[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# $Id: Expr.pm,v 1.20 2003/01/26 19:33:24 matt Exp $

package XML::XPathEngine::Expr;
use strict;

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my ($pp) = @_;
    bless { predicates => [], pp => $pp }, $class;

sub as_string {
    my $self = shift;
    local $^W; # Use of uninitialized value! grrr
    my $string = "(" . $self->{lhs}->as_string;
    $string .= " " . $self->{op} . " " if defined $self->{op};
    $string .= $self->{rhs}->as_string if defined $self->{rhs};
    $string .= ")";
    foreach my $predicate (@{$self->{predicates}}) {
        $string .= "[" . $predicate->as_string . "]";
    return $string;

sub as_xml {
    my $self = shift;
    local $^W; # Use of uninitialized value! grrr
    my $string;
    if (defined $self->{op}) {
        $string .= $self->op_xml();
    else {
        $string .= $self->{lhs}->as_xml();
    foreach my $predicate (@{$self->{predicates}}) {
        $string .= "<Predicate>\n" . $predicate->as_xml() . "</Predicate>\n";
    return $string;

sub op_xml {
    my $self = shift;
    my $op = $self->{op};

    my $tag;    
    for ($op) {
        /^or$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Or";
        /^and$/    && do {
                    $tag = "And";
        /^=$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Equals";
        /^!=$/    && do {
                    $tag = "NotEquals";
        /^<=$/    && do {
                    $tag = "LessThanOrEquals";
        /^>=$/    && do {
                    $tag = "GreaterThanOrEquals";
        /^>$/    && do {
                    $tag = "GreaterThan";
        /^<$/    && do {
                    $tag = "LessThan";
        /^\+$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Plus";
        /^-$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Minus";
        /^div$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Div";
        /^mod$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Mod";
        /^\*$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Multiply";
        /^\|$/    && do {
                    $tag = "Union";
    return "<$tag>\n" . $self->{lhs}->as_xml() . $self->{rhs}->as_xml() . "</$tag>\n";

sub set_lhs {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{lhs} = $_[0];

sub set_op {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{op} = $_[0];

sub set_rhs {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{rhs} = $_[0];

sub push_predicate {
    my $self = shift;
    die "Only 1 predicate allowed on FilterExpr in W3C XPath 1.0"
            if @{$self->{predicates}};
    push @{$self->{predicates}}, $_[0];

sub get_lhs { $_[0]->{lhs}; }
sub get_rhs { $_[0]->{rhs}; }
sub get_op { $_[0]->{op}; }

sub evaluate {
    my $self = shift;
    my $node = shift;
    # If there's an op, result is result of that op.
    # If no op, just resolve Expr
#    warn "Evaluate Expr: ", $self->as_string, "\n";
    my $results;
    if ($self->{op}) {
        die ("No RHS of ", $self->as_string) unless $self->{rhs};
        $results = $self->op_eval($node);
    else {
        $results = $self->{lhs}->evaluate($node);
    if (my @predicates = @{$self->{predicates}}) {
        if (!$results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
            die "Can't have predicates execute on object type: " . ref($results);
        # filter initial nodeset by each predicate
        foreach my $predicate (@{$self->{predicates}}) {
            $results = $self->filter_by_predicate($results, $predicate);
    return $results;

sub op_eval {
    my $self = shift;
    my $node = shift;
    my $op = $self->{op};
    for ($op) {
        /^or$/    && do {
                    return op_or($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^and$/    && do {
                    return op_and($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^=~$/   && do {
                    return op_match($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^!~$/   && do {
                    return op_not_match($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^=$/    && do {
                    return op_equals($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^!=$/    && do {
                    return op_nequals($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^<=$/    && do {
                    return op_le($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^>=$/    && do {
                    return op_ge($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^>$/    && do {
                    return op_gt($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^<$/    && do {
                    return op_lt($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^\+$/    && do {
                    return op_plus($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^-$/    && do {
                    return op_minus($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^div$/    && do {
                    return op_div($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^mod$/    && do {
                    return op_mod($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^\*$/    && do {
                    return op_mult($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        /^\|$/    && do {
                    return op_union($node, $self->{lhs}, $self->{rhs});
        die "No such operator, or operator unimplemented in ", $self->as_string, "\n";

# Operators

use XML::XPathEngine::Boolean;

sub op_or {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    if($lhs->evaluate($node)->to_boolean->value) {
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
    else {
        return $rhs->evaluate($node)->to_boolean;

sub op_and {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    if( ! $lhs->evaluate($node)->to_boolean->value ) {
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    else {
        return $rhs->evaluate($node)->to_boolean;

sub op_match 
  { my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;

    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_value   = $rh_results->string_value;

    if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ) 
      { foreach my $lhnode ($lh_results->get_nodelist) 
          { if ($lhnode->string_value=~ m/$rh_value/) # / is important here, regexp is / delimited
              { return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True; }
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
      { return $lh_results->string_value =~  m/$rh_value/ ?
               XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True : XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
sub op_not_match 
  { my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;

    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_value   = $rh_results->string_value;
    if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ) 
      { foreach my $lhnode ($lh_results->get_nodelist) 
          { if ($lhnode->string_value!~ m/$rh_value/) 
              { return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True; }
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
      { return $lh_results->string_value !~  m/$rh_value/ ?
               XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True : XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;

sub op_equals {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;

    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') &&
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
        # True if and only if there is a node in the
        # first set and a node in the second set such
        # that the result of performing the comparison
        # on the string-values of the two nodes is true.
        foreach my $lhnode ($lh_results->get_nodelist) {
            foreach my $rhnode ($rh_results->get_nodelist) {
                if ($lhnode->string_value eq $rhnode->string_value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    elsif (($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) &&
            (!$lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
             !$rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet'))) {
        # (that says: one is a nodeset, and one is not a nodeset)
        my ($nodeset, $other);
        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
            $nodeset = $lh_results;
            $other = $rh_results;
        else {
            $nodeset = $rh_results;
            $other = $lh_results;
        # True if and only if there is a node in the
        # nodeset such that the result of performing
        # the comparison on <type>(string_value($node))
        # is true.
        if ($other->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Number')) {
            foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
                if ($node->string_value == $other->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        elsif ($other->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Literal')) {
            foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
                if ($node->string_value eq $other->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        elsif ($other->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean')) {
            if ($nodeset->to_boolean->value == $other->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;

        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    else { # Neither is a nodeset
        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean')) {
            # if either is a boolean
            if ($lh_results->to_boolean->value == $rh_results->to_boolean->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
            return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
        elsif ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Number') ||
                $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Number')) {
            # if either is a number
            local $^W; # 'number' might result in undef
            if ($lh_results->to_number->value == $rh_results->to_number->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
            return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
        else {
            if ($lh_results->to_literal->value eq $rh_results->to_literal->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
            return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;

sub op_nequals {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    if (op_equals($node, $lhs, $rhs)->value) {
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;

sub op_le {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    op_ge($node, $rhs, $lhs);

sub op_ge {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;

    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') &&
        $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {

        foreach my $lhnode ($lh_results->get_nodelist) {
            foreach my $rhnode ($rh_results->get_nodelist) {
                my $lhNum = XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($lhnode->string_value);
                my $rhNum = XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($rhnode->string_value);
                if ($lhNum->value >= $rhNum->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    elsif (($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) &&
            (!$lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
             !$rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet'))) {
        # (that says: one is a nodeset, and one is not a nodeset)

        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
            foreach my $node ($lh_results->get_nodelist) {
                if ($node->to_number->value >= $rh_results->to_number->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        else {
            foreach my $node ($rh_results->get_nodelist) {
                if ( $lh_results->to_number->value >= $node->to_number->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    else { # Neither is a nodeset
        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean')) {
            # if either is a boolean
            if ($lh_results->to_boolean->to_number->value
                    >= $rh_results->to_boolean->to_number->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        else {
            if ($lh_results->to_number->value >= $rh_results->to_number->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;

sub op_gt {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;

    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') &&
        $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {

        foreach my $lhnode ($lh_results->get_nodelist) {
            foreach my $rhnode ($rh_results->get_nodelist) {
                my $lhNum = XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($lhnode->string_value);
                my $rhNum = XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($rhnode->string_value);
                if ($lhNum->value > $rhNum->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    elsif (($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) &&
            (!$lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') ||
             !$rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet'))) {
        # (that says: one is a nodeset, and one is not a nodeset)

        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
            foreach my $node ($lh_results->get_nodelist) {
                if ($node->to_number->value > $rh_results->to_number->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        else {
            foreach my $node ($rh_results->get_nodelist) {
                if ( $lh_results->to_number->value > $node->to_number->value) {
                    return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;
    else { # Neither is a nodeset
        if ($lh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean') ||
            $rh_results->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean')) {
            # if either is a boolean
            if ($lh_results->to_boolean->value > $rh_results->to_boolean->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        else {
            if ($lh_results->to_number->value > $rh_results->to_number->value) {
                return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->True;
        return XML::XPathEngine::Boolean->False;

sub op_lt {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    op_gt($node, $rhs, $lhs);

sub op_plus {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $result =
    return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($result);

sub op_minus {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $result =
    return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($result);

sub op_div {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);

    my $result = eval {
    if ($@) {
        # assume divide by zero
        # This is probably a terrible way to handle this! 
        # Ah well... who wants to live forever...
        return XML::XPathEngine::Literal->new('Infinity');
    return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($result);

sub op_mod {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $result =
    return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($result);

sub op_mult {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_results = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_results = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    my $result =
    return XML::XPathEngine::Number->new($result);

sub op_union {
    my ($node, $lhs, $rhs) = @_;
    my $lh_result = $lhs->evaluate($node);
    my $rh_result = $rhs->evaluate($node);
    if ($lh_result->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet') &&
            $rh_result->isa('XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet')) {
        my %found;
        my $results = XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet->new;
        foreach my $lhnode ($lh_result->get_nodelist) {
        foreach my $rhnode ($rh_result->get_nodelist) {
                    unless exists $found{"$rhnode"};
        return $results->sort->remove_duplicates;
    die "Both sides of a union must be Node Sets\n";

sub filter_by_predicate {
    my $self = shift;
    my ($nodeset, $predicate) = @_;
    # See spec section 2.4, paragraphs 2 & 3:
    # For each node in the node-set to be filtered, the predicate Expr
    # is evaluated with that node as the context node, with the number
    # of nodes in the node set as the context size, and with the
    # proximity position of the node in the node set with respect to
    # the axis as the context position.
    if (!ref($nodeset)) { # use ref because nodeset has a bool context
        die "No nodeset!!!";
#    warn "Filter by predicate: $predicate\n";
    my $newset = XML::XPathEngine::NodeSet->new();
    for(my $i = 1; $i <= $nodeset->size; $i++) {
        # set context set each time 'cos a loc-path in the expr could change it
        my $result = $predicate->evaluate($nodeset->get_node($i));
        if ($result->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Boolean')) {
            if ($result->value) {
        elsif ($result->isa('XML::XPathEngine::Number')) {
            if ($result->value == $i) {
        else {
            if ($result->to_boolean->value) {
    return $newset;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Boolean.pm File 1.31 KB 0644
Expr.pm File 19.61 KB 0644
Function.pm File 10.8 KB 0644
Literal.pm File 2.17 KB 0644
LocationPath.pm File 1.1 KB 0644
NodeSet.pm File 4.06 KB 0644
Number.pm File 1.76 KB 0644
Root.pm File 634 B 0644
Step.pm File 14.17 KB 0644
Variable.pm File 850 B 0644