[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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# Copyright © 2008 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2008-2010, 2012-2015 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package Dpkg::Source::Patch;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

use POSIX qw(:errno_h :sys_wait_h);
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Compare;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Time::HiRes qw(stat);

use Dpkg;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::IPC;
use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(fs_time);

use parent qw(Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle);

sub create {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    $self->ensure_open('w'); # Creates the file
    *$self->{errors} = 0;
    *$self->{empty} = 1;
    if ($opts{old} and $opts{new} and $opts{filename}) {
        $opts{old} = '/dev/null' unless -e $opts{old};
        $opts{new} = '/dev/null' unless -e $opts{new};
        if (-d $opts{old} and -d $opts{new}) {
            $self->add_diff_directory($opts{old}, $opts{new}, %opts);
        } elsif (-f $opts{old} and -f $opts{new}) {
            $self->add_diff_file($opts{old}, $opts{new}, %opts);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_not_same_type($opts{old}, $opts{new}, $opts{filename});
        $self->finish() unless $opts{nofinish};

sub set_header {
    my ($self, $header) = @_;
    *$self->{header} = $header;

sub add_diff_file {
    my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
    $opts{include_timestamp} //= 0;
    my $handle_binary = $opts{handle_binary_func} // sub {
        my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
        my $file = $opts{filename};
        $self->_fail_with_msg($file, g_('binary file contents changed'));
    # Optimization to avoid forking diff if unnecessary
    return 1 if compare($old, $new, 4096) == 0;
    # Default diff options
    my @options;
    if ($opts{options}) {
        push @options, @{$opts{options}};
    } else {
        push @options, '-p';
    # Add labels
    if ($opts{label_old} and $opts{label_new}) {
	if ($opts{include_timestamp}) {
	    my $ts = (stat($old))[9];
	    my $t = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime($ts));
	    $opts{label_old} .= sprintf("\t%s.%09d +0000", $t,
	                                ($ts - int($ts)) * 1_000_000_000);
	    $ts = (stat($new))[9];
	    $t = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime($ts));
	    $opts{label_new} .= sprintf("\t%s.%09d +0000", $t,
	                                ($ts - int($ts)) * 1_000_000_000);
	} else {
	    # Space in filenames need special treatment
	    $opts{label_old} .= "\t" if $opts{label_old} =~ / /;
	    $opts{label_new} .= "\t" if $opts{label_new} =~ / /;
        push @options, '-L', $opts{label_old},
                       '-L', $opts{label_new};
    # Generate diff
    my $diffgen;
    my $diff_pid = spawn(
        exec => [ 'diff', '-u', @options, '--', $old, $new ],
        env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', TZ => 'UTC0' },
        to_pipe => \$diffgen,
    # Check diff and write it in patch file
    my $difflinefound = 0;
    my $binary = 0;
    local $_;

    while (<$diffgen>) {
        if (m/^(?:binary|[^-+\@ ].*\bdiffer\b)/i) {
            $binary = 1;
            $handle_binary->($self, $old, $new, %opts);
        } elsif (m/^[-+\@ ]/) {
        } elsif (m/^\\ /) {
            warning(g_('file %s has no final newline (either ' .
                       'original or modified version)'), $new);
        } else {
            error(g_("unknown line from diff -u on %s: '%s'"), $new, $_);
	if (*$self->{empty} and defined(*$self->{header})) {
	    $self->print(*$self->{header}) or syserr(g_('failed to write'));
	    *$self->{empty} = 0;
        print { $self } $_ or syserr(g_('failed to write'));
    close($diffgen) or syserr('close on diff pipe');
    wait_child($diff_pid, nocheck => 1,
               cmdline => "diff -u @options -- $old $new");
    # Verify diff process ended successfully
    # Exit code of diff: 0 => no difference, 1 => diff ok, 2 => error
    # Ignore error if binary content detected
    my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
    unless (WIFEXITED($?) && ($exit == 0 || $exit == 1 || $binary)) {
        subprocerr(g_('diff on %s'), $new);
    return ($exit == 0 || $exit == 1);

sub add_diff_directory {
    my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
    # TODO: make this function more configurable
    # - offer to disable some checks
    my $basedir = $opts{basedirname} || basename($new);
    my $inc_removal = $opts{include_removal} // 0;
    my $diff_ignore;
    if ($opts{diff_ignore_func}) {
        $diff_ignore = $opts{diff_ignore_func};
    } elsif ($opts{diff_ignore_regex}) {
        $diff_ignore = sub { return $_[0] =~ /$opts{diff_ignore_regex}/o };
    } else {
        $diff_ignore = sub { return 0 };

    my @diff_files;
    my %files_in_new;
    my $scan_new = sub {
        my $fn = (length > length($new)) ? substr($_, length($new) + 1) : '.';
        return if $diff_ignore->($fn);
        $files_in_new{$fn} = 1;
        lstat("$new/$fn") or syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$new/$fn");
        my $mode = S_IMODE((lstat(_))[2]);
        my $size = (lstat(_))[7];
        if (-l _) {
            unless (-l "$old/$fn") {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
            my $n = readlink("$new/$fn");
            unless (defined $n) {
                syserr(g_('cannot read link %s'), "$new/$fn");
            my $n2 = readlink("$old/$fn");
            unless (defined $n2) {
                syserr(g_('cannot read link %s'), "$old/$fn");
            unless ($n eq $n2) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } elsif (-f _) {
            my $old_file = "$old/$fn";
            if (not lstat("$old/$fn")) {
                if ($! != ENOENT) {
                    syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
                $old_file = '/dev/null';
            } elsif (not -f _) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);

            my $label_old = "$basedir.orig/$fn";
            if ($opts{use_dev_null}) {
                $label_old = $old_file if $old_file eq '/dev/null';
            push @diff_files, [$fn, $mode, $size, $old_file, "$new/$fn",
                               $label_old, "$basedir/$fn"];
        } elsif (-p _) {
            unless (-p "$old/$fn") {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } elsif (-b _ || -c _ || -S _) {
                g_('device or socket is not allowed'));
        } elsif (-d _) {
            if (not lstat("$old/$fn")) {
                if ($! != ENOENT) {
                    syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
            } elsif (not -d _) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_with_msg("$new/$fn", g_('unknown file type'));
    my $scan_old = sub {
        my $fn = (length > length($old)) ? substr($_, length($old) + 1) : '.';
        return if $diff_ignore->($fn);
        return if $files_in_new{$fn};
        lstat("$old/$fn") or syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
        if (-f _) {
            if ($inc_removal) {
                push @diff_files, [$fn, 0, 0, "$old/$fn", '/dev/null',
                                   "$basedir.orig/$fn", '/dev/null'];
            } else {
                warning(g_('ignoring deletion of file %s, use --include-removal to override'), $fn);
        } elsif (-d _) {
            warning(g_('ignoring deletion of directory %s'), $fn);
        } elsif (-l _) {
            warning(g_('ignoring deletion of symlink %s'), $fn);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);

    find({ wanted => $scan_new, no_chdir => 1 }, $new);
    find({ wanted => $scan_old, no_chdir => 1 }, $old);

    if ($opts{order_from} and -e $opts{order_from}) {
        my $order_from = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(
            filename => $opts{order_from});
        my $analysis = $order_from->analyze($basedir, verbose => 0);
        my %patchorder;
        my $i = 0;
        foreach my $fn (@{$analysis->{patchorder}}) {
            $fn =~ s{^[^/]+/}{};
            $patchorder{$fn} = $i++;
        # 'quilt refresh' sorts files as follows:
        #   - Any files in the existing patch come first, in the order in
        #     which they appear in the existing patch.
        #   - New files follow, sorted lexicographically.
        # This seems a reasonable policy to follow, and avoids autopatches
        # being shuffled when they are regenerated.
        foreach my $diff_file (sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @diff_files) {
            my $fn = $diff_file->[0];
            $patchorder{$fn} //= $i++;
        @diff_files = sort { $patchorder{$a->[0]} <=> $patchorder{$b->[0]} }
    } else {
        @diff_files = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @diff_files;

    foreach my $diff_file (@diff_files) {
        my ($fn, $mode, $size,
            $old_file, $new_file, $label_old, $label_new) = @$diff_file;
        my $success = $self->add_diff_file($old_file, $new_file,
                                           filename => $fn,
                                           label_old => $label_old,
                                           label_new => $label_new, %opts);
        if ($success and
            $old_file eq '/dev/null' and $new_file ne '/dev/null') {
            if (not $size) {
                warning(g_("newly created empty file '%s' will not " .
                           'be represented in diff'), $fn);
            } else {
                if ($mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) {
                    warning(g_("executable mode %04o of '%s' will " .
                               'not be represented in diff'), $mode, $fn)
                        unless $fn eq 'debian/rules';
                if ($mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX)) {
                    warning(g_("special mode %04o of '%s' will not " .
                               'be represented in diff'), $mode, $fn);

sub finish {
    my $self = shift;
    close($self) or syserr(g_('cannot close %s'), $self->get_filename());
    return not *$self->{errors};

sub register_error {
    my $self = shift;
sub _fail_with_msg {
    my ($self, $file, $msg) = @_;
    errormsg(g_('cannot represent change to %s: %s'), $file, $msg);
sub _fail_not_same_type {
    my ($self, $old, $new, $file) = @_;
    my $old_type = get_type($old);
    my $new_type = get_type($new);
    errormsg(g_('cannot represent change to %s:'), $file);
    errormsg(g_('  new version is %s'), $new_type);
    errormsg(g_('  old version is %s'), $old_type);

sub _getline {
    my $handle = shift;

    my $line = <$handle>;
    if (defined $line) {
        # Strip end-of-line chars
        $line =~ s/\r$//;
    return $line;

# Fetch the header filename ignoring the optional timestamp
sub _fetch_filename {
    my ($diff, $header) = @_;

    # Strip any leading spaces.
    $header =~ s/^\s+//;

    # Is it a C-style string?
    if ($header =~ m/^"/) {
        error(g_('diff %s patches file with C-style encoded filename'), $diff);
    } else {
        # Tab is the official separator, it's always used when
        # filename contain spaces. Try it first, otherwise strip on space
        # if there's no tab
        $header =~ s/\s.*// unless $header =~ s/\t.*//;

    return $header;

sub _intuit_file_patched {
    my ($old, $new) = @_;

    return $new unless defined $old;
    return $old unless defined $new;
    return $new if -e $new and not -e $old;
    return $old if -e $old and not -e $new;

    # We don't consider the case where both files are non-existent and
    # where patch picks the one with the fewest directories to create
    # since dpkg-source will pre-create the required directories

    # Precalculate metrics used by patch
    my ($tmp_o, $tmp_n) = ($old, $new);
    my ($len_o, $len_n) = (length($old), length($new));
    $tmp_o =~ s{[/\\]+}{/}g;
    $tmp_n =~ s{[/\\]+}{/}g;
    my $nb_comp_o = ($tmp_o =~ tr{/}{/});
    my $nb_comp_n = ($tmp_n =~ tr{/}{/});
    $tmp_o =~ s{^.*/}{};
    $tmp_n =~ s{^.*/}{};
    my ($blen_o, $blen_n) = (length($tmp_o), length($tmp_n));

    # Decide like patch would
    if ($nb_comp_o != $nb_comp_n) {
        return ($nb_comp_o < $nb_comp_n) ? $old : $new;
    } elsif ($blen_o != $blen_n) {
        return ($blen_o < $blen_n) ? $old : $new;
    } elsif ($len_o != $len_n) {
        return ($len_o < $len_n) ? $old : $new;
    return $old;

# check diff for sanity, find directories to create as a side effect
sub analyze {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;

    $opts{verbose} //= 1;
    my $diff = $self->get_filename();
    my %filepatched;
    my %dirtocreate;
    my @patchorder;
    my $patch_header = '';
    my $diff_count = 0;

    my $line = _getline($self);

    while (defined $line or not eof $self) {
	my (%path, %fn);

	# Skip comments leading up to the patch (if any). Although we do not
	# look for an Index: pseudo-header in the comments, because we would
	# not use it anyway, as we require both ---/+++ filename headers.
	while (1) {
	    if ($line =~ /^(?:--- |\+\+\+ |@@ -)/) {
	    } else {
		$patch_header .= "$line\n";
	    $line = _getline($self);
	    last HUNK if not defined $line;
	# read file header (---/+++ pair)
	unless ($line =~ s/^--- //) {
	    error(g_("expected ^--- in line %d of diff '%s'"), $., $diff);
	$path{old} = $line = _fetch_filename($diff, $line);
	if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s{^[^/]*/+}{$destdir/}) {
	    $fn{old} = $line;
	if ($line =~ /\.dpkg-orig$/) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' patches file with name ending in .dpkg-orig"),

	$line = _getline($self);
	unless (defined $line) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' finishes in middle of ---/+++ (line %d)"),
	          $diff, $.);
	unless ($line =~ s/^\+\+\+ //) {
	    error(g_("line after --- isn't as expected in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
	          $diff, $.);
	$path{new} = $line = _fetch_filename($diff, $line);
	if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s{^[^/]*/+}{$destdir/}) {
	    $fn{new} = $line;

	unless (defined $fn{old} or defined $fn{new}) {
	    error(g_("none of the filenames in ---/+++ are valid in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
		  $diff, $.);

	# Safety checks on both filenames that patch could use
	foreach my $key ('old', 'new') {
	    next unless defined $fn{$key};
	    if ($path{$key} =~ m{/\.\./}) {
		error(g_('%s contains an insecure path: %s'), $diff, $path{$key});
	    my $path = $fn{$key};
	    while (1) {
		if (-l $path) {
		    error(g_('diff %s modifies file %s through a symlink: %s'),
			  $diff, $fn{$key}, $path);
		last unless $path =~ s{/+[^/]*$}{};
		last if length($path) <= length($destdir); # $destdir is assumed safe

        if ($path{old} eq '/dev/null' and $path{new} eq '/dev/null') {
            error(g_("original and modified files are /dev/null in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
                  $diff, $.);
        } elsif ($path{new} eq '/dev/null') {
            error(g_("file removal without proper filename in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
                  $diff, $. - 1) unless defined $fn{old};
            if ($opts{verbose}) {
                warning(g_('diff %s removes a non-existing file %s (line %d)'),
                        $diff, $fn{old}, $.) unless -e $fn{old};
	my $fn = _intuit_file_patched($fn{old}, $fn{new});

	my $dirname = $fn;
	if ($dirname =~ s{/[^/]+$}{} and not -d $dirname) {
	    $dirtocreate{$dirname} = 1;

	if (-e $fn and not -f _) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' patches something which is not a plain file"),

	if ($filepatched{$fn}) {

            if ($opts{fatal_dupes}) {
                error(g_("diff '%s' patches files multiple times; split the " .
                         'diff in multiple files or merge the hunks into a ' .
                         'single one'), $diff);
            } elsif ($opts{verbose} and $filepatched{$fn} == 2) {
                warning(g_("diff '%s' patches file %s more than once"), $diff, $fn)
	} else {
	    $filepatched{$fn} = 1;
	    push @patchorder, $fn;

	# read hunks
	my $hunk = 0;
	while (defined($line = _getline($self))) {
	    # read hunk header (@@)
	    next if $line =~ /^\\ /;
	    last unless $line =~ /^@@ -\d+(,(\d+))? \+\d+(,(\d+))? @\@(?: .*)?$/;
	    my ($olines, $nlines) = ($1 ? $2 : 1, $3 ? $4 : 1);
	    # read hunk
	    while ($olines || $nlines) {
		unless (defined($line = _getline($self))) {
                    if (($olines == $nlines) and ($olines < 3)) {
                        warning(g_("unexpected end of diff '%s'"), $diff)
                            if $opts{verbose};
                    } else {
                        error(g_("unexpected end of diff '%s'"), $diff);
		next if $line =~ /^\\ /;
		# Check stats
		if ($line =~ /^ / or length $line == 0) {
		} elsif ($line =~ /^-/) {
		} elsif ($line =~ /^\+/) {
		} else {
		    error(g_("expected [ +-] at start of line %d of diff '%s'"),
		          $., $diff);
	unless ($hunk) {
	    error(g_("expected ^\@\@ at line %d of diff '%s'"), $., $diff);
    unless ($diff_count) {
	warning(g_("diff '%s' doesn't contain any patch"), $diff)
	    if $opts{verbose};
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{dirtocreate} = \%dirtocreate;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{filepatched} = \%filepatched;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{patchorder} = \@patchorder;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{patchheader} = $patch_header;
    return *$self->{analysis}{$destdir};

sub prepare_apply {
    my ($self, $analysis, %opts) = @_;
    if ($opts{create_dirs}) {
	foreach my $dir (keys %{$analysis->{dirtocreate}}) {
	    eval { make_path($dir, { mode => 0777 }) };
	    syserr(g_('cannot create directory %s'), $dir) if $@;

sub apply {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;
    # Set default values to options
    $opts{force_timestamp} //= 1;
    $opts{remove_backup} //= 1;
    $opts{create_dirs} //= 1;
    $opts{options} ||= [ '-t', '-F', '0', '-N', '-p1', '-u',
            '-V', 'never', '-b', '-z', '.dpkg-orig'];
    $opts{add_options} //= [];
    push @{$opts{options}}, @{$opts{add_options}};
    # Check the diff and create missing directories
    my $analysis = $self->analyze($destdir, %opts);
    $self->prepare_apply($analysis, %opts);
    # Apply the patch
    my ($stdout, $stderr) = ('', '');
	exec => [ $Dpkg::PROGPATCH, @{$opts{options}} ],
	chdir => $destdir,
	env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', PATCH_GET => '0' },
	delete_env => [ 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' ], # ensure expected patch behaviour
	wait_child => 1,
	nocheck => 1,
	from_handle => $self->get_filehandle(),
	to_string => \$stdout,
	error_to_string => \$stderr,
    if ($?) {
	print { *STDOUT } $stdout;
	print { *STDERR } $stderr;
	subprocerr("LC_ALL=C $Dpkg::PROGPATCH " . join(' ', @{$opts{options}}) .
	           ' < ' . $self->get_filename());
    # Reset the timestamp of all the patched files
    # and remove .dpkg-orig files
    my @files = keys %{$analysis->{filepatched}};
    my $now = $opts{timestamp};
    $now //= fs_time($files[0]) if $opts{force_timestamp} && scalar @files;
    foreach my $fn (@files) {
	if ($opts{force_timestamp}) {
	    utime($now, $now, $fn) or $! == ENOENT
		or syserr(g_('cannot change timestamp for %s'), $fn);
	if ($opts{remove_backup}) {
	    $fn .= '.dpkg-orig';
	    unlink($fn) or syserr(g_('remove patch backup file %s'), $fn);
    return $analysis;

# Verify if check will work...
sub check_apply {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;
    # Set default values to options
    $opts{create_dirs} //= 1;
    $opts{options} ||= [ '--dry-run', '-s', '-t', '-F', '0', '-N', '-p1', '-u',
            '-V', 'never', '-b', '-z', '.dpkg-orig'];
    $opts{add_options} //= [];
    push @{$opts{options}}, @{$opts{add_options}};
    # Check the diff and create missing directories
    my $analysis = $self->analyze($destdir, %opts);
    $self->prepare_apply($analysis, %opts);
    # Apply the patch
    my $patch_pid = spawn(
	exec => [ $Dpkg::PROGPATCH, @{$opts{options}} ],
	chdir => $destdir,
	env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', PATCH_GET => '0' },
	delete_env => [ 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' ], # ensure expected patch behaviour
	from_handle => $self->get_filehandle(),
	to_file => '/dev/null',
	error_to_file => '/dev/null',
    wait_child($patch_pid, nocheck => 1);
    my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
    subprocerr("$Dpkg::PROGPATCH --dry-run") unless WIFEXITED($?);
    return ($exit == 0);

# Helper functions
sub get_type {
    my $file = shift;
    if (not lstat($file)) {
        return g_('nonexistent') if $! == ENOENT;
        syserr(g_('cannot stat %s'), $file);
    } else {
        -f _ && return g_('plain file');
        -d _ && return g_('directory');
        -l _ && return sprintf(g_('symlink to %s'), readlink($file));
        -b _ && return g_('block device');
        -c _ && return g_('character device');
        -p _ && return g_('named pipe');
        -S _ && return g_('named socket');



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Package Folder 0755
Archive.pm File 8.31 KB 0644
Functions.pm File 3.75 KB 0644
Package.pm File 18.67 KB 0644
Patch.pm File 22.18 KB 0644
Quilt.pm File 11.16 KB 0644