[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package TAP::Parser::Iterator;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'TAP::Object';

=head1 NAME

TAP::Parser::Iterator - Base class for TAP source iterators

=head1 VERSION

Version 3.38


our $VERSION = '3.38';


  # to subclass:
  use TAP::Parser::Iterator ();
  use base 'TAP::Parser::Iterator';
  sub _initialize {
    # see TAP::Object...

  sub next_raw { ... }
  sub wait     { ... }
  sub exit     { ... }


This is a simple iterator base class that defines L<TAP::Parser>'s iterator
API.  Iterators are typically created from L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Class Methods

=head3 C<new>

Create an iterator.  Provided by L<TAP::Object>.

=head2 Instance Methods

=head3 C<next>

 while ( my $item = $iter->next ) { ... }

Iterate through it, of course.

=head3 C<next_raw>

B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.

 while ( my $item = $iter->next_raw ) { ... }

Iterate raw input without applying any fixes for quirky input syntax.


sub next {
    my $self = shift;
    my $line = $self->next_raw;

    # vms nit:  When encountering 'not ok', vms often has the 'not' on a line
    # by itself:
    #   not
    #   ok 1 - 'I hate VMS'
    if ( defined($line) and $line =~ /^\s*not\s*$/ ) {
        $line .= ( $self->next_raw || '' );

    return $line;

sub next_raw {
    require Carp;
    my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');

=head3 C<handle_unicode>

If necessary switch the input stream to handle unicode. This only has
any effect for I/O handle based streams.

The default implementation does nothing.


sub handle_unicode { }

=head3 C<get_select_handles>

Return a list of filehandles that may be used upstream in a select()
call to signal that this Iterator is ready. Iterators that are not
handle-based should return an empty list.

The default implementation does nothing.


sub get_select_handles {

=head3 C<wait>

B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.

 my $wait_status = $iter->wait;

Return the C<wait> status for this iterator.

=head3 C<exit>

B<Note:> this method is abstract and should be overridden.

 my $wait_status = $iter->exit;

Return the C<exit> status for this iterator.


sub wait {
    require Carp;
    my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');

sub exit {
    require Carp;
    my $msg = Carp::longmess('abstract method called directly!');



Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.

You must override the abstract methods as noted above.

=head2 Example

L<TAP::Parser::Iterator::Array> is probably the easiest example to follow.
There's not much point repeating it here.

=head1 SEE ALSO




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Iterator Folder 0755
Result Folder 0755
Scheduler Folder 0755
SourceHandler Folder 0755
YAMLish Folder 0755
Aggregator.pm File 9.03 KB 0644
Grammar.pm File 15.3 KB 0644
Iterator.pm File 2.93 KB 0644
IteratorFactory.pm File 7.83 KB 0644
Multiplexer.pm File 4.17 KB 0644
Result.pm File 6 KB 0644
ResultFactory.pm File 3.97 KB 0644
Scheduler.pm File 11.27 KB 0644
Source.pm File 9.33 KB 0644
SourceHandler.pm File 5.03 KB 0644