package LWP::Protocol::file;
use base qw(LWP::Protocol);
use strict;
our $VERSION = '6.31';
require LWP::MediaTypes;
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Response;
require HTTP::Status;
require HTTP::Date;
sub request
my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size) = @_;
$size = 4096 unless defined $size and $size > 0;
# check proxy
if (defined $proxy)
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
'You can not proxy through the filesystem');
# check method
my $method = $request->method;
unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') {
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
'Library does not allow method ' .
"$method for 'file:' URLs");
# check url
my $url = $request->uri;
my $scheme = $url->scheme;
if ($scheme ne 'file') {
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
"LWP::Protocol::file::request called for '$scheme'");
# URL OK, look at file
my $path = $url->file;
# test file exists and is readable
unless (-e $path) {
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_FOUND,
"File `$path' does not exist");
unless (-r _) {
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_FORBIDDEN,
'User does not have read permission');
# looks like file exists
= stat(_);
# XXX should check Accept headers?
# check if-modified-since
my $ims = $request->header('If-Modified-Since');
if (defined $ims) {
my $time = HTTP::Date::str2time($ims);
if (defined $time and $time >= $mtime) {
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_MODIFIED,
"$method $path");
# Ok, should be an OK response by now...
my $response = HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_OK );
# fill in response headers
$response->header('Last-Modified', HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime));
if (-d _) { # If the path is a directory, process it
# generate the HTML for directory
opendir(D, $path) or
return HTTP::Response->new( HTTP::Status::RC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
"Cannot read directory '$path': $!");
my(@files) = sort readdir(D);
# Make directory listing
require URI::Escape;
require HTML::Entities;
my $pathe = $path . ( $^O eq 'MacOS' ? ':' : '/');
for (@files) {
my $furl = URI::Escape::uri_escape($_);
if ( -d "$pathe$_" ) {
$furl .= '/';
$_ .= '/';
my $desc = HTML::Entities::encode($_);
$_ = qq{<LI><A HREF="$furl">$desc</A>};
# Ensure that the base URL is "/" terminated
my $base = $url->clone;
unless ($base->path =~ m|/$|) {
$base->path($base->path . "/");
my $html = join("\n",
"<TITLE>Directory $path</TITLE>",
"<BASE HREF=\"$base\">",
"<H1>Directory listing of $path</H1>",
"<UL>", @files, "</UL>",
$response->header('Content-Type', 'text/html');
$response->header('Content-Length', length $html);
$html = "" if $method eq "HEAD";
return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, $html);
# path is a regular file
$response->header('Content-Length', $filesize);
LWP::MediaTypes::guess_media_type($path, $response);
# read the file
if ($method ne "HEAD") {
open(my $fh, '<', $path) or return new
"Cannot read file '$path': $!");
$response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub {
my $content = "";
my $bytes = sysread($fh, $content, $size);
return \$content if $bytes > 0;
return \ "";