[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
 * PEAR_Validate
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      File available since Release 1.4.0a1
 * Constants for install stage
define('PEAR_VALIDATE_UNINSTALLING', 2); // this is not bit-mapped like the others
define('PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING', 4); // this is not bit-mapped like the others
require_once 'PEAR/Common.php';
require_once 'PEAR/Validator/PECL.php';

 * Validation class for package.xml - channel-level advanced validation
 * @category   pear
 * @package    PEAR
 * @author     Greg Beaver <cellog@php.net>
 * @copyright  1997-2009 The Authors
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php New BSD License
 * @version    Release: 1.10.5
 * @link       http://pear.php.net/package/PEAR
 * @since      Class available since Release 1.4.0a1
class PEAR_Validate
    var $packageregex = _PEAR_COMMON_PACKAGE_NAME_PREG;
     * @var PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2
    var $_packagexml;
     * @var int one of the PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants
    var $_state = PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL;
     * Format: ('error' => array('field' => name, 'reason' => reason), 'warning' => same)
     * @var array
     * @access private
    var $_failures = array('error' => array(), 'warning' => array());

     * Override this method to handle validation of normal package names
     * @param string
     * @return bool
     * @access protected
    function _validPackageName($name)
        return (bool) preg_match('/^' . $this->packageregex . '\\z/', $name);

     * @param string package name to validate
     * @param string name of channel-specific validation package
     * @final
    function validPackageName($name, $validatepackagename = false)
        if ($validatepackagename) {
            if (strtolower($name) == strtolower($validatepackagename)) {
                return (bool) preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\\z/', $name);
        return $this->_validPackageName($name);

     * This validates a bundle name, and bundle names must conform
     * to the PEAR naming convention, so the method is final and static.
     * @param string
     * @final
    public static function validGroupName($name)
        return (bool) preg_match('/^' . _PEAR_COMMON_PACKAGE_NAME_PREG . '\\z/', $name);

     * Determine whether $state represents a valid stability level
     * @param string
     * @return bool
     * @final
    public static function validState($state)
        return in_array($state, array('snapshot', 'devel', 'alpha', 'beta', 'stable'));

     * Get a list of valid stability levels
     * @return array
     * @final
    public static function getValidStates()
        return array('snapshot', 'devel', 'alpha', 'beta', 'stable');

     * Determine whether a version is a properly formatted version number that can be used
     * by version_compare
     * @param string
     * @return bool
     * @final
    public static function validVersion($ver)
        return (bool) preg_match(PEAR_COMMON_PACKAGE_VERSION_PREG, $ver);

     * @param PEAR_PackageFile_v1|PEAR_PackageFile_v2
    function setPackageFile(&$pf)
        $this->_packagexml = &$pf;

     * @access private
    function _addFailure($field, $reason)
        $this->_failures['errors'][] = array('field' => $field, 'reason' => $reason);

     * @access private
    function _addWarning($field, $reason)
        $this->_failures['warnings'][] = array('field' => $field, 'reason' => $reason);

    function getFailures()
        $failures = $this->_failures;
        $this->_failures = array('warnings' => array(), 'errors' => array());
        return $failures;

     * @param int one of the PEAR_VALIDATE_* constants
    function validate($state = null)
        if (!isset($this->_packagexml)) {
            return false;
        if ($state !== null) {
            $this->_state = $state;
        $this->_failures = array('warnings' => array(), 'errors' => array());
        if ($this->_packagexml->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
        } elseif ($this->_packagexml->getPackagexmlVersion() == '2.0' ||
                  $this->_packagexml->getPackagexmlVersion() == '2.1') {
        return !((bool) count($this->_failures['errors']));

     * @access protected
    function validatePackageName()
        if ($this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_PACKAGING ||
              $this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL) {
            if (($this->_packagexml->getPackagexmlVersion() == '2.0' ||
                 $this->_packagexml->getPackagexmlVersion() == '2.1') &&
                  $this->_packagexml->getExtends()) {
                $version = $this->_packagexml->getVersion() . '';
                $name = $this->_packagexml->getPackage();
                $a = explode('.', $version);
                $test = array_shift($a);
                if ($test == '0') {
                    return true;
                $vlen = strlen($test);
                $majver = substr($name, strlen($name) - $vlen);
                while ($majver && !is_numeric($majver{0})) {
                    $majver = substr($majver, 1);
                if ($majver != $test) {
                    $this->_addWarning('package', "package $name extends package " .
                        $this->_packagexml->getExtends() . ' and so the name should ' .
                        'have a postfix equal to the major version like "' .
                        $this->_packagexml->getExtends() . $test . '"');
                    return true;
                } elseif (substr($name, 0, strlen($name) - $vlen) !=
                            $this->_packagexml->getExtends()) {
                    $this->_addWarning('package', "package $name extends package " .
                        $this->_packagexml->getExtends() . ' and so the name must ' .
                        'be an extension like "' . $this->_packagexml->getExtends() .
                        $test . '"');
                    return true;
        if (!$this->validPackageName($this->_packagexml->getPackage())) {
            $this->_addFailure('name', 'package name "' .
                $this->_packagexml->getPackage() . '" is invalid');
            return false;

     * @access protected
    function validateVersion()
        if ($this->_state != PEAR_VALIDATE_PACKAGING) {
            if (!$this->validVersion($this->_packagexml->getVersion())) {
                    'Invalid version number "' . $this->_packagexml->getVersion() . '"');
            return false;
        $version = $this->_packagexml->getVersion();
        $versioncomponents = explode('.', $version);
        if (count($versioncomponents) != 3) {
                'A version number should have 3 decimals (x.y.z)');
            return true;
        $name = $this->_packagexml->getPackage();
        // version must be based upon state
        switch ($this->_packagexml->getState()) {
            case 'snapshot' :
                return true;
            case 'devel' :
                if ($versioncomponents[0] . 'a' == '0a') {
                    return true;
                if ($versioncomponents[0] == 0) {
                    $versioncomponents[0] = '0';
                        'version "' . $version . '" should be "' .
                        implode('.' ,$versioncomponents) . '"');
                } else {
                        'packages with devel stability must be < version 1.0.0');
                return true;
            case 'alpha' :
            case 'beta' :
                // check for a package that extends a package,
                // like Foo and Foo2
                if ($this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_PACKAGING) {
                    if (substr($versioncomponents[2], 1, 2) == 'rc') {
                        $this->_addFailure('version', 'Release Candidate versions ' .
                            'must have capital RC, not lower-case rc');
                        return false;
                if (!$this->_packagexml->getExtends()) {
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] == '1') {
                        if ($versioncomponents[2]{0} == '0') {
                            if ($versioncomponents[2] == '0') {
                                // version 1.*.0000
                                    'version 1.' . $versioncomponents[1] .
                                        '.0 probably should not be alpha or beta');
                                return true;
                            } elseif (strlen($versioncomponents[2]) > 1) {
                                // version 1.*.0RC1 or 1.*.0beta24 etc.
                                return true;
                            } else {
                                // version 1.*.0
                                    'version 1.' . $versioncomponents[1] .
                                        '.0 probably should not be alpha or beta');
                                return true;
                        } else {
                                'bugfix versions (1.3.x where x > 0) probably should ' .
                                'not be alpha or beta');
                            return true;
                    } elseif ($versioncomponents[0] != '0') {
                            'major versions greater than 1 are not allowed for packages ' .
                            'without an <extends> tag or an identical postfix (foo2 v2.0.0)');
                        return true;
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] . 'a' == '0a') {
                        return true;
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] == 0) {
                        $versioncomponents[0] = '0';
                            'version "' . $version . '" should be "' .
                            implode('.' ,$versioncomponents) . '"');
                } else {
                    $vlen = strlen($versioncomponents[0] . '');
                    $majver = substr($name, strlen($name) - $vlen);
                    while ($majver && !is_numeric($majver{0})) {
                        $majver = substr($majver, 1);
                    if (($versioncomponents[0] != 0) && $majver != $versioncomponents[0]) {
                        $this->_addWarning('version', 'first version number "' .
                            $versioncomponents[0] . '" must match the postfix of ' .
                            'package name "' . $name . '" (' .
                            $majver . ')');
                        return true;
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] == $majver) {
                        if ($versioncomponents[2]{0} == '0') {
                            if ($versioncomponents[2] == '0') {
                                // version 2.*.0000
                                    "version $majver." . $versioncomponents[1] .
                                        '.0 probably should not be alpha or beta');
                                return false;
                            } elseif (strlen($versioncomponents[2]) > 1) {
                                // version 2.*.0RC1 or 2.*.0beta24 etc.
                                return true;
                            } else {
                                // version 2.*.0
                                    "version $majver." . $versioncomponents[1] .
                                        '.0 cannot be alpha or beta');
                                return true;
                        } else {
                                "bugfix versions ($majver.x.y where y > 0) should " .
                                'not be alpha or beta');
                            return true;
                    } elseif ($versioncomponents[0] != '0') {
                            "only versions 0.x.y and $majver.x.y are allowed for alpha/beta releases");
                        return true;
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] . 'a' == '0a') {
                        return true;
                    if ($versioncomponents[0] == 0) {
                        $versioncomponents[0] = '0';
                            'version "' . $version . '" should be "' .
                            implode('.' ,$versioncomponents) . '"');
                return true;
            case 'stable' :
                if ($versioncomponents[0] == '0') {
                    $this->_addWarning('version', 'versions less than 1.0.0 cannot ' .
                    'be stable');
                    return true;
                if (!is_numeric($versioncomponents[2])) {
                    if (preg_match('/\d+(rc|a|alpha|b|beta)\d*/i',
                          $versioncomponents[2])) {
                        $this->_addWarning('version', 'version "' . $version . '" or any ' .
                            'RC/beta/alpha version cannot be stable');
                        return true;
                // check for a package that extends a package,
                // like Foo and Foo2
                if ($this->_packagexml->getExtends()) {
                    $vlen = strlen($versioncomponents[0] . '');
                    $majver = substr($name, strlen($name) - $vlen);
                    while ($majver && !is_numeric($majver{0})) {
                        $majver = substr($majver, 1);
                    if (($versioncomponents[0] != 0) && $majver != $versioncomponents[0]) {
                        $this->_addWarning('version', 'first version number "' .
                            $versioncomponents[0] . '" must match the postfix of ' .
                            'package name "' . $name . '" (' .
                            $majver . ')');
                        return true;
                } elseif ($versioncomponents[0] > 1) {
                    $this->_addWarning('version', 'major version x in x.y.z may not be greater than ' .
                        '1 for any package that does not have an <extends> tag');
                return true;
            default :
                return false;

     * @access protected
    function validateMaintainers()
        // maintainers can only be truly validated server-side for most channels
        // but allow this customization for those who wish it
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateDate()
        if ($this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL ||
              $this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_PACKAGING) {

            if (!preg_match('/(\d\d\d\d)\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)/',
                  $this->_packagexml->getDate(), $res) ||
                  count($res) < 4
                  || !checkdate($res[2], $res[3], $res[1])
                ) {
                $this->_addFailure('date', 'invalid release date "' .
                    $this->_packagexml->getDate() . '"');
                return false;

            if ($this->_state == PEAR_VALIDATE_PACKAGING &&
                  $this->_packagexml->getDate() != date('Y-m-d')) {
                $this->_addWarning('date', 'Release Date "' .
                    $this->_packagexml->getDate() . '" is not today');
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateTime()
        if (!$this->_packagexml->getTime()) {
            // default of no time value set
            return true;

        // packager automatically sets time, so only validate if pear validate is called
        if ($this->_state = PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL) {
            if (!preg_match('/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/',
                  $this->_packagexml->getTime())) {
                $this->_addFailure('time', 'invalid release time "' .
                    $this->_packagexml->getTime() . '"');
                return false;

            $result = preg_match('|\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}|', $this->_packagexml->getTime(), $matches);
            if ($result === false || empty($matches)) {
                $this->_addFailure('time', 'invalid release time "' .
                    $this->_packagexml->getTime() . '"');
                return false;

        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateState()
        // this is the closest to "final" php4 can get
        if (!PEAR_Validate::validState($this->_packagexml->getState())) {
            if (strtolower($this->_packagexml->getState() == 'rc')) {
                $this->_addFailure('state', 'RC is not a state, it is a version ' .
                    'postfix, use ' . $this->_packagexml->getVersion() . 'RC1, state beta');
            $this->_addFailure('state', 'invalid release state "' .
                $this->_packagexml->getState() . '", must be one of: ' .
                implode(', ', PEAR_Validate::getValidStates()));
            return false;
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateStability()
        $ret = true;
        $packagestability = $this->_packagexml->getState();
        $apistability = $this->_packagexml->getState('api');
        if (!PEAR_Validate::validState($packagestability)) {
            $this->_addFailure('state', 'invalid release stability "' .
                $this->_packagexml->getState() . '", must be one of: ' .
                implode(', ', PEAR_Validate::getValidStates()));
            $ret = false;
        $apistates = PEAR_Validate::getValidStates();
        array_shift($apistates); // snapshot is not allowed
        if (!in_array($apistability, $apistates)) {
            $this->_addFailure('state', 'invalid API stability "' .
                $this->_packagexml->getState('api') . '", must be one of: ' .
                implode(', ', $apistates));
            $ret = false;
        return $ret;

     * @access protected
    function validateSummary()
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateDescription()
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateLicense()
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateNotes()
        return true;

     * for package.xml 2.0 only - channels can't use package.xml 1.0
     * @access protected
    function validateDependencies()
        return true;

     * for package.xml 1.0 only
     * @access private
    function _validateFilelist()
        return true; // placeholder for now

     * for package.xml 2.0 only
     * @access protected
    function validateMainFilelist()
        return true; // placeholder for now

     * for package.xml 2.0 only
     * @access protected
    function validateReleaseFilelist()
        return true; // placeholder for now

     * @access protected
    function validateChangelog()
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateFilelist()
        return true;

     * @access protected
    function validateDeps()
        return true;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ChannelFile Folder 0755
Command Folder 0755
Downloader Folder 0755
Frontend Folder 0755
Installer Folder 0755
PackageFile Folder 0755
REST Folder 0755
Task Folder 0755
Validator Folder 0755
Builder.php File 16.73 KB 0644
ChannelFile.php File 49.65 KB 0644
Command.php File 12.13 KB 0644
Common.php File 25.83 KB 0644
Config.php File 67.89 KB 0644
Dependency2.php File 49.25 KB 0644
DependencyDB.php File 23.49 KB 0644
Downloader.php File 64.26 KB 0644
ErrorStack.php File 33 KB 0644
Exception.php File 13.61 KB 0644
Frontend.php File 6.49 KB 0644
Installer.php File 67.79 KB 0644
PackageFile.php File 15.47 KB 0644
Packager.php File 7.53 KB 0644
Proxy.php File 5.36 KB 0644
REST.php File 16.45 KB 0644
Registry.php File 73.87 KB 0644
RunTest.php File 35.14 KB 0644
Validate.php File 21.49 KB 0644
XMLParser.php File 6.75 KB 0644