[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

 * Parses a list of options.

namespace SqlParser\Components;

use SqlParser\Component;
use SqlParser\Parser;
use SqlParser\Token;
use SqlParser\TokensList;

 * Parses a list of options.
 * @category   Components
 * @license    https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL-2.0+
class OptionsArray extends Component
     * ArrayObj of selected options.
     * @var array
    public $options = array();

     * Constructor.
     * @param array $options The array of options. Options that have a value
     *                       must be an array with at least two keys `name` and
     *                       `expr` or `value`.
    public function __construct(array $options = array())
        $this->options = $options;

     * @param Parser     $parser  the parser that serves as context
     * @param TokensList $list    the list of tokens that are being parsed
     * @param array      $options parameters for parsing
     * @return OptionsArray
    public static function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list, array $options = array())
        $ret = new self();

         * The ID that will be assigned to duplicate options.
         * @var int
        $lastAssignedId = count($options) + 1;

         * The option that was processed last time.
         * @var array
        $lastOption = null;

         * The index of the option that was processed last time.
         * @var int
        $lastOptionId = 0;

         * Counts brackets.
         * @var int
        $brackets = 0;

         * The state of the parser.
         * Below are the states of the parser.
         *      0 ---------------------[ option ]----------------------> 1
         *      1 -------------------[ = (optional) ]------------------> 2
         *      2 ----------------------[ value ]----------------------> 0
         * @var int
        $state = 0;

        for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             * Token parsed at this moment.
             * @var Token
            $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];

            // End of statement.
            if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {

            // Skipping comments.
            if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) {

            // Skipping whitespace if not parsing value.
            if (($token->type === Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE) && ($brackets === 0)) {

            if ($lastOption === null) {
                $upper = strtoupper($token->token);
                if (isset($options[$upper])) {
                    $lastOption = $options[$upper];
                    $lastOptionId = is_array($lastOption) ?
                        $lastOption[0] : $lastOption;
                    $state = 0;

                    // Checking for option conflicts.
                    // For example, in `SELECT` statements the keywords `ALL`
                    // and `DISTINCT` conflict and if used together, they
                    // produce an invalid query.
                    // Usually, tokens can be identified in the array by the
                    // option ID, but if conflicts occur, a generated option ID
                    // is used.
                    // The first pseudo duplicate ID is the maximum value of the
                    // real options (e.g.  if there are 5 options, the first
                    // fake ID is 6).
                    if (isset($ret->options[$lastOptionId])) {
                                __('This option conflicts with "%1$s".'),
                                ? $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['name']
                                : $ret->options[$lastOptionId]
                        $lastOptionId = $lastAssignedId++;
                } else {
                    // There is no option to be processed.

            if ($state === 0) {
                if (!is_array($lastOption)) {
                    // This is a just keyword option without any value.
                    // This is the beginning and the end of it.
                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId] = $token->value;
                    $lastOption = null;
                    $state = 0;
                } elseif (($lastOption[1] === 'var') || ($lastOption[1] === 'var=')) {
                    // This is a keyword that is followed by a value.
                    // This is only the beginning. The value is parsed in state
                    // 1 and 2. State 1 is used to skip the first equals sign
                    // and state 2 to parse the actual value.
                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId] = array(
                        // @var string The name of the option.
                        'name' => $token->value,
                        // @var bool Whether it contains an equal sign.
                        //           This is used by the builder to rebuild it.
                        'equals' => $lastOption[1] === 'var=',
                        // @var string Raw value.
                        'expr' => '',
                        // @var string Processed value.
                        'value' => '',
                    $state = 1;
                } elseif ($lastOption[1] === 'expr' || $lastOption[1] === 'expr=') {
                    // This is a keyword that is followed by an expression.
                    // The expression is used by the specialized parser.

                    // Skipping this option in order to parse the expression.
                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId] = array(
                        // @var string The name of the option.
                        'name' => $token->value,
                        // @var bool Whether it contains an equal sign.
                        //           This is used by the builder to rebuild it.
                        'equals' => $lastOption[1] === 'expr=',
                        // @var Expression The parsed expression.
                        'expr' => '',
                    $state = 1;
            } elseif ($state === 1) {
                $state = 2;
                if ($token->token === '=') {
                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['equals'] = true;

            // This is outside the `elseif` group above because the change might
            // change this iteration.
            if ($state === 2) {
                if ($lastOption[1] === 'expr' || $lastOption[1] === 'expr=') {
                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['expr'] = Expression::parse(
                        empty($lastOption[2]) ? array() : $lastOption[2]
                        = $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['expr']->expr;
                    $lastOption = null;
                    $state = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($token->token === '(') {
                    } elseif ($token->token === ')') {

                    $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['expr'] .= $token->token;

                    if (!((($token->token === '(') && ($brackets === 1))
                        || (($token->token === ')') && ($brackets === 0)))
                    ) {
                        // First pair of brackets is being skipped.
                        $ret->options[$lastOptionId]['value'] .= $token->value;

                    // Checking if we finished parsing.
                    if ($brackets === 0) {
                        $lastOption = null;

         * We reached the end of statement without getting a value
         * for an option for which a value was required
        if ($state === 1
            && $lastOption
            && ($lastOption[1] == 'expr'
            || $lastOption[1] == 'var'
            || $lastOption[1] == 'var='
            || $lastOption[1] == 'expr=')
        ) {
                    __('Value/Expression for the option %1$s was expected.'),
                $list->tokens[$list->idx - 1]

        if (empty($options['_UNSORTED'])) {


        return $ret;

     * @param OptionsArray $component the component to be built
     * @param array        $options   parameters for building
     * @return string
    public static function build($component, array $options = array())
        if (empty($component->options)) {
            return '';

        $options = array();
        foreach ($component->options as $option) {
            if (!is_array($option)) {
                $options[] = $option;
            } else {
                $options[] = $option['name']
                    . ((!empty($option['equals']) && $option['equals']) ? '=' : ' ')
                    . (!empty($option['expr']) ? $option['expr'] : $option['value']);

        return implode(' ', $options);

     * Checks if it has the specified option and returns it value or true.
     * @param string $key     the key to be checked
     * @param bool   $getExpr Gets the expression instead of the value.
     *                        The value is the processed form of the expression.
     * @return mixed
    public function has($key, $getExpr = false)
        foreach ($this->options as $option) {
            if (is_array($option)) {
                if (!strcasecmp($key, $option['name'])) {
                    return $getExpr ? $option['expr'] : $option['value'];
            } elseif (!strcasecmp($key, $option)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Removes the option from the array.
     * @param string $key the key to be removed
     * @return bool whether the key was found and deleted or not
    public function remove($key)
        foreach ($this->options as $idx => $option) {
            if (is_array($option)) {
                if (!strcasecmp($key, $option['name'])) {

                    return true;
            } elseif (!strcasecmp($key, $option)) {

                return true;

        return false;

     * Merges the specified options with these ones. Values with same ID will be
     * replaced.
     * @param array|OptionsArray $options the options to be merged
    public function merge($options)
        if (is_array($options)) {
            $this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, $options);
        } elseif ($options instanceof self) {
            $this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, $options->options);

     * Checks tf there are no options set.
     * @return bool
    public function isEmpty()
        return empty($this->options);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AlterOperation.php File 7.01 KB 0644
Array2d.php File 3.5 KB 0644
ArrayObj.php File 5 KB 0644
CaseExpression.php File 7.27 KB 0644
Condition.php File 5.85 KB 0644
CreateDefinition.php File 10.25 KB 0644
DataType.php File 4.44 KB 0644
Expression.php File 14.67 KB 0644
ExpressionArray.php File 3.42 KB 0644
FunctionCall.php File 2.95 KB 0644
IntoKeyword.php File 7.1 KB 0644
JoinKeyword.php File 5.73 KB 0644
Key.php File 5.33 KB 0644
Limit.php File 3.04 KB 0644
OptionsArray.php File 11.98 KB 0644
OrderKeyword.php File 3.53 KB 0644
ParameterDefinition.php File 4.24 KB 0644
PartitionDefinition.php File 6.38 KB 0644
Reference.php File 3.75 KB 0644
RenameOperation.php File 4.57 KB 0644
SetOperation.php File 3.43 KB 0644
UnionKeyword.php File 754 B 0644