[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Set of functions used to build SQL dumps of tables
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage SQL
namespace PMA\libraries\plugins\export;

use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\BoolPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\ExportPluginProperties;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\MessageOnlyPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\NumberPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyMainGroup;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyRootGroup;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertySubgroup;
use PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\ExportPlugin;
use PMA\libraries\Util;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\RadioPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\SelectPropertyItem;
use SqlParser\Components\CreateDefinition;
use SqlParser\Context;
use SqlParser\Parser;
use SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement;
use SqlParser\Token;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\TextPropertyItem;

 * Handles the export for the SQL class
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage SQL
class ExportSql extends ExportPlugin
     * Whether charset header was sent.
     * @var boolean
    private $_sent_charset = false;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()

        // Avoids undefined variables, use NULL so isset() returns false
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_backquotes'])) {
            $GLOBALS['sql_backquotes'] = null;

     * Sets the export SQL properties
     * @return void
    protected function setProperties()
        global $plugin_param;

        $hide_sql = false;
        $hide_structure = false;
        if ($plugin_param['export_type'] == 'table'
            && !$plugin_param['single_table']
        ) {
            $hide_structure = true;
            $hide_sql = true;

        if (!$hide_sql) {
            $exportPluginProperties = new ExportPluginProperties();

            // create the root group that will be the options field for
            // $exportPluginProperties
            // this will be shown as "Format specific options"
            $exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup(
                "Format Specific Options"

            // general options main group
            $generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup("general_opts");

            // comments
            $subgroup = new OptionsPropertySubgroup("include_comments");
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    'Display comments <i>(includes info such as export'
                    . ' timestamp, PHP version, and server version)</i>'

            $leaf = new TextPropertyItem(
                __('Additional custom header comment (\n splits lines):')
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    'Include a timestamp of when databases were created, last'
                    . ' updated, and last checked'
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['relation'])) {
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    __('Display foreign key relationships')
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['mimework'])) {
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    __('Display MIME types')

            // enclose in a transaction
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Enclose export in a transaction')

            // disable foreign key checks
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Disable foreign key checks')

            // export views as tables
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Export views as tables')

            // export metadata
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Export metadata')

            // compatibility maximization
            $compats = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getCompatibilities();
            if (count($compats) > 0) {
                $values = array();
                foreach ($compats as $val) {
                    $values[$val] = $val;

                $leaf = new SelectPropertyItem(
                        'Database system or older MySQL server to maximize output'
                        . ' compatibility with:'


            // what to dump (structure/data/both)
            $subgroup = new OptionsPropertySubgroup(
                "dump_table", __("Dump table")
            $leaf = new RadioPropertyItem('structure_or_data');
                    'structure'          => __('structure'),
                    'data'               => __('data'),
                    'structure_and_data' => __('structure and data'),

            // add the main group to the root group

            // structure options main group
            if (!$hide_structure) {
                $structureOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
                    "structure", __('Object creation options')

                // begin SQL Statements
                $subgroup = new OptionsPropertySubgroup();
                $leaf = new MessageOnlyPropertyItem(
                    __('Add statements:')

                // server export options
                if ($plugin_param['export_type'] == 'server') {
                    $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                        sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), '<code>DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS</code>')

                if ($plugin_param['export_type'] == 'database') {
                    $create_clause = '<code>CREATE DATABASE / USE</code>';
                    $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                        sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), $create_clause)

                if ($plugin_param['export_type'] == 'table') {
                    $drop_clause = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable(
                        ? '<code>DROP VIEW</code>'
                        : '<code>DROP TABLE</code>';
                } else {
                    $drop_clause = '<code>DROP TABLE / VIEW / PROCEDURE'
                        . ' / FUNCTION / EVENT</code>';

                $drop_clause .= '<code> / TRIGGER</code>';

                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), $drop_clause)

                $subgroup_create_table = new OptionsPropertySubgroup();

                // Add table structure option
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), '<code>CREATE TABLE</code>')

                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    '<code>IF NOT EXISTS</code> ' . __(
                        '(less efficient as indexes will be generated during table '
                        . 'creation)'

                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    sprintf(__('%s value'), '<code>AUTO_INCREMENT</code>')


                // Add view option
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), '<code>CREATE VIEW</code>')

                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                        __('Add %s statement'),
                        '<code>CREATE PROCEDURE / FUNCTION / EVENT</code>'

                // Add triggers option
                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    sprintf(__('Add %s statement'), '<code>CREATE TRIGGER</code>')


                $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                        'Enclose table and column names with backquotes '
                        . '<i>(Protects column and table names formed with'
                        . ' special characters or keywords)</i>'


                // add the main group to the root group

            // begin Data options
            $dataOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
                "data", __('Data creation options')
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('Truncate table before insert')

            // begin SQL Statements
            $subgroup = new OptionsPropertySubgroup();
            $leaf = new MessageOnlyPropertyItem(
                __('Instead of <code>INSERT</code> statements, use:')

            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('<code>INSERT DELAYED</code> statements')

            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                __('<code>INSERT IGNORE</code> statements')

            // Function to use when dumping dat
            $leaf = new SelectPropertyItem(
                __('Function to use when dumping data:')
                    'INSERT'  => 'INSERT',
                    'UPDATE'  => 'UPDATE',
                    'REPLACE' => 'REPLACE',

            /* Syntax to use when inserting data */
            $subgroup = new OptionsPropertySubgroup();
            $leaf = new MessageOnlyPropertyItem(
                __('Syntax to use when inserting data:')
            $leaf = new RadioPropertyItem(
                __('<code>INSERT IGNORE</code> statements')
                    'complete' => __(
                        'include column names in every <code>INSERT</code> statement'
                        . ' <br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Example: <code>INSERT INTO'
                        . ' tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES (1,2,3)</code>'
                    'extended' => __(
                        'insert multiple rows in every <code>INSERT</code> statement'
                        . '<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Example: <code>INSERT INTO'
                        . ' tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)</code>'
                    'both'     => __(
                        'both of the above<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Example:'
                        . ' <code>INSERT INTO tbl_name (col_A,col_B,col_C) VALUES'
                        . ' (1,2,3), (4,5,6), (7,8,9)</code>'
                    'none'     => __(
                        'neither of the above<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Example:'
                        . ' <code>INSERT INTO tbl_name VALUES (1,2,3)</code>'

            // Max length of query
            $leaf = new NumberPropertyItem(
                __('Maximal length of created query')

            // Dump binary columns in hexadecimal
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    'Dump binary columns in hexadecimal notation'
                    . ' <i>(for example, "abc" becomes 0x616263)</i>'

            // Dump time in UTC
            $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
                    'Dump TIMESTAMP columns in UTC <i>(enables TIMESTAMP columns'
                    . ' to be dumped and reloaded between servers in different'
                    . ' time zones)</i>'

            // add the main group to the root group

            // set the options for the export plugin property item
            $this->properties = $exportPluginProperties;

     * Generates SQL for routines export
     * @param string $db        Database
     * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @param string $type      Type of exported routine
     * @param string $name      Verbose name of exported routine
     * @param array  $routines  List of routines to export
     * @param string $delimiter Delimiter to use in SQL
     * @return string SQL query
    protected function _exportRoutineSQL(
        $db, $aliases, $type, $name, $routines, $delimiter
    ) {
        global $crlf;

        $text = $this->_exportComment()
            . $this->_exportComment($name)
            . $this->_exportComment();

        $used_alias = false;
        $proc_query = '';

        foreach ($routines as $routine) {
            if (!empty($GLOBALS['sql_drop_table'])) {
                $proc_query .= 'DROP ' . $type . ' IF EXISTS '
                    . Util::backquote($routine)
                    . $delimiter . $crlf;
            $create_query = $this->replaceWithAliases(
                $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, $type, $routine),
            // One warning per database
            if ($flag) {
                $used_alias = true;
            $proc_query .= $create_query . $delimiter . $crlf . $crlf;
        if ($used_alias) {
            $text .= $this->_exportComment(
                __('It appears your database uses routines;')
            . $this->_exportComment(
                __('alias export may not work reliably in all cases.')
            . $this->_exportComment();
        $text .= $proc_query;

        return $text;

     * Exports routines (procedures and functions)
     * @param string $db      Database
     * @param array  $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportRoutines($db, $aliases = array())
        global $crlf;

        $db_alias = $db;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias);

        $text = '';
        $delimiter = '$$';

        $procedure_names = $GLOBALS['dbi']
            ->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'PROCEDURE');
        $function_names = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions($db, 'FUNCTION');

        if ($procedure_names || $function_names) {
            $text .= $crlf
                . 'DELIMITER ' . $delimiter . $crlf;

            if ($procedure_names) {
                $text .= $this->_exportRoutineSQL(

            if ($function_names) {
                $text .= $this->_exportRoutineSQL(

            $text .= 'DELIMITER ;' . $crlf;

        if (!empty($text)) {
            return PMA_exportOutputHandler($text);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Possibly outputs comment
     * @param string $text Text of comment
     * @return string The formatted comment
    private function _exportComment($text = '')
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_include_comments'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_include_comments']
        ) {
            // see https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ansi-diff-comments.html
            if (empty($text)) {
                return '--' . $GLOBALS['crlf'];
            } else {
                $lines = preg_split("/\\r\\n|\\r|\\n/", $text);
                $result = array();
                foreach ($lines as $line) {
                    $result[] = '-- ' . $line . $GLOBALS['crlf'];
                return implode('', $result);
        } else {
            return '';

     * Possibly outputs CRLF
     * @return string $crlf or nothing
    private function _possibleCRLF()
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_include_comments'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_include_comments']
        ) {
            return $GLOBALS['crlf'];
        } else {
            return '';

     * Outputs export footer
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportFooter()
        global $crlf, $mysql_charset_map;

        $foot = '';

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_disable_fk'])) {
            $foot .= 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;' . $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_use_transaction'])) {
            $foot .= 'COMMIT;' . $crlf;

        // restore connection settings
        if ($this->_sent_charset) {
            $foot .= $crlf
                . $crlf
                . $crlf
                . $crlf;
            $this->_sent_charset = false;

        /* Restore timezone */
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_utc_time']) && $GLOBALS['sql_utc_time']) {
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET time_zone = "' . $GLOBALS['old_tz'] . '"');

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($foot);

     * Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all
     * the required variables are initialized here.
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportHeader()
        global $crlf, $cfg;
        global $mysql_charset_map;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $tmp_compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
            if ($tmp_compat == 'NONE') {
                $tmp_compat = '';
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery('SET SQL_MODE="' . $tmp_compat . '"');
        $head = $this->_exportComment('phpMyAdmin SQL Dump')
            . $this->_exportComment('version ' . PMA_VERSION)
            . $this->_exportComment('https://www.phpmyadmin.net/')
            . $this->_exportComment();
        $host_string = __('Host:') . ' ' . $cfg['Server']['host'];
        if (!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) {
            $host_string .= ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
        $head .= $this->_exportComment($host_string);
        $head .= $this->_exportComment(
            __('Generation Time:') . ' '
            . Util::localisedDate()
        . $this->_exportComment(
            __('Server version:') . ' ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION
        . $this->_exportComment(__('PHP Version:') . ' ' . phpversion())
        . $this->_possibleCRLF();

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_header_comment'])
            && !empty($GLOBALS['sql_header_comment'])
        ) {
            // '\n' is not a newline (like "\n" would be), it's the characters
            // backslash and n, as explained on the export interface
            $lines = explode('\n', $GLOBALS['sql_header_comment']);
            $head .= $this->_exportComment();
            foreach ($lines as $one_line) {
                $head .= $this->_exportComment($one_line);
            $head .= $this->_exportComment();

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_disable_fk'])) {
            $head .= 'SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;' . $crlf;

        // We want exported AUTO_INCREMENT columns to have still same value,
        // do this only for recent MySQL exports
        if ((! isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])
            || $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'NONE')
        ) {
            $head .= 'SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";' . $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_use_transaction'])) {
            $head .= 'SET AUTOCOMMIT = 0;' . $crlf
                . 'START TRANSACTION;' . $crlf;

        /* Change timezone if we should export timestamps in UTC */
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_utc_time']) && $GLOBALS['sql_utc_time']) {
            $head .= 'SET time_zone = "+00:00";' . $crlf;
            $GLOBALS['old_tz'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']
                ->fetchValue('SELECT @@session.time_zone');
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET time_zone = "+00:00"');

        $head .= $this->_possibleCRLF();

        if (! empty($GLOBALS['asfile'])) {
            // we are saving as file, therefore we provide charset information
            // so that a utility like the mysql client can interpret
            // the file correctly
            if (isset($GLOBALS['charset'])
                && isset($mysql_charset_map[$GLOBALS['charset']])
            ) {
                // we got a charset from the export dialog
                $set_names = $mysql_charset_map[$GLOBALS['charset']];
            } else {
                // by default we use the connection charset
                $set_names = $mysql_charset_map['utf-8'];
            if ($set_names == 'utf8' && PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION > 50503) {
                $set_names = 'utf8mb4';
            $head .= $crlf
                . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT='
                . '@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;' . $crlf
                . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS='
                . '@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;' . $crlf
                . '/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION='
                . '@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;' . $crlf
                . '/*!40101 SET NAMES ' . $set_names . ' */;' . $crlf . $crlf;
            $this->_sent_charset = true;

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);

     * Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement
     * @param string $db          Database name
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param string $db_alias    Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBCreate($db, $export_type, $db_alias = '')
        global $crlf;

        if (empty($db_alias)) {
            $db_alias = $db;
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_drop_database'])) {
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS '
                . Util::backquoteCompat(
                . ';' . $crlf
            ) {
                return false;
        if ($export_type == 'database' && !isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_database'])) {
            return true;

        $create_query = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS '
            . Util::backquoteCompat(
        $collation = PMA_getDbCollation($db);
        if (mb_strpos($collation, '_')) {
            $create_query .= ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET '
                . mb_substr(
                    mb_strpos($collation, '_')
                . ' COLLATE ' . $collation;
        } else {
            $create_query .= ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ' . $collation;
        $create_query .= ';' . $crlf;
        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($create_query)) {
            return false;

        return $this->_exportUseStatement($db_alias, $compat);

     * Outputs USE statement
     * @param string $db     db to use
     * @param string $compat sql compatibility
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    private function _exportUseStatement($db, $compat)
        global $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'NONE'
        ) {
            $result = PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                'USE '
                . Util::backquoteCompat(
                . ';' . $crlf
        } else {
            $result = PMA_exportOutputHandler('USE ' . $db . ';' . $crlf);

        return $result;

     * Outputs database header
     * @param string $db       Database name
     * @param string $db_alias Alias of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias = '')
        if (empty($db_alias)) {
            $db_alias = $db;
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';
        $head = $this->_exportComment()
            . $this->_exportComment(
                __('Database:') . ' '
                . Util::backquoteCompat(
            . $this->_exportComment();

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);

     * Outputs database footer
     * @param string $db Database name
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBFooter($db)
        global $crlf;

        $result = true;

        //add indexes to the sql dump file
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_indexes'])) {
            $result = PMA_exportOutputHandler($GLOBALS['sql_indexes']);
        //add auto increments to the sql dump file
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments'])) {
            $result = PMA_exportOutputHandler($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increments']);
        //add constraints to the sql dump file
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_constraints'])) {
            $result = PMA_exportOutputHandler($GLOBALS['sql_constraints']);

        return $result;

     * Exports events
     * @param string $db Database
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportEvents($db)
        global $crlf;

        $text = '';
        $delimiter = '$$';

        $event_names = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
            "SELECT EVENT_NAME FROM information_schema.EVENTS WHERE"
            . " EVENT_SCHEMA= '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
            . "';"

        if ($event_names) {
            $text .= $crlf
                . "DELIMITER " . $delimiter . $crlf;

            $text .= $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_exportComment(__('Events'))
                . $this->_exportComment();

            foreach ($event_names as $event_name) {
                if (!empty($GLOBALS['sql_drop_table'])) {
                    $text .= "DROP EVENT "
                        . Util::backquote($event_name)
                        . $delimiter . $crlf;
                $text .= $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, 'EVENT', $event_name)
                    . $delimiter . $crlf . $crlf;

            $text .= "DELIMITER ;" . $crlf;

        if (!empty($text)) {
            return PMA_exportOutputHandler($text);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Exports metadata from Configuration Storage
     * @param string       $db            database being exported
     * @param string|array $tables        table(s) being exported
     * @param array        $metadataTypes types of metadata to export
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportMetadata(
    ) {
        $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
        if (!isset($cfgRelation['db'])) {
            return true;

        $comment = $this->_possibleCRLF()
            . $this->_possibleCRLF()
            . $this->_exportComment()
            . $this->_exportComment(__('Metadata'))
            . $this->_exportComment();
        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($comment)) {
            return false;

        if (!$this->_exportUseStatement(
        ) {
            return false;

        $r = true;
        if (is_array($tables)) {
            // export metadata for each table
            foreach ($tables as $table) {
                $r &= $this->_exportMetadata($db, $table, $metadataTypes);
            // export metadata for the database
            $r &= $this->_exportMetadata($db, null, $metadataTypes);
        } else {
            // export metadata for single table
            $r &= $this->_exportMetadata($db, $tables, $metadataTypes);

        return $r;

     * Exports metadata from Configuration Storage
     * @param string $db            database being exported
     * @param string $table         table being exported
     * @param array  $metadataTypes types of metadata to export
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    private function _exportMetadata(
    ) {
        $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();

        if (isset($table)) {
            $types = array(
                'column_info'   => 'db_name',
                'table_uiprefs' => 'db_name',
                'tracking'      => 'db_name',
        } else {
            $types = array(
                'bookmark'        => 'dbase',
                'relation'        => 'master_db',
                'pdf_pages'       => 'db_name',
                'savedsearches'   => 'db_name',
                'central_columns' => 'db_name',

        $aliases = array();

        $comment = $this->_possibleCRLF()
            . $this->_exportComment();

        if (isset($table)) {
            $comment .= $this->_exportComment(
                    __('Metadata for table %s'),
        } else {
            $comment .= $this->_exportComment(
                    __('Metadata for database %s'),

        $comment .= $this->_exportComment();

        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($comment)) {
            return false;

        foreach ($types as $type => $dbNameColumn) {
            if (in_array($type, $metadataTypes) && isset($cfgRelation[$type])) {

                // special case, designer pages and their coordinates
                if ($type == 'pdf_pages') {

                    $sql_query = "SELECT `page_nr`, `page_descr` FROM "
                        . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                        . "." . Util::backquote($cfgRelation[$type])
                        . " WHERE " . Util::backquote($dbNameColumn)
                        . " = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "'";

                    $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(

                    foreach ($result as $page => $name) {
                        // insert row for pdf_page
                        $sql_query_row = "SELECT `db_name`, `page_descr` FROM "
                            . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                            . "." . Util::backquote(
                            . " WHERE " . Util::backquote(
                            . " = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "'"
                            . " AND `page_nr` = '" . intval($page) . "'";

                        if (!$this->exportData(
                        ) {
                            return false;

                        $lastPage = $GLOBALS['crlf']
                            . "SET @LAST_PAGE = LAST_INSERT_ID();"
                            . $GLOBALS['crlf'];
                        if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($lastPage)) {
                            return false;

                        $sql_query_coords = "SELECT `db_name`, `table_name`, "
                            . "'@LAST_PAGE' AS `pdf_page_number`, `x`, `y` FROM "
                            . Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                            . "." . Util::backquote(
                            . " WHERE `pdf_page_number` = '" . $page . "'";

                        $GLOBALS['exporting_metadata'] = true;
                        if (!$this->exportData(
                        ) {
                            $GLOBALS['exporting_metadata'] = false;

                            return false;
                        $GLOBALS['exporting_metadata'] = false;

                // remove auto_incrementing id field for some tables
                if ($type == 'bookmark') {
                    $sql_query = "SELECT `dbase`, `user`, `label`, `query` FROM ";
                } elseif ($type == 'column_info') {
                    $sql_query = "SELECT `db_name`, `table_name`, `column_name`,"
                        . " `comment`, `mimetype`, `transformation`,"
                        . " `transformation_options`, `input_transformation`,"
                        . " `input_transformation_options` FROM";
                } elseif ($type == 'savedsearches') {
                    $sql_query = "SELECT `username`, `db_name`, `search_name`,"
                        . " `search_data` FROM";
                } else {
                    $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM ";
                $sql_query .= Util::backquote($cfgRelation['db'])
                    . '.' . Util::backquote($cfgRelation[$type])
                    . " WHERE " . Util::backquote($dbNameColumn)
                    . " = '" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . "'";
                if (isset($table)) {
                    $sql_query .= " AND `table_name` = '"
                        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . "'";

                if (!$this->exportData(
                ) {
                    return false;

        return true;

     * Returns a stand-in CREATE definition to resolve view dependencies
     * @param string $db      the database name
     * @param string $view    the view name
     * @param string $crlf    the end of line sequence
     * @param array  $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return string resulting definition
    public function getTableDefStandIn($db, $view, $crlf, $aliases = array())
        $db_alias = $db;
        $view_alias = $view;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $view_alias);
        $create_query = '';
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['sql_drop_table'])) {
            $create_query .= 'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS '
                . Util::backquote($view_alias)
                . ';' . $crlf;

        $create_query .= 'CREATE TABLE ';

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists']
        ) {
            $create_query .= 'IF NOT EXISTS ';
        $create_query .= Util::backquote($view_alias) . ' (' . $crlf;
        $tmp = array();
        $columns = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumnsFull($db, $view);
        foreach ($columns as $column_name => $definition) {
            $col_alias = $column_name;
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$view]['columns'][$col_alias])) {
                $col_alias = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$view]['columns'][$col_alias];
            $tmp[] = Util::backquote($col_alias) . ' ' .
                $definition['Type'] . $crlf;
        $create_query .= implode(',', $tmp) . ');' . $crlf;

        return ($create_query);

     * Returns CREATE definition that matches $view's structure
     * @param string $db            the database name
     * @param string $view          the view name
     * @param string $crlf          the end of line sequence
     * @param bool   $add_semicolon whether to add semicolon and end-of-line at
     *                              the end
     * @param array  $aliases       Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return string resulting schema
    private function _getTableDefForView(
        $add_semicolon = true,
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        $db_alias = $db;
        $view_alias = $view;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $view_alias);
        $create_query = "CREATE TABLE";
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])) {
            $create_query .= " IF NOT EXISTS ";
        $create_query .= Util::backquote($view_alias) . "(" . $crlf;

        $columns = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getColumns($db, $view, null, true);

        $firstCol = true;
        foreach ($columns as $column) {
            $col_alias = $column['Field'];
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$view]['columns'][$col_alias])) {
                $col_alias = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$view]['columns'][$col_alias];
            $extracted_columnspec = Util::extractColumnSpec(

            if (!$firstCol) {
                $create_query .= "," . $crlf;
            $create_query .= "    " . Util::backquote($col_alias);
            $create_query .= " " . $column['Type'];
            if ($extracted_columnspec['can_contain_collation']
                && !empty($column['Collation'])
            ) {
                $create_query .= " COLLATE " . $column['Collation'];
            if ($column['Null'] == 'NO') {
                $create_query .= " NOT NULL";
            if (isset($column['Default'])) {
                $create_query .= " DEFAULT '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($column['Default']) . "'";
            } else {
                if ($column['Null'] == 'YES') {
                    $create_query .= " DEFAULT NULL";
            if (!empty($column['Comment'])) {
                $create_query .= " COMMENT '"
                    . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($column['Comment']) . "'";
            $firstCol = false;
        $create_query .= $crlf . ")" . ($add_semicolon ? ';' : '') . $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';
        if ($compat == 'MSSQL') {
            $create_query = $this->_makeCreateTableMSSQLCompatible(

        return $create_query;

     * Returns $table's CREATE definition
     * @param string $db                        the database name
     * @param string $table                     the table name
     * @param string $crlf                      the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url                 the url to go back in case
     *                                          of error
     * @param bool   $show_dates                whether to include creation/
     *                                          update/check dates
     * @param bool   $add_semicolon             whether to add semicolon and
     *                                          end-of-line at the end
     * @param bool   $view                      whether we're handling a view
     * @param bool   $update_indexes_increments whether we need to update
     *                                          two global variables
     * @param array  $aliases                   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return string resulting schema
    public function getTableDef(
        $show_dates = false,
        $add_semicolon = true,
        $view = false,
        $update_indexes_increments = true,
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        global $sql_drop_table, $sql_backquotes, $sql_constraints,
               $sql_constraints_query, $sql_indexes, $sql_indexes_query,
               $sql_auto_increments, $sql_drop_foreign_keys;

        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);

        $schema_create = '';
        $auto_increment = '';
        $new_crlf = $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';

        // need to use PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface::QUERY_STORE
        // with $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows() in mysqli
        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(
            'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM ' . Util::backquote($db)
            . ' WHERE Name = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . '\'',
        if ($result != false) {
            if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($result) > 0) {
                $tmpres = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchAssoc($result);

                // Here we optionally add the AUTO_INCREMENT next value,
                // but starting with MySQL 5.0.24, the clause is already included
                // in SHOW CREATE TABLE so we'll remove it below
                if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increment'])
                    && !empty($tmpres['Auto_increment'])
                ) {
                    $auto_increment .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT='
                        . $tmpres['Auto_increment'] . ' ';

                if ($show_dates
                    && isset($tmpres['Create_time'])
                    && !empty($tmpres['Create_time'])
                ) {
                    $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Creation:') . ' '
                        . Util::localisedDate(
                    $new_crlf = $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;

                if ($show_dates
                    && isset($tmpres['Update_time'])
                    && !empty($tmpres['Update_time'])
                ) {
                    $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Last update:') . ' '
                        . Util::localisedDate(
                    $new_crlf = $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;

                if ($show_dates
                    && isset($tmpres['Check_time'])
                    && !empty($tmpres['Check_time'])
                ) {
                    $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Last check:') . ' '
                        . Util::localisedDate(
                    $new_crlf = $this->_exportComment() . $crlf;

        $schema_create .= $new_crlf;

        // no need to generate a DROP VIEW here, it was done earlier
        if (!empty($sql_drop_table)
            && !$GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isView()
        ) {
            $schema_create .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '
                . Util::backquote($table_alias, $sql_backquotes) . ';'
                . $crlf;

        // Complete table dump,
        // Whether to quote table and column names or not
        if ($sql_backquotes) {
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 1');
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SET SQL_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE = 0');

        // I don't see the reason why this unbuffered query could cause problems,
        // because SHOW CREATE TABLE returns only one row, and we free the
        // results below. Nonetheless, we got 2 user reports about this
        // (see bug 1562533) so I removed the unbuffered mode.
        // $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . backquote($db)
        // . '.' . backquote($table), null, DatabaseInterface::QUERY_UNBUFFERED);
        // Note: SHOW CREATE TABLE, at least in MySQL 5.1.23, does not
        // produce a displayable result for the default value of a BIT
        // column, nor does the mysqldump command. See MySQL bug 35796
        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
            'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.'
            . Util::backquote($table)
        // an error can happen, for example the table is crashed
        $tmp_error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
        if ($tmp_error) {
            return $this->_exportComment(__('in use') . '(' . $tmp_error . ')');

        // Old mode is stored so it can be restored once exporting is done.
        $old_mode = Context::$MODE;

        $warning = '';
        if ($result != false && ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result))) {
            $create_query = $row[1];

            // Convert end of line chars to one that we want (note that MySQL
            // doesn't return query it will accept in all cases)
            if (mb_strpos($create_query, "(\r\n ")) {
                $create_query = str_replace("\r\n", $crlf, $create_query);
            } elseif (mb_strpos($create_query, "(\n ")) {
                $create_query = str_replace("\n", $crlf, $create_query);
            } elseif (mb_strpos($create_query, "(\r ")) {
                $create_query = str_replace("\r", $crlf, $create_query);

             * Drop database name from VIEW creation.
             * This is a bit tricky, but we need to issue SHOW CREATE TABLE with
             * database name, but we don't want name to show up in CREATE VIEW
             * statement.
            if ($view) {
                $create_query = preg_replace(
                    '/' . preg_quote(Util::backquote($db), '/') . '\./',

            // Substitute aliases in `CREATE` query.
            $create_query = $this->replaceWithAliases(

            // One warning per view.
            if ($flag && $view) {
                $warning = $this->_exportComment()
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('It appears your database uses views;')
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('alias export may not work reliably in all cases.')
                    . $this->_exportComment();

            // Adding IF NOT EXISTS, if required.
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])) {
                $create_query = preg_replace(
                    '/^CREATE TABLE/',
                    'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS',

            // Making the query MSSQL compatible.
            if ($compat == 'MSSQL') {
                $create_query = $this->_makeCreateTableMSSQLCompatible(

            // Views have no constraints, indexes, etc. They do not require any
            // analysis.
            if (!$view) {

                if (empty($sql_backquotes)) {
                    // Option "Enclose table and column names with backquotes"
                    // was checked.
                    Context::$MODE |= Context::NO_ENCLOSING_QUOTES;

                // Using appropriate quotes.
                if (($compat === 'MSSQL') || ($sql_backquotes === '"')) {
                    Context::$MODE |= Context::ANSI_QUOTES;

             * Parser used for analysis.
             * @var Parser
            $parser = new Parser($create_query);

             * `CREATE TABLE` statement.
             * @var SelectStatement
            $statement = $parser->statements[0];

            if (!empty($statement->entityOptions)) {
                $engine = $statement->entityOptions->has('ENGINE');
            } else {
                $engine = '';

            /* Avoid operation on ARCHIVE tables as those can not be altered */
            if (!empty($statement->fields) && (empty($engine) || strtoupper($engine) != 'ARCHIVE')) {

                 * Fragments containining definition of each constraint.
                 * @var array
                $constraints = array();

                 * Fragments containining definition of each index.
                 * @var array
                $indexes = array();

                 * Fragments containining definition of each FULLTEXT index.
                 * @var array
                $indexes_fulltext = array();

                 * Fragments containining definition of each foreign key that will
                 * be dropped.
                 * @var array
                $dropped = array();

                 * Fragment containining definition of the `AUTO_INCREMENT`.
                 * @var array
                $auto_increment = array();

                // Scanning each field of the `CREATE` statement to fill the arrays
                // above.
                // If the field is used in any of the arrays above, it is removed
                // from the original definition.
                // Also, AUTO_INCREMENT attribute is removed.
                /** @var CreateDefinition $field */
                foreach ($statement->fields as $key => $field) {

                    if ($field->isConstraint) {
                        // Creating the parts that add constraints.
                        $constraints[] = $field::build($field);
                    } elseif (!empty($field->key)) {
                        // Creating the parts that add indexes (must not be
                        // constraints).
                        if ($field->key->type === 'FULLTEXT KEY') {
                            $indexes_fulltext[] = $field->build($field);
                        } else {
                            if (empty($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])) {
                                $indexes[] = str_replace(
                                    'COMMENT=\'', 'COMMENT \'', $field::build($field)

                    // Creating the parts that drop foreign keys.
                    if (!empty($field->key)) {
                        if ($field->key->type === 'FOREIGN KEY') {
                            $dropped[] = 'FOREIGN KEY ' . Context::escape(

                    // Dropping AUTO_INCREMENT.
                    if (!empty($field->options)) {
                        if ($field->options->has('AUTO_INCREMENT')
                            && empty($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])
                        ) {

                            $auto_increment[] = $field::build($field);

                 * The header of the `ALTER` statement (`ALTER TABLE tbl`).
                 * @var string
                $alter_header = 'ALTER TABLE ' .

                 * The footer of the `ALTER` statement (usually ';')
                 * @var string
                $alter_footer = ';' . $crlf;

                // Generating constraints-related query.
                if (!empty($constraints)) {
                    $sql_constraints_query = $alter_header . $crlf . '  ADD '
                        . implode(',' . $crlf . '  ADD ', $constraints)
                        . $alter_footer;

                    $sql_constraints = $this->generateComment(
                        __('Constraints for dumped tables'),
                        __('Constraints for table'),
                    ) . $sql_constraints_query;

                // Generating indexes-related query.
                $sql_indexes_query = '';

                if (!empty($indexes)) {
                    $sql_indexes_query .= $alter_header . $crlf . '  ADD '
                        . implode(',' . $crlf . '  ADD ', $indexes)
                        . $alter_footer;

                if (!empty($indexes_fulltext)) {
                    // InnoDB supports one FULLTEXT index creation at a time.
                    // So FULLTEXT indexes are created one-by-one after other
                    // indexes where created.
                    $sql_indexes_query .= $alter_header .
                        ' ADD ' . implode(
                            $alter_footer . $alter_header . ' ADD ',
                        ) . $alter_footer;

                if ((!empty($indexes)) || (!empty($indexes_fulltext))) {
                    $sql_indexes = $this->generateComment(
                        __('Indexes for dumped tables'),
                        __('Indexes for table'),
                    ) . $sql_indexes_query;

                // Generating drop foreign keys-related query.
                if (!empty($dropped)) {
                    $sql_drop_foreign_keys = $alter_header . $crlf . '  DROP '
                        . implode(',' . $crlf . '  DROP ', $dropped)
                        . $alter_footer;

                // Generating auto-increment-related query.
                if ((! empty($auto_increment)) && ($update_indexes_increments)) {
                    $sql_auto_increments_query = $alter_header . $crlf . '  MODIFY '
                        . implode(',' . $crlf . '  MODIFY ', $auto_increment);
                    if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increment'])
                        && ($statement->entityOptions->has('AUTO_INCREMENT') !== false)
                    ) {
                        $sql_auto_increments_query .= ', AUTO_INCREMENT='
                            . $statement->entityOptions->has('AUTO_INCREMENT');
                    $sql_auto_increments_query .= ';';

                    $sql_auto_increments = $this->generateComment(
                        __('AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables'),
                        __('AUTO_INCREMENT for table'),
                    ) . $sql_auto_increments_query;

                // Removing the `AUTO_INCREMENT` attribute from the `CREATE TABLE`
                // too.
                if (!empty($statement->entityOptions)
                    && (empty($GLOBALS['sql_if_not_exists'])
                    || empty($GLOBALS['sql_auto_increment']))
                ) {

                // Rebuilding the query.
                $create_query = $statement->build();

            $schema_create .= $create_query;


        // Restoring old mode.
        Context::$MODE = $old_mode;

        return $warning . $schema_create . ($add_semicolon ? ';' . $crlf : '');
    } // end of the 'getTableDef()' function

     * Returns $table's comments, relations etc.
     * @param string $db          database name
     * @param string $table       table name
     * @param string $crlf        end of line sequence
     * @param bool   $do_relation whether to include relation comments
     * @param bool   $do_mime     whether to include mime comments
     * @param array  $aliases     Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return string resulting comments
    private function _getTableComments(
        $do_relation = false,
        $do_mime = false,
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        global $cfgRelation, $sql_backquotes;

        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);

        $schema_create = '';

        // Check if we can use Relations
        list($res_rel, $have_rel) = PMA_getRelationsAndStatus(
            $do_relation && !empty($cfgRelation['relation']),

        if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) {
            if (!($mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table, true))) {

        if (isset($mime_map) && count($mime_map) > 0) {
            $schema_create .= $this->_possibleCRLF()
                . $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_exportComment(
                    __('MIME TYPES FOR TABLE') . ' '
                    . Util::backquote($table, $sql_backquotes) . ':'
            foreach ($mime_map as $mime_field => $mime) {
                $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                    '  '
                    . Util::backquote($mime_field, $sql_backquotes)
                . $this->_exportComment(
                    '      '
                    . Util::backquote(
            $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment();

        if ($have_rel) {
            $schema_create .= $this->_possibleCRLF()
                . $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_exportComment(
                    __('RELATIONS FOR TABLE') . ' '
                    . Util::backquote($table_alias, $sql_backquotes)
                    . ':'

            foreach ($res_rel as $rel_field => $rel) {
                if ($rel_field != 'foreign_keys_data') {
                    $rel_field_alias = !empty(
                    ) ? $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$rel_field]
                        : $rel_field;
                    $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                        '  '
                        . Util::backquote(
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        '      '
                        . Util::backquote(
                        . ' -> '
                        . Util::backquote(
                } else {
                    foreach ($rel as $one_key) {
                        foreach ($one_key['index_list'] as $index => $field) {
                            $rel_field_alias = !empty(
                            ) ? $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$field]
                                : $field;
                            $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment(
                                '  '
                                . Util::backquote(
                            . $this->_exportComment(
                                '      '
                                . Util::backquote(
                                . ' -> '
                                . Util::backquote(
            $schema_create .= $this->_exportComment();

        return $schema_create;
    } // end of the '_getTableComments()' function

     * Outputs table's structure
     * @param string $db          database name
     * @param string $table       table name
     * @param string $crlf        the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url   the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $export_mode 'create_table','triggers','create_view',
     *                            'stand_in'
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param bool   $relation    whether to include relation comments
     * @param bool   $comments    whether to include the pmadb-style column
     *                            comments as comments in the structure; this is
     *                            deprecated but the parameter is left here
     *                            because export.php calls exportStructure()
     *                            also for other export types which use this
     *                            parameter
     * @param bool   $mime        whether to include mime comments
     * @param bool   $dates       whether to include creation/update/check dates
     * @param array  $aliases     Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportStructure(
        $relation = false,
        $comments = false,
        $mime = false,
        $dates = false,
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';

        $formatted_table_name = Util::backquoteCompat(
        $dump = $this->_possibleCRLF()
            . $this->_exportComment(str_repeat('-', 56))
            . $this->_possibleCRLF()
            . $this->_exportComment();

        switch ($export_mode) {
        case 'create_table':
            $dump .= $this->_exportComment(
                __('Table structure for table') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name
            $dump .= $this->_exportComment();
            $dump .= $this->getTableDef(
            $dump .= $this->_getTableComments(
        case 'triggers':
            $dump = '';
            $delimiter = '$$';
            $triggers = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTriggers($db, $table, $delimiter);
            if ($triggers) {
                $dump .= $this->_possibleCRLF()
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Triggers') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name
                    . $this->_exportComment();
                $used_alias = false;
                $trigger_query = '';
                foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                    if (!empty($GLOBALS['sql_drop_table'])) {
                        $trigger_query .= $trigger['drop'] . ';' . $crlf;

                    $trigger_query .= 'DELIMITER ' . $delimiter . $crlf;
                    $trigger_query .= $this->replaceWithAliases(
                    if ($flag) {
                        $used_alias = true;
                    $trigger_query .= 'DELIMITER ;' . $crlf;
                // One warning per table.
                if ($used_alias) {
                    $dump .= $this->_exportComment(
                        __('It appears your table uses triggers;')
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('alias export may not work reliably in all cases.')
                    . $this->_exportComment();
                $dump .= $trigger_query;
        case 'create_view':
            if (empty($GLOBALS['sql_views_as_tables'])) {
                $dump .= $this->_exportComment(
                    __('Structure for view')
                    . ' '
                    . $formatted_table_name
                . $this->_exportComment();
                // delete the stand-in table previously created (if any)
                if ($export_type != 'table') {
                    $dump .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '
                        . Util::backquote($table_alias) . ';' . $crlf;
                $dump .= $this->getTableDef(
            } else {
                $dump .= $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Structure for view %s exported as a table'),
                . $this->_exportComment();
                // delete the stand-in table previously created (if any)
                if ($export_type != 'table') {
                    $dump .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS '
                        . Util::backquote($table_alias) . ';' . $crlf;
                $dump .= $this->_getTableDefForView(
        case 'stand_in':
            $dump .= $this->_exportComment(
                __('Stand-in structure for view') . ' ' . $formatted_table_name
                . $this->_exportComment(
                __('(See below for the actual view)')
                . $this->_exportComment();
            // export a stand-in definition to resolve view dependencies
            $dump .= $this->getTableDefStandIn($db, $table, $crlf, $aliases);
        } // end switch

        // this one is built by getTableDef() to use in table copy/move
        // but not in the case of export

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($dump);

     * Outputs the content of a table in SQL format
     * @param string $db        database name
     * @param string $table     table name
     * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
     * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportData(
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        global $current_row, $sql_backquotes;

        // Do not export data for merge tables
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isMerge()) {
            return true;

        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])) {
            $compat = $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'];
        } else {
            $compat = 'NONE';

        $formatted_table_name = Util::backquoteCompat(

        // Do not export data for a VIEW, unless asked to export the view as a table
        // (For a VIEW, this is called only when exporting a single VIEW)
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isView()
            && empty($GLOBALS['sql_views_as_tables'])
        ) {
            $head = $this->_possibleCRLF()
                . $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_exportComment('VIEW ' . ' ' . $formatted_table_name)
                . $this->_exportComment(__('Data:') . ' ' . __('None'))
                . $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_possibleCRLF();

            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
                return false;

            return true;

        $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(
        // a possible error: the table has crashed
        $tmp_error = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getError();
        if ($tmp_error) {
            return PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                    __('Error reading data:') . ' (' . $tmp_error . ')'

        if ($result == false) {

            return true;

        $fields_cnt = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numFields($result);

        // Get field information
        $fields_meta = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getFieldsMeta($result);
        $field_flags = array();
        for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
            $field_flags[$j] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($result, $j);

        $field_set = array();
        for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
            $col_as = $fields_meta[$j]->name;
            if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as])) {
                $col_as = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as];
            $field_set[$j] = Util::backquoteCompat(

        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE'
        ) {
            // update
            $schema_insert = 'UPDATE ';
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])) {
                $schema_insert .= 'IGNORE ';
            // avoid EOL blank
            $schema_insert .= Util::backquoteCompat(
            ) . ' SET';
        } else {
            // insert or replace
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type'])
                && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'REPLACE'
            ) {
                $sql_command = 'REPLACE';
            } else {
                $sql_command = 'INSERT';

            // delayed inserts?
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_delayed'])) {
                $insert_delayed = ' DELAYED';
            } else {
                $insert_delayed = '';

            // insert ignore?
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type'])
                && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'INSERT'
                && isset($GLOBALS['sql_ignore'])
            ) {
                $insert_delayed .= ' IGNORE';
            //truncate table before insert
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_truncate'])
                && $GLOBALS['sql_truncate']
                && $sql_command == 'INSERT'
            ) {
                $truncate = 'TRUNCATE TABLE '
                    . Util::backquoteCompat(
                    ) . ";";
                $truncatehead = $this->_possibleCRLF()
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Truncate table before insert') . ' '
                        . $formatted_table_name
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $crlf;

            // scheme for inserting fields
            if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'complete'
                || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both'
            ) {
                $fields = implode(', ', $field_set);
                $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO '
                    . Util::backquoteCompat(
                    // avoid EOL blank
                    . ' (' . $fields . ') VALUES';
            } else {
                $schema_insert = $sql_command . $insert_delayed . ' INTO '
                    . Util::backquoteCompat(
                    . ' VALUES';

        //\x08\\x09, not required
        $current_row = 0;
        $query_size = 0;
        if (($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended'
            || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both')
            && (!isset($GLOBALS['sql_type'])
            || $GLOBALS['sql_type'] != 'UPDATE')
        ) {
            $separator = ',';
            $schema_insert .= $crlf;
        } else {
            $separator = ';';

        while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
            if ($current_row == 0) {
                $head = $this->_possibleCRLF()
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $this->_exportComment(
                        __('Dumping data for table') . ' '
                        . $formatted_table_name
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $crlf;
                if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($head)) {
                    return false;
            // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT ON for MSSQL
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])
                && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL'
                && $current_row == 0
            ) {
                if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                    'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '
                    . Util::backquoteCompat(
                    . ' ON ;' . $crlf
                ) {
                    return false;
            $values = array();
            for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) {
                // NULL
                if (!isset($row[$j]) || is_null($row[$j])) {
                    $values[] = 'NULL';
                } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->numeric
                    && $fields_meta[$j]->type != 'timestamp'
                    && !$fields_meta[$j]->blob
                ) {
                    // a number
                    // timestamp is numeric on some MySQL 4.1, BLOBs are
                    // sometimes numeric
                    $values[] = $row[$j];
                } elseif (stristr($field_flags[$j], 'BINARY') !== false
                    && isset($GLOBALS['sql_hex_for_binary'])
                ) {
                    // a true BLOB
                    // - mysqldump only generates hex data when the --hex-blob
                    //   option is used, for fields having the binary attribute
                    //   no hex is generated
                    // - a TEXT field returns type blob but a real blob
                    //   returns also the 'binary' flag

                    // empty blobs need to be different, but '0' is also empty
                    // :-(
                    if (empty($row[$j]) && $row[$j] != '0') {
                        $values[] = '\'\'';
                    } else {
                        $values[] = '0x' . bin2hex($row[$j]);
                } elseif ($fields_meta[$j]->type == 'bit') {
                    // detection of 'bit' works only on mysqli extension
                    $values[] = "b'" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString(
                    . "'";
                } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['exporting_metadata'])
                    && $row[$j] == '@LAST_PAGE'
                ) {
                    $values[] = '@LAST_PAGE';
                } else {
                    // something else -> treat as a string
                    $values[] = '\''
                        . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($row[$j])
                        . '\'';
                } // end if
            } // end for

            // should we make update?
            if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_type'])
                && $GLOBALS['sql_type'] == 'UPDATE'
            ) {

                $insert_line = $schema_insert;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_cnt; $i++) {
                    if (0 == $i) {
                        $insert_line .= ' ';
                    if ($i > 0) {
                        // avoid EOL blank
                        $insert_line .= ',';
                    $insert_line .= $field_set[$i] . ' = ' . $values[$i];

                list($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique)
                    = Util::getUniqueCondition(
                        $result, // handle
                        $fields_cnt, // fields_cnt
                        $fields_meta, // fields_meta
                        $row, // row
                        false, // force_unique
                        false, // restrict_to_table
                        null // analyzed_sql_results
                $insert_line .= ' WHERE ' . $tmp_unique_condition;
                unset($tmp_unique_condition, $tmp_clause_is_unique);
            } else {

                // Extended inserts case
                if ($GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'extended'
                    || $GLOBALS['sql_insert_syntax'] == 'both'
                ) {
                    if ($current_row == 1) {
                        $insert_line = $schema_insert . '('
                            . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                    } else {
                        $insert_line = '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';
                        $insertLineSize = mb_strlen($insert_line);
                        $sql_max_size = $GLOBALS['sql_max_query_size'];
                        if (isset($sql_max_size)
                            && $sql_max_size > 0
                            && $query_size + $insertLineSize > $sql_max_size
                        ) {
                            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
                                return false;
                            $query_size = 0;
                            $current_row = 1;
                            $insert_line = $schema_insert . $insert_line;
                    $query_size += mb_strlen($insert_line);
                    // Other inserts case
                } else {
                    $insert_line = $schema_insert
                        . '(' . implode(', ', $values) . ')';

            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                ($current_row == 1 ? '' : $separator . $crlf)
                . $insert_line
            ) {
                return false;
        } // end while

        if ($current_row > 0) {
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler(';' . $crlf)) {
                return false;

        // We need to SET IDENTITY_INSERT OFF for MSSQL
        if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'])
            && $GLOBALS['sql_compatibility'] == 'MSSQL'
            && $current_row > 0
        ) {
            $outputSucceeded = PMA_exportOutputHandler(
                $crlf . 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT '
                . Util::backquoteCompat(
                . ' OFF;' . $crlf
            if (!$outputSucceeded) {
                return false;


        return true;
    } // end of the 'exportData()' function

     * Make a create table statement compatible with MSSQL
     * @param string $create_query MySQL create table statement
     * @return string MSSQL compatible create table statement
    private function _makeCreateTableMSSQLCompatible($create_query)
        // In MSSQL
        // 1. No 'IF NOT EXISTS' in CREATE TABLE
        // 2. DATE field doesn't exists, we will use DATETIME instead
        // 3. UNSIGNED attribute doesn't exist
        // 4. No length on INT, TINYINT, SMALLINT, BIGINT and no precision on
        //    FLOAT fields
        // 5. No KEY and INDEX inside CREATE TABLE
        // 6. DOUBLE field doesn't exists, we will use FLOAT instead

        $create_query = preg_replace(
            "/^CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS/",
            'CREATE TABLE',
        // first we need  to replace all lines ended with '" DATE ...,\n'
        // last preg_replace preserve us from situation with date text
        // inside DEFAULT field value
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            "/\" date DEFAULT NULL(,)?\n/",
            '" datetime DEFAULT NULL$1' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            "/\" date NOT NULL(,)?\n/",
            '" datetime NOT NULL$1' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" date NOT NULL DEFAULT \'([^\'])/',
            '" datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT \'$1',

        // next we need to replace all lines ended with ') UNSIGNED ...,'
        // last preg_replace preserve us from situation with unsigned text
        // inside DEFAULT field value
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            "/\) unsigned NOT NULL(,)?\n/",
            ') NOT NULL$1' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            "/\) unsigned DEFAULT NULL(,)?\n/",
            ') DEFAULT NULL$1' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/\) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT \'([^\'])/',
            ') NOT NULL DEFAULT \'$1',

        // we need to replace all lines ended with
        // '" INT|TINYINT([0-9]{1,}) ...,' last preg_replace preserve us
        // from situation with int([0-9]{1,}) text inside DEFAULT field
        // value
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (int|tinyint|smallint|bigint)\([0-9]+\) DEFAULT NULL(,)?\n/',
            '" $1 DEFAULT NULL$2' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (int|tinyint|smallint|bigint)\([0-9]+\) NOT NULL(,)?\n/',
            '" $1 NOT NULL$2' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (int|tinyint|smallint|bigint)\([0-9]+\) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'([^\'])/',
            '" $1 NOT NULL DEFAULT \'$2',

        // we need to replace all lines ended with
        // '" FLOAT|DOUBLE([0-9,]{1,}) ...,'
        // last preg_replace preserve us from situation with
        // float([0-9,]{1,}) text inside DEFAULT field value
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (float|double)(\([0-9]+,[0-9,]+\))? DEFAULT NULL(,)?\n/',
            '" float DEFAULT NULL$3' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (float|double)(\([0-9,]+,[0-9,]+\))? NOT NULL(,)?\n/',
            '" float NOT NULL$3' . "\n",
        $create_query = preg_replace(
            '/" (float|double)(\([0-9,]+,[0-9,]+\))? NOT NULL DEFAULT \'([^\'])/',
            '" float NOT NULL DEFAULT \'$3',

        // @todo remove indexes from CREATE TABLE

        return $create_query;

     * replaces db/table/column names with their aliases
     * @param string $sql_query SQL query in which aliases are to be substituted
     * @param array  $aliases   Alias information for db/table/column
     * @param string $db        the database name
     * @param string $table     the tablename
     * @param string &$flag     the flag denoting whether any replacement was done
     * @return string query replaced with aliases
    public function replaceWithAliases(
        $table = '',
        &$flag = null
    ) {
        $flag = false;

         * The parser of this query.
         * @var Parser $parser
        $parser = new Parser($sql_query);

        if (empty($parser->statements[0])) {
            return $sql_query;

         * The statement that represents the query.
         * @var \SqlParser\Statements\CreateStatement $statement
        $statement = $parser->statements[0];

         * Old database name.
         * @var string $old_database
        $old_database = $db;

        // Replacing aliases in `CREATE TABLE` statement.
        if ($statement->options->has('TABLE')) {

            // Extracting the name of the old database and table from the
            // statement to make sure the parameters are corect.
            if (!empty($statement->name->database)) {
                $old_database = $statement->name->database;

             * Old table name.
             * @var string $old_table
            $old_table = $statement->name->table;

            // Finding the aliased database name.
            // The database might be empty so we have to add a few checks.
            $new_database = null;
            if (!empty($statement->name->database)) {
                $new_database = $statement->name->database;
                if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['alias'])) {
                    $new_database = $aliases[$old_database]['alias'];

            // Finding the aliases table name.
            $new_table = $old_table;
            if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['alias'])) {
                $new_table = $aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['alias'];

            // Replacing new values.
            if (($statement->name->database !== $new_database)
                || ($statement->name->table !== $new_table)
            ) {
                $statement->name->database = $new_database;
                $statement->name->table = $new_table;
                $statement->name->expr = null; // Force rebuild.
                $flag = true;

            foreach ($statement->fields as $field) {

                // Column name.
                if (!empty($field->type)) {
                    if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['columns'][$field->name])) {
                        $field->name = $aliases[$old_database]['tables']
                        $flag = true;

                // Key's columns.
                if (!empty($field->key)) {
                    foreach ($field->key->columns as $key => $column) {
                        if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['columns'][$column['name']])) {
                            $field->key->columns[$key]['name'] = $aliases[$old_database]
                            $flag = true;

                // References.
                if (!empty($field->references)) {
                    $ref_table = $field->references->table->table;
                    // Replacing table.
                    if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$ref_table]['alias'])) {
                            = $aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$ref_table]['alias'];
                        $field->references->table->expr = null;
                        $flag = true;
                    // Replacing column names.
                    foreach ($field->references->columns as $key => $column) {
                        if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$ref_table]['columns'][$column])) {
                                = $aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$ref_table]['columns'][$column];
                            $flag = true;
        } elseif ($statement->options->has('TRIGGER')) {

            // Extracting the name of the old database and table from the
            // statement to make sure the parameters are corect.
            if (!empty($statement->table->database)) {
                $old_database = $statement->table->database;

             * Old table name.
             * @var string $old_table
            $old_table = $statement->table->table;

            if (!empty($aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['alias'])) {
                    = $aliases[$old_database]['tables'][$old_table]['alias'];
                $statement->table->expr = null; // Force rebuild.
                $flag = true;

        if (($statement->options->has('TRIGGER'))
            || ($statement->options->has('PROCEDURE'))
            || ($statement->options->has('FUNCTION'))
            || ($statement->options->has('VIEW'))
        ) {

            // Repalcing the body.
            for ($i = 0, $count = count($statement->body); $i < $count; ++$i) {

                 * Token parsed at this moment.
                 * @var Token $token
                $token = $statement->body[$i];

                // Replacing only symbols (that are not variables) and unknown
                // identifiers.
                if ((($token->type === Token::TYPE_SYMBOL)
                    && (!($token->flags & Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_VARIABLE)))
                    || ((($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD)
                    && (!($token->flags & Token::FLAG_KEYWORD_RESERVED)))
                    || ($token->type === Token::TYPE_NONE))
                ) {
                    $alias = $this->getAlias($aliases, $token->value);
                    if (!empty($alias)) {
                        // Replacing the token.
                        $token->token = Context::escape($alias);
                        $flag = true;

        return $statement->build();

     * Generate comment
     * @param string $crlf          Carriage return character
     * @param string $sql_statement SQL statement
     * @param string $comment1      Comment for dumped table
     * @param string $comment2      Comment for current table
     * @param string $table_alias   Table alias
     * @param string $compat        Compatibility mode
     * @return string
    protected function generateComment(
    ) {
        if (!isset($sql_statement)) {
            if (isset($GLOBALS['no_constraints_comments'])) {
                $sql_statement = '';
            } else {
                $sql_statement = $crlf
                    . $this->_exportComment()
                    . $this->_exportComment($comment1)
                    . $this->_exportComment();

        // comments for current table
        if (!isset($GLOBALS['no_constraints_comments'])) {
            $sql_statement .= $crlf
                . $this->_exportComment()
                . $this->_exportComment(
                    $comment2 . ' ' . Util::backquoteCompat(
                . $this->_exportComment();

        return $sql_statement;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ExportCodegen.php File 13.39 KB 0644
ExportCsv.php File 10.79 KB 0644
ExportExcel.php File 2.98 KB 0644
ExportHtmlword.php File 21.48 KB 0644
ExportJson.php File 6.56 KB 0644
ExportLatex.php File 22.38 KB 0644
ExportMediawiki.php File 12.03 KB 0644
ExportOds.php File 12.23 KB 0644
ExportOdt.php File 28.87 KB 0644
ExportPdf.php File 10.72 KB 0644
ExportPhparray.php File 7.17 KB 0644
ExportSql.php File 100.32 KB 0644
ExportTexytext.php File 19.13 KB 0644
ExportXml.php File 17.64 KB 0644
ExportYaml.php File 6.08 KB 0644
PMA_ExportPdf.php File 27.35 KB 0644
README File 6.64 KB 0644
TableProperty.php File 6.05 KB 0644