[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * PEAR_Downloader, the PEAR Installer's download utility class
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Tomas V. V. Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
 * @author     Martin Jansen <mj@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      File available since Release 1.3.0

 * Needed for constants, extending
require_once 'PEAR/Common.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Proxy.php';

define('PEAR_INSTALLER_OK',       1);

 * Administration class used to download anything from the internet (PEAR Packages,
 * static URLs, xml files)
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Tomas V. V. Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
 * @author     Martin Jansen <mj@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @version    Release: 1.10.5
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      Class available since Release 1.3.0
class PEAR_Downloader extends PEAR_Common
     * @var PEAR_Registry
     * @access private
    var $_registry;

     * Preferred Installation State (snapshot, devel, alpha, beta, stable)
     * @var string|null
     * @access private
    var $_preferredState;

     * Options from command-line passed to Install.
     * Recognized options:<br />
     *  - onlyreqdeps   : install all required dependencies as well
     *  - alldeps       : install all dependencies, including optional
     *  - installroot   : base relative path to install files in
     *  - force         : force a download even if warnings would prevent it
     *  - nocompress    : download uncompressed tarballs
     * @see PEAR_Command_Install
     * @access private
     * @var array
    var $_options;

     * Downloaded Packages after a call to download().
     * Format of each entry:
     * <code>
     * array('pkg' => 'package_name', 'file' => '/path/to/local/file',
     *    'info' => array() // parsed package.xml
     * );
     * </code>
     * @access private
     * @var array
    var $_downloadedPackages = array();

     * Packages slated for download.
     * This is used to prevent downloading a package more than once should it be a dependency
     * for two packages to be installed.
     * Format of each entry:
     * <pre>
     * array('package_name1' => parsed package.xml, 'package_name2' => parsed package.xml,
     * );
     * </pre>
     * @access private
     * @var array
    var $_toDownload = array();

     * Array of every package installed, with names lower-cased.
     * Format:
     * <code>
     * array('package1' => 0, 'package2' => 1, );
     * </code>
     * @var array
    var $_installed = array();

     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_errorStack = array();

     * @var boolean
     * @access private
    var $_internalDownload = false;

     * Temporary variable used in sorting packages by dependency in {@link sortPkgDeps()}
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_packageSortTree;

     * Temporary directory, or configuration value where downloads will occur
     * @var string
    var $_downloadDir;

     * List of methods that can be called both statically and non-statically.
     * @var array
    protected static $bivalentMethods = array(
        'setErrorHandling' => true,
        'raiseError' => true,
        'throwError' => true,
        'pushErrorHandling' => true,
        'popErrorHandling' => true,
        'downloadHttp' => true,

     * @param PEAR_Frontend_*
     * @param array
     * @param PEAR_Config
    function __construct($ui = null, $options = array(), $config = null)
        $this->_options = $options;
        if ($config !== null) {
            $this->config = &$config;
            $this->_preferredState = $this->config->get('preferred_state');
        $this->ui = &$ui;
        if (!$this->_preferredState) {
            // don't inadvertently use a non-set preferred_state
            $this->_preferredState = null;

        if ($config !== null) {
            if (isset($this->_options['installroot'])) {
            $this->_registry = &$config->getRegistry();

        if (isset($this->_options['alldeps']) || isset($this->_options['onlyreqdeps'])) {
            $this->_installed = $this->_registry->listAllPackages();
            foreach ($this->_installed as $key => $unused) {
                if (!count($unused)) {
                $strtolower = create_function('$a','return strtolower($a);');
                array_walk($this->_installed[$key], $strtolower);

     * Attempt to discover a channel's remote capabilities from
     * its server name
     * @param string
     * @return boolean
    function discover($channel)
        $this->log(1, 'Attempting to discover channel "' . $channel . '"...');
        $callback = $this->ui ? array(&$this, '_downloadCallback') : null;
        if (!class_exists('System')) {
            require_once 'System.php';

        $tmpdir = $this->config->get('temp_dir');
        $tmp = System::mktemp('-d -t "' . $tmpdir . '"');
        $a   = $this->downloadHttp('http://' . $channel . '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $tmp, $callback, false);
        if (PEAR::isError($a)) {
            // Attempt to fallback to https automatically.
            $this->log(1, 'Attempting fallback to https instead of http on channel "' . $channel . '"...');
            $a = $this->downloadHttp('https://' . $channel . '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $tmp, $callback, false);
            if (PEAR::isError($a)) {
                return false;

        list($a, $lastmodified) = $a;
        if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) {
            require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php';

        $b = new PEAR_ChannelFile;
        if ($b->fromXmlFile($a)) {
            if ($this->config->get('auto_discover')) {
                $this->_registry->addChannel($b, $lastmodified);
                $alias = $b->getName();
                if ($b->getName() == $this->_registry->channelName($b->getAlias())) {
                    $alias = $b->getAlias();

                $this->log(1, 'Auto-discovered channel "' . $channel .
                    '", alias "' . $alias . '", adding to registry');

            return true;

        return false;

     * For simpler unit-testing
     * @param PEAR_Downloader
     * @return PEAR_Downloader_Package
    function newDownloaderPackage(&$t)
        if (!class_exists('PEAR_Downloader_Package')) {
            require_once 'PEAR/Downloader/Package.php';
        $a = new PEAR_Downloader_Package($t);
        return $a;

     * For simpler unit-testing
     * @param PEAR_Config
     * @param array
     * @param array
     * @param int
    function &getDependency2Object(&$c, $i, $p, $s)
        if (!class_exists('PEAR_Dependency2')) {
            require_once 'PEAR/Dependency2.php';
        $z = new PEAR_Dependency2($c, $i, $p, $s);
        return $z;

    function &download($params)
        if (!count($params)) {
            $a = array();
            return $a;

        if (!isset($this->_registry)) {
            $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();

        $channelschecked = array();
        // convert all parameters into PEAR_Downloader_Package objects
        foreach ($params as $i => $param) {
            $params[$i] = $this->newDownloaderPackage($this);
            $err = $params[$i]->initialize($param);
            if (!$err) {
                // skip parameters that were missed by preferred_state

            if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                if (!isset($this->_options['soft']) && $err->getMessage() !== '') {
                    $this->log(0, $err->getMessage());

                $params[$i] = false;
                if (is_object($param)) {
                    $param = $param->getChannel() . '/' . $param->getPackage();

                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(2, 'Package "' . $param . '" is not valid');

                // Message logged above in a specific verbose mode, passing null to not show up on CLI
                $this->pushError(null, PEAR_INSTALLER_SKIPPED);
            } else {
                do {
                    if ($params[$i] && $params[$i]->getType() == 'local') {
                        // bug #7090 skip channel.xml check for local packages

                    if ($params[$i] && !isset($channelschecked[$params[$i]->getChannel()]) &&
                    ) {
                        $channelschecked[$params[$i]->getChannel()] = true;
                        if (!class_exists('System')) {
                            require_once 'System.php';

                        $curchannel = $this->_registry->getChannel($params[$i]->getChannel());
                        if (PEAR::isError($curchannel)) {
                            return $this->raiseError($curchannel);

                        if (PEAR::isError($dir = $this->getDownloadDir())) {

                        $mirror = $this->config->get('preferred_mirror', null, $params[$i]->getChannel());
                        $url    = 'http://' . $mirror . '/channel.xml';
                        $a = $this->downloadHttp($url, $this->ui, $dir, null, $curchannel->lastModified());

                        if ($a === false) {
                            //channel.xml not modified
                        } else if (PEAR::isError($a)) {
                            // Attempt fallback to https automatically
                            $a = $this->downloadHttp('https://' . $mirror .
                                '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $dir, null, $curchannel->lastModified());

                            if (PEAR::isError($a) || !$a) {
                        $this->log(0, 'WARNING: channel "' . $params[$i]->getChannel() . '" has ' .
                            'updated its protocols, use "' . PEAR_RUNTYPE . ' channel-update ' . $params[$i]->getChannel() .
                            '" to update');
                } while (false);

                if ($params[$i] && !isset($this->_options['downloadonly'])) {
                    if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) {
                        $checkdir = $this->_prependPath(
                            $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $params[$i]->getChannel()),
                    } else {
                        $checkdir = $this->config->get('php_dir',
                            null, $params[$i]->getChannel());

                    while ($checkdir && $checkdir != '/' && !file_exists($checkdir)) {
                        $checkdir = dirname($checkdir);

                    if ($checkdir == '.') {
                        $checkdir = '/';

                    if (!is_writeable($checkdir)) {
                        return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot install, php_dir for channel "' .
                            $params[$i]->getChannel() . '" is not writeable by the current user');

        if (!count($params)) {
            $a = array();
            return $a;

        if (!isset($this->_options['nodeps']) && !isset($this->_options['offline'])) {
            $reverify = true;
            while ($reverify) {
                $reverify = false;
                foreach ($params as $i => $param) {
                    //PHP Bug 40768 / PEAR Bug #10944
                    //Nested foreaches fail in PHP 5.2.1
                    $ret = $params[$i]->detectDependencies($params);
                    if (PEAR::isError($ret)) {
                        $reverify = true;
                        $params[$i] = false;
                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, $ret->getMessage());
                        continue 2;

        if (isset($this->_options['offline'])) {
            $this->log(3, 'Skipping dependency download check, --offline specified');

        if (!count($params)) {
            $a = array();
            return $a;

        while (PEAR_Downloader_Package::mergeDependencies($params));
        PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params, true);
        $errorparams = array();
        if (PEAR_Downloader_Package::detectStupidDuplicates($params, $errorparams)) {
            if (count($errorparams)) {
                foreach ($errorparams as $param) {
                    $name = $this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString($param->getParsedPackage());
                    $this->pushError('Duplicate package ' . $name . ' found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
                $a = array();
                return $a;

        if (!count($params)) {
            $this->pushError('No valid packages found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
            $a = array();
            return $a;

        $err = $this->analyzeDependencies($params);
        if (!count($params)) {
            $this->pushError('No valid packages found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
            $a = array();
            return $a;

        $ret = array();
        $newparams = array();
        if (isset($this->_options['pretend'])) {
            return $params;

        $somefailed = false;
        foreach ($params as $i => $package) {
            $pf = &$params[$i]->download();
            if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(1, $pf->getMessage());
                    $this->log(0, 'Error: cannot download "' .
                            true) .
                $somefailed = true;

            $newparams[] = &$params[$i];
            $ret[] = array(
                'file' => $pf->getArchiveFile(),
                'info' => &$pf,
                'pkg'  => $pf->getPackage()

        if ($somefailed) {
            // remove params that did not download successfully
            $err = $this->analyzeDependencies($newparams, true);
            if (!count($newparams)) {
                $this->pushError('Download failed', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
                $a = array();
                return $a;

        $this->_downloadedPackages = $ret;
        return $newparams;

     * @param array all packages to be installed
    function analyzeDependencies(&$params, $force = false)
        if (isset($this->_options['downloadonly'])) {

        $redo  = true;
        $reset = $hasfailed = $failed = false;
        while ($redo) {
            $redo = false;
            foreach ($params as $i => $param) {
                $deps = $param->getDeps();
                if (!$deps) {
                    $depchecker = &$this->getDependency2Object($this->config, $this->getOptions(),
                        $param->getParsedPackage(), PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING);
                    $send = $param->getPackageFile();

                    $installcheck = $depchecker->validatePackage($send, $this, $params);
                    if (PEAR::isError($installcheck)) {
                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, $installcheck->getMessage());
                        $hasfailed  = true;
                        $params[$i] = false;
                        $reset      = true;
                        $redo       = true;
                        $failed     = false;
                        continue 2;

                if (!$reset && $param->alreadyValidated() && !$force) {

                if (count($deps)) {
                    $depchecker = &$this->getDependency2Object($this->config, $this->getOptions(),
                        $param->getParsedPackage(), PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING);
                    $send = $param->getPackageFile();
                    if ($send === null) {
                        $send = $param->getDownloadURL();

                    $installcheck = $depchecker->validatePackage($send, $this, $params);
                    if (PEAR::isError($installcheck)) {
                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, $installcheck->getMessage());
                        $hasfailed  = true;
                        $params[$i] = false;
                        $reset      = true;
                        $redo       = true;
                        $failed     = false;
                        continue 2;

                    $failed = false;
                    if (isset($deps['required']) && is_array($deps['required'])) {
                        foreach ($deps['required'] as $type => $dep) {
                            // note: Dependency2 will never return a PEAR_Error if ignore-errors
                            // is specified, so soft is needed to turn off logging
                            if (!isset($dep[0])) {
                                if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($dep,
                                      true, $params))) {
                                    $failed = true;
                                    if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                        $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                    if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                        $this->log(0, $e[0]);
                            } else {
                                foreach ($dep as $d) {
                                    if (PEAR::isError($e =
                                          true, $params))) {
                                        $failed = true;
                                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                            $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                    } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                            $this->log(0, $e[0]);

                        if (isset($deps['optional']) && is_array($deps['optional'])) {
                            foreach ($deps['optional'] as $type => $dep) {
                                if (!isset($dep[0])) {
                                    if (PEAR::isError($e =
                                          false, $params))) {
                                        $failed = true;
                                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                            $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                    } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                            $this->log(0, $e[0]);
                                } else {
                                    foreach ($dep as $d) {
                                        if (PEAR::isError($e =
                                              false, $params))) {
                                            $failed = true;
                                            if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                        } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                            if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                $this->log(0, $e[0]);

                        $groupname = $param->getGroup();
                        if (isset($deps['group']) && $groupname) {
                            if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) {
                                $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']);

                            $found = false;
                            foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) {
                                if ($group['attribs']['name'] == $groupname) {
                                    $found = true;

                            if ($found) {
                                foreach ($group as $type => $dep) {
                                    if (!isset($dep[0])) {
                                        if (PEAR::isError($e =
                                              false, $params))) {
                                            $failed = true;
                                            if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                        } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                            if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                $this->log(0, $e[0]);
                                    } else {
                                        foreach ($dep as $d) {
                                            if (PEAR::isError($e =
                                                  false, $params))) {
                                                $failed = true;
                                                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                    $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                                            } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                                    $this->log(0, $e[0]);
                    } else {
                        foreach ($deps as $dep) {
                            if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->validateDependency1($dep, $params))) {
                                $failed = true;
                                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                    $this->log(0, $e->getMessage());
                            } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) {
                                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                                    $this->log(0, $e[0]);

                if ($failed) {
                    $hasfailed  = true;
                    $params[$i] = false;
                    $reset      = true;
                    $redo       = true;
                    $failed     = false;
                    continue 2;

        if ($hasfailed && (isset($this->_options['ignore-errors']) ||
              isset($this->_options['nodeps']))) {
            // this is probably not needed, but just in case
            if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                $this->log(0, 'WARNING: dependencies failed');

     * Retrieve the directory that downloads will happen in
     * @access private
     * @return string
    function getDownloadDir()
        if (isset($this->_downloadDir)) {
            return $this->_downloadDir;

        $downloaddir = $this->config->get('download_dir');
        if (empty($downloaddir) || (is_dir($downloaddir) && !is_writable($downloaddir))) {
            if  (is_dir($downloaddir) && !is_writable($downloaddir)) {
                $this->log(0, 'WARNING: configuration download directory "' . $downloaddir .
                    '" is not writeable.  Change download_dir config variable to ' .
                    'a writeable dir to avoid this warning');

            if (!class_exists('System')) {
                require_once 'System.php';

            if (PEAR::isError($downloaddir = System::mktemp('-d'))) {
                return $downloaddir;
            $this->log(3, '+ tmp dir created at ' . $downloaddir);

        if (!is_writable($downloaddir)) {
            if (PEAR::isError(System::mkdir(array('-p', $downloaddir))) ||
                  !is_writable($downloaddir)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('download directory "' . $downloaddir .
                    '" is not writeable.  Change download_dir config variable to ' .
                    'a writeable dir');

        return $this->_downloadDir = $downloaddir;

    function setDownloadDir($dir)
        if (!@is_writable($dir)) {
            if (PEAR::isError(System::mkdir(array('-p', $dir)))) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('download directory "' . $dir .
                    '" is not writeable.  Change download_dir config variable to ' .
                    'a writeable dir');
        $this->_downloadDir = $dir;

    function configSet($key, $value, $layer = 'user', $channel = false)
        $this->config->set($key, $value, $layer, $channel);
        $this->_preferredState = $this->config->get('preferred_state', null, $channel);
        if (!$this->_preferredState) {
            // don't inadvertently use a non-set preferred_state
            $this->_preferredState = null;

    function setOptions($options)
        $this->_options = $options;

    function getOptions()
        return $this->_options;

     * @param array output of {@link parsePackageName()}
     * @access private
    function _getPackageDownloadUrl($parr)
        $curchannel = $this->config->get('default_channel');
        $this->configSet('default_channel', $parr['channel']);
        // getDownloadURL returns an array.  On error, it only contains information
        // on the latest release as array(version, info).  On success it contains
        // array(version, info, download url string)
        $state = isset($parr['state']) ? $parr['state'] : $this->config->get('preferred_state');
        if (!$this->_registry->channelExists($parr['channel'])) {
            do {
                if ($this->config->get('auto_discover') && $this->discover($parr['channel'])) {

                $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel);
                return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown remote channel: ' . $parr['channel']);
            } while (false);

        $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel($parr['channel']);
        if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
            return $chan;

        $version   = $this->_registry->packageInfo($parr['package'], 'version', $parr['channel']);
        $stability = $this->_registry->packageInfo($parr['package'], 'stability', $parr['channel']);
        // package is installed - use the installed release stability level
        if (!isset($parr['state']) && $stability !== null) {
            $state = $stability['release'];
        $base2 = false;

        $preferred_mirror = $this->config->get('preferred_mirror');
        if (!$chan->supportsREST($preferred_mirror) ||
               !($base2 = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.3', $preferred_mirror))
               !($base = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.0', $preferred_mirror))
        ) {
            return $this->raiseError($parr['channel'] . ' is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.');

        if ($base2) {
            $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.3', $this->_options);
            $base = $base2;
        } else {
            $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.0', $this->_options);

        $downloadVersion = false;
        if (!isset($parr['version']) && !isset($parr['state']) && $version
              && !PEAR::isError($version)
              && !isset($this->_options['downloadonly'])
        ) {
            $downloadVersion = $version;

        $url = $rest->getDownloadURL($base, $parr, $state, $downloadVersion, $chan->getName());
        if (PEAR::isError($url)) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel);
            return $url;

        if ($parr['channel'] != $curchannel) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel);

        if (!is_array($url)) {
            return $url;

        $url['raw'] = false; // no checking is necessary for REST
        if (!is_array($url['info'])) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid remote dependencies retrieved from REST - ' .
                'this should never happen');

        if (!isset($this->_options['force']) &&
              !isset($this->_options['downloadonly']) &&
              $version &&
              !PEAR::isError($version) &&
        ) {
            if (version_compare($version, $url['version'], '=')) {
                return PEAR::raiseError($this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString(
                    $parr, true) . ' is already installed and is the same as the ' .
                    'released version ' . $url['version'], -976);

            if (version_compare($version, $url['version'], '>')) {
                return PEAR::raiseError($this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString(
                    $parr, true) . ' is already installed and is newer than detected ' .
                    'released version ' . $url['version'], -976);

        if (isset($url['info']['required']) || $url['compatible']) {
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php';
            $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v2;
            if ($url['compatible']) {
        } else {
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php';
            $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1;

        if ($url['compatible']) {

        $url['info'] = &$pf;
        if (!extension_loaded("zlib") || isset($this->_options['nocompress'])) {
            $ext = '.tar';
        } else {
            $ext = '.tgz';

        if (is_array($url) && isset($url['url'])) {
            $url['url'] .= $ext;

        return $url;

     * @param array dependency array
     * @access private
    function _getDepPackageDownloadUrl($dep, $parr)
        $xsdversion = isset($dep['rel']) ? '1.0' : '2.0';
        $curchannel = $this->config->get('default_channel');
        if (isset($dep['uri'])) {
            $xsdversion = '2.0';
            $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel('__uri');
            if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                return $chan;

            $version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($dep['name'], 'version', '__uri');
            $this->configSet('default_channel', '__uri');
        } else {
            if (isset($dep['channel'])) {
                $remotechannel = $dep['channel'];
            } else {
                $remotechannel = 'pear.php.net';

            if (!$this->_registry->channelExists($remotechannel)) {
                do {
                    if ($this->config->get('auto_discover')) {
                        if ($this->discover($remotechannel)) {
                    return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown remote channel: ' . $remotechannel);
                } while (false);

            $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel($remotechannel);
            if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                return $chan;

            $version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($dep['name'], 'version', $remotechannel);
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $remotechannel);

        $state = isset($parr['state']) ? $parr['state'] : $this->config->get('preferred_state');
        if (isset($parr['state']) && isset($parr['version'])) {

        if (isset($dep['uri'])) {
            $info = $this->newDownloaderPackage($this);
            $err = $info->initialize($dep);
            if (!$err) {
                // skip parameters that were missed by preferred_state
                return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot initialize dependency');

            if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(0, $err->getMessage());

                if (is_object($info)) {
                    $param = $info->getChannel() . '/' . $info->getPackage();
                return PEAR::raiseError('Package "' . $param . '" is not valid');
            return $info;
        } elseif ($chan->supportsREST($this->config->get('preferred_mirror'))
                  ($base2 = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.3', $this->config->get('preferred_mirror')))
                  ($base = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.0', $this->config->get('preferred_mirror')))
        ) {
            if ($base2) {
                $base = $base2;
                $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.3', $this->_options);
            } else {
                $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.0', $this->_options);

            $url = $rest->getDepDownloadURL($base, $xsdversion, $dep, $parr,
                    $state, $version, $chan->getName());
            if (PEAR::isError($url)) {
                return $url;

            if ($parr['channel'] != $curchannel) {
                $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel);

            if (!is_array($url)) {
                return $url;

            $url['raw'] = false; // no checking is necessary for REST
            if (!is_array($url['info'])) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid remote dependencies retrieved from REST - ' .
                    'this should never happen');

            if (isset($url['info']['required'])) {
                if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) {
                    require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php';
                $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v2;
            } else {
                if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) {
                    require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php';
                $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1;

            if ($url['compatible']) {

            $url['info'] = &$pf;
            if (!extension_loaded("zlib") || isset($this->_options['nocompress'])) {
                $ext = '.tar';
            } else {
                $ext = '.tgz';

            if (is_array($url) && isset($url['url'])) {
                $url['url'] .= $ext;

            return $url;

        return $this->raiseError($parr['channel'] . ' is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.');

     * @deprecated in favor of _getPackageDownloadUrl
    function getPackageDownloadUrl($package, $version = null, $channel = false)
        if ($version) {
            $package .= "-$version";
        if ($this === null || $this->_registry === null) {
            $package = "http://pear.php.net/get/$package";
        } else {
            $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel($channel);
            if (PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                return '';
            $package = "http://" . $chan->getServer() . "/get/$package";
        if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) {
            $package .= '?uncompress=yes';
        return $package;

     * Retrieve a list of downloaded packages after a call to {@link download()}.
     * Also resets the list of downloaded packages.
     * @return array
    function getDownloadedPackages()
        $ret = $this->_downloadedPackages;
        $this->_downloadedPackages = array();
        $this->_toDownload = array();
        return $ret;

    function _downloadCallback($msg, $params = null)
        switch ($msg) {
            case 'saveas':
                $this->log(1, "downloading $params ...");
            case 'done':
                $this->log(1, '...done: ' . number_format($params, 0, '', ',') . ' bytes');
            case 'bytesread':
                static $bytes;
                if (empty($bytes)) {
                    $bytes = 0;
                if (!($bytes % 10240)) {
                    $this->log(1, '.', false);
                $bytes += $params;
            case 'start':
                if($params[1] == -1) {
                    $length = "Unknown size";
                } else {
                    $length = number_format($params[1], 0, '', ',')." bytes";
                $this->log(1, "Starting to download {$params[0]} ($length)");
        if (method_exists($this->ui, '_downloadCallback'))
            $this->ui->_downloadCallback($msg, $params);

    function _prependPath($path, $prepend)
        if (strlen($prepend) > 0) {
            if (OS_WINDOWS && preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $path)) {
                if (preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $prepend)) {
                    $prepend = substr($prepend, 2);
                } elseif ($prepend{0} != '\\') {
                    $prepend = "\\$prepend";
                $path = substr($path, 0, 2) . $prepend . substr($path, 2);
            } else {
                $path = $prepend . $path;
        return $path;

     * @param string
     * @param integer
    function pushError($errmsg, $code = -1)
        array_push($this->_errorStack, array($errmsg, $code));

    function getErrorMsgs()
        $msgs = array();
        $errs = $this->_errorStack;
        foreach ($errs as $err) {
            $msgs[] = $err[0];
        $this->_errorStack = array();
        return $msgs;

     * for BC
     * @deprecated
    function sortPkgDeps(&$packages, $uninstall = false)
        $uninstall ?
            $this->sortPackagesForUninstall($packages) :

     * Sort a list of arrays of array(downloaded packagefilename) by dependency.
     * This uses the topological sort method from graph theory, and the
     * Structures_Graph package to properly sort dependencies for installation.
     * @param array an array of downloaded PEAR_Downloader_Packages
     * @return array array of array(packagefilename, package.xml contents)
    function sortPackagesForInstall(&$packages)
        require_once 'Structures/Graph.php';
        require_once 'Structures/Graph/Node.php';
        require_once 'Structures/Graph/Manipulator/TopologicalSorter.php';
        $depgraph = new Structures_Graph(true);
        $nodes = array();
        $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        foreach ($packages as $i => $package) {
            $pname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString(
                    'channel' => $package->getChannel(),
                    'package' => strtolower($package->getPackage()),
            $nodes[$pname] = new Structures_Graph_Node;

        $deplinks = array();
        foreach ($nodes as $package => $node) {
            $pf = &$node->getData();
            $pdeps = $pf->getDeps(true);
            if (!$pdeps) {

            if ($pf->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
                foreach ($pdeps as $dep) {
                    if ($dep['type'] != 'pkg' ||
                          (isset($dep['optional']) && $dep['optional'] == 'yes')) {

                    $dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString(
                              'channel' => 'pear.php.net',
                              'package' => strtolower($dep['name']),

                    if (isset($nodes[$dname])) {
                        if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) {
                            $deplinks[$dname] = array();

                        $deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1;
                        // dependency is in installed packages

                    $dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString(
                              'channel' => 'pecl.php.net',
                              'package' => strtolower($dep['name']),

                    if (isset($nodes[$dname])) {
                        if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) {
                            $deplinks[$dname] = array();

                        $deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1;
                        // dependency is in installed packages
            } else {
                // the only ordering we care about is:
                // 1) subpackages must be installed before packages that depend on them
                // 2) required deps must be installed before packages that depend on them
                if (isset($pdeps['required']['subpackage'])) {
                    $t = $pdeps['required']['subpackage'];
                    if (!isset($t[0])) {
                        $t = array($t);

                    $this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package);

                if (isset($pdeps['group'])) {
                    if (!isset($pdeps['group'][0])) {
                        $pdeps['group'] = array($pdeps['group']);

                    foreach ($pdeps['group'] as $group) {
                        if (isset($group['subpackage'])) {
                            $t = $group['subpackage'];
                            if (!isset($t[0])) {
                                $t = array($t);

                            $this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package);

                if (isset($pdeps['optional']['subpackage'])) {
                    $t = $pdeps['optional']['subpackage'];
                    if (!isset($t[0])) {
                        $t = array($t);

                    $this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package);

                if (isset($pdeps['required']['package'])) {
                    $t = $pdeps['required']['package'];
                    if (!isset($t[0])) {
                        $t = array($t);

                    $this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package);

                if (isset($pdeps['group'])) {
                    if (!isset($pdeps['group'][0])) {
                        $pdeps['group'] = array($pdeps['group']);

                    foreach ($pdeps['group'] as $group) {
                        if (isset($group['package'])) {
                            $t = $group['package'];
                            if (!isset($t[0])) {
                                $t = array($t);

                            $this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package);

        foreach ($deplinks as $dependent => $parents) {
            foreach ($parents as $parent => $unused) {

        $installOrder = Structures_Graph_Manipulator_TopologicalSorter::sort($depgraph);
        $ret = array();
        for ($i = 0, $count = count($installOrder); $i < $count; $i++) {
            foreach ($installOrder[$i] as $index => $sortedpackage) {
                $data = &$installOrder[$i][$index]->getData();
                $ret[] = &$nodes[$reg->parsedPackageNameToString(
                              'channel' => $data->getChannel(),
                              'package' => strtolower($data->getPackage()),

        $packages = $ret;

     * Detect recursive links between dependencies and break the cycles
     * @param array
     * @access private
    function _detectDepCycle(&$deplinks)
        do {
            $keepgoing = false;
            foreach ($deplinks as $dep => $parents) {
                foreach ($parents as $parent => $unused) {
                    // reset the parent cycle detector
                    $this->_testCycle(null, null, null);
                    if ($this->_testCycle($dep, $deplinks, $parent)) {
                        $keepgoing = true;
                        if (count($deplinks[$dep]) == 0) {

                        continue 3;
        } while ($keepgoing);

    function _testCycle($test, $deplinks, $dep)
        static $visited = array();
        if ($test === null) {
            $visited = array();

        // this happens when a parent has a dep cycle on another dependency
        // but the child is not part of the cycle
        if (isset($visited[$dep])) {
            return false;

        $visited[$dep] = 1;
        if ($test == $dep) {
            return true;

        if (isset($deplinks[$dep])) {
            if (in_array($test, array_keys($deplinks[$dep]), true)) {
                return true;

            foreach ($deplinks[$dep] as $parent => $unused) {
                if ($this->_testCycle($test, $deplinks, $parent)) {
                    return true;

        return false;

     * Set up the dependency for installation parsing
     * @param array $t dependency information
     * @param PEAR_Registry $reg
     * @param array $deplinks list of dependency links already established
     * @param array $nodes all existing package nodes
     * @param string $package parent package name
     * @access private
    function _setupGraph($t, $reg, &$deplinks, &$nodes, $package)
        foreach ($t as $dep) {
            $depchannel = !isset($dep['channel']) ? '__uri': $dep['channel'];
            $dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString(
                      'channel' => $depchannel,
                      'package' => strtolower($dep['name']),

            if (isset($nodes[$dname])) {
                if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) {
                    $deplinks[$dname] = array();
                $deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1;

    function _dependsOn($a, $b)
        return $this->_checkDepTree(strtolower($a->getChannel()), strtolower($a->getPackage()), $b);

    function _checkDepTree($channel, $package, $b, $checked = array())
        $checked[$channel][$package] = true;
        if (!isset($this->_depTree[$channel][$package])) {
            return false;

        if (isset($this->_depTree[$channel][$package][strtolower($b->getChannel())]
              [strtolower($b->getPackage())])) {
            return true;

        foreach ($this->_depTree[$channel][$package] as $ch => $packages) {
            foreach ($packages as $pa => $true) {
                if ($this->_checkDepTree($ch, $pa, $b, $checked)) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    function _sortInstall($a, $b)
        if (!$a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) {
            return 0; // neither package has dependencies, order is insignificant
        if ($a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) {
            return 1; // $a must be installed after $b because $a has dependencies
        if (!$a->getDeps() && $b->getDeps()) {
            return -1; // $b must be installed after $a because $b has dependencies
        // both packages have dependencies
        if ($this->_dependsOn($a, $b)) {
            return 1;
        if ($this->_dependsOn($b, $a)) {
            return -1;
        return 0;

     * Download a file through HTTP.  Considers suggested file name in
     * Content-disposition: header and can run a callback function for
     * different events.  The callback will be called with two
     * parameters: the callback type, and parameters.  The implemented
     * callback types are:
     *  'setup'       called at the very beginning, parameter is a UI object
     *                that should be used for all output
     *  'message'     the parameter is a string with an informational message
     *  'saveas'      may be used to save with a different file name, the
     *                parameter is the filename that is about to be used.
     *                If a 'saveas' callback returns a non-empty string,
     *                that file name will be used as the filename instead.
     *                Note that $save_dir will not be affected by this, only
     *                the basename of the file.
     *  'start'       download is starting, parameter is number of bytes
     *                that are expected, or -1 if unknown
     *  'bytesread'   parameter is the number of bytes read so far
     *  'done'        download is complete, parameter is the total number
     *                of bytes read
     *  'connfailed'  if the TCP/SSL connection fails, this callback is called
     *                with array(host,port,errno,errmsg)
     *  'writefailed' if writing to disk fails, this callback is called
     *                with array(destfile,errmsg)
     * If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config
     * setting), the proxy will be used.
     * @param string  $url       the URL to download
     * @param object  $ui        PEAR_Frontend_* instance
     * @param object  $config    PEAR_Config instance
     * @param string  $save_dir  directory to save file in
     * @param mixed   $callback  function/method to call for status
     *                           updates
     * @param false|string|array $lastmodified header values to check against for caching
     *                           use false to return the header values from this download
     * @param false|array $accept Accept headers to send
     * @param false|string $channel Channel to use for retrieving authentication
     * @return mixed  Returns the full path of the downloaded file or a PEAR
     *                error on failure.  If the error is caused by
     *                socket-related errors, the error object will
     *                have the fsockopen error code available through
     *                getCode().  If caching is requested, then return the header
     *                values.
     *                If $lastmodified was given and the there are no changes,
     *                boolean false is returned.
     * @access public
    public static function _downloadHttp(
        $object, $url, &$ui, $save_dir = '.', $callback = null, $lastmodified = null,
        $accept = false, $channel = false
    ) {
        static $redirect = 0;
        // always reset , so we are clean case of error
        $wasredirect = $redirect;
        $redirect = 0;
        if ($callback) {
            call_user_func($callback, 'setup', array(&$ui));

        $info = parse_url($url);
        if (!isset($info['scheme']) || !in_array($info['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download non-http URL "' . $url . '"');

        if (!isset($info['host'])) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download from non-URL "' . $url . '"');

        $host = isset($info['host']) ? $info['host'] : null;
        $port = isset($info['port']) ? $info['port'] : null;
        $path = isset($info['path']) ? $info['path'] : null;

        if ($object !== null) {
            $config = $object->config;
        } else {
            $config = &PEAR_Config::singleton();

        $proxy = new PEAR_Proxy($config);

        if ($proxy->isProxyConfigured() && $callback) {
            call_user_func($callback, 'message', "Using HTTP proxy $host:$port");

        if (empty($port)) {
            $port = (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') ? 443 : 80;

        $scheme = (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') ? 'https' : 'http';
        $secure = ($scheme == 'https');

        $fp = $proxy->openSocket($host, $port, $secure);
        if (PEAR::isError($fp)) {
            if ($callback) {
                $errno = $fp->getCode();
                $errstr = $fp->getMessage();
                call_user_func($callback, 'connfailed', array($host, $port,
                                                              $errno, $errstr));
            return $fp;

        $requestPath = $path;
        if ($proxy->isProxyConfigured()) {
            $requestPath = $url;

        if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) {
            $request  = "GET $requestPath HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        } else {
            $request  = "GET $requestPath HTTP/1.0\r\n";
        $request .= "Host: $host\r\n";

        $ifmodifiedsince = '';
        if (is_array($lastmodified)) {
            if (isset($lastmodified['Last-Modified'])) {
                $ifmodifiedsince = 'If-Modified-Since: ' . $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] . "\r\n";

            if (isset($lastmodified['ETag'])) {
                $ifmodifiedsince .= "If-None-Match: $lastmodified[ETag]\r\n";
        } else {
            $ifmodifiedsince = ($lastmodified ? "If-Modified-Since: $lastmodified\r\n" : '');

        $request .= $ifmodifiedsince .
            "User-Agent: PEAR/1.10.5/PHP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\n";

        if ($object !== null) { // only pass in authentication for non-static calls
            $username = $config->get('username', null, $channel);
            $password = $config->get('password', null, $channel);
            if ($username && $password) {
                $tmp = base64_encode("$username:$password");
                $request .= "Authorization: Basic $tmp\r\n";

        $proxyAuth = $proxy->getProxyAuth();
        if ($proxyAuth) {
            $request .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' .
                $proxyAuth . "\r\n";

        if ($accept) {
            $request .= 'Accept: ' . implode(', ', $accept) . "\r\n";

        $request .= "Connection: close\r\n";
        $request .= "\r\n";
        fwrite($fp, $request);
        $headers = array();
        $reply = 0;
        while (trim($line = fgets($fp, 1024))) {
            if (preg_match('/^([^:]+):\s+(.*)\s*\\z/', $line, $matches)) {
                $headers[strtolower($matches[1])] = trim($matches[2]);
            } elseif (preg_match('|^HTTP/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) |', $line, $matches)) {
                $reply = (int)$matches[1];
                if ($reply == 304 && ($lastmodified || ($lastmodified === false))) {
                    return false;

                if (!in_array($reply, array(200, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307))) {
                    return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (received: $line)");

        if ($reply != 200) {
            if (!isset($headers['location'])) {
                return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (redirected but no location)");

            if ($wasredirect > 4) {
                return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (redirection looped more than 5 times)");

            $redirect = $wasredirect + 1;
            return static::_downloadHttp($object, $headers['location'],
                    $ui, $save_dir, $callback, $lastmodified, $accept);

        if (isset($headers['content-disposition']) &&
            preg_match('/\sfilename=\"([^;]*\S)\"\s*(;|\\z)/', $headers['content-disposition'], $matches)) {
            $save_as = basename($matches[1]);
        } else {
            $save_as = basename($url);

        if ($callback) {
            $tmp = call_user_func($callback, 'saveas', $save_as);
            if ($tmp) {
                $save_as = $tmp;

        $dest_file = $save_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $save_as;
        if (is_link($dest_file)) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('SECURITY ERROR: Will not write to ' . $dest_file . ' as it is symlinked to ' . readlink($dest_file) . ' - Possible symlink attack');

        if (!$wp = @fopen($dest_file, 'wb')) {
            if ($callback) {
                call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg));
            return PEAR::raiseError("could not open $dest_file for writing");

        $length = isset($headers['content-length']) ? $headers['content-length'] : -1;

        $bytes = 0;
        if ($callback) {
            call_user_func($callback, 'start', array(basename($dest_file), $length));

        while ($data = fread($fp, 1024)) {
            $bytes += strlen($data);
            if ($callback) {
                call_user_func($callback, 'bytesread', $bytes);
            if (!@fwrite($wp, $data)) {
                if ($callback) {
                    call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg));
                return PEAR::raiseError("$dest_file: write failed ($php_errormsg)");

        if ($callback) {
            call_user_func($callback, 'done', $bytes);

        if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) {
            if (isset($headers['etag'])) {
                $lastmodified = array('ETag' => $headers['etag']);

            if (isset($headers['last-modified'])) {
                if (is_array($lastmodified)) {
                    $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] = $headers['last-modified'];
                } else {
                    $lastmodified = $headers['last-modified'];
            return array($dest_file, $lastmodified, $headers);
        return $dest_file;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ChannelFile Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Downloader Folder 0755
Frontend Folder 0755
Installer Folder 0755
PackageFile Folder 0755
REST Folder 0755
Task Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
Builder.php File 16.73 KB 0644
ChannelFile.php File 49.65 KB 0644
Command.php File 12.13 KB 0644
Common.php File 25.83 KB 0644
Config.php File 67.89 KB 0644
Dependency2.php File 49.25 KB 0644
DependencyDB.php File 23.49 KB 0644
Downloader.php File 64.26 KB 0644
ErrorStack.php File 33 KB 0644
Exception.php File 13.61 KB 0644
Frontend.php File 6.49 KB 0644
Installer.php File 67.79 KB 0644
PackageFile.php File 15.47 KB 0644
Packager.php File 7.53 KB 0644
Proxy.php File 5.36 KB 0644
REST.php File 16.45 KB 0644
Registry.php File 73.87 KB 0644
RunTest.php File 35.14 KB 0644
Validate.php File 21.49 KB 0644
XMLParser.php File 6.75 KB 0644