[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * This object handles ajax requests for pages. It also
 * handles the reloading of the main menu and scripts.
var AJAX = {
     * @var bool active Whether we are busy
    active: false,
     * @var object source The object whose event initialized the request
    source: null,
     * @var object xhr A reference to the ajax request that is currently running
    xhr: null,
     * @var object lockedTargets, list of locked targets
    lockedTargets: {},
     * @var function Callback to execute after a successful request
     *               Used by PMA_commonFunctions from common.js
    _callback: function () {},
     * @var bool _debug Makes noise in your Firebug console
    _debug: false,
     * @var object $msgbox A reference to a jQuery object that links to a message
     *                     box that is generated by PMA_ajaxShowMessage()
    $msgbox: null,
     * Given the filename of a script, returns a hash to be
     * used to refer to all the events registered for the file
     * @param key string key The filename for which to get the event name
     * @return int
    hash: function (key) {
        /* http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html#one */
        key += "";
        var len = key.length, hash = 0, i = 0;
        for (; i < len; ++i) {
            hash += key.charCodeAt(i);
            hash += (hash << 10);
            hash ^= (hash >> 6);
        hash += (hash << 3);
        hash ^= (hash >> 11);
        hash += (hash << 15);
        return Math.abs(hash);
     * Registers an onload event for a file
     * @param file string   file The filename for which to register the event
     * @param func function func The function to execute when the page is ready
     * @return self For chaining
    registerOnload: function (file, func) {
        var eventName = 'onload_' + AJAX.hash(file);
        $(document).bind(eventName, func);
        if (this._debug) {
                // no need to translate
                "Registered event " + eventName + " for file " + file
        return this;
     * Registers a teardown event for a file. This is useful to execute functions
     * that unbind events for page elements that are about to be removed.
     * @param string   file The filename for which to register the event
     * @param function func The function to execute when
     *                      the page is about to be torn down
     * @return self For chaining
    registerTeardown: function (file, func) {
        var eventName = 'teardown_' + AJAX.hash(file);
        $(document).bind(eventName, func);
        if (this._debug) {
                // no need to translate
                "Registered event " + eventName + " for file " + file
        return this;
     * Called when a page has finished loading, once for every
     * file that registered to the onload event of that file.
     * @param string file The filename for which to fire the event
     * @return void
    fireOnload: function (file) {
        var eventName = 'onload_' + AJAX.hash(file);
        if (this._debug) {
                // no need to translate
                "Fired event " + eventName + " for file " + file
     * Called just before a page is torn down, once for every
     * file that registered to the teardown event of that file.
     * @param string file The filename for which to fire the event
     * @return void
    fireTeardown: function (file) {
        var eventName = 'teardown_' + AJAX.hash(file);
        if (this._debug) {
                // no need to translate
                "Fired event " + eventName + " for file " + file
     * function to handle lock page mechanism
     * @param event the event object
     * @return void
    lockPageHandler: function(event) {
        //Don't lock on enter.
        if (0 === event.charCode) {

        var lockId = $(this).data('lock-id');
        if (typeof lockId === 'undefined') {
         * @todo Fix Code mirror does not give correct full value (query)
         * in textarea, it returns only the change in content.
        var newHash = null;
        if (event.data.value == 1) {
            newHash = AJAX.hash($(this).val());
        } else {
            newHash = AJAX.hash($(this).is(":checked"));
        var oldHash = $(this).data('val-hash');
        // Set lock if old value != new value
        // otherwise release lock
        if (oldHash !== newHash) {
            AJAX.lockedTargets[lockId] = true;
        } else {
            delete AJAX.lockedTargets[lockId];
        // Show lock icon if locked targets is not empty.
        // otherwise remove lock icon
        if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(AJAX.lockedTargets)) {
        } else {
     * resets the lock
     * @return void
    resetLock: function() {
        AJAX.lockedTargets = {};
    handleMenu: {
        replace: function (content) {
                // Remove duplicate wrapper
                // TODO: don't send it in the response
     * Event handler for clicks on links and form submissions
     * @param object e Event data
     * @return void
    requestHandler: function (event) {
        // In some cases we don't want to handle the request here and either
        // leave the browser deal with it natively (e.g: file download)
        // or leave an existing ajax event handler present elsewhere deal with it
        var href = $(this).attr('href');
        if (typeof event != 'undefined' && (event.shiftKey || event.ctrlKey)) {
            return true;
        } else if ($(this).attr('target')) {
            return true;
        } else if ($(this).hasClass('ajax') || $(this).hasClass('disableAjax')) {
            //reset the lockedTargets object, as specified AJAX operation has finished
            return true;
        } else if (href && href.match(/^#/)) {
            return true;
        } else if (href && href.match(/^mailto/)) {
            return true;
        } else if ($(this).hasClass('ui-datepicker-next') ||
        ) {
            return true;

        if (typeof event != 'undefined') {

        //triggers a confirm dialog if:
        //the user has performed some operations on loaded page
        //the user clicks on some link, (won't trigger for buttons)
        //the click event is not triggered by script
        if (typeof event !== 'undefined' && event.type === 'click' &&
            event.isTrigger !== true &&
            !jQuery.isEmptyObject(AJAX.lockedTargets) &&
            confirm(PMA_messages.strConfirmNavigation) === false
        ) {
            return false;
        var isLink = !! href || false;
        var previousLinkAborted = false;

        if (AJAX.active === true) {
            // Cancel the old request if abortable, when the user requests
            // something else. Otherwise silently bail out, as there is already
            // a request well in progress.
            if (AJAX.xhr) {
                //In case of a link request, attempt aborting
                if(AJAX.xhr.status === 0 && AJAX.xhr.statusText === 'abort') {
                    //If aborted
                    AJAX.$msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strAbortedRequest);
                    AJAX.active = false;
                    AJAX.xhr = null;
                    previousLinkAborted = true;
                } else {
                    //If can't abort
                    return false;
            } else {
                //In case submitting a form, don't attempt aborting
                return false;

        AJAX.source = $(this);

        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'fast');

        var url = isLink ? href : $(this).attr('action');
        var params = 'ajax_request=true&ajax_page_request=true';
        if (! isLink) {
            params += '&' + $(this).serialize();
        if (! (history && history.pushState)) {
            // Add a list of menu hashes that we have in the cache to the request
            params += PMA_MicroHistory.menus.getRequestParam();

        if (AJAX._debug) {
            console.log("Loading: " + url); // no need to translate

        if (isLink) {
            AJAX.active = true;
            AJAX.$msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
            //Save reference for the new link request
            AJAX.xhr = $.get(url, params, AJAX.responseHandler);
            if (history && history.pushState) {
                var state = {
                    url : href
                if (previousLinkAborted) {
                    //hack: there is already an aborted entry on stack
                    //so just modify the aborted one
                    history.replaceState(state, null, href);
                } else {
                    history.pushState(state, null, href);
        } else {
             * Manually fire the onsubmit event for the form, if any.
             * The event was saved in the jQuery data object by an onload
             * handler defined below. Workaround for bug #3583316
            var onsubmit = $(this).data('onsubmit');
            // Submit the request if there is no onsubmit handler
            // or if it returns a value that evaluates to true
            if (typeof onsubmit !== 'function' || onsubmit.apply(this, [event])) {
                AJAX.active = true;
                AJAX.$msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
                $.post(url, params, AJAX.responseHandler);
     * Called after the request that was initiated by this.requestHandler()
     * has completed successfully or with a caught error. For completely
     * failed requests or requests with uncaught errors, see the .ajaxError
     * handler at the bottom of this file.
     * To refer to self use 'AJAX', instead of 'this' as this function
     * is called in the jQuery context.
     * @param object e Event data
     * @return void
    responseHandler: function (data) {
        if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data === null) {
        if (typeof data.success != 'undefined' && data.success) {
            $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'fast');

            if (data._redirect) {
                PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data._redirect, false);
                AJAX.active = false;
                AJAX.xhr = null;

            AJAX.scriptHandler.reset(function () {
                if (data._reloadNavigation) {
                if (data._title) {
                if (data._menu) {
                    if (history && history.pushState) {
                        var state = {
                            url : data._selflink,
                            menu : data._menu
                        history.replaceState(state, null);
                    } else {
                        PMA_MicroHistory.menus.add(data._menuHash, data._menu);
                } else if (data._menuHash) {
                    if (! (history && history.pushState)) {
                if (data._disableNaviSettings) {
                else {

                // Remove all containers that may have
                // been added outside of #page_content
                // Replace #page_content with new content
                if (data.message && data.message.length > 0) {
                        "<div id='page_content'>" + data.message + "</div>"

                if (data._selflink) {
                    var source = data._selflink.split('?')[0];
                    //Check for faulty links
                    $selflink_replace = {
                        "import.php": "tbl_sql.php",
                        "tbl_chart.php": "sql.php",
                        "tbl_gis_visualization.php": "sql.php"
                    if ($selflink_replace[source]) {
                        var replacement = $selflink_replace[source];
                        data._selflink = data._selflink.replace(source, replacement);
                    $('#selflink').find('> a').attr('href', data._selflink);
                if (data._params) {
                if (data._scripts) {
                if (data._selflink && data._scripts && data._menuHash && data._params) {
                    if (! (history && history.pushState)) {
                if (data._displayMessage) {


                var msg = '';
                    msg = data._errSubmitMsg;
                if (data._errors) {
                    $('<div/>', {id : 'pma_errors', class : 'clearfloat'})
                    // bind for php error reporting forms (bottom)
                    $("#pma_ignore_errors_bottom").bind("click", function(e) {
                    $("#pma_ignore_all_errors_bottom").bind("click", function(e) {
                    // In case of 'sendErrorReport'='always'
                    // submit the hidden error reporting form.
                    if (data._sendErrorAlways == '1' &&
                        data._stopErrorReportLoop != '1'
                    ) {
                        PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.phpErrorsBeingSubmitted, false);
                        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(document).height()}, 'slow');
                    } else if (data._promptPhpErrors) {
                        // otherwise just prompt user if it is set so.
                        msg = msg + PMA_messages.phpErrorsFound;
                        // scroll to bottom where all the errors are displayed.
                        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:$(document).height()}, 'slow');
                PMA_ajaxShowMessage(msg, false);
                // bind for php error reporting forms (popup)
                $("#pma_ignore_errors_popup").bind("click", function() {
                $("#pma_ignore_all_errors_popup").bind("click", function() {

                if (typeof AJAX._callback === 'function') {
                AJAX._callback = function () {};

        } else {
            PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
            AJAX.active = false;
            AJAX.xhr = null;
            if (data.fieldWithError) {
     * This object is in charge of downloading scripts,
     * keeping track of what's downloaded and firing
     * the onload event for them when the page is ready.
    scriptHandler: {
         * @var array _scripts The list of files already downloaded
        _scripts: [],
         * @var string _scriptsVersion version of phpMyAdmin from which the
         *                             scripts have been loaded
        _scriptsVersion: null,
         * @var array _scriptsToBeLoaded The list of files that
         *                               need to be downloaded
        _scriptsToBeLoaded: [],
         * @var array _scriptsToBeFired The list of files for which
         *                              to fire the onload event
        _scriptsToBeFired: [],
         * Records that a file has been downloaded
         * @param string file The filename
         * @param string fire Whether this file will be registering
         *                    onload/teardown events
         * @return self For chaining
        add: function (file, fire) {
            if (fire) {
                // Record whether to fire any events for the file
                // This is necessary to correctly tear down the initial page
            return this;
         * Download a list of js files in one request
         * @param array files An array of filenames and flags
         * @return void
        load: function (files, callback) {
            var self = this;
            // Clear loaded scripts if they are from another version of phpMyAdmin.
            // Depends on common params being set before loading scripts in responseHandler
            if (self._scriptsVersion === null) {
                self._scriptsVersion = PMA_commonParams.get('PMA_VERSION');
            } else if (self._scriptsVersion != PMA_commonParams.get('PMA_VERSION')) {
                self._scripts = [];
                self._scriptsVersion = PMA_commonParams.get('PMA_VERSION');
            self._scriptsToBeLoaded = [];
            self._scriptsToBeFired = [];
            for (var i in files) {
                if (files[i].fire) {
            // Generate a request string
            var request = [];
            var needRequest = false;
            for (var index in self._scriptsToBeLoaded) {
                var script = self._scriptsToBeLoaded[index];
                // Only for scripts that we don't already have
                if ($.inArray(script, self._scripts) == -1) {
                    needRequest = true;
                    request.push("scripts%5B%5D=" + script);
            request.push("v=" + encodeURIComponent(PMA_commonParams.get('PMA_VERSION')));
            // Download the composite js file, if necessary
            if (needRequest) {
                this.appendScript("js/get_scripts.js.php?" + request.join("&"));
            } else {
         * Called whenever all files are loaded
         * @return void
        done: function (callback) {
            if($.isFunction(callback)) {
            if (typeof ErrorReport !== 'undefined') {
            for (var i in this._scriptsToBeFired) {
            AJAX.active = false;
         * Appends a script element to the head to load the scripts
         * @return void
        appendScript: function (url) {
            var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
            var script = document.createElement('script');
            script.type = 'text/javascript';
            script.src = url;
            script.async = false;
         * Fires all the teardown event handlers for the current page
         * and rebinds all forms and links to the request handler
         * @param function callback The callback to call after resetting
         * @return void
        reset: function (callback) {
            for (var i in this._scriptsToBeFired) {
            this._scriptsToBeFired = [];
             * Re-attach a generic event handler to clicks
             * on pages and submissions of forms
            $(document).off('click', 'a').on('click', 'a', AJAX.requestHandler);
            $(document).off('submit', 'form').on('submit', 'form', AJAX.requestHandler);
            if (! (history && history.pushState)) {

 * Here we register a function that will remove the onsubmit event from all
 * forms that will be handled by the generic page loader. We then save this
 * event handler in the "jQuery data", so that we can fire it up later in
 * AJAX.requestHandler().
 * See bug #3583316
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    // Registering the onload event for functions.js
    // ensures that it will be fired for all pages
    $('form').not('.ajax').not('.disableAjax').each(function () {
        if ($(this).attr('onsubmit')) {
            $(this).data('onsubmit', this.onsubmit).attr('onsubmit', '');

    var $page_content = $('#page_content');
     * Workaround for passing submit button name,value on ajax form submit
     * by appending hidden element with submit button name and value.
    $page_content.on('click', 'form input[type=submit]', function() {
        var buttonName = $(this).attr('name');
        if (typeof buttonName === 'undefined') {
        $(this).closest('form').append($('<input/>', {
            'type' : 'hidden',
            'name' : buttonName,
            'value': $(this).val()

     * Attach event listener to events when user modify visible
     * Input,Textarea and select fields to make changes in forms
        'keyup change',
        'form.lock-page textarea, ' +
        'form.lock-page input[type="text"], ' +
        'form.lock-page input[type="number"], ' +
        'form.lock-page select',
        'form.lock-page input[type="checkbox"], ' +
        'form.lock-page input[type="radio"]',
     * Reset lock when lock-page form reset event is fired
     * Note: reset does not bubble in all browser so attach to
     * form directly.
    $('form.lock-page').on('reset', function(event){

 * Page load event handler
$(function () {
    var menuContent = $('<div></div>')
    if (history && history.pushState) {
        //set initial state reload
        var initState = ('state' in window.history && window.history.state !== null);
        var initURL = $('#selflink').find('> a').attr('href') || location.href;
        var state = {
            url : initURL,
            menu : menuContent
        history.replaceState(state, null);

        $(window).on('popstate', function(event) {
            var initPop = (! initState && location.href == initURL);
            initState = true;
            //check if popstate fired on first page itself
            if (initPop) {
            var state = event.originalEvent.state;
            if (state && state.menu) {
                AJAX.$msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
                var params = 'ajax_request=true&ajax_page_request=true';
                var url = state.url || location.href;
                $.get(url, params, AJAX.responseHandler);
                //TODO: Check if sometimes menu is not retrieved from server,
                // Not sure but it seems menu was missing only for printview which
                // been removed lately, so if it's right some dead menu checks/fallbacks
                // may need to be removed from this file and Header.php
    } else {
        // Fallback to microhistory mechanism
            .load([{'name' : 'microhistory.js', 'fire' : 1}], function () {
                // The cache primer is set by the footer class
                if (PMA_MicroHistory.primer.url) {
                $(function () {
                    // Queue up this event twice to make sure that we get a copy
                    // of the page after all other onload events have been fired
                    if (PMA_MicroHistory.primer.url) {

 * Attach a generic event handler to clicks
 * on pages and submissions of forms
$(document).on('click', 'a', AJAX.requestHandler);
$(document).on('submit', 'form', AJAX.requestHandler);

 * Gracefully handle fatal server errors
 * (e.g: 500 - Internal server error)
$(document).ajaxError(function (event, request, settings) {
    if (request.status !== 0) { // Don't handle aborted requests
        var errorCode = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strErrorCode, request.status);
        var errorText = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strErrorText, request.statusText);
            '<div class="error">' +
            PMA_messages.strErrorProcessingRequest +
            '<div>' + escapeHtml(errorCode) + '</div>' +
            '<div>' + escapeHtml(errorText) + '</div>' +
        AJAX.active = false;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
codemirror Folder 0755
jqplot Folder 0755
jquery Folder 0755
openlayers Folder 0755
pmd Folder 0755
tracekit Folder 0755
transformations Folder 0755
ajax.js File 28.9 KB 0644
big_ints.js File 1.88 KB 0644
chart.js File 17.84 KB 0644
common.js File 18.36 KB 0644
config.js File 25.86 KB 0644
console.js File 57.53 KB 0644
cross_framing_protection.js File 468 B 0644
db_central_columns.js File 10.63 KB 0644
db_operations.js File 5.76 KB 0644
db_qbe.js File 2.04 KB 0644
db_search.js File 8.42 KB 0644
db_structure.js File 15.42 KB 0644
db_tracking.js File 3.22 KB 0644
doclinks.js File 20.16 KB 0644
error_report.js File 9.87 KB 0644
export.js File 28.66 KB 0644
functions.js File 162.06 KB 0644
get_image.js.php File 4.65 KB 0644
get_scripts.js.php File 1.93 KB 0644
gis_data_editor.js File 14.33 KB 0644
import.js File 5.49 KB 0644
indexes.js File 26.3 KB 0644
keyhandler.js File 3.25 KB 0644
line_counts.php File 36.92 KB 0644
makegrid.js File 95.13 KB 0644
menu-resizer.js File 6.48 KB 0644
messages.php File 38.55 KB 0644
microhistory.js File 11.22 KB 0644
multi_column_sort.js File 2.83 KB 0644
navigation.js File 53.8 KB 0644
normalization.js File 26.39 KB 0644
page_settings.js File 1.66 KB 0644
replication.js File 3.03 KB 0644
rte.js File 46.45 KB 0644
server_databases.js File 4.96 KB 0644
server_plugins.js File 525 B 0644
server_privileges.js File 16.23 KB 0644
server_status_advisor.js File 3.6 KB 0644
server_status_monitor.js File 84.43 KB 0644
server_status_processes.js File 5.97 KB 0644
server_status_queries.js File 950 B 0644
server_status_sorter.js File 2.51 KB 0644
server_status_variables.js File 3.57 KB 0644
server_user_groups.js File 1.34 KB 0644
server_variables.js File 5.93 KB 0644
sprintf.js File 7.21 KB 0644
sql.js File 32.71 KB 0644
tbl_change.js File 27.8 KB 0644
tbl_chart.js File 13.61 KB 0644
tbl_find_replace.js File 1.55 KB 0644
tbl_gis_visualization.js File 10.64 KB 0644
tbl_operations.js File 12.99 KB 0644
tbl_relation.js File 8.35 KB 0644
tbl_select.js File 15.07 KB 0644
tbl_structure.js File 20.41 KB 0644
tbl_tracking.js File 3.44 KB 0644
tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js File 22.55 KB 0644
whitelist.php File 1.1 KB 0644