[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * PEAR_Installer
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Tomas V.V. Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
 * @author     Martin Jansen <mj@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      File available since Release 0.1

 * Used for installation groups in package.xml 2.0 and platform exceptions
require_once 'OS/Guess.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Downloader.php';

 * Administration class used to install PEAR packages and maintain the
 * installed package database.
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Stig Bakken <ssb@php.net>
 * @author     Tomas V.V. Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
 * @author     Martin Jansen <mj@php.net>
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @version    Release: 1.10.5
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      Class available since Release 0.1
class PEAR_Installer extends PEAR_Downloader
    // {{{ properties

    /** name of the package directory, for example Foo-1.0
     * @var string
    var $pkgdir;

    /** directory where PHP code files go
     * @var string
    var $phpdir;

    /** directory where PHP extension files go
     * @var string
    var $extdir;

    /** directory where documentation goes
     * @var string
    var $docdir;

    /** installation root directory (ala PHP's INSTALL_ROOT or
     * automake's DESTDIR
     * @var string
    var $installroot = '';

    /** debug level
     * @var int
    var $debug = 1;

    /** temporary directory
     * @var string
    var $tmpdir;

     * PEAR_Registry object used by the installer
     * @var PEAR_Registry
    var $registry;

     * array of PEAR_Downloader_Packages
     * @var array
    var $_downloadedPackages;

    /** List of file transactions queued for an install/upgrade/uninstall.
     *  Format:
     *    array(
     *      0 => array("rename => array("from-file", "to-file")),
     *      1 => array("delete" => array("file-to-delete")),
     *      ...
     *    )
     * @var array
    var $file_operations = array();

    // }}}

    // {{{ constructor

     * PEAR_Installer constructor.
     * @param object $ui user interface object (instance of PEAR_Frontend_*)
     * @access public
    function __construct(&$ui)
        parent::__construct($ui, array(), null);
        $this->debug = $this->config->get('verbose');

    function setOptions($options)
        $this->_options = $options;

    function setConfig(&$config)
        $this->config    = &$config;
        $this->_registry = &$config->getRegistry();

    // }}}

    function _removeBackups($files)
        foreach ($files as $path) {
            $this->addFileOperation('removebackup', array($path));

    // {{{ _deletePackageFiles()

     * Delete a package's installed files, does not remove empty directories.
     * @param string package name
     * @param string channel name
     * @param bool if true, then files are backed up first
     * @return bool TRUE on success, or a PEAR error on failure
     * @access protected
    function _deletePackageFiles($package, $channel = false, $backup = false)
        if (!$channel) {
            $channel = 'pear.php.net';

        if (!strlen($package)) {
            return $this->raiseError("No package to uninstall given");

        if (strtolower($package) == 'pear' && $channel == 'pear.php.net') {
            // to avoid race conditions, include all possible needed files
            require_once 'PEAR/Task/Common.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/Task/Replace.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/Task/Unixeol.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/Task/Windowseol.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v1.php';
            require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/Generator/v2.php';

        $filelist = $this->_registry->packageInfo($package, 'filelist', $channel);
        if ($filelist == null) {
            return $this->raiseError("$channel/$package not installed");

        $ret = array();
        foreach ($filelist as $file => $props) {
            if (empty($props['installed_as'])) {

            $path = $props['installed_as'];
            if ($backup) {
                $this->addFileOperation('backup', array($path));
                $ret[] = $path;

            $this->addFileOperation('delete', array($path));

        if ($backup) {
            return $ret;

        return true;

    // }}}
    // {{{ _installFile()

     * @param string filename
     * @param array attributes from <file> tag in package.xml
     * @param string path to install the file in
     * @param array options from command-line
     * @access private
    function _installFile($file, $atts, $tmp_path, $options)
        // {{{ return if this file is meant for another platform
        static $os;
        if (!isset($this->_registry)) {
            $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();

        if (isset($atts['platform'])) {
            if (empty($os)) {
                $os = new OS_Guess();

            if (strlen($atts['platform']) && $atts['platform']{0} == '!') {
                $negate   = true;
                $platform = substr($atts['platform'], 1);
            } else {
                $negate    = false;
                $platform = $atts['platform'];

            if ((bool) $os->matchSignature($platform) === $negate) {
                $this->log(3, "skipped $file (meant for $atts[platform], we are ".$os->getSignature().")");
                return PEAR_INSTALLER_SKIPPED;
        // }}}

        $channel = $this->pkginfo->getChannel();
        // {{{ assemble the destination paths
        switch ($atts['role']) {
            case 'src':
            case 'extsrc':
            case 'doc':
            case 'data':
            case 'test':
                $dest_dir = $this->config->get($atts['role'] . '_dir', null, $channel) .
                            DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->pkginfo->getPackage();
            case 'ext':
            case 'php':
                $dest_dir = $this->config->get($atts['role'] . '_dir', null, $channel);
            case 'script':
                $dest_dir = $this->config->get('bin_dir', null, $channel);
                return $this->raiseError("Invalid role `$atts[role]' for file $file");

        $save_destdir = $dest_dir;
        if (!empty($atts['baseinstalldir'])) {
            $dest_dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $atts['baseinstalldir'];

        if (dirname($file) != '.' && empty($atts['install-as'])) {
            $dest_dir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . dirname($file);

        if (empty($atts['install-as'])) {
            $dest_file = $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($file);
        } else {
            $dest_file = $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $atts['install-as'];
        $orig_file = $tmp_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;

        // Clean up the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR mess
        list($dest_file, $orig_file) = preg_replace(array('!\\\\+!', '!/!', "!$ds2+!"),
                                                    array($dest_file, $orig_file));
        $final_dest_file = $installed_as = $dest_file;
        if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) {
            $installedas_dest_dir  = dirname($final_dest_file);
            $installedas_dest_file = $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.tmp' . basename($final_dest_file);
            $final_dest_file = $this->_prependPath($final_dest_file, $this->_options['packagingroot']);
        } else {
            $installedas_dest_dir  = dirname($final_dest_file);
            $installedas_dest_file = $installedas_dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.tmp' . basename($final_dest_file);

        $dest_dir  = dirname($final_dest_file);
        $dest_file = $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.tmp' . basename($final_dest_file);
        if (preg_match('~/\.\.(/|\\z)|^\.\./~', str_replace('\\', '/', $dest_file))) {
            return $this->raiseError("SECURITY ERROR: file $file (installed to $dest_file) contains parent directory reference ..", PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
        // }}}

        if (empty($this->_options['register-only']) &&
              (!file_exists($dest_dir) || !is_dir($dest_dir))) {
            if (!$this->mkDirHier($dest_dir)) {
                return $this->raiseError("failed to mkdir $dest_dir",
            $this->log(3, "+ mkdir $dest_dir");

        // pretty much nothing happens if we are only registering the install
        if (empty($this->_options['register-only'])) {
            if (empty($atts['replacements'])) {
                if (!file_exists($orig_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("file $orig_file does not exist",

                if (!@copy($orig_file, $dest_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed to write $dest_file: $php_errormsg",

                $this->log(3, "+ cp $orig_file $dest_file");
                if (isset($atts['md5sum'])) {
                    $md5sum = md5_file($dest_file);
            } else {
                // {{{ file with replacements
                if (!file_exists($orig_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("file does not exist",

                $contents = file_get_contents($orig_file);
                if ($contents === false) {
                    $contents = '';

                if (isset($atts['md5sum'])) {
                    $md5sum = md5($contents);

                $subst_from = $subst_to = array();
                foreach ($atts['replacements'] as $a) {
                    $to = '';
                    if ($a['type'] == 'php-const') {
                        if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+\\z/i', $a['to'])) {
                            eval("\$to = $a[to];");
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                                $this->log(0, "invalid php-const replacement: $a[to]");
                    } elseif ($a['type'] == 'pear-config') {
                        if ($a['to'] == 'master_server') {
                            $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel($channel);
                            if (!PEAR::isError($chan)) {
                                $to = $chan->getServer();
                            } else {
                                $to = $this->config->get($a['to'], null, $channel);
                        } else {
                            $to = $this->config->get($a['to'], null, $channel);
                        if (is_null($to)) {
                            if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                                $this->log(0, "invalid pear-config replacement: $a[to]");
                    } elseif ($a['type'] == 'package-info') {
                        if ($t = $this->pkginfo->packageInfo($a['to'])) {
                            $to = $t;
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                                $this->log(0, "invalid package-info replacement: $a[to]");
                    if (!is_null($to)) {
                        $subst_from[] = $a['from'];
                        $subst_to[] = $to;

                $this->log(3, "doing ".sizeof($subst_from)." substitution(s) for $final_dest_file");
                if (sizeof($subst_from)) {
                    $contents = str_replace($subst_from, $subst_to, $contents);

                $wp = @fopen($dest_file, "wb");
                if (!is_resource($wp)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed to create $dest_file: $php_errormsg",

                if (@fwrite($wp, $contents) === false) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed writing to $dest_file: $php_errormsg",

                // }}}

            // {{{ check the md5
            if (isset($md5sum)) {
                if (strtolower($md5sum) === strtolower($atts['md5sum'])) {
                    $this->log(2, "md5sum ok: $final_dest_file");
                } else {
                    if (empty($options['force'])) {
                        // delete the file
                        if (file_exists($dest_file)) {

                        if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                            return $this->raiseError("bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file",

                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "warning : bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file");
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "warning : bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file");
            // }}}
            // {{{ set file permissions
            if (!OS_WINDOWS) {
                if ($atts['role'] == 'script') {
                    $mode = 0777 & ~(int)octdec($this->config->get('umask'));
                    $this->log(3, "+ chmod +x $dest_file");
                } else {
                    $mode = 0666 & ~(int)octdec($this->config->get('umask'));

                if ($atts['role'] != 'src') {
                    $this->addFileOperation("chmod", array($mode, $dest_file));
                    if (!@chmod($dest_file, $mode)) {
                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "failed to change mode of $dest_file: $php_errormsg");
            // }}}

            if ($atts['role'] == 'src') {
                rename($dest_file, $final_dest_file);
                $this->log(2, "renamed source file $dest_file to $final_dest_file");
            } else {
                $this->addFileOperation("rename", array($dest_file, $final_dest_file,
                    $atts['role'] == 'ext'));

        // Store the full path where the file was installed for easy unistall
        if ($atts['role'] != 'script') {
            $loc = $this->config->get($atts['role'] . '_dir');
        } else {
            $loc = $this->config->get('bin_dir');

        if ($atts['role'] != 'src') {
            $this->addFileOperation("installed_as", array($file, $installed_as,
                                    dirname(substr($installedas_dest_file, strlen($loc)))));

        //$this->log(2, "installed: $dest_file");
        return PEAR_INSTALLER_OK;

    // }}}
    // {{{ _installFile2()

     * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2
     * @param string filename
     * @param array attributes from <file> tag in package.xml
     * @param string path to install the file in
     * @param array options from command-line
     * @access private
    function _installFile2(&$pkg, $file, &$real_atts, $tmp_path, $options)
        $atts = $real_atts;
        if (!isset($this->_registry)) {
            $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();

        $channel = $pkg->getChannel();
        // {{{ assemble the destination paths
        if (!in_array($atts['attribs']['role'],
              PEAR_Installer_Role::getValidRoles($pkg->getPackageType()))) {
            return $this->raiseError('Invalid role `' . $atts['attribs']['role'] .
                    "' for file $file");

        $role = &PEAR_Installer_Role::factory($pkg, $atts['attribs']['role'], $this->config);
        $err  = $role->setup($this, $pkg, $atts['attribs'], $file);
        if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
            return $err;

        if (!$role->isInstallable()) {

        $info = $role->processInstallation($pkg, $atts['attribs'], $file, $tmp_path);
        if (PEAR::isError($info)) {
            return $info;

        list($save_destdir, $dest_dir, $dest_file, $orig_file) = $info;
        if (preg_match('~/\.\.(/|\\z)|^\.\./~', str_replace('\\', '/', $dest_file))) {
            return $this->raiseError("SECURITY ERROR: file $file (installed to $dest_file) contains parent directory reference ..", PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);

        $final_dest_file = $installed_as = $dest_file;
        if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) {
            $final_dest_file = $this->_prependPath($final_dest_file,

        $dest_dir  = dirname($final_dest_file);
        $dest_file = $dest_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.tmp' . basename($final_dest_file);
        // }}}

        if (empty($this->_options['register-only'])) {
            if (!file_exists($dest_dir) || !is_dir($dest_dir)) {
                if (!$this->mkDirHier($dest_dir)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed to mkdir $dest_dir",
                $this->log(3, "+ mkdir $dest_dir");

        $attribs = $atts['attribs'];
        // pretty much nothing happens if we are only registering the install
        if (empty($this->_options['register-only'])) {
            if (!count($atts)) { // no tasks
                if (!file_exists($orig_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("file $orig_file does not exist",

                if (!@copy($orig_file, $dest_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed to write $dest_file: $php_errormsg",

                $this->log(3, "+ cp $orig_file $dest_file");
                if (isset($attribs['md5sum'])) {
                    $md5sum = md5_file($dest_file);
            } else { // file with tasks
                if (!file_exists($orig_file)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("file $orig_file does not exist",

                $contents = file_get_contents($orig_file);
                if ($contents === false) {
                    $contents = '';

                if (isset($attribs['md5sum'])) {
                    $md5sum = md5($contents);

                foreach ($atts as $tag => $raw) {
                    $tag = str_replace(array($pkg->getTasksNs() . ':', '-'), array('', '_'), $tag);
                    $task = "PEAR_Task_$tag";
                    $task = new $task($this->config, $this, PEAR_TASK_INSTALL);
                    if (!$task->isScript()) { // scripts are only handled after installation
                        $task->init($raw, $attribs, $pkg->getLastInstalledVersion());
                        $res = $task->startSession($pkg, $contents, $final_dest_file);
                        if ($res === false) {
                            continue; // skip this file

                        if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                            return $res;

                        $contents = $res; // save changes

                    $wp = @fopen($dest_file, "wb");
                    if (!is_resource($wp)) {
                        return $this->raiseError("failed to create $dest_file: $php_errormsg",

                    if (fwrite($wp, $contents) === false) {
                        return $this->raiseError("failed writing to $dest_file: $php_errormsg",


            // {{{ check the md5
            if (isset($md5sum)) {
                // Make sure the original md5 sum matches with expected
                if (strtolower($md5sum) === strtolower($attribs['md5sum'])) {
                    $this->log(2, "md5sum ok: $final_dest_file");

                    if (isset($contents)) {
                        // set md5 sum based on $content in case any tasks were run.
                        $real_atts['attribs']['md5sum'] = md5($contents);
                } else {
                    if (empty($options['force'])) {
                        // delete the file
                        if (file_exists($dest_file)) {

                        if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                            return $this->raiseError("bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file",

                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "warning : bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file");
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "warning : bad md5sum for file $final_dest_file");
            } else {
                $real_atts['attribs']['md5sum'] = md5_file($dest_file);

            // }}}
            // {{{ set file permissions
            if (!OS_WINDOWS) {
                if ($role->isExecutable()) {
                    $mode = 0777 & ~(int)octdec($this->config->get('umask'));
                    $this->log(3, "+ chmod +x $dest_file");
                } else {
                    $mode = 0666 & ~(int)octdec($this->config->get('umask'));

                if ($attribs['role'] != 'src') {
                    $this->addFileOperation("chmod", array($mode, $dest_file));
                    if (!@chmod($dest_file, $mode)) {
                        if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(0, "failed to change mode of $dest_file: $php_errormsg");
            // }}}

            if ($attribs['role'] == 'src') {
                rename($dest_file, $final_dest_file);
                $this->log(2, "renamed source file $dest_file to $final_dest_file");
            } else {
                $this->addFileOperation("rename", array($dest_file, $final_dest_file, $role->isExtension()));

        // Store the full path where the file was installed for easy uninstall
        if ($attribs['role'] != 'src') {
            $loc = $this->config->get($role->getLocationConfig(), null, $channel);
            $this->addFileOperation('installed_as', array($file, $installed_as,
                                dirname(substr($installed_as, strlen($loc)))));

        //$this->log(2, "installed: $dest_file");
        return PEAR_INSTALLER_OK;

    // }}}
    // {{{ addFileOperation()

     * Add a file operation to the current file transaction.
     * @see startFileTransaction()
     * @param string $type This can be one of:
     *    - rename:  rename a file ($data has 3 values)
     *    - backup:  backup an existing file ($data has 1 value)
     *    - removebackup:  clean up backups created during install ($data has 1 value)
     *    - chmod:   change permissions on a file ($data has 2 values)
     *    - delete:  delete a file ($data has 1 value)
     *    - rmdir:   delete a directory if empty ($data has 1 value)
     *    - installed_as: mark a file as installed ($data has 4 values).
     * @param array $data For all file operations, this array must contain the
     *    full path to the file or directory that is being operated on.  For
     *    the rename command, the first parameter must be the file to rename,
     *    the second its new name, the third whether this is a PHP extension.
     *    The installed_as operation contains 4 elements in this order:
     *    1. Filename as listed in the filelist element from package.xml
     *    2. Full path to the installed file
     *    3. Full path from the php_dir configuration variable used in this
     *       installation
     *    4. Relative path from the php_dir that this file is installed in
    function addFileOperation($type, $data)
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            return $this->raiseError('Internal Error: $data in addFileOperation'
                . ' must be an array, was ' . gettype($data));

        if ($type == 'chmod') {
            $octmode = decoct($data[0]);
            $this->log(3, "adding to transaction: $type $octmode $data[1]");
        } else {
            $this->log(3, "adding to transaction: $type " . implode(" ", $data));
        $this->file_operations[] = array($type, $data);

    // }}}
    // {{{ startFileTransaction()

    function startFileTransaction($rollback_in_case = false)
        if (count($this->file_operations) && $rollback_in_case) {
        $this->file_operations = array();

    // }}}
    // {{{ commitFileTransaction()

    function commitFileTransaction()
        // {{{ first, check permissions and such manually
        $errors = array();
        foreach ($this->file_operations as $key => $tr) {
            list($type, $data) = $tr;
            switch ($type) {
                case 'rename':
                    if (!file_exists($data[0])) {
                        $errors[] = "cannot rename file $data[0], doesn't exist";

                    // check that dest dir. is writable
                    if (!is_writable(dirname($data[1]))) {
                        $errors[] = "permission denied ($type): $data[1]";
                case 'chmod':
                    // check that file is writable
                    if (!is_writable($data[1])) {
                        $errors[] = "permission denied ($type): $data[1] " . decoct($data[0]);
                case 'delete':
                    if (!file_exists($data[0])) {
                        $this->log(2, "warning: file $data[0] doesn't exist, can't be deleted");
                    // check that directory is writable
                    if (file_exists($data[0])) {
                        if (!is_writable(dirname($data[0]))) {
                            $errors[] = "permission denied ($type): $data[0]";
                        } else {
                            // make sure the file to be deleted can be opened for writing
                            $fp = false;
                            if (!is_dir($data[0]) &&
                                  (!is_writable($data[0]) || !($fp = @fopen($data[0], 'a')))) {
                                $errors[] = "permission denied ($type): $data[0]";
                            } elseif ($fp) {

                        /* Verify we are not deleting a file owned by another package
                         * This can happen when a file moves from package A to B in
                         * an upgrade ala http://pear.php.net/17986
                        $info = array(
                            'package' => strtolower($this->pkginfo->getName()),
                            'channel' => strtolower($this->pkginfo->getChannel()),
                        $result = $this->_registry->checkFileMap($data[0], $info, '1.1');
                        if (is_array($result)) {
                            $res = array_diff($result, $info);
                            if (!empty($res)) {
                                $new = $this->_registry->getPackage($result[1], $result[0]);
                                $this->file_operations[$key] = false;
                                $pkginfoName = $this->pkginfo->getName();
                                $newChannel  = $new->getChannel();
                                $newPackage  = $new->getName();
                                $this->log(3, "file $data[0] was scheduled for removal from $pkginfoName but is owned by $newChannel/$newPackage, removal has been cancelled.");

        // }}}

        $n = count($this->file_operations);
        $this->log(2, "about to commit $n file operations for " . $this->pkginfo->getName());

        $m = count($errors);
        if ($m > 0) {
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(1, $error);

            if (!isset($this->_options['ignore-errors'])) {
                return false;

        $this->_dirtree = array();
        // {{{ really commit the transaction
        foreach ($this->file_operations as $i => $tr) {
            if (!$tr) {
                // support removal of non-existing backups

            list($type, $data) = $tr;
            switch ($type) {
                case 'backup':
                    if (!file_exists($data[0])) {
                        $this->file_operations[$i] = false;

                    if (!@copy($data[0], $data[0] . '.bak')) {
                        $this->log(1, 'Could not copy ' . $data[0] . ' to ' . $data[0] .
                            '.bak ' . $php_errormsg);
                        return false;
                    $this->log(3, "+ backup $data[0] to $data[0].bak");
                case 'removebackup':
                    if (file_exists($data[0] . '.bak') && is_writable($data[0] . '.bak')) {
                        unlink($data[0] . '.bak');
                        $this->log(3, "+ rm backup of $data[0] ($data[0].bak)");
                case 'rename':
                    $test = file_exists($data[1]) ? @unlink($data[1]) : null;
                    if (!$test && file_exists($data[1])) {
                        if ($data[2]) {
                            $extra = ', this extension must be installed manually.  Rename to "' .
                                basename($data[1]) . '"';
                        } else {
                            $extra = '';

                        if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                            $this->log(1, 'Could not delete ' . $data[1] . ', cannot rename ' .
                                $data[0] . $extra);

                        if (!isset($this->_options['ignore-errors'])) {
                            return false;

                    // permissions issues with rename - copy() is far superior
                    $perms = @fileperms($data[0]);
                    if (!@copy($data[0], $data[1])) {
                        $this->log(1, 'Could not rename ' . $data[0] . ' to ' . $data[1] .
                            ' ' . $php_errormsg);
                        return false;

                    // copy over permissions, otherwise they are lost
                    @chmod($data[1], $perms);
                    $this->log(3, "+ mv $data[0] $data[1]");
                case 'chmod':
                    if (!@chmod($data[1], $data[0])) {
                        $this->log(1, 'Could not chmod ' . $data[1] . ' to ' .
                            decoct($data[0]) . ' ' . $php_errormsg);
                        return false;

                    $octmode = decoct($data[0]);
                    $this->log(3, "+ chmod $octmode $data[1]");
                case 'delete':
                    if (file_exists($data[0])) {
                        if (!@unlink($data[0])) {
                            $this->log(1, 'Could not delete ' . $data[0] . ' ' .
                            return false;
                        $this->log(3, "+ rm $data[0]");
                case 'rmdir':
                    if (file_exists($data[0])) {
                        do {
                            $testme = opendir($data[0]);
                            while (false !== ($entry = readdir($testme))) {
                                if ($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') {
                                break 2; // this directory is not empty and can't be
                                         // deleted

                            if (!@rmdir($data[0])) {
                                $this->log(1, 'Could not rmdir ' . $data[0] . ' ' .
                                return false;
                            $this->log(3, "+ rmdir $data[0]");
                        } while (false);
                case 'installed_as':
                    $this->pkginfo->setInstalledAs($data[0], $data[1]);
                    if (!isset($this->_dirtree[dirname($data[1])])) {
                        $this->_dirtree[dirname($data[1])] = true;

                        while(!empty($data[3]) && dirname($data[3]) != $data[3] &&
                                $data[3] != '/' && $data[3] != '\\') {
                            $this->pkginfo->setDirtree($pp =
                                $this->_prependPath($data[3], $data[2]));
                            $this->_dirtree[$pp] = true;
                            $data[3] = dirname($data[3]);
        // }}}
        $this->log(2, "successfully committed $n file operations");
        $this->file_operations = array();
        return true;

    // }}}
    // {{{ rollbackFileTransaction()

    function rollbackFileTransaction()
        $n = count($this->file_operations);
        $this->log(2, "rolling back $n file operations");
        foreach ($this->file_operations as $tr) {
            list($type, $data) = $tr;
            switch ($type) {
                case 'backup':
                    if (file_exists($data[0] . '.bak')) {
                        if (file_exists($data[0] && is_writable($data[0]))) {
                        @copy($data[0] . '.bak', $data[0]);
                        $this->log(3, "+ restore $data[0] from $data[0].bak");
                case 'removebackup':
                    if (file_exists($data[0] . '.bak') && is_writable($data[0] . '.bak')) {
                        unlink($data[0] . '.bak');
                        $this->log(3, "+ rm backup of $data[0] ($data[0].bak)");
                case 'rename':
                    $this->log(3, "+ rm $data[0]");
                case 'mkdir':
                    $this->log(3, "+ rmdir $data[0]");
                case 'chmod':
                case 'delete':
                case 'installed_as':
                    $this->pkginfo->setInstalledAs($data[0], false);
        $this->file_operations = array();

    // }}}
    // {{{ mkDirHier($dir)

    function mkDirHier($dir)
        $this->addFileOperation('mkdir', array($dir));
        return parent::mkDirHier($dir);

    // }}}
    // {{{ _parsePackageXml()

    function _parsePackageXml(&$descfile)
        // Parse xml file -----------------------------------------------
        $pkg = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config, $this->debug);
        $p = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($descfile, PEAR_VALIDATE_INSTALLING);
        if (PEAR::isError($p)) {
            if (is_array($p->getUserInfo())) {
                foreach ($p->getUserInfo() as $err) {
                    $loglevel = $err['level'] == 'error' ? 0 : 1;
                    if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) {
                        $this->log($loglevel, ucfirst($err['level']) . ': ' . $err['message']);
            return $this->raiseError('Installation failed: invalid package file');

        $descfile = $p->getPackageFile();
        return $p;

    // }}}
     * Set the list of PEAR_Downloader_Package objects to allow more sane
     * dependency validation
     * @param array
    function setDownloadedPackages(&$pkgs)
        $err = $this->analyzeDependencies($pkgs);
        if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
            return $err;
        $this->_downloadedPackages = &$pkgs;

     * Set the list of PEAR_Downloader_Package objects to allow more sane
     * dependency validation
     * @param array
    function setUninstallPackages(&$pkgs)
        $this->_downloadedPackages = &$pkgs;

    function getInstallPackages()
        return $this->_downloadedPackages;

    // {{{ install()

     * Installs the files within the package file specified.
     * @param string|PEAR_Downloader_Package $pkgfile path to the package file,
     *        or a pre-initialized packagefile object
     * @param array $options
     * recognized options:
     * - installroot   : optional prefix directory for installation
     * - force         : force installation
     * - register-only : update registry but don't install files
     * - upgrade       : upgrade existing install
     * - soft          : fail silently
     * - nodeps        : ignore dependency conflicts/missing dependencies
     * - alldeps       : install all dependencies
     * - onlyreqdeps   : install only required dependencies
     * @return array|PEAR_Error package info if successful
    function install($pkgfile, $options = array())
        $this->_options = $options;
        $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        if (is_object($pkgfile)) {
            $dlpkg    = &$pkgfile;
            $pkg      = $pkgfile->getPackageFile();
            $pkgfile  = $pkg->getArchiveFile();
            $descfile = $pkg->getPackageFile();
        } else {
            $descfile = $pkgfile;
            $pkg      = $this->_parsePackageXml($descfile);
            if (PEAR::isError($pkg)) {
                return $pkg;

        $tmpdir = dirname($descfile);
        if (realpath($descfile) != realpath($pkgfile)) {
            // Use the temp_dir since $descfile can contain the download dir path
            $tmpdir = $this->config->get('temp_dir', null, 'pear.php.net');
            $tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d -t "' . $tmpdir . '"');

            $tar = new Archive_Tar($pkgfile);
            if (!$tar->extract($tmpdir)) {
                return $this->raiseError("unable to unpack $pkgfile");

        $pkgname = $pkg->getName();
        $channel = $pkg->getChannel();

        if (isset($options['installroot'])) {
            $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();
            $installregistry = &$this->_registry;
            $this->installroot = ''; // all done automagically now
            $php_dir = $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $channel);
        } else {
            $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();
            if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) {
                $regdir = $this->_prependPath(
                    $this->config->get('php_dir', null, 'pear.php.net'),

                $metadata_dir = $this->config->get('metadata_dir', null, 'pear.php.net');
                if ($metadata_dir) {
                    $metadata_dir = $this->_prependPath(
                $packrootphp_dir = $this->_prependPath(
                    $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $channel),

                $installregistry = new PEAR_Registry($regdir, false, false, $metadata_dir);
                if (!$installregistry->channelExists($channel, true)) {
                    // we need to fake a channel-discover of this channel
                    $chanobj = $this->_registry->getChannel($channel, true);
                $php_dir = $packrootphp_dir;
            } else {
                $installregistry = &$this->_registry;
                $php_dir = $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $channel);
            $this->installroot = '';

        // {{{ checks to do when not in "force" mode
        if (empty($options['force']) &&
              (file_exists($this->config->get('php_dir')) &&
               is_dir($this->config->get('php_dir')))) {
            $testp = $channel == 'pear.php.net' ? $pkgname : array($channel, $pkgname);
            $instfilelist = $pkg->getInstallationFileList(true);
            if (PEAR::isError($instfilelist)) {
                return $instfilelist;

            // ensure we have the most accurate registry
            $test = $installregistry->checkFileMap($instfilelist, $testp, '1.1');
            if (PEAR::isError($test)) {
                return $test;

            if (sizeof($test)) {
                $pkgs = $this->getInstallPackages();
                $found = false;
                foreach ($pkgs as $param) {
                    if ($pkg->isSubpackageOf($param)) {
                        $found = true;

                if ($found) {
                    // subpackages can conflict with earlier versions of parent packages
                    $parentreg = $installregistry->packageInfo($param->getPackage(), null, $param->getChannel());
                    $tmp = $test;
                    foreach ($tmp as $file => $info) {
                        if (is_array($info)) {
                            if (strtolower($info[1]) == strtolower($param->getPackage()) &&
                                  strtolower($info[0]) == strtolower($param->getChannel())
                            ) {
                                if (isset($parentreg['filelist'][$file])) {
                                } else{
                                    $pos     = strpos($file, '/');
                                    $basedir = substr($file, 0, $pos);
                                    $file2   = substr($file, $pos + 1);
                                    if (isset($parentreg['filelist'][$file2]['baseinstalldir'])
                                        && $parentreg['filelist'][$file2]['baseinstalldir'] === $basedir
                                    ) {

                        } else {
                            if (strtolower($param->getChannel()) != 'pear.php.net') {

                            if (strtolower($info) == strtolower($param->getPackage())) {
                                if (isset($parentreg['filelist'][$file])) {
                                } else{
                                    $pos     = strpos($file, '/');
                                    $basedir = substr($file, 0, $pos);
                                    $file2   = substr($file, $pos + 1);
                                    if (isset($parentreg['filelist'][$file2]['baseinstalldir'])
                                        && $parentreg['filelist'][$file2]['baseinstalldir'] === $basedir
                                    ) {


                    $pfk = new PEAR_PackageFile($this->config);
                    $parentpkg = &$pfk->fromArray($parentreg);

                if ($param->getChannel() == 'pecl.php.net' && isset($options['upgrade'])) {
                    $tmp = $test;
                    foreach ($tmp as $file => $info) {
                        if (is_string($info)) {
                            // pear.php.net packages are always stored as strings
                            if (strtolower($info) == strtolower($param->getPackage())) {
                                // upgrading existing package

                if (count($test)) {
                    $msg = "$channel/$pkgname: conflicting files found:\n";
                    $longest = max(array_map("strlen", array_keys($test)));
                    $fmt = "%${longest}s (%s)\n";
                    foreach ($test as $file => $info) {
                        if (!is_array($info)) {
                            $info = array('pear.php.net', $info);
                        $info = $info[0] . '/' . $info[1];
                        $msg .= sprintf($fmt, $file, $info);

                    if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                        return $this->raiseError($msg);

                    if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                        $this->log(0, "WARNING: $msg");
        // }}}


        $usechannel = $channel;
        if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') {
            $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);
            if (!$test) {
                $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, 'pear.php.net');
                $usechannel = 'pear.php.net';
        } else {
            $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);

        if (empty($options['upgrade']) && empty($options['soft'])) {
            // checks to do only when installing new packages
            if (empty($options['force']) && $test) {
                return $this->raiseError("$channel/$pkgname is already installed");
        } else {
            // Upgrade
            if ($test) {
                $v1 = $installregistry->packageInfo($pkgname, 'version', $usechannel);
                $v2 = $pkg->getVersion();
                $cmp = version_compare("$v1", "$v2", 'gt');
                if (empty($options['force']) && !version_compare("$v2", "$v1", 'gt')) {
                    return $this->raiseError("upgrade to a newer version ($v2 is not newer than $v1)");

        // Do cleanups for upgrade and install, remove old release's files first
        if ($test && empty($options['register-only'])) {
            // when upgrading, remove old release's files first:
            if (PEAR::isError($err = $this->_deletePackageFiles($pkgname, $usechannel,
                  true))) {
                if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                    return $this->raiseError($err);

                if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(0, 'WARNING: ' . $err->getMessage());
            } else {
                $backedup = $err;

        // {{{ Copy files to dest dir ---------------------------------------

        // info from the package it self we want to access from _installFile
        $this->pkginfo = &$pkg;
        // used to determine whether we should build any C code
        $this->source_files = 0;

        $savechannel = $this->config->get('default_channel');
        if (empty($options['register-only']) && !is_dir($php_dir)) {
            if (PEAR::isError(System::mkdir(array('-p'), $php_dir))) {
                return $this->raiseError("no installation destination directory '$php_dir'\n");

        if (substr($pkgfile, -4) != '.xml') {
            $tmpdir .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pkgname . '-' . $pkg->getVersion();

        $this->configSet('default_channel', $channel);
        // {{{ install files

        $ver = $pkg->getPackagexmlVersion();
        if (version_compare($ver, '2.0', '>=')) {
            $filelist = $pkg->getInstallationFilelist();
        } else {
            $filelist = $pkg->getFileList();

        if (PEAR::isError($filelist)) {
            return $filelist;

        $p = &$installregistry->getPackage($pkgname, $channel);
        $dirtree = (empty($options['register-only']) && $p) ? $p->getDirTree() : false;

            'version', $pkg->getChannel()));
        foreach ($filelist as $file => $atts) {
            if ($pkg->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
                $res = $this->_installFile($file, $atts, $tmpdir, $options);
            } else {
                $res = $this->_installFile2($pkg, $file, $atts, $tmpdir, $options);

            if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
                if (empty($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                    if ($res->getMessage() == "file does not exist") {
                        $this->raiseError("file $file in package.xml does not exist");

                    return $this->raiseError($res);

                if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(0, "Warning: " . $res->getMessage());

            $real = isset($atts['attribs']) ? $atts['attribs'] : $atts;
            if ($res == PEAR_INSTALLER_OK && $real['role'] != 'src') {
                // Register files that were installed
                $pkg->installedFile($file, $atts);
        // }}}

        // {{{ compile and install source files
        if ($this->source_files > 0 && empty($options['nobuild'])) {
            if (PEAR::isError($err =
                  $this->_compileSourceFiles($savechannel, $pkg))) {
                return $err;
        // }}}

        if (isset($backedup)) {

        if (!$this->commitFileTransaction()) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
            return $this->raiseError("commit failed", PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);
        // }}}

        $ret          = false;
        $installphase = 'install';
        $oldversion   = false;
        // {{{ Register that the package is installed -----------------------
        if (empty($options['upgrade'])) {
            // if 'force' is used, replace the info in registry
            $usechannel = $channel;
            if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') {
                $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);
                if (!$test) {
                    $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, 'pear.php.net');
                    $usechannel = 'pear.php.net';
            } else {
                $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);

            if (!empty($options['force']) && $test) {
                $oldversion = $installregistry->packageInfo($pkgname, 'version', $usechannel);
                $installregistry->deletePackage($pkgname, $usechannel);
            $ret = $installregistry->addPackage2($pkg);
        } else {
            if ($dirtree) {
                // attempt to delete empty directories
                uksort($dirtree, array($this, '_sortDirs'));
                foreach($dirtree as $dir => $notused) {
                    $this->addFileOperation('rmdir', array($dir));

            $usechannel = $channel;
            if ($channel == 'pecl.php.net') {
                $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);
                if (!$test) {
                    $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, 'pear.php.net');
                    $usechannel = 'pear.php.net';
            } else {
                $test = $installregistry->packageExists($pkgname, $channel);

            // new: upgrade installs a package if it isn't installed
            if (!$test) {
                $ret = $installregistry->addPackage2($pkg);
            } else {
                if ($usechannel != $channel) {
                    $installregistry->deletePackage($pkgname, $usechannel);
                    $ret = $installregistry->addPackage2($pkg);
                } else {
                    $ret = $installregistry->updatePackage2($pkg);
                $installphase = 'upgrade';

        if (!$ret) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
            return $this->raiseError("Adding package $channel/$pkgname to registry failed");
        // }}}

        $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
        if (class_exists('PEAR_Task_Common')) { // this is auto-included if any tasks exist
            if (PEAR_Task_Common::hasPostinstallTasks()) {

        return $pkg->toArray(true);

    // }}}

    // {{{ _compileSourceFiles()
     * @param string
     * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2
    function _compileSourceFiles($savechannel, &$filelist)
        require_once 'PEAR/Builder.php';
        $this->log(1, "$this->source_files source files, building");
        $bob = new PEAR_Builder($this->ui);
        $bob->debug = $this->debug;
        $built = $bob->build($filelist, array(&$this, '_buildCallback'));
        if (PEAR::isError($built)) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
            return $built;

        $this->log(1, "\nBuild process completed successfully");
        foreach ($built as $ext) {
            $bn = basename($ext['file']);
            list($_ext_name, $_ext_suff) = explode('.', $bn);
            if ($_ext_suff == '.so' || $_ext_suff == '.dll') {
                if (extension_loaded($_ext_name)) {
                    $this->raiseError("Extension '$_ext_name' already loaded. " .
                                      'Please unload it in your php.ini file ' .
                                      'prior to install or upgrade');
                $role = 'ext';
            } else {
                $role = 'src';

            $dest = $ext['dest'];
            $packagingroot = '';
            if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) {
                $packagingroot = $this->_options['packagingroot'];

            $copyto = $this->_prependPath($dest, $packagingroot);
            $extra  = $copyto != $dest ? " as '$copyto'" : '';
            $this->log(1, "Installing '$dest'$extra");

            $copydir = dirname($copyto);
            // pretty much nothing happens if we are only registering the install
            if (empty($this->_options['register-only'])) {
                if (!file_exists($copydir) || !is_dir($copydir)) {
                    if (!$this->mkDirHier($copydir)) {
                        return $this->raiseError("failed to mkdir $copydir",

                    $this->log(3, "+ mkdir $copydir");

                if (!@copy($ext['file'], $copyto)) {
                    return $this->raiseError("failed to write $copyto ($php_errormsg)", PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED);

                $this->log(3, "+ cp $ext[file] $copyto");
                $this->addFileOperation('rename', array($ext['file'], $copyto));
                if (!OS_WINDOWS) {
                    $mode = 0666 & ~(int)octdec($this->config->get('umask'));
                    $this->addFileOperation('chmod', array($mode, $copyto));
                    if (!@chmod($copyto, $mode)) {
                        $this->log(0, "failed to change mode of $copyto ($php_errormsg)");

            $data = array(
                'role'         => $role,
                'name'         => $bn,
                'installed_as' => $dest,
                'php_api'      => $ext['php_api'],
                'zend_mod_api' => $ext['zend_mod_api'],
                'zend_ext_api' => $ext['zend_ext_api'],

            if ($filelist->getPackageXmlVersion() == '1.0') {
                $filelist->installedFile($bn, $data);
            } else {
                $filelist->installedFile($bn, array('attribs' => $data));

    // }}}
    function &getUninstallPackages()
        return $this->_downloadedPackages;
    // {{{ uninstall()

     * Uninstall a package
     * This method removes all files installed by the application, and then
     * removes any empty directories.
     * @param string package name
     * @param array Command-line options.  Possibilities include:
     *              - installroot: base installation dir, if not the default
     *              - register-only : update registry but don't remove files
     *              - nodeps: do not process dependencies of other packages to ensure
     *                        uninstallation does not break things
    function uninstall($package, $options = array())
        $installRoot = isset($options['installroot']) ? $options['installroot'] : '';

        $this->installroot = '';
        $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry();
        if (is_object($package)) {
            $channel = $package->getChannel();
            $pkg     = $package;
            $package = $pkg->getPackage();
        } else {
            $pkg = false;
            $info = $this->_registry->parsePackageName($package,
            $channel = $info['channel'];
            $package = $info['package'];

        $savechannel = $this->config->get('default_channel');
        $this->configSet('default_channel', $channel);
        if (!is_object($pkg)) {
            $pkg = $this->_registry->getPackage($package, $channel);

        if (!$pkg) {
            $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
            return $this->raiseError($this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString(
                    'channel' => $channel,
                    'package' => $package
                ), true) . ' not installed');

        if ($pkg->getInstalledBinary()) {
            // this is just an alias for a binary package
            return $this->_registry->deletePackage($package, $channel);

        $filelist = $pkg->getFilelist();
        if (!class_exists('PEAR_Dependency2')) {
            require_once 'PEAR/Dependency2.php';

        $depchecker = new PEAR_Dependency2($this->config, $options,
            array('channel' => $channel, 'package' => $package),
        $e = $depchecker->validatePackageUninstall($this);
        if (PEAR::isError($e)) {
            if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                return $this->raiseError($e);

            if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                $this->log(0, 'WARNING: ' . $e->getMessage());
        } elseif (is_array($e)) {
            if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                $this->log(0, $e[0]);

        $this->pkginfo = &$pkg;
        // pretty much nothing happens if we are only registering the uninstall
        if (empty($options['register-only'])) {
            // {{{ Delete the files
            if (PEAR::isError($err = $this->_deletePackageFiles($package, $channel))) {
                $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
                if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                    return $this->raiseError($err);

                if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(0, 'WARNING: ' . $err->getMessage());
            } else {

            if (!$this->commitFileTransaction()) {
                if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                    return $this->raiseError("uninstall failed");

                if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                    $this->log(0, 'WARNING: uninstall failed');
            } else {
                $dirtree = $pkg->getDirTree();
                if ($dirtree === false) {
                    $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
                    return $this->_registry->deletePackage($package, $channel);

                // attempt to delete empty directories
                uksort($dirtree, array($this, '_sortDirs'));
                foreach($dirtree as $dir => $notused) {
                    $this->addFileOperation('rmdir', array($dir));

                if (!$this->commitFileTransaction()) {
                    if (!isset($options['ignore-errors'])) {
                        return $this->raiseError("uninstall failed");

                    if (!isset($options['soft'])) {
                        $this->log(0, 'WARNING: uninstall failed');
            // }}}

        $this->configSet('default_channel', $savechannel);
        // Register that the package is no longer installed
        return $this->_registry->deletePackage($package, $channel);

     * Sort a list of arrays of array(downloaded packagefilename) by dependency.
     * It also removes duplicate dependencies
     * @param array an array of PEAR_PackageFile_v[1/2] objects
     * @return array|PEAR_Error array of array(packagefilename, package.xml contents)
    function sortPackagesForUninstall(&$packages)
        $this->_dependencyDB = &PEAR_DependencyDB::singleton($this->config);
        if (PEAR::isError($this->_dependencyDB)) {
            return $this->_dependencyDB;
        usort($packages, array(&$this, '_sortUninstall'));

    function _sortUninstall($a, $b)
        if (!$a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) {
            return 0; // neither package has dependencies, order is insignificant
        if ($a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) {
            return -1; // $a must be installed after $b because $a has dependencies
        if (!$a->getDeps() && $b->getDeps()) {
            return 1; // $b must be installed after $a because $b has dependencies
        // both packages have dependencies
        if ($this->_dependencyDB->dependsOn($a, $b)) {
            return -1;
        if ($this->_dependencyDB->dependsOn($b, $a)) {
            return 1;
        return 0;

    // }}}
    // {{{ _sortDirs()
    function _sortDirs($a, $b)
        if (strnatcmp($a, $b) == -1) return 1;
        if (strnatcmp($a, $b) == 1) return -1;
        return 0;

    // }}}

    // {{{ _buildCallback()

    function _buildCallback($what, $data)
        if (($what == 'cmdoutput' && $this->debug > 1) ||
            ($what == 'output' && $this->debug > 0)) {
            $this->ui->outputData(rtrim($data), 'build');

    // }}}


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ChannelFile Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Downloader Folder 0755
Frontend Folder 0755
Installer Folder 0755
PackageFile Folder 0755
REST Folder 0755
Task Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
Builder.php File 16.73 KB 0644
ChannelFile.php File 49.65 KB 0644
Command.php File 12.13 KB 0644
Common.php File 25.83 KB 0644
Config.php File 67.89 KB 0644
Dependency2.php File 49.25 KB 0644
DependencyDB.php File 23.49 KB 0644
Downloader.php File 64.26 KB 0644
ErrorStack.php File 33 KB 0644
Exception.php File 13.61 KB 0644
Frontend.php File 6.49 KB 0644
Installer.php File 67.79 KB 0644
PackageFile.php File 15.47 KB 0644
Packager.php File 7.53 KB 0644
Proxy.php File 5.36 KB 0644
REST.php File 16.45 KB 0644
Registry.php File 73.87 KB 0644
RunTest.php File 35.14 KB 0644
Validate.php File 21.49 KB 0644
XMLParser.php File 6.75 KB 0644