[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * @fileoverview    A jquery plugin that allows drag&drop sorting in tables.
 *                  Coded because JQuery UI sortable doesn't support tables. Also it has no animation
 * @name            Sortable Table JQuery plugin
 * @requires    jQuery

/* Options:

    ignoreRect: { top, left, width, height }  - relative coordinates on each element. If the user clicks 
                                               in this area, it is not seen as a drag&drop request. Useful for toolbars etc.
    events: {
       start: callback function when the user starts dragging
       drop: callback function after an element has been dropped

/* Commands:

$('table').sortableTable('init')      - equivalent to $('table').sortableTable()
$('table').sortableTable('refresh')   - if the table has been changed, refresh correctly assigns all events again
$('table').sortableTable('destroy')   - removes all events from the table


/* Setup: 

  Can be applied on any table, there is just one convention. 
  Each cell (<td>) has to contain one and only one element (preferably div or span) 
  which is the actually draggable element.
(function($) {
	jQuery.fn.sortableTable = function(method) {
		var methods = {
			init : function(options) {
				var tb = new sortableTableInstance(this, options);
			refresh : function( ) { 
			destroy : function( ) { 

		if ( methods[method] ) {
			return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
		} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
			return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
		} else {
			$.error( 'Method ' +  method + ' does not exist on jQuery.sortableTable' );
		function sortableTableInstance(table, options) {
			var down = false;
			var	$draggedEl, oldCell, previewMove, id;
			if(!options) options = {};
			/* Mouse handlers on the child elements */
			var onMouseUp = function(e) { 
				dropAt(e.pageX, e.pageY); 
			var onMouseDown = function(e) {
				$draggedEl = $(this).children();
				if($draggedEl.length == 0) return;
				if(options.ignoreRect && insideRect({x: e.pageX - $draggedEl.offset().left, y: e.pageY - $draggedEl.offset().top}, options.ignoreRect)) return;
				down = true;
				oldCell = this;
				if(options.events && options.events.start)

				return false;
			var globalMouseMove = function(e) {
				if(down) {

					if(inside($(oldCell), e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
						if(previewMove != null) {
							previewMove = null;					
					} else
						$(table).find('td').each(function() {
							if(inside($(this), e.pageX, e.pageY)) {
								if($(previewMove).attr('class') != $(this).children().first().attr('class')) {
									if(previewMove != null) moveTo(previewMove);
									previewMove = $(this).children().first();
									if(previewMove.length > 0)
										moveTo($(previewMove), { pos: {
											top: $(oldCell).offset().top - $(previewMove).parent().offset().top,
											left: $(oldCell).offset().left - $(previewMove).parent().offset().left
										} });
								return false;
				return false;
			var globalMouseOut = function() {
				if(down) {
					down = false;
					if(previewMove) moveTo(previewMove);
					previewMove = null;
			// Initialize sortable table
			this.init = function() {
				id = 1;
				// Add some required css to each child element in the <td>s
				$(table).find('td').children().each(function() {
					// Remove any old occurences of our added draggable-num class
					$(this).addClass('draggable-' + (id++));
				// Mouse events

				$(document).bind('mouseleave', globalMouseOut);
			// Call this when the table has been updated
			this.refresh = function() {
			this.destroy = function() {
				// Add some required css to each child element in the <td>s
				$(table).find('td').children().each(function() {
					// Remove any old occurences of our added draggable-num class
				// Mouse events
			function switchElement(drag, dropTo) {
				var dragPosDiff = { 
					left: $(drag).children().first().offset().left - $(dropTo).offset().left, 
					top:  $(drag).children().first().offset().top - $(dropTo).offset().top 
				var dropPosDiff = null;
				if($(dropTo).children().length > 0) {
					dropPosDiff = {
						left: $(dropTo).children().first().offset().left - $(drag).offset().left,
						top:  $(dropTo).children().first().offset().top - $(drag).offset().top 
				/* I love you append(). It moves the DOM Elements so gracefully <3 */
				// Put the element in the way to old place
						.css('left',dropPosDiff.left + 'px')
						.css('top',dropPosDiff.top + 'px');
				// Put our dragged element into the space we just freed up
					.css('left',dragPosDiff.left + 'px')
					.css('top',dragPosDiff.top + 'px');
				moveTo($(dropTo).children().first(), { duration: 100 });
				moveTo($(drag).children().first(), { duration: 100 });
				if(options.events && options.events.drop) {
					// Drop event. The drag child element is moved into the drop element
					// and vice versa. So the parameters are switched.
					// Calculate row and column index
					colIdx = $(dropTo).prevAll().length;
					rowIdx = $(dropTo).parent().prevAll().length;
					options.events.drop(drag,dropTo, { col: colIdx, row: rowIdx });
			function move(x,y) {
					top: Math.min($(document).height(), Math.max(0, y - $draggedEl.height()/2)), 
					left: Math.min($(document).width(), Math.max(0, x - $draggedEl.width()/2))
			function inside($el, x,y) {
				var off = $el.offset();
				return y >= off.top && x >= off.left && x < off.left + $el.width() && y < off.top + $el.height();
			function insideRect(pos, r) {
				return pos.y > r.top && pos.x > r.left && pos.y < r.top + r.height && pos.x < r.left + r.width;
			function dropAt(x,y) {
				if(!down) return;
				down = false;
				var switched = false;
				$(table).find('td').each(function() {
					if($(this).children().first().attr('class') != $(oldCell).children().first().attr('class') && inside($(this), x, y)) {
						switchElement(oldCell, this);
						switched = true;

				if(!switched) {
					if(previewMove) moveTo(previewMove);
				previewMove = null;
			function moveTo(elem, opts) {
				if(!opts) opts = {};
				if(!opts.pos) opts.pos = { left: 0, top: 0 };
				if(!opts.duration) opts.duration = 200;
				$(elem).animate({ top: opts.pos.top, left: opts.pos.left }, {
					duration: opts.duration,
					complete: function() {
						if(opts.pos.left == 0 && opts.pos.top == 0) {
})( jQuery );


Name Type Size Permission Actions
MIT-LICENSE.txt File 1.07 KB 0644
additional-methods.js File 36.62 KB 0644
jquery-2.1.4.min.js File 82.37 KB 0644
jquery-ui-1.11.4.min.js File 234.79 KB 0644
jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js File 73.95 KB 0644
jquery.ba-hashchange-1.3.js File 16.13 KB 0644
jquery.cookie.js File 3.63 KB 0644
jquery.debounce-1.0.5.js File 1.14 KB 0644
jquery.event.drag-2.2.js File 12.53 KB 0644
jquery.fullscreen.js File 1.61 KB 0644
jquery.mousewheel.js File 8.08 KB 0644
jquery.sortableTable.js File 8.07 KB 0644
jquery.svg.js File 55.32 KB 0644
jquery.tablesorter.js File 39.16 KB 0644
jquery.uitablefilter.js File 3.4 KB 0644
jquery.validate.js File 52.58 KB 0644