[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyrights 1995-2016 by [Mark Overmeer <perl@overmeer.net>].
#  For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
use strict;

package Mail::Mailer;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.18';

use base 'IO::Handle';

use POSIX qw/_exit/;

use Carp;
use Config;

sub is_exe($);

sub Version { our $VERSION }

our @Mailers =
  ( sendmail => '/usr/sbin/sendmail;/usr/lib/sendmail;/usr/ucblib/sendmail'
  , smtp     => undef
  , smtps    => undef
  , qmail    => '/usr/sbin/qmail-inject;/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject'
  , testfile => undef

push @Mailers, map { split /\:/, $_, 2 }
                   split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PERL_MAILERS}

our %Mailers = @Mailers;
our $MailerType;
our $MailerBinary;

# does this really need to be done? or should a default mailer be specified?

$Mailers{sendmail} = 'sendmail'
    if $^O eq 'os2' && ! is_exe $Mailers{sendmail};

if($^O =~ m/MacOS|VMS|MSWin|os2|NetWare/i )
{   $MailerType   = 'smtp';
    $MailerBinary = $Mailers{$MailerType};
{   for(my $i = 0 ; $i < @Mailers ; $i += 2)
    {   $MailerType = $Mailers[$i];
        if(my $binary = is_exe $Mailers{$MailerType})
        {   $MailerBinary = $binary;

sub import
{   shift;  # class
    @_ or return;

    my $type = shift;
    my $exe  = shift || $Mailers{$type};

    is_exe $exe
        or carp "Cannot locate '$exe'";

    $MailerType = $type;
    $Mailers{$MailerType} = $exe;

sub to_array($)
{   my ($self, $thing) = @_;
    ref $thing ? @$thing : $thing;

sub is_exe($)
{   my $exe = shift || '';

    foreach my $cmd (split /\;/, $exe)
    {   $cmd =~ s/^\s+//;

        # remove any options
        my $name = ($cmd =~ /^(\S+)/)[0];

        # check for absolute or relative path
        return $cmd
            if -x $name && ! -d $name && $name =~ m![\\/]!;

        if(defined $ENV{PATH})
        {   foreach my $dir (split /$Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH})
            {   return "$dir/$cmd"
        	    if -x "$dir/$name" && ! -d "$dir/$name";

sub new($@)
{   my ($class, $type, @args) = @_;

    {   $MailerType or croak "No MailerType specified";

        warn "No real MTA found, using '$MailerType'"
             if $MailerType eq 'testfile';

        $type = $MailerType;

    my $exe = $Mailers{$type};

    if(defined $exe)
    {   $exe   = is_exe $exe
            if defined $type;

        $exe ||= $MailerBinary
            or croak "No mailer type specified (and no default available), thus can not find executable program.";

    $class = "Mail::Mailer::$type";
    eval "require $class" or die $@;

    my $glob = $class->SUPER::new;   # object is a GLOB!
    %{*$glob} = (Exe => $exe, Args => [ @args ]);

sub open($)
{   my ($self, $hdrs) = @_;
    my $exe    = *$self->{Exe};   # no exe, then direct smtp
    my $args   = *$self->{Args};

    my @to     = $self->who_to($hdrs);
    my $sender = $self->who_sender($hdrs);
    $self->close;	# just in case;

    if(defined $exe)
    {   # Fork and start a mailer
        my $child = open $self, '|-';
        defined $child or die "Failed to send: $!";

        {   # Child process will handle sending, but this is not real exec()
            # this is a setup!!!
            unless($self->exec($exe, $args, \@to, $sender))
            {   warn $!;     # setup failed
                _exit(1);    # no DESTROY(), keep it for parent
    {   # Sending is handled by a subclass
        $self->exec(undef, $args, \@to)
            or die $!;    


sub _cleanup_hdrs($)
{   foreach my $h (values %{(shift)})
    {   foreach (ref $h ? @$h : $h)
        {   s/\n\s*/ /g;

sub exec($$$$)
{   my($self, $exe, $args, $to, $sender) = @_;

    # Fork and exec the mailer (no shell involved to avoid risks)
    my @exe = split /\s+/, $exe;
    exec @exe, @$args, @$to;

sub can_cc { 1 }	# overridden in subclass for mailer that can't

sub who_to($)
{   my($self, $hdrs) = @_;
    my @to = $self->to_array($hdrs->{To});
    unless($self->can_cc)  # Can't cc/bcc so add them to @to
    {   push @to, $self->to_array($hdrs->{Cc} ) if $hdrs->{Cc};
        push @to, $self->to_array($hdrs->{Bcc}) if $hdrs->{Bcc};

sub who_sender($)
{   my ($self, $hdrs) = @_;
    ($self->to_array($hdrs->{Sender} || $hdrs->{From}))[0];

sub epilogue {
    # This could send a .signature, also see ::smtp subclass

sub close(@)
{   my $self = shift;
    fileno $self or return;

    CORE::close $self;

sub DESTROY { shift->close }



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Field Folder 0755
Mailer Folder 0755
Address.pm File 6.66 KB 0644
Address.pod File 3.71 KB 0644
Cap.pm File 6.17 KB 0644
Cap.pod File 3.74 KB 0644
Field.pm File 4.68 KB 0644
Field.pod File 4.9 KB 0644
Filter.pm File 1.23 KB 0644
Filter.pod File 2.79 KB 0644
Header.pm File 14.02 KB 0644
Header.pod File 7.72 KB 0644
Internet.pm File 12 KB 0644
Internet.pod File 10.31 KB 0644
Mailer.pm File 4.73 KB 0644
Mailer.pod File 3.88 KB 0644
Send.pm File 1.13 KB 0644
Send.pod File 2.8 KB 0644
Sendmail.pm File 32.64 KB 0644
Util.pm File 3.14 KB 0644
Util.pod File 3.08 KB 0644