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botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * MediaWiki import plugin for phpMyAdmin
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Import
 * @subpackage MediaWiki
namespace PMA\libraries\plugins\import;

use PMA\libraries\properties\plugins\ImportPluginProperties;
use PMA;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\ImportPlugin;

 * Handles the import for the MediaWiki format
 * @package    PhpMyAdmin-Import
 * @subpackage MediaWiki
class ImportMediawiki extends ImportPlugin
     * Whether to analyze tables
     * @var bool
    private $_analyze;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()

     * Sets the import plugin properties.
     * Called in the constructor.
     * @return void
    protected function setProperties()
        if ($GLOBALS['plugin_param'] !== 'table') {

        $importPluginProperties = new ImportPluginProperties();
        $importPluginProperties->setText(__('MediaWiki Table'));

        $this->properties = $importPluginProperties;

     * Handles the whole import logic
     * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
     * @return void
    public function doImport(&$sql_data = array())
        global $error, $timeout_passed, $finished;

        // Defaults for parser

        // The buffer that will be used to store chunks read from the imported file
        $buffer = '';

        // Used as storage for the last part of the current chunk data
        // Will be appended to the first line of the next chunk, if there is one
        $last_chunk_line = '';

        // Remembers whether the current buffer line is part of a comment
        $inside_comment = false;
        // Remembers whether the current buffer line is part of a data comment
        $inside_data_comment = false;
        // Remembers whether the current buffer line is part of a structure comment
        $inside_structure_comment = false;

        // MediaWiki only accepts "\n" as row terminator
        $mediawiki_new_line = "\n";

        // Initialize the name of the current table
        $cur_table_name = "";

        while (!$finished && !$error && !$timeout_passed) {
            $data = PMA_importGetNextChunk();

            if ($data === false) {
                // Subtract data we didn't handle yet and stop processing
                $GLOBALS['offset'] -= mb_strlen($buffer);
            } elseif ($data === true) {
                // Handle rest of buffer
            } else {
                // Append new data to buffer
                $buffer = $data;
                // Don't parse string if we're not at the end
                // and don't have a new line inside
                if (mb_strpos($buffer, $mediawiki_new_line) === false) {

            // Because of reading chunk by chunk, the first line from the buffer
            // contains only a portion of an actual line from the imported file.
            // Therefore, we have to append it to the last line from the previous
            // chunk. If we are at the first chunk, $last_chunk_line should be empty.
            $buffer = $last_chunk_line . $buffer;

            // Process the buffer line by line
            $buffer_lines = explode($mediawiki_new_line, $buffer);

            $full_buffer_lines_count = count($buffer_lines);
            // If the reading is not finalised, the final line of the current chunk
            // will not be complete
            if (! $finished) {
                $last_chunk_line = $buffer_lines[--$full_buffer_lines_count];

            for ($line_nr = 0; $line_nr < $full_buffer_lines_count; ++$line_nr) {
                $cur_buffer_line = trim($buffer_lines[$line_nr]);

                // If the line is empty, go to the next one
                if ($cur_buffer_line === '') {

                $first_character = $cur_buffer_line[0];
                $matches = array();

                // Check beginning of comment
                if (!strcmp(mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 4), "<!--")) {
                    $inside_comment = true;
                } elseif ($inside_comment) {
                    // Check end of comment
                    if (!strcmp(mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 4), "-->")
                    ) {
                        // Only data comments are closed. The structure comments
                        // will be closed when a data comment begins (in order to
                        // skip structure tables)
                        if ($inside_data_comment) {
                            $inside_data_comment = false;

                        // End comments that are not related to table structure
                        if (!$inside_structure_comment) {
                            $inside_comment = false;
                    } else {
                        // Check table name
                        $match_table_name = array();
                        if (preg_match(
                            "/^Table data for `(.*)`$/",
                        ) {
                            $cur_table_name = $match_table_name[1];
                            $inside_data_comment = true;

                                = $this->_mngInsideStructComm(
                        } elseif (preg_match(
                            "/^Table structure for `(.*)`$/",
                        ) {
                            // The structure comments will be ignored
                            $inside_structure_comment = true;
                } elseif (preg_match('/^\{\|(.*)$/', $cur_buffer_line, $matches)) {
                    // Check start of table

                    // This will store all the column info on all rows from
                    // the current table read from the buffer
                    $cur_temp_table = array();

                    // Will be used as storage for the current row in the buffer
                    // Once all its columns are read, it will be added to
                    // $cur_temp_table and then it will be emptied
                    $cur_temp_line = array();

                    // Helps us differentiate the header columns
                    // from the normal columns
                    $in_table_header = false;
                    // End processing because the current line does not
                    // contain any column information
                } elseif (mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|-'
                    || mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|+'
                    || mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|}'
                ) {
                    // Check begin row or end table

                    // Add current line to the values storage
                    if (!empty($cur_temp_line)) {
                        // If the current line contains header cells
                        // ( marked with '!' ),
                        // it will be marked as table header
                        if ($in_table_header) {
                            // Set the header columns
                            $cur_temp_table_headers = $cur_temp_line;
                        } else {
                            // Normal line, add it to the table
                            $cur_temp_table [] = $cur_temp_line;

                    // Empty the temporary buffer
                    $cur_temp_line = array();

                    // No more processing required at the end of the table
                    if (mb_substr($cur_buffer_line, 0, 2) === '|}') {
                        $current_table = array(

                        // Import the current table data into the database
                        $this->_importDataOneTable($current_table, $sql_data);

                        // Reset table name
                        $cur_table_name = "";
                    // What's after the row tag is now only attributes

                } elseif (($first_character === '|') || ($first_character === '!')) {
                    // Check cell elements

                    // Header cells
                    if ($first_character === '!') {
                        // Mark as table header, but treat as normal row
                        $cur_buffer_line = str_replace('!!', '||', $cur_buffer_line);
                        // Will be used to set $cur_temp_line as table header
                        $in_table_header = true;
                    } else {
                        $in_table_header = false;

                    // Loop through each table cell
                    $cells = $this->_explodeMarkup($cur_buffer_line);
                    foreach ($cells as $cell) {
                        $cell = $this->_getCellData($cell);

                        // Delete the beginning of the column, if there is one
                        $cell = trim($cell);
                        $col_start_chars = array("|", "!");
                        foreach ($col_start_chars as $col_start_char) {
                            $cell = $this->_getCellContent($cell, $col_start_char);

                        // Add the cell to the row
                        $cur_temp_line [] = $cell;
                    } // foreach $cells
                } else {
                    // If it's none of the above, then the current line has a bad
                    // format
                    $message = PMA\libraries\Message::error(
                        __('Invalid format of mediawiki input on line: <br />%s.')
                    $error = true;
            } // End treating full buffer lines
        } // while - finished parsing buffer

     * Imports data from a single table
     * @param array $table    containing all table info:
     *                        <code>
     *                        $table[0] - string containing table name
     *                        $table[1] - array[]   of table headers
     *                        $table[2] - array[][] of table content rows
     *                        </code>
     * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
     * @global bool $analyze whether to scan for column types
     * @return void
    private function _importDataOneTable($table, &$sql_data)
        $analyze = $this->_getAnalyze();
        if ($analyze) {
            // Set the table name

            // Set generic names for table headers if they don't exist
            $this->_setTableHeaders($table[1], $table[2][0]);

            // Create the tables array to be used in PMA_buildSQL()
            $tables = array();
            $tables [] = array($table[0], $table[1], $table[2]);

            // Obtain the best-fit MySQL types for each column
            $analyses = array();
            $analyses [] = PMA_analyzeTable($tables[0]);

            $this->_executeImportTables($tables, $analyses, $sql_data);

        // Commit any possible data in buffers
        PMA_importRunQuery('', '', $sql_data);

     * Sets the table name
     * @param string &$table_name reference to the name of the table
     * @return void
    private function _setTableName(&$table_name)
        if (empty($table_name)) {
            $result = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchResult('SHOW TABLES');
            // todo check if the name below already exists
            $table_name = 'TABLE ' . (count($result) + 1);

     * Set generic names for table headers, if they don't exist
     * @param array &$table_headers reference to the array containing the headers
     *                              of a table
     * @param array $table_row      array containing the first content row
     * @return void
    private function _setTableHeaders(&$table_headers, $table_row)
        if (empty($table_headers)) {
            // The first table row should contain the number of columns
            // If they are not set, generic names will be given (COL 1, COL 2, etc)
            $num_cols = count($table_row);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $num_cols; ++$i) {
                $table_headers [$i] = 'COL ' . ($i + 1);

     * Sets the database name and additional options and calls PMA_buildSQL()
     * Used in PMA_importDataAllTables() and $this->_importDataOneTable()
     * @param array &$tables   structure:
     *                         array(
     *                         array(table_name, array() column_names, array()()
     *                         rows)
     *                         )
     * @param array &$analyses structure:
     *                         $analyses = array(
     *                         array(array() column_types, array() column_sizes)
     *                         )
     * @param array &$sql_data 2-element array with sql data
     * @global string $db      name of the database to import in
     * @return void
    private function _executeImportTables(&$tables, &$analyses, &$sql_data)
        global $db;

        // $db_name : The currently selected database name, if applicable
        //            No backquotes
        // $options : An associative array of options
        list($db_name, $options) = $this->getDbnameAndOptions($db, 'mediawiki_DB');

        // Array of SQL strings
        // Non-applicable parameters
        $create = null;

        // Create and execute necessary SQL statements from data
        PMA_buildSQL($db_name, $tables, $analyses, $create, $options, $sql_data);


     * Replaces all instances of the '||' separator between delimiters
     * in a given string
     * @param string $replace the string to be replaced with
     * @param string $subject the text to be replaced
     * @return string with replacements
    private function _delimiterReplace($replace, $subject)
        // String that will be returned
        $cleaned = "";
        // Possible states of current character
        $inside_tag = false;
        $inside_attribute = false;
        // Attributes can be declared with either " or '
        $start_attribute_character = false;

        // The full separator is "||";
        // This remembers if the previous character was '|'
        $partial_separator = false;

        // Parse text char by char
        for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($subject); $i++) {
            $cur_char = $subject[$i];
            // Check for separators
            if ($cur_char == '|') {
                // If we're not inside a tag, then this is part of a real separator,
                // so we append it to the current segment
                if (!$inside_attribute) {
                    $cleaned .= $cur_char;
                    if ($partial_separator) {
                        $inside_tag = false;
                        $inside_attribute = false;
                } elseif ($partial_separator) {
                    // If we are inside a tag, we replace the current char with
                    // the placeholder and append that to the current segment
                    $cleaned .= $replace;

                // If the previous character was also '|', then this ends a
                // full separator. If not, this may be the beginning of one
                $partial_separator = !$partial_separator;
            } else {
                // If we're inside a tag attribute and the current character is
                // not '|', but the previous one was, it means that the single '|'
                // was not appended, so we append it now
                if ($partial_separator && $inside_attribute) {
                    $cleaned .= "|";
                // If the char is different from "|", no separator can be formed
                $partial_separator = false;

                // any other character should be appended to the current segment
                $cleaned .= $cur_char;

                if ($cur_char == '<' && !$inside_attribute) {
                    // start of a tag
                    $inside_tag = true;
                } elseif ($cur_char == '>' && !$inside_attribute) {
                    // end of a tag
                    $inside_tag = false;
                } elseif (($cur_char == '"' || $cur_char == "'") && $inside_tag) {
                    // start or end of an attribute
                    if (!$inside_attribute) {
                        $inside_attribute = true;
                        // remember the attribute`s declaration character (" or ')
                        $start_attribute_character = $cur_char;
                    } else {
                        if ($cur_char == $start_attribute_character) {
                            $inside_attribute = false;
                            // unset attribute declaration character
                            $start_attribute_character = false;
        } // end for each character in $subject

        return $cleaned;

     * Separates a string into items, similarly to explode
     * Uses the '||' separator (which is standard in the mediawiki format)
     * and ignores any instances of it inside markup tags
     * Used in parsing buffer lines containing data cells
     * @param string $text text to be split
     * @return array
    private function _explodeMarkup($text)
        $separator = "||";
        $placeholder = "\x00";

        // Remove placeholder instances
        $text = str_replace($placeholder, '', $text);

        // Replace instances of the separator inside HTML-like
        // tags with the placeholder
        $cleaned = $this->_delimiterReplace($placeholder, $text);
        // Explode, then put the replaced separators back in
        $items = explode($separator, $cleaned);
        foreach ($items as $i => $str) {
            $items[$i] = str_replace($placeholder, $separator, $str);

        return $items;

    /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getters and Setters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */

     * Returns true if the table should be analyzed, false otherwise
     * @return bool
    private function _getAnalyze()
        return $this->_analyze;

     * Sets to true if the table should be analyzed, false otherwise
     * @param bool $analyze status
     * @return void
    private function _setAnalyze($analyze)
        $this->_analyze = $analyze;

     * Get cell
     * @param string $cell Cell
     * @return mixed
    private function _getCellData($cell)
        // A cell could contain both parameters and data
        $cell_data = explode('|', $cell, 2);

        // A '|' inside an invalid link should not
        // be mistaken as delimiting cell parameters
        if (mb_strpos($cell_data[0], '[[') === false) {
            return $cell;

        if (count($cell_data) == 1) {
            return $cell_data[0];

        return $cell_data[1];

     * Manage $inside_structure_comment
     * @param boolean $inside_structure_comment Value to test
     * @return bool
    private function _mngInsideStructComm($inside_structure_comment)
        // End ignoring structure rows
        if ($inside_structure_comment) {
            $inside_structure_comment = false;

        return $inside_structure_comment;

     * Get cell content
     * @param string $cell           Cell
     * @param string $col_start_char Start char
     * @return string
    private function _getCellContent($cell, $col_start_char)
        if (mb_strpos($cell, $col_start_char) === 0) {
            $cell = trim(mb_substr($cell, 1));

        return $cell;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
upload Folder 0755
AbstractImportCsv.php File 2.95 KB 0644
ImportCsv.php File 26.41 KB 0644
ImportLdi.php File 5.02 KB 0644
ImportMediawiki.php File 21 KB 0644
ImportOds.php File 13.67 KB 0644
ImportShp.php File 10.46 KB 0644
ImportSql.php File 6.01 KB 0644
ImportXml.php File 10.64 KB 0644
README File 4.52 KB 0644
ShapeFile.php File 2.84 KB 0644
ShapeRecord.php File 4.67 KB 0644