[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * PEAR_Config, customized configuration handling for the PEAR Installer
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      File available since Release 0.1

 * Required for error handling
require_once 'PEAR.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Installer/Role.php';
require_once 'System.php';

 * Last created PEAR_Config instance.
 * @var object
$GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = null;
if (!defined('PEAR_INSTALL_DIR') || !PEAR_INSTALL_DIR) {
} else {

// Below we define constants with default values for all configuration
// parameters except username/password.  All of them can have their
// defaults set through environment variables.  The reason we use the
// PHP_ prefix is for some security, PHP protects environment
// variables starting with PHP_*.

// default channel and preferred mirror is based on whether we are invoked through
// the "pear" or the "pecl" command
if (!defined('PEAR_RUNTYPE')) {
    define('PEAR_RUNTYPE', 'pear');

if (PEAR_RUNTYPE == 'pear') {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL', 'pear.php.net');
} else {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL', 'pecl.php.net');

if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_SYSCONF_DIR')) {
} elseif (getenv('SystemRoot')) {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR', getenv('SystemRoot'));
} else {

// Default for master_server
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_MASTER_SERVER')) {
} else {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_MASTER_SERVER', 'pear.php.net');

// Default for http_proxy
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_HTTP_PROXY')) {
} elseif (getenv('http_proxy')) {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROXY', getenv('http_proxy'));
} else {

// Default for php_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_INSTALL_DIR')) {
} else {
    if (@file_exists($PEAR_INSTALL_DIR) && is_dir($PEAR_INSTALL_DIR)) {
    } else {

// Default for metadata_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_METADATA_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for ext_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR')) {
} else {
    if (ini_get('extension_dir')) {
        define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_EXT_DIR', ini_get('extension_dir'));
    } elseif (defined('PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR') &&
              file_exists(PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR) && is_dir(PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR)) {
    } elseif (defined('PHP_EXTENSION_DIR')) {
    } else {
        define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_EXT_DIR', '.');

// Default for doc_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_DOC_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for bin_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_BIN_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for data_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_DATA_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for cfg_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_CFG_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for www_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_WWW_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for man_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_MAN_DIR')) {
} else {
    if (defined('PHP_MANDIR')) { // Added in PHP5.3.7
    } else {
           'local' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'man');

// Default for test_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_TEST_DIR')) {
} else {

// Default for temp_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_TEMP_DIR')) {
} else {
           System::tmpdir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear' .
           DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp');

// Default for cache_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_CACHE_DIR')) {
} else {
           System::tmpdir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear' .
           DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache');

// Default for download_dir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_DOWNLOAD_DIR')) {
} else {
           System::tmpdir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear' .
           DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'download');

// Default for php_bin
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_PHP_BIN')) {
} else {
           DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'php'.(OS_WINDOWS ? '.exe' : ''));

// Default for verbose
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_VERBOSE')) {
} else {

// Default for preferred_state
} else {

// Default for umask
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_UMASK')) {
} else {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_UMASK', decoct(umask()));

// Default for cache_ttl
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_CACHE_TTL')) {
} else {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL', 3600);

// Default for sig_type
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_SIG_TYPE')) {
} else {
    define('PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_SIG_TYPE', 'gpg');

// Default for sig_bin
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_SIG_BIN')) {
} else {
               'gpg', OS_WINDOWS ? 'c:\gnupg\gpg.exe' : '/usr/local/bin/gpg'));

// Default for sig_keydir
if (getenv('PHP_PEAR_SIG_KEYDIR')) {
} else {

 * This is a class for storing configuration data, keeping track of
 * which are system-defined, user-defined or defaulted.
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @version    Release: 1.10.5
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      Class available since Release 0.1
class PEAR_Config extends PEAR
     * Array of config files used.
     * @var array layer => config file
    var $files = array(
        'system' => '',
        'user' => '',

    var $layers = array();

     * Configuration data, two-dimensional array where the first
     * dimension is the config layer ('user', 'system' and 'default'),
     * and the second dimension is keyname => value.
     * The order in the first dimension is important!  Earlier
     * layers will shadow later ones when a config value is
     * requested (if a 'user' value exists, it will be returned first,
     * then 'system' and finally 'default').
     * @var array layer => array(keyname => value, ...)
    var $configuration = array(
        'user' => array(),
        'system' => array(),
        'default' => array(),

     * Configuration values that can be set for a channel
     * All other configuration values can only have a global value
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_channelConfigInfo = array(
        'php_dir', 'ext_dir', 'doc_dir', 'bin_dir', 'data_dir', 'cfg_dir',
        'test_dir', 'www_dir', 'php_bin', 'php_prefix', 'php_suffix', 'username',
        'password', 'verbose', 'preferred_state', 'umask', 'preferred_mirror', 'php_ini'

     * Channels that can be accessed
     * @see setChannels()
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_channels = array('pear.php.net', 'pecl.php.net', '__uri');

     * This variable is used to control the directory values returned
     * @see setInstallRoot();
     * @var string|false
     * @access private
    var $_installRoot = false;

     * If requested, this will always refer to the registry
     * contained in php_dir
     * @var PEAR_Registry
    var $_registry = array();

     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_regInitialized = array();

     * @var bool
     * @access private
    var $_noRegistry = false;

     * amount of errors found while parsing config
     * @var integer
     * @access private
    var $_errorsFound = 0;
    var $_lastError = null;

     * Information about the configuration data.  Stores the type,
     * default value and a documentation string for each configuration
     * value.
     * @var array layer => array(infotype => value, ...)
    var $configuration_info = array(
        // Channels/Internet Access
        'default_channel' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
            'doc' => 'the default channel to use for all non explicit commands',
            'prompt' => 'Default Channel',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        'preferred_mirror' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL,
            'doc' => 'the default server or mirror to use for channel actions',
            'prompt' => 'Default Channel Mirror',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        'remote_config' => array(
            'type' => 'password',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => 'ftp url of remote configuration file to use for synchronized install',
            'prompt' => 'Remote Configuration File',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        'auto_discover' => array(
            'type' => 'integer',
            'default' => 0,
            'doc' => 'whether to automatically discover new channels',
            'prompt' => 'Auto-discover new Channels',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        // Internet Access
        'master_server' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => 'pear.php.net',
            'doc' => 'name of the main PEAR server [NOT USED IN THIS VERSION]',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR server [DEPRECATED]',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        'http_proxy' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_HTTP_PROXY,
            'doc' => 'HTTP proxy (host:port) to use when downloading packages',
            'prompt' => 'HTTP Proxy Server Address',
            'group' => 'Internet Access',
        // File Locations
        'php_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PHP_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where .php files are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations',
        'ext_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_EXT_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where loadable extensions are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PHP extension directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations',
        'doc_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DOC_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where documentation is installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR documentation directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations',
        'bin_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_BIN_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where executables are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR executables directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations',
        'data_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where data files are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR data directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'cfg_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CFG_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where modifiable configuration files are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR configuration file directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'www_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_WWW_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where www frontend files (html/js) are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR www files directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'man_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_MAN_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where unix manual pages are installed',
            'prompt' => 'Systems manpage files directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'test_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_TEST_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where regression tests are installed',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR test directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'cache_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CACHE_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory which is used for web service cache',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR Installer cache directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'temp_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_TEMP_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory which is used for all temp files',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR Installer temp directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'download_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory which is used for all downloaded files',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR Installer download directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'php_bin' => array(
            'type' => 'file',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_PHP_BIN,
            'doc' => 'PHP CLI/CGI binary for executing scripts',
            'prompt' => 'PHP CLI/CGI binary',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'php_prefix' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => '--program-prefix for php_bin\'s ./configure, used for pecl installs',
            'prompt' => '--program-prefix passed to PHP\'s ./configure',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'php_suffix' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => '--program-suffix for php_bin\'s ./configure, used for pecl installs',
            'prompt' => '--program-suffix passed to PHP\'s ./configure',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'php_ini' => array(
            'type' => 'file',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => 'location of php.ini in which to enable PECL extensions on install',
            'prompt' => 'php.ini location',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        'metadata_dir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_METADATA_DIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where metadata files are installed (registry, filemap, channels, ...)',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR metadata directory',
            'group' => 'File Locations (Advanced)',
        // Maintainers
        'username' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => '(maintainers) your PEAR account name',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR username (for maintainers)',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        'password' => array(
            'type' => 'password',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => '(maintainers) your PEAR account password',
            'prompt' => 'PEAR password (for maintainers)',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        // Advanced
        'verbose' => array(
            'type' => 'integer',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_VERBOSE,
            'doc' => 'verbosity level
0: really quiet
1: somewhat quiet
2: verbose
3: debug',
            'prompt' => 'Debug Log Level',
            'group' => 'Advanced',
        'preferred_state' => array(
            'type' => 'set',
            'doc' => 'the installer will prefer releases with this state when installing packages without a version or state specified',
            'valid_set' => array(
                'stable', 'beta', 'alpha', 'devel', 'snapshot'),
            'prompt' => 'Preferred Package State',
            'group' => 'Advanced',
        'umask' => array(
            'type' => 'mask',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_UMASK,
            'doc' => 'umask used when creating files (Unix-like systems only)',
            'prompt' => 'Unix file mask',
            'group' => 'Advanced',
        'cache_ttl' => array(
            'type' => 'integer',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_CACHE_TTL,
            'doc' => 'amount of secs where the local cache is used and not updated',
            'prompt' => 'Cache TimeToLive',
            'group' => 'Advanced',
        'sig_type' => array(
            'type' => 'set',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_SIG_TYPE,
            'doc' => 'which package signature mechanism to use',
            'valid_set' => array('gpg'),
            'prompt' => 'Package Signature Type',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        'sig_bin' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_SIG_BIN,
            'doc' => 'which package signature mechanism to use',
            'prompt' => 'Signature Handling Program',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        'sig_keyid' => array(
            'type' => 'string',
            'default' => '',
            'doc' => 'which key to use for signing with',
            'prompt' => 'Signature Key Id',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        'sig_keydir' => array(
            'type' => 'directory',
            'default' => PEAR_CONFIG_DEFAULT_SIG_KEYDIR,
            'doc' => 'directory where signature keys are located',
            'prompt' => 'Signature Key Directory',
            'group' => 'Maintainers',
        // __channels is reserved - used for channel-specific configuration

     * Constructor.
     * @param string file to read user-defined options from
     * @param string file to read system-wide defaults from
     * @param bool   determines whether a registry object "follows"
     *               the value of php_dir (is automatically created
     *               and moved when php_dir is changed)
     * @param bool   if true, fails if configuration files cannot be loaded
     * @access public
     * @see PEAR_Config::singleton
    function __construct($user_file = '', $system_file = '', $ftp_file = false,
                         $strict = true)
        if (empty($user_file)) {
            if (OS_WINDOWS) {
                $user_file = PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR . $sl . 'pear.ini';
            } else {
                $user_file = getenv('HOME') . $sl . '.pearrc';

        if (empty($system_file)) {
            $system_file = PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR . $sl;
            if (OS_WINDOWS) {
                $system_file .= 'pearsys.ini';
            } else {
                $system_file .= 'pear.conf';

        $this->layers = array_keys($this->configuration);
        $this->files['user']   = $user_file;
        $this->files['system'] = $system_file;
        if ($user_file && file_exists($user_file)) {
            $this->readConfigFile($user_file, 'user', $strict);
            if ($this->_errorsFound > 0) {

        if ($system_file && @file_exists($system_file)) {
            $this->mergeConfigFile($system_file, false, 'system', $strict);
            if ($this->_errorsFound > 0) {


        if (!$ftp_file) {
            $ftp_file = $this->get('remote_config');

        if ($ftp_file && defined('PEAR_REMOTEINSTALL_OK')) {

        foreach ($this->configuration_info as $key => $info) {
            $this->configuration['default'][$key] = $info['default'];

        $this->_registry['default'] = new PEAR_Registry(
            $this->configuration['default']['php_dir'], false, false,
        $this->_registry['default']->setConfig($this, false);
        $this->_regInitialized['default'] = false;
        //$GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = &$this;

     * Return the default locations of user and system configuration files
    public static function getDefaultConfigFiles()
        if (OS_WINDOWS) {
            return array(
                'user'   => PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR . $sl . 'pear.ini',
                'system' =>  PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR . $sl . 'pearsys.ini'

        return array(
            'user'   => getenv('HOME') . $sl . '.pearrc',
            'system' => PEAR_CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR . $sl . 'pear.conf'

     * Static singleton method.  If you want to keep only one instance
     * of this class in use, this method will give you a reference to
     * the last created PEAR_Config object if one exists, or create a
     * new object.
     * @param string (optional) file to read user-defined options from
     * @param string (optional) file to read system-wide defaults from
     * @return object an existing or new PEAR_Config instance
     * @see PEAR_Config::PEAR_Config
    public static function &singleton($user_file = '', $system_file = '', $strict = true)
        if (is_object($GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'])) {
            return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'];

        $t_conf = new PEAR_Config($user_file, $system_file, false, $strict);
        if ($t_conf->_errorsFound > 0) {
             return $t_conf->lastError;

        $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'] = &$t_conf;
        return $GLOBALS['_PEAR_Config_instance'];

     * Determine whether any configuration files have been detected, and whether a
     * registry object can be retrieved from this configuration.
     * @return bool
     * @since PEAR 1.4.0a1
    function validConfiguration()
        if ($this->isDefinedLayer('user') || $this->isDefinedLayer('system')) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Reads configuration data from a file.  All existing values in
     * the config layer are discarded and replaced with data from the
     * file.
     * @param string file to read from, if NULL or not specified, the
     *               last-used file for the same layer (second param) is used
     * @param string config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')
     * @return bool TRUE on success or a PEAR error on failure
    function readConfigFile($file = null, $layer = 'user', $strict = true)
        if (empty($this->files[$layer])) {
            return $this->raiseError("unknown config layer `$layer'");

        if ($file === null) {
            $file = $this->files[$layer];

        $data = $this->_readConfigDataFrom($file);
        if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
            if (!$strict) {
                return true;

            $this->lastError = $data;

            return $data;

        $this->files[$layer] = $file;
        $this->configuration[$layer] = $data;
        if (!$this->_noRegistry && ($phpdir = $this->get('php_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'))) {
            $this->_registry[$layer] = new PEAR_Registry(
                $phpdir, false, false,
                $this->get('metadata_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'));
            $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);
            $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = false;
        } else {
        return true;

     * @param string url to the remote config file, like ftp://www.example.com/pear/config.ini
     * @return true|PEAR_Error
    function readFTPConfigFile($path)
        do { // poor man's try
            if (!class_exists('PEAR_FTP')) {
                if (!class_exists('PEAR_Common')) {
                    require_once 'PEAR/Common.php';
                if (PEAR_Common::isIncludeable('PEAR/FTP.php')) {
                    require_once 'PEAR/FTP.php';

            if (!class_exists('PEAR_FTP')) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('PEAR_RemoteInstaller must be installed to use remote config');

            $this->_ftp = new PEAR_FTP;
            $e = $this->_ftp->init($path);
            if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
                return $e;

            $tmp = System::mktemp('-d');
            $e = $this->_ftp->get(basename($path), $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
                'pear.ini', false, FTP_BINARY);
            if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
                return $e;

            PEAR_Common::addTempFile($tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear.ini');
            $this->files['ftp'] = $tmp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pear.ini';
            $e = $this->readConfigFile(null, 'ftp');
            if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
                return $e;

            $fail = array();
            foreach ($this->configuration_info as $key => $val) {
                if (in_array($this->getGroup($key),
                      array('File Locations', 'File Locations (Advanced)')) &&
                      $this->getType($key) == 'directory') {
                    // any directory configs must be set for this to work
                    if (!isset($this->configuration['ftp'][$key])) {
                        $fail[] = $key;

            if (!count($fail)) {
                return true;

            $fail = '"' . implode('", "', $fail) . '"';
            return PEAR::raiseError('ERROR: Ftp configuration file must set all ' .
                'directory configuration variables.  These variables were not set: ' .
        } while (false); // poor man's catch
        return PEAR::raiseError('no remote host specified');

     * Reads the existing configurations and creates the _channels array from it
    function _setupChannels()
        $set = array_flip(array_values($this->_channels));
        foreach ($this->configuration as $layer => $data) {
            $i = 1000;
            if (isset($data['__channels']) && is_array($data['__channels'])) {
                foreach ($data['__channels'] as $channel => $info) {
                    $set[$channel] = $i++;
        $this->_channels = array_values(array_flip($set));

    function deleteChannel($channel)
        $ch = strtolower($channel);
        foreach ($this->configuration as $layer => $data) {
            if (isset($data['__channels']) && isset($data['__channels'][$ch])) {

        $this->_channels = array_flip($this->_channels);
        $this->_channels = array_flip($this->_channels);

     * Merges data into a config layer from a file.  Does the same
     * thing as readConfigFile, except it does not replace all
     * existing values in the config layer.
     * @param string file to read from
     * @param bool whether to overwrite existing data (default TRUE)
     * @param string config layer to insert data into ('user' or 'system')
     * @param string if true, errors are returned if file opening fails
     * @return bool TRUE on success or a PEAR error on failure
    function mergeConfigFile($file, $override = true, $layer = 'user', $strict = true)
        if (empty($this->files[$layer])) {
            return $this->raiseError("unknown config layer `$layer'");

        if ($file === null) {
            $file = $this->files[$layer];

        $data = $this->_readConfigDataFrom($file);
        if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
            if (!$strict) {
                return true;

            $this->lastError = $data;

            return $data;

        if ($override) {
            $this->configuration[$layer] =
                PEAR_Config::arrayMergeRecursive($this->configuration[$layer], $data);
        } else {
            $this->configuration[$layer] =
                PEAR_Config::arrayMergeRecursive($data, $this->configuration[$layer]);

        if (!$this->_noRegistry && ($phpdir = $this->get('php_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'))) {
            $this->_registry[$layer] = new PEAR_Registry(
                $phpdir, false, false,
                $this->get('metadata_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'));
            $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);
            $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = false;
        } else {
        return true;

     * @param array
     * @param array
     * @return array
    public static function arrayMergeRecursive($arr2, $arr1)
        $ret = array();
        foreach ($arr2 as $key => $data) {
            if (!isset($arr1[$key])) {
                $ret[$key] = $data;
            if (is_array($data)) {
                if (!is_array($arr1[$key])) {
                    $ret[$key] = $arr1[$key];
                $ret[$key] = PEAR_Config::arrayMergeRecursive($arr1[$key], $arr2[$key]);

        return array_merge($ret, $arr1);

     * Writes data into a config layer from a file.
     * @param string|null file to read from, or null for default
     * @param string config layer to insert data into ('user' or
     *               'system')
     * @param string|null data to write to config file or null for internal data [DEPRECATED]
     * @return bool TRUE on success or a PEAR error on failure
    function writeConfigFile($file = null, $layer = 'user', $data = null)
        if ($layer == 'both' || $layer == 'all') {
            foreach ($this->files as $type => $file) {
                $err = $this->writeConfigFile($file, $type, $data);
                if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                    return $err;
            return true;

        if (empty($this->files[$layer])) {
            return $this->raiseError("unknown config file type `$layer'");

        if ($file === null) {
            $file = $this->files[$layer];

        $data = ($data === null) ? $this->configuration[$layer] : $data;
        $opt = array('-p', dirname($file));
        if (!@System::mkDir($opt)) {
            return $this->raiseError("could not create directory: " . dirname($file));

        if (file_exists($file) && is_file($file) && !is_writeable($file)) {
            return $this->raiseError("no write access to $file!");

        $fp = @fopen($file, "w");
        if (!$fp) {
            return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile fopen('$file','w') failed ($php_errormsg)");

        $contents = "#PEAR_Config 0.9\n" . serialize($data);
        if (!@fwrite($fp, $contents)) {
            return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::writeConfigFile: fwrite failed ($php_errormsg)");
        return true;

     * Reads configuration data from a file and returns the parsed data
     * in an array.
     * @param string file to read from
     * @return array configuration data or a PEAR error on failure
     * @access private
    function _readConfigDataFrom($file)
        $fp = false;
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            $fp = @fopen($file, "r");

        if (!$fp) {
            return $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config::readConfigFile fopen('$file','r') failed");

        $size = filesize($file);
        $contents = file_get_contents($file);
        if (empty($contents)) {
            return $this->raiseError('Configuration file "' . $file . '" is empty');

        $version = false;
        if (preg_match('/^#PEAR_Config\s+(\S+)\s+/si', $contents, $matches)) {
            $version = $matches[1];
            $contents = substr($contents, strlen($matches[0]));
        } else {
            // Museum config file
            if (substr($contents,0,2) == 'a:') {
                $version = '0.1';

        if ($version && version_compare("$version", '1', '<')) {
            // no '@', it is possible that unserialize
            // raises a notice but it seems to block IO to
            // STDOUT if a '@' is used and a notice is raise
            $data = unserialize($contents);

            if (!is_array($data) && !$data) {
                if ($contents == serialize(false)) {
                    $data = array();
                } else {
                    $err = $this->raiseError("PEAR_Config: bad data in $file");
                    return $err;
            if (!is_array($data)) {
                if (strlen(trim($contents)) > 0) {
                    $error = "PEAR_Config: bad data in $file";
                    $err = $this->raiseError($error);
                    return $err;

                $data = array();
        // add parsing of newer formats here...
        } else {
            $err = $this->raiseError("$file: unknown version `$version'");
            return $err;

        return $data;

    * Gets the file used for storing the config for a layer
    * @param string $layer 'user' or 'system'
    function getConfFile($layer)
        return $this->files[$layer];

     * @param string Configuration class name, used for detecting duplicate calls
     * @param array information on a role as parsed from its xml file
     * @return true|PEAR_Error
     * @access private
    function _addConfigVars($class, $vars)
        static $called = array();
        if (isset($called[$class])) {

        $called[$class] = 1;
        if (count($vars) > 3) {
            return $this->raiseError('Roles can only define 3 new config variables or less');

        foreach ($vars as $name => $var) {
            if (!is_array($var)) {
                return $this->raiseError('Configuration information must be an array');

            if (!isset($var['type'])) {
                return $this->raiseError('Configuration information must contain a type');
            } elseif (!in_array($var['type'],
                    array('string', 'mask', 'password', 'directory', 'file', 'set'))) {
                  return $this->raiseError(
                      'Configuration type must be one of directory, file, string, ' .
                      'mask, set, or password');
            if (!isset($var['default'])) {
                return $this->raiseError(
                    'Configuration information must contain a default value ("default" index)');

            if (is_array($var['default'])) {
                $real_default = '';
                foreach ($var['default'] as $config_var => $val) {
                    if (strpos($config_var, 'text') === 0) {
                        $real_default .= $val;
                    } elseif (strpos($config_var, 'constant') === 0) {
                        if (!defined($val)) {
                            return $this->raiseError(
                                'Unknown constant "' . $val . '" requested in ' .
                                'default value for configuration variable "' .
                                $name . '"');

                        $real_default .= constant($val);
                    } elseif (isset($this->configuration_info[$config_var])) {
                        $real_default .=
                    } else {
                        return $this->raiseError(
                            'Unknown request for "' . $config_var . '" value in ' .
                            'default value for configuration variable "' .
                            $name . '"');
                $var['default'] = $real_default;

            if ($var['type'] == 'integer') {
                $var['default'] = (integer) $var['default'];

            if (!isset($var['doc'])) {
                return $this->raiseError(
                    'Configuration information must contain a summary ("doc" index)');

            if (!isset($var['prompt'])) {
                return $this->raiseError(
                    'Configuration information must contain a simple prompt ("prompt" index)');

            if (!isset($var['group'])) {
                return $this->raiseError(
                    'Configuration information must contain a simple group ("group" index)');

            if (isset($this->configuration_info[$name])) {
                return $this->raiseError('Configuration variable "' . $name .
                    '" already exists');

            $this->configuration_info[$name] = $var;
            // fix bug #7351: setting custom config variable in a channel fails
            $this->_channelConfigInfo[] = $name;

        return true;

     * Encodes/scrambles configuration data before writing to files.
     * Currently, 'password' values will be base64-encoded as to avoid
     * that people spot cleartext passwords by accident.
     * @param array (reference) array to encode values in
     * @return bool TRUE on success
     * @access private
    function _encodeOutput(&$data)
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == '__channels') {
                foreach ($data['__channels'] as $channel => $blah) {

            if (!isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {

            $type = $this->configuration_info[$key]['type'];
            switch ($type) {
                // we base64-encode passwords so they are at least
                // not shown in plain by accident
                case 'password': {
                    $data[$key] = base64_encode($data[$key]);
                case 'mask': {
                    $data[$key] = octdec($data[$key]);

        return true;

     * Decodes/unscrambles configuration data after reading from files.
     * @param array (reference) array to encode values in
     * @return bool TRUE on success
     * @access private
     * @see PEAR_Config::_encodeOutput
    function _decodeInput(&$data)
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            return true;

        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == '__channels') {
                foreach ($data['__channels'] as $channel => $blah) {

            if (!isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {

            $type = $this->configuration_info[$key]['type'];
            switch ($type) {
                case 'password': {
                    $data[$key] = base64_decode($data[$key]);
                case 'mask': {
                    $data[$key] = decoct($data[$key]);

        return true;

     * Retrieve the default channel.
     * On startup, channels are not initialized, so if the default channel is not
     * pear.php.net, then initialize the config.
     * @param string registry layer
     * @return string|false
    function getDefaultChannel($layer = null)
        $ret = false;
        if ($layer === null) {
            foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
                if (isset($this->configuration[$layer]['default_channel'])) {
                    $ret = $this->configuration[$layer]['default_channel'];
        } elseif (isset($this->configuration[$layer]['default_channel'])) {
            $ret = $this->configuration[$layer]['default_channel'];

        if ($ret == 'pear.php.net' && defined('PEAR_RUNTYPE') && PEAR_RUNTYPE == 'pecl') {
            $ret = 'pecl.php.net';

        if ($ret) {
            if ($ret != 'pear.php.net') {

            return $ret;


     * Returns a configuration value, prioritizing layers as per the
     * layers property.
     * @param string config key
     * @return mixed the config value, or NULL if not found
     * @access public
    function get($key, $layer = null, $channel = false)
        if (!isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return null;

        if ($key == '__channels') {
            return null;

        if ($key == 'default_channel') {
            return $this->getDefaultChannel($layer);

        if (!$channel) {
            $channel = $this->getDefaultChannel();
        } elseif ($channel != 'pear.php.net') {
        $channel = strtolower($channel);

        $test = (in_array($key, $this->_channelConfigInfo)) ?
            $this->_getChannelValue($key, $layer, $channel) :
        if ($test !== null) {
            if ($this->_installRoot) {
                if (in_array($this->getGroup($key),
                      array('File Locations', 'File Locations (Advanced)')) &&
                      $this->getType($key) == 'directory') {
                    return $this->_prependPath($test, $this->_installRoot);
            return $test;

        if ($layer === null) {
            foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
                if (isset($this->configuration[$layer][$key])) {
                    $test = $this->configuration[$layer][$key];
                    if ($this->_installRoot) {
                        if (in_array($this->getGroup($key),
                              array('File Locations', 'File Locations (Advanced)')) &&
                              $this->getType($key) == 'directory') {
                            return $this->_prependPath($test, $this->_installRoot);

                    if ($key == 'preferred_mirror') {
                        $reg = &$this->getRegistry();
                        if (is_object($reg)) {
                            $chan = $reg->getChannel($channel);
                            if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                                return $channel;

                            if (!$chan->getMirror($test) && $chan->getName() != $test) {
                                return $channel; // mirror does not exist
                    return $test;
        } elseif (isset($this->configuration[$layer][$key])) {
            $test = $this->configuration[$layer][$key];
            if ($this->_installRoot) {
                if (in_array($this->getGroup($key),
                      array('File Locations', 'File Locations (Advanced)')) &&
                      $this->getType($key) == 'directory') {
                    return $this->_prependPath($test, $this->_installRoot);

            if ($key == 'preferred_mirror') {
                $reg = &$this->getRegistry();
                if (is_object($reg)) {
                    $chan = $reg->getChannel($channel);
                    if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                        return $channel;

                    if (!$chan->getMirror($test) && $chan->getName() != $test) {
                        return $channel; // mirror does not exist

            return $test;

        return null;

     * Returns a channel-specific configuration value, prioritizing layers as per the
     * layers property.
     * @param string config key
     * @return mixed the config value, or NULL if not found
     * @access private
    function _getChannelValue($key, $layer, $channel)
        if ($key == '__channels' || $channel == 'pear.php.net') {
            return null;

        $ret = null;
        if ($layer === null) {
            foreach ($this->layers as $ilayer) {
                if (isset($this->configuration[$ilayer]['__channels'][$channel][$key])) {
                    $ret = $this->configuration[$ilayer]['__channels'][$channel][$key];
        } elseif (isset($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel][$key])) {
            $ret = $this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel][$key];

        if ($key != 'preferred_mirror') {
            return $ret;

        if ($ret !== null) {
            $reg = &$this->getRegistry($layer);
            if (is_object($reg)) {
                $chan = $reg->getChannel($channel);
                if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                    return $channel;

                if (!$chan->getMirror($ret) && $chan->getName() != $ret) {
                    return $channel; // mirror does not exist

            return $ret;

        if ($channel != $this->getDefaultChannel($layer)) {
            return $channel; // we must use the channel name as the preferred mirror
                             // if the user has not chosen an alternate

        return $this->getDefaultChannel($layer);

     * Set a config value in a specific layer (defaults to 'user').
     * Enforces the types defined in the configuration_info array.  An
     * integer config variable will be cast to int, and a set config
     * variable will be validated against its legal values.
     * @param string config key
     * @param string config value
     * @param string (optional) config layer
     * @param string channel to set this value for, or null for global value
     * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
    function set($key, $value, $layer = 'user', $channel = false)
        if ($key == '__channels') {
            return false;

        if (!isset($this->configuration[$layer])) {
            return false;

        if ($key == 'default_channel') {
            // can only set this value globally
            $channel = 'pear.php.net';
            if ($value != 'pear.php.net') {

        if ($key == 'preferred_mirror') {
            if ($channel == '__uri') {
                return false; // can't set the __uri pseudo-channel's mirror

            $reg = &$this->getRegistry($layer);
            if (is_object($reg)) {
                $chan = $reg->getChannel($channel ? $channel : 'pear.php.net');
                if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                    return false;

                if (!$chan->getMirror($value) && $chan->getName() != $value) {
                    return false; // mirror does not exist

        if (!isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return false;

        switch ($type) {
            case 'integer':
                $value = (int)$value;
            case 'set': {
                // If a valid_set is specified, require the value to
                // be in the set.  If there is no valid_set, accept
                // any value.
                if ($valid_set) {
                    if ((key($valid_set) === 0 && !in_array($value, $valid_set)) ||
                        (key($valid_set) !== 0 && empty($valid_set[$value])))
                        return false;

        if (!$channel) {
            $channel = $this->get('default_channel', null, 'pear.php.net');

        if (!in_array($channel, $this->_channels)) {
            $reg = &$this->getRegistry($layer);
            if ($reg) {
                $channel = $reg->channelName($channel);

            if (!in_array($channel, $this->_channels)) {
                return false;

        if ($channel != 'pear.php.net') {
            if (in_array($key, $this->_channelConfigInfo)) {
                $this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel][$key] = $value;
                return true;

            return false;

        if ($key == 'default_channel') {
            if (!isset($reg)) {
                $reg = &$this->getRegistry($layer);
                if (!$reg) {
                    $reg = &$this->getRegistry();

            if ($reg) {
                $value = $reg->channelName($value);

            if (!$value) {
                return false;

        $this->configuration[$layer][$key] = $value;
        if ($key == 'php_dir' && !$this->_noRegistry) {
            if (!isset($this->_registry[$layer]) ||
                  $value != $this->_registry[$layer]->install_dir) {
                $this->_registry[$layer] = new PEAR_Registry($value);
                $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = false;
                $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);

        return true;

    function _lazyChannelSetup($uselayer = false)
        if ($this->_noRegistry) {

        $merge = false;
        foreach ($this->_registry as $layer => $p) {
            if ($uselayer && $uselayer != $layer) {

            if (!$this->_regInitialized[$layer]) {
                if ($layer == 'default' && isset($this->_registry['user']) ||
                      isset($this->_registry['system'])) {
                    // only use the default registry if there are no alternatives

                if (!is_object($this->_registry[$layer])) {
                    if ($phpdir = $this->get('php_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net')) {
                        $this->_registry[$layer] = new PEAR_Registry(
                            $phpdir, false, false,
                            $this->get('metadata_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'));
                        $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);
                        $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = false;
                    } else {

                $this->setChannels($this->_registry[$layer]->listChannels(), $merge);
                $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = true;
                $merge = true;

     * Set the list of channels.
     * This should be set via a call to {@link PEAR_Registry::listChannels()}
     * @param array
     * @param bool
     * @return bool success of operation
    function setChannels($channels, $merge = false)
        if (!is_array($channels)) {
            return false;

        if ($merge) {
            $this->_channels = array_merge($this->_channels, $channels);
        } else {
            $this->_channels = $channels;

        foreach ($channels as $channel) {
            $channel = strtolower($channel);
            if ($channel == 'pear.php.net') {

            foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
                if (!isset($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'])) {
                    $this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'] = array();
                if (!isset($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel])
                      || !is_array($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel])) {
                    $this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel] = array();

        return true;

     * Get the type of a config value.
     * @param string  config key
     * @return string type, one of "string", "integer", "file",
     * "directory", "set" or "password".
     * @access public
    function getType($key)
        if (isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return $this->configuration_info[$key]['type'];
        return false;

     * Get the documentation for a config value.
     * @param string  config key
     * @return string documentation string
     * @access public
    function getDocs($key)
        if (isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return $this->configuration_info[$key]['doc'];

        return false;

     * Get the short documentation for a config value.
     * @param string  config key
     * @return string short documentation string
     * @access public
    function getPrompt($key)
        if (isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return $this->configuration_info[$key]['prompt'];

        return false;

     * Get the parameter group for a config key.
     * @param string  config key
     * @return string parameter group
     * @access public
    function getGroup($key)
        if (isset($this->configuration_info[$key])) {
            return $this->configuration_info[$key]['group'];

        return false;

     * Get the list of parameter groups.
     * @return array list of parameter groups
     * @access public
    function getGroups()
        $tmp = array();
        foreach ($this->configuration_info as $key => $info) {
            $tmp[$info['group']] = 1;

        return array_keys($tmp);

     * Get the list of the parameters in a group.
     * @param string $group parameter group
     * @return array list of parameters in $group
     * @access public
    function getGroupKeys($group)
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($this->configuration_info as $key => $info) {
            if ($info['group'] == $group) {
                $keys[] = $key;

        return $keys;

     * Get the list of allowed set values for a config value.  Returns
     * NULL for config values that are not sets.
     * @param string  config key
     * @return array enumerated array of set values, or NULL if the
     *               config key is unknown or not a set
     * @access public
    function getSetValues($key)
        if (isset($this->configuration_info[$key]) &&
            isset($this->configuration_info[$key]['type']) &&
            $this->configuration_info[$key]['type'] == 'set')
            $valid_set = $this->configuration_info[$key]['valid_set'];
            if (key($valid_set) === 0) {
                return $valid_set;

            return array_keys($valid_set);

        return null;

     * Get all the current config keys.
     * @return array simple array of config keys
     * @access public
    function getKeys()
        $keys = array();
        foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
            $test = $this->configuration[$layer];
            if (isset($test['__channels'])) {
                foreach ($test['__channels'] as $channel => $configs) {
                    $keys = array_merge($keys, $configs);

            $keys = array_merge($keys, $test);

        return array_keys($keys);

     * Remove the a config key from a specific config layer.
     * @param string config key
     * @param string (optional) config layer
     * @param string (optional) channel (defaults to default channel)
     * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
     * @access public
    function remove($key, $layer = 'user', $channel = null)
        if ($channel === null) {
            $channel = $this->getDefaultChannel();

        if ($channel !== 'pear.php.net') {
            if (isset($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel][$key])) {
                return true;

        if (isset($this->configuration[$layer][$key])) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Temporarily remove an entire config layer.  USE WITH CARE!
     * @param string config key
     * @param string (optional) config layer
     * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
     * @access public
    function removeLayer($layer)
        if (isset($this->configuration[$layer])) {
            $this->configuration[$layer] = array();
            return true;

        return false;

     * Stores configuration data in a layer.
     * @param string config layer to store
     * @return bool TRUE on success, or PEAR error on failure
     * @access public
    function store($layer = 'user', $data = null)
        return $this->writeConfigFile(null, $layer, $data);

     * Tells what config layer that gets to define a key.
     * @param string config key
     * @param boolean return the defining channel
     * @return string|array the config layer, or an empty string if not found.
     *         if $returnchannel, the return is an array array('layer' => layername,
     *         'channel' => channelname), or an empty string if not found
     * @access public
    function definedBy($key, $returnchannel = false)
        foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
            $channel = $this->getDefaultChannel();
            if ($channel !== 'pear.php.net') {
                if (isset($this->configuration[$layer]['__channels'][$channel][$key])) {
                    if ($returnchannel) {
                        return array('layer' => $layer, 'channel' => $channel);
                    return $layer;

            if (isset($this->configuration[$layer][$key])) {
                if ($returnchannel) {
                    return array('layer' => $layer, 'channel' => 'pear.php.net');
                return $layer;

        return '';

     * Tells whether a given key exists as a config value.
     * @param string config key
     * @return bool whether <config key> exists in this object
     * @access public
    function isDefined($key)
        foreach ($this->layers as $layer) {
            if (isset($this->configuration[$layer][$key])) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Tells whether a given config layer exists.
     * @param string config layer
     * @return bool whether <config layer> exists in this object
     * @access public
    function isDefinedLayer($layer)
        return isset($this->configuration[$layer]);

     * Returns the layers defined (except the 'default' one)
     * @return array of the defined layers
    function getLayers()
        $cf = $this->configuration;
        return array_keys($cf);

    function apiVersion()
        return '1.1';

     * @return PEAR_Registry
    function &getRegistry($use = null)
        $layer = $use === null ? 'user' : $use;
        if (isset($this->_registry[$layer])) {
            return $this->_registry[$layer];
        } elseif ($use === null && isset($this->_registry['system'])) {
            return $this->_registry['system'];
        } elseif ($use === null && isset($this->_registry['default'])) {
            return $this->_registry['default'];
        } elseif ($use) {
            $a = false;
            return $a;

        // only go here if null was passed in
        echo "CRITICAL ERROR: Registry could not be initialized from any value";

     * This is to allow customization like the use of installroot
     * @param PEAR_Registry
     * @return bool
    function setRegistry(&$reg, $layer = 'user')
        if ($this->_noRegistry) {
            return false;

        if (!in_array($layer, array('user', 'system'))) {
            return false;

        $this->_registry[$layer] = &$reg;
        if (is_object($reg)) {
            $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);

        return true;

    function noRegistry()
        $this->_noRegistry = true;

     * @return PEAR_REST
    function &getREST($version, $options = array())
        $version = str_replace('.', '', $version);
        if (!class_exists($class = 'PEAR_REST_' . $version)) {
            require_once 'PEAR/REST/' . $version . '.php';

        $remote = new $class($this, $options);
        return $remote;

     * The ftp server is set in {@link readFTPConfigFile()}.  It exists only if a
     * remote configuration file has been specified
     * @return PEAR_FTP|false
    function &getFTP()
        if (isset($this->_ftp)) {
            return $this->_ftp;

        $a = false;
        return $a;

    function _prependPath($path, $prepend)
        if (strlen($prepend) > 0) {
            if (OS_WINDOWS && preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $path)) {
                if (preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $prepend)) {
                    $prepend = substr($prepend, 2);
                } elseif ($prepend{0} != '\\') {
                    $prepend = "\\$prepend";
                $path = substr($path, 0, 2) . $prepend . substr($path, 2);
            } else {
                $path = $prepend . $path;
        return $path;

     * @param string|false installation directory to prepend to all _dir variables, or false to
     *                     disable
    function setInstallRoot($root)
        if (substr($root, -1) == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
            $root = substr($root, 0, -1);
        $old = $this->_installRoot;
        $this->_installRoot = $root;
        if (($old != $root) && !$this->_noRegistry) {
            foreach (array_keys($this->_registry) as $layer) {
                if ($layer == 'ftp' || !isset($this->_registry[$layer])) {
                $r = new PEAR_Registry(
                        $this->get('php_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'), false, false,
                        $this->get('metadata_dir', $layer, 'pear.php.net'));
                $this->_registry[$layer] = &$r;
                $this->_registry[$layer]->setConfig($this, false);
                $this->_regInitialized[$layer] = false;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ChannelFile Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Downloader Folder 0755
Frontend Folder 0755
Installer Folder 0755
PackageFile Folder 0755
REST Folder 0755
Task Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
Builder.php File 16.73 KB 0644
ChannelFile.php File 49.65 KB 0644
Command.php File 12.13 KB 0644
Common.php File 25.83 KB 0644
Config.php File 67.89 KB 0644
Dependency2.php File 49.25 KB 0644
DependencyDB.php File 23.49 KB 0644
Downloader.php File 64.26 KB 0644
ErrorStack.php File 33 KB 0644
Exception.php File 13.61 KB 0644
Frontend.php File 6.49 KB 0644
Installer.php File 67.79 KB 0644
PackageFile.php File 15.47 KB 0644
Packager.php File 7.53 KB 0644
Proxy.php File 5.36 KB 0644
REST.php File 16.45 KB 0644
Registry.php File 73.87 KB 0644
RunTest.php File 35.14 KB 0644
Validate.php File 21.49 KB 0644
XMLParser.php File 6.75 KB 0644