[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package LWP::Protocol::https;

use strict;
our $VERSION = "6.07";

require LWP::Protocol::http;
our @ISA = qw(LWP::Protocol::http);
require Net::HTTPS;

sub socket_type
    return "https";

sub _extra_sock_opts
    my $self = shift;
    my %ssl_opts = %{$self->{ua}{ssl_opts} || {}};
    if (delete $ssl_opts{verify_hostname}) {
	$ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode} ||= 1;
	$ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = 'www';
    else {
	if ( $Net::HTTPS::SSL_SOCKET_CLASS eq 'Net::SSL' ) {
		$ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = '';
	} else {
		$ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = 'none';
    if ($ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode}) {
	unless (exists $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file} || exists $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_path}) {
        $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file} = '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt';
    $self->{ssl_opts} = \%ssl_opts;
    return (%ssl_opts, $self->SUPER::_extra_sock_opts);

# _cn_match($common_name, $san_name)
#  common_name: an IA5String
#  san_name: subjectAltName
# initially we were only concerned with the dNSName
# and the 'left-most' only wildcard as noted in
#   https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.3
# this method does not match any wildcarding in the
# domain name as listed in section-
sub _cn_match {
    my( $me, $common_name, $san_name ) = @_;

    # /CN has a '*.' prefix
    # MUST be an FQDN -- fishing?
    return 0 if( $common_name =~ /^\*\./ );

    my $re = q{}; # empty string

     # turn a leading "*." into a regex
    if( $san_name =~ /^\*\./ ) {
        $san_name =~ s/\*//;
        $re = "[^.]+";

      # quotemeta the rest and match anchored
    if( $common_name =~ /^$re\Q$san_name\E$/ ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

# _in_san( cn, cert )
#  'cn' of the form  /CN=host_to_check ( "Common Name" form )
#  'cert' any object that implements a peer_certificate('subjectAltNames') method
#   which will return an array of  ( type-id, value ) pairings per
#   http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section-
# if there is no subjectAltNames there is nothing more to do.
# currently we have a _cn_match() that will allow for simple compare.
sub _in_san
    my($me, $cn, $cert) = @_;

	  # we can return early if there are no SAN options.
	my @sans = $cert->peer_certificate('subjectAltNames');
	return unless scalar @sans;

	(my $common_name = $cn) =~ s/.*=//; # strip off the prefix.

      # get the ( type-id, value ) pairwise
      # currently only the basic CN to san_name check
    while( my ( $type_id, $value ) = splice( @sans, 0, 2 ) ) {
        return 'ok' if $me->_cn_match($common_name,$value);

sub _check_sock
    my($self, $req, $sock) = @_;
    my $check = $req->header("If-SSL-Cert-Subject");
    if (defined $check) {
        my $cert = $sock->get_peer_certificate ||
            die "Missing SSL certificate";
        my $subject = $cert->subject_name;
        unless ( $subject =~ /$check/ ) {
            my $ok = $self->_in_san( $check, $cert);
            die "Bad SSL certificate subject: '$subject' !~ /$check/"
                unless $ok;
        $req->remove_header("If-SSL-Cert-Subject");  # don't pass it on

sub _get_sock_info
    my $self = shift;
    my($res, $sock) = @_;
    $res->header("Client-SSL-Cipher" => $sock->get_cipher);
    my $cert = $sock->get_peer_certificate;
    if ($cert) {
	$res->header("Client-SSL-Cert-Subject" => $cert->subject_name);
	$res->header("Client-SSL-Cert-Issuer" => $cert->issuer_name);
    if (!$self->{ssl_opts}{SSL_verify_mode}) {
	$res->push_header("Client-SSL-Warning" => "Peer certificate not verified");
    elsif (!$self->{ssl_opts}{SSL_verifycn_scheme}) {
	$res->push_header("Client-SSL-Warning" => "Peer hostname match with certificate not verified");
    $res->header("Client-SSL-Socket-Class" => $Net::HTTPS::SSL_SOCKET_CLASS);

# upgrade plain socket to SSL, used for CONNECT tunnel when proxying https
# will only work if the underlying socket class of Net::HTTPS is
# IO::Socket::SSL, but code will only be called in this case
if ( $Net::HTTPS::SSL_SOCKET_CLASS->can('start_SSL')) {
    *_upgrade_sock = sub {
	my ($self,$sock,$url) = @_;
	$sock = LWP::Protocol::https::Socket->start_SSL( $sock,
	    SSL_verifycn_name => $url->host,
	    SSL_hostname => $url->host,
	$@ = LWP::Protocol::https::Socket->errstr if ! $sock;
	return $sock;

package LWP::Protocol::https::Socket;

our @ISA = qw(Net::HTTPS LWP::Protocol::http::SocketMethods);



=head1 NAME

LWP::Protocol::https - Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent


  use LWP::UserAgent;

  $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(ssl_opts => { verify_hostname => 1 });
  $res = $ua->get("https://www.example.com");

  # specify a CA path
  $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
      ssl_opts => {
          SSL_ca_path     => '/etc/ssl/certs',
          verify_hostname => 1,


The LWP::Protocol::https module provides support for using https schemed
URLs with LWP.  This module is a plug-in to the LWP protocol handling, so
you don't use it directly.  Once the module is installed LWP is able
to access sites using HTTP over SSL/TLS.

If hostname verification is requested by LWP::UserAgent's C<ssl_opts>, and
neither C<SSL_ca_file> nor C<SSL_ca_path> is set, then C<SSL_ca_file> is
implied to be the one provided by Mozilla::CA.  If the Mozilla::CA module
isn't available SSL requests will fail.  Either install this module, set up an
alternative C<SSL_ca_file> or disable hostname verification.

This module used to be bundled with the libwww-perl, but it was unbundled in
v6.02 in order to be able to declare its dependencies properly for the CPAN
tool-chain.  Applications that need https support can just declare their
dependency on LWP::Protocol::https and will no longer need to know what
underlying modules to install.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<IO::Socket::SSL>, L<Crypt::SSLeay>, L<Mozilla::CA>


Copyright 1997-2011 Gisle Aas.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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data.pm File 1.2 KB 0644
file.pm File 3.75 KB 0644
ftp.pm File 18.69 KB 0644
gopher.pm File 5.59 KB 0644
http.pm File 14.74 KB 0644
https.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
loopback.pm File 586 B 0644
mailto.pm File 4.3 KB 0644
nntp.pm File 4.1 KB 0644
nogo.pm File 610 B 0644