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# Copyright © Colin Watson <cjwatson@debian.org>
# Copyright © Ian Jackson <ijackson@chiark.greenend.org.uk>
# Copyright © 2007 Don Armstrong <don@donarmstrong.com>.
# Copyright © 2009 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package Dpkg::Version;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '1.01';
our @EXPORT = qw(

use Exporter qw(import);
use Carp;

use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;

use constant {
    REL_LT => '<<',
    REL_LE => '<=',
    REL_EQ => '=',
    REL_GE => '>=',
    REL_GT => '>>',

use overload
    '<=>' => \&_comparison,
    'cmp' => \&_comparison,
    '""'  => sub { return $_[0]->as_string(); },
    'bool' => sub { return $_[0]->as_string() if $_[0]->is_valid(); },
    'fallback' => 1;

=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Dpkg::Version - handling and comparing dpkg-style version numbers


The Dpkg::Version module provides pure-Perl routines to compare
dpkg-style version numbers (as used in Debian packages) and also
an object oriented interface overriding perl operators
to do the right thing when you compare Dpkg::Version object between

=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item $v = Dpkg::Version->new($version, %opts)

Create a new Dpkg::Version object corresponding to the version indicated in
the string (scalar) $version. By default it will accepts any string
and consider it as a valid version. If you pass the option "check => 1",
it will return undef if the version is invalid (see version_check for

You can always call $v->is_valid() later on to verify that the version is


sub new {
    my ($this, $ver, %opts) = @_;
    my $class = ref($this) || $this;
    $ver = "$ver" if ref($ver); # Try to stringify objects

    if ($opts{check}) {
	return unless version_check($ver);

    my $self = {};
    if ($ver =~ /^([^:]*):(.+)$/) {
	$self->{epoch} = $1;
	$ver = $2;
    } else {
	$self->{epoch} = 0;
	$self->{no_epoch} = 1;
    if ($ver =~ /(.*)-(.*)$/) {
	$self->{version} = $1;
	$self->{revision} = $2;
    } else {
	$self->{version} = $ver;
	$self->{revision} = 0;
	$self->{no_revision} = 1;

    return bless $self, $class;

=item boolean evaluation

When the Dpkg::Version object is used in a boolean evaluation (for example
in "if ($v)" or "$v || 'default'") it returns its string representation
if the version stored is valid ($v->is_valid()) and undef otherwise.

=item $v->is_valid()

Returns true if the version is valid, false otherwise.


sub is_valid {
    my $self = shift;
    return scalar version_check($self);

=item $v->epoch(), $v->version(), $v->revision()

Returns the corresponding part of the full version string.


sub epoch {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{epoch};

sub version {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{version};

sub revision {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{revision};

=item $v->is_native()

Returns true if the version is native, false if it has a revision.


sub is_native {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{no_revision};

=item $v1 <=> $v2, $v1 < $v2, $v1 <= $v2, $v1 > $v2, $v1 >= $v2

Numerical comparison of various versions numbers. One of the two operands
needs to be a Dpkg::Version, the other one can be anything provided that
its string representation is a version number.


sub _comparison {
    my ($a, $b, $inverted) = @_;
    if (not ref($b) or not $b->isa('Dpkg::Version')) {
        $b = Dpkg::Version->new($b);
    ($a, $b) = ($b, $a) if $inverted;
    my $r = version_compare_part($a->epoch(), $b->epoch());
    return $r if $r;
    $r = version_compare_part($a->version(), $b->version());
    return $r if $r;
    return version_compare_part($a->revision(), $b->revision());

=item "$v", $v->as_string(), $v->as_string(%options)

Accepts an optional option hash reference, affecting the string conversion.


=over 8

=item omit_epoch (defaults to 0)

Omit the epoch, if present, in the output string.

=item omit_revision (defaults to 0)

Omit the revision, if present, in the output string.


Returns the string representation of the version number.


sub as_string {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    my $no_epoch = $opts{omit_epoch} || $self->{no_epoch};
    my $no_revision = $opts{omit_revision} || $self->{no_revision};

    my $str = '';
    $str .= $self->{epoch} . ':' unless $no_epoch;
    $str .= $self->{version};
    $str .= '-' . $self->{revision} unless $no_revision;
    return $str;



All the functions are exported by default.

=over 4

=item version_compare($a, $b)

Returns -1 if $a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a
is later than $b.

If $a or $b are not valid version numbers, it dies with an error.


sub version_compare($$) {
    my ($a, $b) = @_;
    my $va = Dpkg::Version->new($a, check => 1);
    defined($va) || error(g_('%s is not a valid version'), "$a");
    my $vb = Dpkg::Version->new($b, check => 1);
    defined($vb) || error(g_('%s is not a valid version'), "$b");
    return $va <=> $vb;

=item version_compare_relation($a, $rel, $b)

Returns the result (0 or 1) of the given comparison operation. This
function is implemented on top of version_compare().

Allowed values for $rel are the exported constants REL_GT, REL_GE,
REL_EQ, REL_LE, REL_LT. Use version_normalize_relation() if you
have an input string containing the operator.


sub version_compare_relation($$$) {
    my ($a, $op, $b) = @_;
    my $res = version_compare($a, $b);

    if ($op eq REL_GT) {
	return $res > 0;
    } elsif ($op eq REL_GE) {
	return $res >= 0;
    } elsif ($op eq REL_EQ) {
	return $res == 0;
    } elsif ($op eq REL_LE) {
	return $res <= 0;
    } elsif ($op eq REL_LT) {
	return $res < 0;
    } else {
	croak "unsupported relation for version_compare_relation(): '$op'";

=item $rel = version_normalize_relation($rel_string)

Returns the normalized constant of the relation $rel (a value
among REL_GT, REL_GE, REL_EQ, REL_LE and REL_LT). Supported
relations names in input are: "gt", "ge", "eq", "le", "lt", ">>", ">=",
"=", "<=", "<<". ">" and "<" are also supported but should not be used as
they are obsolete aliases of ">=" and "<=".


sub version_normalize_relation($) {
    my $op = shift;

    warning('relation %s is deprecated: use %s or %s',
            $op, "$op$op", "$op=") if ($op eq '>' or $op eq '<');

    if ($op eq '>>' or $op eq 'gt') {
	return REL_GT;
    } elsif ($op eq '>=' or $op eq 'ge' or $op eq '>') {
	return REL_GE;
    } elsif ($op eq '=' or $op eq 'eq') {
	return REL_EQ;
    } elsif ($op eq '<=' or $op eq 'le' or $op eq '<') {
	return REL_LE;
    } elsif ($op eq '<<' or $op eq 'lt') {
	return REL_LT;
    } else {
	croak "bad relation '$op'";

=item version_compare_string($a, $b)

String comparison function used for comparing non-numerical parts of version
numbers. Returns -1 if $a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a
is later than $b.

The "~" character always sort lower than anything else. Digits sort lower
than non-digits. Among remaining characters alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z)
sort lower than the other ones. Within each range, the ASCII decimal value
of the character is used to sort between characters.


sub _version_order {
    my $x = shift;

    if ($x eq '~') {
        return -1;
    } elsif ($x =~ /^\d$/) {
        return $x * 1 + 1;
    } elsif ($x =~ /^[A-Za-z]$/) {
        return ord($x);
    } else {
        return ord($x) + 256;

sub version_compare_string($$) {
    my @a = map { _version_order($_) } split(//, shift);
    my @b = map { _version_order($_) } split(//, shift);
    while (1) {
        my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b);
        return 0 if not defined($a) and not defined($b);
        $a ||= 0; # Default order for "no character"
        $b ||= 0;
        return 1 if $a > $b;
        return -1 if $a < $b;

=item version_compare_part($a, $b)

Compare two corresponding sub-parts of a version number (either upstream
version or debian revision).

Each parameter is split by version_split_digits() and resulting items
are compared together. As soon as a difference happens, it returns -1 if
$a is earlier than $b, 0 if they are equal and 1 if $a is later than $b.


sub version_compare_part($$) {
    my @a = version_split_digits(shift);
    my @b = version_split_digits(shift);
    while (1) {
        my ($a, $b) = (shift @a, shift @b);
        return 0 if not defined($a) and not defined($b);
        $a ||= 0; # Default value for lack of version
        $b ||= 0;
        if ($a =~ /^\d+$/ and $b =~ /^\d+$/) {
            # Numerical comparison
            my $cmp = $a <=> $b;
            return $cmp if $cmp;
        } else {
            # String comparison
            my $cmp = version_compare_string($a, $b);
            return $cmp if $cmp;

=item @items = version_split_digits($version)

Splits a string in items that are each entirely composed either
of digits or of non-digits. For instance for "1.024~beta1+svn234" it would
return ("1", ".", "024", "~beta", "1", "+svn", "234").


sub version_split_digits($) {
    my $version = shift;

    return split /(?<=\d)(?=\D)|(?<=\D)(?=\d)/, $version;

=item ($ok, $msg) = version_check($version)

=item $ok = version_check($version)

Checks the validity of $version as a version number. Returns 1 in $ok
if the version is valid, 0 otherwise. In the latter case, $msg
contains a description of the problem with the $version scalar.


sub version_check($) {
    my $version = shift;
    my $str;
    if (defined $version) {
        $str = "$version";
        $version = Dpkg::Version->new($str) unless ref($version);
    if (not defined($str) or not length($str)) {
        my $msg = g_('version number cannot be empty');
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if (not defined $version->epoch() or not length $version->epoch()) {
        my $msg = sprintf(g_('epoch part of the version number cannot be empty'));
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if (not defined $version->version() or not length $version->version()) {
        my $msg = g_('upstream version cannot be empty');
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if (not defined $version->revision() or not length $version->revision()) {
        my $msg = sprintf(g_('revision cannot be empty'));
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if ($version->version() =~ m/^[^\d]/) {
        my $msg = g_('version number does not start with digit');
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if ($str =~ m/([^-+:.0-9a-zA-Z~])/o) {
        my $msg = sprintf g_("version number contains illegal character '%s'"), $1;
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    if ($version->epoch() !~ /^\d*$/) {
        my $msg = sprintf(g_('epoch part of the version number ' .
                             "is not a number: '%s'"), $version->epoch());
        return (0, $msg) if wantarray;
        return 0;
    return (1, '') if wantarray;
    return 1;


=head1 CHANGES

=head2 Version 1.01 (dpkg 1.17.0)

New argument: Accept an options argument in $v->as_string().

New method: $v->is_native().

=head2 Version 1.00 (dpkg 1.15.6)

Mark the module as public.




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Build Folder 0755
Changelog Folder 0755
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Control Folder 0755
Dist Folder 0755
Interface Folder 0755
Shlibs Folder 0755
Source Folder 0755
Vendor Folder 0755
Arch.pm File 14.24 KB 0644
BuildFlags.pm File 11.59 KB 0644
BuildOptions.pm File 6.19 KB 0644
BuildProfiles.pm File 3.42 KB 0644
Changelog.pm File 20.15 KB 0644
Checksums.pm File 11.01 KB 0644
Compression.pm File 6.97 KB 0644
Conf.pm File 5.95 KB 0644
Control.pm File 7.19 KB 0644
Deps.pm File 41.81 KB 0644
ErrorHandling.pm File 5.17 KB 0644
Exit.pm File 2.07 KB 0644
File.pm File 983 B 0644
Getopt.pm File 1.21 KB 0644
Gettext.pm File 5.41 KB 0644
IPC.pm File 11.62 KB 0644
Index.pm File 11.61 KB 0644
Lock.pm File 1.87 KB 0644
OpenPGP.pm File 2.15 KB 0644
Package.pm File 1.26 KB 0644
Path.pm File 7.42 KB 0644
Shlibs.pm File 4.6 KB 0644
Substvars.pm File 10.89 KB 0644
Vars.pm File 1.42 KB 0644
Vendor.pm File 5.34 KB 0644
Version.pm File 11.95 KB 0644