[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package HTTP::Request;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '6.14';

use base 'HTTP::Message';

sub new
    my($class, $method, $uri, $header, $content) = @_;
    my $self = $class->SUPER::new($header, $content);

sub parse
    my($class, $str) = @_;
    Carp::carp('Undefined argument to parse()') if $^W && ! defined $str;
    my $request_line;
    if (defined $str && $str =~ s/^(.*)\n//) {
	$request_line = $1;
    else {
	$request_line = $str;
	$str = "";

    my $self = $class->SUPER::parse($str);
    if (defined $request_line) {
        my($method, $uri, $protocol) = split(' ', $request_line);
        $self->uri($uri) if defined($uri);
        $self->protocol($protocol) if $protocol;

sub clone
    my $self = shift;
    my $clone = bless $self->SUPER::clone, ref($self);

sub method
    shift->_elem('_method', @_);

sub uri
    my $self = shift;
    my $old = $self->{'_uri'};
    if (@_) {
	my $uri = shift;
	if (!defined $uri) {
	    # that's ok
	elsif (ref $uri) {
	    Carp::croak("A URI can't be a " . ref($uri) . " reference")
		if ref($uri) eq 'HASH' or ref($uri) eq 'ARRAY';
	    Carp::croak("Can't use a " . ref($uri) . " object as a URI")
		unless $uri->can('scheme') && $uri->can('canonical');
	    $uri = $uri->clone;
	    unless ($HTTP::URI_CLASS eq "URI") {
		# Argh!! Hate this... old LWP legacy!
		eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $uri = $uri->abs; };
		die $@ if $@ && $@ !~ /Missing base argument/;
	else {
	    $uri = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new($uri);
	$self->{'_uri'} = $uri;
        delete $self->{'_uri_canonical'};

*url = \&uri;  # legacy

sub uri_canonical
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{'_uri_canonical'} ||= $self->{'_uri'}->canonical;

sub accept_decodable
    my $self = shift;
    $self->header("Accept-Encoding", scalar($self->decodable));

sub as_string
    my $self = shift;
    my($eol) = @_;
    $eol = "\n" unless defined $eol;

    my $req_line = $self->method || "-";
    my $uri = $self->uri;
    $uri = (defined $uri) ? $uri->as_string : "-";
    $req_line .= " $uri";
    my $proto = $self->protocol;
    $req_line .= " $proto" if $proto;

    return join($eol, $req_line, $self->SUPER::as_string(@_));

sub dump
    my $self = shift;
    my @pre = ($self->method || "-", $self->uri || "-");
    if (my $prot = $self->protocol) {
	push(@pre, $prot);

    return $self->SUPER::dump(
        preheader => join(" ", @pre),



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

HTTP::Request - HTTP style request message

=head1 VERSION

version 6.14


 require HTTP::Request;
 $request = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://www.example.com/');

and usually used like this:

 $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
 $response = $ua->request($request);


C<HTTP::Request> is a class encapsulating HTTP style requests,
consisting of a request line, some headers, and a content body. Note
that the LWP library uses HTTP style requests even for non-HTTP
protocols.  Instances of this class are usually passed to the
request() method of an C<LWP::UserAgent> object.

C<HTTP::Request> is a subclass of C<HTTP::Message> and therefore
inherits its methods.  The following additional methods are available:

=over 4

=item $r = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $uri )

=item $r = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $uri, $header )

=item $r = HTTP::Request->new( $method, $uri, $header, $content )

Constructs a new C<HTTP::Request> object describing a request on the
object $uri using method $method.  The $method argument must be a
string.  The $uri argument can be either a string, or a reference to a
C<URI> object.  The optional $header argument should be a reference to
an C<HTTP::Headers> object or a plain array reference of key/value
pairs.  The optional $content argument should be a string of bytes.

=item $r = HTTP::Request->parse( $str )

This constructs a new request object by parsing the given string.

=item $r->method

=item $r->method( $val )

This is used to get/set the method attribute.  The method should be a
short string like "GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "PATCH" or "POST".

=item $r->uri

=item $r->uri( $val )

This is used to get/set the uri attribute.  The $val can be a
reference to a URI object or a plain string.  If a string is given,
then it should be parsable as an absolute URI.

=item $r->header( $field )

=item $r->header( $field => $value )

This is used to get/set header values and it is inherited from
C<HTTP::Headers> via C<HTTP::Message>.  See L<HTTP::Headers> for
details and other similar methods that can be used to access the

=item $r->accept_decodable

This will set the C<Accept-Encoding> header to the list of encodings
that decoded_content() can decode.

=item $r->content

=item $r->content( $bytes )

This is used to get/set the content and it is inherited from the
C<HTTP::Message> base class.  See L<HTTP::Message> for details and
other methods that can be used to access the content.

Note that the content should be a string of bytes.  Strings in perl
can contain characters outside the range of a byte.  The C<Encode>
module can be used to turn such strings into a string of bytes.

=item $r->as_string

=item $r->as_string( $eol )

Method returning a textual representation of the request.



Creating requests to be sent with L<LWP::UserAgent> or others can be easy. Here
are a few examples.

=head2 Simple POST

Here, we'll create a simple POST request that could be used to send JSON data
to an endpoint.

    #!/usr/bin/env perl

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
    use HTTP::Request ();
    use JSON::MaybeXS qw(encode_json);

    my $url = 'https://www.example.com/api/user/123';
    my $header = ['Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'];
    my $data = {foo => 'bar', baz => 'quux'};
    my $encoded_data = encode_utf8(encode_json($data));

    my $r = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, $header, $encoded_data);
    # at this point, we could send it via LWP::UserAgent
    # my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    # my $res = $ua->request($r);

=head2 Batch POST Request

Some services, like Google, allow multiple requests to be sent in one batch.
L<https://developers.google.com/drive/v3/web/batch> for example. Using the
C<add_part> method from L<HTTP::Message> makes this simple.

    #!/usr/bin/env perl

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Encode qw(encode_utf8);
    use HTTP::Request ();
    use JSON::MaybeXS qw(encode_json);

    my $auth_token = 'auth_token';
    my $batch_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/batch';
    my $url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/fileId/permissions?fields=id';
    my $url_no_email = 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/fileId/permissions?fields=id&sendNotificationEmail=false';

    # generate a JSON post request for one of the batch entries
    my $req1 = build_json_request($url, {
        emailAddress => 'example@appsrocks.com',
        role => "writer",
        type => "user",

    # generate a JSON post request for one of the batch entries
    my $req2 = build_json_request($url_no_email, {
        domain => "appsrocks.com",
        role => "reader",
        type => "domain",

    # generate a multipart request to send all of the other requests
    my $r = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $batch_url, [
        'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip',
        # if we don't provide a boundary here, HTTP::Message will generate
        # one for us. We could use UUID::uuid() here if we wanted.
        'Content-Type' => 'multipart/mixed; boundary=END_OF_PART'

    # add the two POST requests to the main request
    $r->add_part($req1, $req2);
    # at this point, we could send it via LWP::UserAgent
    # my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
    # my $res = $ua->request($r);

    sub build_json_request {
        my ($url, $href) = @_;
        my $header = ['Authorization' => "Bearer $auth_token", 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'];
        return HTTP::Request->new('POST', $url, $header, encode_utf8(encode_json($href)));

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<HTTP::Headers>, L<HTTP::Message>, L<HTTP::Request::Common>,

=head1 AUTHOR

Gisle Aas <gisle@activestate.com>


This software is copyright (c) 1994-2017 by Gisle Aas.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



#ABSTRACT: HTTP style request message


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Cookies Folder 0755
Headers Folder 0755
Request Folder 0755
Config.pm File 11.39 KB 0644
Cookies.pm File 21.74 KB 0644
Daemon.pm File 23.93 KB 0644
Date.pm File 10.5 KB 0644
Headers.pm File 24.5 KB 0644
Message.pm File 30.01 KB 0644
Negotiate.pm File 15.74 KB 0644
Request.pm File 8.54 KB 0644
Response.pm File 16.53 KB 0644
Status.pm File 9.39 KB 0644