#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This file was preprocessed, do not edit!
package Debconf::Element::Select;
use strict;
use Debconf::Log ':all';
use Debconf::Gettext;
use base qw(Debconf::Element);
use Debconf::Encoding qw(to_Unicode);
sub visible {
my $this=shift;
my @choices=$this->question->choices_split;
if (@choices > 1) {
return 1;
else {
debug 'developer' => 'Not displaying select list '.
$this->question->name.' with '.
(@choices+0).' choice'.((@choices == 0) ? 's' : '');
return 0;
sub translate_default {
my $this=shift;
my @choices=$this->question->choices_split;
my @choices_c=$this->question->choices_split;
my $c_default='';
$c_default=$this->question->value if defined $this->question->value;
foreach (my $x=0; $x <= $#choices; $x++) {
return $choices[$x] if $choices_c[$x] eq $c_default;
return '';
sub translate_to_C {
my $this=shift;
my $value=shift;
my @choices=$this->question->choices_split;
my @choices_c=$this->question->choices_split;
for (my $x=0; $x <= $#choices; $x++) {
return $choices_c[$x] if $choices[$x] eq $value;
debug developer => sprintf(gettext("Input value, \"%s\" not found in C choices! This should never happen. Perhaps the templates were incorrectly localized."), $value);
return '';
sub translate_to_C_uni {
my $this=shift;
my $value=shift;
my @choices=$this->question->choices_split;
my @choices_c=$this->question->choices_split;
for (my $x=0; $x <= $#choices; $x++) {
return $choices_c[$x] if to_Unicode($choices[$x]) eq $value;
debug developer => sprintf(gettext("Input value, \"%s\" not found in C choices! This should never happen. Perhaps the templates were incorrectly localized."), $value);
return '';