[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package HTML::FormatText;

# ABSTRACT: Format HTML as plaintext

use 5.006_001;
use strict;
use warnings;

# We now use Smart::Comments in place of the old DEBUG framework.
# this should be commented out in release versions....
##use Smart::Comments;

use base 'HTML::Formatter';

our $VERSION = '2.12'; # VERSION

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub default_values {
    (   shift->SUPER::default_values(),
        lm => 3,     # left margin
        rm => 72,    # right margin (actually, maximum text width)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub configure {
    my ( $self, $hash ) = @_;

    my $lm = $self->{lm};
    my $rm = $self->{rm};

    $lm = delete $hash->{lm}          if exists $hash->{lm};
    $lm = delete $hash->{leftmargin}  if exists $hash->{leftmargin};
    $rm = delete $hash->{rm}          if exists $hash->{rm};
    $rm = delete $hash->{rightmargin} if exists $hash->{rightmargin};

    my $width = $rm - $lm;
    if ( $width < 1 ) {
        warn "Bad margins, ignored" if $^W;
    if ( $width < 20 ) {
        warn "Page probably too narrow" if $^W;

    for ( keys %$hash ) {
        warn "Unknown configure option '$_'" if $^W;

    $self->{lm} = $lm;
    $self->{rm} = $rm;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub begin {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{curpos} = 0;    # current output position.
    $self->{maxpos} = 0;    # highest value of $pos (used by header underliner)
    $self->{hspace} = 0;    # horizontal space pending flag

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub end {

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub header_start {
    my ( $self, $level ) = @_;

    $self->vspace( 1 + ( 6 - $level ) * 0.4 );
    $self->{maxpos} = 0;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub header_end {
    my ( $self, $level ) = @_;

    if ( $level <= 2 ) {
        my $line;
        $line = '=' if $level == 1;
        $line = '-' if $level == 2;
        $self->out( $line x ( $self->{maxpos} - $self->{lm} ) );

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub bullet {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->SUPER::bullet( $_[0] . ' ' );

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub hr_start {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->out( '-' x ( $self->{rm} - $self->{lm} ) );

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub pre_out {
    my $self = shift;

    # should really handle bold/italic etc.
    if ( defined $self->{vspace} ) {
        if ( $self->{out} ) {
            $self->nl() while $self->{vspace}-- >= 0;
            $self->{vspace} = undef;
    my $indent = ' ' x $self->{lm};
    my $pre    = shift;
    $pre =~ s/^/$indent/mg;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub out {
    my $self = shift;
    my $text = shift;

    $text =~ tr/\xA0\xAD/ /d;

    if ( $text =~ /^\s*$/ ) {
        $self->{hspace} = 1;

    if ( defined $self->{vspace} ) {
        if ( $self->{out} ) {
            $self->nl while $self->{vspace}-- >= 0;
        $self->{vspace} = undef;
        $self->{hspace} = 0;

    if ( $self->{hspace} ) {
        if ( $self->{curpos} + length($text) > $self->{rm} ) {

            # word will not fit on line; do a line break
        else {

            # word fits on line; use a space
            $self->collect(' ');
        $self->{hspace} = 0;

    my $pos = $self->{curpos} += length $text;
    $self->{maxpos} = $pos if $self->{maxpos} < $pos;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub goto_lm {
    my $self = shift;

    my $pos = $self->{curpos};
    my $lm  = $self->{lm};
    if ( $pos < $lm ) {
        $self->{curpos} = $lm;
        $self->collect( " " x ( $lm - $pos ) );

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub nl {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{curpos} = 0;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub adjust_lm {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->{lm} += $_[0];

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub adjust_rm {
    shift->{rm} += $_[0];




=for test_synopsis 1;

=for stopwords latin1 leftmargin lm plaintext rightmargin rm CPAN homepage

=head1 NAME

HTML::FormatText - Format HTML as plaintext

=head1 VERSION

version 2.12


    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new->parse_file("test.html");

    use HTML::FormatText;
    $formatter = HTML::FormatText->new(leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50);
    print $formatter->format($tree);

or, more simply:

    use HTML::FormatText;
    my $string = HTML::FormatText->format_file(
        leftmargin => 0, rightmargin => 50


HTML::FormatText is a formatter that outputs plain latin1 text. All character
attributes (bold/italic/underline) are ignored. Formatting of HTML tables and
forms is not implemented.

HTML::FormatText is built on L<HTML::Formatter> and documentation for that
module applies to this - especially L<HTML::Formatter/new>,
L<HTML::Formatter/format_file> and L<HTML::Formatter/format_string>.

You might specify the following parameters when constructing the formatter:

=over 4

=item I<leftmargin> (alias I<lm>)

The column of the left margin. The default is 3.

=item I<rightmargin> (alias I<rm>)

The column of the right margin. The default is 72.


=head1 SEE ALSO



See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl modules.


You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the
web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=HTML-Format>.


The project homepage is L<https://metacpan.org/release/HTML-Format>.

The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN). Visit L<http://www.perl.com/CPAN/> to find a CPAN
site near you, or see L<https://metacpan.org/module/HTML::Format/>.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

Nigel Metheringham <nigelm@cpan.org>

=item *

Sean M Burke <sburke@cpan.org>

=item *

Gisle Aas <gisle@ActiveState.com>



This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Nigel Metheringham, 2002-2005 Sean M Burke, 1999-2002 Gisle Aas.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Element Folder 0755
Template Folder 0755
Tree Folder 0755
AsSubs.pm File 4.89 KB 0644
Element.pm File 138.73 KB 0644
Form.pm File 38.22 KB 0644
FormatMarkdown.pm File 6.72 KB 0644
FormatPS.pm File 30.4 KB 0644
FormatRTF.pm File 19.27 KB 0644
FormatText.pm File 7.19 KB 0644
Formatter.pm File 25.95 KB 0644
Parse.pm File 4.37 KB 0644
Tagset.pm File 12.64 KB 0644
Template.pm File 131.09 KB 0644
Tree.pm File 5.9 KB 0644
TreeBuilder.pm File 81.7 KB 0644