[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyrights 1995-2016 by [Mark Overmeer <perl@overmeer.net>].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
package Mail::Cap;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.18';

use strict;

sub Version { our $VERSION }

our $useCache = 1;  # don't evaluate tests every time

my @path;
if($^O eq "MacOS")
{   @path = split /\,/, $ENV{MAILCAPS} || "$ENV{HOME}mailcap";
{   @path = split /\:/
      , ( $ENV{MAILCAPS} || (defined $ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}/.mailcap:" : '')
        . '/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap'
        );   # this path is specified under RFC1524 appendix A 

sub new
{   my $class = shift;
    unshift @_, 'filename' if @_ % 2;
    my %args  = @_;

    my $take_all = $args{take} && uc $args{take} eq 'ALL';

    my $self  = bless {_count => 0}, $class;

        if defined $args{filename} && -r $args{filename};

    if(!defined $args{filename} || $take_all)
    {   foreach my $fname (@path)
        {   -r $fname or next;

            last unless $take_all;

    {   # Set up default mailcap
        $self->{'audio/*'} = [{'view' => "showaudio %s"}];
        $self->{'image/*'} = [{'view' => "xv %s"}];
        $self->{'message/rfc822'} = [{'view' => "xterm -e metamail %s"}];


sub _process_file
{   my $self = shift;
    my $file = shift or return;

    local *MAILCAP;
    open MAILCAP, $file
        or return;

    $self->{_file} = $file;

    local $_;
    {   next if /^\s*#/; # comment
        next if /^\s*$/; # blank line
        $_ .= <MAILCAP>  # continuation line
           while s/(^|[^\\])((?:\\\\)*)\\\s*$/$1$2/;
        s/\0//g;              # ensure no NULs in the line
        s/(^|[^\\]);/$1\0/g;  # make field separator NUL
        my ($type, $view, @parts) = split /\s*\0\s*/;

        $type    .= "/*" if $type !~ m[/];
        $view     =~ s/\\;/;/g;
        $view     =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
        my %field = (view => $view);

        foreach (@parts)
        {   my($key, $val) = split /\s*\=\s*/, $_, 2;
            if(defined $val)
            {   $val =~ s/\\;/;/g;
                $val =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
                $field{$key} = $val;
            {   $field{$key} = 1;

        if(my $test = $field{test})
        {   unless ($test =~ /\%/)
            {   # No parameters in test, can perform it right away
                system $test;
                next if $?;

        # record this entry
        unless(exists $self->{$type})
        {   $self->{$type} = [];
        push @{$self->{$type}}, \%field;

    close MAILCAP;

sub view    { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->viewCmd(@_))    }
sub compose { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->composeCmd(@_)) }
sub edit    { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->editCmd(@_))    }
sub print   { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->printCmd(@_))   }

sub _run($)
{   my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
    defined $cmd or return 0;

    system $cmd;

sub viewCmd    { shift->_createCommand(view    => @_) }
sub composeCmd { shift->_createCommand(compose => @_) }
sub editCmd    { shift->_createCommand(edit    => @_) }
sub printCmd   { shift->_createCommand(print   => @_) }

sub _createCommand($$$)
{   my ($self, $method, $type, $file) = @_;
    my $entry = $self->getEntry($type, $file);

    $entry && exists $entry->{$method}
        or return undef;

    $self->expandPercentMacros($entry->{$method}, $type, $file);

sub makeName($$)
{   my ($self, $type, $basename) = @_;
    my $template = $self->nametemplate($type)
        or return $basename;

    $template =~ s/%s/$basename/g;

sub field($$)
{   my($self, $type, $field) = @_;
    my $entry = $self->getEntry($type);

sub description     { shift->field(shift, 'description');     }
sub textualnewlines { shift->field(shift, 'textualnewlines'); }
sub x11_bitmap      { shift->field(shift, 'x11-bitmap');      }
sub nametemplate    { shift->field(shift, 'nametemplate');    }

sub getEntry
{   my($self, $origtype, $file) = @_;

    return $self->{_cache}{$origtype}
        if $useCache && exists $self->{_cache}{$origtype};

    my ($fulltype, @params) = split /\s*;\s*/, $origtype;
    my ($type, $subtype)    = split m[/], $fulltype, 2;
    $subtype ||= '';

    my $entry;
    foreach (@{$self->{"$type/$subtype"}}, @{$self->{"$type/*"}})
    {   if(exists $_->{'test'})
        {   # must run test to see if it applies
            my $test = $self->expandPercentMacros($_->{'test'},
        					  $origtype, $file);
            system $test;
            next if $?;
        $entry = { %$_ };  # make copy
    $self->{_cache}{$origtype} = $entry if $useCache;

sub expandPercentMacros
{   my ($self, $text, $type, $file) = @_;
    defined $type or return $text;
    defined $file or $file = "";

    my ($fulltype, @params) = split /\s*;\s*/, $type;
    ($type, my $subtype)    = split m[/], $fulltype, 2;

    my %params;
    foreach (@params)
    {   my($key, $val) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
        $params{$key} = $val;
    $text =~ s/\\%/\0/g;        # hide all escaped %'s
    $text =~ s/%t/$fulltype/g;  # expand %t
    $text =~ s/%s/$file/g;      # expand %s
    {   # expand %{field}
        local $^W = 0;  # avoid warnings when expanding %params
        $text =~ s/%\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/$params{$1}/g;
    $text =~ s/\0/%/g;

# This following procedures can be useful for debugging purposes

sub dumpEntry
{   my($hash, $prefix) = @_;
    defined $prefix or $prefix = "";
    print "$prefix$_ = $hash->{$_}\n"
        for sort keys %$hash;

sub dump
{   my $self = shift;
    foreach (keys %$self)
    {   next if /^_/;
        print "$_\n";
        foreach (@{$self->{$_}})
        {   dumpEntry($_, "\t");
            print "\n";

    if(exists $self->{_cache})
    {   print "Cached types\n";
        print "\t$_\n"
            for keys %{$self->{_cache}};



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Field Folder 0755
Mailer Folder 0755
Address.pm File 6.66 KB 0644
Address.pod File 3.71 KB 0644
Cap.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
Cap.pod File 3.74 KB 0644
Field.pm File 4.68 KB 0644
Field.pod File 4.9 KB 0644
Filter.pm File 1.23 KB 0644
Filter.pod File 2.79 KB 0644
Header.pm File 14.02 KB 0644
Header.pod File 7.72 KB 0644
Internet.pm File 12 KB 0644
Internet.pod File 10.31 KB 0644
Mailer.pm File 4.73 KB 0644
Mailer.pod File 3.88 KB 0644
Send.pm File 1.13 KB 0644
Send.pod File 2.8 KB 0644
Sendmail.pm File 32.64 KB 0644
Util.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Util.pod File 3.08 KB 0644