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# The `X11 Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension'
package X11::Protocol::Ext::SHAPE; 

# Copyright (C) 1997 Stephen McCamant. All rights reserved. This program
# is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the same
# terms as Perl itself.

use X11::Protocol qw(pad padding padded make_num_hash);
use Carp;

use strict;
use vars '$VERSION';

$VERSION = 0.01;

sub new
    my($pkg, $x, $request_num, $event_num, $error_num) = @_;
    my($self) = {};

    # Constants

    $x->{'ext_const'}{'ShapeKind'} = ['Bounding', 'Clip'];
    $x->{'ext_const_num'}{'ShapeKind'} =

    $x->{'ext_const'}{'ShapeOp'} = ['Set', 'Union', 'Intersect', 'Subtract',
    $x->{'ext_const_num'}{'ShapeOp'} =

    # Events
    $x->{'ext_const'}{'Events'}[$event_num] = "ShapeNotify";
    $x->{'ext_events'}[$event_num] =
      ["xCxxLssSSLCxxxxxxxxxxx", ['shape_kind', 'ShapeKind'], 'x', 'y',
       'width', 'height', 'time', 'shaped'];

    # Requests
    $x->{'ext_request'}{$request_num} = 
       ["ShapeQueryVersion", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    return "";
	}, sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($data) = @_;
	    my($major, $minor) = unpack("xxxxxxxxSSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
	    return ($major, $minor);
       ["ShapeRectangles", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($dest, $kind, $op, $x, $y, $ordering, @rects) = @_;
	    $op = $self->num('ShapeOp', $op);
	    $kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $kind);
	    $ordering = $self->num('ClipRectangleOrdering', $ordering);
	    for $r (@rects) {
		$r = pack("ssSS", @$r);
	    return pack("CCCxLss", $op, $kind, $ordering, $dest, $x, $y)
	      . join("", @rects);
       ["ShapeMask", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win, $kind, $op, $x, $y, $pixmap) = @_;
	    $op = $self->num('ShapeOp', $op);
	    $kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $kind);
	    $pixmap = 0 if $pixmap eq "None";
	    return pack("CCxxLssL", $op, $kind, $win, $x, $y, $pixmap);
       ["ShapeCombine", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($dst, $d_kind, $op, $x, $y, $src, $s_kind) = @_;
	    $op = $self->num('ShapeOp', $op);
	    $d_kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $d_kind);
	    $s_kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $s_kind);
	    return pack("CCCxLssL", $op, $d_kind, $s_kind, $dst, $x, $y, $src);
       ["ShapeOffset", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win, $kind, $x, $y) = @_;
	    $kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $kind);
	    return pack("CxxxLss", $kind, $win, $x, $y);
       ["ShapeQueryExtents", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win) = @_;
	    return pack("L", $win);
	}, sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($data) = @_;
	    my($b, $c, $b_x, $b_y, $b_w, $b_h, $c_x, $c_y, $c_w, $c_h)
	      = unpack("xxxxxxxxCCxxssSSssSSxxxx", $data);
	    return ($b, $c, $b_x, $b_y, $b_w, $b_h, $c_x, $c_y, $c_w, $c_h);
       ["ShapeSelectInput", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win, $enable) = @_;
	    return pack("LCxxx", $win, $enable);
       # The R6 documentation gets the next two minor opcodes wrong;
       # this usage follows <X11/extensions/shape.h>.
       ["ShapeInputSelected", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win) = @_;
	    return pack("L", $win);
	}, sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($data) = @_;
	    return unpack("xCxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", $data);
       ["ShapeGetRectangles", sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($win, $kind) = @_;
	    $kind = $self->num('ShapeKind', $kind);
	    return pack("LCxxx", $win, $kind);
	}, sub {
	    my($self) = shift;
	    my($data) = @_;
	    my($ordering, $nrects) =
	      unpack("xCxxxxxxLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", substr($data, 0, 32));
	    my($i, @rects);
	    for $i (0 .. $nrects - 1) {
		push @rects, [unpack("ssSS", substr($data, 32 + 8 * $i, 8))];
	    return ($self->interp('ClipRectangleOrdering', $ordering), @rects);
    for $i (0 .. $#{$x->{'ext_request'}{$request_num}}) {
	$x->{'ext_request_num'}{$x->{'ext_request'}{$request_num}[$i][0]} =
	  [$request_num, $i];
    ($self->{'major'}, $self->{'minor'}) = $x->req('ShapeQueryVersion');
    if ($self->{'major'} != 1) {
	carp "Wrong SHAPE version ($self->{'major'} != 1)";
	return 0;
    return bless $self, $pkg;


=head1 NAME

X11::Protocol::Ext::SHAPE - Perl module for the X11 Protocol Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension


  use X11::Protocol;
  $x = X11::Protocol->new($ENV{'DISPLAY'});
  $x->init_extension('SHAPE') or die;


This module is used by the X11::Protocol module to participate in the
shaped window extension to the X protocol, allowing windows to be of any
shape, not just rectangles.


This extension adds the constant types 'ShapeKind' and 'ShapeOp', with values
as defined in the standard.

=head1 EVENTS

This extension adds the event type 'ShapeNotify', with values as specified in
the standard. This event is selected using the ShapeSelectInput() request.


This extension adds several requests, called as shown below:

  ($major, $minor)

  $x->ShapeRectangles($dest, $destKind, $op, $xOff, $yOff,
		      $ordering, @rectangles) 

  $x->ShapeMask($dest, $destKind, $op, $xOff, $yOff, $source)

  $x->ShapeCombine($dest, $destKind, $op, $xOff, $yOff, $source,

  $x->ShapeOffset($dest, $destKind, $xOff, $yOff)

  ($boundingShaped, $clipShaped,
   ($xBoundingShape, $yBoundingShape,
    $widthBoundingShape, $heightBoundingShape)  
   ($xClipShape, $yClipShape, $widthClipShape, $heightClipShape))

  $x->ShapeSelectInput($window, $enable)  


  $x->ShapeGetRectangles($window, $kind)
  ($ordering, [$x, $y, $width, $height], ...)

=head1 AUTHOR

Stephen McCamant <SMCCAM@cpan.org>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

I<Nonrectangular Window Shape Extension (X Consortium Standard)>.



Name Type Size Permission Actions
BIG_REQUESTS.pm File 1.93 KB 0644
DPMS.pm File 3.35 KB 0644
RENDER.pm File 20.41 KB 0644
SHAPE.pm File 5.99 KB 0644
XC_MISC.pm File 2.7 KB 0644
XFree86_Misc.pm File 4.52 KB 0644