", $value;
      } else {
        push @norms, sprintf " %-10s , chr(%s),\n", "'$name'", $value;
    } elsif(m/<!ENT/) {
      print "# Skipping $_";

print @norms;
print "\n ( \$] .= 5.006001 ? (\n";
print @good;
print " ) : (\n";
print @bad;
print " )\n);\n";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Perldoc Folder 0755
Simple Folder 0755
Text Folder 0755
Checker.pm File 31.74 KB 0644
Escapes.pm File 17.47 KB 0644
Find.pm File 15.45 KB 0644
Functions.pm File 14.03 KB 0644
Html.pm File 23.82 KB 0644
InputObjects.pm File 26.87 KB 0644
Man.pm File 78.25 KB 0644
ParseLink.pm File 6.56 KB 0644
ParseUtils.pm File 20.68 KB 0644
Parser.pm File 64.23 KB 0644
Perldoc.pm File 63.58 KB 0644
PlainText.pm File 24.98 KB 0644
Select.pm File 23.93 KB 0644
Simple.pm File 52.66 KB 0644
Simple.pod File 13.89 KB 0644
Text.pm File 35.95 KB 0644
Usage.pm File 29.05 KB 0644