[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Set of functions used to build XML dumps of tables
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage XML
namespace PMA\libraries\plugins\export;

use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\BoolPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\ExportPluginProperties;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\items\HiddenPropertyItem;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyMainGroup;
use PMA\libraries\properties\options\groups\OptionsPropertyRootGroup;
use PMA\libraries\DatabaseInterface;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\ExportPlugin;
use PMA\libraries\Util;

if (!mb_strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) { /* Can't do server export */
    $GLOBALS['skip_import'] = true;

 * Handles the export for the XML class
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Export
 * @subpackage XML
class ExportXml extends ExportPlugin
     * Table name
     * @var string
    private $_table;
     * Table names
     * @var array
    private $_tables;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()

     * Initialize the local variables that are used for export PDF
     * @return void
    protected function initSpecificVariables()
        global $table, $tables;

     * Sets the export XML properties
     * @return void
    protected function setProperties()
        // create the export plugin property item
        $exportPluginProperties = new ExportPluginProperties();

        // create the root group that will be the options field for
        // $exportPluginProperties
        // this will be shown as "Format specific options"
        $exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup(
            "Format Specific Options"

        // general options main group
        $generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup("general_opts");
        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new HiddenPropertyItem("structure_or_data");
        // add the main group to the root group

        // export structure main group
        $structure = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
            "structure", __('Object creation options (all are recommended)')

        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(

        // data main group
        $data = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup(
            "data", __('Data dump options')
        // create primary items and add them to the group
        $leaf = new BoolPropertyItem(
            __('Export contents')

        // set the options for the export plugin property item
        $this->properties = $exportPluginProperties;

     * Generates output for SQL defintions of routines
     * @param string $db      Database name
     * @param string $type    Item type to be used in XML output
     * @param string $dbitype Item type used in DBI qieries
     * @return string XML with definitions
    private function _exportRoutines($db, $type, $dbitype)
        // Export routines
        $routines = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getProceduresOrFunctions(
        return $this->_exportDefinitions($db, $type, $dbitype, $routines);

     * Generates output for SQL defintions
     * @param string $db      Database name
     * @param string $type    Item type to be used in XML output
     * @param string $dbitype Item type used in DBI qieries
     * @param array  $names   Names of items to export
     * @return string XML with definitions
    private function _exportDefinitions($db, $type, $dbitype, $names)
        global $crlf;

        $head = '';

        if ($names) {
            foreach ($names as $name) {
                $head .= '            <pma:' . $type . ' name="'
                    . htmlspecialchars($name) . '">' . $crlf;

                // Do some formatting
                $sql = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getDefinition($db, $dbitype, $name);
                $sql = htmlspecialchars(rtrim($sql));
                $sql = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $sql);

                $head .= "                " . $sql . $crlf;
                $head .= '            </pma:' . $type . '>' . $crlf;

        return $head;

     * Outputs export header. It is the first method to be called, so all
     * the required variables are initialized here.
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportHeader()
        global $crlf, $cfg, $db;
        $table = $this->_getTable();
        $tables = $this->_getTables();

        $export_struct = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions'])
            || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures'])
            || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables'])
            || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers'])
            || isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views']);
        $export_data = isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']) ? true : false;

        if ($GLOBALS['output_charset_conversion']) {
            $charset = $GLOBALS['charset'];
        } else {
            $charset = 'utf-8';

        $head = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $charset . '"?>' . $crlf
            . '<!--' . $crlf
            . '- phpMyAdmin XML Dump' . $crlf
            . '- version ' . PMA_VERSION . $crlf
            . '- https://www.phpmyadmin.net' . $crlf
            . '-' . $crlf
            . '- ' . __('Host:') . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($cfg['Server']['host']);
        if (!empty($cfg['Server']['port'])) {
            $head .= ':' . $cfg['Server']['port'];
        $head .= $crlf
            . '- ' . __('Generation Time:') . ' '
            . Util::localisedDate() . $crlf
            . '- ' . __('Server version:') . ' ' . PMA_MYSQL_STR_VERSION . $crlf
            . '- ' . __('PHP Version:') . ' ' . phpversion() . $crlf
            . '-->' . $crlf . $crlf;

        $head .= '<pma_xml_export version="1.0"'
            . (($export_struct)
                ? ' xmlns:pma="https://www.phpmyadmin.net/some_doc_url/"'
                : '')
            . '>' . $crlf;

        if ($export_struct) {
            $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
                . ' FROM `information_schema`.`SCHEMATA` WHERE `SCHEMA_NAME`'
                . ' = \'' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '\' LIMIT 1'
            $db_collation = $result[0]['DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME'];
            $db_charset = $result[0]['DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME'];

            $head .= '    <!--' . $crlf;
            $head .= '    - Structure schemas' . $crlf;
            $head .= '    -->' . $crlf;
            $head .= '    <pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;
            $head .= '        <pma:database name="' . htmlspecialchars($db)
                . '" collation="' . htmlspecialchars($db_collation) . '" charset="' . htmlspecialchars($db_charset)
                . '">' . $crlf;

            if (count($tables) == 0) {
                $tables[] = $table;

            foreach ($tables as $table) {
                // Export tables and views
                $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
                    'SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.'
                    . Util::backquote($table),
                $tbl = $result[$table][1];

                $is_view = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)

                if ($is_view) {
                    $type = 'view';
                } else {
                    $type = 'table';

                if ($is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_views'])) {

                if (!$is_view && !isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_tables'])) {

                $head .= '            <pma:' . $type . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($table) . '">'
                    . $crlf;

                $tbl = "                " . htmlspecialchars($tbl);
                $tbl = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $tbl);

                $head .= $tbl . ';' . $crlf;
                $head .= '            </pma:' . $type . '>' . $crlf;

                if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers'])
                    && $GLOBALS['xml_export_triggers']
                ) {
                    // Export triggers
                    $triggers = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTriggers($db, $table);
                    if ($triggers) {
                        foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
                            $code = $trigger['create'];
                            $head .= '            <pma:trigger name="'
                                . htmlspecialchars($trigger['name']) . '">' . $crlf;

                            // Do some formatting
                            $code = mb_substr(rtrim($code), 0, -3);
                            $code = "                " . htmlspecialchars($code);
                            $code = str_replace("\n", "\n                ", $code);

                            $head .= $code . $crlf;
                            $head .= '            </pma:trigger>' . $crlf;


            if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_functions'])
                && $GLOBALS['xml_export_functions']
            ) {
                $head .= $this->_exportRoutines($db, 'function', 'FUNCTION');

            if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures'])
                && $GLOBALS['xml_export_procedures']
            ) {
                $head .= $this->_exportRoutines($db, 'procedure', 'PROCEDURE');

            if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_events'])
                && $GLOBALS['xml_export_events']
            ) {
                // Export events
                $events = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult(
                    "SELECT EVENT_NAME FROM information_schema.EVENTS "
                    . "WHERE EVENT_SCHEMA='" . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db)
                    . "'"
                $head .= $this->_exportDefinitions(
                    $db, 'event', 'EVENT', $events


            $head .= '        </pma:database>' . $crlf;
            $head .= '    </pma:structure_schemas>' . $crlf;

            if ($export_data) {
                $head .= $crlf;

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);

     * Outputs export footer
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportFooter()
        $foot = '</pma_xml_export>';

        return PMA_exportOutputHandler($foot);

     * Outputs database header
     * @param string $db       Database name
     * @param string $db_alias Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias = '')
        global $crlf;

        if (empty($db_alias)) {
            $db_alias = $db;
        if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents'])
            && $GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']
        ) {
            $head = '    <!--' . $crlf
                . '    - ' . __('Database:') . ' ' . '\''
                . htmlspecialchars($db_alias) . '\'' . $crlf
                . '    -->' . $crlf . '    <database name="'
                . htmlspecialchars($db_alias) . '">' . $crlf;

            return PMA_exportOutputHandler($head);
        } else {
            return true;

     * Outputs database footer
     * @param string $db Database name
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBFooter($db)
        global $crlf;

        if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents'])
            && $GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']
        ) {
            return PMA_exportOutputHandler('    </database>' . $crlf);
        } else {
            return true;

     * Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement
     * @param string $db          Database name
     * @param string $export_type 'server', 'database', 'table'
     * @param string $db_alias    Aliases of db
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportDBCreate($db, $export_type, $db_alias = '')
        return true;

     * Outputs the content of a table in XML format
     * @param string $db        database name
     * @param string $table     table name
     * @param string $crlf      the end of line sequence
     * @param string $error_url the url to go back in case of error
     * @param string $sql_query SQL query for obtaining data
     * @param array  $aliases   Aliases of db/table/columns
     * @return bool Whether it succeeded
    public function exportData(
        $aliases = array()
    ) {
        // Do not export data for merge tables
        if ($GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->isMerge()) {
            return true;

        $db_alias = $db;
        $table_alias = $table;
        $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias);
        if (isset($GLOBALS['xml_export_contents'])
            && $GLOBALS['xml_export_contents']
        ) {
            $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->query(

            $columns_cnt = $GLOBALS['dbi']->numFields($result);
            $columns = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_cnt; $i++) {
                $columns[$i] = stripslashes($GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldName($result, $i));

            $buffer = '        <!-- ' . __('Table') . ' '
                . htmlspecialchars($table_alias) . ' -->' . $crlf;
            if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
                return false;

            while ($record = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($result)) {
                $buffer = '        <table name="'
                    . htmlspecialchars($table_alias) . '">' . $crlf;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $columns_cnt; $i++) {
                    $col_as = $columns[$i];
                    if (!empty($aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as])
                    ) {
                            = $aliases[$db]['tables'][$table]['columns'][$col_as];
                    // If a cell is NULL, still export it to preserve
                    // the XML structure
                    if (!isset($record[$i]) || is_null($record[$i])) {
                        $record[$i] = 'NULL';
                    $buffer .= '            <column name="'
                        . htmlspecialchars($col_as) . '">'
                        . htmlspecialchars((string)$record[$i])
                        . '</column>' . $crlf;
                $buffer .= '        </table>' . $crlf;

                if (!PMA_exportOutputHandler($buffer)) {
                    return false;

        return true;

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getters and Setters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

     * Gets the table name
     * @return string
    private function _getTable()
        return $this->_table;

     * Sets the table name
     * @param string $table table name
     * @return void
    private function _setTable($table)
        $this->_table = $table;

     * Gets the table names
     * @return array
    private function _getTables()
        return $this->_tables;

     * Sets the table names
     * @param array $tables table names
     * @return void
    private function _setTables($tables)
        $this->_tables = $tables;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ExportCodegen.php File 13.39 KB 0644
ExportCsv.php File 10.79 KB 0644
ExportExcel.php File 2.98 KB 0644
ExportHtmlword.php File 21.48 KB 0644
ExportJson.php File 6.56 KB 0644
ExportLatex.php File 22.38 KB 0644
ExportMediawiki.php File 12.03 KB 0644
ExportOds.php File 12.23 KB 0644
ExportOdt.php File 28.87 KB 0644
ExportPdf.php File 10.72 KB 0644
ExportPhparray.php File 7.17 KB 0644
ExportSql.php File 100.32 KB 0644
ExportTexytext.php File 19.13 KB 0644
ExportXml.php File 17.64 KB 0644
ExportYaml.php File 6.08 KB 0644
PMA_ExportPdf.php File 27.35 KB 0644
README File 6.64 KB 0644
TableProperty.php File 6.05 KB 0644