[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * @fileoverview    function used in table data manipulation pages
 * @requires    jQuery
 * @requires    jQueryUI
 * @requires    js/functions.js

 * Modify form controls when the "NULL" checkbox is checked
 * @param theType     string   the MySQL field type
 * @param urlField    string   the urlencoded field name - OBSOLETE
 * @param md5Field    string   the md5 hashed field name
 * @param multi_edit  string   the multi_edit row sequence number
 * @return boolean  always true
function nullify(theType, urlField, md5Field, multi_edit)
    var rowForm = document.forms.insertForm;

    if (typeof(rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']']) != 'undefined') {
        rowForm.elements['funcs' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].selectedIndex = -1;

    // "ENUM" field with more than 20 characters
    if (theType == 1) {
        rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field +  ']'][1].selectedIndex = -1;
    // Other "ENUM" field
    else if (theType == 2) {
        var elts     = rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'];
        // when there is just one option in ENUM:
        if (elts.checked) {
            elts.checked = false;
        } else {
            var elts_cnt = elts.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < elts_cnt; i++) {
                elts[i].checked = false;
            } // end for

        } // end if
    // "SET" field
    else if (theType == 3) {
        rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field +  '][]'].selectedIndex = -1;
    // Foreign key field (drop-down)
    else if (theType == 4) {
        rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field +  ']'].selectedIndex = -1;
    // foreign key field (with browsing icon for foreign values)
    else if (theType == 6) {
        rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].value = '';
    // Other field types
    else /*if (theType == 5)*/ {
        rowForm.elements['fields' + multi_edit + '[' + md5Field + ']'].value = '';
    } // end if... else if... else

    return true;
} // end of the 'nullify()' function

 * javascript DateTime format validation.
 * its used to prevent adding default (0000-00-00 00:00:00) to database when user enter wrong values
 * Start of validation part
//function checks the number of days in febuary
function daysInFebruary(year)
    return (((year % 4 === 0) && (((year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0))) ? 29 : 28);
//function to convert single digit to double digit
function fractionReplace(num)
    num = parseInt(num, 10);
    return num >= 1 && num <= 9 ? '0' + num : '00';

/* function to check the validity of date
* The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
* 1) 2001-12-23
* 2) 2001-1-2
* 3) 02-12-23
* 4) And instead of using '-' the following punctuations can be used (+,.,*,^,@,/) All these are accepted by mysql as well. Therefore no issues
function isDate(val, tmstmp)
    val = val.replace(/[.|*|^|+|//|@]/g, '-');
    var arrayVal = val.split("-");
    for (var a = 0; a < arrayVal.length; a++) {
        if (arrayVal[a].length == 1) {
            arrayVal[a] = fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
    val = arrayVal.join("-");
    var pos = 2;
    var dtexp = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{4})-(((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1])))|((02|04|06|09|11)-((0[0-9])|([1-2][0-9])|30))|((00)-(00)))$/);
    if (val.length == 8) {
        pos = 0;
    if (dtexp.test(val)) {
        var month = parseInt(val.substring(pos + 3, pos + 5), 10);
        var day = parseInt(val.substring(pos + 6, pos + 8), 10);
        var year = parseInt(val.substring(0, pos + 2), 10);
        if (month == 2 && day > daysInFebruary(year)) {
            return false;
        if (val.substring(0, pos + 2).length == 2) {
            year = parseInt("20" + val.substring(0, pos + 2), 10);
        if (tmstmp === true) {
            if (year < 1978) {
                return false;
            if (year > 2038 || (year > 2037 && day > 19 && month >= 1) || (year > 2037 && month > 1)) {
                return false;
    } else {
        return false;
    return true;

/* function to check the validity of time
* The following patterns are accepted in this validation (accepted in mysql as well)
* 1) 2:3:4
* 2) 2:23:43
* 3) 2:23:43.123456
function isTime(val)
    var arrayVal = val.split(":");
    for (var a = 0, l = arrayVal.length; a < l; a++) {
        if (arrayVal[a].length == 1) {
            arrayVal[a] = fractionReplace(arrayVal[a]);
    val = arrayVal.join(":");
    var tmexp = new RegExp(/^(-)?(([0-7]?[0-9][0-9])|(8[0-2][0-9])|(83[0-8])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9])):((0[0-9])|([1-5][0-9]))(\.[0-9]{1,6}){0,1}$/);
    return tmexp.test(val);

 * To check whether insert section is ignored or not
function checkForCheckbox(multi_edit)
    if($("#insert_ignore_"+multi_edit).length) {
        return $("#insert_ignore_"+multi_edit).is(":unchecked");
    return true;

function verificationsAfterFieldChange(urlField, multi_edit, theType)
    var evt = window.event || arguments.callee.caller.arguments[0];
    var target = evt.target || evt.srcElement;
    var $this_input = $(":input[name^='fields[multi_edit][" + multi_edit + "][" +
        urlField + "]']");
    // the function drop-down that corresponds to this input field
    var $this_function = $("select[name='funcs[multi_edit][" + multi_edit + "][" +
        urlField + "]']");
    var function_selected = false;
    if (typeof $this_function.val() !== 'undefined' &&
        $this_function.val() !== null &&
        $this_function.val().length > 0
    ) {
        function_selected = true;

    //To generate the textbox that can take the salt
    var new_salt_box = "<br><input type=text name=salt[multi_edit][" + multi_edit + "][" + urlField + "]" +
        " id=salt_" + target.id + " placeholder='" + PMA_messages.strEncryptionKey + "'>";

    //If encrypting or decrypting functions that take salt as input is selected append the new textbox for salt
    if (target.value === 'AES_ENCRYPT' ||
            target.value === 'AES_DECRYPT' ||
            target.value === 'DES_ENCRYPT' ||
            target.value === 'DES_DECRYPT' ||
            target.value === 'ENCRYPT') {
        if (!($("#salt_" + target.id).length)) {
    } else {
        //Remove the textbox for salt
        $('#salt_' + target.id).prev('br').remove();
        $("#salt_" + target.id).remove();

    if (target.value === 'AES_DECRYPT'
            || target.value === 'AES_ENCRYPT'
            || target.value === 'MD5') {
        $('#' + target.id).rules("add", {
            validationFunctionForFuns: {
                param: $this_input,
                depends: function() {
                    return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);

    // Unchecks the corresponding "NULL" control
    $("input[name='fields_null[multi_edit][" + multi_edit + "][" + urlField + "]']").prop('checked', false);

    // Unchecks the Ignore checkbox for the current row
    $("input[name='insert_ignore_" + multi_edit + "']").prop('checked', false);

    var charExceptionHandling;
    if (theType.substring(0,4) === "char") {
        charExceptionHandling = theType.substring(5,6);
    else if (theType.substring(0,7) === "varchar") {
        charExceptionHandling = theType.substring(8,9);
    if (function_selected) {
        // @todo: put back attributes if corresponding function is deselected

    if ($this_input.data('rulesadded') == null && ! function_selected) {

        //call validate before adding rules
        // validate for date time
        if (theType == "datetime" || theType == "time" || theType == "date" || theType == "timestamp") {
            $this_input.rules("add", {
                validationFunctionForDateTime: {
                    param: theType,
                    depends: function() {
                        return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
        //validation for integer type
        if ($this_input.data('type') === 'INT') {
            var mini = parseInt($this_input.attr('min'));
            var maxi = parseInt($this_input.attr('max'));
            $this_input.rules("add", {
                number: {
                    param : true,
                    depends: function() {
                        return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
                min: {
                    param: mini,
                    depends: function() {
                        if (isNaN($this_input.val())) {
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
                max: {
                    param: maxi,
                    depends: function() {
                        if (isNaN($this_input.val())) {
                            return false;
                        } else {
                            return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
            //validation for CHAR types
        } else if ($this_input.data('type') === 'CHAR') {
            var maxlen = $this_input.data('maxlength');
            if (typeof maxlen !== 'undefined') {
                if (maxlen <=4) {
                $this_input.rules("add", {
                    maxlength: {
                        param: maxlen,
                        depends: function() {
                            return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
            // validate binary & blob types
        } else if ($this_input.data('type') === 'HEX') {
            $this_input.rules("add", {
                validationFunctionForHex: {
                    param: true,
                    depends: function() {
                        return checkForCheckbox(multi_edit);
        $this_input.data('rulesadded', true);
    } else if ($this_input.data('rulesadded') == true && function_selected) {
        // remove any rules added
        // remove any error messages
        $this_input.data('rulesadded', null);
/* End of fields validation*/

 * Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('tbl_change.js', function () {
    $(document).off('click', 'span.open_gis_editor');
    $(document).off('click', "input[name^='insert_ignore_']");
    $(document).off('click', "input[name='gis_data[save]']");
    $(document).off('click', 'input.checkbox_null');
    $(document).off('change', "#insert_rows");

 * Ajax handlers for Change Table page
 * Actions Ajaxified here:
 * Submit Data to be inserted into the table.
 * Restart insertion with 'N' rows.
AJAX.registerOnload('tbl_change.js', function () {

    if($("#insertForm").length) {
        // validate the comment form when it is submitted
        jQuery.validator.addMethod("validationFunctionForHex", function(value, element) {
            return value.match(/^[a-f0-9]*$/i) !== null;

        jQuery.validator.addMethod("validationFunctionForFuns", function(value, element, options) {
            if (value.substring(0, 3) === "AES" && options.data('type') !== 'HEX') {
                return false;

            return !(value.substring(0, 3) === "MD5" &&
                typeof options.data('maxlength') !== 'undefined' &&
                options.data('maxlength') < 32);

        jQuery.validator.addMethod("validationFunctionForDateTime", function(value, element, options) {
            var dt_value = value;
            var theType = options;
            if (theType == "date") {
                return isDate(dt_value);

            } else if (theType == "time") {
                return isTime(dt_value);

            } else if (theType == "datetime" || theType == "timestamp") {
                var tmstmp = false;
                dt_value = dt_value.trim();
                if (dt_value == "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") {
                    return true;
                if (theType == "timestamp") {
                    tmstmp = true;
                if (dt_value == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
                    return true;
                var dv = dt_value.indexOf(" ");
                if (dv == -1) { // Only the date component, which is valid
                    return isDate(dt_value, tmstmp);

                return isDate(dt_value.substring(0, dv), tmstmp) &&
                    isTime(dt_value.substring(dv + 1));
         * message extending script must be run
         * after initiation of functions

    $.datepicker.initialized = false;

    $(document).on('click', 'span.open_gis_editor', function (event) {

        var $span = $(this);
        // Current value
        var value = $span.parent('td').children("input[type='text']").val();
        // Field name
        var field = $span.parents('tr').children('td:first').find("input[type='hidden']").val();
        // Column type
        var type = $span.parents('tr').find('span.column_type').text();
        // Names of input field and null checkbox
        var input_name = $span.parent('td').children("input[type='text']").attr('name');
        var token = $("input[name='token']").val();

        if (!gisEditorLoaded) {
            loadJSAndGISEditor(value, field, type, input_name, token);
        } else {
            loadGISEditor(value, field, type, input_name, token);

     * Forced validation check of fields
    $(document).on('click',"input[name^='insert_ignore_']", function (event) {

     * Uncheck the null checkbox as geometry data is placed on the input field
    $(document).on('click', "input[name='gis_data[save]']", function (event) {
        var input_name = $('form#gis_data_editor_form').find("input[name='input_name']").val();
        var $null_checkbox = $("input[name='" + input_name + "']").parents('tr').find('.checkbox_null');
        $null_checkbox.prop('checked', false);

     * Handles all current checkboxes for Null; this only takes care of the
     * checkboxes on currently displayed rows as the rows generated by
     * "Continue insertion" are handled in the "Continue insertion" code
    $(document).on('click', 'input.checkbox_null', function () {
            // use hidden fields populated by tbl_change.php

     * Reset the auto_increment column to 0 when selecting any of the
     * insert options in submit_type-dropdown. Only perform the reset
     * when we are in edit-mode, and not in insert-mode(no previous value
     * available).
    $('select[name="submit_type"]').bind('change', function () {
        var thisElemSubmitTypeVal = $(this).val();
        var $table = $('table.insertRowTable');
        var auto_increment_column = $table.find('input[name^="auto_increment"]');
        auto_increment_column.each(function () {
            var $thisElemAIField = $(this);
            var thisElemName = $thisElemAIField.attr('name');

            var prev_value_field = $table.find('input[name="' + thisElemName.replace('auto_increment', 'fields_prev') + '"]');
            var value_field = $table.find('input[name="' + thisElemName.replace('auto_increment', 'fields') + '"]');
            var previous_value = $(prev_value_field).val();
            if (previous_value !== undefined) {
                if (thisElemSubmitTypeVal == 'insert'
                    || thisElemSubmitTypeVal == 'insertignore'
                    || thisElemSubmitTypeVal == 'showinsert'
                ) {
                } else {


     * Continue Insertion form
    $(document).on('change', "#insert_rows", function (event) {
         * @var columnCount   Number of number of columns table has.
        var columnCount = $("table.insertRowTable:first").find("tr").has("input[name*='fields_name']").length;
         * @var curr_rows   Number of current insert rows already on page
        var curr_rows = $("table.insertRowTable").length;
         * @var target_rows Number of rows the user wants
        var target_rows = $("#insert_rows").val();

        // remove all datepickers
        $('input.datefield, input.datetimefield').each(function () {

        if (curr_rows < target_rows) {

            var tempIncrementIndex = function () {

                var $this_element = $(this);
                 * Extract the index from the name attribute for all input/select fields and increment it
                 * name is of format funcs[multi_edit][10][<long random string of alphanum chars>]

                 * @var this_name   String containing name of the input/select elements
                var this_name = $this_element.attr('name');
                /** split {@link this_name} at [10], so we have the parts that can be concatenated later */
                var name_parts = this_name.split(/\[\d+\]/);
                /** extract the [10] from  {@link name_parts} */
                var old_row_index_string = this_name.match(/\[\d+\]/)[0];
                /** extract 10 - had to split into two steps to accomodate double digits */
                var old_row_index = parseInt(old_row_index_string.match(/\d+/)[0], 10);

                /** calculate next index i.e. 11 */
                new_row_index = old_row_index + 1;
                /** generate the new name i.e. funcs[multi_edit][11][foobarbaz] */
                var new_name = name_parts[0] + '[' + new_row_index + ']' + name_parts[1];

                var hashed_field = name_parts[1].match(/\[(.+)\]/)[1];
                $this_element.attr('name', new_name);

                /** If element is select[name*='funcs'], update id */
                if ($this_element.is("select[name*='funcs']")) {
                    var this_id = $this_element.attr("id");
                    var id_parts = this_id.split(/\_/);
                    var old_id_index = id_parts[1];
                    var prevSelectedValue = $("#field_" + old_id_index + "_1").val();
                    var new_id_index = parseInt(old_id_index) + columnCount;
                    var new_id = 'field_' + new_id_index + '_1';
                    $this_element.attr('id', new_id);
                    $this_element.find("option").filter(function () {
                        return $(this).text() === prevSelectedValue;

                    // If salt field is there then update its id.
                    var nextSaltInput = $this_element.parent().next("td").next("td").find("input[name*='salt']");
                    if (nextSaltInput.length !== 0) {
                        nextSaltInput.attr("id", "salt_" + new_id);

                // handle input text fields and textareas
                if ($this_element.is('.textfield') || $this_element.is('.char') || $this_element.is('textarea')) {
                    // do not remove the 'value' attribute for ENUM columns
                    // special handling for radio fields after updating ids to unique - see below
                    if ($this_element.closest('tr').find('span.column_type').html() != 'enum') {
                        // Remove onchange attribute that was placed
                        // by tbl_change.php; it refers to the wrong row index
                        .attr('onchange', null)
                        // Keep these values to be used when the element
                        // will change
                        .data('hashed_field', hashed_field)
                        .data('new_row_index', new_row_index)
                        .bind('change', function () {
                            var $changed_element = $(this);

                if ($this_element.is('.checkbox_null')) {
                        // this event was bound earlier by jQuery but
                        // to the original row, not the cloned one, so unbind()
                        // Keep these values to be used when the element
                        // will be clicked
                        .data('hashed_field', hashed_field)
                        .data('new_row_index', new_row_index)
                        .bind('click', function () {
                            var $changed_element = $(this);
                                '[multi_edit][' + $changed_element.data('new_row_index') + ']'

            var tempReplaceAnchor = function () {
                var $anchor = $(this);
                var new_value = 'rownumber=' + new_row_index;
                // needs improvement in case something else inside
                // the href contains this pattern
                var new_href = $anchor.attr('href').replace(/rownumber=\d+/, new_value);
                $anchor.attr('href', new_href);

            while (curr_rows < target_rows) {

                 * @var $last_row    Object referring to the last row
                var $last_row = $("#insertForm").find(".insertRowTable:last");

                // need to access this at more than one level
                // (also needs improvement because it should be calculated
                //  just once per cloned row, not once per column)
                var new_row_index = 0;

                //Clone the insert tables
                .clone(true, true)

                //Insert/Clone the ignore checkboxes
                if (curr_rows == 1) {
                    $('<input id="insert_ignore_1" type="checkbox" name="insert_ignore_1" checked="checked" />')
                    .after('<label for="insert_ignore_1">' + PMA_messages.strIgnore + '</label>');
                } else {

                     * @var $last_checkbox   Object reference to the last checkbox in #insertForm
                    var $last_checkbox = $("#insertForm").children('input:checkbox:last');

                    /** name of {@link $last_checkbox} */
                    var last_checkbox_name = $last_checkbox.attr('name');
                    /** index of {@link $last_checkbox} */
                    var last_checkbox_index = parseInt(last_checkbox_name.match(/\d+/), 10);
                    /** name of new {@link $last_checkbox} */
                    var new_name = last_checkbox_name.replace(/\d+/, last_checkbox_index + 1);

                    $('<br/><div class="clearfloat"></div>')

                    .attr({'id': new_name, 'name': new_name})
                    .prop('checked', true)

                    .attr('for', new_name)

            // recompute tabindex for text fields and other controls at footer;
            // IMO it's not really important to handle the tabindex for
            // function and Null
            var tabindex = 0;
            $('.textfield, .char, textarea')
            .each(function () {
                $(this).attr('tabindex', tabindex);
                // update the IDs of textfields to ensure that they are unique
                $(this).attr('id', "field_" + tabindex + "_3");

                // special handling for radio fields after updating ids to unique
                if ($(this).closest('tr').find('span.column_type').html() === 'enum') {
                    if ($(this).val() === $(this).closest('tr').find('span.default_value').html()) {
                        $(this).prop('checked', true);
                    } else {
                        $(this).prop('checked', false);
            .each(function () {
                $(this).attr('tabindex', tabindex);
        } else if (curr_rows > target_rows) {
            while (curr_rows > target_rows) {
        // Add all the required datepickers back

function changeValueFieldType(elem, searchIndex)
    var fieldsValue = $("select#fieldID_" + searchIndex);
    if (0 === fieldsValue.size()) {

    var type = $(elem).val();
    if ('IN (...)' == type ||
        'NOT IN (...)' == type ||
        'BETWEEN' == type ||
        'NOT BETWEEN' == type
    ) {
        $("#fieldID_" + searchIndex).attr('multiple', '');
    } else {
        $("#fieldID_" + searchIndex).removeAttr('multiple');


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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big_ints.js File 1.88 KB 0644
chart.js File 17.84 KB 0644
common.js File 18.36 KB 0644
config.js File 25.86 KB 0644
console.js File 57.53 KB 0644
cross_framing_protection.js File 468 B 0644
db_central_columns.js File 10.63 KB 0644
db_operations.js File 5.76 KB 0644
db_qbe.js File 2.04 KB 0644
db_search.js File 8.42 KB 0644
db_structure.js File 15.42 KB 0644
db_tracking.js File 3.22 KB 0644
doclinks.js File 20.16 KB 0644
error_report.js File 9.87 KB 0644
export.js File 28.66 KB 0644
functions.js File 162.06 KB 0644
get_image.js.php File 4.65 KB 0644
get_scripts.js.php File 1.93 KB 0644
gis_data_editor.js File 14.33 KB 0644
import.js File 5.49 KB 0644
indexes.js File 26.3 KB 0644
keyhandler.js File 3.25 KB 0644
line_counts.php File 36.92 KB 0644
makegrid.js File 95.13 KB 0644
menu-resizer.js File 6.48 KB 0644
messages.php File 38.55 KB 0644
microhistory.js File 11.22 KB 0644
multi_column_sort.js File 2.83 KB 0644
navigation.js File 53.8 KB 0644
normalization.js File 26.39 KB 0644
page_settings.js File 1.66 KB 0644
replication.js File 3.03 KB 0644
rte.js File 46.45 KB 0644
server_databases.js File 4.96 KB 0644
server_plugins.js File 525 B 0644
server_privileges.js File 16.23 KB 0644
server_status_advisor.js File 3.6 KB 0644
server_status_monitor.js File 84.43 KB 0644
server_status_processes.js File 5.97 KB 0644
server_status_queries.js File 950 B 0644
server_status_sorter.js File 2.51 KB 0644
server_status_variables.js File 3.57 KB 0644
server_user_groups.js File 1.34 KB 0644
server_variables.js File 5.93 KB 0644
sprintf.js File 7.21 KB 0644
sql.js File 32.71 KB 0644
tbl_change.js File 27.8 KB 0644
tbl_chart.js File 13.61 KB 0644
tbl_find_replace.js File 1.55 KB 0644
tbl_gis_visualization.js File 10.64 KB 0644
tbl_operations.js File 12.99 KB 0644
tbl_relation.js File 8.35 KB 0644
tbl_select.js File 15.07 KB 0644
tbl_structure.js File 20.41 KB 0644
tbl_tracking.js File 3.44 KB 0644
tbl_zoom_plot_jqplot.js File 22.55 KB 0644
whitelist.php File 1.1 KB 0644