[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * general function, usually for data manipulation pages

 * @var sql_box_locked lock for the sqlbox textarea in the querybox
var sql_box_locked = false;

 * @var array holds elements which content should only selected once
var only_once_elements = [];

 * @var   int   ajax_message_count   Number of AJAX messages shown since page load
var ajax_message_count = 0;

 * @var codemirror_editor object containing CodeMirror editor of the query editor in SQL tab
var codemirror_editor = false;

 * @var codemirror_editor object containing CodeMirror editor of the inline query editor
var codemirror_inline_editor = false;

 * @var sql_autocomplete_in_progress bool shows if Table/Column name autocomplete AJAX is in progress
var sql_autocomplete_in_progress = false;

 * @var sql_autocomplete object containing list of columns in each table
var sql_autocomplete = false;

 * @var sql_autocomplete_default_table string containing default table to autocomplete columns
var sql_autocomplete_default_table = '';

 * @var central_column_list array to hold the columns in central list per db.
var central_column_list = [];

 * @var primary_indexes array to hold 'Primary' index columns.
var primary_indexes = [];

 * @var unique_indexes array to hold 'Unique' index columns.
var unique_indexes = [];

 * @var indexes array to hold 'Index' columns.
var indexes = [];

 * @var fulltext_indexes array to hold 'Fulltext' columns.
var fulltext_indexes = [];

 * @var spatial_indexes array to hold 'Spatial' columns.
var spatial_indexes = [];

 * Make sure that ajax requests will not be cached
 * by appending a random variable to their parameters
$.ajaxPrefilter(function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR) {
    var nocache = new Date().getTime() + "" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
    if (typeof options.data == "string") {
        options.data += "&_nocache=" + nocache;
    } else if (typeof options.data == "object") {
        options.data = $.extend(originalOptions.data, {'_nocache' : nocache});

 * Adds a date/time picker to an element
 * @param object  $this_element   a jQuery object pointing to the element
function PMA_addDatepicker($this_element, type, options)
    var showTimepicker = true;
    if (type=="date") {
        showTimepicker = false;

    var defaultOptions = {
        showOn: 'button',
        buttonImage: themeCalendarImage, // defined in js/messages.php
        buttonImageOnly: true,
        stepMinutes: 1,
        stepHours: 1,
        showSecond: true,
        showMillisec: true,
        showMicrosec: true,
        showTimepicker: showTimepicker,
        showButtonPanel: false,
        dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd', // yy means year with four digits
        timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss.lc',
        constrainInput: false,
        altFieldTimeOnly: false,
        showAnim: '',
        beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
            // Remember that we came from the datepicker; this is used
            // in tbl_change.js by verificationsAfterFieldChange()
            $this_element.data('comes_from', 'datepicker');
            if ($(input).closest('.cEdit').length > 0) {
                setTimeout(function () {
                        top: 0,
                        left: 0,
                        position: 'relative'
                }, 0);
            // Fix wrong timepicker z-index, doesn't work without timeout
            setTimeout(function () {
                $('#ui-timepicker-div').css('z-index', $('#ui-datepicker-div').css('z-index'));
            }, 0);
        onSelect: function() {
            $this_element.data('datepicker').inline = true;
        onClose: function (dateText, dp_inst) {
            // The value is no more from the date picker
            $this_element.data('comes_from', '');
            if (typeof $this_element.data('datepicker') !== 'undefined') {
                $this_element.data('datepicker').inline = false;
    if (type == "datetime" || type == "timestamp") {
        $this_element.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
    else if (type == "date") {
        $this_element.datetimepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
    else if (type == "time") {
        $this_element.timepicker($.extend(defaultOptions, options));
        // Add a tip regarding entering MySQL allowed-values for TIME data-type
        PMA_tooltip($this_element, 'input', PMA_messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTip);

 * Add a date/time picker to each element that needs it
 * (only when jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js is loaded)
function addDateTimePicker() {
    if ($.timepicker !== undefined) {
        $('input.timefield, input.datefield, input.datetimefield').each(function () {

            var decimals = $(this).parent().attr('data-decimals');
            var type = $(this).parent().attr('data-type');

            var showMillisec = false;
            var showMicrosec = false;
            var timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss';
            // check for decimal places of seconds
            if (decimals > 0 && type.indexOf('time') != -1){
                if (decimals > 3) {
                    showMillisec = true;
                    showMicrosec = true;
                    timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss.lc';
                } else {
                    showMillisec = true;
                    timeFormat = 'HH:mm:ss.l';
            PMA_addDatepicker($(this), type, {
                showMillisec: showMillisec,
                showMicrosec: showMicrosec,
                timeFormat: timeFormat

            // Add a tip regarding entering MySQL allowed-values
            // for TIME and DATE data-type
            if ($(this).hasClass('timefield')) {
                PMA_tooltip($(this), 'input', PMA_messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTipTime);
            } else if ($(this).hasClass('datefield')) {
                PMA_tooltip($(this), 'input', PMA_messages.strMysqlAllowedValuesTipDate);

 * Handle redirect and reload flags sent as part of AJAX requests
 * @param data ajax response data
function PMA_handleRedirectAndReload(data) {
    if (parseInt(data.redirect_flag) == 1) {
        // add one more GET param to display session expiry msg
        if (window.location.href.indexOf('?') === -1) {
            window.location.href += '?session_expired=1';
        } else {
            window.location.href += '&session_expired=1';
    } else if (parseInt(data.reload_flag) == 1) {
        // remove the token param and reload
        window.location.href = window.location.href.replace(/&?token=[^&#]*/g, "");

 * Creates an SQL editor which supports auto completing etc.
 * @param $textarea   jQuery object wrapping the textarea to be made the editor
 * @param options     optional options for CodeMirror
 * @param resize      optional resizing ('vertical', 'horizontal', 'both')
 * @param lintOptions additional options for lint
function PMA_getSQLEditor($textarea, options, resize, lintOptions) {
    if ($textarea.length > 0 && typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {

        // merge options for CodeMirror
        var defaults = {
            lineNumbers: true,
            matchBrackets: true,
            extraKeys: {"Ctrl-Space": "autocomplete"},
            hintOptions: {"completeSingle": false, "completeOnSingleClick": true},
            indentUnit: 4,
            mode: "text/x-mysql",
            lineWrapping: true

        if (CodeMirror.sqlLint) {
            $.extend(defaults, {
                gutters: ["CodeMirror-lint-markers"],
                lint: {
                    "getAnnotations": CodeMirror.sqlLint,
                    "async": true,
                    "lintOptions": lintOptions

        $.extend(true, defaults, options);

        // create CodeMirror editor
        var codemirrorEditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($textarea[0], defaults);
        // allow resizing
        if (! resize) {
            resize = 'vertical';
        var handles = '';
        if (resize == 'vertical') {
            handles = 's';
        if (resize == 'both') {
            handles = 'all';
        if (resize == 'horizontal') {
            handles = 'e, w';
            .css('resize', resize)
                handles: handles,
                resize: function() {
                    codemirrorEditor.setSize($(this).width(), $(this).height());
        // enable autocomplete
        codemirrorEditor.on("inputRead", codemirrorAutocompleteOnInputRead);

        return codemirrorEditor;
    return null;

 * Clear text selection
function PMA_clearSelection() {
    if (document.selection && document.selection.empty) {
    } else if (window.getSelection) {
        var sel = window.getSelection();
        if (sel.empty) {
        if (sel.removeAllRanges) {

 * Create a jQuery UI tooltip
 * @param $elements     jQuery object representing the elements
 * @param item          the item
 *                      (see https://api.jqueryui.com/tooltip/#option-items)
 * @param myContent     content of the tooltip
 * @param additionalOptions to override the default options
function PMA_tooltip($elements, item, myContent, additionalOptions)
    if ($('#no_hint').length > 0) {

    var defaultOptions = {
        content: myContent,
        items:  item,
        tooltipClass: "tooltip",
        track: true,
        show: false,
        hide: false

    $elements.tooltip($.extend(true, defaultOptions, additionalOptions));

 * HTML escaping

function escapeHtml(unsafe) {
    if (typeof(unsafe) != 'undefined') {
        return unsafe
            .replace(/&/g, "&")
            .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
            .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
            .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
            .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
    } else {
        return false;

function escapeJsString(unsafe) {
    if (typeof(unsafe) != 'undefined') {
        return unsafe
            .replace("\000", '')
            .replace('\\', '\\\\')
            .replace('\'', '\\\'')
            .replace("&#039;", "\\\&#039;")
            .replace('"', '\"')
            .replace("&quot;", "\&quot;")
            .replace("\n", '\n')
            .replace("\r", '\r')
            .replace(/<\/script/gi, '</\' + \'script')
    } else {
        return false;

function PMA_sprintf() {
    return sprintf.apply(this, arguments);

 * Hides/shows the default value input field, depending on the default type
 * Ticks the NULL checkbox if NULL is chosen as default value.
function PMA_hideShowDefaultValue($default_type)
    if ($default_type.val() == 'USER_DEFINED') {
    } else {
        if ($default_type.val() == 'NULL') {
            var $null_checkbox = $default_type.closest('tr').find('.allow_null');
            $null_checkbox.prop('checked', true);

 * Hides/shows the input field for column expression based on whether
 * @param $virtuality virtuality dropdown
function PMA_hideShowExpression($virtuality)
    if ($virtuality.val() === '') {
    } else {

 * Show notices for ENUM columns; add/hide the default value
function PMA_verifyColumnsProperties()
    $("select.column_type").each(function () {
    $("select.default_type").each(function () {
    $('select.virtuality').each(function () {

 * Add a hidden field to the form to indicate that this will be an
 * Ajax request (only if this hidden field does not exist)
 * @param $form object   the form
function PMA_prepareForAjaxRequest($form)
    if (! $form.find('input:hidden').is('#ajax_request_hidden')) {
        $form.append('<input type="hidden" id="ajax_request_hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true" />');

 * Generate a new password and copy it to the password input areas
 * @param passwd_form object   the form that holds the password fields
 * @return boolean  always true
function suggestPassword(passwd_form)
    // restrict the password to just letters and numbers to avoid problems:
    // "editors and viewers regard the password as multiple words and
    // things like double click no longer work"
    var pwchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ";
    var passwordlength = 16;    // do we want that to be dynamic?  no, keep it simple :)
    var passwd = passwd_form.generated_pw;
    var randomWords = new Int32Array(passwordlength);

    passwd.value = '';

    // First we're going to try to use a built-in CSPRNG
    if (window.crypto && window.crypto.getRandomValues) {
    // Because of course IE calls it msCrypto instead of being standard
    else if (window.msCrypto && window.msCrypto.getRandomValues) {
    } else {
        // Fallback to Math.random
        for (var i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++) {
            randomWords[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * pwchars.length);

    for (var i = 0; i < passwordlength; i++) {
        passwd.value += pwchars.charAt(Math.abs(randomWords[i]) % pwchars.length);

    passwd_form.text_pma_pw.value = passwd.value;
    passwd_form.text_pma_pw2.value = passwd.value;
    return true;

 * Version string to integer conversion.
function parseVersionString(str)
    if (typeof(str) != 'string') { return false; }
    var add = 0;
    // Parse possible alpha/beta/rc/
    var state = str.split('-');
    if (state.length >= 2) {
        if (state[1].substr(0, 2) == 'rc') {
            add = - 20 - parseInt(state[1].substr(2), 10);
        } else if (state[1].substr(0, 4) == 'beta') {
            add =  - 40 - parseInt(state[1].substr(4), 10);
        } else if (state[1].substr(0, 5) == 'alpha') {
            add =  - 60 - parseInt(state[1].substr(5), 10);
        } else if (state[1].substr(0, 3) == 'dev') {
            /* We don't handle dev, it's git snapshot */
            add = 0;
    // Parse version
    var x = str.split('.');
    // Use 0 for non existing parts
    var maj = parseInt(x[0], 10) || 0;
    var min = parseInt(x[1], 10) || 0;
    var pat = parseInt(x[2], 10) || 0;
    var hotfix = parseInt(x[3], 10) || 0;
    return  maj * 100000000 + min * 1000000 + pat * 10000 + hotfix * 100 + add;

 * Indicates current available version on main page.
function PMA_current_version(data)
    if (data && data.version && data.date) {
        var current = parseVersionString($('span.version').text());
        var latest = parseVersionString(data.version);
        var url = 'https://web.phpmyadmin.net/files/' + escapeHtml(encodeURIComponent(data.version)) + '/';
        var version_information_message = '<span class="latest">' +
            PMA_messages.strLatestAvailable +
            ' <a href="' + url + '" class="disableAjax">' + escapeHtml(data.version) + '</a>' +
        if (latest > current) {
            var message = PMA_sprintf(
            var htmlClass = 'notice';
            if (Math.floor(latest / 10000) === Math.floor(current / 10000)) {
                /* Security update */
                htmlClass = 'error';
            $('#maincontainer').after('<div id="newer_version_notice" class="' + htmlClass + '"><a href="' + url + '" class="disableAjax">' + message + '</a></div>');
        if (latest === current) {
            version_information_message = ' (' + PMA_messages.strUpToDate + ')';
        var $liPmaVersion = $('#li_pma_version');

 * Loads Git revision data from ajax for index.php
function PMA_display_git_revision()
            "server": PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
            "token": PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
            "git_revision": true,
            "ajax_request": true,
            "no_debug": true
        function (data) {
            if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {

 * for libraries/display_change_password.lib.php
 *     libraries/user_password.php

function displayPasswordGenerateButton()
    $('#tr_element_before_generate_password').parent().append('<tr class="vmiddle"><td>' + PMA_messages.strGeneratePassword + '</td><td><input type="button" class="button" id="button_generate_password" value="' + PMA_messages.strGenerate + '" onclick="suggestPassword(this.form)" /><input type="text" name="generated_pw" id="generated_pw" /></td></tr>');
    $('#div_element_before_generate_password').parent().append('<div class="item"><label for="button_generate_password">' + PMA_messages.strGeneratePassword + ':</label><span class="options"><input type="button" class="button" id="button_generate_password" value="' + PMA_messages.strGenerate + '" onclick="suggestPassword(this.form)" /></span><input type="text" name="generated_pw" id="generated_pw" /></div>');

 * selects the content of a given object, f.e. a textarea
 * @param element     object  element of which the content will be selected
 * @param lock        var     variable which holds the lock for this element
 *                              or true, if no lock exists
 * @param only_once   boolean if true this is only done once
 *                              f.e. only on first focus
function selectContent(element, lock, only_once)
    if (only_once && only_once_elements[element.name]) {

    only_once_elements[element.name] = true;

    if (lock) {


 * Displays a confirmation box before submitting a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query.
 * This function is called while clicking links
 * @param theLink     object the link
 * @param theSqlQuery object the sql query to submit
 * @return boolean  whether to run the query or not
function confirmLink(theLink, theSqlQuery)
    // Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
    // or browser is Opera (crappy js implementation)
    if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '' || typeof(window.opera) != 'undefined') {
        return true;

    var is_confirmed = confirm(PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, theSqlQuery));
    if (is_confirmed) {
        if ($(theLink).hasClass('formLinkSubmit')) {
            var name = 'is_js_confirmed';

            if ($(theLink).attr('href').indexOf('usesubform') != -1) {
                var matches = $(theLink).attr('href').substr('#').match(/usesubform\[(\d+)\]/i);
                if (matches != null) {
                    name = 'subform[' + matches[1] + '][is_js_confirmed]';

            $(theLink).parents('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="' + name + '" value="1" />');
        } else if (typeof(theLink.href) != 'undefined') {
            theLink.href += '&is_js_confirmed=1';
        } else if (typeof(theLink.form) != 'undefined') {
            theLink.form.action += '?is_js_confirmed=1';

    return is_confirmed;
} // end of the 'confirmLink()' function

 * Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" query before
 * submitting it if required.
 * This function is called by the 'checkSqlQuery()' js function.
 * @param theForm1 object   the form
 * @param sqlQuery1 object  the sql query textarea
 * @return boolean  whether to run the query or not
 * @see     checkSqlQuery()
function confirmQuery(theForm1, sqlQuery1)
    // Confirmation is not required in the configuration file
    if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '') {
        return true;

    // Confirms a "DROP/DELETE/ALTER/TRUNCATE" statement
    // TODO: find a way (if possible) to use the parser-analyser
    // for this kind of verification
    // For now, I just added a ^ to check for the statement at
    // beginning of expression

    var do_confirm_re_0 = new RegExp('^\\s*DROP\\s+(IF EXISTS\\s+)?(TABLE|PROCEDURE)\\s', 'i');
    var do_confirm_re_1 = new RegExp('^\\s*ALTER\\s+TABLE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+DROP\\s', 'i');
    var do_confirm_re_2 = new RegExp('^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i');
    var do_confirm_re_3 = new RegExp('^\\s*TRUNCATE\\s', 'i');

    if (do_confirm_re_0.test(sqlQuery1.value) ||
        do_confirm_re_1.test(sqlQuery1.value) ||
        do_confirm_re_2.test(sqlQuery1.value) ||
        do_confirm_re_3.test(sqlQuery1.value)) {
        var message;
        if (sqlQuery1.value.length > 100) {
            message = sqlQuery1.value.substr(0, 100) + '\n    ...';
        } else {
            message = sqlQuery1.value;
        var is_confirmed = confirm(PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, message));
        // statement is confirmed -> update the
        // "is_js_confirmed" form field so the confirm test won't be
        // run on the server side and allows to submit the form
        if (is_confirmed) {
            theForm1.elements.is_js_confirmed.value = 1;
            return true;
        // statement is rejected -> do not submit the form
        else {
            return false;
        } // end if (handle confirm box result)
    } // end if (display confirm box)

    return true;
} // end of the 'confirmQuery()' function

 * Displays an error message if the user submitted the sql query form with no
 * sql query, else checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
 * @param theForm object the form
 * @return boolean  always false
 * @see     confirmQuery()
function checkSqlQuery(theForm)
    // get the textarea element containing the query
    var sqlQuery;
    if (codemirror_editor) {
        sqlQuery = codemirror_editor.getValue();
    } else {
        sqlQuery = theForm.elements.sql_query.value;
    var isEmpty  = 1;
    var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+');
    if (typeof(theForm.elements.sql_file) != 'undefined' &&
            theForm.elements.sql_file.value.replace(space_re, '') !== '') {
        return true;
    if (isEmpty && typeof(theForm.elements.id_bookmark) != 'undefined' &&
            (theForm.elements.id_bookmark.value !== null || theForm.elements.id_bookmark.value !== '') &&
            theForm.elements.id_bookmark.selectedIndex !== 0) {
        return true;
    // Checks for "DROP/DELETE/ALTER" statements
    if (sqlQuery.replace(space_re, '') !== '') {
        return confirmQuery(theForm, sqlQuery);
    isEmpty = 1;

    if (isEmpty) {
        return false;

    return true;
} // end of the 'checkSqlQuery()' function

 * Check if a form's element is empty.
 * An element containing only spaces is also considered empty
 * @param object   the form
 * @param string   the name of the form field to put the focus on
 * @return boolean  whether the form field is empty or not
function emptyCheckTheField(theForm, theFieldName)
    var theField = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
    var space_re = new RegExp('\\s+');
    return theField.value.replace(space_re, '') === '';
} // end of the 'emptyCheckTheField()' function

 * Ensures a value submitted in a form is numeric and is in a range
 * @param object   the form
 * @param string   the name of the form field to check
 * @param integer  the minimum authorized value
 * @param integer  the maximum authorized value
 * @return boolean  whether a valid number has been submitted or not
function checkFormElementInRange(theForm, theFieldName, message, min, max)
    var theField         = theForm.elements[theFieldName];
    var val              = parseInt(theField.value, 10);

    if (typeof(min) == 'undefined') {
        min = 0;
    if (typeof(max) == 'undefined') {
        max = Number.MAX_VALUE;

    // It's not a number
    if (isNaN(val)) {
        return false;
    // It's a number but it is not between min and max
    else if (val < min || val > max) {
        alert(PMA_sprintf(message, val));
        return false;
    // It's a valid number
    else {
        theField.value = val;
    return true;

} // end of the 'checkFormElementInRange()' function

function checkTableEditForm(theForm, fieldsCnt)
    // TODO: avoid sending a message if user just wants to add a line
    // on the form but has not completed at least one field name

    var atLeastOneField = 0;
    var i, elm, elm2, elm3, val, id;

    for (i = 0; i < fieldsCnt; i++) {
        id = "#field_" + i + "_2";
        elm = $(id);
        val = elm.val();
        if (val == 'VARCHAR' || val == 'CHAR' || val == 'BIT' || val == 'VARBINARY' || val == 'BINARY') {
            elm2 = $("#field_" + i + "_3");
            val = parseInt(elm2.val(), 10);
            elm3 = $("#field_" + i + "_1");
            if (isNaN(val) && elm3.val() !== "") {
                return false;

        if (atLeastOneField === 0) {
            id = "field_" + i + "_1";
            if (!emptyCheckTheField(theForm, id)) {
                atLeastOneField = 1;
    if (atLeastOneField === 0) {
        var theField = theForm.elements.field_0_1;
        return false;

    // at least this section is under jQuery
    var $input = $("input.textfield[name='table']");
    if ($input.val() === "") {
        return false;

    return true;
} // enf of the 'checkTableEditForm()' function

 * True if last click is to check a row.
var last_click_checked = false;

 * Zero-based index of last clicked row.
 * Used to handle the shift + click event in the code above.
var last_clicked_row = -1;

 * Zero-based index of last shift clicked row.
var last_shift_clicked_row = -1;

var _idleSecondsCounter = 0;
var IncInterval;
var updateTimeout;
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    document.onclick = function() {
        _idleSecondsCounter = 0;
    $(document).on('mousemove',function() {
        _idleSecondsCounter = 0;
    document.onkeypress = function() {
        _idleSecondsCounter = 0;

    function SetIdleTime() {
    function UpdateIdleTime() {
        var href = 'index.php';
        var params = {
                'ajax_request' : true,
                'token' : PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
                'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
                'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'),
                type: 'POST',
                url: href,
                data: params,
                success: function (data) {
                    if (data.success) {
                        var remaining = PMA_commonParams.get('LoginCookieValidity') - _idleSecondsCounter;
                        if (remaining > 5) {
                            // max value for setInterval() function
                            var interval = Math.min(remaining * 1000, Math.pow(2, 31) - 1);
                            updateTimeout = window.setTimeout(UpdateIdleTime, interval);
                        } else if (remaining > 0) {
                            // We're close to session expiry
                            updateTimeout = window.setTimeout(UpdateIdleTime, 2000);
                    } else { //timeout occurred
    if (PMA_commonParams.get('logged_in') && PMA_commonParams.get('auth_type') == 'cookie') {
        IncInterval = window.setInterval(SetIdleTime, 1000);
        var interval = (PMA_commonParams.get('LoginCookieValidity') - 5) * 1000;
        if (interval > Math.pow(2, 31) - 1) { // max value for setInterval() function
            interval = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1;
        updateTimeout = window.setTimeout(UpdateIdleTime, interval);
 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', 'input:checkbox.checkall');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Row marking in horizontal mode (use "on" so that it works also for
     * next pages reached via AJAX); a tr may have the class noclick to remove
     * this behavior.

    $(document).on('click', 'input:checkbox.checkall', function (e) {
        $this = $(this);
        var $tr = $this.closest('tr');
        var $table = $this.closest('table');

        if (!e.shiftKey || last_clicked_row == -1) {
            // usual click

            var $checkbox = $tr.find(':checkbox.checkall');
            var checked = $this.prop('checked');
            $checkbox.prop('checked', checked).trigger('change');
            if (checked) {
            } else {
            last_click_checked = checked;

            // remember the last clicked row
            last_clicked_row = last_click_checked ? $table.find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)').index($tr) : -1;
            last_shift_clicked_row = -1;
        } else {
            // handle the shift click
            var start, end;

            // clear last shift click result
            if (last_shift_clicked_row >= 0) {
                if (last_shift_clicked_row >= last_clicked_row) {
                    start = last_clicked_row;
                    end = last_shift_clicked_row;
                } else {
                    start = last_shift_clicked_row;
                    end = last_clicked_row;
                $tr.parent().find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)')
                    .slice(start, end + 1)
                    .prop('checked', false)

            // handle new shift click
            var curr_row = $table.find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)').index($tr);
            if (curr_row >= last_clicked_row) {
                start = last_clicked_row;
                end = curr_row;
            } else {
                start = curr_row;
                end = last_clicked_row;
            $tr.parent().find('tr.odd:not(.noclick), tr.even:not(.noclick)')
                .slice(start, end + 1)
                .prop('checked', true)

            // remember the last shift clicked row
            last_shift_clicked_row = curr_row;


     * Add attribute to text boxes for iOS devices (based on bugID: 3508912)
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/i)) {
        $('input[type=text]').attr('autocapitalize', 'off').attr('autocorrect', 'off');

 * Row highlighting in horizontal mode (use "on"
 * so that it works also for pages reached via AJAX)
/*AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).on('hover', 'tr.odd, tr.even',function (event) {
        var $tr = $(this);

 * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element
 * the given element is usually a table or a div containing the table or tables
 * @param container    DOM element
function markAllRows(container_id)

    $("#" + container_id).find("input:checkbox:enabled").prop('checked', true)
    return true;

 * marks all rows and selects its first checkbox inside the given element
 * the given element is usually a table or a div containing the table or tables
 * @param container    DOM element
function unMarkAllRows(container_id)

    $("#" + container_id).find("input:checkbox:enabled").prop('checked', false)
    return true;

  * Checks/unchecks all options of a <select> element
  * @param string   the form name
  * @param string   the element name
  * @param boolean  whether to check or to uncheck options
  * @return boolean  always true
function setSelectOptions(the_form, the_select, do_check)
    $("form[name='" + the_form + "'] select[name='" + the_select + "']").find("option").prop('selected', do_check);
    return true;
} // end of the 'setSelectOptions()' function

 * Sets current value for query box.
function setQuery(query)
    if (codemirror_editor) {
    } else {
        document.sqlform.sql_query.value = query;

 * Handles 'Simulate query' button on SQL query box.
 * @return void
function PMA_handleSimulateQueryButton()
    var update_re = new RegExp('^\\s*UPDATE\\s+((`[^`]+`)|([A-Za-z0-9_$]+))\\s+SET\\s', 'i');
    var delete_re = new RegExp('^\\s*DELETE\\s+FROM\\s', 'i');
    var query = '';

    if (codemirror_editor) {
        query = codemirror_editor.getValue();
    } else {
        query = $('#sqlquery').val();

    var $simulateDml = $('#simulate_dml');
    if (update_re.test(query) || delete_re.test(query)) {
        if (! $simulateDml.length) {
            .before('<input type="button" id="simulate_dml"' +
                'tabindex="199" value="' +
                PMA_messages.strSimulateDML +
                '" />');
    } else {
        if ($simulateDml.length) {

  * Create quick sql statements.
function insertQuery(queryType)
    if (queryType == "clear") {
    } else if (queryType == "format") {
        if (codemirror_editor) {
            $('#querymessage').html(PMA_messages.strFormatting +
                '&nbsp;<img class="ajaxIcon" src="' +
                pmaThemeImage + 'ajax_clock_small.gif" alt="">');
            var href = 'db_sql_format.php';
            var params = {
                'ajax_request': true,
                'token': PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
                'sql': codemirror_editor.getValue()
                type: 'POST',
                url: href,
                data: params,
                success: function (data) {
                    if (data.success) {
    } else if (queryType == "saved") {
        if (isStorageSupported('localStorage') && typeof window.localStorage.auto_saved_sql != 'undefined') {
        } else if ($.cookie('auto_saved_sql')) {
        } else {

    var query = "";
    var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy;
    var table = document.sqlform.table.value;

    if (myListBox.options.length > 0) {
        sql_box_locked = true;
        var columnsList = "";
        var valDis = "";
        var editDis = "";
        var NbSelect = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) {
            if (NbSelect > 1) {
                columnsList += ", ";
                valDis += ",";
                editDis += ",";
            columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value;
            valDis += "[value-" + NbSelect + "]";
            editDis += myListBox.options[i].value + "=[value-" + NbSelect + "]";
        if (queryType == "selectall") {
            query = "SELECT * FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 1";
        } else if (queryType == "select") {
            query = "SELECT " + columnsList + " FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 1";
        } else if (queryType == "insert") {
            query = "INSERT INTO `" + table + "`(" + columnsList + ") VALUES (" + valDis + ")";
        } else if (queryType == "update") {
            query = "UPDATE `" + table + "` SET " + editDis + " WHERE 1";
        } else if (queryType == "delete") {
            query = "DELETE FROM `" + table + "` WHERE 0";
        sql_box_locked = false;

  * Inserts multiple fields.
function insertValueQuery()
    var myQuery = document.sqlform.sql_query;
    var myListBox = document.sqlform.dummy;

    if (myListBox.options.length > 0) {
        sql_box_locked = true;
        var columnsList = "";
        var NbSelect = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) {
            if (myListBox.options[i].selected) {
                if (NbSelect > 1) {
                    columnsList += ", ";
                columnsList += myListBox.options[i].value;

        /* CodeMirror support */
        if (codemirror_editor) {
        //IE support
        } else if (document.selection) {
            var sel = document.selection.createRange();
            sel.text = columnsList;
        //MOZILLA/NETSCAPE support
        else if (document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart || document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart == "0") {
            var startPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionStart;
            var endPos = document.sqlform.sql_query.selectionEnd;
            var SqlString = document.sqlform.sql_query.value;

            myQuery.value = SqlString.substring(0, startPos) + columnsList + SqlString.substring(endPos, SqlString.length);
        } else {
            myQuery.value += columnsList;
        sql_box_locked = false;

 * Updates the input fields for the parameters based on the query
function updateQueryParameters() {

    if ($('#parameterized').is(':checked')) {
        var query = codemirror_editor ? codemirror_editor.getValue() : $('#sqlquery').val();

        var allParameters = query.match(/:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/g);
        var parameters = [];
        // get unique parameters
        if (allParameters) {
            $.each(allParameters, function(i, parameter){
                if ($.inArray(parameter, parameters) === -1) {
        } else {

        var $temp = $('<div />');

        $.each(parameters, function (i, parameter) {
            var paramName = parameter.substring(1);
            var $param = $temp.find('#paramSpan_' + paramName );
            if (! $param.length) {
                $param = $('<span class="parameter" id="paramSpan_' + paramName + '" />');
                $('<label for="param_' + paramName + '" />').text(parameter).appendTo($param);
                $('<input type="text" name="parameters[' + parameter + ']" id="param_' + paramName + '" />').appendTo($param);
    } else {

  * Refresh/resize the WYSIWYG scratchboard
function refreshLayout()
    var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
    var orientation = $('#orientation_opt').val();
    var paper = 'A4';
    var $paperOpt = $('#paper_opt');
    if ($paperOpt.length == 1) {
        paper = $paperOpt.val();
    var posa = 'y';
    var posb = 'x';
    if (orientation == 'P') {
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        posb = 'y';
    $elm.css('width', pdfPaperSize(paper, posa) + 'px');
    $elm.css('height', pdfPaperSize(paper, posb) + 'px');

 * Initializes positions of elements.
function TableDragInit() {
    $('.pdflayout_table').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var number = $this.data('number');
        var x = $('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val();
        var y = $('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val();
        $this.css('left', x + 'px');
        $this.css('top', y + 'px');
        /* Make elements draggable */
            containment: "parent",
            drag: function (evt, ui) {
                var number = $this.data('number');
                $('#c_table_' + number + '_x').val(parseInt(ui.position.left, 10));
                $('#c_table_' + number + '_y').val(parseInt(ui.position.top, 10));

 * Resets drag and drop positions.
function resetDrag() {
    $('.pdflayout_table').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var x = $this.data('x');
        var y = $this.data('y');
        $this.css('left', x + 'px');
        $this.css('top', y + 'px');

 * User schema handlers.
$(function () {
    /* Move in scratchboard on manual change */
    $(document).on('change', '.position-change', function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        var $elm = $('#table_' + $this.data('number'));
        $elm.css($this.data('axis'), $this.val() + 'px');
    /* Refresh on paper size/orientation change */
    $(document).on('change', '.paper-change', function () {
        var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
        if ($elm.css('visibility') == 'visible') {
    /* Show/hide the WYSIWYG scratchboard */
    $(document).on('click', '#toggle-dragdrop', function () {
        var $elm = $('#pdflayout');
        if ($elm.css('visibility') == 'hidden') {
            $elm.css('visibility', 'visible');
            $elm.css('display', 'block');
        } else {
            $elm.css('visibility', 'hidden');
            $elm.css('display', 'none');
    /* Reset scratchboard */
    $(document).on('click', '#reset-dragdrop', function () {

 * Returns paper sizes for a given format
function pdfPaperSize(format, axis)
    switch (format.toUpperCase()) {
    case '4A0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 4767.87;
        } else {
            return 6740.79;
    case '2A0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 3370.39;
        } else {
            return 4767.87;
    case 'A0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2383.94;
        } else {
            return 3370.39;
    case 'A1':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1683.78;
        } else {
            return 2383.94;
    case 'A2':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1190.55;
        } else {
            return 1683.78;
    case 'A3':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 841.89;
        } else {
            return 1190.55;
    case 'A4':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 595.28;
        } else {
            return 841.89;
    case 'A5':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 419.53;
        } else {
            return 595.28;
    case 'A6':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 297.64;
        } else {
            return 419.53;
    case 'A7':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 209.76;
        } else {
            return 297.64;
    case 'A8':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 147.40;
        } else {
            return 209.76;
    case 'A9':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 104.88;
        } else {
            return 147.40;
    case 'A10':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 73.70;
        } else {
            return 104.88;
    case 'B0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2834.65;
        } else {
            return 4008.19;
    case 'B1':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2004.09;
        } else {
            return 2834.65;
    case 'B2':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1417.32;
        } else {
            return 2004.09;
    case 'B3':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1000.63;
        } else {
            return 1417.32;
    case 'B4':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 708.66;
        } else {
            return 1000.63;
    case 'B5':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 498.90;
        } else {
            return 708.66;
    case 'B6':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 354.33;
        } else {
            return 498.90;
    case 'B7':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 249.45;
        } else {
            return 354.33;
    case 'B8':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 175.75;
        } else {
            return 249.45;
    case 'B9':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 124.72;
        } else {
            return 175.75;
    case 'B10':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 87.87;
        } else {
            return 124.72;
    case 'C0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2599.37;
        } else {
            return 3676.54;
    case 'C1':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1836.85;
        } else {
            return 2599.37;
    case 'C2':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1298.27;
        } else {
            return 1836.85;
    case 'C3':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 918.43;
        } else {
            return 1298.27;
    case 'C4':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 649.13;
        } else {
            return 918.43;
    case 'C5':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 459.21;
        } else {
            return 649.13;
    case 'C6':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 323.15;
        } else {
            return 459.21;
    case 'C7':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 229.61;
        } else {
            return 323.15;
    case 'C8':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 161.57;
        } else {
            return 229.61;
    case 'C9':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 113.39;
        } else {
            return 161.57;
    case 'C10':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 79.37;
        } else {
            return 113.39;
    case 'RA0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2437.80;
        } else {
            return 3458.27;
    case 'RA1':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1729.13;
        } else {
            return 2437.80;
    case 'RA2':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1218.90;
        } else {
            return 1729.13;
    case 'RA3':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 864.57;
        } else {
            return 1218.90;
    case 'RA4':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 609.45;
        } else {
            return 864.57;
    case 'SRA0':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 2551.18;
        } else {
            return 3628.35;
    case 'SRA1':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1814.17;
        } else {
            return 2551.18;
    case 'SRA2':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 1275.59;
        } else {
            return 1814.17;
    case 'SRA3':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 907.09;
        } else {
            return 1275.59;
    case 'SRA4':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 637.80;
        } else {
            return 907.09;
    case 'LETTER':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 612.00;
        } else {
            return 792.00;
    case 'LEGAL':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 612.00;
        } else {
            return 1008.00;
    case 'EXECUTIVE':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 521.86;
        } else {
            return 756.00;
    case 'FOLIO':
        if (axis == 'x') {
            return 612.00;
        } else {
            return 936.00;
    } // end switch

    return 0;

 * Get checkbox for foreign key checks
 * @return string
function getForeignKeyCheckboxLoader() {
    var html = '';
    html    += '<div>';
    html    += '<div class="load-default-fk-check-value">';
    html    += PMA_getImage('ajax_clock_small.gif');
    html    += '</div>';
    html    += '</div>';
    return html;

function loadForeignKeyCheckbox() {
    // Load default foreign key check value
    var params = {
        'ajax_request': true,
        'token': PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
        'server': PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
        'get_default_fk_check_value': true
    $.get('sql.php', params, function (data) {
        var html = '<input type="hidden" name="fk_checks" value="0" />' +
            '<input type="checkbox" name="fk_checks" id="fk_checks"' +
            (data.default_fk_check_value ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + ' />' +
            '<label for="fk_checks">' + PMA_messages.strForeignKeyCheck + '</label>';

function getJSConfirmCommonParam(elem) {
    return {
        'is_js_confirmed' : 1,
        'ajax_request' : true,
        'fk_checks': $(elem).find('#fk_checks').is(':checked') ? 1 : 0

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', "a.inline_edit_sql");
    $(document).off('click', "input#sql_query_edit_save");
    $(document).off('click', "input#sql_query_edit_discard");
    if (codemirror_editor) {
    } else {
        $(document).off('blur', '#sqlquery');
    $(document).off('change', '#parameterized');

    if (codemirror_inline_editor) {
        // Copy the sql query to the text area to preserve it.
        codemirror_inline_editor = false;
    if (codemirror_editor) {

 * Jquery Coding for inline editing SQL_QUERY
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    // If we are coming back to the page by clicking forward button
    // of the browser, bind the code mirror to inline query editor.
    $(document).on('click', "a.inline_edit_sql", function () {
        if ($('#sql_query_edit').length) {
            // An inline query editor is already open,
            // we don't want another copy of it
            return false;

        var $form = $(this).prev('form');
        var sql_query  = $form.find("input[name='sql_query']").val().trim();
        var $inner_sql = $(this).parent().prev().find('code.sql');
        var old_text   = $inner_sql.html();

        var new_content = "<textarea name=\"sql_query_edit\" id=\"sql_query_edit\">" + escapeHtml(sql_query) + "</textarea>\n";
        new_content    += getForeignKeyCheckboxLoader();
        new_content    += "<input type=\"submit\" id=\"sql_query_edit_save\" class=\"button btnSave\" value=\"" + PMA_messages.strGo + "\"/>\n";
        new_content    += "<input type=\"button\" id=\"sql_query_edit_discard\" class=\"button btnDiscard\" value=\"" + PMA_messages.strCancel + "\"/>\n";
        var $editor_area = $('div#inline_editor');
        if ($editor_area.length === 0) {
            $editor_area = $('<div id="inline_editor_outer"></div>');

        return false;

    $(document).on('click', "input#sql_query_edit_save", function () {
        //hide already existing success message
        var sql_query;
        if (codemirror_inline_editor) {
            sql_query = codemirror_inline_editor.getValue();
        } else {
            sql_query = $(this).parent().find('#sql_query_edit').val();
        var fk_check = $(this).parent().find('#fk_checks').is(':checked');

        var $form = $("a.inline_edit_sql").prev('form');
        var $fake_form = $('<form>', {action: 'import.php', method: 'post'})
                .append($form.find("input[name=server], input[name=db], input[name=table], input[name=token]").clone())
                .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'show_query', value: 1}))
                .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'is_js_confirmed', value: 0}))
                .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'sql_query', value: sql_query}))
                .append($('<input/>', {type: 'hidden', name: 'fk_checks', value: fk_check ? 1 : 0}));
        if (! checkSqlQuery($fake_form[0])) {
            return false;

    $(document).on('click', "input#sql_query_edit_discard", function () {
        var $divEditor = $('div#inline_editor_outer');

    $('input.sqlbutton').click(function (evt) {
        return false;

    $(document).on('change', '#parameterized', updateQueryParameters);

    var $inputUsername = $('#input_username');
    if ($inputUsername) {
        if ($inputUsername.val() === '') {
        } else {

 * "inputRead" event handler for CodeMirror SQL query editors for autocompletion
function codemirrorAutocompleteOnInputRead(instance) {
    if (!sql_autocomplete_in_progress
        && (!instance.options.hintOptions.tables || !sql_autocomplete)) {

        if (!sql_autocomplete) {
            // Reset after teardown
            instance.options.hintOptions.tables = false;
            instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = '';

            sql_autocomplete_in_progress = true;

            var href = 'db_sql_autocomplete.php';
            var params = {
                'ajax_request': true,
                'token': PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
                'server': PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
                'db': PMA_commonParams.get('db'),
                'no_debug': true

            var columnHintRender = function(elem, self, data) {
                $('<div class="autocomplete-column-name">')
                $('<div class="autocomplete-column-hint">')

                type: 'POST',
                url: href,
                data: params,
                success: function (data) {
                    if (data.success) {
                        var tables = $.parseJSON(data.tables);
                        sql_autocomplete_default_table = PMA_commonParams.get('table');
                        sql_autocomplete = [];
                        for (var table in tables) {
                            if (tables.hasOwnProperty(table)) {
                                var columns = tables[table];
                                table = {
                                    text: table,
                                    columns: []
                                for (var column in columns) {
                                    if (columns.hasOwnProperty(column)) {
                                        var displayText = columns[column].Type;
                                        if (columns[column].Key == 'PRI') {
                                            displayText += ' | Primary';
                                        } else if (columns[column].Key == 'UNI') {
                                            displayText += ' | Unique';
                                            text: column,
                                            displayText: column + " | " +  displayText,
                                            columnName: column,
                                            columnHint: displayText,
                                            render: columnHintRender
                        instance.options.hintOptions.tables = sql_autocomplete;
                        instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = sql_autocomplete_default_table;
                complete: function () {
                    sql_autocomplete_in_progress = false;
        else {
            instance.options.hintOptions.tables = sql_autocomplete;
            instance.options.hintOptions.defaultTable = sql_autocomplete_default_table;
    if (instance.state.completionActive) {
    var cur = instance.getCursor();
    var token = instance.getTokenAt(cur);
    var string = '';
    if (token.string.match(/^[.`\w@]\w*$/)) {
        string = token.string;
    if (string.length > 0) {

 * Remove autocomplete information before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    sql_autocomplete = false;
    sql_autocomplete_default_table = '';

 * Binds the CodeMirror to the text area used to inline edit a query.
function bindCodeMirrorToInlineEditor() {
    var $inline_editor = $('#sql_query_edit');
    if ($inline_editor.length > 0) {
        if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
            var height = $inline_editor.css('height');
            codemirror_inline_editor = PMA_getSQLEditor($inline_editor);
            codemirror_inline_editor.getWrapperElement().style.height = height;
                .bind('keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit);
        } else {
                .bind('keydown', catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit);

function catchKeypressesFromSqlInlineEdit(event) {
    // ctrl-enter is 10 in chrome and ie, but 13 in ff
    if (event.ctrlKey && (event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 10)) {

 * Adds doc link to single highlighted SQL element
function PMA_doc_add($elm, params)
    if (typeof mysql_doc_template == 'undefined') {

    var url = PMA_sprintf(
    if (params.length > 1) {
        url += '#' + params[1];
    var content = $elm.text();
    $elm.append('<a target="mysql_doc" class="cm-sql-doc" href="' + url + '">' + content + '</a>');

 * Generates doc links for keywords inside highlighted SQL
function PMA_doc_keyword(idx, elm)
    var $elm = $(elm);
    /* Skip already processed ones */
    if ($elm.find('a').length > 0) {
    var keyword = $elm.text().toUpperCase();
    var $next = $elm.next('.cm-keyword');
    if ($next) {
        var next_keyword = $next.text().toUpperCase();
        var full = keyword + ' ' + next_keyword;

        var $next2 = $next.next('.cm-keyword');
        if ($next2) {
            var next2_keyword = $next2.text().toUpperCase();
            var full2 = full + ' ' + next2_keyword;
            if (full2 in mysql_doc_keyword) {
                PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]);
                PMA_doc_add($next, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]);
                PMA_doc_add($next2, mysql_doc_keyword[full2]);
        if (full in mysql_doc_keyword) {
            PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[full]);
            PMA_doc_add($next, mysql_doc_keyword[full]);
    if (keyword in mysql_doc_keyword) {
        PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_keyword[keyword]);

 * Generates doc links for builtins inside highlighted SQL
function PMA_doc_builtin(idx, elm)
    var $elm = $(elm);
    var builtin = $elm.text().toUpperCase();
    if (builtin in mysql_doc_builtin) {
        PMA_doc_add($elm, mysql_doc_builtin[builtin]);

 * Higlights SQL using CodeMirror.
function PMA_highlightSQL($base)
    var $elm = $base.find('code.sql');
    $elm.each(function () {
        var $sql = $(this);
        var $pre = $sql.find('pre');
        /* We only care about visible elements to avoid double processing */
        if ($pre.is(":visible")) {
            var $highlight = $('<div class="sql-highlight cm-s-default"></div>');
            if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') {
                CodeMirror.runMode($sql.text(), 'text/x-mysql', $highlight[0]);

 * Updates an element containing code.
 * @param jQuery Object $base base element which contains the raw and the
 *                            highlighted code.
 * @param string htmlValue    code in HTML format, displayed if code cannot be
 *                            highlighted
 * @param string rawValue     raw code, used as a parameter for highlighter
 * @return bool               whether content was updated or not
function PMA_updateCode($base, htmlValue, rawValue)
    var $code = $base.find('code');
    if ($code.length === 0) {
        return false;

    // Determines the type of the content and appropriate CodeMirror mode.
    var type = '', mode = '';
    if  ($code.hasClass('json')) {
        type = 'json';
        mode = 'application/json';
    } else if ($code.hasClass('sql')) {
        type = 'sql';
        mode = 'text/x-mysql';
    } else if ($code.hasClass('xml')) {
        type = 'xml';
        mode = 'application/xml';
    } else {
        return false;

    // Element used to display unhighlighted code.
    var $notHighlighted = $('<pre>' + htmlValue + '</pre>');

    // Tries to highlight code using CodeMirror.
    if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') {
        var $highlighted = $('<div class="' + type + '-highlight cm-s-default"></div>');
        CodeMirror.runMode(rawValue, mode, $highlighted[0]);
        $code.html('').append($notHighlighted, $highlighted[0]);
    } else {

    return true;

 * Show a message on the top of the page for an Ajax request
 * Sample usage:
 * 1) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
 * This will show a message that reads "Loading...". Such a message will not
 * disappear automatically and cannot be dismissed by the user. To remove this
 * message either the PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($msg) function must be called or
 * another message must be show with PMA_ajaxShowMessage() function.
 * 2) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest);
 * This is a special case. The behaviour is same as above,
 * just with a different message
 * 3) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage('The operation was successful');
 * This will show a message that will disappear automatically and it can also
 * be dismissed by the user.
 * 4) var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage('Some error', false);
 * This will show a message that will not disappear automatically, but it
 * can be dismissed by the user after he has finished reading it.
 * @param string  message     string containing the message to be shown.
 *                              optional, defaults to 'Loading...'
 * @param mixed   timeout     number of milliseconds for the message to be visible
 *                              optional, defaults to 5000. If set to 'false', the
 *                              notification will never disappear
 * @return jQuery object       jQuery Element that holds the message div
 *                              this object can be passed to PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage()
 *                              to remove the notification
function PMA_ajaxShowMessage(message, timeout)
     * @var self_closing Whether the notification will automatically disappear
    var self_closing = true;
     * @var dismissable Whether the user will be able to remove
     *                  the notification by clicking on it
    var dismissable = true;
    // Handle the case when a empty data.message is passed.
    // We don't want the empty message
    if (message === '') {
        return true;
    } else if (! message) {
        // If the message is undefined, show the default
        message = PMA_messages.strLoading;
        dismissable = false;
        self_closing = false;
    } else if (message == PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest) {
        // This is another case where the message should not disappear
        dismissable = false;
        self_closing = false;
    // Figure out whether (or after how long) to remove the notification
    if (timeout === undefined) {
        timeout = 5000;
    } else if (timeout === false) {
        self_closing = false;
    // Create a parent element for the AJAX messages, if necessary
    if ($('#loading_parent').length === 0) {
        $('<div id="loading_parent"></div>')
    // Update message count to create distinct message elements every time
    // Remove all old messages, if any
     * @var    $retval    a jQuery object containing the reference
     *                    to the created AJAX message
    var $retval = $(
            '<span class="ajax_notification" id="ajax_message_num_' +
            ajax_message_count +
    // If the notification is self-closing we should create a callback to remove it
    if (self_closing) {
        .fadeOut('medium', function () {
            if ($(this).is(':data(tooltip)')) {
            // Remove the notification
    // If the notification is dismissable we need to add the relevant class to it
    // and add a tooltip so that the users know that it can be removed
    if (dismissable) {
        $retval.addClass('dismissable').css('cursor', 'pointer');
         * Add a tooltip to the notification to let the user know that (s)he
         * can dismiss the ajax notification by clicking on it.

    return $retval;

 * Removes the message shown for an Ajax operation when it's completed
 * @param jQuery object   jQuery Element that holds the notification
 * @return nothing
function PMA_ajaxRemoveMessage($this_msgbox)
    if ($this_msgbox !== undefined && $this_msgbox instanceof jQuery) {
        .stop(true, true)
        if ($this_msgbox.is(':data(tooltip)')) {
        } else {

 * Requests SQL for previewing before executing.
 * @param jQuery Object $form Form containing query data
 * @return void
function PMA_previewSQL($form)
    var form_url = $form.attr('action');
    var form_data = $form.serialize() +
        '&do_save_data=1' +
        '&preview_sql=1' +
    var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
        type: 'POST',
        url: form_url,
        data: form_data,
        success: function (response) {
            if (response.success) {
                var $dialog_content = $('<div/>')
                var button_options = {};
                button_options[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () {
                var $response_dialog = $dialog_content.dialog({
                    minWidth: 550,
                    maxHeight: 400,
                    modal: true,
                    buttons: button_options,
                    title: PMA_messages.strPreviewSQL,
                    close: function () {
                    open: function () {
                        // Pretty SQL printing.
            } else {
        error: function () {

 * check for reserved keyword column name
 * @param jQuery Object $form Form
 * @returns true|false

function PMA_checkReservedWordColumns($form) {
    var is_confirmed = true;
        type: 'POST',
        url: "tbl_structure.php",
        data: $form.serialize() + '&reserved_word_check=1',
        success: function (data) {
            if (typeof data.success != 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
                is_confirmed = confirm(data.message);
    return is_confirmed;

// This event only need to be fired once after the initial page load
$(function () {
     * Allows the user to dismiss a notification
     * created with PMA_ajaxShowMessage()
    $(document).on('click', 'span.ajax_notification.dismissable', function () {
     * The below two functions hide the "Dismiss notification" tooltip when a user
     * is hovering a link or button that is inside an ajax message
    $(document).on('mouseover', 'span.ajax_notification a, span.ajax_notification button, span.ajax_notification input', function () {
        if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) {
    $(document).on('mouseout', 'span.ajax_notification a, span.ajax_notification button, span.ajax_notification input', function () {
        if ($(this).parents('span.ajax_notification').is(':data(tooltip)')) {

 * Hides/shows the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message, depending on the data type of the column currently selected
function PMA_showNoticeForEnum(selectElement)
    var enum_notice_id = selectElement.attr("id").split("_")[1];
    enum_notice_id += "_" + (parseInt(selectElement.attr("id").split("_")[2], 10) + 1);
    var selectedType = selectElement.val();
    if (selectedType == "ENUM" || selectedType == "SET") {
        $("p#enum_notice_" + enum_notice_id).show();
    } else {
        $("p#enum_notice_" + enum_notice_id).hide();

 * Creates a Profiling Chart. Used in sql.js
 * and in server_status_monitor.js
function PMA_createProfilingChart(target, data)
    // create the chart
    var factory = new JQPlotChartFactory();
    var chart = factory.createChart(ChartType.PIE, target);

    // create the data table and add columns
    var dataTable = new DataTable();
    dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, '');
    dataTable.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, '');

    // draw the chart and return the chart object
    chart.draw(dataTable, {
        seriesDefaults: {
            rendererOptions: {
                showDataLabels:  true
        highlighter: {
            tooltipLocation: 'se',
            sizeAdjust: 0,
            tooltipAxes: 'pieref',
            formatString: '%s, %.9Ps'
        legend: {
            show: true,
            location: 'e',
            rendererOptions: {
                numberColumns: 2
        // from http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Icon_Theme_Guidelines#Color_Palette
        seriesColors: [
    return chart;

 * Formats a profiling duration nicely (in us and ms time).
 * Used in server_status_monitor.js
 * @param  integer    Number to be formatted, should be in the range of microsecond to second
 * @param  integer    Accuracy, how many numbers right to the comma should be
 * @return string     The formatted number
function PMA_prettyProfilingNum(num, acc)
    if (!acc) {
        acc = 2;
    acc = Math.pow(10, acc);
    if (num * 1000 < 0.1) {
        num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000 * 1000)) / acc + 'µ';
    } else if (num < 0.1) {
        num = Math.round(acc * (num * 1000)) / acc + 'm';
    } else {
        num = Math.round(acc * num) / acc;

    return num + 's';

 * Formats a SQL Query nicely with newlines and indentation. Depends on Codemirror and MySQL Mode!
 * @param string      Query to be formatted
 * @return string      The formatted query
function PMA_SQLPrettyPrint(string)
    if (typeof CodeMirror == 'undefined') {
        return string;

    var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({}, "text/x-mysql");
    var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(string);
    var state = mode.startState();
    var token, tokens = [];
    var output = '';
    var tabs = function (cnt) {
        var ret = '';
        for (var i = 0; i < 4 * cnt; i++) {
            ret += " ";
        return ret;

    // "root-level" statements
    var statements = {
        'select': ['select', 'from', 'on', 'where', 'having', 'limit', 'order by', 'group by'],
        'update': ['update', 'set', 'where'],
        'insert into': ['insert into', 'values']
    // don't put spaces before these tokens
    var spaceExceptionsBefore = {';': true, ',': true, '.': true, '(': true};
    // don't put spaces after these tokens
    var spaceExceptionsAfter = {'.': true};

    // Populate tokens array
    var str = '';
    while (! stream.eol()) {
        stream.start = stream.pos;
        token = mode.token(stream, state);
        if (token !== null) {
            tokens.push([token, stream.current().toLowerCase()]);

    var currentStatement = tokens[0][1];

    if (! statements[currentStatement]) {
        return string;
    // Holds all currently opened code blocks (statement, function or generic)
    var blockStack = [];
    // Holds the type of block from last iteration (the current is in blockStack[0])
    var previousBlock;
    // If a new code block is found, newBlock contains its type for one iteration and vice versa for endBlock
    var newBlock, endBlock;
    // How much to indent in the current line
    var indentLevel = 0;
    // Holds the "root-level" statements
    var statementPart, lastStatementPart = statements[currentStatement][0];


    // Iterate through every token and format accordingly
    for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        previousBlock = blockStack[0];

        // New block => push to stack
        if (tokens[i][1] == '(') {
            if (i < tokens.length - 1 && tokens[i + 1][0] == 'statement-verb') {
                blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'statement');
            } else if (i > 0 && tokens[i - 1][0] == 'builtin') {
                blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'function');
            } else {
                blockStack.unshift(newBlock = 'generic');
        } else {
            newBlock = null;

        // Block end => pop from stack
        if (tokens[i][1] == ')') {
            endBlock = blockStack[0];
        } else {
            endBlock = null;

        // A subquery is starting
        if (i > 0 && newBlock == 'statement') {
            output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1] + ' ' + tokens[i + 1][1].toUpperCase() + "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
            currentStatement = tokens[i + 1][1];

        // A subquery is ending
        if (endBlock == 'statement' && indentLevel > 0) {
            output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel);

        // One less indentation for statement parts (from, where, order by, etc.) and a newline
        statementPart = statements[currentStatement].indexOf(tokens[i][1]);
        if (statementPart != -1) {
            if (i > 0) {
                output += "\n";
            output += tabs(indentLevel) + tokens[i][1].toUpperCase();
            output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
            lastStatementPart = tokens[i][1];
        // Normal indentation and spaces for everything else
        else {
            if (! spaceExceptionsBefore[tokens[i][1]] &&
               ! (i > 0 && spaceExceptionsAfter[tokens[i - 1][1]]) &&
               output.charAt(output.length - 1) != ' ') {
                output += " ";
            if (tokens[i][0] == 'keyword') {
                output += tokens[i][1].toUpperCase();
            } else {
                output += tokens[i][1];

        // split columns in select and 'update set' clauses, but only inside statements blocks
        if ((lastStatementPart == 'select' || lastStatementPart == 'where'  || lastStatementPart == 'set') &&
            tokens[i][1] == ',' && blockStack[0] == 'statement') {

            output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1);

        // split conditions in where clauses, but only inside statements blocks
        if (lastStatementPart == 'where' &&
            (tokens[i][1] == 'and' || tokens[i][1] == 'or' || tokens[i][1] == 'xor')) {

            if (blockStack[0] == 'statement') {
                output += "\n" + tabs(indentLevel + 1);
            // Todo: Also split and or blocks in newlines & indentation++
            //if (blockStack[0] == 'generic')
             //   output += ...
    return output;

 * jQuery function that uses jQueryUI's dialogs to confirm with user. Does not
 *  return a jQuery object yet and hence cannot be chained
 * @param string      question
 * @param string      url           URL to be passed to the callbackFn to make
 *                                  an Ajax call to
 * @param function    callbackFn    callback to execute after user clicks on OK
 * @param function    openCallback  optional callback to run when dialog is shown

jQuery.fn.PMA_confirm = function (question, url, callbackFn, openCallback) {
    var confirmState = PMA_commonParams.get('confirm');
    if (! confirmState) {
        // user does not want to confirm
        if ($.isFunction(callbackFn)) {
            callbackFn.call(this, url);
            return true;
    if (PMA_messages.strDoYouReally === '') {
        return true;

     * @var    button_options  Object that stores the options passed to jQueryUI
     *                          dialog
    var button_options = [
            text: PMA_messages.strOK,
            'class': 'submitOK',
            click: function () {
                if ($.isFunction(callbackFn)) {
                    callbackFn.call(this, url);
            text: PMA_messages.strCancel,
            'class': 'submitCancel',
            click: function () {

    $('<div/>', {'id': 'confirm_dialog', 'title': PMA_messages.strConfirm})
        buttons: button_options,
        close: function () {
        open: openCallback,
        modal: true

 * jQuery function to sort a table's body after a new row has been appended to it.
 * Also fixes the even/odd classes of the table rows at the end.
 * @param string      text_selector   string to select the sortKey's text
 * @return jQuery Object for chaining purposes
jQuery.fn.PMA_sort_table = function (text_selector) {
    return this.each(function () {

         * @var table_body  Object referring to the table's <tbody> element
        var table_body = $(this);
         * @var rows    Object referring to the collection of rows in {@link table_body}
        var rows = $(this).find('tr').get();

        //get the text of the field that we will sort by
        $.each(rows, function (index, row) {
            row.sortKey = $.trim($(row).find(text_selector).text().toLowerCase());

        //get the sorted order
        rows.sort(function (a, b) {
            if (a.sortKey < b.sortKey) {
                return -1;
            if (a.sortKey > b.sortKey) {
                return 1;
            return 0;

        //pull out each row from the table and then append it according to it's order
        $.each(rows, function (index, row) {
            row.sortKey = null;

        //Re-check the classes of each row

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('submit', "#create_table_form_minimal.ajax");
    $(document).off('submit', "form.create_table_form.ajax");
    $(document).off('click', "form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]");
    $(document).off('keyup', "form.create_table_form.ajax input");
    $(document).off('change', "input[name=partition_count],input[name=subpartition_count],select[name=partition_by]");

 * jQuery coding for 'Create Table'.  Used on db_operations.php,
 * db_structure.php and db_tracking.php (i.e., wherever
 * libraries/display_create_table.lib.php is used)
 * Attach Ajax Event handlers for Create Table
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Attach event handler for submission of create table form (save)
    $(document).on('submit', "form.create_table_form.ajax", function (event) {

         * @var    the_form    object referring to the create table form
        var $form = $(this);

         * First validate the form; if there is a problem, avoid submitting it
         * checkTableEditForm() needs a pure element and not a jQuery object,
         * this is why we pass $form[0] as a parameter (the jQuery object
         * is actually an array of DOM elements)

        if (checkTableEditForm($form[0], $form.find('input[name=orig_num_fields]').val())) {
            if (PMA_checkReservedWordColumns($form)) {
                //User wants to submit the form
                $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&do_save_data=1", function (data) {
                    if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
                        // Only if the create table dialog (distinct panel) exists
                        var $createTableDialog = $("#create_table_dialog");
                        if ($createTableDialog.length > 0) {

                         * @var tables_table    Object referring to the <tbody> element that holds the list of tables
                        var tables_table = $("#tablesForm").find("tbody").not("#tbl_summary_row");
                        // this is the first table created in this db
                        if (tables_table.length === 0) {
                        } else {
                             * @var curr_last_row   Object referring to the last <tr> element in {@link tables_table}
                            var curr_last_row = $(tables_table).find('tr:last');
                             * @var curr_last_row_index_string   String containing the index of {@link curr_last_row}
                            var curr_last_row_index_string = $(curr_last_row).find('input:checkbox').attr('id').match(/\d+/)[0];
                             * @var curr_last_row_index Index of {@link curr_last_row}
                            var curr_last_row_index = parseFloat(curr_last_row_index_string);
                             * @var new_last_row_index   Index of the new row to be appended to {@link tables_table}
                            var new_last_row_index = curr_last_row_index + 1;
                             * @var new_last_row_id String containing the id of the row to be appended to {@link tables_table}
                            var new_last_row_id = 'checkbox_tbl_' + new_last_row_index;

                            data.new_table_string = data.new_table_string.replace(/checkbox_tbl_/, new_last_row_id);
                            //append to table

                            //Sort the table

                            // Adjust summary row

                        //Refresh navigation as a new table has been added
                        // Redirect to table structure page on creation of new table
                        var params_12 = 'ajax_request=true&ajax_page_request=true';
                        if (! (history && history.pushState)) {
                            params_12 += PMA_MicroHistory.menus.getRequestParam();
                        tblStruct_url = 'tbl_structure.php?server=' + data._params.server +
                            '&db='+ data._params.db + '&token=' + data._params.token +
                            '&goto=db_structure.php&table=' + data._params.table + '';
                        $.get(tblStruct_url, params_12, AJAX.responseHandler);
                    } else {
                            '<div class="error">' + data.error + '</div>',
                }); // end $.post()
        } // end if (checkTableEditForm() )
    }); // end create table form (save)

     * Submits the intermediate changes in the table creation form
     * to refresh the UI accordingly
    function submitChangesInCreateTableForm (actionParam) {

         * @var    the_form    object referring to the create table form
        var $form = $('form.create_table_form.ajax');

        var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest);

        //User wants to add more fields to the table
        $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&" + actionParam, function (data) {
            if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success) {
                var $pageContent = $("#page_content");
                PMA_hideShowConnection($('.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]'));
            } else {
        }); //end $.post()

     * Attach event handler for create table form (add fields)
    $(document).on('click', "form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=submit_num_fields]", function (event) {

        if (!checkFormElementInRange(this.form, 'added_fields', PMA_messages.strLeastColumnError, 1)) {

    }); // end create table form (add fields)

    $(document).on('keydown', "form.create_table_form.ajax input[name=added_fields]", function (event) {
        if (event.keyCode == 13) {

     * Attach event handler to manage changes in number of partitions and subpartitions
    $(document).on('change', "input[name=partition_count],input[name=subpartition_count],select[name=partition_by]", function (event) {
        $this = $(this);
        $form = $this.parents('form');
        if ($form.is(".create_table_form.ajax")) {
        } else {

        if (this.checked) {
            var col = /\d/.exec($(this).attr('name'));
            col = col[0];
            var $selectFieldKey = $('select[name="field_key[' + col + ']"]');
            if ($selectFieldKey.val() === 'none_'+col) {
    .off('click', 'input.preview_sql')
    .on('click', 'input.preview_sql', function () {
        var $form = $(this).closest('form');

 * Validates the password field in a form
 * @see    PMA_messages.strPasswordEmpty
 * @see    PMA_messages.strPasswordNotSame
 * @param  object $the_form The form to be validated
 * @return bool
function PMA_checkPassword($the_form)
    // Did the user select 'no password'?
    if ($the_form.find('#nopass_1').is(':checked')) {
        return true;
    } else {
        var $pred = $the_form.find('#select_pred_password');
        if ($pred.length && ($pred.val() == 'none' || $pred.val() == 'keep')) {
            return true;

    var $password = $the_form.find('input[name=pma_pw]');
    var $password_repeat = $the_form.find('input[name=pma_pw2]');
    var alert_msg = false;

    if ($password.val() === '') {
        alert_msg = PMA_messages.strPasswordEmpty;
    } else if ($password.val() != $password_repeat.val()) {
        alert_msg = PMA_messages.strPasswordNotSame;

    if (alert_msg) {
        return false;
    return true;

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', '#change_password_anchor.ajax');
 * Attach Ajax event handlers for 'Change Password' on index.php
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {

    /* Handler for hostname type */
    $(document).on('change', '#select_pred_hostname', function () {
        var hostname = $('#pma_hostname');
        if (this.value == 'any') {
        } else if (this.value == 'localhost') {
        } else if (this.value == 'thishost' && $(this).data('thishost')) {
        } else if (this.value == 'hosttable') {
            hostname.val('').prop('required', false);
        } else if (this.value == 'userdefined') {
            hostname.focus().select().prop('required', true);

    /* Handler for editing hostname */
    $(document).on('change', '#pma_hostname', function () {
        $('#pma_hostname').prop('required', true);

    /* Handler for username type */
    $(document).on('change', '#select_pred_username', function () {
        if (this.value == 'any') {
            $('#pma_username').val('').prop('required', false);
            $('#user_exists_warning').css('display', 'none');
        } else if (this.value == 'userdefined') {
            $('#pma_username').focus().select().prop('required', true);

    /* Handler for editing username */
    $(document).on('change', '#pma_username', function () {
        $('#pma_username').prop('required', true);

    /* Handler for password type */
    $(document).on('change', '#select_pred_password', function () {
        if (this.value == 'none') {
            $('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', false).val('');
            $('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', false).val('');
        } else if (this.value == 'userdefined') {
            $('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', true);
            $('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', true).focus().select();
        } else {
            $('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', false);
            $('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', false);

    /* Handler for editing password */
    $(document).on('change', '#text_pma_pw,#text_pma_pw2', function () {
        $('#text_pma_pw2').prop('required', true);
        $('#text_pma_pw').prop('required', true);

     * Attach Ajax event handler on the change password anchor
    $(document).on('click', '#change_password_anchor.ajax', function (event) {

        var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();

         * @var button_options  Object containing options to be passed to jQueryUI's dialog
        var button_options = {};
        button_options[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () {


             * @var $the_form    Object referring to the change password form
            var $the_form = $("#change_password_form");

            if (! PMA_checkPassword($the_form)) {
                return false;

             * @var this_value  String containing the value of the submit button.
             * Need to append this for the change password form on Server Privileges
             * page to work
            var this_value = $(this).val();

            var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest);
            $the_form.append('<input type="hidden" name="ajax_request" value="true" />');

            $.post($the_form.attr('action'), $the_form.serialize() + '&change_pw=' + this_value, function (data) {
                if (typeof data === 'undefined' || data.success !== true) {
                    PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);

                var $pageContent = $("#page_content");
            }); // end $.post()

        button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () {
        $.get($(this).attr('href'), {'ajax_request': true}, function (data) {
            if (typeof data === 'undefined' || !data.success) {
                PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);

            $('<div id="change_password_dialog"></div>')
                    title: PMA_messages.strChangePassword,
                    width: 600,
                    close: function (ev, ui) {
                    buttons: button_options,
                    modal: true
            // for this dialog, we remove the fieldset wrapping due to double headings
            $('#change_password_form').bind('submit', function (e) {
                    .find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane .ui-button')
        }); // end $.get()
    }); // end handler for change password anchor
}); // end $() for Change Password

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('change', "select.column_type");
    $(document).off('change', "select.default_type");
    $(document).off('change', "select.virtuality");
    $(document).off('change', 'input.allow_null');
    $(document).off('change', '.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]');
 * Toggle the hiding/showing of the "Open in ENUM/SET editor" message when
 * the page loads and when the selected data type changes
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    // is called here for normal page loads and also when opening
    // the Create table dialog
    // needs on() to work also in the Create Table dialog
    $(document).on('change', "select.column_type", function () {
    $(document).on('change', "select.default_type", function () {
    $(document).on('change', "select.virtuality", function () {
    $(document).on('change', 'input.allow_null', function () {
    $(document).on('change', '.create_table_form select[name=tbl_storage_engine]', function () {

 * If the chosen storage engine is FEDERATED show connection field. Hide otherwise
 * @param $engine_selector storage engine selector
function PMA_hideShowConnection($engine_selector)
    var $connection = $('.create_table_form input[name=connection]');
    var index = $connection.parent('td').index() + 1;
    var $labelTh = $connection.parents('tr').prev('tr').children('th:nth-child(' + index + ')');
    if ($engine_selector.val() != 'FEDERATED') {
            .prop('disabled', true)
    } else {
            .prop('disabled', false)

 * If the column does not allow NULL values, makes sure that default is not NULL
function PMA_validateDefaultValue($null_checkbox)
    if (! $null_checkbox.prop('checked')) {
        var $default = $null_checkbox.closest('tr').find('.default_type');
        if ($default.val() == 'NULL') {

 * function to populate the input fields on picking a column from central list
 * @param string  input_id input id of the name field for the column to be populated
 * @param integer offset of the selected column in central list of columns
function autoPopulate(input_id, offset)
    var db = PMA_commonParams.get('db');
    var table = PMA_commonParams.get('table');
    input_id = input_id.substring(0, input_id.length - 1);
    $('#' + input_id + '1').val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_name);
    var col_type = central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_type.toUpperCase();
    $('#' + input_id + '2').val(col_type);
    var $input3 = $('#' + input_id + '3');
    $input3.val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_length);
    if(col_type === 'ENUM' || col_type === 'SET') {
    } else {
    var col_default = central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default.toUpperCase();
    var $input4 = $('#' + input_id + '4');
    if (col_default !== '' && col_default !== 'NULL' && col_default !== 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
        $input4.next().next().val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default);
    } else {
        $input4.val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_default);
    $('#' + input_id + '5').val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_collation);
    var $input6 = $('#' + input_id + '6');
    $input6.val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_attribute);
    if(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra === 'on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP') {
        $input6.val(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra);
    if(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_extra.toUpperCase() === 'AUTO_INCREMENT') {
        $('#' + input_id + '9').prop("checked",true).change();
    } else {
        $('#' + input_id + '9').prop("checked",false);
    if(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][offset].col_isNull !== '0') {
        $('#' + input_id + '7').prop("checked",true);
    } else {
        $('#' + input_id + '7').prop("checked",false);

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', "a.open_enum_editor");
    $(document).off('click', "input.add_value");
    $(document).off('click', "#enum_editor td.drop");
    $(document).off('click', 'a.central_columns_dialog');
 * @var $enum_editor_dialog An object that points to the jQuery
 *                          dialog of the ENUM/SET editor
var $enum_editor_dialog = null;
 * Opens the ENUM/SET editor and controls its functions
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).on('click', "a.open_enum_editor", function () {
        // Get the name of the column that is being edited
        var colname = $(this).closest('tr').find('input:first').val();
        var title;
        var i;
        // And use it to make up a title for the page
        if (colname.length < 1) {
            title = PMA_messages.enum_newColumnVals;
        } else {
            title = PMA_messages.enum_columnVals.replace(
                '"' + escapeHtml(decodeURIComponent(colname)) + '"'
        // Get the values as a string
        var inputstring = $(this)
        // Escape html entities
        inputstring = $('<div/>')
        // Parse the values, escaping quotes and
        // slashes on the fly, into an array
        var values = [];
        var in_string = false;
        var curr, next, buffer = '';
        for (i = 0; i < inputstring.length; i++) {
            curr = inputstring.charAt(i);
            next = i == inputstring.length ? '' : inputstring.charAt(i + 1);
            if (! in_string && curr == "'") {
                in_string = true;
            } else if (in_string && curr == "\\" && next == "\\") {
                buffer += "&#92;";
            } else if (in_string && next == "'" && (curr == "'" || curr == "\\")) {
                buffer += "&#39;";
            } else if (in_string && curr == "'") {
                in_string = false;
                buffer = '';
            } else if (in_string) {
                buffer += curr;
        if (buffer.length > 0) {
            // The leftovers in the buffer are the last value (if any)
        var fields = '';
        // If there are no values, maybe the user is about to make a
        // new list so we add a few for him/her to get started with.
        if (values.length === 0) {
            values.push('', '', '', '');
        // Add the parsed values to the editor
        var drop_icon = PMA_getImage('b_drop.png');
        for (i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
            fields += "<tr><td>" +
                   "<input type='text' value='" + values[i] + "'/>" +
                   "</td><td class='drop'>" +
                   drop_icon +
         * @var dialog HTML code for the ENUM/SET dialog
        var dialog = "<div id='enum_editor'>" +
                   "<fieldset>" +
                    "<legend>" + title + "</legend>" +
                    "<p>" + PMA_getImage('s_notice.png') +
                    PMA_messages.enum_hint + "</p>" +
                    "<table class='values'>" + fields + "</table>" +
                    "</fieldset><fieldset class='tblFooters'>" +
                    "<table class='add'><tr><td>" +
                    "<div class='slider'></div>" +
                    "</td><td>" +
                    "<form><div><input type='submit' class='add_value' value='" +
                    PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.enum_addValue, 1) +
                    "'/></div></form>" +
                    "</td></tr></table>" +
                    "<input type='hidden' value='" + // So we know which column's data is being edited
                    $(this).closest('td').find("input").attr("id") +
                    "' />" +
                    "</fieldset>" +
         * @var  Defines functions to be called when the buttons in
         * the buttonOptions jQuery dialog bar are pressed
        var buttonOptions = {};
        buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () {
            // When the submit button is clicked,
            // put the data back into the original form
            var value_array = [];
            $(this).find(".values input").each(function (index, elm) {
                var val = elm.value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/'/g, "''");
                value_array.push("'" + val + "'");
            // get the Length/Values text field where this value belongs
            var values_id = $(this).find("input[type='hidden']").val();
            $("input#" + values_id).val(value_array.join(","));
        buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () {
        // Show the dialog
        var width = parseInt(
            (parseInt($('html').css('font-size'), 10) / 13) * 340,
        if (! width) {
            width = 340;
        $enum_editor_dialog = $(dialog).dialog({
            minWidth: width,
            maxHeight: 450,
            modal: true,
            title: PMA_messages.enum_editor,
            buttons: buttonOptions,
            open: function () {
                // Focus the "Go" button after opening the dialog
                $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first').focus();
            close: function () {
        // slider for choosing how many fields to add
            animate: true,
            range: "min",
            value: 1,
            min: 1,
            max: 9,
            slide: function (event, ui) {
                    PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.enum_addValue, ui.value)
        // Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent
        return false;

    $(document).on('click', 'a.central_columns_dialog', function (e) {
        var href = "db_central_columns.php";
        var db = PMA_commonParams.get('db');
        var table = PMA_commonParams.get('table');
        var maxRows = $(this).data('maxrows');
        var pick = $(this).data('pick');
        if (pick !== false) {
            pick = true;
        var params = {
            'ajax_request' : true,
            'token' : PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
            'server' : PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
            'db' : PMA_commonParams.get('db'),
            'cur_table' : PMA_commonParams.get('table'),
        var colid = $(this).closest('td').find("input").attr("id");
        var fields = '';
        if (! (db + '_' + table in central_column_list)) {
            central_column_list.push(db + '_' + table);
                type: 'POST',
                url: href,
                data: params,
                success: function (data) {
                    central_column_list[db + '_' + table] = $.parseJSON(data.message);
        var i = 0;
        var list_size = central_column_list[db + '_' + table].length;
        var min = (list_size <= maxRows) ? list_size : maxRows;
        for (i = 0; i < min; i++) {

            fields += '<tr><td><div><span style="font-weight:bold">' +
                escapeHtml(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_name) +
                '</span><br><span style="color:gray">' + central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_type;

            if (central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute !== '') {
                fields += '(' + escapeHtml(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute) + ') ';
            if (central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_length !== '') {
                fields += '(' + escapeHtml(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_length) +') ';
            fields += escapeHtml(central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_extra) + '</span>' +
            if (pick) {
                fields += '<td><input class="pick" style="width:100%" type="submit" value="' +
                    PMA_messages.pickColumn + '" onclick="autoPopulate(\'' + colid + '\',' + i + ')"/></td>';
            fields += '</tr>';
        var result_pointer = i;
        var search_in = '<input type="text" class="filter_rows" placeholder="' + PMA_messages.searchList + '">';
        if (fields === '') {
            fields = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strEmptyCentralList, "'" + escapeHtml(db) + "'");
            search_in = '';
        var seeMore = '';
        if (list_size > maxRows) {
            seeMore = "<fieldset class='tblFooters' style='text-align:center;font-weight:bold'>" +
                "<a href='#' id='seeMore'>" + PMA_messages.seeMore + "</a></fieldset>";
        var central_columns_dialog = "<div style='max-height:400px'>" +
            "<fieldset>" +
            search_in +
            "<table id='col_list' style='width:100%' class='values'>" + fields + "</table>" +
            "</fieldset>" +
            seeMore +

        var width = parseInt(
            (parseInt($('html').css('font-size'), 10) / 13) * 500,
        if (! width) {
            width = 500;
        var buttonOptions = {};
        var $central_columns_dialog = $(central_columns_dialog).dialog({
            minWidth: width,
            maxHeight: 450,
            modal: true,
            title: PMA_messages.pickColumnTitle,
            buttons: buttonOptions,
            open: function () {
                $('#col_list').on("click", ".pick", function (){
                $(".filter_rows").on("keyup", function () {
                    $.uiTableFilter($("#col_list"), $(this).val());
                $("#seeMore").click(function() {
                    fields = '';
                    min = (list_size <= maxRows + result_pointer) ? list_size : maxRows + result_pointer;
                    for (i = result_pointer; i < min; i++) {

                        fields += '<tr><td><div><span style="font-weight:bold">' +
                            central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_name +
                            '</span><br><span style="color:gray">' +
                            central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_type;

                        if (central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute !== '') {
                            fields += '(' + central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_attribute + ') ';
                        if (central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_length !== '') {
                            fields += '(' + central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_length + ') ';
                        fields += central_column_list[db + '_' + table][i].col_extra + '</span>' +
                        if (pick) {
                            fields += '<td><input class="pick" style="width:100%" type="submit" value="' +
                                PMA_messages.pickColumn + '" onclick="autoPopulate(\'' + colid + '\',' + i + ')"/></td>';
                        fields += '</tr>';
                    result_pointer = i;
                    if (result_pointer === list_size) {
                    return false;
                $(this).closest('.ui-dialog').find('.ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first').focus();
            close: function () {
                $('#col_list').off("click", ".pick");
        return false;

   // $(document).on('click', 'a.show_central_list',function(e) {

   // });
    // When "add a new value" is clicked, append an empty text field
    $(document).on('click', "input.add_value", function (e) {
        var num_new_rows = $enum_editor_dialog.find("div.slider").slider('value');
        while (num_new_rows--) {
                    "<tr style='display: none;'><td>" +
                    "<input type='text' />" +
                    "</td><td class='drop'>" +
                    PMA_getImage('b_drop.png') +

    // Removes the specified row from the enum editor
    $(document).on('click', "#enum_editor td.drop", function () {
        $(this).closest('tr').hide('fast', function () {

 * Ensures indexes names are valid according to their type and, for a primary
 * key, lock index name to 'PRIMARY'
 * @param string   form_id  Variable which parses the form name as
 *                            the input
 * @return boolean  false    if there is no index form, true else
function checkIndexName(form_id)
    if ($("#" + form_id).length === 0) {
        return false;

    // Gets the elements pointers
    var $the_idx_name = $("#input_index_name");
    var $the_idx_choice = $("#select_index_choice");

    // Index is a primary key
    if ($the_idx_choice.find("option:selected").val() == 'PRIMARY') {
        $the_idx_name.prop("disabled", true);

    // Other cases
    else {
        if ($the_idx_name.val() == 'PRIMARY') {
        $the_idx_name.prop("disabled", false);

    return true;
} // end of the 'checkIndexName()' function

AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', '#index_frm input[type=submit]');
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Handler for adding more columns to an index in the editor
    $(document).on('click', '#index_frm input[type=submit]', function (event) {
        var rows_to_add = $(this)

        var tempEmptyVal = function () {

        var tempSetFocus = function () {
            if ($(this).find("option:selected").val() === '') {
                return true;

        while (rows_to_add--) {
            var $indexColumns = $('#index_columns');
            var $newrow = $indexColumns
                .find('tbody > tr:first')
            // focus index size input on column picked

function indexEditorDialog(url, title, callback_success, callback_failure)
    /*Remove the hidden dialogs if there are*/
    var $editIndexDialog = $('#edit_index_dialog');
    if ($editIndexDialog.length !== 0) {
    var $div = $('<div id="edit_index_dialog"></div>');

     * @var button_options Object that stores the options
     *                     passed to jQueryUI dialog
    var button_options = {};
    button_options[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () {
         * @var    the_form    object referring to the export form
        var $form = $("#index_frm");
        var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strProcessingRequest);
        //User wants to submit the form
        $.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + "&do_save_data=1", function (data) {
            var $sqlqueryresults = $(".sqlqueryresults");
            if ($sqlqueryresults.length !== 0) {
            if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
                var $resultQuery = $('.result_query');
                if ($resultQuery.length) {
                if (data.sql_query) {
                    $('<div class="result_query"></div>')
                $(".result_query .notice").remove();
                /*Reload the field form*/
                $("<div id='temp_div'><div>")
                var $editIndexDialog = $("#edit_index_dialog");
                if ($editIndexDialog.length > 0) {
                if (callback_success) {
            } else {
                var $temp_div = $("<div id='temp_div'><div>").append(data.error);
                var $error;
                if ($temp_div.find(".error code").length !== 0) {
                    $error = $temp_div.find(".error code").addClass("error");
                } else {
                    $error = $temp_div;
                if (callback_failure) {
                PMA_ajaxShowMessage($error, false);
        }); // end $.post()
    button_options[PMA_messages.strPreviewSQL] = function () {
        // Function for Previewing SQL
        var $form = $('#index_frm');
    button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () {
    var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
    $.get("tbl_indexes.php", url, function (data) {
        if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === false) {
            //in the case of an error, show the error message returned.
            PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
        } else {
            // Show dialog if the request was successful
                title: title,
                width: 450,
                height: 350,
                open: PMA_verifyColumnsProperties,
                modal: true,
                buttons: button_options,
                close: function () {
    }); // end $.get()

function showIndexEditDialog($outer)
    var $indexColumns = $('#index_columns');
    $indexColumns.find('td').each(function () {
        $(this).css("width", $(this).width() + 'px');
        axis: 'y',
        containment: $indexColumns.find("tbody"),
        tolerance: 'pointer'
    // Add a slider for selecting how many columns to add to the index
        animate: true,
        value: 1,
        min: 1,
        max: 16,
        slide: function (event, ui) {
                PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strAddToIndex, ui.value)
    // focus index size input on column picked
    $outer.find('table#index_columns select').change(function () {
        if ($(this).find("option:selected").val() === '') {
            return true;
    // Focus the slider, otherwise it looks nearly transparent
    // set focus on index name input, if empty
    var input = $outer.find('input#input_index_name');
    if (! input.val()) {

 * Function to display tooltips that were
 * generated on the PHP side by PMA\libraries\Util::showHint()
 * @param object $div a div jquery object which specifies the
 *                    domain for searching for tooltips. If we
 *                    omit this parameter the function searches
 *                    in the whole body
function PMA_showHints($div)
    if ($div === undefined || ! $div instanceof jQuery || $div.length === 0) {
        $div = $("body");
    $div.find('.pma_hint').each(function () {

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {

function PMA_mainMenuResizerCallback() {
    // 5 px margin for jumping menu in Chrome
    return $(document.body).width() - 5;
// This must be fired only once after the initial page load
$(function () {
    // Initialise the menu resize plugin
    // register resize event
    $(window).resize(function () {

 * Get the row number from the classlist (for example, row_1)
function PMA_getRowNumber(classlist)
    return parseInt(classlist.split(/\s+row_/)[1], 10);

 * Changes status of slider
function PMA_set_status_label($element)
    var text;
    if ($element.css('display') == 'none') {
        text = '+ ';
    } else {
        text = '- ';

 * var  toggleButton  This is a function that creates a toggle
 *                    sliding button given a jQuery reference
 *                    to the correct DOM element
var toggleButton = function ($obj) {
    // In rtl mode the toggle switch is flipped horizontally
    // so we need to take that into account
    var right;
    if ($('span.text_direction', $obj).text() == 'ltr') {
        right = 'right';
    } else {
        right = 'left';
     *  var  h  Height of the button, used to scale the
     *          background image and position the layers
    var h = $obj.height();
    $('img', $obj).height(h);
    $('table', $obj).css('bottom', h - 1);
     *  var  on   Width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch
     *  var  off  Width of the "OFF" part of the toggle switch
    var on  = $('td.toggleOn', $obj).width();
    var off = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).width();
    // Make the "ON" and "OFF" parts of the switch the same size
    // + 2 pixels to avoid overflowed
    $('td.toggleOn > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2);
    $('td.toggleOff > div', $obj).width(Math.max(on, off) + 2);
     *  var  w  Width of the central part of the switch
    var w = parseInt(($('img', $obj).height() / 16) * 22, 10);
    // Resize the central part of the switch on the top
    // layer to match the background
    $('table td:nth-child(2) > div', $obj).width(w);
     *  var  imgw    Width of the background image
     *  var  tblw    Width of the foreground layer
     *  var  offset  By how many pixels to move the background
     *               image, so that it matches the top layer
    var imgw = $('img', $obj).width();
    var tblw = $('table', $obj).width();
    var offset = parseInt(((imgw - tblw) / 2), 10);
    // Move the background to match the layout of the top layer
    $obj.find('img').css(right, offset);
     *  var  offw    Outer width of the "ON" part of the toggle switch
     *  var  btnw    Outer width of the central part of the switch
    var offw = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth();
    var btnw = $('table td:nth-child(2)', $obj).outerWidth();
    // Resize the main div so that exactly one side of
    // the switch plus the central part fit into it.
    $obj.width(offw + btnw + 2);
     *  var  move  How many pixels to move the
     *             switch by when toggling
    var move = $('td.toggleOff', $obj).outerWidth();
    // If the switch is initialized to the
    // OFF state we need to move it now.
    if ($('div.container', $obj).hasClass('off')) {
        if (right == 'right') {
            $('div.container', $obj).animate({'left': '-=' + move + 'px'}, 0);
        } else {
            $('div.container', $obj).animate({'left': '+=' + move + 'px'}, 0);
    // Attach an 'onclick' event to the switch
    $('div.container', $obj).click(function () {
        if ($(this).hasClass('isActive')) {
            return false;
        } else {
        var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
        var $container = $(this);
        var callback = $('span.callback', this).text();
        var operator, url, removeClass, addClass;
        // Perform the actual toggle
        if ($(this).hasClass('on')) {
            if (right == 'right') {
                operator = '-=';
            } else {
                operator = '+=';
            url = $(this).find('td.toggleOff > span').text();
            removeClass = 'on';
            addClass = 'off';
        } else {
            if (right == 'right') {
                operator = '+=';
            } else {
                operator = '-=';
            url = $(this).find('td.toggleOn > span').text();
            removeClass = 'off';
            addClass = 'on';
        $.post(url, {'ajax_request': true}, function (data) {
            if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
                .animate({'left': operator + move + 'px'}, function () {
            } else {
                PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
 * Initialise all toggle buttons
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    $('div.toggleAjax').each(function () {
        var $button = $(this).show();
        $button.find('img').each(function () {
            if (this.complete) {
            } else {
                $(this).load(function () {

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('change', 'select.pageselector');
    $(document).off('click', 'a.formLinkSubmit');

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {

     * Autosubmit page selector
    $(document).on('change', 'select.pageselector', function (event) {
        // Check where to load the new content
        if ($(this).closest("#pma_navigation").length === 0) {
            // For the main page we don't need to do anything,
        } else {
            // but for the navigation we need to manually replace the content

     * Load version information asynchronously.
    if ($('li.jsversioncheck').length > 0) {
            dataType: "json",
            url: 'version_check.php',
            method: "POST",
            data: {
                "server": PMA_commonParams.get('server'),
                "token": PMA_commonParams.get('token'),
            success: PMA_current_version

    if ($('#is_git_revision').length > 0) {
        setTimeout(PMA_display_git_revision, 10);

     * Slider effect.

     * Enables the text generated by PMA\libraries\Util::linkOrButton() to be clickable
    $(document).on('click', 'a.formLinkSubmit', function (e) {
        if (! $(this).hasClass('requireConfirm')) {
            return false;

    var $updateRecentTables = $('#update_recent_tables');
    if ($updateRecentTables.length) {
            {no_debug: true},
            function (data) {
                if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {

    // Sync favorite tables from localStorage to pmadb.
    if ($('#sync_favorite_tables').length) {
            url: $('#sync_favorite_tables').attr("href"),
            cache: false,
            type: 'POST',
            data: {
                favorite_tables: (isStorageSupported('localStorage') && typeof window.localStorage.favorite_tables !== 'undefined')
                    ? window.localStorage.favorite_tables
                    : '',
                no_debug: true
            success: function (data) {
                // Update localStorage.
                if (isStorageSupported('localStorage')) {
                    window.localStorage.favorite_tables = data.favorite_tables;
}); // end of $()

 * Submits the form placed in place of a link due to the excessive url length
 * @param $link anchor
 * @returns {Boolean}
function submitFormLink($link)
    if ($link.attr('href').indexOf('=') != -1) {
        var data = $link.attr('href').substr($link.attr('href').indexOf('#') + 1).split('=', 2);
        $link.parents('form').append('<input type="hidden" name="' + data[0] + '" value="' + data[1] + '"/>');

 * Initializes slider effect.
function PMA_init_slider()
    $('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);
        if ($this.data('slider_init_done')) {
        var $wrapper = $('<div>', {'class': 'slide-wrapper'});
        $('<a>', {href: '#' + this.id, "class": 'ajax'})
            .click(function () {
                var $wrapper = $this.closest('.slide-wrapper');
                var visible = $this.is(':visible');
                if (!visible) {
                $this[visible ? 'hide' : 'show']('blind', function () {
                    $wrapper.parent().toggleClass("print_ignore", visible);
                return false;
        $this.data('slider_init_done', 1);

 * Initializes slider effect.
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {

 * Restores sliders to the state they were in before initialisation.
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $('div.pma_auto_slider').each(function () {
        var $this = $(this);

 * Creates a message inside an object with a sliding effect
 * @param msg    A string containing the text to display
 * @param $obj   a jQuery object containing the reference
 *                 to the element where to put the message
 *                 This is optional, if no element is
 *                 provided, one will be created below the
 *                 navigation links at the top of the page
 * @return bool   True on success, false on failure
function PMA_slidingMessage(msg, $obj)
    if (msg === undefined || msg.length === 0) {
        // Don't show an empty message
        return false;
    if ($obj === undefined || ! $obj instanceof jQuery || $obj.length === 0) {
        // If the second argument was not supplied,
        // we might have to create a new DOM node.
        if ($('#PMA_slidingMessage').length === 0) {
                '<span id="PMA_slidingMessage" ' +
                'style="display: inline-block;"></span>'
        $obj = $('#PMA_slidingMessage');
    if ($obj.has('div').length > 0) {
        // If there already is a message inside the
        // target object, we must get rid of it
        .fadeOut(function () {
            .append('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
            // highlight any sql before taking height;
                height: $obj.find('div').first().height()
    } else {
        // Object does not already have a message
        // inside it, so we simply slide it down
            .html('<div>' + msg + '</div>');
        // highlight any sql before taking height;
        var h = $obj
        .css('height', 0)
                height: h
            }, function () {
            // Set the height of the parent
            // to the height of the child
    return true;
} // end PMA_slidingMessage()

 * Attach CodeMirror2 editor to SQL edit area.
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    var $elm = $('#sqlquery');
    if ($elm.length > 0) {
        if (typeof CodeMirror != 'undefined') {
            codemirror_editor = PMA_getSQLEditor($elm);
            codemirror_editor.on("blur", updateQueryParameters);
        } else {
            // without codemirror
                .bind('blur', updateQueryParameters);
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    if (codemirror_editor) {
        codemirror_editor = false;
AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    // initializes all lock-page elements lock-id and
    // val-hash data property
    $('#page_content form.lock-page textarea, ' +
            '#page_content form.lock-page input[type="text"], '+
            '#page_content form.lock-page input[type="number"], '+
            '#page_content form.lock-page select').each(function (i) {
        $(this).data('lock-id', i);
        // val-hash is the hash of default value of the field
        // so that it can be compared with new value hash
        // to check whether field was modified or not.
        $(this).data('val-hash', AJAX.hash($(this).val()));

    // initializes lock-page elements (input types checkbox and radio buttons)
    // lock-id and val-hash data property
    $('#page_content form.lock-page input[type="checkbox"], ' +
            '#page_content form.lock-page input[type="radio"]').each(function (i) {
        $(this).data('lock-id', i);
        $(this).data('val-hash', AJAX.hash($(this).is(":checked")));

 * jQuery plugin to correctly filter input fields by value, needed
 * because some nasty values may break selector syntax
(function ($) {
    $.fn.filterByValue = function (value) {
        return this.filter(function () {
            return $(this).val() === value;

 * Return value of a cell in a table.
function PMA_getCellValue(td) {
    var $td = $(td);
    if ($td.is('.null')) {
        return '';
    } else if ((! $td.is('.to_be_saved')
        || $td.is('.set'))
        && $td.data('original_data')
    ) {
        return $td.data('original_data');
    } else {
        return $td.text();

$(window).on('popstate', function (event, data) {
    return true;

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', 'a.themeselect');
    $(document).off('change', '.autosubmit');

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Theme selector.
    $(document).on('click', 'a.themeselect', function (e) {
        return false;

     * Automatic form submission on change.
    $(document).on('change', '.autosubmit', function (e) {

     * Theme changer.
    $('a.take_theme').click(function (e) {
        var what = this.name;
        if (window.opener && window.opener.document.forms.setTheme.elements.set_theme) {
            window.opener.document.forms.setTheme.elements.set_theme.value = what;
            return false;
        return true;

 * Produce print preview
function printPreview()

 * Create print and back buttons in preview page
function createPrintAndBackButtons() {

    var back_button = $("<input/>",{
        type: 'button',
        value: PMA_messages.back,
        id: 'back_button_print_view'
    var print_button = $("<input/>",{
        type: 'button',
        value: PMA_messages.print,
        id: 'print_button_print_view'

 * Remove print and back buttons and revert to normal view
function removePrintAndBackButton(){

 * Print page
function printPage(){
    if (typeof(window.print) != 'undefined') {

 * Print button
function copyToClipboard()
    var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");

    // *** This styling is an extra step which is likely not required. ***
    // Why is it here? To ensure:
    // 1. the element is able to have focus and selection.
    // 2. if element was to flash render it has minimal visual impact.
    // 3. less flakyness with selection and copying which **might** occur if
    //    the textarea element is not visible.
    // The likelihood is the element won't even render, not even a flash,
    // so some of these are just precautions. However in IE the element
    // is visible whilst the popup box asking the user for permission for
    // the web page to copy to the clipboard.

    // Place in top-left corner of screen regardless of scroll position.
    textArea.style.position = 'fixed';
    textArea.style.top = 0;
    textArea.style.left = 0;

    // Ensure it has a small width and height. Setting to 1px / 1em
    // doesn't work as this gives a negative w/h on some browsers.
    textArea.style.width = '2em';
    textArea.style.height = '2em';

    // We don't need padding, reducing the size if it does flash render.
    textArea.style.padding = 0;

    // Clean up any borders.
    textArea.style.border = 'none';
    textArea.style.outline = 'none';
    textArea.style.boxShadow = 'none';

    // Avoid flash of white box if rendered for any reason.
    textArea.style.background = 'transparent';

    textArea.value = '';

    var elementList = $('#serverinfo a');

        textArea.value += $(this).text().split(':')[1].trim() + '/';
    textArea.value += '\t\t' + window.location.href;
    textArea.value += '\n';

    elementList = $('.notice,.success');

        textArea.value += $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text() + '\n\n';

    elementList = $('.sql pre');

    elementList.each(function() {
        textArea.value += $(this).text() + '\n\n';

    elementList = $('.table_results .column_heading a');

    elementList.each(function() {
        textArea.value += $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text() + '\t';

    textArea.value += '\n';
    elementList = $('tbody .odd,tbody .even');
    elementList.each(function() {
        var childElementList = $(this).find('.data span');
            textArea.value += $(this).clone().children().remove().end().text() + '\t';
        textArea.value += '\n';



    try {
    } catch (err) {
        alert('Sorry! Unable to copy');


 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', 'a.create_view.ajax');
    $(document).off('keydown', '#createViewDialog input, #createViewDialog select');
    $(document).off('change', '#fkc_checkbox');

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Ajaxification for the "Create View" action
    $(document).on('click', 'a.create_view.ajax', function (e) {
     * Attach Ajax event handlers for input fields in the editor
     * and used to submit the Ajax request when the ENTER key is pressed.
    if ($('#createViewDialog').length !== 0) {
        $(document).on('keydown', '#createViewDialog input, #createViewDialog select', function (e) {
            if (e.which === 13) { // 13 is the ENTER key

                // with preventing default, selection by <select> tag
                // was also prevented in IE

        }); // end $(document).on()

    syntaxHighlighter = PMA_getSQLEditor($('textarea[name="view[as]"]'));


function PMA_createViewDialog($this)
    var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
    var syntaxHighlighter = null;
    $.get($this.attr('href') + '&ajax_request=1&ajax_dialog=1', function (data) {
        if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
            var buttonOptions = {};
            buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strGo] = function () {
                if (typeof CodeMirror !== 'undefined') {
                $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
                $.post('view_create.php', $('#createViewDialog').find('form').serialize(), function (data) {
                    if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
                    } else {
                        PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
            buttonOptions[PMA_messages.strClose] = function () {
            var $dialog = $('<div/>').attr('id', 'createViewDialog').append(data.message).dialog({
                width: 600,
                minWidth: 400,
                modal: true,
                buttons: buttonOptions,
                title: PMA_messages.strCreateView,
                close: function () {
            // Attach syntax highlighted editor
            syntaxHighlighter = PMA_getSQLEditor($dialog.find('textarea'));
            $('input:visible[type=text]', $dialog).first().focus();
        } else {

 * Makes the breadcrumbs and the menu bar float at the top of the viewport
$(function () {
    if ($("#floating_menubar").length && $('#PMA_disable_floating_menubar').length === 0) {
        var left = $('html').attr('dir') == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';
            .css('margin-' + left, $('#pma_navigation').width() + $('#pma_navigation_resizer').width())
            .css(left, 0)
                'position': 'fixed',
                'top': 0,
                'width': '100%',
                'z-index': 99
        // Allow the DOM to render, then adjust the padding on the body
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 4);

 * Scrolls the page to the top if clicking the serverinfo bar
$(function () {
    $(document).delegate("#serverinfo, #goto_pagetop", "click", function (event) {
        $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'fast');

var checkboxes_sel = "input.checkall:checkbox:enabled";
 * Watches checkboxes in a form to set the checkall box accordingly
var checkboxes_changed = function () {
    var $form = $(this.form);
    // total number of checkboxes in current form
    var total_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel).length;
    // number of checkboxes checked in current form
    var checked_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel + ":checked").length;
    var $checkall = $form.find("input.checkall_box");
    if (total_boxes == checked_boxes) {
        $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: false});
    else if (checked_boxes > 0) {
        $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: true});
    else {
        $checkall.prop({checked: false, indeterminate: false});
$(document).on("change", checkboxes_sel, checkboxes_changed);

$(document).on("change", "input.checkall_box", function () {
    var is_checked = $(this).is(":checked");
    $(this.form).find(checkboxes_sel).prop("checked", is_checked)
    .parents("tr").toggleClass("marked", is_checked);

 * Watches checkboxes in a sub form to set the sub checkall box accordingly
var sub_checkboxes_changed = function () {
    var $form = $(this).parent().parent();
    // total number of checkboxes in current sub form
    var total_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel).length;
    // number of checkboxes checked in current sub form
    var checked_boxes = $form.find(checkboxes_sel + ":checked").length;
    var $checkall = $form.find("input.sub_checkall_box");
    if (total_boxes == checked_boxes) {
        $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: false});
    else if (checked_boxes > 0) {
        $checkall.prop({checked: true, indeterminate: true});
    else {
        $checkall.prop({checked: false, indeterminate: false});
$(document).on("change", checkboxes_sel + ", input.checkall_box:checkbox:enabled", sub_checkboxes_changed);

$(document).on("change", "input.sub_checkall_box", function () {
    var is_checked = $(this).is(":checked");
    var $form = $(this).parent().parent();
    $form.find(checkboxes_sel).prop("checked", is_checked)
    .parents("tr").toggleClass("marked", is_checked);

 * Toggles row colors of a set of 'tr' elements starting from a given element
 * @param $start Starting element
function toggleRowColors($start)
    for (var $curr_row = $start; $curr_row.length > 0; $curr_row = $curr_row.next()) {
        if ($curr_row.hasClass('odd')) {
        } else if ($curr_row.hasClass('even')) {

 * Formats a byte number to human-readable form
 * @param bytes the bytes to format
 * @param optional subdecimals the number of digits after the point
 * @param optional pointchar the char to use as decimal point
function formatBytes(bytes, subdecimals, pointchar) {
    if (!subdecimals) {
        subdecimals = 0;
    if (!pointchar) {
        pointchar = '.';
    var units = ['B', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB'];
    for (var i = 0; bytes > 1024 && i < units.length; i++) {
        bytes /= 1024;
    var factor = Math.pow(10, subdecimals);
    bytes = Math.round(bytes * factor) / factor;
    bytes = bytes.toString().split('.').join(pointchar);
    return bytes + ' ' + units[i];

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Reveal the login form to users with JS enabled
     * and focus the appropriate input field
    var $loginform = $('#loginform');
    if ($loginform.length) {
        if ($('#input_username').val()) {
        } else {

 * Dynamically adjust the width of the boxes
 * on the table and db operations pages
(function () {
    function DynamicBoxes() {
        var $boxContainer = $('#boxContainer');
        if ($boxContainer.length) {
            var minWidth = $boxContainer.data('box-width');
            var viewport = $(window).width() - $('#pma_navigation').width();
            var slots = Math.floor(viewport / minWidth);
            .each(function () {
                if (viewport < minWidth) {
                } else {
                    $(this).css('width', ((1 /  slots) * 100) + "%");
            .filter(':nth-child(' + slots + 'n+1)')
    AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
    $(function () {

 * Formats timestamp for display
function PMA_formatDateTime(date, seconds) {
    var result = $.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', date);
    var timefmt = 'HH:mm';
    if (seconds) {
        timefmt = 'HH:mm:ss';
    return result + ' ' + $.datepicker.formatTime(
        timefmt, {
            hour: date.getHours(),
            minute: date.getMinutes(),
            second: date.getSeconds()

 * Check than forms have less fields than max allowed by PHP.
function checkNumberOfFields() {
    if (typeof maxInputVars === 'undefined') {
        return false;
    if (false === maxInputVars) {
        return false;
    $('form').each(function() {
        var nbInputs = $(this).find(':input').length;
        if (nbInputs > maxInputVars) {
            var warning = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strTooManyInputs, maxInputVars);
            return false;
        return true;

    return true;

 * Ignore the displayed php errors.
 * Simply removes the displayed errors.
 * @param  clearPrevErrors whether to clear errors stored
 *             in $_SESSION['prev_errors'] at server
function PMA_ignorePhpErrors(clearPrevErrors){
    if (typeof(clearPrevErrors) === "undefined" ||
        clearPrevErrors === null
    ) {
        str = false;
    // send AJAX request to error_report.php with send_error_report=0, exception_type=php & token.
    // It clears the prev_errors stored in session.
        var $pmaReportErrorsForm = $('#pma_report_errors_form');
        $pmaReportErrorsForm.find('input[name="send_error_report"]').val(0); // change send_error_report to '0'

    // remove displayed errors
    var $pmaErrors = $('#pma_errors');
    $pmaErrors.fadeOut( "slow");

 * Toggle the Datetimepicker UI if the date value entered
 * by the user in the 'text box' is not going to be accepted
 * by the Datetimepicker plugin (but is accepted by MySQL)
function toggleDatepickerIfInvalid($td, $input_field) {
    // Regex allowed by the Datetimepicker UI
    var dtexpDate = new RegExp(['^([0-9]{4})',
    var dtexpTime = new RegExp(['^(([0-1][0-9])|(2[0-3]))',

    // If key-ed in Time or Date values are unsupported by the UI, close it
    if ($td.attr('data-type') === 'date' && ! dtexpDate.test($input_field.val())) {
    } else if ($td.attr('data-type') === 'time' && ! dtexpTime.test($input_field.val())) {
    } else {

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function(){
    $(document).off('keydown', 'form input, form textarea, form select');

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function () {
     * Handle 'Ctrl/Alt + Enter' form submits
    $('form input, form textarea, form select').on('keydown', function(e){
        if((e.ctrlKey && e.which == 13) || (e.altKey && e.which == 13)) {
            $form = $(this).closest('form');
            if (! $form.find('input[type="submit"]') ||
                ! $form.find('input[type="submit"]').click()
            ) {

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('functions.js', function(){
    $(document).off('change', 'input[type=radio][name="pw_hash"]');

AJAX.registerOnload('functions.js', function(){
     * Display warning regarding SSL when sha256_password
     * method is selected
     * Used in user_password.php (Change Password link on index.php)
    $(document).on("change", 'select#select_authentication_plugin_cp', function() {
        if (this.value === 'sha256_password') {
        } else {


Name Type Size Permission Actions
codemirror Folder 0755
jqplot Folder 0755
jquery Folder 0755
openlayers Folder 0755
pmd Folder 0755
tracekit Folder 0755
transformations Folder 0755
ajax.js File 28.9 KB 0644
big_ints.js File 1.88 KB 0644
chart.js File 17.84 KB 0644
common.js File 18.36 KB 0644
config.js File 25.86 KB 0644
console.js File 57.53 KB 0644
cross_framing_protection.js File 468 B 0644
db_central_columns.js File 10.63 KB 0644
db_operations.js File 5.76 KB 0644
db_qbe.js File 2.04 KB 0644
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