[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
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$(function () {

 * Holds common parameters such as server, db, table, etc
 * The content for this is normally loaded from Header.php or
 * Response.php and executed by ajax.js
var PMA_commonParams = (function () {
     * @var hash params An associative array of key value pairs
     * @access private
    var params = {};
    // The returned object is the public part of the module
    return {
         * Saves all the key value pair that
         * are provided in the input array
         * @param obj hash The input array
         * @return void
        setAll: function (obj) {
            var reload = false;
            var updateNavigation = false;
            for (var i in obj) {
                if (params[i] !== undefined && params[i] !== obj[i]) {
                    if (i == 'db' || i == 'table') {
                        updateNavigation = true;
                    reload = true;
                params[i] = obj[i];
            if (updateNavigation &&
            ) {
         * Retrieves a value given its key
         * Returns empty string for undefined values
         * @param name string The key
         * @return string
        get: function (name) {
            return params[name] || '';
         * Saves a single key value pair
         * @param name  string The key
         * @param value string The value
         * @return self For chainability
        set: function (name, value) {
            var updateNavigation = false;
            if (name == 'db' || name == 'table' &&
                params[name] !== value
            ) {
                updateNavigation = true;
            params[name] = value;
            if (updateNavigation &&
            ) {
            return this;
         * Returns the url query string using the saved parameters
         * @return string
        getUrlQuery: function () {
            return PMA_sprintf(

 * Holds common parameters such as server, db, table, etc
 * The content for this is normally loaded from Header.php or
 * Response.php and executed by ajax.js
var PMA_commonActions = {
     * Saves the database name when it's changed
     * and reloads the query window, if necessary
     * @param new_db string new_db The name of the new database
     * @return void
    setDb: function (new_db) {
        if (new_db != PMA_commonParams.get('db')) {
            PMA_commonParams.setAll({'db': new_db, 'table': ''});
     * Opens a database in the main part of the page
     * @param new_db string The name of the new database
     * @return void
    openDb: function (new_db) {
            .set('db', new_db)
            .set('table', '');
     * Refreshes the main frame
     * @param mixed url Undefined to refresh to the same page
     *                  String to go to a different page, e.g: 'index.php'
     * @return void
    refreshMain: function (url, callback) {
        if (! url) {
            url = $('#selflink').find('a').attr('href');
            url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf('?'));
        url += PMA_commonParams.getUrlQuery();
        $('<a />', {href: url})
        AJAX._callback = callback;

 * Class to handle PMA Drag and Drop Import
 *      feature
     * @var int, count of total uploads in this view
    uploadCount: 0,
     * @var int, count of live uploads
    liveUploadCount: 0,
     * @var  string array, allowed extensions
    allowedExtensions: ['sql', 'xml', 'ldi', 'mediawiki', 'shp'],
     * @var  string array, allowed extensions for compressed files
    allowedCompressedExtensions: ['gz', 'bz2', 'zip'],
     * @var obj array to store message returned by import_status.php
    importStatus: [],
     * Checks if any dropped file has valid extension or not
     * @param file filename
     * @return string, extension for valid extension, '' otherwise
    _getExtension: function(file) {
        var arr = file.split('.');
        ext = arr[arr.length - 1];

        //check if compressed
        if (jQuery.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(),
            PMA_DROP_IMPORT.allowedCompressedExtensions) !== -1) {
            ext = arr[arr.length - 2];

        //Now check for extension
        if (jQuery.inArray(ext.toLowerCase(),
            PMA_DROP_IMPORT.allowedExtensions) !== -1) {
            return ext;
        return '';
     * Shows upload progress for different sql uploads
     * @param: hash (string), hash for specific file upload
     * @param: percent (float), file upload percentage
     * @return void
    _setProgress: function(hash, percent) {
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' +hash +'"]')
     * Function to upload the file asynchronously
     * @param formData FormData object for a specific file
     * @param hash hash of the current file upload
     * @return void
    _sendFileToServer: function(formData, hash) {
        var uploadURL ="./import.php"; //Upload URL
        var extraData ={};
        var jqXHR = $.ajax({
            xhr: function() {
                var xhrobj = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
                if (xhrobj.upload) {
                    xhrobj.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(event) {
                        var percent = 0;
                        var position = event.loaded || event.position;
                        var total = event.total;
                        if (event.lengthComputable) {
                            percent = Math.ceil(position / total * 100);
                        //Set progress
                        PMA_DROP_IMPORT._setProgress(hash, percent);
                    }, false);
                return xhrobj;
            url: uploadURL,
            type: "POST",
            processData: false,
            cache: false,
            data: formData,
            success: function(data){
                PMA_DROP_IMPORT._importFinished(hash, false, data.success);
                if (!data.success) {
                    PMA_DROP_IMPORT.importStatus[PMA_DROP_IMPORT.importStatus.length] = {
                        hash: hash,
                        message: data.error

        // -- provide link to cancel the upload
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash +
            '"] span.filesize').html('<span hash="' +
            hash + '" class="pma_drop_file_status" task="cancel">' +
            PMA_messages.dropImportMessageCancel + '</span>');

        // -- add event listener to this link to abort upload operation
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash +
            '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status')
            .on('click', function() {
                if ($(this).attr('task') === 'cancel') {
                    $(this).html('<span>' +PMA_messages.dropImportMessageAborted +'</span>');
                    PMA_DROP_IMPORT._importFinished(hash, true, false);
                } else if ($(this).children("span").html() ===
                    PMA_messages.dropImportMessageFailed) {
                    // -- view information
                    var $this = $(this);
                    $.each( PMA_DROP_IMPORT.importStatus,
                    function( key, value ) {
                        if (value.hash === hash) {
                            var filename = $this.parent('span').attr('data-filename');
                            $("body").append('<div class="pma_drop_result"><h2>' +
                                PMA_messages.dropImportImportResultHeader + ' - ' +
                                filename +'<span class="close">x</span></h2>' +value.message +'</div>');
                            $(".pma_drop_result").draggable();  //to make this dialog draggable
     * Triggered when an object is dragged into the PMA UI
     * @param event obj
     * @return void
    _dragenter : function (event) {

        // We don't want to prevent users from using
        // browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
        if ($(".noDragDrop").length !== 0) {

        if (!PMA_DROP_IMPORT._hasFiles(event)) {
        if (PMA_commonParams.get('db') === '') {
        } else {
     * Check if dragged element contains Files
     * @param event the event object
     * @return bool
    _hasFiles: function (event) {
        return !(typeof event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types === 'undefined' ||
            $.inArray('Files', event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.types) < 0 ||
            ) >= 0);
     * Triggered when dragged file is being dragged over PMA UI
     * @param event obj
     * @return void
    _dragover: function (event) {
        // We don't want to prevent users from using
        // browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
        if ($(".noDragDrop").length !== 0) {

        if (!PMA_DROP_IMPORT._hasFiles(event)) {
     * Triggered when dragged objects are left
     * @param event obj
     * @return void
    _dragleave: function (event) {
        // We don't want to prevent users from using
        // browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
        if ($(".noDragDrop").length !== 0) {
        var $pma_drop_handler = $(".pma_drop_handler");
     * Called when upload has finished
     * @param string, unique hash for a certain upload
     * @param bool, true if upload was aborted
     * @param bool, status of sql upload, as sent by server
     * @return void
    _importFinished: function(hash, aborted, status) {
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' +hash +'"]')
        var icon = 'icon ic_s_success';
        // -- provide link to view upload status
        if (!aborted) {
            if (status) {
                $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash +
                   '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status')
                   .html('<span>' +PMA_messages.dropImportMessageSuccess +'</a>');
            } else {
                $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash +
                   '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status')
                   .html('<span class="underline">' + PMA_messages.dropImportMessageFailed +
                icon = 'icon ic_s_error';
        } else {
            icon = 'icon ic_s_notice';
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' + hash +
            '"] span.filesize span.pma_drop_file_status')
            .attr('task', 'info');

        // Set icon
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' +hash +'"]')
            .prepend('<img src="./themes/dot.gif" title="finished" class="' +
            icon +'"> ');

        // Decrease liveUploadCount by one
        if (!PMA_DROP_IMPORT.liveUploadCount) {
            $('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeIn();
     * Triggered when dragged objects are dropped to UI
     * From this function, the AJAX Upload operation is initiated
     * @param event object
     * @return void
    _drop: function (event) {
        // We don't want to prevent users from using
        // browser's default drag-drop feature on some page(s)
        if ($(".noDragDrop").length !== 0) {

        var dbname = PMA_commonParams.get('db');
        var server = PMA_commonParams.get('server');

        //if no database is selected -- no
        if (dbname !== '') {
            var files = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files;
            if (!files || files.length === 0) {
                // No files actually transferred
            for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
                var ext  = (PMA_DROP_IMPORT._getExtension(files[i].name));
                var hash = AJAX.hash(++PMA_DROP_IMPORT.uploadCount);

                var $pma_sql_import_status_div = $(".pma_sql_import_status div");
                $pma_sql_import_status_div.append('<li data-hash="' +hash +'">' +
                    ((ext !== '') ? '' : '<img src="./themes/dot.gif" title="invalid format" class="icon ic_s_notice"> ') +
                    escapeHtml(files[i].name) + '<span class="filesize" data-filename="' +
                    escapeHtml(files[i].name) +'">' +(files[i].size/1024).toFixed(2) +
                    ' kb</span></li>');

                //scroll the UI to bottom
                    $pma_sql_import_status_div.scrollTop() + 50
                );  //50 hardcoded for now

                if (ext !== '') {
                    // Increment liveUploadCount by one
                    $('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeOut();

                    $('.pma_sql_import_status div li[data-hash="' +hash +'"]')
                        .append('<br><progress max="100" value="2"></progress>');

                    var fd = new FormData();
                    fd.append('import_file', files[i]);
                    fd.append('noplugin', Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 12));
                    fd.append('db', dbname);
                    fd.append('server', server);
                    fd.append('token', PMA_commonParams.get('token'));
                    fd.append('import_type', 'database');
                    // todo: method to find the value below
                    fd.append('MAX_FILE_SIZE', '4194304');
                    // todo: method to find the value below
                    // todo: method to find the value below
                    fd.append('allow_interrupt', 'yes');
                    fd.append('skip_queries', '0');
                    fd.append('hash', hash);

                    // init uploading
                    PMA_DROP_IMPORT._sendFileToServer(fd, hash);
                } else if (!PMA_DROP_IMPORT.liveUploadCount) {
                    $('.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close').fadeIn();

 * Called when some user drags, dragover, leave
 *       a file to the PMA UI
 * @param object Event data
 * @return void
$(document).on('dragenter', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragenter);
$(document).on('dragover', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragover);
$(document).on('dragleave', '.pma_drop_handler', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._dragleave);

//when file is dropped to PMA UI
$(document).on('drop', 'body', PMA_DROP_IMPORT._drop);

// minimizing-maximising the sql ajax upload status
$(document).on('click', '.pma_sql_import_status h2 .minimize', function() {
    if ($(this).attr('toggle') === 'off') {
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div').css('height','270px');
        $(this).html('-');  // to minimize
    } else {
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div').css("height","0px");
        $(this).html('+');  // to maximise

// closing sql ajax upload status
$(document).on('click', '.pma_sql_import_status h2 .close', function() {
    $('.pma_sql_import_status').fadeOut(function() {
        $('.pma_sql_import_status div').html('');
        PMA_DROP_IMPORT.importStatus = [];  //clear the message array

// Closing the import result box
$(document).on('click', '.pma_drop_result h2 .close', function(){


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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cross_framing_protection.js File 468 B 0644
db_central_columns.js File 10.63 KB 0644
db_operations.js File 5.76 KB 0644
db_qbe.js File 2.04 KB 0644
db_search.js File 8.42 KB 0644
db_structure.js File 15.42 KB 0644
db_tracking.js File 3.22 KB 0644
doclinks.js File 20.16 KB 0644
error_report.js File 9.87 KB 0644
export.js File 28.66 KB 0644
functions.js File 162.06 KB 0644
get_image.js.php File 4.65 KB 0644
get_scripts.js.php File 1.93 KB 0644
gis_data_editor.js File 14.33 KB 0644
import.js File 5.49 KB 0644
indexes.js File 26.3 KB 0644
keyhandler.js File 3.25 KB 0644
line_counts.php File 36.92 KB 0644
makegrid.js File 95.13 KB 0644
menu-resizer.js File 6.48 KB 0644
messages.php File 38.55 KB 0644
microhistory.js File 11.22 KB 0644
multi_column_sort.js File 2.83 KB 0644
navigation.js File 53.8 KB 0644
normalization.js File 26.39 KB 0644
page_settings.js File 1.66 KB 0644
replication.js File 3.03 KB 0644
rte.js File 46.45 KB 0644
server_databases.js File 4.96 KB 0644
server_plugins.js File 525 B 0644
server_privileges.js File 16.23 KB 0644
server_status_advisor.js File 3.6 KB 0644
server_status_monitor.js File 84.43 KB 0644
server_status_processes.js File 5.97 KB 0644
server_status_queries.js File 950 B 0644
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server_status_variables.js File 3.57 KB 0644
server_user_groups.js File 1.34 KB 0644
server_variables.js File 5.93 KB 0644
sprintf.js File 7.21 KB 0644
sql.js File 32.71 KB 0644
tbl_change.js File 27.8 KB 0644
tbl_chart.js File 13.61 KB 0644
tbl_find_replace.js File 1.55 KB 0644
tbl_gis_visualization.js File 10.64 KB 0644
tbl_operations.js File 12.99 KB 0644
tbl_relation.js File 8.35 KB 0644
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tbl_structure.js File 20.41 KB 0644
tbl_tracking.js File 3.44 KB 0644
tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js File 22.55 KB 0644
whitelist.php File 1.1 KB 0644