[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Carp qw( confess );
use File::Basename qw( fileparse );

use base 'TAP::Object';

use constant handlers => [];

=head1 NAME

TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory - Figures out which SourceHandler objects to use for a given Source

=head1 VERSION

Version 3.38


our $VERSION = '3.38';


  use TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory;
  my $factory = TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->new({ %config });
  my $iterator  = $factory->make_iterator( $filename );


This is a factory class that takes a L<TAP::Parser::Source> and runs it through all the
registered L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>s to see which one should handle the source.

If you're a plugin author, you'll be interested in how to L</register_handler>s,
how L</detect_source> works.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 Class Methods

=head3 C<new>

Creates a new factory class:

  my $sf = TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory->new( $config );

C<$config> is optional.  If given, sets L</config> and calls L</load_handlers>.


sub _initialize {
    my ( $self, $config ) = @_;
    $self->config( $config || {} )->load_handlers;
    return $self;

=head3 C<register_handler>

Registers a new L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> with this factory.

  __PACKAGE__->register_handler( $handler_class );

=head3 C<handlers>

List of handlers that have been registered.


sub register_handler {
    my ( $class, $dclass ) = @_;

    confess("$dclass must implement can_handle & make_iterator methods!")
      unless UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
          && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );

    my $handlers = $class->handlers;
    push @{$handlers}, $dclass
      unless grep { $_ eq $dclass } @{$handlers};

    return $class;


=head2 Instance Methods

=head3 C<config>

 my $cfg = $sf->config;
 $sf->config({ Perl => { %config } });

Chaining getter/setter for the configuration of the available source handlers.
This is a hashref keyed on handler class whose values contain config to be passed
onto the handlers during detection & creation.  Class names may be fully qualified
or abbreviated, eg:

  # these are equivalent
  $sf->config({ 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::Perl' => { %config } });
  $sf->config({ 'Perl' => { %config } });


sub config {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{config} unless @_;
    unless ( 'HASH' eq ref $_[0] ) {
        $self->_croak('Argument to &config must be a hash reference');
    $self->{config} = shift;
    return $self;

sub _last_handler {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{last_handler} unless @_;
    $self->{last_handler} = shift;
    return $self;

sub _testing {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{testing} unless @_;
    $self->{testing} = shift;
    return $self;


=head3 C<load_handlers>


Loads the handler classes defined in L</config>.  For example, given a config:

    MySourceHandler => { some => 'config' },

C<load_handlers> will attempt to load the C<MySourceHandler> class by looking in
C<@INC> for it in this order:


C<croak>s on error.


sub load_handlers {
    my ($self) = @_;
    for my $handler ( keys %{ $self->config } ) {
        my $sclass = $self->_load_handler($handler);

        # TODO: store which class we loaded anywhere?
    return $self;

sub _load_handler {
    my ( $self, $handler ) = @_;

    my @errors;
    for my $dclass ( "TAP::Parser::SourceHandler::$handler", $handler ) {
        return $dclass
          if UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
              && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );

        eval "use $dclass";
        if ( my $e = $@ ) {
            push @errors, $e;

        return $dclass
          if UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'can_handle' )
              && UNIVERSAL::can( $dclass, 'make_iterator' );
        push @errors,
          "handler '$dclass' does not implement can_handle & make_iterator";

        "Cannot load handler '$handler': " . join( "\n", @errors ) );


=head3 C<make_iterator>

  my $iterator = $src_factory->make_iterator( $source );

Given a L<TAP::Parser::Source>, finds the most suitable L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler>
to use to create a L<TAP::Parser::Iterator> (see L</detect_source>).  Dies on error.


sub make_iterator {
    my ( $self, $source ) = @_;

    $self->_croak('no raw source defined!') unless defined $source->raw;

    $source->config( $self->config )->assemble_meta;

    # is the raw source already an object?
    return $source->raw
      if ( $source->meta->{is_object}
        && UNIVERSAL::isa( $source->raw, 'TAP::Parser::SourceHandler' ) );

    # figure out what kind of source it is
    my $sd_class = $self->detect_source($source);

    return if $self->_testing;

    # create it
    my $iterator = $sd_class->make_iterator($source);

    return $iterator;

=head3 C<detect_source>

Given a L<TAP::Parser::Source>, detects what kind of source it is and
returns I<one> L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> (the most confident one).  Dies
on error.

The detection algorithm works something like this:

  for (@registered_handlers) {
    # ask them how confident they are about handling this source
    $confidence{$handler} = $handler->can_handle( $source )
  # choose the most confident handler

Ties are handled by choosing the first handler.


sub detect_source {
    my ( $self, $source ) = @_;

    confess('no raw source ref defined!') unless defined $source->raw;

    # find a list of handlers that can handle this source:
    my %handlers;
    for my $dclass ( @{ $self->handlers } ) {
        my $confidence = $dclass->can_handle($source);

        # warn "handler: $dclass: $confidence\n";
        $handlers{$dclass} = $confidence if $confidence;

    if ( !%handlers ) {

        # use Data::Dump qw( pp );
        # warn pp( $meta );

        # error: can't detect source
        my $raw_source_short = substr( ${ $source->raw }, 0, 50 );
        confess("Cannot detect source of '$raw_source_short'!");

    # if multiple handlers can handle it, choose the most confident one
    my @handlers = (
        map    {$_}
          sort { $handlers{$a} cmp $handlers{$b} }
          keys %handlers

    # this is really useful for debugging handlers:
            "votes: ",
            join( ', ', map {"$_: $handlers{$_}"} @handlers ),

    # return 1st
    return pop @handlers;




Please see L<TAP::Parser/SUBCLASSING> for a subclassing overview.

=head2 Example

If we've done things right, you'll probably want to write a new source,
rather than sub-classing this (see L<TAP::Parser::SourceHandler> for that).

But in case you find the need to...

  package MyIteratorFactory;

  use strict;

  use base 'TAP::Parser::IteratorFactory';

  # override source detection algorithm
  sub detect_source {
    my ($self, $raw_source_ref, $meta) = @_;
    # do detective work, using $meta and whatever else...


=head1 AUTHORS

Steve Purkis


Originally ripped off from L<Test::Harness>.

Moved out of L<TAP::Parser> & converted to a factory class to support
extensible TAP source detective work by Steve Purkis.

=head1 SEE ALSO




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Iterator Folder 0755
Result Folder 0755
Scheduler Folder 0755
SourceHandler Folder 0755
YAMLish Folder 0755
Aggregator.pm File 9.03 KB 0644
Grammar.pm File 15.3 KB 0644
Iterator.pm File 2.93 KB 0644
IteratorFactory.pm File 7.83 KB 0644
Multiplexer.pm File 4.17 KB 0644
Result.pm File 6 KB 0644
ResultFactory.pm File 3.97 KB 0644
Scheduler.pm File 11.27 KB 0644
Source.pm File 9.33 KB 0644
SourceHandler.pm File 5.03 KB 0644