[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyright 2011 Ben Hutchings
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

package DebianLinux;

use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX qw(uname);
use FileHandle;

    use Exporter ();
    our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
    our @EXPORT_OK = qw(version_cmp image_stem image_list read_kernelimg_conf);

sub version_split {
    # Split into numbers and non-numeric strings, but break the non-
    # numeric strings at hyphens
    my $version = shift;
    return $version =~ /(?:\d+|-?[^-\d]*)/g;

sub version_cmp {
    my ($left_ver, $right_ver) = @_;
    my @left_comp = version_split($left_ver);
    my @right_comp = version_split($right_ver);

    for (my $i = 0; ; $i++) {
	my $left = $left_comp[$i];
	my $right = $right_comp[$i];
	# Do the components indicate pre-releases?
	my $left_pre = defined($left) && $left =~ /^-(?:rc|trunk)$/;
	my $right_pre = defined($right) && $right =~ /^-(?:rc|trunk)$/;
	# Are the components numeric?
	my $left_num = defined($left) && $left =~ /^\d+/;
	my $right_num = defined($right) && $right =~ /^\d+/;

	# Pre-releases sort before anything, even end-of-string
	if ($left_pre or $right_pre) {
	    return -1 if !$right_pre;
	    return 1 if !$left_pre;
	# End-of-string sorts before anything else.
	# End-of-string on both sides means equality.
	if (!defined($left) or !defined($right)) {
	    return -1 if defined($right);
	    return defined($left) || 0;
	# Use numeric comparison if both sides numeric.
	# Otherwise use ASCII comparison.
	if ($left_num && $right_num) {
	    return -1 if $left < $right;
	    return 1 if $left > $right;
	} else {
	    # Note that '.' > '-' thus 2.6.x.y > 2.6.x-z for any y, z.
	    return -1 if $left lt $right;
	    return 1 if $left gt $right;

# Find kernel image name stem for this architecture
my $image_stem;
if ((uname())[4] =~ /^(?:mips|parisc|powerpc|ppc)/) {
    $image_stem = 'vmlinux';
} else {
    $image_stem = 'vmlinuz';

sub image_stem {
    return $image_stem;

sub image_list {
    my @results;
    my $prefix = "/boot/$image_stem-";

    for (glob("$prefix*")) {
	push @results, [substr($_, length($prefix)), $_];
    return @results;

sub read_kernelimg_conf {
    my $conf_loc = shift || '/etc/kernel-img.conf';
    my @bool_param = qw(do_symlinks link_in_boot no_symlinks);
    my @path_param = qw(image_dest);
    # These are still set in the jessie installer even though they
    # have no effect.  Ignore them quietly.
    my @quiet_param = qw(do_bootloader do_initrd);
    # These are used only by kernel-package, and are not relevant to
    # anything that linux-base does.  Ignore them quietly.
    push @quiet_param, qw(clobber_modules force_build_link
                          relink_build_link relink_src_link
                          silent_modules warn_reboot);

    # Initialise configuration to defaults
    my $conf = {
	do_symlinks =>		1,
	image_dest =>		'/',
	link_in_boot =>		0,
	no_symlinks =>		0,

    if (my $fh = new FileHandle($conf_loc, 'r')) {
	while (<$fh>) {
	    # Delete line endings, comments and blank lines
	    next if /^\s*$/;

	    # Historically this was done by matching against one
	    # (path) or two (bool) regexps per parameter, with no
	    # attempt to ensure that each line matched one.  We now
	    # warn about syntax errors, but for backward compatibility
	    # we never treat them as fatal.

	    # Parse into name = value
	    if (!/^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(.*)/) {
		print STDERR "$conf_loc:$.: W: ignoring line with syntax error\n";
	    my ($name, $value) = (lc($1), $2);

	    # Parse value according to expected type
	    if (grep({$_ eq $name} @bool_param)) {
		if ($value =~ /^(?:no|false|0)\s*$/i) {
		    $conf->{$name} = 0;
		} elsif ($value =~ /^(?:yes|true|1)\s*$/i) {
		    $conf->{$name} = 1;
		} else {
		    print STDERR "$conf_loc:$.: W: ignoring invalid value for $name\n";
	    } elsif (grep({$_ eq $name} @path_param)) {
		# Only one space-separated word is supported
		$value =~ /^(\S*)(.*)/;
		($conf->{$name}, my $excess) = ($1, $2);
		if ($excess =~ /\S/) {
		    print STDERR "$conf_loc:$.: W: ignoring excess values for $name\n";
	    } elsif (grep({$_ eq $name} @quiet_param)) {
	    } else {
		print STDERR "$conf_loc:$.: W: ignoring unknown parameter $name\n";

    # This is still set (to 0) by default in jessie so we should only
    # warn if the default is changed
    if ($conf->{no_symlinks}) {
	print STDERR "$conf_loc: W: ignoring no_symlinks; only symlinks are supported\n";
    delete $conf->{no_symlinks};

    if ($conf->{link_in_boot}) {
	$conf->{image_dest} = '/boot';
    delete $conf->{link_in_boot};

    return $conf;



Name Type Size Permission Actions
Algorithm Folder 0755
Authen Folder 0755
CGI Folder 0755
Config Folder 0755
Data Folder 0755
Date Folder 0755
Debconf Folder 0755
Debian Folder 0755
Dpkg Folder 0755
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Error Folder 0755
File Folder 0755
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IO Folder 0755
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Text Folder 0755
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Try Folder 0755
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WWW Folder 0755
X11 Folder 0755
XML Folder 0755
libwww Folder 0755
CGI.pm File 121.63 KB 0644
CGI.pod File 65.66 KB 0644
DebianLinux.pm File 5.28 KB 0644
Dpkg.pm File 2.94 KB 0644
Error.pm File 24.29 KB 0644
Fh.pm File 166 B 0644
Git.pm File 45.77 KB 0644
LWP.pm File 21.17 KB 0644
URI.pm File 33.97 KB 0644
dialog.pl File 11.25 KB 0644