#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This file was preprocessed, do not edit! package Debconf::DbDriver; use Debconf::Log qw{:all}; use strict; use base 1.01; # ensure that they don't have a broken perl installation use fields qw(name readonly required backup failed accept_type reject_type accept_name reject_name); our %drivers; sub new { my Debconf::DbDriver $this=shift; unless (ref $this) { $this = fields::new($this); } $this->{required}=1; $this->{readonly}=0; $this->{failed}=0; my %params=@_; foreach my $field (keys %params) { if ($field eq 'readonly' || $field eq 'required' || $field eq 'backup') { $this->{$field}=1,next if lc($params{$field}) eq "true"; $this->{$field}=0,next if lc($params{$field}) eq "false"; } elsif ($field=~/^(accept|reject)_/) { $this->{$field}=qr/$params{$field}/i; } $this->{$field}=$params{$field}; } unless (exists $this->{name}) { $this->{name}="(unknown)"; $this->error("no name specified"); } $drivers{$this->{name}} = $this; $this->init; return $this; } sub init {} sub error { my $this=shift; if ($this->{required}) { warn('DbDriver "'.$this->{name}.'":', @_); exit 1; } else { warn('DbDriver "'.$this->{name}.'" warning:', @_); } } sub driver { my $this=shift; my $name=shift; return $drivers{$name}; } sub accept { my $this=shift; my $name=shift; my $type=shift; return if $this->{failed}; if ((exists $this->{accept_name} && $name !~ /$this->{accept_name}/) || (exists $this->{reject_name} && $name =~ /$this->{reject_name}/)) { debug "db $this->{name}" => "reject $name"; return; } if (exists $this->{accept_type} || exists $this->{reject_type}) { if (! defined $type || ! length $type) { my $template = Debconf::Template->get($this->getfield($name, 'template')); return 1 unless $template; # no type to act on $type=$template->type || ''; } return if exists $this->{accept_type} && $type !~ /$this->{accept_type}/; return if exists $this->{reject_type} && $type =~ /$this->{reject_type}/; } return 1; } sub ispassword { my $this=shift; my $item=shift; my $template=$this->getfield($item, 'template'); return unless defined $template; $template=Debconf::Template->get($template); return unless $template; my $type=$template->type || ''; return 1 if $type eq 'password'; return 0; } 1
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
Client | Folder | 0755 |
DbDriver | Folder | 0755 |
Element | Folder | 0755 |
Format | Folder | 0755 |
FrontEnd | Folder | 0755 |
Template | Folder | 0755 |
AutoSelect.pm | File | 1.85 KB | 0644 |
Base.pm | File | 499 B | 0644 |
ConfModule.pm | File | 15.27 KB | 0644 |
Config.pm | File | 6.86 KB | 0644 |
Db.pm | File | 1.17 KB | 0644 |
DbDriver.pm | File | 2.3 KB | 0644 |
Element.pm | File | 196 B | 0644 |
Encoding.pm | File | 1.45 KB | 0644 |
Format.pm | File | 133 B | 0644 |
FrontEnd.pm | File | 2.8 KB | 0644 |
Gettext.pm | File | 301 B | 0644 |
Iterator.pm | File | 198 B | 0644 |
Log.pm | File | 914 B | 0644 |
Path.pm | File | 291 B | 0644 |
Priority.pm | File | 642 B | 0644 |
Question.pm | File | 5.73 KB | 0644 |
Template.pm | File | 8.01 KB | 0644 |
TmpFile.pm | File | 374 B | 0644 |