[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

 * The result of the parser is an array of statements are extensions of the
 * class defined here.
 * A statement represents the result of parsing the lexemes.

namespace SqlParser;

use SqlParser\Components\OptionsArray;

 * Abstract statement definition.
 * @category Statements
 * @license  https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL-2.0+
abstract class Statement
     * Options for this statement.
     * The option would be the key and the value can be an integer or an array.
     * The integer represents only the index used.
     * The array may have two keys: `0` is used to represent the index used and
     * `1` is the type of the option (which may be 'var' or 'var='). Both
     * options mean they expect a value after the option (e.g. `A = B` or `A B`,
     * in which case `A` is the key and `B` is the value). The only difference
     * is in the building process. `var` options are built as `A B` and  `var=`
     * options are built as `A = B`
     * Two options that can be used together must have different values for
     * indexes, else, when they will be used together, an error will occur.
     * @var array
    public static $OPTIONS = array();

     * The clauses of this statement, in order.
     * The value attributed to each clause is used by the builder and it may
     * have one of the following values:
     *     - 1 = 01 - add the clause only
     *     - 2 = 10 - add the keyword
     *     - 3 = 11 - add both the keyword and the clause
     * @var array
    public static $CLAUSES = array();

     * The options of this query.
     * @var OptionsArray
     * @see static::$OPTIONS
    public $options;

     * The index of the first token used in this statement.
     * @var int
    public $first;

     * The index of the last token used in this statement.
     * @var int
    public $last;

     * Constructor.
     * @param Parser     $parser the instance that requests parsing
     * @param TokensList $list   the list of tokens to be parsed
    public function __construct(Parser $parser = null, TokensList $list = null)
        if (($parser !== null) && ($list !== null)) {
            $this->parse($parser, $list);

     * Builds the string representation of this statement.
     * @return string
    public function build()
         * Query to be returned.
         * @var string
        $query = '';

         * Clauses which were built already.
         * It is required to keep track of built clauses because some fields,
         * for example `join` is used by multiple clauses (`JOIN`, `LEFT JOIN`,
         * `LEFT OUTER JOIN`, etc.). The same happens for `VALUE` and `VALUES`.
         * A clause is considered built just after fields' value
         * (`$this->field`) was used in building.
         * @var array
        $built = array();

         * Statement's clauses.
         * @var array
        $clauses = $this->getClauses();

        foreach ($clauses as $clause) {
             * The name of the clause.
             * @var string
            $name = $clause[0];

             * The type of the clause.
             * @see self::$CLAUSES
             * @var int
            $type = $clause[1];

             * The builder (parser) of this clause.
             * @var Component
            $class = Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$name]['class'];

             * The name of the field that is used as source for the builder.
             * Same field is used to store the result of parsing.
             * @var string
            $field = Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$name]['field'];

            // The field is empty, there is nothing to be built.
            if (empty($this->$field)) {

            // Checking if this field was already built.
            if ($type & 1) {
                if (!empty($built[$field])) {
                $built[$field] = true;

            // Checking if the name of the clause should be added.
            if ($type & 2) {
                $query .= $name . ' ';

            // Checking if the result of the builder should be added.
            if ($type & 1) {
                $query .= $class::build($this->$field) . ' ';

        return $query;

     * Parses the statements defined by the tokens list.
     * @param Parser     $parser the instance that requests parsing
     * @param TokensList $list   the list of tokens to be parsed
    public function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list)
         * Array containing all list of clauses parsed.
         * This is used to check for duplicates.
         * @var array
        $parsedClauses = array();

        // This may be corrected by the parser.
        $this->first = $list->idx;

         * Whether options were parsed or not.
         * For statements that do not have any options this is set to `true` by
         * default.
         * @var bool
        $parsedOptions = empty(static::$OPTIONS);

        for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             * Token parsed at this moment.
             * @var Token
            $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];

            // End of statement.
            if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {

            // Checking if this closing bracket is the pair for a bracket
            // outside the statement.
            if (($token->value === ')') && ($parser->brackets > 0)) {

            // Only keywords are relevant here. Other parts of the query are
            // processed in the functions below.
            if ($token->type !== Token::TYPE_KEYWORD) {
                if (($token->type !== TOKEN::TYPE_COMMENT)
                    && ($token->type !== Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE)
                ) {
                    $parser->error(__('Unexpected token.'), $token);

            // Unions are parsed by the parser because they represent more than
            // one statement.
            if (($token->value === 'UNION') || ($token->value === 'UNION ALL') || ($token->value === 'UNION DISTINCT')) {

            $lastIdx = $list->idx;

            // ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ...
            // has to be parsed in parent statement (INSERT or REPLACE)
            // so look for it and break
            if (get_class($this) === 'SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement'
                && $token->value === 'ON'
            ) {
                ++$list->idx; // Skip ON

                // look for ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
                $first = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD);
                $second = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD);
                $third = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD);

                if ($first && $second && $third
                    && $first->value === 'DUPLICATE'
                    && $second->value === 'KEY'
                    && $third->value === 'UPDATE'
                ) {
                    $list->idx = $lastIdx;
            $list->idx = $lastIdx;

             * The name of the class that is used for parsing.
             * @var Component
            $class = null;

             * The name of the field where the result of the parsing is stored.
             * @var string
            $field = null;

             * Parser's options.
             * @var array
            $options = array();

            // Looking for duplicated clauses.
            if ((!empty(Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value]))
                || (!empty(Parser::$STATEMENT_PARSERS[$token->value]))
            ) {
                if (!empty($parsedClauses[$token->value])) {
                        __('This type of clause was previously parsed.'),
                $parsedClauses[$token->value] = true;

            // Checking if this is the beginning of a clause.
            if (!empty(Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value])) {
                $class = Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value]['class'];
                $field = Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value]['field'];
                if (!empty(Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value]['options'])) {
                    $options = Parser::$KEYWORD_PARSERS[$token->value]['options'];

            // Checking if this is the beginning of the statement.
            if (!empty(Parser::$STATEMENT_PARSERS[$token->value])) {
                if ((!empty(static::$CLAUSES)) // Undefined for some statements.
                    && (empty(static::$CLAUSES[$token->value]))
                ) {
                    // Some keywords (e.g. `SET`) may be the beginning of a
                    // statement and a clause.
                    // If such keyword was found and it cannot be a clause of
                    // this statement it means it is a new statement, but no
                    // delimiter was found between them.
                        __('A new statement was found, but no delimiter between it and the previous one.'),
                if (!$parsedOptions) {
                    if (empty(static::$OPTIONS[$token->value])) {
                        // Skipping keyword because if it is not a option.
                    $this->options = OptionsArray::parse(
                    $parsedOptions = true;
            } elseif ($class === null) {
                // Handle special end options in Select statement
                // See Statements\SelectStatement::$END_OPTIONS
                if (get_class($this) === 'SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement'
                    && ($token->value === 'FOR UPDATE'
                    || $token->value === 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE')
                ) {
                    $this->end_options = OptionsArray::parse(
                } else {
                    // There is no parser for this keyword and isn't the beginning
                    // of a statement (so no options) either.
                    $parser->error(__('Unrecognized keyword.'), $token);

            $this->before($parser, $list, $token);

            // Parsing this keyword.
            if ($class !== null) {
                ++$list->idx; // Skipping keyword or last option.
                $this->$field = $class::parse($parser, $list, $options);

            $this->after($parser, $list, $token);

        // This may be corrected by the parser.
        $this->last = --$list->idx; // Go back to last used token.

     * Function called before the token is processed.
     * @param Parser     $parser the instance that requests parsing
     * @param TokensList $list   the list of tokens to be parsed
     * @param Token      $token  the token that is being parsed
    public function before(Parser $parser, TokensList $list, Token $token)

     * Function called after the token was processed.
     * @param Parser     $parser the instance that requests parsing
     * @param TokensList $list   the list of tokens to be parsed
     * @param Token      $token  the token that is being parsed
    public function after(Parser $parser, TokensList $list, Token $token)

     * Gets the clauses of this statement.
     * @return array
    public function getClauses()
        return static::$CLAUSES;

     * Builds the string representation of this statement.
     * @see static::build
     * @return string
    public function __toString()
        return $this->build();

     * Validates the order of the clauses in parsed statement
     * Ideally this should be called after successfully
     * completing the parsing of each statement.
     * @param Parser     $parser the instance that requests parsing
     * @param TokensList $list   the list of tokens to be parsed
     * @return bool
    public function validateClauseOrder($parser, $list)
        $clauses = array_flip(array_keys($this->getClauses()));

        if (empty($clauses)
            || count($clauses) == 0
        ) {
            return true;

        $minIdx = -1;

         * For tracking JOIN clauses in a query
         *   0 - JOIN not found till now
         *   1 - JOIN has been found
         *   2 - A Non-JOIN clause has been found
         *       after a previously found JOIN clause.
         * @var int
        $joinStart = 0;

        $error = 0;
        foreach ($clauses as $clauseType => $index) {
            $clauseStartIdx = Utils\Query::getClauseStartOffset(

            // Handle ordering of Multiple Joins in a query
            if ($clauseStartIdx != -1) {
                if ($joinStart == 0 && stripos($clauseType, 'JOIN') !== false) {
                    $joinStart = 1;
                } elseif ($joinStart == 1 && stripos($clauseType, 'JOIN') === false) {
                    $joinStart = 2;
                } elseif ($joinStart == 2 && stripos($clauseType, 'JOIN') !== false) {
                    $error = 1;

            if ($clauseStartIdx != -1 && $clauseStartIdx < $minIdx) {
                if ($joinStart == 0 || ($joinStart == 2 && $error = 1)) {
                    $token = $list->tokens[$clauseStartIdx];
                        __('Unexpected ordering of clauses.'),

                    return false;
                } else {
                    $minIdx = $clauseStartIdx;
            } elseif ($clauseStartIdx != -1) {
                $minIdx = $clauseStartIdx;

        return true;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
Components Folder 0755
Contexts Folder 0755
Exceptions Folder 0755
Statements Folder 0755
Utils Folder 0755
Component.php File 2.1 KB 0644
Context.php File 16.2 KB 0644
Lexer.php File 29.23 KB 0644
Parser.php File 19.33 KB 0644
Statement.php File 15.25 KB 0644
Token.php File 8.02 KB 0644
TokensList.php File 4.39 KB 0644
UtfString.php File 4.65 KB 0644
common.php File 288 B 0644