[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Set of methods used to build dumps of tables as Latex
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage Latex
namespace PMA\libraries\plugins\export;

use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\BoolPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\ExportPluginProperties;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyMainGroup;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyRootGroup;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\ExportPlugin;
use PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface;
use PMA\libraries\Util;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\RadioPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\TextPropertyItem;

 * Handles the export for the Latex format
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage Latex
class ExportLatex extends ExportPlugin
     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        // initialize the specific export sql variables


     * Initialize the local variables that are used for export Latex
     * @return void
    protected function initSpecificVariables()
        /* Messages used in default captions */
        $GLOBALS['strLatexContent'] = __('Content of table @TABLE@');
        $GLOBALS['strLatexContinued'] = __('(continued)');
        $GLOBALS['strLatexStructure'] = __('Structure of table @TABLE@');

     * Sets the export Latex properties
     * @return void
    protected function setProperties()
        global $plugin_param;
        $hide_structure = false;
        if ($plugin_param['export_type'] == 'table'
            && !$plugin_param['single_table']
        ) {
            $hide_structure = true;

        $exportPluginProperties = new ExportPluginProperties();

        // create the root group that will be the options field for
        // $exportPluginProperties
        // this will be shown as "Format specific options"
        $exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup(
            "Format Specific Options"

        // general options main group
        $generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup("general_opts");
        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
            __('Include table caption')
        // add the main group to the root group

        // what to dump (structure/data/both) main group
        $dumpWhat = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
            "dump_what", __('Dump table')
        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new RadioPropertyItem("structure_or_data");
                'structure'          => __('structure'),
                'data'               => __('data'),
                'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'),
        // add the main group to the root group

        // structure options main group
        if (!$hide_structure) {
            $structureOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
                "structure", __('Object creation options')
            // create primary items and add them to the group
            $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
                __('Table caption:')
            $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
                __('Table caption (continued):')
            $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
                __('Label key:')
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['relation'])) {
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    __('Display foreign key relationships')
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Display comments')
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['mimework'])) {
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    __('Display MIME types')
            // add the main group to the root group

        // data options main group
        $dataOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
            "data", __('Data dump options')
        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
            __('Put columns names in the first row:')
        $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
            __('Table caption:')
        $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
            __('Table caption (continued):')
        $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
            __('Label key:')
        $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
            __('Replace NULL with:')
        // add the main group to the root group

        // set the options for the export plugin property item
        $this->properties = $exportPluginProperties;

     * Outputs export header
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportHeader()
        global $crlf;
        global $cfg;

        $head = '% phpMyAdmin LaTeX Dump' . $crlf
            . '% version ' . PMA_VERSION . $crlf
            . '% https://www.phpmyadmin.net/' . $crlf
            . '%' . $crlf
            . '% ' . __('Host:') . ' ' . $cfg['Server']['host'];
        if (!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) {
            $head .= ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
        $head .= $crlf
            . '% ' . __('Generation Time:') . ' '
            . Util::localisedDate() . $crlf
            . '% ' . __('Server version:') . ' ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . $crlf
            . '% ' . __('PHP Version:') . ' ' . phpversion() . $crlf;

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);

     * Outputs export footer
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportFooter()
        return true;

     * Outputs database header
     * @param string $db       Database name
     * @param string $db_alias Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias = '')
        if (empty($db_alias)) {
            $db_alias = $db;
        global $crlf;
        $head = '% ' . $crlf
            . '% ' . __('Database:') . ' ' . '\'' . $db_alias . '\'' . $crlf
            . '% ' . $crlf;

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);

     * Outputs database footer
     * @param string $db Database name
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBFooter($db)
        return true;

     * Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement
     * @param string $db          Database name
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param string $db_alias    Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBCreate($db, $export_type, $db_alias = '')
        return true;

     * Outputs the content of a table in JSON format
     * @param string $db        database name
     * @param string $table     table name
     * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
     * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportData(
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);

        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(

        $columns_cnt = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numFields($result);
        $columns = array();
        $columns_alias = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_cnt; $i++) {
            $columns[$i] = $col_as = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldName($result, $i);
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as])) {
                $col_as = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as];
            $columns_alias[$i] = $col_as;

        $buffer = $crlf . '%' . $crlf . '% ' . __('Data:') . ' ' . $table_alias
            . $crlf . '%' . $crlf . ' \\begin{longtable}{|';

        for ($index = 0; $index < $columns_cnt; $index++) {
            $buffer .= 'l|';
        $buffer .= '} ' . $crlf;

        $buffer .= ' \\hline \\endhead \\hline \\endfoot \\hline ' . $crlf;
        if (isset($GLOBALS['latex_caption'])) {
            $buffer .= ' \\caption{'
                . Util::expandUserString(
                    array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                . '} \\label{'
                . Util::expandUserString(
                    array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                . '} \\\\';
        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
            return false;

        // show column names
        if (isset($GLOBALS['latex_columns'])) {
            $buffer = '\\hline ';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_cnt; $i++) {
                $buffer .= '\\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{'
                    . self::texEscape(stripslashes($columns_alias[$i])) . '}} & ';

            $buffer = mb_substr($buffer, 0, -2) . '\\\\ \\hline \hline ';
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer . ' \\endfirsthead ' . $crlf)) {
                return false;
            if (isset($GLOBALS['latex_caption'])) {
                if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                    . Util::expandUserString(
                        array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                    . '} \\\\ '
                ) {
                    return false;
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer . '\\endhead \\endfoot' . $crlf)) {
                return false;
        } else {
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler('\\\\ \hline')) {
                return false;

        // print the whole table
        while ($record = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result)) {
            $buffer = '';
            // print each row
            for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_cnt; $i++) {
                if ((!function_exists('is_null')
                    || !is_null($record[$columns[$i]]))
                    && isset($record[$columns[$i]])
                ) {
                    $column_value = self::texEscape(
                } else {
                    $column_value = $GLOBALS['latex_null'];

                // last column ... no need for & character
                if ($i == ($columns_cnt - 1)) {
                    $buffer .= $column_value;
                } else {
                    $buffer .= $column_value . " & ";
            $buffer .= ' \\\\ \\hline ' . $crlf;
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
                return false;

        $buffer = ' \\end{longtable}' . $crlf;
        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
            return false;


        return true;
    } // end getTableLaTeX

     * Outputs table's structure
     * @param string $db          database name
     * @param string $table       table name
     * @param string $crlf        the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url   the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $export_mode 'create_table', 'triggers', 'create_view',
     *                            'stand_in'
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param bool   $do_relation whether to include relation comments
     * @param bool   $do_comments whether to include the pmadb-style column
     *                            comments as comments in the structure;
     *                            this is deprecated but the parameter is
     *                            left here because export.php calls
     *                            exportStructure() also for other
     *                            export types which use this parameter
     * @param bool   $do_mime     whether to include mime comments
     * @param bool   $dates       whether to include creation/update/check dates
     * @param array  $aliases     Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportStructure(
        $do_relation = false,
        $do_comments = false,
        $do_mime = false,
        $dates = false,
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);

        global $cfgRelation;

        /* We do not export triggers */
        if ($export_mode == 'triggers') {
            return true;

         * Get the unique keys in the table
        $unique_keys = array();
        $keys = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTableIndexes($db, $table);
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            if ($key['Non_unique'] == 0) {
                $unique_keys[] = $key['Column_name'];

         * Gets fields properties

        // Check if we can use Relations
        list($res_rel, $have_rel) = PMA_getRelationsAndStatus(
            $do_relation && !empty($cfgRelation['relation']),
         * Displays the table structure
        $buffer = $crlf . '%' . $crlf . '% ' . __('Structure:') . ' '
            . $table_alias . $crlf . '%' . $crlf . ' \\begin{longtable}{';
        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
            return false;

        $alignment = '|l|c|c|c|';
        if ($do_relation && $have_rel) {
            $alignment .= 'l|';
        if ($do_comments) {
            $alignment .= 'l|';
        if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) {
            $alignment .= 'l|';
        $buffer = $alignment . '} ' . $crlf;

        $header = ' \\hline ';
        $header .= '\\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Column')
            . '}} & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Type')
            . '}} & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Null')
            . '}} & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Default') . '}}';
        if ($do_relation && $have_rel) {
            $header .= ' & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Links to') . '}}';
        if ($do_comments) {
            $header .= ' & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{' . __('Comments') . '}}';
            $comments = PMA_getComments($db, $table);
        if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) {
            $header .= ' & \\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{\\textbf{MIME}}';
            $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table, true);

        // Table caption for first page and label
        if (isset($GLOBALS['latex_caption'])) {
            $buffer .= ' \\caption{'
                . Util::expandUserString(
                    array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                . '} \\label{'
                . Util::expandUserString(
                    array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                . '} \\\\' . $crlf;
        $buffer .= $header . ' \\\\ \\hline \\hline' . $crlf
            . '\\endfirsthead' . $crlf;
        // Table caption on next pages
        if (isset($GLOBALS['latex_caption'])) {
            $buffer .= ' \\caption{'
                . Util::expandUserString(
                    array('table' => $table_alias, 'database' => $db_alias)
                . '} \\\\ ' . $crlf;
        $buffer .= $header . ' \\\\ \\hline \\hline \\endhead \\endfoot ' . $crlf;

        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
            return false;

        $fields = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $table);
        foreach ($fields as $row) {
            $extracted_columnspec = Util::extractColumnSpec($row['Type']);
            $type = $extracted_columnspec['print_type'];
            if (empty($type)) {
                $type = ' ';

            if (!isset($row['Default'])) {
                if ($row['Null'] != 'NO') {
                    $row['Default'] = 'NULL';

            $field_name = $col_as = $row['Field'];
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as])) {
                $col_as = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as];

            $local_buffer = $col_as . "\000" . $type . "\000"
                . (($row['Null'] == '' || $row['Null'] == 'NO')
                    ? __('No') : __('Yes'))
                . "\000" . (isset($row['Default']) ? $row['Default'] : '');

            if ($do_relation && $have_rel) {
                $local_buffer .= "\000";
                $local_buffer .= $this->getRelationString(
            if ($do_comments && $cfgRelation['commwork']) {
                $local_buffer .= "\000";
                if (isset($comments[$field_name])) {
                    $local_buffer .= $comments[$field_name];
            if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) {
                $local_buffer .= "\000";
                if (isset($mime_map[$field_name])) {
                    $local_buffer .= str_replace(
            $local_buffer = self::texEscape($local_buffer);
            if ($row['Key'] == 'PRI') {
                $pos = mb_strpos($local_buffer, "\000");
                $local_buffer = '\\textit{'
                    mb_substr($local_buffer, 0, $pos)
                    . '}' .
                    mb_substr($local_buffer, $pos);
            if (in_array($field_name, $unique_keys)) {
                $pos = mb_strpos($local_buffer, "\000");
                $local_buffer = '\\textbf{'
                    mb_substr($local_buffer, 0, $pos)
                    . '}' .
                    mb_substr($local_buffer, $pos);
            $buffer = str_replace("\000", ' & ', $local_buffer);
            $buffer .= ' \\\\ \\hline ' . $crlf;

            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
                return false;
        } // end while

        $buffer = ' \\end{longtable}' . $crlf;

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer);
    } // end of the 'exportStructure' method

     * Escapes some special characters for use in TeX/LaTeX
     * @param string $string the string to convert
     * @return string the converted string with escape codes
    public static function texEscape($string)
        $escape = array('$', '%', '{', '}', '&', '#', '_', '^');
        $cnt_escape = count($escape);
        for ($k = 0; $k < $cnt_escape; $k++) {
            $string = str_replace($escape[$k], '\\' . $escape[$k], $string);

        return $string;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ExportCodegen.php File 13.39 KB 0644
ExportCsv.php File 10.79 KB 0644
ExportExcel.php File 2.98 KB 0644
ExportHtmlword.php File 21.48 KB 0644
ExportJson.php File 6.56 KB 0644
ExportLatex.php File 22.38 KB 0644
ExportMediawiki.php File 12.03 KB 0644
ExportOds.php File 12.23 KB 0644
ExportOdt.php File 28.87 KB 0644
ExportPdf.php File 10.72 KB 0644
ExportPhparray.php File 7.17 KB 0644
ExportSql.php File 100.32 KB 0644
ExportTexytext.php File 19.13 KB 0644
ExportXml.php File 17.64 KB 0644
ExportYaml.php File 6.08 KB 0644
PMA_ExportPdf.php File 27.35 KB 0644
README File 6.64 KB 0644
TableProperty.php File 6.05 KB 0644