[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyrights 1995-2016 by [Mark Overmeer <perl@overmeer.net>].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
package Mail::Internet;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.18';

use strict;
# use warnings?  probably breaking too much code

use Carp;
use Mail::Header;
use Mail::Util    qw/mailaddress/;
use Mail::Address;

sub new(@)
{   my $call  = shift;
    my $arg   = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef;
    my %opt   = @_;

    my $class = ref($call) || $call;
    my $self  = bless {}, $class;

    $self->{mail_inet_head} = $opt{Header} if exists $opt{Header};
    $self->{mail_inet_body} = $opt{Body}   if exists $opt{Body};

    my $head = $self->head;
    $head->fold_length(delete $opt{FoldLength} || 79);
    $head->mail_from($opt{MailFrom}) if exists $opt{MailFrom};
    $head->modify(exists $opt{Modify} ? $opt{Modify} : 1);

    if(!defined $arg) { }
    elsif(ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY')
    {   $self->header($arg) unless exists $opt{Header};
        $self->body($arg)   unless exists $opt{Body};
    elsif(defined fileno($arg))
    {   $self->read_header($arg) unless exists $opt{Header};
        $self->read_body($arg)   unless exists $opt{Body};
    {   croak "couldn't understand $arg to Mail::Internet constructor";


sub read(@)
{   my $self = shift;

sub read_body($)
{   my ($self, $fd) = @_;
    $self->body( [ <$fd> ] );

sub read_header(@)
{   my $head = shift->head;

sub extract($)
{   my ($self, $lines) = @_;

sub dup()
{   my $self = shift;
    my $dup  = ref($self)->new;

    my $body = $self->{mail_inet_body} || [];
    my $head = $self->{mail_inet_head};;

    $dup->{mail_inet_body} = [ @$body ];
    $dup->{mail_inet_head} = $head->dup if $head;

sub body(;$@)
{   my $self = shift;

    return $self->{mail_inet_body} ||= []
        unless @_;

    $self->{mail_inet_body} = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] : [ @_ ];

sub head         { shift->{mail_inet_head} ||= Mail::Header->new }

sub print($)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $fd   = shift || \*STDOUT;

       and print $fd "\n"
       and $self->print_body($fd);

sub print_header($) { shift->head->print(@_) }

sub print_body($)
{   my $self = shift;
    my $fd   = shift || \*STDOUT;

    foreach my $ln (@{$self->body})
    {    print $fd $ln or return 0;


sub as_string()
{   my $self = shift;
    $self->head->as_string . "\n" . join '', @{$self->body};

sub as_mbox_string($)
{   my $self    = shift->dup;
    my $escaped = shift;

    $self->escape_from unless $escaped;
    $self->as_string . "\n";

sub header       { shift->head->header(@_) }
sub fold         { shift->head->fold(@_) }
sub fold_length  { shift->head->fold_length(@_) }
sub combine      { shift->head->combine(@_) }

sub add(@)
{   my $head = shift->head;
    my $ret;
    {   my ($tag, $line) = splice @_, 0, 2;
        $ret = $head->add($tag, $line, -1)
            or return undef;


sub replace(@)
{   my $head = shift->head;
    my $ret;

    {   my ($tag, $line) = splice @_, 0, 2;
        $ret = $head->replace($tag, $line, 0)
             or return undef;


sub get(@)
{   my $head = shift->head;

    return map { $head->get($_) } @_
        if wantarray;

    foreach my $tag (@_)
    {   my $r = $head->get($tag);
        return $r if defined $r;


sub delete(@)
{   my $head = shift->head;
    map { $head->delete($_) } @_;

# Undocumented; unused???
sub empty()
{   my $self = shift;
    %$self = ();

sub remove_sig($)
{   my $body   = shift->body;
    my $nlines = shift || 10;
    my $start  = @$body;

    my $i    = 0;
    while($i++ < $nlines && $start--)
    {   next if $body->[$start] !~ /^--[ ]?[\r\n]/;

        splice @$body, $start, $i;

sub sign(@)
{   my ($self, %arg) = @_;
    my ($sig, @sig);

    if($sig = delete $arg{File})
    {   local *SIG;

        if(open(SIG, $sig))
        {   local $_;
            while(<SIG>) { last unless /^(--)?\s*$/ }
            @sig = ($_, <SIG>, "\n");
            close SIG;
    elsif($sig = delete $arg{Signature})
    {    @sig = ref($sig) ? @$sig : split(/\n/, $sig);

    {   $self->remove_sig;
        s/[\r\n]*$/\n/ for @sig;
        push @{$self->body}, "-- \n", @sig;


sub tidy_body()
{   my $body = shift->body;

    shift @$body while @$body && $body->[0]  =~ /^\s*$/;
    pop @$body   while @$body && $body->[-1] =~ /^\s*$/;

sub reply(@)
{   my ($self, %arg) = @_;
    my $class = ref $self;
    my @reply;

    local *MAILHDR;
    if(open(MAILHDR, "$ENV{HOME}/.mailhdr")) 
    {    # User has defined a mail header template
         @reply = <MAILHDR>;
         close MAILHDR;

    my $reply = $class->new(\@reply);

    # The Subject line
    my $subject = $self->get('Subject') || "";
    $subject = "Re: " . $subject
        if $subject =~ /\S+/ && $subject !~ /Re:/i;

    $reply->replace(Subject => $subject);

    # Locate who we are sending to
    my $to = $self->get('Reply-To')
          || $self->get('From')
          || $self->get('Return-Path')
          || "";

    my $sender = (Mail::Address->parse($to))[0];

    my $name = $sender->name;
    unless(defined $name)
    {    my $fr = $self->get('From');
         $fr    = (Mail::Address->parse($fr))[0] if defined $fr;
         $name  = $fr->name if defined $fr;

    my $indent = $arg{Indent} || ">";
    if($indent =~ /\%/) 
    {   my %hash = ( '%' => '%');
        my @name = $name ? grep( {length $_} split /[\n\s]+/, $name) : '';

        $hash{f} = $name[0];
        $hash{F} = $#name ? substr($hash{f},0,1) : $hash{f};

        $hash{l} = $#name ? $name[$#name] : "";
        $hash{L} = substr($hash{l},0,1) || "";

        $hash{n} = $name || "";
        $hash{I} = join "", map {substr($_,0,1)} @name;

        $indent  =~ s/\%(.)/defined $hash{$1} ? $hash{$1} : $1/eg;

    my $id     = $sender->address;
    $reply->replace(To => $id);

    # Find addresses not to include
    my $mailaddresses = $ENV{MAILADDRESSES} || "";

    my %nocc = (lc($id) => 1);
    $nocc{lc $_->address} = 1
        for Mail::Address->parse($reply->get('Bcc'), $mailaddresses);

    if($arg{ReplyAll})   # Who shall we copy this to
    {   my %cc;
        foreach my $addr (Mail::Address->parse($self->get('To'), $self->get('Cc'))) 
        {   my $lc   = lc $addr->address;
            $cc{$lc} = $addr->format
                 unless $nocc{$lc};
        my $cc = join ', ', values %cc;
        $reply->replace(Cc => $cc);

    # References
    my $refs    = $self->get('References') || "";
    my $mid     = $self->get('Message-Id');

    $refs      .= " " . $mid if defined $mid;
    $reply->replace(References => $refs);

    # In-Reply-To
    my $date    = $self->get('Date');
    my $inreply = "";

    if(defined $mid)
    {    $inreply  = $mid;
         my @comment;
         push @comment, "from $name" if defined $name;
         push @comment, "on $date"   if defined $date;
         local $"  = ' ';
         $inreply .= " (@comment)"   if @comment;
    elsif(defined $name)
    {    $inreply  = $name    . "'s message";
         $inreply .= "of "    . $date if defined $date;
    $reply->replace('In-Reply-To' => $inreply);

    # Quote the body
    my $body  = $reply->body;
    @$body = @{$self->body};    # copy body
    s/\A/$indent/ for @$body;

    # Add references
    unshift @{$body}, (defined $name ? $name . " " : "") . "<$id> writes:\n";

    if(defined $arg{Keep} && ref $arg{Keep} eq 'ARRAY')      # Include lines
    {   foreach my $keep (@{$arg{Keep}}) 
        {    my $ln = $self->get($keep);
             $reply->replace($keep => $ln) if defined $ln;

    if(defined $arg{Exclude} && ref $arg{Exclude} eq 'ARRAY') # Exclude lines
    {    $reply->delete(@{$arg{Exclude}});

    $reply->head->cleanup;      # remove empty header lines

sub smtpsend($@)
{   my ($self, %opt) = @_;

    require Net::SMTP;
    require Net::Domain;

    my $host     = $opt{Host};
    my $envelope = $opt{MailFrom} || mailaddress();
    my $quit     = 1;

    my ($smtp, @hello);

    push @hello, Hello => $opt{Hello}
        if defined $opt{Hello};

    push @hello, Port => $opt{Port}
	if exists $opt{Port};

    push @hello, Debug => $opt{Debug}
	if exists $opt{Debug};

    if(!defined $host)
    {   local $SIG{__DIE__};
	my @hosts = qw(mailhost localhost);
	unshift @hosts, split /\:/, $ENV{SMTPHOSTS}
            if defined $ENV{SMTPHOSTS};

	foreach $host (@hosts)
        {   $smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) };
	    last if defined $smtp;
       || UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::SMTP::SSL'))
    {   $smtp = $host;
	$quit = 0;
    {   local $SIG{__DIE__};
	$smtp = eval { Net::SMTP->new($host, @hello) };

    defined $smtp or return ();

    my $head = $self->cleaned_header_dup;

    # Who is it to

    my @rcpt = map { ref $_ ? @$_ : $_ } grep { defined } @opt{'To','Cc','Bcc'};
    @rcpt    = map { $head->get($_) } qw(To Cc Bcc)
	unless @rcpt;

    my @addr = map {$_->address} Mail::Address->parse(@rcpt);
    @addr or return ();


    # Send it

    my $ok = $smtp->mail($envelope)
          && $smtp->to(@addr)
          && $smtp->data(join("", @{$head->header}, "\n", @{$self->body}));

    $quit && $smtp->quit;
    $ok ? @addr : ();

sub send($@)
{   my ($self, $type, @args) = @_;

    require Mail::Mailer;

    my $head  = $self->cleaned_header_dup;
    my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new($type, @args);


sub nntppost
{   my ($self, %opt) = @_;

    require Net::NNTP;

    my $groups = $self->get('Newsgroups') || "";
    my @groups = split /[\s,]+/, $groups;
    @groups or return ();

    my $head   = $self->cleaned_header_dup;

    # Remove these incase the NNTP host decides to mail as well as me
    $head->delete(qw(To Cc Bcc)); 

    my $news;
    my $quit   = 1;

    my $host   = $opt{Host};
    if(ref($host) && UNIVERSAL::isa($host,'Net::NNTP'))
    {   $news = $host;
	$quit = 0;
    {   my @opt = $opt{Host};

	push @opt, Port => $opt{Port}
	    if exists $opt{Port};

	push @opt, Debug => $opt{Debug}
	    if exists $opt{Debug};

	$news = Net::NNTP->new(@opt)
	    or return ();

    $news->post(@{$head->header}, "\n", @{$self->body});
    my $rc = $news->code;

    $news->quit if $quit;

    $rc == 240 ? @groups : ();

sub escape_from
{   my $body = shift->body;
    scalar grep { s/\A(>*From) />$1 /o } @$body;

sub unescape_from
{   my $body = shift->body;
    scalar grep { s/\A>(>*From) /$1 /o } @$body;

# Don't tell people it exists
sub cleaned_header_dup()
{   my $head = shift->head->dup;

    $head->delete('From '); # Just in case :-)

    # An original message should not have any Received lines

    $head->replace('X-Mailer', "Perl5 Mail::Internet v".$Mail::Internet::VERSION)
        unless $head->count('X-Mailer');

    my $name = eval {local $SIG{__DIE__}; (getpwuid($>))[6]} || $ENV{NAME} ||"";

    while($name =~ s/\([^\(\)]*\)//) { 1; }
    # Strip extra fields: adduser-generated usernames have multiple comma
    # seperated fields, only the first of which should be used to prevent
    # accidental exposure of system-local information like phone numbers/
    # room numbers.
    $name = (split /,/, $name)[0] if $name ne "";

    if($name =~ /[^\w\s]/)
    {   $name =~ s/"/\"/g;
	$name = '"' . $name . '"';

    my $from = sprintf "%s <%s>", $name, mailaddress();
    $from =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;

    foreach my $tag (qw(From Sender))
    {   $head->get($tag) or $head->add($tag, $from);




Name Type Size Permission Actions
Field Folder 0755
Mailer Folder 0755
Address.pm File 6.66 KB 0644
Address.pod File 3.71 KB 0644
Cap.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
Cap.pod File 3.74 KB 0644
Field.pm File 4.68 KB 0644
Field.pod File 4.9 KB 0644
Filter.pm File 1.23 KB 0644
Filter.pod File 2.79 KB 0644
Header.pm File 14.02 KB 0644
Header.pod File 7.72 KB 0644
Internet.pm File 12 KB 0644
Internet.pod File 10.31 KB 0644
Mailer.pm File 4.73 KB 0644
Mailer.pod File 3.88 KB 0644
Send.pm File 1.13 KB 0644
Send.pod File 2.8 KB 0644
Sendmail.pm File 32.64 KB 0644
Util.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Util.pod File 3.08 KB 0644