[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package LWP::Protocol::gopher;

# Implementation of the gopher protocol (RFC 1436)
# This code is based on 'wwwgopher.pl,v 0.10 1994/10/17 18:12:34 shelden'
# which in turn is a vastly modified version of Oscar's http'get()
# dated 28/3/94 in <ftp://cui.unige.ch/PUBLIC/oscar/scripts/http.pl>
# including contributions from Marc van Heyningen and Martijn Koster.

use strict;

our $VERSION = '6.31';

require HTTP::Response;
require HTTP::Status;
require IO::Socket;
require IO::Select;

use base qw(LWP::Protocol);

my %gopher2mimetype = (
    '0' => 'text/plain',                # 0 file
    '1' => 'text/html',                 # 1 menu
					# 2 CSO phone-book server
					# 3 Error
    '4' => 'application/mac-binhex40',  # 4 BinHexed Macintosh file
    '5' => 'application/zip',           # 5 DOS binary archive of some sort
    '6' => 'application/octet-stream',  # 6 UNIX uuencoded file.
    '7' => 'text/html',                 # 7 Index-Search server
					# 8 telnet session
    '9' => 'application/octet-stream',  # 9 binary file
    'h' => 'text/html',                 # html
    'g' => 'image/gif',                 # gif
    'I' => 'image/*',                   # some kind of image

my %gopher2encoding = (
    '6' => 'x_uuencode',                # 6 UNIX uuencoded file.

sub request
    my($self, $request, $proxy, $arg, $size, $timeout) = @_;

    $size = 4096 unless $size;

    # check proxy
    if (defined $proxy) {
	return HTTP::Response->new(HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
				   'You can not proxy through the gopher');

    my $url = $request->uri;
    die "bad scheme" if $url->scheme ne 'gopher';

    my $method = $request->method;
    unless ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') {
	return HTTP::Response->new(HTTP::Status::RC_BAD_REQUEST,
				   'Library does not allow method ' .
				   "$method for 'gopher:' URLs");

    my $gophertype = $url->gopher_type;
    unless (exists $gopher2mimetype{$gophertype}) {
	return HTTP::Response->new(HTTP::Status::RC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
				   'Library does not support gophertype ' .

    my $response = HTTP::Response->new(HTTP::Status::RC_OK, "OK");
    $response->header('Content-type' => $gopher2mimetype{$gophertype}
					|| 'text/plain');
    $response->header('Content-Encoding' => $gopher2encoding{$gophertype})
	if exists $gopher2encoding{$gophertype};

    if ($method eq 'HEAD') {
	# XXX: don't even try it so we set this header
	$response->header('Client-Warning' => 'Client answer only');
	return $response;

    if ($gophertype eq '7' && ! $url->search) {
      # the url is the prompt for a gopher search; supply boiler-plate
      return $self->collect_once($arg, $response, <<"EOT");
<TITLE>Gopher Index</TITLE>
<H1>$url<BR>Gopher Search</H1>
This is a searchable Gopher index.
Use the search function of your browser to enter search terms.

    my $host = $url->host;
    my $port = $url->port;

    my $requestLine = "";

    my $selector = $url->selector;
    if (defined $selector) {
	$requestLine .= $selector;
	my $search = $url->search;
	if (defined $search) {
	    $requestLine .= "\t$search";
	    my $string = $url->string;
	    if (defined $string) {
		$requestLine .= "\t$string";
    $requestLine .= "\015\012";

    # potential request headers are just ignored

    # Ok, lets make the request
    my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host,
				       PeerPort => $port,
				       LocalAddr => $self->{ua}{local_address},
				       Proto    => 'tcp',
				       Timeout  => $timeout);
    die "Can't connect to $host:$port" unless $socket;
    my $sel = IO::Select->new($socket);

	die "write timeout" if $timeout && !$sel->can_write($timeout);
	my $n = syswrite($socket, $requestLine, length($requestLine));
	die $! unless defined($n);
	die "short write" if $n != length($requestLine);

    my $user_arg = $arg;

    # must handle menus in a special way since they are to be
    # converted to HTML.  Undefing $arg ensures that the user does
    # not see the data before we get a change to convert it.
    $arg = undef if $gophertype eq '1' || $gophertype eq '7';

    # collect response
    my $buf = '';
    $response = $self->collect($arg, $response, sub {
	die "read timeout" if $timeout && !$sel->can_read($timeout);
        my $n = sysread($socket, $buf, $size);
	die $! unless defined($n);
	return \$buf;
      } );

    # Convert menu to HTML and return data to user.
    if ($gophertype eq '1' || $gophertype eq '7') {
	my $content = menu2html($response->content);
	if (defined $user_arg) {
	    $response = $self->collect_once($user_arg, $response, $content);
	else {


sub gopher2url
    my($gophertype, $path, $host, $port) = @_;

    my $url;

    if ($gophertype eq '8' || $gophertype eq 'T') {
	# telnet session
	$url = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new($gophertype eq '8' ? 'telnet:':'tn3270:');
	$url->user($path) if defined $path;
    else {
	$path = URI::Escape::uri_escape($path);
	$url = $HTTP::URI_CLASS->new("gopher:/$gophertype$path");

sub menu2html {
    my($menu) = @_;

    $menu =~ tr/\015//d;  # remove carriage return
    my $tmp = <<"EOT";
   <TITLE>Gopher menu</TITLE>
<H1>Gopher menu</H1>
    for (split("\n", $menu)) {
	last if /^\./;
	my($pretty, $path, $host, $port) = split("\t");

	$pretty =~ s/^(.)//;
	my $type = $1;

	my $url = gopher2url($type, $path, $host, $port)->as_string;
	$tmp .= qq{<A HREF="$url">$pretty</A><BR>\n};
    $tmp .= "</BODY>\n</HTML>\n";



Name Type Size Permission Actions
cpan.pm File 1.33 KB 0644
data.pm File 1.2 KB 0644
file.pm File 3.75 KB 0644
ftp.pm File 18.69 KB 0644
gopher.pm File 5.59 KB 0644
http.pm File 14.74 KB 0644
https.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
loopback.pm File 586 B 0644
mailto.pm File 4.3 KB 0644
nntp.pm File 4.1 KB 0644
nogo.pm File 610 B 0644