[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

 * Defines the lexer of the library.
 * This is one of the most important components, along with the parser.
 * Depends on context to extract lexemes.

namespace SqlParser;

require_once 'common.php';

use SqlParser\Exceptions\LexerException;

if (!defined('USE_UTF_STRINGS')) {
    // NOTE: In previous versions of PHP (5.5 and older) the default
    // internal encoding is "ISO-8859-1".
    // All `mb_` functions must specify the correct encoding, which is
    // 'UTF-8' in order to work properly.

     * Forces usage of `UtfString` if the string is multibyte.
     * `UtfString` may be slower, but it gives better results.
     * @var bool
    define('USE_UTF_STRINGS', true);

 * Performs lexical analysis over a SQL statement and splits it in multiple
 * tokens.
 * The output of the lexer is affected by the context of the SQL statement.
 * @category Lexer
 * @license  https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL-2.0+
 * @see      Context
class Lexer
     * A list of methods that are used in lexing the SQL query.
     * @var array
    public static $PARSER_METHODS = array(
        // It is best to put the parsers in order of their complexity
        // (ascending) and their occurrence rate (descending).
        // Conflicts:
        // 1. `parseDelimiter`, `parseUnknown`, `parseKeyword`, `parseNumber`
        // They fight over delimiter. The delimiter may be a keyword, a
        // number or almost any character which makes the delimiter one of
        // the first tokens that must be parsed.
        // 1. `parseNumber` and `parseOperator`
        // They fight over `+` and `-`.
        // 2. `parseComment` and `parseOperator`
        // They fight over `/` (as in ```/*comment*/``` or ```a / b```)
        // 3. `parseBool` and `parseKeyword`
        // They fight over `TRUE` and `FALSE`.
        // 4. `parseKeyword` and `parseUnknown`
        // They fight over words. `parseUnknown` does not know about
        // keywords.

        'parseDelimiter', 'parseWhitespace', 'parseNumber',
        'parseComment', 'parseOperator', 'parseBool', 'parseString',
        'parseSymbol', 'parseKeyword', 'parseLabel', 'parseUnknown',

     * Whether errors should throw exceptions or just be stored.
     * @var bool
     * @see static::$errors
    public $strict = false;

     * The string to be parsed.
     * @var string|UtfString
    public $str = '';

     * The length of `$str`.
     * By storing its length, a lot of time is saved, because parsing methods
     * would call `strlen` everytime.
     * @var int
    public $len = 0;

     * The index of the last parsed character.
     * @var int
    public $last = 0;

     * Tokens extracted from given strings.
     * @var TokensList
    public $list;

     * The default delimiter. This is used, by default, in all new instances.
     * @var string
    public static $DEFAULT_DELIMITER = ';';

     * Statements delimiter.
     * This may change during lexing.
     * @var string
    public $delimiter;

     * The length of the delimiter.
     * Because `parseDelimiter` can be called a lot, it would perform a lot of
     * calls to `strlen`, which might affect performance when the delimiter is
     * big.
     * @var int
    public $delimiterLen;

     * List of errors that occurred during lexing.
     * Usually, the lexing does not stop once an error occurred because that
     * error might be false positive or a partial result (even a bad one)
     * might be needed.
     * @var LexerException[]
     * @see Lexer::error()
    public $errors = array();

     * Gets the tokens list parsed by a new instance of a lexer.
     * @param string|UtfString $str       the query to be lexed
     * @param bool             $strict    whether strict mode should be
     *                                    enabled or not
     * @param string           $delimiter the delimiter to be used
     * @return TokensList
    public static function getTokens($str, $strict = false, $delimiter = null)
        $lexer = new self($str, $strict, $delimiter);

        return $lexer->list;

     * Constructor.
     * @param string|UtfString $str       the query to be lexed
     * @param bool             $strict    whether strict mode should be
     *                                    enabled or not
     * @param string           $delimiter the delimiter to be used
    public function __construct($str, $strict = false, $delimiter = null)
        // `strlen` is used instead of `mb_strlen` because the lexer needs to
        // parse each byte of the input.
        $len = $str instanceof UtfString ? $str->length() : strlen($str);

        // For multi-byte strings, a new instance of `UtfString` is
        // initialized (only if `UtfString` usage is forced.
        if (!$str instanceof UtfString && USE_UTF_STRINGS && $len !== mb_strlen($str, 'UTF-8')) {
            $str = new UtfString($str);

        $this->str = $str;
        $this->len = $str instanceof UtfString ? $str->length() : $len;

        $this->strict = $strict;

        // Setting the delimiter.
            !empty($delimiter) ? $delimiter : static::$DEFAULT_DELIMITER


     * Sets the delimiter.
     * @param string $delimiter the new delimiter
    public function setDelimiter($delimiter)
        $this->delimiter = $delimiter;
        $this->delimiterLen = strlen($delimiter);

     * Parses the string and extracts lexemes.
    public function lex()
        // TODO: Sometimes, static::parse* functions make unnecessary calls to
        // is* functions. For a better performance, some rules can be deduced
        // from context.
        // For example, in `parseBool` there is no need to compare the token
        // every time with `true` and `false`. The first step would be to
        // compare with 'true' only and just after that add another letter from
        // context and compare again with `false`.
        // Another example is `parseComment`.

        $list = new TokensList();

         * Last processed token.
         * @var Token
        $lastToken = null;

        for ($this->last = 0, $lastIdx = 0; $this->last < $this->len; $lastIdx = ++$this->last) {
             * The new token.
             * @var Token
            $token = null;

            foreach (static::$PARSER_METHODS as $method) {
                if ($token = $this->$method()) {

            if ($token === null) {
                // @assert($this->last === $lastIdx);
                $token = new Token($this->str[$this->last]);
                    __('Unexpected character.'),
            } elseif ($lastToken !== null
                && $token->type === Token::TYPE_SYMBOL
                && $token->flags & Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_VARIABLE
                && (
                    $lastToken->type === Token::TYPE_STRING
                    || (
                        $lastToken->type === Token::TYPE_SYMBOL
                        && $lastToken->flags & Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_BACKTICK
            ) {
                // Handles ```... FROM 'user'@'%' ...```.
                $lastToken->token .= $token->token;
                $lastToken->type = Token::TYPE_SYMBOL;
                $lastToken->flags = Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_USER;
                $lastToken->value .= '@' . $token->value;
            } elseif ($lastToken !== null
                && $token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD
                && $lastToken->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR
                && $lastToken->value === '.'
            ) {
                // Handles ```... tbl.FROM ...```. In this case, FROM is not
                // a reserved word.
                $token->type = Token::TYPE_NONE;
                $token->flags = 0;
                $token->value = $token->token;

            $token->position = $lastIdx;

            $list->tokens[$list->count++] = $token;

            // Handling delimiters.
            if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_NONE && $token->value === 'DELIMITER') {
                if ($this->last + 1 >= $this->len) {
                        __('Expected whitespace(s) before delimiter.'),
                        $this->last + 1

                // Skipping last R (from `delimiteR`) and whitespaces between
                // the keyword `DELIMITER` and the actual delimiter.
                $pos = ++$this->last;
                if (($token = $this->parseWhitespace()) !== null) {
                    $token->position = $pos;
                    $list->tokens[$list->count++] = $token;

                // Preparing the token that holds the new delimiter.
                if ($this->last + 1 >= $this->len) {
                        __('Expected delimiter.'),
                        $this->last + 1
                $pos = $this->last + 1;

                // Parsing the delimiter.
                $this->delimiter = null;
                while (++$this->last < $this->len && !Context::isWhitespace($this->str[$this->last])) {
                    $this->delimiter .= $this->str[$this->last];

                if (empty($this->delimiter)) {
                        __('Expected delimiter.'),
                    $this->delimiter = ';';


                // Saving the delimiter and its token.
                $this->delimiterLen = strlen($this->delimiter);
                $token = new Token($this->delimiter, Token::TYPE_DELIMITER);
                $token->position = $pos;
                $list->tokens[$list->count++] = $token;

            $lastToken = $token;

        // Adding a final delimiter to mark the ending.
        $list->tokens[$list->count++] = new Token(null, Token::TYPE_DELIMITER);

        // Saving the tokens list.
        $this->list = $list;

     * Creates a new error log.
     * @param string $msg  the error message
     * @param string $str  the character that produced the error
     * @param int    $pos  the position of the character
     * @param int    $code the code of the error
     * @throws LexerException throws the exception, if strict mode is enabled
    public function error($msg = '', $str = '', $pos = 0, $code = 0)
        $error = new LexerException($msg, $str, $pos, $code);
        if ($this->strict) {
            throw $error;
        $this->errors[] = $error;

     * Parses a keyword.
     * @return Token
    public function parseKeyword()
        $token = '';

         * Value to be returned.
         * @var Token
        $ret = null;

         * The value of `$this->last` where `$token` ends in `$this->str`.
         * @var int
        $iEnd = $this->last;

         * Whether last parsed character is a whitespace.
         * @var bool
        $lastSpace = false;

        for ($j = 1; $j < Context::KEYWORD_MAX_LENGTH && $this->last < $this->len; ++$j, ++$this->last) {
            // Composed keywords shouldn't have more than one whitespace between
            // keywords.
            if (Context::isWhitespace($this->str[$this->last])) {
                if ($lastSpace) {
                    --$j; // The size of the keyword didn't increase.
                } else {
                    $lastSpace = true;
            } else {
                $lastSpace = false;

            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
            if (($this->last + 1 === $this->len || Context::isSeparator($this->str[$this->last + 1]))
                && $flags = Context::isKeyword($token)
            ) {
                $ret = new Token($token, Token::TYPE_KEYWORD, $flags);
                $iEnd = $this->last;

                // We don't break so we find longest keyword.
                // For example, `OR` and `ORDER` have a common prefix `OR`.
                // If we stopped at `OR`, the parsing would be invalid.

        $this->last = $iEnd;

        return $ret;

     * Parses a label.
     * @return Token
    public function parseLabel()
        $token = '';

         * Value to be returned.
         * @var Token
        $ret = null;

         * The value of `$this->last` where `$token` ends in `$this->str`.
         * @var int
        $iEnd = $this->last;

         * Whether last parsed character is a whitespace.
         * @var bool
        $lastSpace = false;

        for ($j = 1; $j < Context::LABEL_MAX_LENGTH && $this->last < $this->len; ++$j, ++$this->last) {
            // Composed keywords shouldn't have more than one whitespace between
            // keywords.
            if (Context::isWhitespace($this->str[$this->last])) {
                if ($lastSpace) {
                    --$j; // The size of the keyword didn't increase.
                } else {
                    $lastSpace = true;
            } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] === ':') {
                $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
                $ret = new Token($token, Token::TYPE_LABEL);
                $iEnd = $this->last;
            } else {
                $lastSpace = false;
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

        $this->last = $iEnd;

        return $ret;

     * Parses an operator.
     * @return Token
    public function parseOperator()
        $token = '';

         * Value to be returned.
         * @var Token
        $ret = null;

         * The value of `$this->last` where `$token` ends in `$this->str`.
         * @var int
        $iEnd = $this->last;

        for ($j = 1; $j < Context::OPERATOR_MAX_LENGTH && $this->last < $this->len; ++$j, ++$this->last) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
            if ($flags = Context::isOperator($token)) {
                $ret = new Token($token, Token::TYPE_OPERATOR, $flags);
                $iEnd = $this->last;

        $this->last = $iEnd;

        return $ret;

     * Parses a whitespace.
     * @return Token
    public function parseWhitespace()
        $token = $this->str[$this->last];

        if (!Context::isWhitespace($token)) {
            return null;

        while (++$this->last < $this->len && Context::isWhitespace($this->str[$this->last])) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];


        return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE);

     * Parses a comment.
     * @return Token
    public function parseComment()
        $iBak = $this->last;
        $token = $this->str[$this->last];

        // Bash style comments. (#comment\n)
        if (Context::isComment($token)) {
            while (
                ++$this->last < $this->len
                && $this->str[$this->last] !== "\n"
            ) {
                $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
            return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_COMMENT, Token::FLAG_COMMENT_BASH);

        // C style comments. (/*comment*\/)
        if (++$this->last < $this->len) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
            if (Context::isComment($token)) {
                $flags = Token::FLAG_COMMENT_C;

                // This comment already ended. It may be a part of a
                // previous MySQL specific command.
                if ($token === '*/') {
                    return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_COMMENT, $flags);

                // Checking if this is a MySQL-specific command.
                if ($this->last + 1 < $this->len
                    && $this->str[$this->last + 1] === '!'
                ) {
                    $flags |= Token::FLAG_COMMENT_MYSQL_CMD;
                    $token .= $this->str[++$this->last];

                    while (
                        ++$this->last < $this->len
                        && '0' <= $this->str[$this->last]
                        && $this->str[$this->last] <= '9'
                    ) {
                        $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

                    // We split this comment and parse only its beginning
                    // here.
                    return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_COMMENT, $flags);

                // Parsing the comment.
                while (
                    ++$this->last < $this->len
                    && (
                        $this->str[$this->last - 1] !== '*'
                        || $this->str[$this->last] !== '/'
                ) {
                    $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

                // Adding the ending.
                if ($this->last < $this->len) {
                    $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

                return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_COMMENT, $flags);

        // SQL style comments. (-- comment\n)
        if (++$this->last < $this->len) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
            if (Context::isComment($token)) {
                // Checking if this comment did not end already (```--\n```).
                if ($this->str[$this->last] !== "\n") {
                    while (
                        ++$this->last < $this->len
                        && $this->str[$this->last] !== "\n"
                    ) {
                        $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

                return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_COMMENT, Token::FLAG_COMMENT_SQL);

        $this->last = $iBak;

        return null;

     * Parses a boolean.
     * @return Token
    public function parseBool()
        if ($this->last + 3 >= $this->len) {
            // At least `min(strlen('TRUE'), strlen('FALSE'))` characters are
            // required.
            return null;

        $iBak = $this->last;
        $token = $this->str[$this->last] . $this->str[++$this->last]
        . $this->str[++$this->last] . $this->str[++$this->last]; // _TRUE_ or _FALS_e

        if (Context::isBool($token)) {
            return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_BOOL);
        } elseif (++$this->last < $this->len) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last]; // fals_E_
            if (Context::isBool($token)) {
                return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_BOOL, 1);

        $this->last = $iBak;

        return null;

     * Parses a number.
     * @return Token
    public function parseNumber()
        // A rudimentary state machine is being used to parse numbers due to
        // the various forms of their notation.
        // Below are the states of the machines and the conditions to change
        // the state.
        //      1 --------------------[ + or - ]-------------------> 1
        //      1 -------------------[ 0x or 0X ]------------------> 2
        //      1 --------------------[ 0 to 9 ]-------------------> 3
        //      1 -----------------------[ . ]---------------------> 4
        //      1 -----------------------[ b ]---------------------> 7
        //      2 --------------------[ 0 to F ]-------------------> 2
        //      3 --------------------[ 0 to 9 ]-------------------> 3
        //      3 -----------------------[ . ]---------------------> 4
        //      3 --------------------[ e or E ]-------------------> 5
        //      4 --------------------[ 0 to 9 ]-------------------> 4
        //      4 --------------------[ e or E ]-------------------> 5
        //      5 ---------------[ + or - or 0 to 9 ]--------------> 6
        //      7 -----------------------[ ' ]---------------------> 8
        //      8 --------------------[ 0 or 1 ]-------------------> 8
        //      8 -----------------------[ ' ]---------------------> 9
        // State 1 may be reached by negative numbers.
        // State 2 is reached only by hex numbers.
        // State 4 is reached only by float numbers.
        // State 5 is reached only by numbers in approximate form.
        // State 7 is reached only by numbers in bit representation.
        // Valid final states are: 2, 3, 4 and 6. Any parsing that finished in a
        // state other than these is invalid.
        $iBak = $this->last;
        $token = '';
        $flags = 0;
        $state = 1;
        for (; $this->last < $this->len; ++$this->last) {
            if ($state === 1) {
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === '-') {
                    $flags |= Token::FLAG_NUMBER_NEGATIVE;
                } elseif ($this->last + 1 < $this->len
                    && $this->str[$this->last] === '0'
                    && (
                        $this->str[$this->last + 1] === 'x'
                        || $this->str[$this->last + 1] === 'X'
                ) {
                    $token .= $this->str[$this->last++];
                    $state = 2;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] >= '0' && $this->str[$this->last] <= '9') {
                    $state = 3;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] === '.') {
                    $state = 4;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] === 'b') {
                    $state = 7;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] !== '+') {
                    // `+` is a valid character in a number.
            } elseif ($state === 2) {
                $flags |= Token::FLAG_NUMBER_HEX;
                if (
                        ($this->str[$this->last] >= '0' && $this->str[$this->last] <= '9')
                        || ($this->str[$this->last] >= 'A' && $this->str[$this->last] <= 'F')
                        || ($this->str[$this->last] >= 'a' && $this->str[$this->last] <= 'f')
                ) {
            } elseif ($state === 3) {
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === '.') {
                    $state = 4;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] === 'e' || $this->str[$this->last] === 'E') {
                    $state = 5;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] < '0' || $this->str[$this->last] > '9') {
                    // Just digits and `.`, `e` and `E` are valid characters.
            } elseif ($state === 4) {
                $flags |= Token::FLAG_NUMBER_FLOAT;
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === 'e' || $this->str[$this->last] === 'E') {
                    $state = 5;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] < '0' || $this->str[$this->last] > '9') {
                    // Just digits, `e` and `E` are valid characters.
            } elseif ($state === 5) {
                $flags |= Token::FLAG_NUMBER_APPROXIMATE;
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === '+' || $this->str[$this->last] === '-'
                    || ($this->str[$this->last] >= '0' && $this->str[$this->last] <= '9')
                ) {
                    $state = 6;
                } else {
            } elseif ($state === 6) {
                if ($this->str[$this->last] < '0' || $this->str[$this->last] > '9') {
                    // Just digits are valid characters.
            } elseif ($state === 7) {
                $flags |= Token::FLAG_NUMBER_BINARY;
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === '\'') {
                    $state = 8;
                } else {
            } elseif ($state === 8) {
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === '\'') {
                    $state = 9;
                } elseif ($this->str[$this->last] !== '0'
                    && $this->str[$this->last] !== '1'
                ) {
            } elseif ($state === 9) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];
        if ($state === 2 || $state === 3
            || ($token !== '.' && $state === 4)
            || $state === 6 || $state === 9
        ) {

            return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_NUMBER, $flags);
        $this->last = $iBak;

        return null;

     * Parses a string.
     * @param string $quote additional starting symbol
     * @return Token
    public function parseString($quote = '')
        $token = $this->str[$this->last];
        if (!($flags = Context::isString($token)) && $token !== $quote) {
            return null;
        $quote = $token;

        while (++$this->last < $this->len) {
            if ($this->last + 1 < $this->len
                && (
                    ($this->str[$this->last] === $quote && $this->str[$this->last + 1] === $quote)
                    || ($this->str[$this->last] === '\\' && $quote !== '`')
            ) {
                $token .= $this->str[$this->last] . $this->str[++$this->last];
            } else {
                if ($this->str[$this->last] === $quote) {
                $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

        if ($this->last >= $this->len || $this->str[$this->last] !== $quote) {
                    __('Ending quote %1$s was expected.'),
        } else {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

        return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_STRING, $flags);

     * Parses a symbol.
     * @return Token
    public function parseSymbol()
        $token = $this->str[$this->last];
        if (!($flags = Context::isSymbol($token))) {
            return null;

        if ($flags & Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_VARIABLE) {
            if ($this->last + 1 < $this->len && $this->str[++$this->last] === '@') {
                // This is a system variable (e.g. `@@hostname`).
                $token .= $this->str[$this->last++];
                $flags |= Token::FLAG_SYMBOL_SYSTEM;
        } else {
            $token = '';

        $str = null;

        if ($this->last < $this->len) {
            if (($str = $this->parseString('`')) === null) {
                if (($str = static::parseUnknown()) === null) {
                        __('Variable name was expected.'),

        if ($str !== null) {
            $token .= $str->token;

        return new Token($token, Token::TYPE_SYMBOL, $flags);

     * Parses unknown parts of the query.
     * @return Token
    public function parseUnknown()
        $token = $this->str[$this->last];
        if (Context::isSeparator($token)) {
            return null;

        while (++$this->last < $this->len && !Context::isSeparator($this->str[$this->last])) {
            $token .= $this->str[$this->last];

        return new Token($token);

     * Parses the delimiter of the query.
     * @return Token
    public function parseDelimiter()
        $idx = 0;

        while ($idx < $this->delimiterLen && $this->last + $idx < $this->len) {
            if ($this->delimiter[$idx] !== $this->str[$this->last + $idx]) {
                return null;

        $this->last += $this->delimiterLen - 1;

        return new Token($this->delimiter, Token::TYPE_DELIMITER);


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Components Folder 0755
Contexts Folder 0755
Exceptions Folder 0755
Statements Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Component.php File 2.1 KB 0644
Context.php File 16.2 KB 0644
Lexer.php File 29.23 KB 0644
Parser.php File 19.33 KB 0644
Statement.php File 15.25 KB 0644
Token.php File 8.02 KB 0644
TokensList.php File 4.39 KB 0644
UtfString.php File 4.65 KB 0644
common.php File 288 B 0644