# Copyright © 2009 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2012-2013 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '1.03';
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
use Exporter qw(import);
use Time::Piece;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::Control::Fields;
use Dpkg::Control::Changelog;
use Dpkg::Changelog::Entry;
use Dpkg::Version;
use parent qw(Dpkg::Changelog::Entry);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Dpkg::Changelog::Entry::Debian - represents a Debian changelog entry
This object represents a Debian changelog entry. It implements the
generic interface Dpkg::Changelog::Entry. Only functions specific to this
implementation are described below.
my $name_chars = qr/[-+0-9a-z.]/i;
# XXX: Backwards compatibility, stop exporting on VERSION 2.00.
## no critic (Variables::ProhibitPackageVars)
# The matched content is the source package name ($1), the version ($2),
# the target distributions ($3) and the options on the rest of the line ($4).
our $regex_header = qr{
(\w$name_chars*) # Package name
\ \(([^\(\) \t]+)\) # Package version
((?:\s+$name_chars+)+) # Target distribution
\; # Separator
(.*?) # Key=Value options
\s*$ # Trailing space
# The matched content is the maintainer name ($1), its email ($2),
# some blanks ($3) and the timestamp ($4), which is decomposed into
# day of week ($6), date-time ($7) and this into month name ($8).
our $regex_trailer = qr<
\ \-\- # Trailer marker
\ (.*) # Maintainer name
\ \<(.*)\> # Maintainer email
(\ \ ?) # Blanks
((\w+)\,\s*)? # Day of week (abbreviated)
\d{1,2}\s+ # Day of month
(\w+)\s+ # Month name (abbreviated)
\d{4}\s+ # Year
\d{1,2}:\d\d:\d\d\s+[-+]\d{4} # ISO 8601 date
\s*$ # Trailing space
my %week_day = map { $_ => 1 } qw(Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
my %month_abbrev = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
my %month_name = map { $_ => } qw(
January February March April May June July
August September October November December
## use critic
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item @items = $entry->get_change_items()
Return a list of change items. Each item contains at least one line.
A change line starting with an asterisk denotes the start of a new item.
Any change line like "C<[ Raphaël Hertzog ]>" is treated like an item of its
own even if it starts a set of items attributed to this person (the
following line necessarily starts a new item).
sub get_change_items {
my $self = shift;
my (@items, @blanks, $item);
foreach my $line (@{$self->get_part('changes')}) {
if ($line =~ /^\s*\*/) {
push @items, $item if defined $item;
$item = "$line\n";
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\[\s[^\]]+\s\]\s*$/) {
push @items, $item if defined $item;
push @items, "$line\n";
$item = undef;
@blanks = ();
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
push @blanks, "$line\n";
} else {
if (defined $item) {
$item .= "@blanks$line\n";
} else {
$item = "$line\n";
@blanks = ();
push @items, $item if defined $item;
return @items;
=item @errors = $entry->parse_header()
=item @errors = $entry->parse_trailer()
Return a list of errors. Each item in the list is an error message
describing the problem. If the empty list is returned, no errors
have been found.
sub parse_header {
my $self = shift;
my @errors;
if (defined($self->{header}) and $self->{header} =~ $regex_header) {
$self->{header_source} = $1;
my $version = Dpkg::Version->new($2);
my ($ok, $msg) = version_check($version);
if ($ok) {
$self->{header_version} = $version;
} else {
push @errors, sprintf(g_("version '%s' is invalid: %s"), $version, $msg);
@{$self->{header_dists}} = split ' ', $3;
my $options = $4;
$options =~ s/^\s+//;
my $f = Dpkg::Control::Changelog->new();
foreach my $opt (split(/\s*,\s*/, $options)) {
unless ($opt =~ m/^([-0-9a-z]+)\=\s*(.*\S)$/i) {
push @errors, sprintf(g_("bad key-value after ';': '%s'"), $opt);
my ($k, $v) = (field_capitalize($1), $2);
if (exists $f->{$k}) {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('repeated key-value %s'), $k);
} else {
$f->{$k} = $v;
if ($k eq 'Urgency') {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('badly formatted urgency value: %s'), $v)
unless ($v =~ m/^([-0-9a-z]+)((\s+.*)?)$/i);
} elsif ($k eq 'Binary-Only') {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('bad binary-only value: %s'), $v)
unless ($v eq 'yes');
} elsif ($k =~ m/^X[BCS]+-/i) {
} else {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('unknown key-value %s'), $k);
$self->{header_fields} = $f;
} else {
push @errors, g_("the header doesn't match the expected regex");
return @errors;
sub parse_trailer {
my $self = shift;
my @errors;
if (defined($self->{trailer}) and $self->{trailer} =~ $regex_trailer) {
$self->{trailer_maintainer} = "$1 <$2>";
if ($3 ne ' ') {
push @errors, g_('badly formatted trailer line');
# Validate the week day. Date::Parse used to ignore it, but Time::Piece
# is much more strict and it does not gracefully handle bogus values.
if (defined $5 and not exists $week_day{$6}) {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('ignoring invalid week day \'%s\''), $6);
# Ignore the week day ('%a, '), as we have validated it above.
local $ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
eval {
my $tp = Time::Piece->strptime($7, '%d %b %Y %T %z');
$self->{trailer_timepiece} = $tp;
} or do {
# Validate the month. Date::Parse used to accept both abbreviated
# and full months, but Time::Piece strptime() implementation only
# matches the abbreviated one with %b, which is what we want anyway.
if (not exists $month_abbrev{$8}) {
# We have to nest the conditionals because May is the same in
# full and abbreviated forms!
if (exists $month_name{$8}) {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('uses full instead of abbreviated month name \'%s\''),
$8, $month_name{$8});
} else {
push @errors, sprintf(g_('invalid abbreviated month name \'%s\''), $8);
push @errors, sprintf(g_("cannot parse non-comformant date '%s'"), $7);
$self->{trailer_timestamp_date} = $4;
} else {
push @errors, g_("the trailer doesn't match the expected regex");
return @errors;
=item $entry->check_header()
Obsolete method. Use parse_header() instead.
sub check_header {
my $self = shift;
'obsolete check_header(), use parse_header() instead');
return $self->parse_header();
=item $entry->check_trailer()
Obsolete method. Use parse_trailer() instead.
sub check_trailer {
my $self = shift;
'obsolete check_trailer(), use parse_trailer() instead');
return $self->parse_header();
=item $entry->normalize()
Normalize the content. Strip whitespaces at end of lines, use a single
empty line to separate each part.
sub normalize {
my $self = shift;
#XXX: recreate header/trailer
=item $src = $entry->get_source()
Return the name of the source package associated to the changelog entry.
sub get_source {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{header_source};
=item $ver = $entry->get_version()
Return the version associated to the changelog entry.
sub get_version {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{header_version};
=item @dists = $entry->get_distributions()
Return a list of target distributions for this version.
sub get_distributions {
my $self = shift;
if (defined $self->{header_dists}) {
return @{$self->{header_dists}} if wantarray;
return $self->{header_dists}[0];
=item $fields = $entry->get_optional_fields()
Return a set of optional fields exposed by the changelog entry.
It always returns a Dpkg::Control object (possibly empty though).
sub get_optional_fields {
my $self = shift;
my $f;
if (defined $self->{header_fields}) {
$f = $self->{header_fields};
} else {
$f = Dpkg::Control::Changelog->new();
my @closes = find_closes(join("\n", @{$self->{changes}}));
if (@closes) {
$f->{Closes} = join(' ', @closes);
return $f;
=item $urgency = $entry->get_urgency()
Return the urgency of the associated upload.
sub get_urgency {
my $self = shift;
my $f = $self->get_optional_fields();
if (exists $f->{Urgency}) {
$f->{Urgency} =~ s/\s.*$//;
return lc($f->{Urgency});
=item $maint = $entry->get_maintainer()
Return the string identifying the person who signed this changelog entry.
sub get_maintainer {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{trailer_maintainer};
=item $time = $entry->get_timestamp()
Return the timestamp of the changelog entry.
sub get_timestamp {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{trailer_timestamp_date};
=item $time = $entry->get_timepiece()
Return the timestamp of the changelog entry as a Time::Piece object.
This function might return undef if there was no timestamp.
sub get_timepiece {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{trailer_timepiece};
=over 4
=item $bool = match_header($line)
Checks if the line matches a valid changelog header line.
sub match_header {
my $line = shift;
return $line =~ /$regex_header/;
=item $bool = match_trailer($line)
Checks if the line matches a valid changelog trailing line.
sub match_trailer {
my $line = shift;
return $line =~ /$regex_trailer/;
=item @closed_bugs = find_closes($changes)
Takes one string as argument and finds "Closes: #123456, #654321" statements
as supported by the Debian Archive software in it. Returns all closed bug
numbers in an array.
sub find_closes {
my $changes = shift;
my %closes;
while ($changes && ($changes =~ m{
}pigx)) {
$closes{$_} = 1 foreach (${^MATCH} =~ /\#?\s?(\d+)/g);
my @closes = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %closes;
return @closes;
=head1 CHANGES
=head2 Version 1.03 (dpkg 1.18.8)
New methods: $entry->get_timepiece().
=head2 Version 1.02 (dpkg 1.18.5)
New methods: $entry->parse_header(), $entry->parse_trailer().
Deprecated methods: $entry->check_header(), $entry->check_trailer().
=head2 Version 1.01 (dpkg 1.17.2)
New functions: match_header(), match_trailer()
Deprecated variables: $regex_header, $regex_trailer
=head2 Version 1.00 (dpkg 1.15.6)
Mark the module as public.