[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyrights 1995-2016 by [Mark Overmeer <perl@overmeer.net>].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
package Mail::Header;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.18';

use strict;
use Carp;

my %HDR_LENGTHS = ();

# Pattern to match a RFC822 Field name ( Extract from RFC #822)
#     field       =  field-name ":" [ field-body ] CRLF
#     field-name  =  1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
#     CHAR        =  <any ASCII character>        ; (  0-177,  0.-127.)
#     CTL         =  <any ASCII control           ; (  0- 37,  0.- 31.)
#		      character and DEL>          ; (    177,     127.)
# I have included the trailing ':' in the field-name
our $FIELD_NAME = '[^\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff :]+:';

## Private functions

sub _error { warn @_; () }

# tidy up internal hash table and list

sub _tidy_header
{   my $self    = shift;
    my $deleted = 0;

    for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}}; $i++)
    {   next if defined $self->{mail_hdr_list}[$i];

        splice @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}}, $i, 1;

    {   local $_;
        my @del;

        while(my ($key,$ref) = each %{$self->{mail_hdr_hash}} )
        {   push @del, $key
	       unless @$ref = grep { ref $_ && defined $$_ } @$ref;

        delete $self->{'mail_hdr_hash'}{$_} for @del;

# fold the line to the given length

my %STRUCTURE = map { (lc $_ => undef) }
  qw{ To Cc Bcc From Date Reply-To Sender
      Resent-Date Resent-From Resent-Sender Resent-To Return-Path
      list-help list-post list-unsubscribe Mailing-List
      Received References Message-ID In-Reply-To
      Content-Length Content-Type Content-Disposition

sub _fold_line
{   my($ln,$maxlen) = @_;

    $maxlen = 20
       if $maxlen < 20;

    my $max = int($maxlen - 5);         # 4 for leading spcs + 1 for [\,\;]
    my $min = int($maxlen * 4 / 5) - 4;

    $_[0] =~ s/[\r\n]+//og;        # Remove new-lines
    $_[0] =~ s/\s*\Z/\n/so;        # End line with a EOLN

    return if $_[0] =~ /^From\s/io;

    if(length($_[0]) > $maxlen)
    {   if($_[0] =~ /^([-\w]+)/ && exists $STRUCTURE{ lc $1 } )
        {   #Split the line up
            # first bias towards splitting at a , or a ; >4/5 along the line
            # next split a whitespace
            # else we are looking at a single word and probably don't want to split
            my $x = "";
            $x .= "$1\n " while $_[0] =~
                   ( [^"]{$min,$max} [,;]
                   | [^"]{1,$max}    [,;\s]
                   | [^\s"]*(?:"[^"]*"[ \t]?[^\s"]*)+\s
                   ) //x;

            $x .= $_[0];
            $_[0] = $x;
            $_[0] =~ s/(\A\s+|[\t ]+\Z)//sog;
            $_[0] =~ s/\s+\n/\n/sog;
        {   $_[0] =~ s/(.{$min,$max})(\s)/$1\n$2/g;
            $_[0] =~ s/\s*$/\n/s;

    $_[0] =~ s/\A(\S+)\n\s*(?=\S)/$1 /so; 

# Tags are case-insensitive, but there is a (slightly) preferred construction
# being all characters are lowercase except the first of each word. Also
# if the word is an `acronym' then all characters are uppercase. We decide
# a word is an acronym if it does not contain a vowel.
# In general, this change of capitalization is a bad idea, but it is in
# the code for ages, and therefore probably crucial for existing
# applications.

sub _tag_case
{   my $tag = shift;
    $tag =~ s/\:$//;
    join '-'
      , map { /^[b-df-hj-np-tv-z]+$|^(?:MIME|SWE|SOAP|LDAP|ID)$/i
              ? uc($_) : ucfirst(lc($_))
            } split m/\-/, $tag, -1;

# format a complete line
#  ensure line starts with the given tag
#  ensure tag is correct case
#  change the 'From ' tag as required
#  fold the line

sub _fmt_line
{   my ($self, $tag, $line, $modify) = @_;
    $modify ||= $self->{mail_hdr_modify};
    my $ctag = undef;

    ($tag) = $line =~ /^($FIELD_NAME|From )/oi
        unless defined $tag;

    if(defined $tag && $tag =~ /^From /io && $self->{mail_hdr_mail_from} ne 'KEEP')
    {   if($self->{mail_hdr_mail_from} eq 'COERCE')
        {   $line =~ s/^From /Mail-From: /o;
            $tag = "Mail-From:";
        elsif($self->{mail_hdr_mail_from} eq 'IGNORE')
        {   return ();
        elsif($self->{mail_hdr_mail_from} eq 'ERROR')
        {    return _error "unadorned 'From ' ignored: <$line>";

    if(defined $tag)
    {   $tag  = _tag_case($ctag = $tag);
        $ctag = $tag if $modify;
        $ctag =~ s/([^ :])$/$1:/o if defined $ctag;

    defined $ctag && $ctag =~ /^($FIELD_NAME|From )/oi
        or croak "Bad RFC822 field name '$tag'\n";

    # Ensure the line starts with tag
    if(defined $ctag && ($modify || $line !~ /^\Q$ctag\E/i))
    {   (my $xtag = $ctag) =~ s/\s*\Z//o;
        $line =~ s/^(\Q$ctag\E)?\s*/$xtag /i;

    my $maxlen = $self->{mail_hdr_lengths}{$tag}
              || $HDR_LENGTHS{$tag}
              || $self->fold_length;

    if ($modify && defined $maxlen)
    {   # folding will fix bad header continuations for us
        _fold_line $line, $maxlen;
    elsif($line =~ /\r?\n\S/)
    {   return _error "Bad header continuation, skipping '$tag': ",
                      "no space after newline in '$line'\n";

    $line =~ s/\n*$/\n/so;
    ($tag, $line);

sub _insert
{   my ($self, $tag, $line, $where) = @_;

    if($where < 0)
    {   $where = @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}} + $where + 1;
        $where = 0 if $where < 0;
    elsif($where >= @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}})
    {   $where = @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}};

    my $atend = $where == @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}};
    splice @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}}, $where, 0, $line;

    $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag} ||= [];
    my $ref = \${$self->{mail_hdr_list}}[$where];

    my $def = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag};
    if($def && $where)
    {   if($atend) { push @$def, $ref }
        {   my $i = 0;
            foreach my $ln (@{$self->{mail_hdr_list}})
            {   my $r = \$ln;
                last if $r == $ref;
                $i++ if $r == $def->[$i];
            splice @$def, $i, 0, $ref;
    {    unshift @$def, $ref;

sub new
{   my $call  = shift;
    my $class = ref($call) || $call;
    my $arg   = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef;
    my %opt   = @_;

    $opt{Modify} = delete $opt{Reformat}
        unless exists $opt{Modify};

    my $self = bless
      { mail_hdr_list     => []
      , mail_hdr_hash     => {}
      , mail_hdr_modify   => (delete $opt{Modify} || 0)
      , mail_hdr_foldlen  => 79
      , mail_hdr_lengths  => {}
      }, $class;

    $self->mail_from( uc($opt{MailFrom} || $MAIL_FROM) );

        if exists $opt{FoldLength};

    if(!ref $arg)               {}
    elsif(ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') { $self->extract( [ @$arg ] ) }
    elsif(defined fileno($arg)) { $self->read($arg) }


sub dup
{   my $self = shift;
    my $dup  = ref($self)->new;

    %$dup    = %$self;
    $dup->empty;      # rebuild tables

    $dup->{mail_hdr_list} = [ @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}} ];

    foreach my $ln ( @{$dup->{mail_hdr_list}} )
    {    my $tag = _tag_case +($ln =~ /^($FIELD_NAME|From )/oi)[0];
         push @{$dup->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag}}, \$ln;


sub extract
{   my ($self, $lines) = @_;

    {   my $line = shift @$lines;
        last if $line =~ /^\r?$/;

        $line    =~ /^($FIELD_NAME|From )/o or next;
        my $tag  = $1;

        $line   .= shift @$lines
            while @$lines && $lines->[0] =~ /^[ \t]+/;

        ($tag, $line) = _fmt_line $self, $tag, $line;

        _insert $self, $tag, $line, -1
            if defined $line;


sub read
{   my ($self, $fd) = @_;

    my ($ln, $tag, $line);
    {   $ln = <$fd>;

        if(defined $ln && defined $line && $ln =~ /^[ \t]+/)
        {   $line .= $ln;  # folded line

        if(defined $line)
        {   ($tag, $line) = _fmt_line $self, $tag, $line;
            _insert $self, $tag, $line, -1
	        if defined $line;
            ($tag, $line) = ();

        last if !defined $ln || $ln =~ m/^\r?$/;

        $ln =~ /^($FIELD_NAME|From )/o or next;
        ($tag, $line) = ($1, $ln);


sub empty
{   my $self = shift;
    $self->{mail_hdr_list} = [];
    $self->{mail_hdr_hash} = {};

sub header
{   my $self = shift;

	if @_;

        if $self->{mail_hdr_modify};

    [ @{$self->{mail_hdr_list}} ];

sub header_hashref
{   my ($self, $hashref) = @_;

    while(my ($key, $value) = each %$hashref)
    {   $self->add($key, $_) for ref $value ? @$value : $value;

        if $self->{mail_hdr_modify};

    defined wantarray  # MO, added minimal optimization
        or return;

    +{ map { ($_ => [$self->get($_)] ) }   # MO: Eh?
           keys %{$self->{mail_hdr_hash}}

sub modify
{   my $self = shift;
    my $old  = $self->{mail_hdr_modify};

    $self->{mail_hdr_modify} = 0 + shift
	if @_;


sub mail_from
{   my $thing  = shift;
    my $choice = uc shift;

    $choice =~ /^(IGNORE|ERROR|COERCE|KEEP)$/ 
	or die "bad Mail-From choice: '$choice'";

    if(ref $thing) { $thing->{mail_hdr_mail_from} = $choice }
    else           { $MAIL_FROM = $choice }


sub fold_length
{   my $thing = shift;
    my $old;

    if(@_ == 2)
    {   my $tag = _tag_case shift;
        my $len = shift;

        my $hash = ref $thing ? $thing->{mail_hdr_lengths} : \%HDR_LENGTHS;
        $old     = $hash->{$tag};
        $hash->{$tag} = $len > 20 ? $len : 20;
    {   my $self = $thing;
        my $len  = shift;
        $old = $self->{mail_hdr_foldlen};

        if(defined $len)
        {    $self->{mail_hdr_foldlen} = $len > 20 ? $len : 20;
             $self->fold if $self->{mail_hdr_modify};


sub fold
{   my ($self, $maxlen) = @_;

    while(my ($tag, $list) = each %{$self->{mail_hdr_hash}})
    {   my $len = $maxlen
             || $self->{mail_hdr_lengths}{$tag}
             || $HDR_LENGTHS{$tag}
             || $self->fold_length;

        foreach my $ln (@$list)
        {    _fold_line $$ln, $len
                 if defined $ln;


sub unfold
{   my $self = shift;

    {   my $tag  = _tag_case shift;
        my $list = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag}
            or return $self;

        foreach my $ln (@$list)
        {   $$ln =~ s/\r?\n\s+/ /sog
                if defined $ln && defined $$ln;

        return $self;

    while( my ($tag, $list) = each %{$self->{mail_hdr_hash}})
    {   foreach my $ln (@$list)
        {   $$ln =~ s/\r?\n\s+/ /sog
	        if defined $ln && defined $$ln;


sub add
{   my ($self, $tag, $text, $where) = @_;
    ($tag, my $line) = _fmt_line $self, $tag, $text;

    defined $tag && defined $line
        or return undef;

    defined $where
        or $where = -1;

    _insert $self, $tag, $line, $where;

    $line =~ /^\S+\s(.*)/os;

sub replace
{   my $self = shift;
    my $idx  = @_ % 2 ? pop @_ : 0;

    my ($tag, $line);
    {   ($tag,$line) = _fmt_line $self, splice(@_,0,2);

        defined $tag && defined $line
            or return undef;

        my $field = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag};
        if($field && defined $field->[$idx])
             { ${$field->[$idx]} = $line }
        else { _insert $self, $tag, $line, -1 }

    $line =~ /^\S+\s*(.*)/os;

sub combine
{   my $self = shift;
    my $tag  = _tag_case shift;
    my $with = shift || ' ';

    $tag =~ /^From /io && $self->{mail_hdr_mail_from} ne 'KEEP'
        and return _error "unadorned 'From ' ignored";

    my $def = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag}
        or return undef;

    return $def->[0]
        if @$def <= 1;

    my @lines = $self->get($tag);
    chomp @lines;

    my $line = (_fmt_line $self, $tag, join($with,@lines), 1)[1];

    $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag} = [ \$line ];

sub get
{   my $self = shift;
    my $tag = _tag_case shift;
    my $idx = shift;

    my $def = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag}
        or return ();

    my $l = length $tag;
    $l   += 1 if $tag !~ / $/o;

    if(defined $idx || !wantarray)
    {    $idx ||= 0;
         defined $def->[$idx] or return undef;
         my $val = ${$def->[$idx]};
         defined $val or return undef;

	 $val = substr $val, $l;
	 $val =~ s/^\s+//;
         return $val;

    map { my $tmp = substr $$_,$l; $tmp =~ s/^\s+//; $tmp } @$def;

sub count
{   my $self = shift;
    my $tag  = _tag_case shift;
    my $def  = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag};
    defined $def ? scalar(@$def) : 0;

sub delete
{   my $self = shift;
    my $tag  = _tag_case shift;
    my $idx  = shift;
    my @val;

    if(my $def = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$tag})
    {   my $l = length $tag;
        $l   += 2 if $tag !~ / $/;

        if(defined $idx)
        {   if(defined $def->[$idx])
            {   push @val, substr ${$def->[$idx]}, $l;
                undef ${$def->[$idx]};
        {   @val = map {my $x = substr $$_,$l; undef $$_; $x } @$def;



sub print
{   my $self = shift;
    my $fd   = shift || \*STDOUT;

    foreach my $ln (@{$self->{mail_hdr_list}})
    {   defined $ln or next;
        print $fd $ln or return 0;


sub as_string { join '', grep {defined} @{shift->{mail_hdr_list}} }

sub tags { keys %{shift->{mail_hdr_hash}} }

sub cleanup
{   my $self = shift;
    my $deleted = 0;

    foreach my $key (@_ ? @_ : keys %{$self->{mail_hdr_hash}})
    {   my $fields = $self->{mail_hdr_hash}{$key};
        foreach my $field (@$fields)
        {   next if $$field =~ /^\S+\s+\S/s;
            undef $$field;

    _tidy_header $self
        if $deleted;




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Field Folder 0755
Mailer Folder 0755
Address.pm File 6.66 KB 0644
Address.pod File 3.71 KB 0644
Cap.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
Cap.pod File 3.74 KB 0644
Field.pm File 4.68 KB 0644
Field.pod File 4.9 KB 0644
Filter.pm File 1.23 KB 0644
Filter.pod File 2.79 KB 0644
Header.pm File 14.02 KB 0644
Header.pod File 7.72 KB 0644
Internet.pm File 12 KB 0644
Internet.pod File 10.31 KB 0644
Mailer.pm File 4.73 KB 0644
Mailer.pod File 3.88 KB 0644
Send.pm File 1.13 KB 0644
Send.pod File 2.8 KB 0644
Sendmail.pm File 32.64 KB 0644
Util.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Util.pod File 3.08 KB 0644