[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * PEAR_Command_Registry (list, list-files, shell-test, info commands)
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      File available since Release 0.1

 * base class
require_once 'PEAR/Command/Common.php';

 * PEAR commands for registry manipulation
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @version    Release: 1.10.5
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      Class available since Release 0.1
class PEAR_Command_Registry extends PEAR_Command_Common
    var $commands = array(
        'list' => array(
            'summary' => 'List Installed Packages In The Default Channel',
            'function' => 'doList',
            'shortcut' => 'l',
            'options' => array(
                'channel' => array(
                    'shortopt' => 'c',
                    'doc' => 'list installed packages from this channel',
                    'arg' => 'CHAN',
                'allchannels' => array(
                    'shortopt' => 'a',
                    'doc' => 'list installed packages from all channels',
                'channelinfo' => array(
                    'shortopt' => 'i',
                    'doc' => 'output fully channel-aware data, even on failure',
            'doc' => '<package>
If invoked without parameters, this command lists the PEAR packages
installed in your php_dir ({config php_dir}).  With a parameter, it
lists the files in a package.
        'list-files' => array(
            'summary' => 'List Files In Installed Package',
            'function' => 'doFileList',
            'shortcut' => 'fl',
            'options' => array(),
            'doc' => '<package>
List the files in an installed package.
        'shell-test' => array(
            'summary' => 'Shell Script Test',
            'function' => 'doShellTest',
            'shortcut' => 'st',
            'options' => array(),
            'doc' => '<package> [[relation] version]
Tests if a package is installed in the system. Will exit(1) if it is not.
   <relation>   The version comparison operator. One of:
                <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne
   <version>    The version to compare with
        'info' => array(
            'summary'  => 'Display information about a package',
            'function' => 'doInfo',
            'shortcut' => 'in',
            'options'  => array(),
            'doc'      => '<package>
Displays information about a package. The package argument may be a
local package file, an URL to a package file, or the name of an
installed package.'

     * PEAR_Command_Registry constructor.
     * @access public
    function __construct(&$ui, &$config)
        parent::__construct($ui, $config);

    function _sortinfo($a, $b)
        $apackage = isset($a['package']) ? $a['package'] : $a['name'];
        $bpackage = isset($b['package']) ? $b['package'] : $b['name'];
        return strcmp($apackage, $bpackage);

    function doList($command, $options, $params)
        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        $channelinfo = isset($options['channelinfo']);
        if (isset($options['allchannels']) && !$channelinfo) {
            return $this->doListAll($command, array(), $params);

        if (isset($options['allchannels']) && $channelinfo) {
            // allchannels with $channelinfo
            $channels = $reg->getChannels();
            $errors = array();
            foreach ($channels as $channel) {
                $options['channel'] = $channel->getName();
                $ret = $this->doList($command, $options, $params);

                if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
                    $errors[] = $ret;

            if (count($errors)) {
                // for now, only give first error
                return PEAR::raiseError($errors[0]);

            return true;

        if (count($params) === 1) {
            return $this->doFileList($command, $options, $params);

        if (isset($options['channel'])) {
            if (!$reg->channelExists($options['channel'])) {
                return $this->raiseError('Channel "' . $options['channel'] .'" does not exist');

            $channel = $reg->channelName($options['channel']);
        } else {
            $channel = $this->config->get('default_channel');

        $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, $channel);
        usort($installed, array(&$this, '_sortinfo'));

        $data = array(
            'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' .
                $channel . ':',
            'border' => true,
            'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'),
            'channel' => $channel,
        if ($channelinfo) {
            $data['headline'] = array('Channel', 'Package', 'Version', 'State');

        if (count($installed) && !isset($data['data'])) {
            $data['data'] = array();

        foreach ($installed as $package) {
            $pobj = $reg->getPackage(isset($package['package']) ?
                                        $package['package'] : $package['name'], $channel);
            if ($channelinfo) {
                $packageinfo = array($pobj->getChannel(), $pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
                                    $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);
            } else {
                $packageinfo = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
                                    $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);
            $data['data'][] = $packageinfo;

        if (count($installed) === 0) {
            if (!$channelinfo) {
                $data = '(no packages installed from channel ' . $channel . ')';
            } else {
                $data = array(
                    'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' .
                        $channel . ':',
                    'border' => true,
                    'channel' => $channel,
                    'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)')),

        $this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
        return true;

    function doListAll($command, $options, $params)
        // This duplicate code is deprecated over
        // list --channelinfo, which gives identical
        // output for list and list --allchannels.
        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        $installed = $reg->packageInfo(null, null, null);
        foreach ($installed as $channel => $packages) {
            usort($packages, array($this, '_sortinfo'));
            $data = array(
                'caption'  => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':',
                'border'   => true,
                'headline' => array('Package', 'Version', 'State'),
                'channel'  => $channel

            foreach ($packages as $package) {
                $p = isset($package['package']) ? $package['package'] : $package['name'];
                $pobj = $reg->getPackage($p, $channel);
                $data['data'][] = array($pobj->getPackage(), $pobj->getVersion(),
                                        $pobj->getState() ? $pobj->getState() : null);

            // Adds a blank line after each section
            $data['data'][] = array();

            if (count($packages) === 0) {
                $data = array(
                    'caption' => 'Installed packages, channel ' . $channel . ':',
                    'border' => true,
                    'data' => array(array('(no packages installed)'), array()),
                    'channel' => $channel
            $this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
        return true;

    function doFileList($command, $options, $params)
        if (count($params) !== 1) {
            return $this->raiseError('list-files expects 1 parameter');

        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        $fp = false;
        if (!is_dir($params[0]) && (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))) {
            if ($fp) {

            if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) {
                require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';

            $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug);
            $info = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
            $headings = array('Package File', 'Install Path');
            $installed = false;
        } else {
            $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
            if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) {
                return $this->raiseError($parsed);

            $info = &$reg->getPackage($parsed['package'], $parsed['channel']);
            $headings = array('Type', 'Install Path');
            $installed = true;

        if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
            return $this->raiseError($info);

        if ($info === null) {
            return $this->raiseError("`$params[0]' not installed");

        $list = ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) ?
            $info->getFilelist() : $info->getContents();
        if ($installed) {
            $caption = 'Installed Files For ' . $params[0];
        } else {
            $caption = 'Contents of ' . basename($params[0]);

        $data = array(
            'caption' => $caption,
            'border' => true,
            'headline' => $headings);
        if ($info->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0' || $installed) {
            foreach ($list as $file => $att) {
                if ($installed) {
                    if (empty($att['installed_as'])) {
                    $data['data'][] = array($att['role'], $att['installed_as']);
                } else {
                    if (isset($att['baseinstalldir']) && !in_array($att['role'],
                          array('test', 'data', 'doc'))) {
                        $dest = $att['baseinstalldir'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
                    } else {
                        $dest = $file;
                    switch ($att['role']) {
                        case 'test':
                        case 'data':
                        case 'doc':
                            $role = $att['role'];
                            if ($role == 'test') {
                                $role .= 's';
                            $dest = $this->config->get($role . '_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
                                $info->getPackage() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dest;
                        case 'php':
                            $dest = $this->config->get('php_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
                    $dest = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"),
                    $file = preg_replace('!/+!', '/', $file);
                    $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest);
        } else { // package.xml 2.0, not installed
            if (!isset($list['dir']['file'][0])) {
                $list['dir']['file'] = array($list['dir']['file']);

            foreach ($list['dir']['file'] as $att) {
                $att = $att['attribs'];
                $file = $att['name'];
                $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($info, $att['role'], $this->config);
                $role->setup($this, $info, $att, $file);
                if (!$role->isInstallable()) {
                    $dest = '(not installable)';
                } else {
                    $dest = $role->processInstallation($info, $att, $file, '');
                    if (PEAR::isError($dest)) {
                        $dest = '(Unknown role "' . $att['role'] . ')';
                    } else {
                        list(,, $dest) = $dest;
                $data['data'][] = array($file, $dest);

        $this->ui->outputData($data, $command);
        return true;

    function doShellTest($command, $options, $params)
        if (count($params) < 1) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR, usage: pear shell-test packagename [[relation] version]');

        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        $info = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
        if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
            exit(1); // invalid package name

        $package = $info['package'];
        $channel = $info['channel'];
        // "pear shell-test Foo"
        if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) {
            if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') {
                if ($reg->packageExists($package, 'pear.php.net')) {
                    $channel = 'pear.php.net'; // magically change channels for extensions

        if (count($params) === 1) {
            if (!$reg->packageExists($package, $channel)) {
            // "pear shell-test Foo 1.0"
        } elseif (count($params) === 2) {
            $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel);
            if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[1]}", "ge")) {
            // "pear shell-test Foo ge 1.0"
        } elseif (count($params) === 3) {
            $v = $reg->packageInfo($package, 'version', $channel);
            if (!$v || !version_compare("$v", "{$params[2]}", $params[1])) {
        } else {
            $this->raiseError("$command: expects 1 to 3 parameters");

    function doInfo($command, $options, $params)
        if (count($params) !== 1) {
            return $this->raiseError('pear info expects 1 parameter');

        $info = $fp = false;
        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        if (is_file($params[0]) && !is_dir($params[0]) &&
            (file_exists($params[0]) || $fp = @fopen($params[0], 'r'))
        ) {
            if ($fp) {

            if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile')) {
                require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile.php';

            $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug);
            $obj = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
            if (PEAR::isError($obj)) {
                $uinfo = $obj->getUserInfo();
                if (is_array($uinfo)) {
                    foreach ($uinfo as $message) {
                        if (is_array($message)) {
                            $message = $message['message'];

                return $this->raiseError($obj);

            if ($obj->getPackagexmlVersion() != '1.0') {
                return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, false);

            $info = $obj->toArray();
        } else {
            $parsed = $reg->parsePackageName($params[0], $this->config->get('default_channel'));
            if (PEAR::isError($parsed)) {
                return $this->raiseError($parsed);

            $package = $parsed['package'];
            $channel = $parsed['channel'];
            $info = $reg->packageInfo($package, null, $channel);
            if (isset($info['old'])) {
                $obj = $reg->getPackage($package, $channel);
                return $this->_doInfo2($command, $options, $params, $obj, true);

        if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
            return $info;

        if (empty($info)) {
            $this->raiseError("No information found for `$params[0]'");

        if (isset($info['xsdversion'])) {
            $info['package.xml version'] = $info['xsdversion'];

        if (isset($info['packagerversion'])) {
            $info['packaged with PEAR version'] = $info['packagerversion'];

        $keys = array_keys($info);
        $longtext = array('description', 'summary');
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if (is_array($info[$key])) {
                switch ($key) {
                    case 'maintainers': {
                        $i = 0;
                        $mstr = '';
                        foreach ($info[$key] as $m) {
                            if ($i++ > 0) {
                                $mstr .= "\n";
                            $mstr .= $m['name'] . " <";
                            if (isset($m['email'])) {
                                $mstr .= $m['email'];
                            } else {
                                $mstr .= $m['handle'] . '@php.net';
                            $mstr .= "> ($m[role])";
                        $info[$key] = $mstr;
                    case 'release_deps': {
                        $i = 0;
                        $dstr = '';
                        foreach ($info[$key] as $d) {
                            if (isset($this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']])) {
                                $rel = $this->_deps_rel_trans[$d['rel']];
                            } else {
                                $rel = $d['rel'];
                            if (isset($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']])) {
                                $type = ucfirst($this->_deps_type_trans[$d['type']]);
                            } else {
                                $type = $d['type'];
                            if (isset($d['name'])) {
                                $name = $d['name'] . ' ';
                            } else {
                                $name = '';
                            if (isset($d['version'])) {
                                $version = $d['version'] . ' ';
                            } else {
                                $version = '';
                            if (isset($d['optional']) && $d['optional'] == 'yes') {
                                $optional = ' (optional)';
                            } else {
                                $optional = '';
                            $dstr .= "$type $name$rel $version$optional\n";
                        $info[$key] = $dstr;
                    case 'provides' : {
                        $debug = $this->config->get('verbose');
                        if ($debug < 2) {
                            $pstr = 'Classes: ';
                        } else {
                            $pstr = '';
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($info[$key] as $p) {
                            if ($debug < 2 && $p['type'] != "class") {
                            // Only print classes when verbosity mode is < 2
                            if ($debug < 2) {
                                if ($i++ > 0) {
                                    $pstr .= ", ";
                                $pstr .= $p['name'];
                            } else {
                                if ($i++ > 0) {
                                    $pstr .= "\n";
                                $pstr .= ucfirst($p['type']) . " " . $p['name'];
                                if (isset($p['explicit']) && $p['explicit'] == 1) {
                                    $pstr .= " (explicit)";
                        $info[$key] = $pstr;
                    case 'configure_options' : {
                        foreach ($info[$key] as $i => $p) {
                            $info[$key][$i] = array_map(null, array_keys($p), array_values($p));
                            $info[$key][$i] = array_map(create_function('$a',
                                'return join(" = ",$a);'), $info[$key][$i]);
                            $info[$key][$i] = implode(', ', $info[$key][$i]);
                        $info[$key] = implode("\n", $info[$key]);
                    default: {
                        $info[$key] = implode(", ", $info[$key]);

            if ($key == '_lastmodified') {
                $hdate = date('Y-m-d', $info[$key]);
                $info['Last Modified'] = $hdate;
            } elseif ($key == '_lastversion') {
                $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $info[$key] ? $info[$key] : '- None -';
            } else {
                $info[$key] = trim($info[$key]);
                if (in_array($key, $longtext)) {
                    $info[$key] = preg_replace('/  +/', ' ', $info[$key]);

        $caption = 'About ' . $info['package'] . '-' . $info['version'];
        $data = array(
            'caption' => $caption,
            'border' => true);
        foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
            $key = ucwords(trim(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)));
            $data['data'][] = array($key, $value);
        $data['raw'] = $info;

        $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info');

     * @access private
    function _doInfo2($command, $options, $params, &$obj, $installed)
        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        $caption = 'About ' . $obj->getChannel() . '/' .$obj->getPackage() . '-' .
        $data = array(
            'caption' => $caption,
            'border' => true);
        switch ($obj->getPackageType()) {
            case 'php' :
                $release = 'PEAR-style PHP-based Package';
            case 'extsrc' :
                $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (source code)';
            case 'zendextsrc' :
                $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (source code)';
            case 'extbin' :
                $release = 'PECL-style PHP extension (binary)';
            case 'zendextbin' :
                $release = 'PECL-style Zend extension (binary)';
            case 'bundle' :
                $release = 'Package bundle (collection of packages)';
        $extends = $obj->getExtends();
        $extends = $extends ?
            $obj->getPackage() . ' (extends ' . $extends . ')' : $obj->getPackage();
        if ($src = $obj->getSourcePackage()) {
            $extends .= ' (source package ' . $src['channel'] . '/' . $src['package'] . ')';

        $info = array(
            'Release Type' => $release,
            'Name' => $extends,
            'Channel' => $obj->getChannel(),
            'Summary' => preg_replace('/  +/', ' ', $obj->getSummary()),
            'Description' => preg_replace('/  +/', ' ', $obj->getDescription()),
        $info['Maintainers'] = '';
        foreach (array('lead', 'developer', 'contributor', 'helper') as $role) {
            $leads = $obj->{"get{$role}s"}();
            if (!$leads) {

            if (isset($leads['active'])) {
                $leads = array($leads);

            foreach ($leads as $lead) {
                if (!empty($info['Maintainers'])) {
                    $info['Maintainers'] .= "\n";

                $active = $lead['active'] == 'no' ? ', inactive' : '';
                $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['name'] . ' <';
                $info['Maintainers'] .= $lead['email'] . "> ($role$active)";

        $info['Release Date'] = $obj->getDate();
        if ($time = $obj->getTime()) {
            $info['Release Date'] .= ' ' . $time;

        $info['Release Version'] = $obj->getVersion() . ' (' . $obj->getState() . ')';
        $info['API Version'] = $obj->getVersion('api') . ' (' . $obj->getState('api') . ')';
        $info['License'] = $obj->getLicense();
        $uri = $obj->getLicenseLocation();
        if ($uri) {
            if (isset($uri['uri'])) {
                $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['uri'] . ')';
            } else {
                $extra = $obj->getInstalledLocation($info['filesource']);
                if ($extra) {
                    $info['License'] .= ' (' . $uri['filesource'] . ')';

        $info['Release Notes'] = $obj->getNotes();
        if ($compat = $obj->getCompatible()) {
            if (!isset($compat[0])) {
                $compat = array($compat);

            $info['Compatible with'] = '';
            foreach ($compat as $package) {
                $info['Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'] .
                    "\nVersions >= " . $package['min'] . ', <= ' . $package['max'];
                if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
                    if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
                        $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);

                    if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
                    $info['Not Compatible with'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' .
                        $package['name'] . "\nVersions " . $package['exclude'];

        $usesrole = $obj->getUsesrole();
        if ($usesrole) {
            if (!isset($usesrole[0])) {
                $usesrole = array($usesrole);

            foreach ($usesrole as $roledata) {
                if (isset($info['Uses Custom Roles'])) {
                    $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= "\n";
                } else {
                    $info['Uses Custom Roles'] = '';

                if (isset($roledata['package'])) {
                    $rolepackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($roledata, true);
                } else {
                    $rolepackage = $roledata['uri'];
                $info['Uses Custom Roles'] .= $roledata['role'] . ' (' . $rolepackage . ')';

        $usestask = $obj->getUsestask();
        if ($usestask) {
            if (!isset($usestask[0])) {
                $usestask = array($usestask);

            foreach ($usestask as $taskdata) {
                if (isset($info['Uses Custom Tasks'])) {
                    $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= "\n";
                } else {
                    $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] = '';

                if (isset($taskdata['package'])) {
                    $taskpackage = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($taskdata, true);
                } else {
                    $taskpackage = $taskdata['uri'];
                $info['Uses Custom Tasks'] .= $taskdata['task'] . ' (' . $taskpackage . ')';

        $deps = $obj->getDependencies();
        $info['Required Dependencies'] = 'PHP version ' . $deps['required']['php']['min'];
        if (isset($deps['required']['php']['max'])) {
            $info['Required Dependencies'] .= '-' . $deps['required']['php']['max'] . "\n";
        } else {
            $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";

        if (isset($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) {
            if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
            } else {
                $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";

            if (is_array($deps['required']['php']['exclude'])) {
                $deps['required']['php']['exclude'] =
                    implode(', ', $deps['required']['php']['exclude']);
            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PHP versions\n  " .

        $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 'PEAR installer version';
        if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['max'])) {
            $info['Required Dependencies'] .= 's ' .
                $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . '-' .
        } else {
            $info['Required Dependencies'] .= ' ' .
                $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'] . ' or newer';

        if (isset($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) {
            if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
            } else {
                $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";

            if (is_array($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'])) {
                $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude'] =
                    implode(', ', $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['exclude']);
            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "PEAR installer\n  Versions " .

        foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
            $index = strtolower($type);
            if (isset($deps['required'][$index])) {
                if (isset($deps['required'][$index]['name'])) {
                    $deps['required'][$index] = array($deps['required'][$index]);

                foreach ($deps['required'][$index] as $package) {
                    if (isset($package['conflicts'])) {
                        $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with';
                        if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                            $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                        } else {
                            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
                    } else {
                        $infoindex = 'Required Dependencies';
                        $info[$infoindex] .= "\n";

                    if ($index == 'extension') {
                        $name = $package['name'];
                    } else {
                        if (isset($package['channel'])) {
                            $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
                        } else {
                            $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';

                    $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name";
                    if (isset($package['uri'])) {
                        $info[$infoindex] .= "\n  Download URI: $package[uri]";

                    if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
                        $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Versions " .
                            $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
                    } elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
                        $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                            $package['min'] . ' or newer';
                    } elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
                        $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                            $package['max'] . ' or older';

                    if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
                        $info[$infoindex] .= "\n  Recommended version: $package[recommended]";

                    if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
                        if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                            $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                        } else {
                            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";

                        if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
                            $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);

                        $package['package'] = $package['name']; // for parsedPackageNameToString
                         if (isset($package['conflicts'])) {
                            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= '=> except ';
                       $info['Not Compatible with'] .= 'Package ' .
                            $reg->parsedPackageNameToString($package, true);
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n  Versions " . $package['exclude'];

        if (isset($deps['required']['os'])) {
            if (isset($deps['required']['os']['name'])) {
                $dep['required']['os']['name'] = array($dep['required']['os']['name']);

            foreach ($dep['required']['os'] as $os) {
                if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
                    if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
                    $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "$os[name] Operating System";
                } else {
                    $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";
                    $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "$os[name] Operating System";

        if (isset($deps['required']['arch'])) {
            if (isset($deps['required']['arch']['pattern'])) {
                $dep['required']['arch']['pattern'] = array($dep['required']['os']['pattern']);

            foreach ($dep['required']['arch'] as $os) {
                if (isset($os['conflicts']) && $os['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
                    if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                    } else {
                        $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
                    $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'";
                } else {
                    $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "\n";
                    $info['Required Dependencies'] .= "OS/Arch matching pattern '/$os[pattern]/'";

        if (isset($deps['optional'])) {
            foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
                $index = strtolower($type);
                if (isset($deps['optional'][$index])) {
                    if (isset($deps['optional'][$index]['name'])) {
                        $deps['optional'][$index] = array($deps['optional'][$index]);

                    foreach ($deps['optional'][$index] as $package) {
                        if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
                            $infoindex = 'Not Compatible with';
                            if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                                $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                            } else {
                                $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";
                        } else {
                            $infoindex = 'Optional Dependencies';
                            if (!isset($info['Optional Dependencies'])) {
                                $info['Optional Dependencies'] = '';
                            } else {
                                $info['Optional Dependencies'] .= "\n";

                        if ($index == 'extension') {
                            $name = $package['name'];
                        } else {
                            if (isset($package['channel'])) {
                                $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
                            } else {
                                $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';

                        $info[$infoindex] .= "$type $name";
                        if (isset($package['uri'])) {
                            $info[$infoindex] .= "\n  Download URI: $package[uri]";

                        if ($infoindex == 'Not Compatible with') {
                            // conflicts is only used to say that all versions conflict

                        if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
                            $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Versions " .
                                $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
                        } elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
                            $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                                $package['min'] . ' or newer';
                        } elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
                            $info[$infoindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                                $package['min'] . ' or older';

                        if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
                            $info[$infoindex] .= "\n  Recommended version: $package[recommended]";

                        if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
                            if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                                $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                            } else {
                                $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "\n";

                            if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
                                $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);

                            $info['Not Compatible with'] .= "Package $package\n  Versions " .

        if (isset($deps['group'])) {
            if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) {
                $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']);

            foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) {
                $info['Dependency Group ' . $group['attribs']['name']] = $group['attribs']['hint'];
                $groupindex = $group['attribs']['name'] . ' Contents';
                $info[$groupindex] = '';
                foreach (array('Package', 'Extension') as $type) {
                    $index = strtolower($type);
                    if (isset($group[$index])) {
                        if (isset($group[$index]['name'])) {
                            $group[$index] = array($group[$index]);

                        foreach ($group[$index] as $package) {
                            if (!empty($info[$groupindex])) {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= "\n";

                            if ($index == 'extension') {
                                $name = $package['name'];
                            } else {
                                if (isset($package['channel'])) {
                                    $name = $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];
                                } else {
                                    $name = '__uri/' . $package['name'] . ' (static URI)';

                            if (isset($package['uri'])) {
                                if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
                                    $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name";
                                } else {
                                    $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name";

                                $info[$groupindex] .= "\n  Download URI: $package[uri]";

                            if (isset($package['conflicts']) && $package['conflicts'] == 'yes') {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with $type $name";

                            $info[$groupindex] .= "$type $name";
                            if (isset($package['max']) && isset($package['min'])) {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= " \n  Versions " .
                                    $package['min'] . '-' . $package['max'];
                            } elseif (isset($package['min'])) {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                                    $package['min'] . ' or newer';
                            } elseif (isset($package['max'])) {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= " \n  Version " .
                                    $package['min'] . ' or older';

                            if (isset($package['recommended'])) {
                                $info[$groupindex] .= "\n  Recommended version: $package[recommended]";

                            if (isset($package['exclude'])) {
                                if (!isset($info['Not Compatible with'])) {
                                    $info['Not Compatible with'] = '';
                                } else {
                                    $info[$groupindex] .= "Not Compatible with\n";

                                if (is_array($package['exclude'])) {
                                    $package['exclude'] = implode(', ', $package['exclude']);
                                $info[$groupindex] .= "  Package $package\n  Versions " .

        if ($obj->getPackageType() == 'bundle') {
            $info['Bundled Packages'] = '';
            foreach ($obj->getBundledPackages() as $package) {
                if (!empty($info['Bundled Packages'])) {
                    $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n";

                if (isset($package['uri'])) {
                    $info['Bundled Packages'] .= '__uri/' . $package['name'];
                    $info['Bundled Packages'] .= "\n  (URI: $package[uri]";
                } else {
                    $info['Bundled Packages'] .= $package['channel'] . '/' . $package['name'];

        $info['package.xml version'] = '2.0';
        if ($installed) {
            if ($obj->getLastModified()) {
                $info['Last Modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i', $obj->getLastModified());

            $v = $obj->getLastInstalledVersion();
            $info['Previous Installed Version'] = $v ? $v : '- None -';

        foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
            $data['data'][] = array($key, $value);

        $data['raw'] = $obj->getArray(); // no validation needed
        $this->ui->outputData($data, 'package-info');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Auth.php File 2.51 KB 0644
Auth.xml File 1.2 KB 0644
Build.php File 2.21 KB 0644
Build.xml File 260 B 0644
Channels.php File 32.66 KB 0644
Channels.xml File 4.12 KB 0644
Common.php File 8.03 KB 0644
Config.php File 15.1 KB 0644
Config.xml File 3.3 KB 0644
Install.php File 49.57 KB 0644
Install.xml File 8.37 KB 0644
Mirror.php File 4.4 KB 0644
Mirror.xml File 617 B 0644
Package.php File 39.26 KB 0644
Package.xml File 7.05 KB 0644
Pickle.php File 15.52 KB 0644
Pickle.xml File 1.15 KB 0644
Registry.php File 45.17 KB 0644
Registry.xml File 1.75 KB 0644
Remote.php File 29.28 KB 0644
Remote.xml File 3.23 KB 0644
Test.php File 11.85 KB 0644
Test.xml File 1.6 KB 0644