[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
require 5;
package Pod::Simple;
use strict;
use Carp ();
BEGIN           { *DEBUG = sub () {0} unless defined &DEBUG }
use integer;
use Pod::Escapes 1.04 ();
use Pod::Simple::LinkSection ();
use Pod::Simple::BlackBox ();
#use utf8;

use vars qw(
  @Known_formatting_codes  @Known_directives
  %Known_formatting_codes  %Known_directives

@ISA = ('Pod::Simple::BlackBox');
$VERSION = '3.35';

@Known_formatting_codes = qw(I B C L E F S X Z); 
%Known_formatting_codes = map(($_=>1), @Known_formatting_codes);
@Known_directives       = qw(head1 head2 head3 head4 item over back); 
%Known_directives       = map(($_=>'Plain'), @Known_directives);
$NL = $/ unless defined $NL;

# Set up some constants:

  if(defined &ASCII)    { }
  elsif(chr(65) eq 'A') { *ASCII = sub () {1}  }
  else                  { *ASCII = sub () {''} }

  unless(defined &MANY_LINES) { *MANY_LINES = sub () {20} }
  DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "MANY_LINES is ", MANY_LINES(), "\n";
  unless(MANY_LINES() >= 1) {
    die "MANY_LINES is too small (", MANY_LINES(), ")!\nAborting";
  if(defined &UNICODE) { }
  elsif($] >= 5.008)   { *UNICODE = sub() {1}  }
  else                 { *UNICODE = sub() {''} }
if(DEBUG > 2) {
  print STDERR "# We are ", ASCII ? '' : 'not ', "in ASCII-land\n";
  print STDERR "# We are under a Unicode-safe Perl.\n";

# The NO BREAK SPACE and SOFT HYHPEN are used in several submodules.
if ($] ge 5.007_003) {  # On sufficiently modern Perls we can handle any
                        # character set
  $Pod::Simple::nbsp = chr utf8::unicode_to_native(0xA0);
  $Pod::Simple::shy  = chr utf8::unicode_to_native(0xAD);
elsif (Pod::Simple::ASCII) {  # Hard code ASCII early Perl
  $Pod::Simple::nbsp = "\xA0";
  $Pod::Simple::shy  = "\xAD";
else { # EBCDIC on early Perl.  We know what the values are for the code
        # pages supported then.
  $Pod::Simple::nbsp = "\x41";
  $Pod::Simple::shy  = "\xCA";

# Design note:
# This is a parser for Pod.  It is not a parser for the set of Pod-like
#  languages which happens to contain Pod -- it is just for Pod, plus possibly
#  some extensions.

# @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

  'nbsp_for_S',        # Whether to map S<...>'s to \xA0 characters
  'source_filename',   # Filename of the source, for use in warnings
  'source_dead',       # Whether to consider this parser's source dead

  'output_fh',         # The filehandle we're writing to, if applicable.
                       # Used only in some derived classes.

  'hide_line_numbers', # For some dumping subclasses: whether to pointedly
                       # suppress the start_line attribute

  'line_count',        # the current line number
  'pod_para_count',    # count of pod paragraphs seen so far

  'no_whining',        # whether to suppress whining
  'no_errata_section', # whether to suppress the errata section
  'complain_stderr',   # whether to complain to stderr

  'doc_has_started',   # whether we've fired the open-Document event yet

  'bare_output',       # For some subclasses: whether to prepend
                       #  header-code and postpend footer-code

  'keep_encoding_directive',  # whether to emit =encoding
  'nix_X_codes',       # whether to ignore X<...> codes
  'merge_text',        # whether to avoid breaking a single piece of
                       #  text up into several events

  'preserve_whitespace', # whether to try to keep whitespace as-is
  'strip_verbatim_indent', # What indent to strip from verbatim

  'parse_characters',  # Whether parser should expect chars rather than octets

 'content_seen',      # whether we've seen any real Pod content
 'errors_seen',       # TODO: document.  whether we've seen any errors (fatal or not)

 'codes_in_verbatim', # for PseudoPod extensions

 'code_handler',      # coderef to call when a code (non-pod) line is seen
 'cut_handler',       # ... when a =cut line is seen
 'pod_handler',       # ... when a =pod line is seen
 'whiteline_handler', # ... when a line with only whitespace is seen
 #Called like:
 # $code_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $code_handler;
 #  $cut_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $cut_handler;
 #  $pod_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $pod_handler;
 #   $wl_handler->($line, $self->{'line_count'}, $self) if $wl_handler;
 'parse_empty_lists', # whether to acknowledge empty =over/=back blocks
 'raw_mode',          # to report entire raw lines instead of Pod elements


sub any_errata_seen {  # good for using as an exit() value...
  return shift->{'errors_seen'} || 0;

sub errata_seen {
  return shift->{'all_errata'} || {};

# Returns the encoding only if it was recognized as being handled and set
sub detected_encoding {
  return shift->{'detected_encoding'};

sub encoding {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{'encoding'} unless @_;  # GET.

  $this->_handle_encoding_line("=encoding $_[0]");
  if ($this->{'_processed_encoding'}) {
    delete $this->{'_processed_encoding'};
    if(! $this->{'encoding_command_statuses'} ) {
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " CRAZY ERROR: encoding wasn't really handled?!\n";
    } elsif( $this->{'encoding_command_statuses'}[-1] ) {
      $this->scream( "=encoding $_[0]",
         sprintf "Couldn't do %s: %s",
         $this->{'encoding_command_reqs'  }[-1],
    } else {
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " (encoding successfully handled.)\n";
    return $this->{'encoding'};
  } else {
    return undef;

# Pull in some functions that, for some reason, I expect to see here too:
  *pretty        = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::pretty;
  *stringify_lol = \&Pod::Simple::BlackBox::stringify_lol;


sub version_report {
  my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
  if($class eq __PACKAGE__) {
    return "$class $VERSION";
  } else {
    my $v = $class->VERSION;
    return "$class $v (" . __PACKAGE__ . " $VERSION)";


#sub curr_open { # read-only list accessor
#  return @{ $_[0]{'curr_open'} || return() };
#sub _curr_open_listref { $_[0]{'curr_open'} ||= [] }

sub output_string {
  # Works by faking out output_fh.  Simplifies our code.
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{'output_string'} unless @_;  # GET.
  require Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH;
  my $x = (defined($_[0]) and ref($_[0])) ? $_[0] : \( $_[0] );
  $$x = '' unless defined $$x;
  DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "# Output string set to $x ($$x)\n";
  $this->{'output_fh'} = Pod::Simple::TiedOutFH->handle_on($_[0]);
    $this->{'output_string'} = $_[0];
    #${ ${ $this->{'output_fh'} } };

sub abandon_output_string { $_[0]->abandon_output_fh; delete $_[0]{'output_string'} }
sub abandon_output_fh     { $_[0]->output_fh(undef) }
# These don't delete the string or close the FH -- they just delete our
#  references to it/them.
# TODO: document these


sub new {
  # takes no parameters
  my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
  #Carp::croak(__PACKAGE__ . " is a virtual base class -- see perldoc "
  #  . __PACKAGE__ );
  return bless {
    'accept_codes'      => { map( ($_=>$_), @Known_formatting_codes ) },
    'accept_directives' => { %Known_directives },
    'accept_targets'    => {},
  }, $class;

# TODO: an option for whether to interpolate E<...>'s, or just resolve to codes.


sub _handle_element_start {     # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
  my($self, $element_name, $attr_hash_r) = @_;

sub _handle_element_end {       # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
  my($self, $element_name) = @_;

sub _handle_text          {     # OVERRIDE IN DERIVED CLASS
  my($self, $text) = @_;

# And now directives (not targets)

sub accept_directive_as_verbatim  { shift->_accept_directives('Verbatim', @_) }
sub accept_directive_as_data      { shift->_accept_directives('Data',     @_) }
sub accept_directive_as_processed { shift->_accept_directives('Plain',    @_) }

sub _accept_directives {
  my($this, $type) = splice @_,0,2;
  foreach my $d (@_) {
    next unless defined $d and length $d;
    Carp::croak "\"$d\" isn't a valid directive name"
     unless $d =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/s;
    Carp::croak "\"$d\" is already a reserved Pod directive name"
     if exists $Known_directives{$d};
    $this->{'accept_directives'}{$d} = $type;
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Learning to accept \"=$d\" as directive of type $type\n";
  DEBUG > 6 and print STDERR "$this\'s accept_directives : ",
   pretty($this->{'accept_directives'}), "\n";
  return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_directives'} } if wantarray;

# TODO: document these:

sub unaccept_directive { shift->unaccept_directives(@_) };

sub unaccept_directives {
  my $this = shift;
  foreach my $d (@_) {
    next unless defined $d and length $d;
    Carp::croak "\"$d\" isn't a valid directive name"
     unless $d =~ m/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$/s;
    Carp::croak "But you must accept \"$d\" directives -- it's a builtin!"
     if exists $Known_directives{$d};
    delete $this->{'accept_directives'}{$d};
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "OK, won't accept \"=$d\" as directive.\n";
  return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_directives'} } if wantarray;

# And now targets (not directives)

sub accept_target         { shift->accept_targets(@_)         } # alias
sub accept_target_as_text { shift->accept_targets_as_text(@_) } # alias

sub accept_targets         { shift->_accept_targets('1', @_) }

sub accept_targets_as_text { shift->_accept_targets('force_resolve', @_) }
 # forces them to be processed, even when there's no ":".

sub _accept_targets {
  my($this, $type) = splice @_,0,2;
  foreach my $t (@_) {
    next unless defined $t and length $t;
    # TODO: enforce some limitations on what a target name can be?
    $this->{'accept_targets'}{$t} = $type;
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Learning to accept \"$t\" as target of type $type\n";
  return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_targets'} } if wantarray;

sub unaccept_target         { shift->unaccept_targets(@_) }

sub unaccept_targets {
  my $this = shift;
  foreach my $t (@_) {
    next unless defined $t and length $t;
    # TODO: enforce some limitations on what a target name can be?
    delete $this->{'accept_targets'}{$t};
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "OK, won't accept \"$t\" as target.\n";
  return sort keys %{ $this->{'accept_targets'} } if wantarray;

# And now codes (not targets or directives)

# XXX Probably it is an error that the digit '9' is excluded from these re's.
# Broken for early Perls on EBCDIC
my $xml_name_re = eval "qr/[^-.0-8:A-Z_a-z[:^ascii:]]/";
if (! defined $xml_name_re) {
    $xml_name_re = qr/[\x00-\x2C\x2F\x39\x3B-\x40\x5B-\x5E\x60\x7B-\x7F]/;

sub accept_code { shift->accept_codes(@_) } # alias

sub accept_codes {  # Add some codes
  my $this = shift;
  foreach my $new_code (@_) {
    next unless defined $new_code and length $new_code;
    # A good-enough check that it's good as an XML Name symbol:
    Carp::croak "\"$new_code\" isn't a valid element name"
      if $new_code =~ $xml_name_re
          # Characters under 0x80 that aren't legal in an XML Name.
      or $new_code =~ m/^[-\.0-9]/s
      or $new_code =~ m/:[-\.0-9]/s;
          # The legal under-0x80 Name characters that
          #  an XML Name still can't start with.

    $this->{'accept_codes'}{$new_code} = $new_code;

    # Yes, map to itself -- just so that when we
    #  see "=extend W [whatever] thatelementname", we say that W maps
    #  to whatever $this->{accept_codes}{thatelementname} is,
    #  i.e., "thatelementname".  Then when we go re-mapping,
    #  a "W" in the treelet turns into "thatelementname".  We only
    #  remap once.
    # If we say we accept "W", then a "W" in the treelet simply turns
    #  into "W".

sub unaccept_code { shift->unaccept_codes(@_) }

sub unaccept_codes { # remove some codes
  my $this = shift;
  foreach my $new_code (@_) {
    next unless defined $new_code and length $new_code;
    # A good-enough check that it's good as an XML Name symbol:
    Carp::croak "\"$new_code\" isn't a valid element name"
      if $new_code =~ $xml_name_re
          # Characters under 0x80 that aren't legal in an XML Name.
      or $new_code =~ m/^[-\.0-9]/s
      or $new_code =~ m/:[-\.0-9]/s;
          # The legal under-0x80 Name characters that
          #  an XML Name still can't start with.

    Carp::croak "But you must accept \"$new_code\" codes -- it's a builtin!"
     if grep $new_code eq $_, @Known_formatting_codes;

    delete $this->{'accept_codes'}{$new_code};

    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "OK, won't accept the code $new_code<...>.\n";


sub parse_string_document {
  my $self = shift;
  my @lines;
  foreach my $line_group (@_) {
    next unless defined $line_group and length $line_group;
    pos($line_group) = 0;
    while($line_group =~
      m/([^\n\r]*)(\r?\n?)/g # supports \r, \n ,\r\n
    ) {
      #print(">> $1\n"),
       if length($1) or length($2)
        or pos($line_group) != length($line_group);
       # I.e., unless it's a zero-length "empty line" at the very
       #  end of "foo\nbar\n" (i.e., between the \n and the EOS).
  $self->parse_lines(undef); # to signal EOF
  return $self;

sub _init_fh_source {
  my($self, $source) = @_;

  #DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Declaring $source as :raw for starters\n";
  #$self->_apply_binmode($source, ':raw');
  #binmode($source, ":raw");



sub parse_file {
  my($self, $source) = (@_);

  if(!defined $source) {
    Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for parse_file");
  } elsif(ref(\$source) eq 'GLOB') {
    $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($source);
  } elsif(ref $source) {
    $self->{'source_filename'} = '' . ($source);
  } elsif(!length $source) {
    Carp::croak("Can't use empty-string as a source for parse_file");
  } else {
      local *PODSOURCE;
      open(PODSOURCE, "<$source") || Carp::croak("Can't open $source: $!");
      $self->{'source_filename'} = $source;
      $source = *PODSOURCE{IO};
  # By here, $source is a FH.

  $self->{'source_fh'} = $source;

  my($i, @lines);
  until( $self->{'source_dead'} ) {
    splice @lines;

    for($i = MANY_LINES; $i--;) {  # read those many lines at a time
      local $/ = $NL;
      push @lines, scalar(<$source>);  # readline
      last unless defined $lines[-1];
       # but pass thru the undef, which will set source_dead to true

    my $at_eof = ! $lines[-1]; # keep track of the undef
    pop @lines if $at_eof; # silence warnings

    # be eol agnostic
    s/\r\n?/\n/g for @lines;
    # make sure there are only one line elements for parse_lines
    @lines = split(/(?<=\n)/, join('', @lines));

    # push the undef back after popping it to set source_dead to true
    push @lines, undef if $at_eof;

  delete($self->{'source_fh'}); # so it can be GC'd
  return $self;


sub parse_from_file {
  # An emulation of Pod::Parser's interface, for the sake of Perldoc.
  # Basically just a wrapper around parse_file.

  my($self, $source, $to) = @_;
  $self = $self->new unless ref($self); # so we tolerate being a class method
  if(!defined $source)             { $source = *STDIN{IO}
  } elsif(ref(\$source) eq 'GLOB') { # stet
  } elsif(ref($source)           ) { # stet
  } elsif(!length $source
     or $source eq '-' or $source =~ m/^<&(?:STDIN|0)$/i
  ) { 
    $source = *STDIN{IO};

  if(!defined $to) {             $self->output_fh( *STDOUT{IO}   );
  } elsif(ref(\$to) eq 'GLOB') { $self->output_fh( $to );
  } elsif(ref($to)) {            $self->output_fh( $to );
  } elsif(!length $to
     or $to eq '-' or $to =~ m/^>&?(?:STDOUT|1)$/i
  ) {
    $self->output_fh( *STDOUT{IO} );
  } elsif($to =~ m/^>&(?:STDERR|2)$/i) {
    $self->output_fh( *STDERR{IO} );
  } else {
    require Symbol;
    my $out_fh = Symbol::gensym();
    DEBUG and print STDERR "Write-opening to $to\n";
    open($out_fh, ">$to")  or  Carp::croak "Can't write-open $to: $!";
     if $self->can('write_with_binmode') and $self->write_with_binmode;

  return $self->parse_file($source);


sub whine {
  #my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
  my $self = shift(@_);
  if($self->{'no_whining'}) {
    DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR "Discarding complaint (at line $_[0]) $_[1]\n because no_whining is on.\n";
  push @{$self->{'all_errata'}{$_[0]}}, $_[1];
  return $self->_complain_warn(@_) if $self->{'complain_stderr'};
  return $self->_complain_errata(@_);

sub scream {    # like whine, but not suppressible
  #my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
  my $self = shift(@_);
  push @{$self->{'all_errata'}{$_[0]}}, $_[1];
  return $self->_complain_warn(@_) if $self->{'complain_stderr'};
  return $self->_complain_errata(@_);

sub _complain_warn {
  my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
  return printf STDERR "%s around line %s: %s\n",
    $self->{'source_filename'} || 'Pod input', $line, $complaint;

sub _complain_errata {
  my($self,$line,$complaint) = @_;
  if( $self->{'no_errata_section'} ) {
    DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR "Discarding erratum (at line $line) $complaint\n because no_errata_section is on.\n";
  } else {
    DEBUG > 9 and print STDERR "Queuing erratum (at line $line) $complaint\n";
    push @{$self->{'errata'}{$line}}, $complaint
      # for a report to be generated later!
  return 1;


sub _get_initial_item_type {
  # A hack-wrapper here for when you have like "=over\n\n=item 456\n\n"
  my($self, $para) = @_;
  return $para->[1]{'~type'}  if $para->[1]{'~type'};

  return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'text'
   if join("\n", @{$para}[2 .. $#$para]) =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/s and $1 ne '1';
  # Else fall thru to the general case:
  return $self->_get_item_type($para);

sub _get_item_type {       # mutates the item!!
  my($self, $para) = @_;
  return $para->[1]{'~type'} if $para->[1]{'~type'};

  # Otherwise we haven't yet been to this node.  Maybe alter it...
  my $content = join "\n", @{$para}[2 .. $#$para];

  if($content =~ m/^\s*\*\s*$/s or $content =~ m/^\s*$/s) {
    # Like: "=item *", "=item   *   ", "=item"
    splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
    $para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
    return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'bullet';

  } elsif($content =~ m/^\s*\*\s+(.+)/s) {  # tolerance
    # Like: "=item * Foo bar baz";
    $para->[1]{'~orig_content'}      = $content;
    $para->[1]{'~_freaky_para_hack'} = $1;
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " Tolerating $$para[2] as =item *\\n\\n$1\n";
    splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
    return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'bullet';

  } elsif($content =~ m/^\s*(\d+)\.?\s*$/s) {
    # Like: "=item 1.", "=item    123412"
    $para->[1]{'~orig_content'} = $content;
    $para->[1]{'number'} = $1;  # Yes, stores the number there!

    splice @$para, 2; # so it ends up just being ['=item', { attrhash } ]
    return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'number';
  } else {
    # It's anything else.
    return $para->[1]{'~type'} = 'text';



sub _make_treelet {
  my $self = shift;  # and ($para, $start_line)
  my $treelet;
  if(!@_) {
    return [''];
  } if(ref $_[0] and ref $_[0][0] and $_[0][0][0] eq '~Top') {
    # Hack so we can pass in fake-o pre-cooked paragraphs:
    #  just have the first line be a reference to a ['~Top', {}, ...]
    # We use this feechure in gen_errata and stuff.

    DEBUG and print STDERR "Applying precooked treelet hack to $_[0][0]\n";
    $treelet = $_[0][0];
    splice @$treelet, 0, 2;  # lop the top off
    return $treelet;
  } else {
    $treelet = $self->_treelet_from_formatting_codes(@_);
  if( $self->_remap_sequences($treelet) ) {
    $self->_treat_Zs($treelet);  # Might as well nix these first
    $self->_treat_Ls($treelet);  # L has to precede E and S
    $self->_treat_Ss($treelet);  # S has to come after E

    $self->_wrap_up($treelet); # Nix X's and merge texties
  } else {
    DEBUG and print STDERR "Formatless treelet gets fast-tracked.\n";
     # Very common case!
  splice @$treelet, 0, 2;  # lop the top off

  return $treelet;


sub _wrap_up {
  my($self, @stack) = @_;
  my $nixx  = $self->{'nix_X_codes'};
  my $merge = $self->{'merge_text' };
  return unless $nixx or $merge;

  DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "\nStarting _wrap_up traversal.\n",
   $merge ? (" Merge mode on\n") : (),
   $nixx  ? (" Nix-X mode on\n") : (),

  my($i, $treelet);
  while($treelet = shift @stack) {
    DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR " Considering children of this $treelet->[0] node...\n";
    for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
      DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR " Considering child at $i ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), "\n";
      if($nixx and ref $treelet->[$i] and $treelet->[$i][0] eq 'X') {
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "   Nixing X node at $i\n";
        splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # just nix this node (and its descendants)
        # no need to back-update the counter just yet

      } elsif($merge and $i != 2 and  # non-initial
         !ref $treelet->[$i] and !ref $treelet->[$i - 1]
      ) {
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "   Merging ", $i-1,
         ":[$treelet->[$i-1]] and $i\:[$treelet->[$i]]\n";
        $treelet->[$i-1] .= ( splice(@$treelet, $i, 1) )[0];
        DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "    Now: ", $i-1, ":[$treelet->[$i-1]]\n";
        # since we just pulled the possibly last node out from under
        #  ourselves, we can't just redo()

      } elsif( ref $treelet->[$i] ) {
        DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "  Enqueuing ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), " for traversal.\n";
        push @stack, $treelet->[$i];

        if($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
          my $thing;
          foreach my $attrname ('section', 'to') {        
            if(defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing) {
              unshift @stack, $thing;
              DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "  +Enqueuing ",
               pretty( $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname} ),
               " as an attribute value to tweak.\n";
  DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "End of _wrap_up traversal.\n\n";



sub _remap_sequences {
  my($self,@stack) = @_;
  if(@stack == 1 and @{ $stack[0] } == 3 and !ref $stack[0][2]) {
    # VERY common case: abort it.
    DEBUG and print STDERR "Skipping _remap_sequences: formatless treelet.\n";
    return 0;
  my $map = ($self->{'accept_codes'} || die "NO accept_codes in $self?!?");

  my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};
  DEBUG > 2 and printf
   "\nAbout to start _remap_sequences on treelet from line %s.\n",
   $start_line || '[?]'
  DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR " Map: ",
    join('; ', map "$_=" . (
        ref($map->{$_}) ? join(",", @{$map->{$_}}) : $map->{$_}
      sort keys %$map ),
    ("B~C~E~F~I~L~S~X~Z" eq join '~', sort keys %$map)
     ? "  (all normal)\n" : "\n"

  # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively!  Whee!
  my($is, $was, $i, $treelet); # scratch
  while($treelet = shift @stack) {
    DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR " Considering children of this $treelet->[0] node...\n";
    for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
      next unless ref $treelet->[$i];  # text nodes are uninteresting
      DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "  Noting child $i : $treelet->[$i][0]<...>\n";
      $is = $treelet->[$i][0] = $map->{ $was = $treelet->[$i][0] };
      if( DEBUG > 3 ) {
        if(!defined $is) {
          print STDERR "   Code $was<> is UNKNOWN!\n";
        } elsif($is eq $was) {
          DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "   Code $was<> stays the same.\n";
        } else  {
          print STDERR "   Code $was<> maps to ",
            ? ( "tags ", map("$_<", @$is), '...', map('>', @$is), "\n" )
            : "tag $is<...>.\n";
      if(!defined $is) {
        $self->whine($start_line, "Deleting unknown formatting code $was<>");
        $is = $treelet->[$i][0] = '1';  # But saving the children!
        # I could also insert a leading "$was<" and tailing ">" as
        # children of this node, but something about that seems icky.
      if(ref $is) {
        my @dynasty = @$is;
        DEBUG > 4 and print STDERR "    Renaming $was node to $dynasty[-1]\n";
        $treelet->[$i][0] = pop @dynasty;
        my $nugget;
        while(@dynasty) {
          DEBUG > 4 and printf
           "    Grafting a new %s node between %s and %s\n",
           $dynasty[-1], $treelet->[0], $treelet->[$i][0], 
          #$nugget = ;
          splice @$treelet, $i, 1, [pop(@dynasty), {}, $treelet->[$i]];
            # relace node with a new parent
      } elsif($is eq '0') {
        splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # just nix this node (and its descendants)
        --$i;  # back-update the counter
      } elsif($is eq '1') {
        splice(@$treelet, $i, 1 # replace this node with its children!
          => splice @{ $treelet->[$i] },2
              # (not catching its first two (non-child) items)
        --$i;  # back up for new stuff
      } else {
        # otherwise it's unremarkable
        unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i];  # just recurse
  DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "End of _remap_sequences traversal.\n\n";

  if(@_ == 2 and @{ $_[1] } == 3 and !ref $_[1][2]) {
    DEBUG and print STDERR "Noting that the treelet is now formatless.\n";
    return 0;
  return 1;

# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sub _ponder_extend {

  # "Go to an extreme, move back to a more comfortable place"
  #  -- /Oblique Strategies/,  Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt
  my($self, $para) = @_;
  my $content = join ' ', splice @$para, 2;
  $content =~ s/^\s+//s;
  $content =~ s/\s+$//s;

  DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Ogling extensor: =extend $content\n";

  if($content =~
      (\S+)         # 1 : new item
      (\S+)         # 2 : fallback(s)
      (?:\s+(\S+))? # 3 : element name(s)
  ) {
    my $new_letter = $1;
    my $fallbacks_one = $2;
    my $elements_one;
    $elements_one = defined($3) ? $3 : $1;

    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Extensor has good syntax.\n";

    unless($new_letter =~ m/^[A-Z]$/s or $new_letter) {
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " $new_letter isn't a valid thing to entend.\n";
        "You can extend only formatting codes A-Z, not like \"$new_letter\""
    if(grep $new_letter eq $_, @Known_formatting_codes) {
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR " $new_letter isn't a good thing to extend, because known.\n";
        "You can't extend an established code like \"$new_letter\""
      #TODO: or allow if last bit is same?

    unless($fallbacks_one =~ m/^[A-Z](,[A-Z])*$/s  # like "B", "M,I", etc.
      or $fallbacks_one eq '0' or $fallbacks_one eq '1'
    ) {
        "Format for second =extend parameter must be like"
        . " M or 1 or 0 or M,N or M,N,O but you have it like "
        . $fallbacks_one
    unless($elements_one =~ m/^[^ ,]+(,[^ ,]+)*$/s) { # like "B", "M,I", etc.
        "Format for third =extend parameter: like foo or bar,Baz,qu:ux but not like "
        . $elements_one

    my @fallbacks  = split ',', $fallbacks_one,  -1;
    my @elements   = split ',', $elements_one, -1;

    foreach my $f (@fallbacks) {
      next if exists $Known_formatting_codes{$f} or $f eq '0' or $f eq '1';
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "  Can't fall back on unknown code $f\n";
        "Can't use unknown formatting code '$f' as a fallback for '$new_letter'"

    DEBUG > 3 and printf STDERR "Extensor: Fallbacks <%s> Elements <%s>.\n",
     @fallbacks, @elements;

    my $canonical_form;
    foreach my $e (@elements) {
      if(exists $self->{'accept_codes'}{$e}) {
        DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Mapping '$new_letter' to known extension '$e'\n";
        $canonical_form = $e;
        last; # first acceptable elementname wins!
      } else {
        DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Can't map '$new_letter' to unknown extension '$e'\n";

    if( defined $canonical_form ) {
      # We found a good N => elementname mapping
      $self->{'accept_codes'}{$new_letter} = $canonical_form;
      DEBUG > 2 and print
       "Extensor maps $new_letter => known element $canonical_form.\n";
    } else {
      # We have to use the fallback(s), which might be '0', or '1'.
        = (@fallbacks == 1) ? $fallbacks[0] : \@fallbacks;
      DEBUG > 2 and print
       "Extensor maps $new_letter => fallbacks @fallbacks.\n";

  } else {
    DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "Extensor has bad syntax.\n";
      "Unknown =extend syntax: $content"


sub _treat_Zs {  # Nix Z<...>'s
  my($self,@stack) = @_;

  my($i, $treelet);
  my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};

  # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively!  Whee!

  while($treelet = shift @stack) {
    for($i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
      next unless ref $treelet->[$i];  # text nodes are uninteresting
      unless($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'Z') {
        unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Nixing Z node @{$treelet->[$i]}\n";
      # bitch UNLESS it's empty
      unless(  @{$treelet->[$i]} == 2
           or (@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq '')
      ) {
        $self->whine( $start_line, "A non-empty Z<>" );
      }      # but kill it anyway
      splice(@$treelet, $i, 1); # thereby just nix this node.

# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

# Quoting perlpodspec:

# In parsing an L<...> code, Pod parsers must distinguish at least four
# attributes:

############# Not used.  Expressed via the element children plus
#############  the value of the "content-implicit" flag.
# First:
# The link-text. If there is none, this must be undef. (E.g., in "L<Perl
# Functions|perlfunc>", the link-text is "Perl Functions". In
# "L<Time::HiRes>" and even "L<|Time::HiRes>", there is no link text. Note
# that link text may contain formatting.)

############# The element children
# Second:
# The possibly inferred link-text -- i.e., if there was no real link text,
# then this is the text that we'll infer in its place. (E.g., for
# "L<Getopt::Std>", the inferred link text is "Getopt::Std".)

############# The "to" attribute (which might be text, or a treelet)
# Third:
# The name or URL, or undef if none. (E.g., in "L<Perl
# Functions|perlfunc>", the name -- also sometimes called the page -- is
# "perlfunc". In "L</CAVEATS>", the name is undef.)

############# The "section" attribute (which might be next, or a treelet)
# Fourth:
# The section (AKA "item" in older perlpods), or undef if none. E.g., in
# Getopt::Std/DESCRIPTION, "DESCRIPTION" is the section. (Note that this
# is not the same as a manpage section like the "5" in "man 5 crontab".
# "Section Foo" in the Pod sense means the part of the text that's
# introduced by the heading or item whose text is "Foo".)
# Pod parsers may also note additional attributes including:

############# The "type" attribute.
# Fifth:
# A flag for whether item 3 (if present) is a URL (like
# "http://lists.perl.org" is), in which case there should be no section
# attribute; a Pod name (like "perldoc" and "Getopt::Std" are); or
# possibly a man page name (like "crontab(5)" is).

############# The "raw" attribute that is already there.
# Sixth:
# The raw original L<...> content, before text is split on "|", "/", etc,
# and before E<...> codes are expanded.

# For L<...> codes without a "name|" part, only E<...> and Z<> codes may
# occur -- no other formatting codes. That is, authors should not use
# "L<B<Foo::Bar>>".
# Note, however, that formatting codes and Z<>'s can occur in any and all
# parts of an L<...> (i.e., in name, section, text, and url).

sub _treat_Ls {  # Process our dear dear friends, the L<...> sequences

  # L<name>
  # L<name/"sec"> or L<name/sec>
  # L</"sec"> or L</sec> or L<"sec">
  # L<text|name>
  # L<text|name/"sec"> or L<text|name/sec>
  # L<text|/"sec"> or L<text|/sec> or L<text|"sec">
  # L<scheme:...>
  # L<text|scheme:...>

  my($self,@stack) = @_;

  my($i, $treelet);
  my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};

  # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively!  Whee!

  while($treelet = shift @stack) {
    for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) {
      # iterate over children of current tree node
      next unless ref $treelet->[$i];  # text nodes are uninteresting
      unless($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
        unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
      # By here, $treelet->[$i] is definitely an L node
      my $ell = $treelet->[$i];
      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Ogling L node $ell\n";
      # bitch if it's empty
      if(  @{$ell} == 2
       or (@{$ell} == 3 and $ell->[2] eq '')
      ) {
        $self->whine( $start_line, "An empty L<>" );
        $treelet->[$i] = 'L<>';  # just make it a text node
        next;  # and move on

      if( (! ref $ell->[2]  && $ell->[2] =~ /\A\s/)
        ||(! ref $ell->[-1] && $ell->[-1] =~ /\s\z/)
      ) {
        $self->whine( $start_line, "L<> starts or ends with whitespace" );
      # Catch URLs:

      # there are a number of possible cases:
      # 1) text node containing url: http://foo.com
      #   -> [ 'http://foo.com' ]
      # 2) text node containing url and text: foo|http://foo.com
      #   -> [ 'foo|http://foo.com' ]
      # 3) text node containing url start: mailto:xE<at>foo.com
      #   -> [ 'mailto:x', [ E ... ], 'foo.com' ]
      # 4) text node containing url start and text: foo|mailto:xE<at>foo.com
      #   -> [ 'foo|mailto:x', [ E ... ], 'foo.com' ]
      # 5) other nodes containing text and url start: OE<39>Malley|http://foo.com
      #   -> [ 'O', [ E ... ], 'Malley', '|http://foo.com' ]
      # ... etc.

      # anything before the url is part of the text.
      # anything after it is part of the url.
      # the url text node itself may contain parts of both.

      if (my ($url_index, $text_part, $url_part) =
        # grep is no good here; we want to bail out immediately so that we can
        # use $1, $2, etc. without having to do the match twice.
        sub {
          for (2..$#$ell) {
            next if ref $ell->[$_];
            next unless $ell->[$_] =~ m/^(?:([^|]*)\|)?(\w+:[^:\s]\S*)$/s;
            return ($_, $1, $2);
      ) {
        $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'url';

        my @text = @{$ell}[2..$url_index-1];
        push @text, $text_part if defined $text_part;

        my @url  = @{$ell}[$url_index+1..$#$ell];
        unshift @url, $url_part;

        unless (@text) {
          $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
          @text = @url;

        $ell->[1]{to} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
          @url == 1
          ? $url[0]
          : [ '', {}, @url ],

        splice @$ell, 2, $#$ell, @text;

      # Catch some very simple and/or common cases
      if(@{$ell} == 3 and ! ref $ell->[2]) {
        my $it = $ell->[2];
        if($it =~ m{^[^/|]+[(][-a-zA-Z0-9]+[)]$}s) { # man sections
          # Hopefully neither too broad nor too restrictive a RE
          DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Catching \"$it\" as manpage link.\n";
          $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'man';
          # This's the only place where man links can get made.
          $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
          $ell->[1]{'to'  } =
            Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new( $it ); # treelet!

        if($it =~ m/^[^\/\|,\$\%\@\ \"\<\>\:\#\&\*\{\}\[\]\(\)]+(\:\:[^\/\|,\$\%\@\ \"\<\>\:\#\&\*\{\}\[\]\(\)]+)*$/s) {
          # Extremely forgiving idea of what constitutes a bare
          #  modulename link like L<Foo::Bar> or even L<Thing::1.0::Docs::Tralala>
          DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Catching \"$it\" as ho-hum L<Modulename> link.\n";
          $ell->[1]{'type'} = 'pod';
          $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
          $ell->[1]{'to'  } =
            Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new( $it ); # treelet!
        # else fall thru...

      # ...Uhoh, here's the real L<...> parsing stuff...
      # "With the ill behavior, with the ill behavior, with the ill behavior..."

      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Running a real parse on this non-trivial L\n";
      my $link_text; # set to an arrayref if found
      my @ell_content = @$ell;
      splice @ell_content,0,2; # Knock off the 'L' and {} bits

      DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR " Ell content to start: ",
       pretty(@ell_content), "\n";

      # Look for the "|" -- only in CHILDREN (not all underlings!)
      # Like L<I like the strictness|strict>
      DEBUG > 3 and
         print STDERR "  Peering at L content for a '|' ...\n";
      for(my $j = 0; $j < @ell_content; ++$j) {
        next if ref $ell_content[$j];
        DEBUG > 3 and
         print STDERR "    Peering at L-content text bit \"$ell_content[$j]\" for a '|'.\n";

        if($ell_content[$j] =~ m/^([^\|]*)\|(.*)$/s) {
          my @link_text = ($1);   # might be 0-length
          $ell_content[$j] = $2;  # might be 0-length

          DEBUG > 3 and
           print STDERR "     FOUND a '|' in it.  Splitting into [$1] + [$2]\n";

          if ($link_text[0] =~ m{[|/]}) {
              "alternative text '$link_text[0]' contains non-escaped | or /"

          unshift @link_text, splice @ell_content, 0, $j;
            # leaving only things at J and after
          @ell_content =  grep ref($_)||length($_), @ell_content ;
          $link_text   = [grep ref($_)||length($_), @link_text  ];
          DEBUG > 3 and printf
           "  So link text is %s\n  and remaining ell content is %s\n",
            pretty($link_text), pretty(@ell_content);
      # Now look for the "/" -- only in CHILDREN (not all underlings!)
      # And afterward, anything left in @ell_content will be the raw name
      # Like L<Foo::Bar/Object Methods>
      my $section_name;  # set to arrayref if found
      DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "  Peering at L-content for a '/' ...\n";
      for(my $j = 0; $j < @ell_content; ++$j) {
        next if ref $ell_content[$j];
        DEBUG > 3 and
         print STDERR "    Peering at L-content text bit \"$ell_content[$j]\" for a '/'.\n";

        if($ell_content[$j] =~ m/^([^\/]*)\/(.*)$/s) {
          my @section_name = ($2); # might be 0-length
          $ell_content[$j] =  $1;  # might be 0-length

          DEBUG > 3 and
           print STDERR "     FOUND a '/' in it.",
             "  Splitting to page [...$1] + section [$2...]\n";

          push @section_name, splice @ell_content, 1+$j;
            # leaving only things before and including J
          @ell_content  = grep ref($_)||length($_), @ell_content  ;
          @section_name = grep ref($_)||length($_), @section_name ;

          # Turn L<.../"foo"> into L<.../foo>
            and !ref($section_name[0]) and !ref($section_name[-1])
            and $section_name[ 0] =~ m/^\"/s
            and $section_name[-1] =~ m/\"$/s
            and !( # catch weird degenerate case of L<"> !
              @section_name == 1 and $section_name[0] eq '"'
          ) {
            $section_name[ 0] =~ s/^\"//s;
            $section_name[-1] =~ s/\"$//s;
            DEBUG > 3 and
             print STDERR "     Quotes removed: ", pretty(@section_name), "\n";
          } else {
            DEBUG > 3 and
             print STDERR "     No need to remove quotes in ", pretty(@section_name), "\n";

          $section_name = \@section_name;

      # Turn L<"Foo Bar"> into L</Foo Bar>
      if(!$section_name and @ell_content
         and !ref($ell_content[0]) and !ref($ell_content[-1])
         and $ell_content[ 0] =~ m/^\"/s
         and $ell_content[-1] =~ m/\"$/s
         and !( # catch weird degenerate case of L<"> !
           @ell_content == 1 and $ell_content[0] eq '"'
      ) {
        $section_name = [splice @ell_content];
        $section_name->[ 0] =~ s/^\"//s;
        $section_name->[-1] =~ s/\"$//s;

      # Turn L<Foo Bar> into L</Foo Bar>.
      if(!$section_name and !$link_text and @ell_content
         and grep !ref($_) && m/ /s, @ell_content
      ) {
        $section_name = [splice @ell_content];
        # That's support for the now-deprecated syntax.
        # (Maybe generate a warning eventually?)
        # Note that it deliberately won't work on L<...|Foo Bar>

      # Now make up the link_text
      # L<Foo>     -> L<Foo|Foo>
      # L</Bar>    -> L<"Bar"|Bar>
      # L<Foo/Bar> -> L<"Bar" in Foo/Foo>
      unless($link_text) {
        $ell->[1]{'content-implicit'} = 'yes';
        $link_text = [];
        push @$link_text, '"', @$section_name, '"' if $section_name;

        if(@ell_content) {
          $link_text->[-1] .= ' in ' if $section_name;
          push @$link_text, @ell_content;

      # And the E resolver will have to deal with all our treeletty things:

      if(@ell_content == 1 and !ref($ell_content[0])
         and $ell_content[0] =~ m{^[^/]+[(][-a-zA-Z0-9]+[)]$}s
      ) {
        $ell->[1]{'type'}    = 'man';
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Considering this ($ell_content[0]) a man link.\n";
      } else {
        $ell->[1]{'type'}    = 'pod';
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "Considering this a pod link (not man or url).\n";

      if( defined $section_name ) {
        $ell->[1]{'section'} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
          ['', {}, @$section_name]
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "L-section content: ", pretty($ell->[1]{'section'}), "\n";

      if( @ell_content ) {
        $ell->[1]{'to'} = Pod::Simple::LinkSection->new(
          ['', {}, @ell_content]
        DEBUG > 3 and print STDERR "L-to content: ", pretty($ell->[1]{'to'}), "\n";
      # And update children to be the link-text:
      @$ell = (@$ell[0,1], defined($link_text) ? splice(@$link_text) : '');
      DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "End of L-parsing for this node $treelet->[$i]\n";

      unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # might as well recurse


# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sub _treat_Es {
  my($self,@stack) = @_;

  my($i, $treelet, $content, $replacer, $charnum);
  my $start_line = $stack[0][1]{'start_line'};

  # A recursive algorithm implemented iteratively!  Whee!

  # Has frightening side effects on L nodes' attributes.

  #my @ells_to_tweak;

  while($treelet = shift @stack) {
    for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) { # iterate over children
      next unless ref $treelet->[$i];  # text nodes are uninteresting
      if($treelet->[$i][0] eq 'L') {
        # SPECIAL STUFF for semi-processed L<>'s
        my $thing;
        foreach my $attrname ('section', 'to') {        
          if(defined($thing = $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname}) and ref $thing) {
            unshift @stack, $thing;
            DEBUG > 2 and print STDERR "  Enqueuing ",
             pretty( $treelet->[$i][1]{$attrname} ),
             " as an attribute value to tweak.\n";
        unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
      } elsif($treelet->[$i][0] ne 'E') {
        unshift @stack, $treelet->[$i]; # recurse
      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Ogling E node ", pretty($treelet->[$i]), "\n";

      # bitch if it's empty
      if(  @{$treelet->[$i]} == 2
       or (@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and $treelet->[$i][2] eq '')
      ) {
        $self->whine( $start_line, "An empty E<>" );
        $treelet->[$i] = 'E<>'; # splice in a literal
      # bitch if content is weird
      unless(@{$treelet->[$i]} == 3 and !ref($content = $treelet->[$i][2])) {
        $self->whine( $start_line, "An E<...> surrounding strange content" );
        $replacer = $treelet->[$i]; # scratch
        splice(@$treelet, $i, 1,   # fake out a literal
          splice(@$replacer,2), # promote its content
        # Don't need to do --$i, as the 'E<' we just added isn't interesting.

      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "Ogling E<$content>\n";

      # XXX E<>'s contents *should* be a valid char in the scope of the current
      # =encoding directive. Defaults to iso-8859-1, I believe. Fix this in the
      # future sometime.

      $charnum  = Pod::Escapes::e2charnum($content);
      DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Considering E<$content> with char ",
        defined($charnum) ? $charnum : "undef", ".\n";

      if(!defined( $charnum )) {
        DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "I don't know how to deal with E<$content>.\n";
        $self->whine( $start_line, "Unknown E content in E<$content>" );
        $replacer = "E<$content>"; # better than nothing
      } elsif($charnum >= 255 and !UNICODE) {
        $replacer = ASCII ? "\xA4" : "?";
        DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR "This Perl version can't handle ",
          "E<$content> (chr $charnum), so replacing with $replacer\n";
      } else {
        $replacer = Pod::Escapes::e2char($content);
        DEBUG > 1 and print STDERR " Replacing E<$content> with $replacer\n";

      splice(@$treelet, $i, 1, $replacer); # no need to back up $i, tho


# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sub _treat_Ss {
  my($self,$treelet) = @_;
  _change_S_to_nbsp($treelet,0) if $self->{'nbsp_for_S'};

  # TODO: or a change_nbsp_to_S
  #  Normalizing nbsp's to S is harder: for each text node, make S content
  #  out of anything matching m/([^ \xA0]*(?:\xA0+[^ \xA0]*)+)/


sub _change_S_to_nbsp { #  a recursive function
  # Sanely assumes that the top node in the excursion won't be an S node.
  my($treelet, $in_s) = @_;
  my $is_s = ('S' eq $treelet->[0]);
  $in_s ||= $is_s; # So in_s is on either by this being an S element,
                   #  or by an ancestor being an S element.

  for(my $i = 2; $i < @$treelet; ++$i) {
    if(ref $treelet->[$i]) {
      if( _change_S_to_nbsp( $treelet->[$i], $in_s ) ) {
        my $to_pull_up = $treelet->[$i];
        splice @$to_pull_up,0,2;   # ...leaving just its content
        splice @$treelet, $i, 1, @$to_pull_up;  # Pull up content
        $i +=  @$to_pull_up - 1;   # Make $i skip the pulled-up stuff
    } else {
      $treelet->[$i] =~ s/\s/$Pod::Simple::nbsp/g if $in_s;
       # Note that if you apply nbsp_for_S to text, and so turn
       # "foo S<bar baz> quux" into "foo bar&#160;faz quux", you
       # end up with something that fails to say "and don't hyphenate
       # any part of 'bar baz'".  However, hyphenation is such a vexing
       # problem anyway, that most Pod renderers just don't render it
       # at all.  But if you do want to implement hyphenation, I guess
       # that you'd better have nbsp_for_S off.

  return $is_s;


sub _accessorize {  # A simple-minded method-maker
  no strict 'refs';
  foreach my $attrname (@_) {
    next if $attrname =~ m/::/; # a hack
    *{caller() . '::' . $attrname} = sub {
      use strict;
      $Carp::CarpLevel = 1,  Carp::croak(
       "Accessor usage: \$obj->$attrname() or \$obj->$attrname(\$new_value)"
      ) unless (@_ == 1 or @_ == 2) and ref $_[0];
      (@_ == 1) ?  $_[0]->{$attrname}
                : ($_[0]->{$attrname} = $_[1]);
  # Ya know, they say accessories make the ensemble!

# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

sub filter {
  my($class, $source) = @_;
  my $new = $class->new;
  if(ref($source || '') eq 'SCALAR') {
    $new->parse_string_document( $$source );
  } elsif(ref($source)) {  # it's a file handle
  } else {  # it's a filename
  return $new;


sub _out {
  # For use in testing: Class->_out($source)
  #  returns the transformation of $source
  my $class = shift(@_);

  my $mutor = shift(@_) if @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE';

  DEBUG and print STDERR "\n\n", '#' x 76,
   "\nAbout to parse source: {{\n$_[0]\n}}\n\n";
  my $parser = ref $class && $class->isa(__PACKAGE__) ? $class : $class->new;

  my $out = '';
  $parser->output_string( \$out );
  DEBUG and print STDERR " _out to ", \$out, "\n";
  $mutor->($parser) if $mutor;

  $parser->parse_string_document( $_[0] );
  # use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper($parser), "\n";
  return $out;

sub _duo {
  # For use in testing: Class->_duo($source1, $source2)
  #  returns the parse trees of $source1 and $source2.
  # Good in things like: &ok( Class->duo(... , ...) );
  my $class = shift(@_);
  Carp::croak "But $class->_duo is useful only in list context!"
   unless wantarray;

  my $mutor = shift(@_) if @_ and ref($_[0] || '') eq 'CODE';

  Carp::croak "But $class->_duo takes two parameters, not: @_"
   unless @_ == 2;

  while( @_ ) {
    my $parser = $class->new;

    push @out, '';
    $parser->output_string( \( $out[-1] ) );

    DEBUG and print STDERR " _duo out to ", $parser->output_string(),
      " = $parser->{'output_string'}\n";

    $mutor->($parser) if $mutor;
    $parser->parse_string_document( shift( @_ ) );
    # use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper($parser), "\n";

  return @out;


A start_formatting_code and end_formatting_code methods, which in the
base class call start_L, end_L, start_C, end_C, etc., if they are

have the POD FORMATTING ERRORS section note the localtime, and the
version of Pod::Simple.

option to delete all E<shy>s?
option to scream if under-0x20 literals are found in the input, or
under-E<32> E codes are found in the tree. And ditto \x7f-\x9f

Option to turn highbit characters into their compromised form? (applies
to E parsing too)

TODO: BOM/encoding things.

TODO: ascii-compat things in the XML classes?


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Perldoc Folder 0755
Simple Folder 0755
Text Folder 0755
Checker.pm File 31.74 KB 0644
Escapes.pm File 17.47 KB 0644
Find.pm File 15.45 KB 0644
Functions.pm File 14.03 KB 0644
Html.pm File 23.82 KB 0644
InputObjects.pm File 26.87 KB 0644
Man.pm File 78.25 KB 0644
ParseLink.pm File 6.56 KB 0644
ParseUtils.pm File 20.68 KB 0644
Parser.pm File 64.23 KB 0644
Perldoc.pm File 63.58 KB 0644
PlainText.pm File 24.98 KB 0644
Select.pm File 23.93 KB 0644
Simple.pm File 52.66 KB 0644
Simple.pod File 13.89 KB 0644
Text.pm File 35.95 KB 0644
Usage.pm File 29.05 KB 0644