#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This file was preprocessed, do not edit!
package Debconf::FrontEnd::Dialog;
use strict;
use Debconf::Gettext;
use Debconf::Priority;
use Debconf::TmpFile;
use Debconf::Log qw(:all);
use Debconf::Encoding qw(wrap $columns width);
use Debconf::Path;
use IPC::Open3;
use POSIX;
use Fcntl;
use base qw(Debconf::FrontEnd::ScreenSize);
sub init {
my $this=shift;
if (! exists $ENV{TERM} || ! defined $ENV{TERM} || $ENV{TERM} eq '') {
die gettext("TERM is not set, so the dialog frontend is not usable.")."\n";
elsif ($ENV{TERM} =~ /emacs/i) {
die gettext("Dialog frontend is incompatible with emacs shell buffers")."\n";
elsif ($ENV{TERM} eq 'dumb' || $ENV{TERM} eq 'unknown') {
die gettext("Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.")."\n";
if (Debconf::Path::find("whiptail") &&
(! defined $ENV{DEBCONF_FORCE_DIALOG} || ! Debconf::Path::find("dialog")) &&
(! defined $ENV{DEBCONF_FORCE_XDIALOG} || ! Debconf::Path::find("Xdialog"))) {
elsif (Debconf::Path::find("dialog") &&
(! defined $ENV{DEBCONF_FORCE_XDIALOG} || ! Debconf::Path::find("Xdialog"))) {
$this->dashsep(''); # dialog does not need (or support)
elsif (Debconf::Path::find("Xdialog") && defined $ENV{DISPLAY}) {
else {
die gettext("No usable dialog-like program is installed, so the dialog based frontend cannot be used.");
if ($this->screenheight < 13 || $this->screenwidth < 31) {
die gettext("Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 columns wide.")."\n";
sub sizetext {
my $this=shift;
my $text=shift;
$columns = $this->screenwidth - $this->borderwidth - $this->columnspacer;
$text=wrap('', '', $text);
my @lines=split(/\n/, $text);
my $window_columns=width($this->title) + $this->titlespacer;
map {
my $w=width($_);
$window_columns = $w if $w > $window_columns;
} @lines;
return $text, $#lines + 1 + $this->borderheight,
$window_columns + $this->borderwidth;
sub hide_escape {
my $line = $_;
$line =~ s/\\n/\\\xe2\x81\xa0n/g;
return $line;
sub showtext {
my $this=shift;
my $question=shift;
my $intext=shift;
my $lines = $this->screenheight;
my ($text, $height, $width)=$this->sizetext($intext);
my @lines = split(/\n/, $text);
my $num;
my @args=('--msgbox', join("\n", @lines));
if ($lines - 4 - $this->borderheight <= $#lines) {
$num=$lines - 4 - $this->borderheight;
if ($this->program eq 'whiptail') {
push @args, '--scrolltext';
else {
my $fh=Debconf::TmpFile::open();
print $fh join("\n", map &hide_escape, @lines);
close $fh;
@args=("--textbox", Debconf::TmpFile::filename());
else {
$num=$#lines + 1;
$this->showdialog($question, @args, $num + $this->borderheight, $width);
if ($args[0] eq '--textbox') {
sub makeprompt {
my $this=shift;
my $question=shift;
my $freelines=$this->screenheight - $this->borderheight + 1;
$freelines += shift if @_;
my ($text, $lines, $columns)=$this->sizetext(
if ($lines > $freelines) {
$this->showtext($question, $question->extended_description);
($text, $lines, $columns)=$this->sizetext($question->description);
return ($text, $lines, $columns);
sub startdialog {
my $this=shift;
my $question=shift;
my $wantinputfd=shift;
debug debug => "preparing to run dialog. Params are:" ,
join(",", $this->program, @_);
use vars qw{*SAVEOUT *SAVEIN};
open(SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT") || die $!;
if ($wantinputfd) {
} else {
open(SAVEIN, "<&STDIN") || die $!;
unless ($this->capb_backup || grep { $_ eq '--defaultno' } @_) {
if ($this->program ne 'Xdialog') {
unshift @_, '--nocancel';
else {
unshift @_, '--no-cancel';
if ($this->program eq 'Xdialog' && $_[0] eq '--passwordbox') {
$_[0]='--password --inputbox'
use vars qw{*OUTPUT_RDR *OUTPUT_WTR};
if ($this->hasoutputfd) {
pipe(OUTPUT_RDR, OUTPUT_WTR) || die "pipe: $!";
my $flags=fcntl(\*OUTPUT_WTR, F_GETFD, 0);
fcntl(\*OUTPUT_WTR, F_SETFD, $flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC);
unshift @_, "--output-fd", fileno(\*OUTPUT_WTR);
my $backtitle='';
if (defined $this->info) {
$backtitle = $this->info->description;
} else {
$backtitle = gettext("Package configuration");
use vars qw{*INPUT_RDR *INPUT_WTR};
if ($wantinputfd) {
pipe(INPUT_RDR, INPUT_WTR) || die "pipe: $!";
autoflush INPUT_WTR 1;
my $flags=fcntl(\*INPUT_RDR, F_GETFD, 0);
fcntl(\*INPUT_RDR, F_SETFD, $flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC);
} else {
use vars qw{*ERRFH};
my $pid = open3($wantinputfd ? '<&INPUT_RDR' : '<&STDIN', '>&STDOUT',
\*ERRFH, $this->program,
'--backtitle', $backtitle,
'--title', $this->title, @_);
close OUTPUT_WTR if $this->hasoutputfd;
sub waitdialog {
my $this=shift;
my $input_wtr=$this->dialog_input_wtr;
if ($input_wtr) {
close $input_wtr;
my $output_rdr=$this->dialog_output_rdr;
my $errfh=$this->dialog_errfh;
my $output='';
if ($this->hasoutputfd) {
while (<$output_rdr>) {
my $error=0;
while (<$errfh>) {
print STDERR $_;
if ($error) {
die sprintf("debconf: %s output the above errors, giving up!", $this->program)."\n";
else {
while (<$errfh>) { # ugh
chomp $output;
waitpid($this->dialog_pid, 0);
if (defined $this->dialog_savein) {
open(STDIN, '<&', $this->dialog_savein) || die $!;
open(STDOUT, '>&', $this->dialog_saveout) || die $!;
my $ret=$? >> 8;
if ($ret == 255 || ($ret == 1 && join(' ', @_) !~ m/--yesno\s/)) {
return undef;
if (wantarray) {
return $ret, $output;
else {
return $output;
sub showdialog {
my $this=shift;
my $question=shift;
@_=map &hide_escape, @_;
if (defined $this->progress_bar) {
$this->startdialog($question, 0, @_);
my (@ret, $ret);
if (wantarray) {
} else {
if (defined $this->progress_bar) {
if (wantarray) {
return @ret;
} else {
return $ret;