[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
package LWP::RobotUA;

use base qw(LWP::UserAgent);

our $VERSION = '6.31';

require WWW::RobotRules;
require HTTP::Request;
require HTTP::Response;

use Carp ();
use HTTP::Status ();
use HTTP::Date qw(time2str);
use strict;

# Additional attributes in addition to those found in LWP::UserAgent:
# $self->{'delay'}    Required delay between request to the same
#                     server in minutes.
# $self->{'rules'}     A WWW::RobotRules object

sub new
    my $class = shift;
    my %cnf;
    if (@_ < 4) {
	# legacy args
	@cnf{qw(agent from rules)} = @_;
    else {
	%cnf = @_;

    Carp::croak('LWP::RobotUA agent required') unless $cnf{agent};
    Carp::croak('LWP::RobotUA from address required')
	unless $cnf{from} && $cnf{from} =~ m/\@/;

    my $delay = delete $cnf{delay} || 1;
    my $use_sleep = delete $cnf{use_sleep};
    $use_sleep = 1 unless defined($use_sleep);
    my $rules = delete $cnf{rules};

    my $self = LWP::UserAgent->new(%cnf);
    $self = bless $self, $class;

    $self->{'delay'} = $delay;   # minutes
    $self->{'use_sleep'} = $use_sleep;

    if ($rules) {
	$self->{'rules'} = $rules;
    else {
	$self->{'rules'} = WWW::RobotRules->new($cnf{agent});


sub delay     { shift->_elem('delay',     @_); }
sub use_sleep { shift->_elem('use_sleep', @_); }

sub agent
    my $self = shift;
    my $old = $self->SUPER::agent(@_);
    if (@_) {
	# Changing our name means to start fresh

sub rules {
    my $self = shift;
    my $old = $self->_elem('rules', @_);
    $self->{'rules'}->agent($self->{'agent'}) if @_;

sub no_visits
    my($self, $netloc) = @_;
    $self->{'rules'}->no_visits($netloc) || 0;

*host_count = \&no_visits;  # backwards compatibility with LWP-5.02

sub host_wait
    my($self, $netloc) = @_;
    return undef unless defined $netloc;
    my $last = $self->{'rules'}->last_visit($netloc);
    if ($last) {
	my $wait = int($self->{'delay'} * 60 - (time - $last));
	$wait = 0 if $wait < 0;
	return $wait;
    return 0;

sub simple_request
    my($self, $request, $arg, $size) = @_;

    # Do we try to access a new server?
    my $allowed = $self->{'rules'}->allowed($request->uri);

    if ($allowed < 0) {
	# Host is not visited before, or robots.txt expired; fetch "robots.txt"
	my $robot_url = $request->uri->clone;

	# make access to robot.txt legal since this will be a recursive call
	$self->{'rules'}->parse($robot_url, "");

	my $robot_req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $robot_url);
	my $parse_head = $self->parse_head(0);
	my $robot_res = $self->request($robot_req);
	my $fresh_until = $robot_res->fresh_until;
	my $content = "";
	if ($robot_res->is_success && $robot_res->content_is_text) {
	    $content = $robot_res->decoded_content;
	    $content = "" unless $content && $content =~ /^\s*Disallow\s*:/mi;
	$self->{'rules'}->parse($robot_url, $content, $fresh_until);

	# recalculate allowed...
	$allowed = $self->{'rules'}->allowed($request->uri);

    # Check rules
    unless ($allowed) {
	my $res = HTTP::Response->new(
	  HTTP::Status::RC_FORBIDDEN, 'Forbidden by robots.txt');
	$res->request( $request ); # bind it to that request
	return $res;

    my $netloc = eval { local $SIG{__DIE__}; $request->uri->host_port; };
    my $wait = $self->host_wait($netloc);

    if ($wait) {
	if ($self->{'use_sleep'}) {
	else {
	    my $res = HTTP::Response->new(
	      HTTP::Status::RC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 'Please, slow down');
	    $res->header('Retry-After', time2str(time + $wait));
	    $res->request( $request ); # bind it to that request
	    return $res;

    # Perform the request
    my $res = $self->SUPER::simple_request($request, $arg, $size);



sub as_string
    my $self = shift;
    my @s;
    push(@s, "Robot: $self->{'agent'} operated by $self->{'from'}  [$self]");
    push(@s, "    Minimum delay: " . int($self->{'delay'}*60) . "s");
    push(@s, "    Will sleep if too early") if $self->{'use_sleep'};
    push(@s, "    Rules = $self->{'rules'}");
    join("\n", @s, '');




=head1 NAME

LWP::RobotUA - a class for well-behaved Web robots


  use LWP::RobotUA;
  my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new('my-robot/0.1', 'me@foo.com');
  $ua->delay(10);  # be very nice -- max one hit every ten minutes!

  # Then just use it just like a normal LWP::UserAgent:
  my $response = $ua->get('http://whatever.int/...');


This class implements a user agent that is suitable for robot
applications.  Robots should be nice to the servers they visit.  They
should consult the F</robots.txt> file to ensure that they are welcomed
and they should not make requests too frequently.

But before you consider writing a robot, take a look at

When you use an I<LWP::RobotUA> object as your user agent, then you do not
really have to think about these things yourself; C<robots.txt> files
are automatically consulted and obeyed, the server isn't queried
too rapidly, and so on.  Just send requests
as you do when you are using a normal I<LWP::UserAgent>
object (using C<< $ua->get(...) >>, C<< $ua->head(...) >>,
C<< $ua->request(...) >>, etc.), and this
special agent will make sure you are nice.

=head1 METHODS

The LWP::RobotUA is a sub-class of L<LWP::UserAgent> and implements the
same methods. In addition the following methods are provided:

=head2 new

    my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( %options )
    my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from )
    my $ua = LWP::RobotUA->new( $agent, $from, $rules )

The LWP::UserAgent options C<agent> and C<from> are mandatory.  The
options C<delay>, C<use_sleep> and C<rules> initialize attributes
private to the RobotUA.  If C<rules> are not provided, then
C<WWW::RobotRules> is instantiated providing an internal database of

It is also possible to just pass the value of C<agent>, C<from> and
optionally C<rules> as plain positional arguments.

=head2 delay

    my $delay = $ua->delay;
    $ua->delay( $minutes );

Get/set the minimum delay between requests to the same server, in
I<minutes>.  The default is C<1> minute.  Note that this number doesn't
have to be an integer; for example, this sets the delay to C<10> seconds:


=head2 use_sleep

    my $bool = $ua->use_sleep;
    $ua->use_sleep( $boolean );

Get/set a value indicating whether the UA should L<LWP::RobotUA/sleep> if
requests arrive too fast, defined as C<< $ua->delay >> minutes not passed since
last request to the given server.  The default is true.  If this value is
false then an internal C<SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE> response will be generated.
It will have a C<Retry-After> header that indicates when it is OK to
send another request to this server.

=head2 rules

    my $rules = $ua->rules;
    $ua->rules( $rules );

Set/get which I<WWW::RobotRules> object to use.

=head2 no_visits

    my $num = $ua->no_visits( $netloc )

Returns the number of documents fetched from this server host. Yeah I
know, this method should probably have been named C<num_visits> or
something like that. :-(

=head2 host_wait

    my $num = $ua->host_wait( $netloc )

Returns the number of I<seconds> (from now) you must wait before you can
make a new request to this host.

=head2 as_string

    my $string = $ua->as_string;

Returns a string that describes the state of the UA.
Mainly useful for debugging.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<LWP::UserAgent>, L<WWW::RobotRules>


Copyright 1996-2004 Gisle Aas.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Authen Folder 0755
Debug Folder 0755
Protocol Folder 0755
ConnCache.pm File 8.53 KB 0644
Debug.pm File 2.7 KB 0644
DebugFile.pm File 67 B 0644
MediaTypes.pm File 6.31 KB 0644
MemberMixin.pm File 875 B 0644
Protocol.pm File 8.18 KB 0644
RobotUA.pm File 7.71 KB 0644
Simple.pm File 6.4 KB 0644
UserAgent.pm File 65.27 KB 0644
media.types File 48.65 KB 0644