[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This file was preprocessed, do not edit!

package Debconf::Question;
use strict;
use Debconf::Db;
use Debconf::Template;
use Debconf::Iterator;
use Debconf::Log qw(:all);

use fields qw(name priority);

our %question;

sub new {
	my Debconf::Question $this=shift;
	my $name=shift;
	my $owner=shift;
	my $type=shift || die "no type given for question";
	die "A question called \"$name\" already exists"
		if exists $question{$name};
	unless (ref $this) {
		$this = fields::new($this);
	return unless defined $this->addowner($owner, $type);
	$this->flag('seen', 'false');
	return $question{$name}=$this;

sub get {
	my Debconf::Question $this=shift;
	my $name=shift;
	return $question{$name} if exists $question{$name};
	if ($Debconf::Db::config->exists($name)) {
		$this = fields::new($this);
		return $question{$name}=$this;
	return undef;

sub iterator {
	my $this=shift;

	my $real_iterator=$Debconf::Db::config->iterator;
	return Debconf::Iterator->new(callback => sub {
		return unless my $name=$real_iterator->iterate;
		return $this->get($name);

sub _expand_vars {
	my $this=shift;
	my $text=shift;
	return '' unless defined $text;

	my @vars=$Debconf::Db::config->variables($this->{name});
	my $rest=$text;
	my $result='';
	my $variable;
	my $varval;
	my $escape;
	while ($rest =~ m/^(.*?)(\\)?\$\{([^{}]+)\}(.*)$/sg) {
		$result.=$1;  # copy anything before the variable
		$rest=$4; # continue trying to expand rest of text
		if (defined $escape && length $escape) {
		else {
			$varval=$Debconf::Db::config->getvariable($this->{name}, $variable);
			$result.=$varval if defined($varval); # expand the variable
	$result.=$rest; # add on anything that's left.
	return $result;

sub description {
	my $this=shift;
	return $this->_expand_vars($this->template->description);

sub extended_description {
	my $this=shift;
	return $this->_expand_vars($this->template->extended_description);

sub choices {
	my $this=shift;
	return $this->_expand_vars($this->template->choices);

sub choices_split {
	my $this=shift;
	my @items;
	my $item='';
	for my $chunk (split /(\\[, ]|,\s+)/, $this->choices) {
		if ($chunk=~/^\\([, ])$/) {
		} elsif ($chunk=~/^,\s+$/) {
			push @items, $item;
		} else {
	push @items, $item if $item ne '';
	return @items;

sub variable {
	my $this=shift;
	my $var=shift;
	if (@_) {
		return $Debconf::Db::config->setvariable($this->{name}, $var, shift);
	else {
		return $Debconf::Db::config->getvariable($this->{name}, $var);

sub flag {
	my $this=shift;
	my $flag=shift;

	if ($flag eq 'isdefault') {
		debug developer => "The isdefault flag is deprecated, use the seen flag instead";
		if (@_) {
			my $value=(shift eq 'true') ? 'false' : 'true';
			$Debconf::Db::config->setflag($this->{name}, 'seen', $value);
		return ($Debconf::Db::config->getflag($this->{name}, 'seen') eq 'true') ? 'false' : 'true';

	if (@_) {
		return $Debconf::Db::config->setflag($this->{name}, $flag, shift);
	else {
		return $Debconf::Db::config->getflag($this->{name}, $flag);

sub value {
	my $this = shift;
	unless (@_) {
		my $ret=$Debconf::Db::config->getfield($this->{name}, 'value');
		return $ret if defined $ret;
		return $this->template->default if ref $this->template;
	} else {
		return $Debconf::Db::config->setfield($this->{name}, 'value', shift);

sub value_split {
	my $this=shift;
	my $value=$this->value;
	$value='' if ! defined $value;
	my @items;
	my $item='';
	for my $chunk (split /(\\[, ]|,\s+)/, $value) {
		if ($chunk=~/^\\([, ])$/) {
		} elsif ($chunk=~/^,\s+$/) {
			push @items, $item;
		} else {
	push @items, $item if $item ne '';
	return @items;

sub addowner {
	my $this=shift;

	return $Debconf::Db::config->addowner($this->{name}, shift, shift);

sub removeowner {
	my $this=shift;

	my $template=$Debconf::Db::config->getfield($this->{name}, 'template');
	return unless $Debconf::Db::config->removeowner($this->{name}, shift);
	if (length $template and 
	    not $Debconf::Db::config->exists($this->{name})) {
		$Debconf::Db::templates->removeowner($template, $this->{name});
		delete $question{$this->{name}};

sub owners {
	my $this=shift;

	return join(", ", sort($Debconf::Db::config->owners($this->{name})));

sub template {
	my $this=shift;
	if (@_) {
		my $oldtemplate=$Debconf::Db::config->getfield($this->{name}, 'template');
		my $newtemplate=shift;
		if (not defined $oldtemplate or $oldtemplate ne $newtemplate) {
			$Debconf::Db::templates->removeowner($oldtemplate, $this->{name})
				if defined $oldtemplate and length $oldtemplate;

			$Debconf::Db::config->setfield($this->{name}, 'template', $newtemplate);

			$Debconf::Db::templates->addowner($newtemplate, $this->{name},
				$Debconf::Db::templates->getfield($newtemplate, "type"));
	return Debconf::Template->get(
		$Debconf::Db::config->getfield($this->{name}, 'template'));

sub name {
	my $this=shift;

	return $this->{name};

sub priority {
	my $this=shift;

	$this->{priority}=shift if @_;

	return $this->{priority};

	(my $field = our $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*://;

	no strict 'refs';
	*$AUTOLOAD = sub {
		my $this=shift;

		if (@_) {
			return $Debconf::Db::config->setfield($this->{name}, $field, shift);
		my $ret=$Debconf::Db::config->getfield($this->{name}, $field);
		unless (defined $ret) {
			$ret = $this->template->$field() if ref $this->template;
		if (defined $ret) {
			if ($field =~ /^(?:description|extended_description|choices)-/i) {
				return $this->_expand_vars($ret);
			} else {
				return $ret;
	goto &$AUTOLOAD;




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Client Folder 0755
DbDriver Folder 0755
Element Folder 0755
Format Folder 0755
FrontEnd Folder 0755
Template Folder 0755
AutoSelect.pm File 1.85 KB 0644
Base.pm File 499 B 0644
ConfModule.pm File 15.27 KB 0644
Config.pm File 6.86 KB 0644
Db.pm File 1.17 KB 0644
DbDriver.pm File 2.3 KB 0644
Element.pm File 196 B 0644
Encoding.pm File 1.45 KB 0644
Format.pm File 133 B 0644
FrontEnd.pm File 2.8 KB 0644
Gettext.pm File 301 B 0644
Iterator.pm File 198 B 0644
Log.pm File 914 B 0644
Path.pm File 291 B 0644
Priority.pm File 642 B 0644
Question.pm File 5.73 KB 0644
Template.pm File 8.01 KB 0644
TmpFile.pm File 374 B 0644