[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
 * Hold the PMA\libraries\DisplayResults class
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
namespace PMA\libraries;

use SqlParser\Utils\Query;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\transformations\Text_Plain_Link;

require_once './libraries/transformations.lib.php';

 * Handle all the functionalities related to displaying results
 * of sql queries, stored procedure, browsing sql processes or
 * displaying binary log.
 * @package PhpMyAdmin
class DisplayResults

    // Define constants
    const NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE = 'nn';
    const UPDATE_ROW = 'ur';
    const DELETE_ROW = 'dr';
    const KILL_PROCESS = 'kp';

    const POSITION_LEFT = 'left';
    const POSITION_RIGHT = 'right';
    const POSITION_BOTH = 'both';
    const POSITION_NONE = 'none';

    const PLACE_TOP_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN = 'top_direction_dropdown';
    const PLACE_BOTTOM_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN = 'bottom_direction_dropdown';

    const DISPLAY_FULL_TEXT = 'F';

    const HEADER_FLIP_TYPE_AUTO = 'auto';
    const HEADER_FLIP_TYPE_CSS = 'css';
    const HEADER_FLIP_TYPE_FAKE = 'fake';

    const DATE_FIELD = 'date';
    const DATETIME_FIELD = 'datetime';
    const TIMESTAMP_FIELD = 'timestamp';
    const TIME_FIELD = 'time';
    const STRING_FIELD = 'string';
    const GEOMETRY_FIELD = 'geometry';
    const BLOB_FIELD = 'BLOB';
    const BINARY_FIELD = 'BINARY';

    const RELATIONAL_KEY = 'K';

    const GEOMETRY_DISP_WKT = 'WKT';
    const GEOMETRY_DISP_WKB = 'WKB';


    const TABLE_TYPE_INNO_DB = 'InnoDB';
    const ALL_ROWS = 'all';

    const ROUTINE_PROCEDURE = 'procedure';
    const ROUTINE_FUNCTION = 'function';

    const ACTION_LINK_CONTENT_ICONS = 'icons';
    const ACTION_LINK_CONTENT_TEXT = 'text';

    // Declare global fields

    /** array with properties of the class */
    private $_property_array = array(

        /** string Database name */
        'db' => null,

        /** string Table name */
        'table' => null,

        /** string the URL to go back in case of errors */
        'goto' => null,

        /** string the SQL query */
        'sql_query' => null,

         * integer the total number of rows returned by the SQL query without any
         *         appended "LIMIT" clause programmatically
        'unlim_num_rows' => null,

        /** array meta information about fields */
        'fields_meta' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_count' => null,

        /** integer */
        'is_export' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_func' => null,

        /** integer */
        'is_analyse' => null,

        /** integer the total number of rows returned by the SQL query */
        'num_rows' => null,

        /** integer the total number of fields returned by the SQL query */
        'fields_cnt' => null,

        /** double time taken for execute the SQL query */
        'querytime' => null,

        /** string path for theme images directory */
        'pma_theme_image' => null,

        /** string */
        'text_dir' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_maint' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_explain' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_show' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'is_browse_distinct' => null,

        /** array table definitions */
        'showtable' => null,

        /** string */
        'printview' => null,

        /** string URL query */
        'url_query' => null,

        /** array column names to highlight */
        'highlight_columns' => null,

        /** array holding various display information */
        'display_params' => null,

        /** array mime types information of fields */
        'mime_map' => null,

        /** boolean */
        'editable' => null,

        /** random unique ID to distinguish result set */
        'unique_id' => null,

        /** where clauses for each row, each table in the row */
        'whereClauseMap' => array(),

     * This variable contains the column transformation information
     * for some of the system databases.
     * One element of this array represent all relevant columns in all tables in
     * one specific database
    public $transformation_info;

     * Get any property of this class
     * @param string $property name of the property
     * @return mixed|void if property exist, value of the relevant property
    public function __get($property)
        if (array_key_exists($property, $this->_property_array)) {
            return $this->_property_array[$property];

     * Set values for any property of this class
     * @param string $property name of the property
     * @param mixed  $value    value to set
     * @return void
    public function __set($property, $value)
        if (array_key_exists($property, $this->_property_array)) {
            $this->_property_array[$property] = $value;

     * Constructor for DisplayResults class
     * @param string $db        the database name
     * @param string $table     the table name
     * @param string $goto      the URL to go back in case of errors
     * @param string $sql_query the SQL query
     * @access  public
    public function __construct($db, $table, $goto, $sql_query)

        $this->__set('db', $db);
        $this->__set('table', $table);
        $this->__set('goto', $goto);
        $this->__set('sql_query', $sql_query);
        $this->__set('unique_id', rand());

     * Sets default transformations for some columns
     * @return void
    private  function _setDefaultTransformations()
        $json_highlighting_data = array(
        $sql_highlighting_data = array(
        $blob_sql_highlighting_data = array(
        $link_data = array(
        $this->transformation_info = array(
            'information_schema' => array(
                'events' => array(
                    'event_definition' => $sql_highlighting_data
                'processlist' => array(
                    'info' => $sql_highlighting_data
                'routines' => array(
                    'routine_definition' => $sql_highlighting_data
                'triggers' => array(
                    'action_statement' => $sql_highlighting_data
                'views' => array(
                    'view_definition' => $sql_highlighting_data
            'mysql' => array(
                'event' => array(
                    'body' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data,
                    'body_utf8' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data
                'general_log' => array(
                    'argument' => $sql_highlighting_data
                'help_category' => array(
                    'url' => $link_data
                'help_topic' => array(
                    'example' => $sql_highlighting_data,
                    'url' => $link_data
                'proc' => array(
                    'param_list' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data,
                    'returns' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data,
                    'body' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data,
                    'body_utf8' => $blob_sql_highlighting_data
                'slow_log' => array(
                    'sql_text' => $sql_highlighting_data

        $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
        if ($cfgRelation['db']) {
            $this->transformation_info[$cfgRelation['db']] = array();
            $relDb = &$this->transformation_info[$cfgRelation['db']];
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['history'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['history']] = array(
                    'sqlquery' => $sql_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['bookmark'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['bookmark']] = array(
                    'query' => $sql_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['tracking'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['tracking']] = array(
                    'schema_sql' => $sql_highlighting_data,
                    'data_sql' => $sql_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['favorite'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['favorite']] = array(
                    'tables' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['recent'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['recent']] = array(
                    'tables' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['savedsearches'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['savedsearches']] = array(
                    'search_data' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['designer_settings'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['designer_settings']] = array(
                    'settings_data' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['table_uiprefs'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['table_uiprefs']] = array(
                    'prefs' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['userconfig'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['userconfig']] = array(
                    'config_data' => $json_highlighting_data
            if (! empty($cfgRelation['export_templates'])) {
                $relDb[$cfgRelation['export_templates']] = array(
                    'template_data' => $json_highlighting_data

     * Set properties which were not initialized at the constructor
     * @param integer $unlim_num_rows the total number of rows returned by
     *                                     the SQL query without any appended
     *                                     "LIMIT" clause programmatically
     * @param array   $fields_meta    meta information about fields
     * @param boolean $is_count       statement is SELECT COUNT
     * @param integer $is_export      statement contains INTO OUTFILE
     * @param boolean $is_func        statement contains a function like SUM()
     * @param integer $is_analyse     statement contains PROCEDURE ANALYSE
     * @param integer $num_rows       total no. of rows returned by SQL query
     * @param integer $fields_cnt     total no.of fields returned by SQL query
     * @param double  $querytime      time taken for execute the SQL query
     * @param string  $pmaThemeImage  path for theme images directory
     * @param string  $text_dir       text direction
     * @param boolean $is_maint       statement contains a maintenance command
     * @param boolean $is_explain     statement contains EXPLAIN
     * @param boolean $is_show        statement contains SHOW
     * @param array   $showtable      table definitions
     * @param string  $printview      print view was requested
     * @param string  $url_query      URL query
     * @param boolean $editable       whether the results set is editable
     * @param boolean $is_browse_dist whether browsing distinct values
     * @return void
     * @see     sql.php
    public function setProperties(
        $unlim_num_rows, $fields_meta, $is_count, $is_export, $is_func,
        $is_analyse, $num_rows, $fields_cnt, $querytime, $pmaThemeImage, $text_dir,
        $is_maint, $is_explain, $is_show, $showtable, $printview, $url_query,
        $editable, $is_browse_dist
    ) {

        $this->__set('unlim_num_rows', $unlim_num_rows);
        $this->__set('fields_meta', $fields_meta);
        $this->__set('is_count', $is_count);
        $this->__set('is_export', $is_export);
        $this->__set('is_func', $is_func);
        $this->__set('is_analyse', $is_analyse);
        $this->__set('num_rows', $num_rows);
        $this->__set('fields_cnt', $fields_cnt);
        $this->__set('querytime', $querytime);
        $this->__set('pma_theme_image', $pmaThemeImage);
        $this->__set('text_dir', $text_dir);
        $this->__set('is_maint', $is_maint);
        $this->__set('is_explain', $is_explain);
        $this->__set('is_show', $is_show);
        $this->__set('showtable', $showtable);
        $this->__set('printview', $printview);
        $this->__set('url_query', $url_query);
        $this->__set('editable', $editable);
        $this->__set('is_browse_distinct', $is_browse_dist);

    } // end of the 'setProperties()' function

     * Defines the parts to display for a print view
     * @param array $displayParts the parts to display
     * @return array $displayParts the modified display parts
     * @access  private
    private function _setDisplayPartsForPrintView($displayParts)
        // set all elements to false!
        $displayParts['edit_lnk']  = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE; // no edit link
        $displayParts['del_lnk']   = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE; // no delete link
        $displayParts['sort_lnk']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['nav_bar']   = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['bkm_form']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['text_btn']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['pview_lnk'] = (string) '0';

        return $displayParts;

     * Defines the parts to display for a SHOW statement
     * @param array $displayParts the parts to display
     * @return array $displayParts the modified display parts
     * @access  private
    private function _setDisplayPartsForShow($displayParts)
            . ')@i',
            $this->__get('sql_query'), $which

        $bIsProcessList = isset($which[1]);
        if ($bIsProcessList) {
            $str = ' ' . strtoupper($which[1]);
            $bIsProcessList = $bIsProcessList
                && strpos($str, 'PROCESSLIST') > 0;

        if ($bIsProcessList) {
            // no edit link
            $displayParts['edit_lnk'] = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
            // "kill process" type edit link
            $displayParts['del_lnk']  = self::KILL_PROCESS;
        } else {
            // Default case -> no links
            // no edit link
            $displayParts['edit_lnk'] = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
            // no delete link
            $displayParts['del_lnk']  = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
        // Other settings
        $displayParts['sort_lnk']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['nav_bar']   = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['bkm_form']  = (string) '1';
        $displayParts['text_btn']  = (string) '1';
        $displayParts['pview_lnk'] = (string) '1';

        return $displayParts;

     * Defines the parts to display for statements not related to data
     * @param array $displayParts the parts to display
     * @return array $displayParts the modified display parts
     * @access  private
    private function _setDisplayPartsForNonData($displayParts)
        // Statement is a "SELECT COUNT", a
        // contains a "PROC ANALYSE" part
        $displayParts['edit_lnk']  = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE; // no edit link
        $displayParts['del_lnk']   = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE; // no delete link
        $displayParts['sort_lnk']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['nav_bar']   = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['bkm_form']  = (string) '1';

        if ($this->__get('is_maint')) {
            $displayParts['text_btn']  = (string) '1';
        } else {
            $displayParts['text_btn']  = (string) '0';
        $displayParts['pview_lnk'] = (string) '1';

        return $displayParts;

     * Defines the parts to display for other statements (probably SELECT)
     * @param array $displayParts the parts to display
     * @return array $displayParts the modified display parts
     * @access  private
    private function _setDisplayPartsForSelect($displayParts)
        // Other statements (ie "SELECT" ones) -> updates
        // $displayParts['edit_lnk'], $displayParts['del_lnk'] and
        // $displayParts['text_btn'] (keeps other default values)

        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');
        $prev_table = '';
        $displayParts['text_btn']  = (string) '1';
        $number_of_columns = $this->__get('fields_cnt');

        for ($i = 0; $i < $number_of_columns; $i++) {

            $is_link = ($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                || ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                || ($displayParts['sort_lnk'] != '0');

            // Displays edit/delete/sort/insert links?
            if ($is_link
                && $prev_table != ''
                && $fields_meta[$i]->table != ''
                && $fields_meta[$i]->table != $prev_table
            ) {
                // don't display links
                $displayParts['edit_lnk'] = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
                $displayParts['del_lnk']  = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
                 * @todo May be problematic with same field names
                 * in two joined table.
                // $displayParts['sort_lnk'] = (string) '0';
                if ($displayParts['text_btn'] == '1') {
            } // end if

            // Always display print view link
            $displayParts['pview_lnk'] = (string) '1';
            if ($fields_meta[$i]->table != '') {
                $prev_table = $fields_meta[$i]->table;
        } // end for

        if ($prev_table == '') { // no table for any of the columns
            // don't display links
            $displayParts['edit_lnk'] = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;
            $displayParts['del_lnk']  = self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE;

        return $displayParts;

     * Defines the parts to display for the results of a SQL query
     * and the total number of rows
     * @param array $displayParts the parts to display (see a few
     *                            lines above for explanations)
     * @return array the first element is an array with explicit indexes
     *               for all the display elements
     *               the second element is the total number of rows returned
     *               by the SQL query without any programmatically appended
     *               LIMIT clause (just a copy of $unlim_num_rows if it exists,
     *               else computed inside this function)
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _setDisplayPartsAndTotal($displayParts)
        $the_total = 0;

        // 1. Following variables are needed for use in isset/empty or
        //    use with array indexes or safe use in foreach
        $db = $this->__get('db');
        $table = $this->__get('table');
        $unlim_num_rows = $this->__get('unlim_num_rows');
        $num_rows = $this->__get('num_rows');
        $printview = $this->__get('printview');

        // 2. Updates the display parts
        if ($printview == '1') {
            $displayParts = $this->_setDisplayPartsForPrintView($displayParts);

        } elseif ($this->__get('is_count') || $this->__get('is_analyse')
            || $this->__get('is_maint') || $this->__get('is_explain')
        ) {
            $displayParts = $this->_setDisplayPartsForNonData($displayParts);

        } elseif ($this->__get('is_show')) {
            $displayParts = $this->_setDisplayPartsForShow($displayParts);

        } else {
            $displayParts = $this->_setDisplayPartsForSelect($displayParts);
        } // end if..elseif...else

        // 3. Gets the total number of rows if it is unknown
        if (isset($unlim_num_rows) && $unlim_num_rows != '') {
            $the_total = $unlim_num_rows;
        } elseif ((($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1')
            || ($displayParts['sort_lnk'] == '1'))
            && (mb_strlen($db) && !empty($table))
        ) {
            $the_total = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable($db, $table)->countRecords();

        // if for COUNT query, number of rows returned more than 1
        // (may be being used GROUP BY)
        if ($this->__get('is_count') && isset($num_rows) && $num_rows > 1) {
            $displayParts['nav_bar']   = (string) '1';
            $displayParts['sort_lnk']  = (string) '1';
        // 4. If navigation bar or sorting fields names URLs should be
        //    displayed but there is only one row, change these settings to
        //    false
        if ($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1' || $displayParts['sort_lnk'] == '1') {

            // - Do not display sort links if less than 2 rows.
            // - For a VIEW we (probably) did not count the number of rows
            //   so don't test this number here, it would remove the possibility
            //   of sorting VIEW results.
            $_table = new Table($table, $db);
            if (isset($unlim_num_rows)
                && ($unlim_num_rows < 2)
                && ! $_table->isView()
            ) {
                $displayParts['sort_lnk'] = (string) '0';
        } // end if (3)

        return array($displayParts, $the_total);

    } // end of the 'setDisplayPartsAndTotal()' function

     * Return true if we are executing a query in the form of
     * "SELECT * FROM <a table> ..."
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return boolean
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders(), _getColumnParams()
    private function _isSelect($analyzed_sql_results)
        return ! ($this->__get('is_count')
                || $this->__get('is_export')
                || $this->__get('is_func')
                || $this->__get('is_analyse'))
            && !empty($analyzed_sql_results['select_from'])
            && !empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->from)
            && (count($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->from) == 1)
            && !empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->from[0]->table);

     * Get a navigation button
     * @param string  $caption            iconic caption for button
     * @param string  $title              text for button
     * @param integer $pos                position for next query
     * @param string  $html_sql_query     query ready for display
     * @param boolean $back               whether 'begin' or 'previous'
     * @param string  $onsubmit           optional onsubmit clause
     * @param string  $input_for_real_end optional hidden field for special treatment
     * @param string  $onclick            optional onclick clause
     * @return string                     html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getMoveBackwardButtonsForTableNavigation(),
     *          _getMoveForwardButtonsForTableNavigation()
    private function _getTableNavigationButton(
        $caption, $title, $pos, $html_sql_query, $back, $onsubmit = '',
        $input_for_real_end = '', $onclick = ''
    ) {

        $caption_output = '';
        if ($back) {
            if (Util::showIcons('TableNavigationLinksMode')) {
                $caption_output .= $caption;
            if (Util::showText('TableNavigationLinksMode')) {
                $caption_output .= '&nbsp;' . $title;
        } else {
            if (Util::showText('TableNavigationLinksMode')) {
                $caption_output .= $title;
            if (Util::showIcons('TableNavigationLinksMode')) {
                $caption_output .= '&nbsp;' . $caption;
        $title_output = ' title="' . $title . '"';

        return '<td>'
            . '<form action="sql.php" method="post" ' . $onsubmit . '>'
            . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
                $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')
            . '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query" value="'
            . $html_sql_query . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="pos" value="' . $pos . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="is_browse_distinct" value="'
            . $this->__get('is_browse_distinct') . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="' . $this->__get('goto')
            . '" />'
            . $input_for_real_end
            . '<input type="submit" name="navig"'
            . ' class="ajax" '
            . 'value="' . $caption_output . '" ' . $title_output . $onclick . ' />'
            . '</form>'
            . '</td>';

    } // end function _getTableNavigationButton()

     * Possibly return a page selector for table navigation
     * @param string $table_navigation_html the current navigation HTML
     * @return array ($table_navigation_html, $nbTotalPage)
     * @access  private
    private function _getHtmlPageSelector($table_navigation_html)
        $pageNow = @floor(
            / $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows']
        ) + 1;

        $nbTotalPage = @ceil(
            / $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows']

        if ($nbTotalPage > 1) {
            $table_navigation_html .= '<td>';
            $_url_params = array(
                'db'                 => $this->__get('db'),
                'table'              => $this->__get('table'),
                'sql_query'          => $this->__get('sql_query'),
                'goto'               => $this->__get('goto'),
                'is_browse_distinct' => $this->__get('is_browse_distinct'),

            //<form> to keep the form alignment of button < and <<
            // and also to know what to execute when the selector changes
            $table_navigation_html .= '<form action="sql.php'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params)
                . '" method="post">';

            $table_navigation_html .= Util::pageselector(
                $pageNow, $nbTotalPage, 200, 5, 5, 20, 10

            $table_navigation_html .= '</form>'
                . '</td>';
        return array($table_navigation_html, $nbTotalPage);

     * Get a navigation bar to browse among the results of a SQL query
     * @param integer $pos_next         the offset for the "next" page
     * @param integer $pos_prev         the offset for the "previous" page
     * @param boolean $is_innodb        whether its InnoDB or not
     * @param string  $sort_by_key_html the sort by key dialog
     * @return string                            html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTable()
    private function _getTableNavigation(
        $pos_next, $pos_prev, $is_innodb, $sort_by_key_html
    ) {

        $table_navigation_html = '';

        // here, using htmlentities() would cause problems if the query
        // contains accented characters
        $html_sql_query = htmlspecialchars($this->__get('sql_query'));

        // Navigation bar
            .= '<table class="navigation nospacing nopadding print_ignore">'
            . '<tr>'
            . '<td class="navigation_separator"></td>';

        // Move to the beginning or to the previous page
        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
            && ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] != self::ALL_ROWS)
        ) {

                .= $this->_getMoveBackwardButtonsForTableNavigation(
                    $html_sql_query, $pos_prev

        } // end move back

        $nbTotalPage = 1;
        //page redirection
        // (unless we are showing all records)
        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] != self::ALL_ROWS) {
            ) = $this->_getHtmlPageSelector($table_navigation_html);

        $showing_all = false;
        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS) {
            $showing_all = true;

        // Move to the next page or to the last one
        $endpos = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
            + $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];

        if ($this->__get('unlim_num_rows') === false // view with unknown number of rows
            || ($endpos < $this->__get('unlim_num_rows')
            && $this->__get('num_rows') >= $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows']
            && $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] != self::ALL_ROWS)
        ) {

                .= $this->_getMoveForwardButtonsForTableNavigation(
                    $html_sql_query, $pos_next, $is_innodb

        } // end move toward

        // show separator if pagination happen
        if ($nbTotalPage > 1) {
                .= '<td><div class="navigation_separator">|</div></td>';

        // Display the "Show all" button if allowed
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowAll'] || ($this->__get('unlim_num_rows') <= 500) ) {

            $table_navigation_html .= $this->_getShowAllCheckboxForTableNavigation(
                $showing_all, $html_sql_query

                .= '<td><div class="navigation_separator">|</div></td>';

        } // end show all

        $table_navigation_html .= '<td>'
            . '<div class="save_edited hide">'
            . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Save edited data') . '" />'
            . '<div class="navigation_separator">|</div>'
            . '</div>'
            . '</td>'
            . '<td>'
            . '<div class="restore_column hide">'
            . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Restore column order') . '" />'
            . '<div class="navigation_separator">|</div>'
            . '</div>'
            . '</td>';

        // if displaying a VIEW, $unlim_num_rows could be zero because
        // of $cfg['MaxExactCountViews']; in this case, avoid passing
        // the 5th parameter to checkFormElementInRange()
        // (this means we can't validate the upper limit
        $table_navigation_html .= '<td class="navigation_goto">';

        $table_navigation_html .= '<form action="sql.php" method="post" '
            . 'onsubmit="return '
                . '(checkFormElementInRange('
                    . 'this, '
                    . '\'session_max_rows\', '
                    . '\''
                    . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', __('%d is not valid row number.'))
                    . '\', '
                    . '1)'
                . ' &amp;&amp; '
                . 'checkFormElementInRange('
                    . 'this, '
                    . '\'pos\', '
                    . '\''
                    . str_replace('\'', '\\\'', __('%d is not valid row number.'))
                    . '\', '
                    . '0'
                    . (($this->__get('unlim_num_rows') > 0)
                        ? ', ' . ($this->__get('unlim_num_rows') - 1)
                        : ''
                    . ')'
                . ')'
            . '">';

        $table_navigation_html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
            $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')

        $table_navigation_html .= $this->_getAdditionalFieldsForTableNavigation(

        $table_navigation_html .= '</form>'
            . '</td>'
            . '<td class="navigation_separator"></td>'
            . '<td>'
            . '<span>' . __('Filter rows') . ':</span>'
            . '<input type="text" class="filter_rows"'
            . ' placeholder="' . __('Search this table') . '"'
            . ' data-for="' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '" />'
            . '</td>';

        $table_navigation_html .= '<td>' . $sort_by_key_html . '</td>';

        $table_navigation_html .= '<td class="navigation_separator"></td>'
            . '</tr>'
            . '</table>';

        return $table_navigation_html;

    } // end of the '_getTableNavigation()' function

     * Prepare move backward buttons - previous and first
     * @param string  $html_sql_query the sql encoded by html special characters
     * @param integer $pos_prev       the offset for the "previous" page
     * @return  string                  html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableNavigation()
    private function _getMoveBackwardButtonsForTableNavigation(
        $html_sql_query, $pos_prev
    ) {
        return $this->_getTableNavigationButton(
            '&lt;&lt;', _pgettext('First page', 'Begin'), 0, $html_sql_query, true
        . $this->_getTableNavigationButton(
            '&lt;', _pgettext('Previous page', 'Previous'), $pos_prev,
            $html_sql_query, true
    } // end of the '_getMoveBackwardButtonsForTableNavigation()' function

     * Prepare Show All checkbox for table navigation
     * @param bool   $showing_all    whether all rows are shown currently
     * @param string $html_sql_query the sql encoded by html special characters
     * @return  string                          html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableNavigation()
    private function _getShowAllCheckboxForTableNavigation(
        $showing_all, $html_sql_query
    ) {
        return "\n"
            . '<td>'
            . '<form action="sql.php" method="post">'
            . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
                $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')
            . '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query" value="'
            . $html_sql_query . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="pos" value="0" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="is_browse_distinct" value="'
            . $this->__get('is_browse_distinct') . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="session_max_rows" value="'
            . (! $showing_all ? 'all' : intval($GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows'])) . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="' . $this->__get('goto')
            . '" />'
            . '<input type="checkbox" name="navig"'
            . ' id="showAll_' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '" class="showAllRows"'
            . (! $showing_all ? '' : ' checked="checked"') . ' value="all" />'
            . '<label for="showAll_' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '">'
            . __('Show all') . '</label>'
            . '</form>'
            . '</td>';
    } // end of the '_getShowAllButtonForTableNavigation()' function

     * Prepare move forward buttons - next and last
     * @param string  $html_sql_query the sql encoded by htmlspecialchars()
     * @param integer $pos_next       the offset for the "next" page
     * @param boolean $is_innodb      whether it's InnoDB or not
     * @return  string  $buttons_html   html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableNavigation()
    private function _getMoveForwardButtonsForTableNavigation(
        $html_sql_query, $pos_next, $is_innodb
    ) {

        // display the Next button
        $buttons_html = $this->_getTableNavigationButton(
            _pgettext('Next page', 'Next'),

        // prepare some options for the End button
        if ($is_innodb
            && $this->__get('unlim_num_rows') > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCount']
        ) {
            $input_for_real_end = '<input id="real_end_input" type="hidden" '
                . 'name="find_real_end" value="1" />';
            // no backquote around this message
            $onclick = '';
        } else {
            $input_for_real_end = $onclick = '';

        $maxRows = $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];
        $onsubmit = 'onsubmit="return '
            . (($_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
                + $maxRows
                < $this->__get('unlim_num_rows')
                && $this->__get('num_rows') >= $maxRows)
            ? 'true'
            : 'false') . '"';

        // display the End button
        $buttons_html .= $this->_getTableNavigationButton(
            _pgettext('Last page', 'End'),
                / $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows']
            )- 1) * $maxRows),
            $html_sql_query, false, $onsubmit, $input_for_real_end, $onclick

        return $buttons_html;

    } // end of the '_getMoveForwardButtonsForTableNavigation()' function

     * Prepare fields for table navigation
     * Number of rows
     * @param string $html_sql_query the sql encoded by htmlspecialchars()
     * @return  string  $additional_fields_html html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableNavigation()
    private function _getAdditionalFieldsForTableNavigation(
    ) {

        $additional_fields_html = '';

        $additional_fields_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query" '
            . 'value="' . $html_sql_query . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="' . $this->__get('goto')
            . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="pos" size="3" value="'
            // Do not change the position when changing the number of rows
            . $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'] . '" />'
            . '<input type="hidden" name="is_browse_distinct" value="'
            . $this->__get('is_browse_distinct') . '" />'  ;

        $numberOfRowsPlaceholder = null;
        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS) {
            $numberOfRowsPlaceholder = __('All');

        $numberOfRowsChoices = array(
            '25'  => 25,
            '50'  => 50,
            '100' => 100,
            '250' => 250,
            '500' => 500
        $additional_fields_html .= __('Number of rows:') . ' ';
        $additional_fields_html .= Util::getDropdown(
            'session_max_rows', $numberOfRowsChoices,
            $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'], '',
            'autosubmit', $numberOfRowsPlaceholder

        return $additional_fields_html;

    } // end of the '_getAdditionalFieldsForTableNavigation()' function

     * Get the headers of the results table, for all of the columns
     * @param array   $displayParts                which elements to display
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results        analyzed sql results
     * @param array   $sort_expression             sort expression
     * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression
     *                                             without direction
     * @param string  $sort_direction              sort direction
     * @param boolean $is_limited_display          with limited operations
     *                                             or not
     * @param string  $unsorted_sql_query          query without the sort part
     * @return string html content
     * @access private
     * @see    getTableHeaders()
    private function _getTableHeadersForColumns(
        $displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results, $sort_expression,
        $sort_expression_nodirection, $sort_direction, $is_limited_display,
    ) {
        $html = '';

        // required to generate sort links that will remember whether the
        // "Show all" button has been clicked
        $sql_md5 = md5($this->__get('sql_query'));
        $session_max_rows = $is_limited_display
            ? 0
            : $_SESSION['tmpval']['query'][$sql_md5]['max_rows'];

        // Following variable are needed for use in isset/empty or
        // use with array indexes/safe use in the for loop
        $highlight_columns = $this->__get('highlight_columns');
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');

        // Prepare Display column comments if enabled
        // ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowBrowseComments']).
        $comments_map = $this->_getTableCommentsArray($analyzed_sql_results);

        list($col_order, $col_visib) = $this->_getColumnParams(

        // optimize: avoid calling a method on each iteration
        $number_of_columns = $this->__get('fields_cnt');

        for ($j = 0; $j < $number_of_columns; $j++) {

            // assign $i with the appropriate column order
            $i = $col_order ? $col_order[$j] : $j;

            //  See if this column should get highlight because it's used in the
            //  where-query.
            $name = $fields_meta[$i]->name;
            $condition_field = (isset($highlight_columns[$name])
                || isset($highlight_columns[Util::backquote($name)]))
                ? true
                : false;

            // Prepare comment-HTML-wrappers for each row, if defined/enabled.
            $comments = $this->_getCommentForRow($comments_map, $fields_meta[$i]);
            $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

            if (($displayParts['sort_lnk'] == '1') && ! $is_limited_display) {

                list($order_link, $sorted_header_html)
                    = $this->_getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml(
                        $fields_meta[$i], $sort_expression,
                        $sort_expression_nodirection, $i, $unsorted_sql_query,
                        $session_max_rows, $comments,
                        $sort_direction, $col_visib,

                $html .= $sorted_header_html;

                $display_params['desc'][] = '    <th '
                    . 'class="draggable'
                    . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '')
                    . '" data-column="' . htmlspecialchars($fields_meta[$i]->name)
                    . '">' . "\n" . $order_link . $comments . '    </th>' . "\n";
            } else {
                // Results can't be sorted
                    .= $this->_getDraggableClassForNonSortableColumns(
                        $col_visib, $col_visib[$j], $condition_field,
                        $fields_meta[$i], $comments

                $display_params['desc'][] = '    <th '
                    . 'class="draggable'
                    . ($condition_field ? ' condition"' : '')
                    . '" data-column="' . htmlspecialchars($fields_meta[$i]->name)
                    . '">' . '        '
                    . htmlspecialchars($fields_meta[$i]->name)
                    . $comments . '    </th>';
            } // end else

            $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        } // end for
        return $html;

     * Get the headers of the results table
     * @param array   &$displayParts               which elements to display
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results        analyzed sql results
     * @param string  $unsorted_sql_query          the unsorted sql query
     * @param array   $sort_expression             sort expression
     * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression
     *                                             without direction
     * @param string  $sort_direction              sort direction
     * @param boolean $is_limited_display          with limited operations
     *                                             or not
     * @return string html content
     * @access private
     * @see    getTable()
    private function _getTableHeaders(
        &$displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results, $unsorted_sql_query,
        $sort_expression = array(), $sort_expression_nodirection = '',
        $sort_direction = '', $is_limited_display = false
    ) {

        $table_headers_html = '';
        // Needed for use in isset/empty or
        // use with array indexes/safe use in foreach
        $printview = $this->__get('printview');
        $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

        // Output data needed for grid editing
        $table_headers_html .= '<input class="save_cells_at_once" type="hidden"'
            . ' value="' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['SaveCellsAtOnce'] . '" />'
            . '<div class="common_hidden_inputs">'
            . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
                $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')
            . '</div>';

        // Output data needed for column reordering and show/hide column
        if ($this->_isSelect($analyzed_sql_results)) {
            $table_headers_html .= $this->_getDataForResettingColumnOrder();

        $display_params['emptypre']   = 0;
        $display_params['emptyafter'] = 0;
        $display_params['textbtn']    = '';
        $full_or_partial_text_link = null;

        $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        // Display options (if we are not in print view)
        if (! (isset($printview) && ($printview == '1')) && ! $is_limited_display) {

            $table_headers_html .= $this->_getOptionsBlock();

            // prepare full/partial text button or link
            $full_or_partial_text_link = $this->_getFullOrPartialTextButtonOrLink();

        // Start of form for multi-rows edit/delete/export
        $table_headers_html .= $this->_getFormForMultiRowOperations(

        // 1. Set $colspan and generate html with full/partial
        // text button or link
        list($colspan, $button_html)
            = $this->_getFieldVisibilityParams(
                $displayParts, $full_or_partial_text_link

        $table_headers_html .= $button_html;

        // 2. Displays the fields' name
        // 2.0 If sorting links should be used, checks if the query is a "JOIN"
        //     statement (see 2.1.3)

        // See if we have to highlight any header fields of a WHERE query.
        // Uses SQL-Parser results.

        // Get the headers for all of the columns
        $table_headers_html .= $this->_getTableHeadersForColumns(
            $displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results, $sort_expression,
            $sort_expression_nodirection, $sort_direction,
            $is_limited_display, $unsorted_sql_query

        // Display column at rightside - checkboxes or empty column
        if (! $printview) {
            $table_headers_html .= $this->_getColumnAtRightSide(
                $displayParts, $full_or_partial_text_link, $colspan
        $table_headers_html .= '</tr>' . '</thead>';

        return $table_headers_html;

    } // end of the '_getTableHeaders()' function

     * Prepare unsorted sql query and sort by key drop down
     * @param array  $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param string $sort_expression      sort expression
     * @return  array   two element array - $unsorted_sql_query, $drop_down_html
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getUnsortedSqlAndSortByKeyDropDown(
        $analyzed_sql_results, $sort_expression
    ) {
        $drop_down_html = '';

        $unsorted_sql_query = Query::replaceClause(
            'ORDER BY',

        // Data is sorted by indexes only if it there is only one table.
        if ($this->_isSelect($analyzed_sql_results)) {
            // grab indexes data:
            $indexes = Index::getFromTable(

            // do we have any index?
            if (! empty($indexes)) {
                $drop_down_html = $this->_getSortByKeyDropDown(
                    $indexes, $sort_expression,

        return array($unsorted_sql_query, $drop_down_html);

    } // end of the '_getUnsortedSqlAndSortByKeyDropDown()' function

     * Prepare sort by key dropdown - html code segment
     * @param Index[] $indexes            the indexes of the table for sort criteria
     * @param string  $sort_expression    the sort expression
     * @param string  $unsorted_sql_query the unsorted sql query
     * @return  string  $drop_down_html         html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getSortByKeyDropDown(
        $indexes, $sort_expression, $unsorted_sql_query
    ) {

        $drop_down_html = '';

        $drop_down_html .= '<form action="sql.php" method="post" ' .
            'class="print_ignore">' . "\n"
            . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
                $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')
            // to avoid calling PMA_handleSortOrder() later
            . PMA_getHiddenFields(array('sort_by_key' => '1'))
            . __('Sort by key')
            . ': <select name="sql_query" class="autosubmit">' . "\n";

        $used_index = false;
        $local_order = (isset($sort_expression) ? $sort_expression : '');

        foreach ($indexes as $index) {

            $asc_sort = '`'
                . implode('` ASC, `', array_keys($index->getColumns()))
                . '` ASC';

            $desc_sort = '`'
                . implode('` DESC, `', array_keys($index->getColumns()))
                . '` DESC';

            $used_index = $used_index
                || ($local_order == $asc_sort)
                || ($local_order == $desc_sort);

            if (preg_match(
                '@(.*)([[:space:]](LIMIT (.*)|PROCEDURE (.*)|'
                . 'FOR UPDATE|LOCK IN SHARE MODE))@is',
                $unsorted_sql_query, $my_reg
            )) {
                $unsorted_sql_query_first_part = $my_reg[1];
                $unsorted_sql_query_second_part = $my_reg[2];
            } else {
                $unsorted_sql_query_first_part = $unsorted_sql_query;
                $unsorted_sql_query_second_part = '';

            $drop_down_html .= '<option value="'
                . htmlspecialchars(
                    $unsorted_sql_query_first_part  . "\n"
                    . ' ORDER BY ' . $asc_sort
                    . $unsorted_sql_query_second_part
                . '"' . ($local_order == $asc_sort
                    ? ' selected="selected"'
                    : '')
                . '>' . htmlspecialchars($index->getName()) . ' (ASC)</option>';

            $drop_down_html .= '<option value="'
                . htmlspecialchars(
                    $unsorted_sql_query_first_part . "\n"
                    . ' ORDER BY ' . $desc_sort
                    . $unsorted_sql_query_second_part
                . '"' . ($local_order == $desc_sort
                    ? ' selected="selected"'
                    : '')
                . '>' . htmlspecialchars($index->getName()) . ' (DESC)</option>';

        $drop_down_html .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($unsorted_sql_query)
            . '"' . ($used_index ? '' : ' selected="selected"') . '>' . __('None')
            . '</option>'
            . '</select>' . "\n"
            . '</form>' . "\n";

        return $drop_down_html;

    } // end of the '_getSortByKeyDropDown()' function

     * Set column span, row span and prepare html with full/partial
     * text button or link
     * @param array  &$displayParts             which elements to display
     * @param string $full_or_partial_text_link full/partial link or text button
     * @return  array   2 element array - $colspan, $button_html
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getFieldVisibilityParams(
        &$displayParts, $full_or_partial_text_link
    ) {

        $button_html = '';
        $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

        // 1. Displays the full/partial text button (part 1)...
        $button_html .= '<thead><tr>' . "\n";

        $colspan = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE))
            ? ' colspan="4"'
            : '';

        //     ... before the result table
        if ((($displayParts['edit_lnk'] == self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] == self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE))
            && ($displayParts['text_btn'] == '1')
        ) {

                = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)) ? 4 : 0;

        } elseif ((($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_LEFT)
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH))
            && ($displayParts['text_btn'] == '1')
        ) {
            //     ... at the left column of the result table header if possible
            //     and required

                = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)) ? 4 : 0;

            $button_html .= '<th class="column_action print_ignore" ' . $colspan
                . '>' . $full_or_partial_text_link . '</th>';

        } elseif ((($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_LEFT)
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH))
            && (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            || ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE))
        ) {
            //     ... elseif no button, displays empty(ies) col(s) if required

                = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)) ? 4 : 0;

            $button_html .= '<td ' . $colspan . '></td>';

        } elseif (($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_NONE)) {
            // ... elseif display an empty column if the actions links are
            //  disabled to match the rest of the table
            $button_html .= '<th class="column_action"></th>';

        $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        return array($colspan, $button_html);

    } // end of the '_getFieldVisibilityParams()' function

     * Get table comments as array
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return array $comments_map table comments
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getTableCommentsArray($analyzed_sql_results)
        if ((!$GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowBrowseComments'])
            || (empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->from))
        ) {
            return array();

        $ret = array();
        foreach ($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->from as $field) {
            if (empty($field->table)) {
            $ret[$field->table] = PMA_getComments(
                empty($field->database) ? $this->__get('db') : $field->database,

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getTableCommentsArray()' function

     * Set global array for store highlighted header fields
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return  void
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _setHighlightedColumnGlobalField($analyzed_sql_results)
        $highlight_columns = array();

        if (!empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->where)) {
            foreach ($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->where as $expr) {
                foreach ($expr->identifiers as $identifier) {
                    $highlight_columns[$identifier] = 'true';

        $this->__set('highlight_columns', $highlight_columns);

    } // end of the '_setHighlightedColumnGlobalField()' function

     * Prepare data for column restoring and show/hide
     * @return  string  $data_html      html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getDataForResettingColumnOrder()

        $data_html = '';

        // generate the column order, if it is set
        $pmatable = new Table($this->__get('table'), $this->__get('db'));
        $col_order = $pmatable->getUiProp(Table::PROP_COLUMN_ORDER);

        if ($col_order) {
            $data_html .= '<input class="col_order" type="hidden" value="'
                . implode(',', $col_order) . '" />';

        $col_visib = $pmatable->getUiProp(Table::PROP_COLUMN_VISIB);

        if ($col_visib) {
            $data_html .= '<input class="col_visib" type="hidden" value="'
                . implode(',', $col_visib) . '" />';

        // generate table create time
        $table = new Table($this->__get('table'), $this->__get('db'));
        if (! $table->isView()) {
            $data_html .= '<input class="table_create_time" type="hidden" value="'
                . $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTable(
                    $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table')
                . '" />';

        return $data_html;

    } // end of the '_getDataForResettingColumnOrder()' function

     * Prepare option fields block
     * @return  string  $options_html   html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getOptionsBlock()

        $options_html = '';

        $options_html .= '<form method="post" action="sql.php" '
            . 'name="displayOptionsForm"';

        $options_html .= ' class="ajax print_ignore" ';

        $options_html .= '>';
        $url_params = array(
            'db' => $this->__get('db'),
            'table' => $this->__get('table'),
            'sql_query' => $this->__get('sql_query'),
            'goto' => $this->__get('goto'),
            'display_options_form' => 1

        $options_html .= PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs($url_params)
            . '<br />'
            . Util::getDivForSliderEffect(
                '', __('Options')
            . '<fieldset>';

        $options_html .= '<div class="formelement">';
        $choices = array(
            'P'   => __('Partial texts'),
            'F'   => __('Full texts')

        // pftext means "partial or full texts" (done to reduce line lengths)
        $options_html .= Util::getRadioFields(
            'pftext', $choices,
            true, true, '', 'pftext_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
        . '</div>';

        if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['relwork']
            && $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['displaywork']
        ) {
            $options_html .= '<div class="formelement">';
            $choices = array(
                'K'   => __('Relational key'),
                'D'   => __('Display column for relations')

            $options_html .= Util::getRadioFields(
                'relational_display', $choices,
                true, true, '', 'relational_display_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
            . '</div>';

        $options_html .= '<div class="formelement">'
            . Util::getCheckbox(
                'display_binary', __('Show binary contents'),
                ! empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_binary']), false,
                'display_binary_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
            . '<br />'
            . Util::getCheckbox(
                'display_blob', __('Show BLOB contents'),
                ! empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_blob']), false,
                'display_blob_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
            . '</div>';

        // I would have preferred to name this "display_transformation".
        // This is the only way I found to be able to keep this setting sticky
        // per SQL query, and at the same time have a default that displays
        // the transformations.
        $options_html .= '<div class="formelement">'
            . Util::getCheckbox(
                'hide_transformation', __('Hide browser transformation'),
                ! empty($_SESSION['tmpval']['hide_transformation']), false,
                'hide_transformation_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
            . '</div>';

        $options_html .= '<div class="formelement">';
        $choices = array(
            'GEOM'  => __('Geometry'),
            'WKT'   => __('Well Known Text'),
            'WKB'   => __('Well Known Binary')

        $options_html .= Util::getRadioFields(
            'geoOption', $choices,
            true, true, '', 'geoOption_' . $this->__get('unique_id')
        $options_html .= '</div>';

        $options_html .= '<div class="clearfloat"></div>'
            . '</fieldset>';

        $options_html .= '<fieldset class="tblFooters">'
            . '<input type="submit" value="' . __('Go') . '" />'
            . '</fieldset>'
            . '</div>'
            . '</form>';

        return $options_html;

    } // end of the '_getOptionsBlock()' function

     * Get full/partial text button or link
     * @return string html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getFullOrPartialTextButtonOrLink()

        $url_params_full_text = array(
            'db' => $this->__get('db'),
            'table' => $this->__get('table'),
            'sql_query' => $this->__get('sql_query'),
            'goto' => $this->__get('goto'),
            'full_text_button' => 1

        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['pftext'] == self::DISPLAY_FULL_TEXT) {
            // currently in fulltext mode so show the opposite link
            $tmp_image_file = $this->__get('pma_theme_image') . 's_partialtext.png';
            $tmp_txt = __('Partial texts');
            $url_params_full_text['pftext'] = self::DISPLAY_PARTIAL_TEXT;
        } else {
            $tmp_image_file = $this->__get('pma_theme_image') . 's_fulltext.png';
            $tmp_txt = __('Full texts');
            $url_params_full_text['pftext'] = self::DISPLAY_FULL_TEXT;

        $tmp_image = '<img class="fulltext" src="' . $tmp_image_file . '" alt="'
                     . $tmp_txt . '" title="' . $tmp_txt . '" />';
        $tmp_url = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($url_params_full_text);

        return Util::linkOrButton(
            $tmp_url, $tmp_image, array(), false

    } // end of the '_getFullOrPartialTextButtonOrLink()' function

     * Prepare html form for multi row operations
     * @param string $del_lnk the delete link of current row
     * @return  string  $form_html          html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getFormForMultiRowOperations($del_lnk)

        $form_html = '';

        if (($del_lnk == self::DELETE_ROW) || ($del_lnk == self::KILL_PROCESS)) {

            $form_html .= '<form method="post" action="tbl_row_action.php" '
                . 'name="resultsForm"'
                . ' id="resultsForm_' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '"';

            $form_html .= ' class="ajax" ';

            $form_html .= '>'
                . PMA_URL_getHiddenInputs(
                    $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table'), 1
                . '<input type="hidden" name="goto" value="sql.php" />';

        $form_html .= '<table class="table_results data ajax"';
        $form_html .= ' data-uniqueId="' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '"';
        $form_html .= '>';

        return $form_html;

    } // end of the '_getFormForMultiRowOperations()' function

     * Get comment for row
     * @param array $comments_map comments array
     * @param array $fields_meta  set of field properties
     * @return  string  $comment        html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getCommentForRow($comments_map, $fields_meta)
        $comments = '';
        if (isset($comments_map[$fields_meta->table])
            && isset($comments_map[$fields_meta->table][$fields_meta->name])
        ) {
            $sanitized_comments = htmlspecialchars(

            $comments = '<span class="tblcomment" title="'
                . $sanitized_comments . '">';
            $limitChars = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars'];
            if (mb_strlen($sanitized_comments) > $limitChars) {
                $sanitized_comments = mb_substr(
                    $sanitized_comments, 0, $limitChars
                ) . '…';
            $comments .= $sanitized_comments;
            $comments .= '</span>';
        return $comments;
    } // end of the '_getCommentForRow()' function

     * Prepare parameters and html for sorted table header fields
     * @param array   $fields_meta                 set of field properties
     * @param array   $sort_expression             sort expression
     * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression without direction
     * @param integer $column_index                the index of the column
     * @param string  $unsorted_sql_query          the unsorted sql query
     * @param integer $session_max_rows            maximum rows resulted by sql
     * @param string  $comments                    comment for row
     * @param string  $sort_direction              sort direction
     * @param boolean $col_visib                   column is visible(false)
     *        array                                column isn't visible(string array)
     * @param string  $col_visib_j                 element of $col_visib array
     * @return  array   2 element array - $order_link, $sorted_header_html
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml(
        $fields_meta, $sort_expression, $sort_expression_nodirection,
        $column_index, $unsorted_sql_query, $session_max_rows,
        $comments, $sort_direction, $col_visib, $col_visib_j
    ) {

        $sorted_header_html = '';

        // Checks if the table name is required; it's the case
        // for a query with a "JOIN" statement and if the column
        // isn't aliased, or in queries like
        // SELECT `1`.`master_field` , `2`.`master_field`
        // FROM `PMA_relation` AS `1` , `PMA_relation` AS `2`

        $sort_tbl = (isset($fields_meta->table)
            && mb_strlen($fields_meta->table)
            && $fields_meta->orgname == $fields_meta->name)
            ? Util::backquote(
            ) . '.'
            : '';

        $name_to_use_in_sort = $fields_meta->name;

        // Generates the orderby clause part of the query which is part
        // of URL
        list($single_sort_order, $multi_sort_order, $order_img)
            = $this->_getSingleAndMultiSortUrls(
                $sort_expression, $sort_expression_nodirection, $sort_tbl,
                $name_to_use_in_sort, $sort_direction, $fields_meta, $column_index

        if (preg_match(
            '@(.*)([[:space:]](LIMIT (.*)|PROCEDURE (.*)|FOR UPDATE|'
            . 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE))@is',
            $unsorted_sql_query, $regs3
        )) {
            $single_sorted_sql_query = $regs3[1] . $single_sort_order . $regs3[2];
            $multi_sorted_sql_query = $regs3[1] . $multi_sort_order . $regs3[2];
        } else {
            $single_sorted_sql_query = $unsorted_sql_query . $single_sort_order;
            $multi_sorted_sql_query = $unsorted_sql_query . $multi_sort_order;

        $_single_url_params = array(
            'db'                 => $this->__get('db'),
            'table'              => $this->__get('table'),
            'sql_query'          => $single_sorted_sql_query,
            'session_max_rows'   => $session_max_rows,
            'is_browse_distinct' => $this->__get('is_browse_distinct'),

        $_multi_url_params = array(
            'db'                 => $this->__get('db'),
            'table'              => $this->__get('table'),
            'sql_query'          => $multi_sorted_sql_query,
            'session_max_rows'   => $session_max_rows,
            'is_browse_distinct' => $this->__get('is_browse_distinct'),
        $single_order_url  = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_single_url_params);
        $multi_order_url = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_multi_url_params);

        // Displays the sorting URL
        // enable sort order swapping for image
        $order_link = $this->_getSortOrderLink(
            $order_img, $column_index,
            $fields_meta, $single_order_url, $multi_order_url

        $sorted_header_html .= $this->_getDraggableClassForSortableColumns(
            $col_visib, $col_visib_j,
            $fields_meta, $order_link, $comments

        return array($order_link, $sorted_header_html);

    } // end of the '_getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml()' function

     * Prepare parameters and html for sorted table header fields
     * @param array   $sort_expression             sort expression
     * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression without direction
     * @param string  $sort_tbl                    The name of the table to which
     *                                             the current column belongs to
     * @param string  $name_to_use_in_sort         The current column under
     *                                             consideration
     * @param string  $sort_direction              sort direction
     * @param array   $fields_meta                 set of field properties
     * @param integer $column_index                The index number to current column
     * @return  array   3 element array - $single_sort_order, $sort_order, $order_img
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getOrderLinkAndSortedHeaderHtml()
    private function _getSingleAndMultiSortUrls(
        $sort_expression, $sort_expression_nodirection, $sort_tbl,
        $name_to_use_in_sort, $sort_direction, $fields_meta, $column_index
    ) {
        $sort_order = "";
        // Check if the current column is in the order by clause
        $is_in_sort = $this->_isInSorted(
            $sort_expression, $sort_expression_nodirection,
            $sort_tbl, $name_to_use_in_sort
        $current_name = $name_to_use_in_sort;
        if ($sort_expression_nodirection[0] == '' || !$is_in_sort) {
            $special_index = $sort_expression_nodirection[0] == ''
                ? 0
                : count($sort_expression_nodirection);
                = Util::backquote(
            $sort_direction[$special_index] = (preg_match(
            )) ? self::DESCENDING_SORT_DIR : self::ASCENDING_SORT_DIR;


        $sort_expression_nodirection = array_filter($sort_expression_nodirection);
        $single_sort_order = null;
        foreach ($sort_expression_nodirection as $index=>$expression) {
            // check if this is the first clause,
            // if it is then we have to add "order by"
            $is_first_clause = ($index == 0);
            $name_to_use_in_sort = $expression;
            $sort_tbl_new = $sort_tbl;
            // Test to detect if the column name is a standard name
            // Standard name has the table name prefixed to the column name
            if (mb_strpos($name_to_use_in_sort, '.') !== false) {
                $matches = explode('.', $name_to_use_in_sort);
                // Matches[0] has the table name
                // Matches[1] has the column name
                $name_to_use_in_sort = $matches[1];
                $sort_tbl_new = $matches[0];

            // $name_to_use_in_sort might contain a space due to
            // formatting of function expressions like "COUNT(name )"
            // so we remove the space in this situation
            $name_to_use_in_sort = str_replace(' )', ')', $name_to_use_in_sort);
            $name_to_use_in_sort = str_replace('``', '`', $name_to_use_in_sort);
            $name_to_use_in_sort = trim($name_to_use_in_sort, '`');

            // If this the first column name in the order by clause add
            // order by clause to the  column name
            $query_head = $is_first_clause ? "\nORDER BY " : "";
            // Again a check to see if the given column is a aggregate column
            if (mb_strpos($name_to_use_in_sort, '(') !== false) {
                $sort_order .=  $query_head  . $name_to_use_in_sort . ' ' ;
            } else {
                if (mb_strlen($sort_tbl_new) > 0) {
                    $sort_tbl_new .= ".";
                $sort_order .=  $query_head  . $sort_tbl_new
                  . Util::backquote(
                  ) .  ' ' ;

            // For a special case where the code generates two dots between
            // column name and table name.
            $sort_order = preg_replace("/\.\./", ".", $sort_order);
            // Incase this is the current column save $single_sort_order
            if ($current_name == $name_to_use_in_sort) {
                if (mb_strpos($current_name, '(') !== false) {
                    $single_sort_order = "\n" . 'ORDER BY ' . $current_name . ' ';
                } else {
                    $single_sort_order = "\n" . 'ORDER BY ' . $sort_tbl
                        . Util::backquote(
                        ) . ' ';
                if ($is_in_sort) {
                    list($single_sort_order, $order_img)
                        = $this->_getSortingUrlParams(
                            $sort_direction, $single_sort_order,
                            $column_index, $index
                } else {
                    $single_sort_order .= strtoupper($sort_direction[$index]);
            if ($current_name == $name_to_use_in_sort && $is_in_sort) {
                // We need to generate the arrow button and related html
                list($sort_order, $order_img) = $this->_getSortingUrlParams(
                    $sort_direction, $sort_order, $column_index, $index
                $order_img .= " <small>" . ($index + 1) . "</small>";
            } else {
                $sort_order .= strtoupper($sort_direction[$index]);
            // Separate columns by a comma
            $sort_order .= ", ";

        // remove the comma from the last column name in the newly
        // constructed clause
        $sort_order = mb_substr(
        if (empty($order_img)) {
            $order_img = '';
        return array($single_sort_order, $sort_order, $order_img);

     * Check whether the column is sorted
     * @param array  $sort_expression             sort expression
     * @param array  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression without direction
     * @param string $sort_tbl                    the table name
     * @param string $name_to_use_in_sort         the sorting column name
     * @return boolean $is_in_sort                   the column sorted or not
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _isInSorted(
        $sort_expression, $sort_expression_nodirection, $sort_tbl,
    ) {

        $index_in_expression = 0;

        foreach ($sort_expression_nodirection as $index => $clause) {
            if (mb_strpos($clause, '.') !== false) {
                $fragments = explode('.', $clause);
                $clause2 = $fragments[0] . "." . str_replace('`', '', $fragments[1]);
            } else {
                $clause2 = $sort_tbl . str_replace('`', '', $clause);
            if ($clause2 === $sort_tbl . $name_to_use_in_sort) {
                $index_in_expression = $index;
        if (empty($sort_expression[$index_in_expression])) {
            $is_in_sort = false;
        } else {
            // Field name may be preceded by a space, or any number
            // of characters followed by a dot (tablename.fieldname)
            // so do a direct comparison for the sort expression;
            // this avoids problems with queries like
            // "SELECT id, count(id)..." and clicking to sort
            // on id or on count(id).
            // Another query to test this:
            // SELECT p.*, FROM_UNIXTIME(p.temps) FROM mytable AS p
            // (and try clicking on each column's header twice)
            $noSortTable = empty($sort_tbl) || mb_strpos(
                $sort_expression_nodirection[$index_in_expression], $sort_tbl
            ) === false;
            $noOpenParenthesis = mb_strpos(
                $sort_expression_nodirection[$index_in_expression], '('
            ) === false;
            if (! empty($sort_tbl) && $noSortTable && $noOpenParenthesis) {
                $new_sort_expression_nodirection = $sort_tbl
                    . $sort_expression_nodirection[$index_in_expression];
            } else {
                    = $sort_expression_nodirection[$index_in_expression];

            //Back quotes are removed in next comparison, so remove them from value
            //to compare.
            $name_to_use_in_sort = str_replace('`', '', $name_to_use_in_sort);

            $is_in_sort = false;
            $sort_name = str_replace('`', '', $sort_tbl) . $name_to_use_in_sort;

            if ($sort_name == str_replace('`', '', $new_sort_expression_nodirection)
                || $sort_name == str_replace('`', '', $sort_expression_nodirection[$index_in_expression])
            ) {
                $is_in_sort = true;

        return $is_in_sort;

    } // end of the '_isInSorted()' function

     * Get sort url parameters - sort order and order image
     * @param array   $sort_direction the sort direction
     * @param string  $sort_order     the sorting order
     * @param integer $column_index   the index of the column
     * @param integer $index          the index of sort direction array.
     * @return  array                       2 element array - $sort_order, $order_img
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getSingleAndMultiSortUrls()
    private function _getSortingUrlParams(
        $sort_direction, $sort_order, $column_index, $index
    ) {
        if (strtoupper(trim($sort_direction[$index])) == self::DESCENDING_SORT_DIR) {
            $sort_order .= ' ASC';
            $order_img   = ' ' . Util::getImage(
                's_desc.png', __('Descending'),
                array('class' => "soimg$column_index", 'title' => '')
            $order_img  .= ' ' . Util::getImage(
                's_asc.png', __('Ascending'),
                array('class' => "soimg$column_index hide", 'title' => '')
        } else {
            $sort_order .= ' DESC';
            $order_img   = ' ' . Util::getImage(
                's_asc.png', __('Ascending'),
                array('class' => "soimg$column_index", 'title' => '')
            $order_img  .=  ' ' . Util::getImage(
                's_desc.png', __('Descending'),
                array('class' => "soimg$column_index hide", 'title' => '')
        return array($sort_order, $order_img);
    } // end of the '_getSortingUrlParams()' function

     * Get sort order link
     * @param string  $order_img       the sort order image
     * @param integer $col_index       the index of the column
     * @param array   $fields_meta     set of field properties
     * @param string  $order_url       the url for sort
     * @param string  $multi_order_url the url for sort
     * @return  string                      the sort order link
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getSortOrderLink(
        $order_img, $col_index,
        $fields_meta, $order_url, $multi_order_url
    ) {
        $order_link_params = array();
        if (isset($order_img) && ($order_img != '')) {
            if (mb_strstr($order_img, 'asc')) {
                $order_link_params['onmouseover'] = "$('.soimg$col_index').toggle()";
                $order_link_params['onmouseout']  = "$('.soimg$col_index').toggle()";
            } elseif (mb_strstr($order_img, 'desc')) {
                $order_link_params['onmouseover'] = "$('.soimg$col_index').toggle()";
                $order_link_params['onmouseout']  = "$('.soimg$col_index').toggle()";

        $order_link_content = htmlspecialchars($fields_meta->name);
        $inner_link_content = $order_link_content . $order_img
            . '<input type="hidden" value="' .  $multi_order_url . '" />';

        return Util::linkOrButton(
            $order_url, $inner_link_content,
            $order_link_params, false, true

    } // end of the '_getSortOrderLink()' function

     * Check if the column contains numeric data. If yes, then set the
     * column header's alignment right
     * @param array $fields_meta set of field properties
     * @param array &$th_class   array containing classes
     * @return void
     * @see  _getDraggableClassForSortableColumns()
    private function _getClassForNumericColumnType($fields_meta,&$th_class)
        if (preg_match(
        )) {
            $th_class[] = 'right';

     * Prepare columns to draggable effect for sortable columns
     * @param boolean $col_visib   the column is visible (false)
     *        array                the column is not visible (string array)
     * @param string  $col_visib_j element of $col_visib array
     * @param array   $fields_meta set of field properties
     * @param string  $order_link  the order link
     * @param string  $comments    the comment for the column
     * @return  string  $draggable_html     html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getDraggableClassForSortableColumns(
        $col_visib, $col_visib_j, $fields_meta,
        $order_link, $comments
    ) {

        $draggable_html = '<th';
        $th_class = array();
        $th_class[] = 'draggable';
        $this->_getClassForNumericColumnType($fields_meta, $th_class);
        if ($col_visib && !$col_visib_j) {
            $th_class[] = 'hide';

        $th_class[] = 'column_heading';
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowsePointerEnable'] == true) {
            $th_class[] = 'pointer';

        if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable'] == true) {
            $th_class[] = 'marker';

        $draggable_html .= ' class="' . implode(' ', $th_class) . '"';

        $draggable_html .= ' data-column="' . htmlspecialchars($fields_meta->name)
            . '">' . $order_link . $comments . '</th>';

        return $draggable_html;

    } // end of the '_getDraggableClassForSortableColumns()' function

     * Prepare columns to draggable effect for non sortable columns
     * @param boolean $col_visib       the column is visible (false)
     *        array                    the column is not visible (string array)
     * @param string  $col_visib_j     element of $col_visib array
     * @param boolean $condition_field whether to add CSS class condition
     * @param array   $fields_meta     set of field properties
     * @param string  $comments        the comment for the column
     * @return  string  $draggable_html         html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getDraggableClassForNonSortableColumns(
        $col_visib, $col_visib_j, $condition_field,
        $fields_meta, $comments
    ) {

        $draggable_html = '<th';
        $th_class = array();
        $th_class[] = 'draggable';
        $this->_getClassForNumericColumnType($fields_meta, $th_class);
        if ($col_visib && !$col_visib_j) {
            $th_class[] = 'hide';

        if ($condition_field) {
            $th_class[] = 'condition';

        $draggable_html .= ' class="' . implode(' ', $th_class) . '"';

        $draggable_html .= ' data-column="'
            . htmlspecialchars($fields_meta->name) . '">';

        $draggable_html .= htmlspecialchars($fields_meta->name);

        $draggable_html .= "\n" . $comments . '</th>';

        return $draggable_html;

    } // end of the '_getDraggableClassForNonSortableColumns()' function

     * Prepare column to show at right side - check boxes or empty column
     * @param array  &$displayParts             which elements to display
     * @param string $full_or_partial_text_link full/partial link or text button
     * @param string $colspan                   column span of table header
     * @return  string  html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableHeaders()
    private function _getColumnAtRightSide(
        &$displayParts, $full_or_partial_text_link, $colspan
    ) {

        $right_column_html = '';
        $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

        // Displays the needed checkboxes at the right
        // column of the result table header if possible and required...
        if ((($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_RIGHT)
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH))
            && (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            || ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE))
            && ($displayParts['text_btn'] == '1')
        ) {

                = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)) ? 4 : 1;

            $right_column_html .= "\n"
                . '<th class="column_action print_ignore" ' . $colspan . '>'
                . $full_or_partial_text_link
                . '</th>';

        } elseif ((($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_LEFT)
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH))
            && (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] == self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] == self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE))
            && (! isset($GLOBALS['is_header_sent']) || ! $GLOBALS['is_header_sent'])
        ) {
            //     ... elseif no button, displays empty columns if required
            // (unless coming from Browse mode print view)

                = (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                && ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)) ? 4 : 1;

            $right_column_html .= "\n" . '<td class="print_ignore" ' . $colspan
                . '></td>';

        $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        return $right_column_html;

    } // end of the '_getColumnAtRightSide()' function

     * Prepares the display for a value
     * @param string $class           class of table cell
     * @param bool   $condition_field whether to add CSS class condition
     * @param string $value           value to display
     * @return string  the td
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns()
    private function _buildValueDisplay($class, $condition_field, $value)
        return '<td class="left ' . $class . ($condition_field ? ' condition' : '')
            . '">' . $value . '</td>';
    } // end of the '_buildValueDisplay()' function

     * Prepares the display for a null value
     * @param string $class           class of table cell
     * @param bool   $condition_field whether to add CSS class condition
     * @param object $meta            the meta-information about this field
     * @param string $align           cell alignment
     * @return string  the td
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getDataCellForNumericColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns()
    private function _buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta, $align = '')
        // the null class is needed for grid editing
        $decimals = isset($meta->decimals) ? $meta->decimals : '-1';
        return '<td ' . $align . ' data-decimals="' . $decimals
            . '" data-type="' . $meta->type . '"  class="'
            . $this->_addClass(
                $class, $condition_field, $meta, ''
            . ' null"><i>NULL</i></td>';
    } // end of the '_buildNullDisplay()' function

     * Prepares the display for an empty value
     * @param string $class           class of table cell
     * @param bool   $condition_field whether to add CSS class condition
     * @param object $meta            the meta-information about this field
     * @param string $align           cell alignment
     * @return string  the td
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getDataCellForNumericColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns()
    private function _buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta, $align = '')
        return '<td ' . $align . ' class="'
            . $this->_addClass(
                $class, $condition_field, $meta, 'nowrap'
            . '"></td>';
    } // end of the '_buildEmptyDisplay()' function

     * Adds the relevant classes.
     * @param string        $class                 class of table cell
     * @param bool          $condition_field       whether to add CSS class
     *                                             condition
     * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about the
     *                                             field
     * @param string        $nowrap                avoid wrapping
     * @param bool          $is_field_truncated    is field truncated (display ...)
     * @param object|string $transformation_plugin transformation plugin.
     *                                             Can also be the default function:
     *                                             PMA_mimeDefaultFunction
     * @param string        $default_function      default transformation function
     * @return string  the list of classes
     * @access  private
     * @see     _buildNullDisplay(), _getRowData()
    private function _addClass(
        $class, $condition_field, $meta, $nowrap, $is_field_truncated = false,
        $transformation_plugin = '', $default_function = ''
    ) {
        $classes = array(

        if (isset($meta->mimetype)) {
            $classes[] = preg_replace('/\//', '_', $meta->mimetype);

        if ($condition_field) {
            $classes[] = 'condition';

        if ($is_field_truncated) {
            $classes[] = 'truncated';

        $mime_map = $this->__get('mime_map');
        $orgFullColName = $this->__get('db') . '.' . $meta->orgtable
            . '.' . $meta->orgname;
        if ($transformation_plugin != $default_function
            || !empty($mime_map[$orgFullColName]['input_transformation'])
        ) {
            $classes[] = 'transformed';

        // Define classes to be added to this data field based on the type of data
        $matches = array(
            'enum' => 'enum',
            'set' => 'set',
            'binary' => 'hex',

        foreach ($matches as $key => $value) {
            if (mb_strpos($meta->flags, $key) !== false) {
                $classes[] = $value;

        if (mb_strpos($meta->type, 'bit') !== false) {
            $classes[] = 'bit';

        return implode(' ', $classes);
    } // end of the '_addClass()' function

     * Prepare the body of the results table
     * @param integer &$dt_result           the link id associated to the query
     *                                      which results have to be displayed which
     *                                      results have to be displayed
     * @param array   &$displayParts        which elements to display
     * @param array   $map                  the list of relations
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param boolean $is_limited_display   with limited operations or not
     * @return string $table_body_html  html content
     * @global array  $row                  current row data
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _getTableBody(
        &$dt_result, &$displayParts, $map, $analyzed_sql_results,
        $is_limited_display = false
    ) {

        global $row; // mostly because of browser transformations,
                     // to make the row-data accessible in a plugin

        $table_body_html = '';

        // query without conditions to shorten URLs when needed, 200 is just
        // guess, it should depend on remaining URL length
        $url_sql_query = $this->_getUrlSqlQuery($analyzed_sql_results);

        $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

        if (! is_array($map)) {
            $map = array();

        $row_no                       = 0;
        $display_params['edit']       = array();
        $display_params['copy']       = array();
        $display_params['delete']     = array();
        $display_params['data']       = array();
        $display_params['row_delete'] = array();
        $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        // name of the class added to all grid editable elements;
        // if we don't have all the columns of a unique key in the result set,
        //  do not permit grid editing
        if ($is_limited_display || ! $this->__get('editable')) {
            $grid_edit_class = '';
        } else {
            switch ($GLOBALS['cfg']['GridEditing']) {
            case 'double-click':
                // trying to reduce generated HTML by using shorter
                // classes like click1 and click2
                $grid_edit_class = 'grid_edit click2';
            case 'click':
                $grid_edit_class = 'grid_edit click1';
            default: // 'disabled'
                $grid_edit_class = '';

        // prepare to get the column order, if available
        list($col_order, $col_visib) = $this->_getColumnParams(

        // Correction University of Virginia 19991216 in the while below
        // Previous code assumed that all tables have keys, specifically that
        // the phpMyAdmin GUI should support row delete/edit only for such
        // tables.
        // Although always using keys is arguably the prescribed way of
        // defining a relational table, it is not required. This will in
        // particular be violated by the novice.
        // We want to encourage phpMyAdmin usage by such novices. So the code
        // below has been changed to conditionally work as before when the
        // table being displayed has one or more keys; but to display
        // delete/edit options correctly for tables without keys.

        $odd_row = true;

        $whereClauseMap = $this->__get('whereClauseMap');
        while ($row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result)) {

            // add repeating headers
            if ((($row_no != 0) && ($_SESSION['tmpval']['repeat_cells'] != 0))
                && !($row_no % $_SESSION['tmpval']['repeat_cells'])
            ) {
                $table_body_html .= $this->_getRepeatingHeaders(

            $tr_class = array();
            if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowsePointerEnable'] != true) {
                $tr_class[] = 'nopointer';
            if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMarkerEnable'] != true) {
                $tr_class[] = 'nomarker';
            $tr_class[] = ($odd_row ? 'odd' : 'even');
            $odd_row = ! $odd_row;

            // pointer code part
            $table_body_html .= '<tr class="' . implode(' ', $tr_class) . '">';

            // 1. Prepares the row

            // In print view these variable needs to be initialized
            $del_url = $del_str = $edit_anchor_class
                = $edit_str = $js_conf = $copy_url = $copy_str = $edit_url = null;

            // 1.2 Defines the URLs for the modify/delete link(s)

            if (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                || ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            ) {

                // Results from a "SELECT" statement -> builds the
                // WHERE clause to use in links (a unique key if possible)
                 * @todo $where_clause could be empty, for example a table
                 *       with only one field and it's a BLOB; in this case,
                 *       avoid to display the delete and edit links
                list($where_clause, $clause_is_unique, $condition_array)
                    = Util::getUniqueCondition(
                        $dt_result, // handle
                        $this->__get('fields_cnt'), // fields_cnt
                        $this->__get('fields_meta'), // fields_meta
                        $row, // row
                        false, // force_unique
                        $this->__get('table'), // restrict_to_table
                        $analyzed_sql_results // analyzed_sql_results
                $whereClauseMap[$row_no][$this->__get('table')] = $where_clause;
                $this->__set('whereClauseMap', $whereClauseMap);

                $where_clause_html = htmlspecialchars($where_clause);

                // 1.2.1 Modify link(s) - update row case
                if ($displayParts['edit_lnk'] == self::UPDATE_ROW) {

                    list($edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_str, $copy_str,
                            = $this->_getModifiedLinks(
                                $clause_is_unique, $url_sql_query

                } // end if (1.2.1)

                // 1.2.2 Delete/Kill link(s)
                list($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf)
                    = $this->_getDeleteAndKillLinks(
                        $where_clause, $clause_is_unique,
                        $url_sql_query, $displayParts['del_lnk'],

                // 1.3 Displays the links at left if required
                if (($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_LEFT)
                    || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH)
                ) {

                    $table_body_html .= $this->_getPlacedLinks(
                        self::POSITION_LEFT, $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no,
                        $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
                        $edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_anchor_class,
                        $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf

                } elseif ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_NONE) {

                    $table_body_html .= $this->_getPlacedLinks(
                        self::POSITION_NONE, $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no,
                        $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
                        $edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_anchor_class,
                        $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf

                } // end if (1.3)
            } // end if (1)

            // 2. Displays the rows' values
            if (is_null($this->__get('mime_map'))) {
            $table_body_html .= $this->_getRowValues(

            // 3. Displays the modify/delete links on the right if required
            if (($displayParts['edit_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
                || ($displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::NO_EDIT_OR_DELETE)
            ) {
                if (($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_RIGHT)
                    || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_BOTH)
                ) {

                    $table_body_html .= $this->_getPlacedLinks(
                        self::POSITION_RIGHT, $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no,
                        $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
                        $edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_anchor_class,
                        $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf

            } // end if (3)

            $table_body_html .= '</tr>';
            $table_body_html .= "\n";

        } // end while

        return $table_body_html;

    } // end of the '_getTableBody()' function

     * Sets the MIME details of the columns in the results set
     * @return void
    private function _setMimeMap()
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');
        $mimeMap = array();
        $added = array();

        for ($currentColumn = 0;
                $currentColumn < $this->__get('fields_cnt');
                ++$currentColumn) {

            $meta = $fields_meta[$currentColumn];
            $orgFullTableName = $this->__get('db') . '.' . $meta->orgtable;

            if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork']
                && $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['mimework']
                && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']
                && ! $_SESSION['tmpval']['hide_transformation']
                && empty($added[$orgFullTableName])
            ) {
                $mimeMap = array_merge(
                    PMA_getMIME($this->__get('db'), $meta->orgtable, false, true)
                $added[$orgFullTableName] = true;

        // special browser transformation for some SHOW statements
        if ($this->__get('is_show')
            && ! $_SESSION['tmpval']['hide_transformation']
        ) {
                . ')@i',
                $this->__get('sql_query'), $which

            if (isset($which[1])) {
                $str = ' ' . strtoupper($which[1]);
                $isShowProcessList = strpos($str, 'PROCESSLIST') > 0;
                if ($isShowProcessList) {
                    $mimeMap['..Info'] = array(
                        'mimetype' => 'Text_Plain',
                        'transformation' => 'output/Text_Plain_Sql.php',

                $isShowCreateTable = preg_match(
                    '@CREATE[[:space:]]+TABLE@i', $this->__get('sql_query')
                if ($isShowCreateTable) {
                    $mimeMap['..Create Table'] = array(
                        'mimetype' => 'Text_Plain',
                        'transformation' => 'output/Text_Plain_Sql.php',

        $this->__set('mime_map', $mimeMap);

     * Get the values for one data row
     * @param integer              &$dt_result           the link id associated to
     *                                                   the query which results
     *                                                   have to be displayed which
     *                                                   results have to be
     *                                                   displayed
     * @param array                $row                  current row data
     * @param integer              $row_no               the index of current row
     * @param array                $col_order            the column order false when
     *                                                   a property not found false
     *                                                   when a property not found
     * @param array                $map                  the list of relations
     * @param string               $grid_edit_class      the class for all editable
     *                                                   columns
     * @param boolean|array|string $col_visib            column is visible(false);
     *                                                   column isn't visible(string
     *                                                   array)
     * @param string               $url_sql_query        the analyzed sql query
     * @param array                $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return  string $row_values_html  html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getRowValues(
        &$dt_result, $row, $row_no, $col_order, $map,
        $grid_edit_class, $col_visib,
        $url_sql_query, $analyzed_sql_results
    ) {
        $row_values_html = '';

        // Following variable are needed for use in isset/empty or
        // use with array indexes/safe use in foreach
        $sql_query = $this->__get('sql_query');
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');
        $highlight_columns = $this->__get('highlight_columns');
        $mime_map = $this->__get('mime_map');

        $row_info = $this->_getRowInfoForSpecialLinks($row, $col_order);

        $whereClauseMap = $this->__get('whereClauseMap');

        $columnCount = $this->__get('fields_cnt');
        for ($currentColumn = 0;
                $currentColumn < $columnCount;
                ++$currentColumn) {

            // assign $i with appropriate column order
            $i = $col_order ? $col_order[$currentColumn] : $currentColumn;

            $meta    = $fields_meta[$i];
                = $this->__get('db') . '.' . $meta->orgtable . '.' . $meta->orgname;

            $not_null_class = $meta->not_null ? 'not_null' : '';
            $relation_class = isset($map[$meta->name]) ? 'relation' : '';
            $hide_class = ($col_visib && ! $col_visib[$currentColumn])
                ? 'hide'
                : '';
            $grid_edit = $meta->orgtable != '' ? $grid_edit_class : '';

            // handle datetime-related class, for grid editing
                = $this->_getClassForDateTimeRelatedFields($meta->type);

            $is_field_truncated = false;
            // combine all the classes applicable to this column's value
            $class = $this->_getClassesForColumn(
                $grid_edit, $not_null_class, $relation_class,
                $hide_class, $field_type_class

            //  See if this column should get highlight because it's used in the
            //  where-query.
            $condition_field = (isset($highlight_columns)
                && (isset($highlight_columns[$meta->name])
                || isset($highlight_columns[Util::backquote($meta->name)])))
                ? true
                : false;

            // Wrap MIME-transformations. [MIME]
            $default_function = 'PMA_mimeDefaultFunction'; // default_function
            $transformation_plugin = $default_function;
            $transform_options = array();

            if ($GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['mimework']
                && $GLOBALS['cfg']['BrowseMIME']
            ) {

                if (isset($mime_map[$orgFullColName]['mimetype'])
                    && !empty($mime_map[$orgFullColName]['transformation'])
                ) {

                    $file = $mime_map[$orgFullColName]['transformation'];
                    $include_file = 'libraries/plugins/transformations/' . $file;

                    if (file_exists($include_file)) {

                        $class_name = PMA_getTransformationClassName($include_file);
                        if (class_exists($class_name)) {
                            // todo add $plugin_manager
                            $plugin_manager = null;
                            $transformation_plugin = new $class_name(

                            $transform_options = PMA_Transformation_getOptions(
                                    ? $mime_map[$orgFullColName]
                                    : ''

                            $meta->mimetype = str_replace(
                                '_', '/',

                    } // end if file_exists
                } // end if transformation is set
            } // end if mime/transformation works.

            // Check whether the field needs to display with syntax highlighting

            $dbLower = mb_strtolower($this->__get('db'));
            $tblLower = mb_strtolower($meta->orgtable);
            $nameLower = mb_strtolower($meta->orgname);
            if (! empty($this->transformation_info[$dbLower][$tblLower][$nameLower])
                && (trim($row[$i]) != '')
                && ! $_SESSION['tmpval']['hide_transformation']
            ) {
                include_once $this->transformation_info
                $transformation_plugin = new $this->transformation_info

                $transform_options  = PMA_Transformation_getOptions(
                    ? $mime_map[$orgFullColName]['transformation_options']
                    : ''

                $meta->mimetype = str_replace(
                    '_', '/',


            // Check for the predefined fields need to show as link in schemas
            include_once 'libraries/special_schema_links.lib.php';

            if (isset($GLOBALS['special_schema_links'])
                && (! empty($GLOBALS['special_schema_links'][$dbLower][$tblLower][$nameLower]))
            ) {

                $linking_url = $this->_getSpecialLinkUrl(
                    $row[$i], $row_info, mb_strtolower($meta->orgname)
                $transformation_plugin = new Text_Plain_Link();

                $transform_options  = array(
                    0 => $linking_url,
                    2 => true

                $meta->mimetype = str_replace(
                    '_', '/',


             * The result set can have columns from more than one table,
             * this is why we have to check for the unique conditions
             * related to this table; however getUniqueCondition() is
             * costly and does not need to be called if we already know
             * the conditions for the current table.
            if (! isset($whereClauseMap[$row_no][$meta->orgtable])) {
                $unique_conditions = Util::getUniqueCondition(
                    $dt_result, // handle
                    $this->__get('fields_cnt'), // fields_cnt
                    $this->__get('fields_meta'), // fields_meta
                    $row, // row
                    false, // force_unique
                    $meta->orgtable, // restrict_to_table
                    $analyzed_sql_results // analyzed_sql_results
                $whereClauseMap[$row_no][$meta->orgtable] = $unique_conditions[0];

            $_url_params = array(
                'db'            => $this->__get('db'),
                'table'         => $meta->orgtable,
                'where_clause_sign' => Util::signSqlQuery($whereClauseMap[$row_no][$meta->orgtable]),
                'where_clause'  => $whereClauseMap[$row_no][$meta->orgtable],
                'transform_key' => $meta->orgname

            if (! empty($sql_query)) {
                $_url_params['sql_query'] = $url_sql_query;

                = PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);

            $display_params = $this->__get('display_params');

            // in some situations (issue 11406), numeric returns 1
            // even for a string type
            if ($meta->numeric == 1 && $meta->type != 'string') {
                // n u m e r i c

                    = $this->_getDataCellForNumericColumns(

            } elseif ($meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD) {
                // g e o m e t r y

                // Remove 'grid_edit' from $class as we do not allow to
                // inline-edit geometry data.
                $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);

                    = $this->_getDataCellForGeometryColumns(

            } else {
                // n o t   n u m e r i c

                    = $this->_getDataCellForNonNumericColumns(


            // output stored cell
            $row_values_html .= $display_params['data'][$row_no][$i];

            if (isset($display_params['rowdata'][$i][$row_no])) {
                    .= $display_params['data'][$row_no][$i];
            } else {
                    = $display_params['data'][$row_no][$i];

            $this->__set('display_params', $display_params);

        } // end for

        return $row_values_html;

    } // end of the '_getRowValues()' function

     * Get link for display special schema links
     * @param string $column_value column value
     * @param array  $row_info     information about row
     * @param string $field_name   column name
     * @return string generated link
    private function _getSpecialLinkUrl($column_value, $row_info, $field_name)

        $linking_url_params = array();
        $link_relations = $GLOBALS['special_schema_links']

        if (! is_array($link_relations['link_param'])) {
            $linking_url_params[$link_relations['link_param']] = $column_value;
        } else {
            // Consider only the case of creating link for column field
            // sql query that needs to be passed as url param
            $sql = 'SELECT `' . $column_value . '` FROM `'
                . $row_info[$link_relations['link_param'][1]] . '`.`'
                . $row_info[$link_relations['link_param'][2]] . '`';
            $linking_url_params[$link_relations['link_param'][0]] = $sql;

        $divider = strpos($link_relations['default_page'], '?') ? '&' : '?';
        if (empty($link_relations['link_dependancy_params'])) {
            return $link_relations['default_page']
                . PMA_URL_getCommon($linking_url_params, 'raw', $divider);

        foreach ($link_relations['link_dependancy_params'] as $new_param) {

            // If param_info is an array, set the key and value
            // from that array
            if (is_array($new_param['param_info'])) {
                    = $new_param['param_info'][1];

                = $row_info[mb_strtolower($new_param['column_name'])];

            // Special case 1 - when executing routines, according
            // to the type of the routine, url param changes
            if (empty($row_info['routine_type'])) {

        return $link_relations['default_page']
            . PMA_URL_getCommon($linking_url_params, 'raw', $divider);

     * Prepare row information for display special links
     * @param array $row       current row data
     * @param array $col_order the column order
     * @return array $row_info associative array with column nama -> value
    private function _getRowInfoForSpecialLinks($row, $col_order)

        $row_info = array();
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');

        for ($n = 0; $n < $this->__get('fields_cnt'); ++$n) {
            $m = $col_order ? $col_order[$n] : $n;
                = $row[$m];

        return $row_info;


     * Get url sql query without conditions to shorten URLs
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return  string  $url_sql        analyzed sql query
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getUrlSqlQuery($analyzed_sql_results)
        if (($analyzed_sql_results['querytype'] != 'SELECT')
            || (mb_strlen($this->__get('sql_query')) < 200)
        ) {
            return $this->__get('sql_query');

        $query = 'SELECT ' . Query::getClause(

        $from_clause = Query::getClause(

        if (!empty($from_clause)) {
            $query .= ' FROM ' . $from_clause;

        return $query;

    } // end of the '_getUrlSqlQuery()' function

     * Get column order and column visibility
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return  array           2 element array - $col_order, $col_visib
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getColumnParams($analyzed_sql_results)
        if ($this->_isSelect($analyzed_sql_results)) {
            $pmatable = new Table($this->__get('table'), $this->__get('db'));
            $col_order = $pmatable->getUiProp(Table::PROP_COLUMN_ORDER);
            $col_visib = $pmatable->getUiProp(Table::PROP_COLUMN_VISIB);
        } else {
            $col_order = false;
            $col_visib = false;

        return array($col_order, $col_visib);
    } // end of the '_getColumnParams()' function

     * Get HTML for repeating headers
     * @param array $display_params holds various display info
     * @return  string  $header_html    html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getRepeatingHeaders(
    ) {
        $header_html = '<tr>' . "\n";

        if ($display_params['emptypre'] > 0) {

            $header_html .= '    <th colspan="'
                . $display_params['emptypre'] . '">'
                . "\n" . '        &nbsp;</th>' . "\n";

        } else if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionLinks'] == self::POSITION_NONE) {
            $header_html .= '    <th></th>' . "\n";

        foreach ($display_params['desc'] as $val) {
            $header_html .= $val;

        if ($display_params['emptyafter'] > 0) {
                .= '    <th colspan="' . $display_params['emptyafter']
                . '">'
                . "\n" . '        &nbsp;</th>' . "\n";
        $header_html .= '</tr>' . "\n";

        return $header_html;

    } // end of the '_getRepeatingHeaders()' function

     * Get modified links
     * @param string  $where_clause     the where clause of the sql
     * @param boolean $clause_is_unique the unique condition of clause
     * @param string  $url_sql_query    the analyzed sql query
     * @return  array                   5 element array - $edit_url, $copy_url,
     *                                  $edit_str, $copy_str, $edit_anchor_class
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getModifiedLinks(
        $where_clause, $clause_is_unique, $url_sql_query
    ) {

        $_url_params = array(
                'db'               => $this->__get('db'),
                'table'            => $this->__get('table'),
                'where_clause'     => $where_clause,
                'clause_is_unique' => $clause_is_unique,
                'sql_query'        => $url_sql_query,
                'goto'             => 'sql.php',

        $edit_url = 'tbl_change.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                $_url_params + array('default_action' => 'update')

        $copy_url = 'tbl_change.php'
            . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                $_url_params + array('default_action' => 'insert')

        $edit_str = $this->_getActionLinkContent(
            'b_edit.png', __('Edit')
        $copy_str = $this->_getActionLinkContent(
            'b_insrow.png', __('Copy')

        // Class definitions required for grid editing jQuery scripts
        $edit_anchor_class = "edit_row_anchor";
        if ($clause_is_unique == 0) {
            $edit_anchor_class .= ' nonunique';

        return array($edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_str, $copy_str, $edit_anchor_class);

    } // end of the '_getModifiedLinks()' function

     * Get delete and kill links
     * @param string  $where_clause     the where clause of the sql
     * @param boolean $clause_is_unique the unique condition of clause
     * @param string  $url_sql_query    the analyzed sql query
     * @param string  $del_lnk          the delete link of current row
     * @param array   $row              the current row
     * @return  array                       3 element array
     *                                      $del_url, $del_str, $js_conf
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getDeleteAndKillLinks(
        $where_clause, $clause_is_unique, $url_sql_query, $del_lnk, $row
    ) {

        $goto = $this->__get('goto');

        if ($del_lnk == self::DELETE_ROW) { // delete row case

            $_url_params = array(
                'db'        => $this->__get('db'),
                'table'     => $this->__get('table'),
                'sql_query' => $url_sql_query,
                'message_to_show' => __('The row has been deleted.'),
                'goto'      => (empty($goto) ? 'tbl_sql.php' : $goto),

            $lnk_goto = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params, 'text');

            $del_query = 'DELETE FROM '
                . Util::backquote($this->__get('table'))
                . ' WHERE ' . $where_clause .
                ($clause_is_unique ? '' : ' LIMIT 1');

            $_url_params = array(
                    'db'        => $this->__get('db'),
                    'table'     => $this->__get('table'),
                    'sql_query' => $del_query,
                    'message_to_show' => __('The row has been deleted.'),
                    'goto'      => $lnk_goto,
            $del_url  = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);

            $js_conf  = 'DELETE FROM ' . PMA_jsFormat($this->__get('table'))
                . ' WHERE ' . PMA_jsFormat($where_clause, false)
                . ($clause_is_unique ? '' : ' LIMIT 1');

            $del_str = $this->_getActionLinkContent('b_drop.png', __('Delete'));

        } elseif ($del_lnk == self::KILL_PROCESS) { // kill process case

            $_url_params = array(
                    'db'        => $this->__get('db'),
                    'table'     => $this->__get('table'),
                    'sql_query' => $url_sql_query,
                    'goto'      => 'index.php',

            $lnk_goto = 'sql.php'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon(
                    $_url_params, 'text'

            $kill = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getKillQuery($row[0]);

            $_url_params = array(
                    'db'        => 'mysql',
                    'sql_query' => $kill,
                    'goto'      => $lnk_goto,

            $del_url  = 'sql.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);
            $js_conf  = $kill;
            $del_str = Util::getIcon(
                'b_drop.png', __('Kill')
        } else {
            $del_url = $del_str = $js_conf = null;

        return array($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf);

    } // end of the '_getDeleteAndKillLinks()' function

     * Get content inside the table row action links (Edit/Copy/Delete)
     * @param string $icon         The name of the file to get
     * @param string $display_text The text displaying after the image icon
     * @return  string
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getModifiedLinks(), _getDeleteAndKillLinks()
    private function _getActionLinkContent($icon, $display_text)

        $linkContent = '';

        if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionType'])
            && $GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionType'] == self::ACTION_LINK_CONTENT_ICONS
        ) {

            $linkContent .= '<span class="nowrap">'
                . Util::getImage(
                    $icon, $display_text
                . '</span>';

        } else if (isset($GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionType'])
            && $GLOBALS['cfg']['RowActionType'] == self::ACTION_LINK_CONTENT_TEXT
        ) {

            $linkContent .= '<span class="nowrap">' . $display_text . '</span>';

        } else {

            $linkContent .= Util::getIcon(
                $icon, $display_text


        return $linkContent;


     * Prepare placed links
     * @param string  $dir               the direction of links should place
     * @param string  $del_url           the url for delete row
     * @param array   $displayParts      which elements to display
     * @param integer $row_no            the index of current row
     * @param string  $where_clause      the where clause of the sql
     * @param string  $where_clause_html the html encoded where clause
     * @param array   $condition_array   array of keys (primary, unique, condition)
     * @param string  $edit_url          the url for edit row
     * @param string  $copy_url          the url for copy row
     * @param string  $edit_anchor_class the class for html element for edit
     * @param string  $edit_str          the label for edit row
     * @param string  $copy_str          the label for copy row
     * @param string  $del_str           the label for delete row
     * @param string  $js_conf           text for the JS confirmation
     * @return  string                      html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getPlacedLinks(
        $dir, $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause, $where_clause_html,
        $condition_array, $edit_url, $copy_url,
        $edit_anchor_class, $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf
    ) {

        if (! isset($js_conf)) {
            $js_conf = '';

        return $this->_getCheckboxAndLinks(
            $dir, $del_url, $displayParts,
            $row_no, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
            $edit_url, $copy_url, $edit_anchor_class,
            $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf

    } // end of the '_getPlacedLinks()' function

     * Get the combined classes for a column
     * @param string $grid_edit_class  the class for all editable columns
     * @param string $not_null_class   the class for not null columns
     * @param string $relation_class   the class for relations in a column
     * @param string $hide_class       the class for visibility of a column
     * @param string $field_type_class the class related to type of the field
     * @return string $class the combined classes
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getClassesForColumn(
        $grid_edit_class, $not_null_class, $relation_class,
        $hide_class, $field_type_class
    ) {
        $class = 'data ' . $grid_edit_class . ' ' . $not_null_class . ' '
            . $relation_class . ' ' . $hide_class . ' ' . $field_type_class;

        return $class;

    } // end of the '_getClassesForColumn()' function

     * Get class for datetime related fields
     * @param string $type the type of the column field
     * @return  string  $field_type_class   the class for the column
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getClassForDateTimeRelatedFields($type)
        if ((substr($type, 0, 9) == self::TIMESTAMP_FIELD)
            || ($type == self::DATETIME_FIELD)
        ) {
            $field_type_class = 'datetimefield';
        } elseif ($type == self::DATE_FIELD) {
            $field_type_class = 'datefield';
        } elseif ($type == self::TIME_FIELD) {
            $field_type_class = 'timefield';
        } elseif ($type == self::STRING_FIELD) {
            $field_type_class = 'text';
        } else {
            $field_type_class = '';
        return $field_type_class;
    } // end of the '_getClassForDateTimeRelatedFields()' function

     * Prepare data cell for numeric type fields
     * @param string        $column                the column's value
     * @param string        $class                 the html class for column
     * @param boolean       $condition_field       the column should highlighted
     *                                             or not
     * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about this
     *                                             field
     * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
     * @param boolean       $is_field_truncated    the condition for blob data
     *                                             replacements
     * @param array         $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
     * @param object|string $transformation_plugin the name of transformation plugin
     * @param string        $default_function      the default transformation
     *                                             function
     * @param string        $transform_options     the transformation parameters
     * @return  string  $cell the prepared cell, html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getDataCellForNumericColumns(
        $column, $class, $condition_field, $meta, $map, $is_field_truncated,
        $analyzed_sql_results, $transformation_plugin, $default_function,
    ) {

        if (! isset($column) || is_null($column)) {

            $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay(
                'right ' . $class, $condition_field, $meta, ''

        } elseif ($column != '') {

            $nowrap = ' nowrap';
            $where_comparison = ' = ' . $column;

            $cell = $this->_getRowData(
                'right ' . $class, $condition_field,
                $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map, $column,
                $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap,
                $where_comparison, $transform_options,
                $is_field_truncated, ''
        } else {

            $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay(
                'right ' . $class, $condition_field, $meta, ''

        return $cell;

    } // end of the '_getDataCellForNumericColumns()' function

     * Get data cell for geometry type fields
     * @param string        $column                the relevant column in data row
     * @param string        $class                 the html class for column
     * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about
     *                                             this field
     * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
     * @param array         $_url_params           the parameters for generate url
     * @param boolean       $condition_field       the column should highlighted
     *                                             or not
     * @param object|string $transformation_plugin the name of transformation
     *                                             function
     * @param string        $default_function      the default transformation
     *                                             function
     * @param string        $transform_options     the transformation parameters
     * @param array         $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
     * @return  string  $cell                  the prepared data cell, html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(
        $column, $class, $meta, $map, $_url_params, $condition_field,
        $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $transform_options,
    ) {
        if (! isset($column) || is_null($column)) {
            $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
            return $cell;

        if ($column == '') {
            $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
            return $cell;

        // Display as [GEOMETRY - (size)]
        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['geoOption'] == self::GEOMETRY_DISP_GEOM) {
            $geometry_text = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(
                strtoupper(self::GEOMETRY_FIELD), $column, $transformation_plugin,
                $transform_options, $default_function, $meta, $_url_params

            $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay(
                $class, $condition_field, $geometry_text
            return $cell;

        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['geoOption'] == self::GEOMETRY_DISP_WKT) {
            // Prepare in Well Known Text(WKT) format.
            $where_comparison = ' = ' . $column;

            // Convert to WKT format
            $wktval = Util::asWKT($column);
                // skip 3rd param
            ) = $this->_getPartialText($wktval);

            $cell = $this->_getRowData(
                $class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map,
                $wktval, $transformation_plugin, $default_function, '',
                $where_comparison, $transform_options,
                $is_field_truncated, ''
            return $cell;

        // Prepare in  Well Known Binary (WKB) format.

        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_binary']) {
            $where_comparison = ' = ' . $column;

            $wkbval = substr(bin2hex($column), 8);
                // skip 3rd param
            ) = $this->_getPartialText($wkbval);

            $cell = $this->_getRowData(
                $class, $condition_field,
                $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map, $wkbval,
                $transformation_plugin, $default_function, '',
                $where_comparison, $transform_options,
                $is_field_truncated, ''
            return $cell;

        $wkbval = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(
            self::BINARY_FIELD, $column, $transformation_plugin,
            $transform_options, $default_function, $meta,

        $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay(
            $class, $condition_field, $wkbval

        return $cell;

    } // end of the '_getDataCellForGeometryColumns()' function

     * Get data cell for non numeric type fields
     * @param string        $column                the relevant column in data row
     * @param string        $class                 the html class for column
     * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about
     *                                             the field
     * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
     * @param array         $_url_params           the parameters for generate
     *                                             url
     * @param boolean       $condition_field       the column should highlighted
     *                                             or not
     * @param object|string $transformation_plugin the name of transformation
     *                                             function
     * @param string        $default_function      the default transformation
     *                                             function
     * @param string        $transform_options     the transformation parameters
     * @param boolean       $is_field_truncated    is data truncated due to
     *                                             LimitChars
     * @param array         $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
     * @param integer       &$dt_result            the link id associated to
     *                                             the query which results
     *                                             have to be displayed
     * @param integer       $col_index             the column index
     * @return  string  $cell the prepared data cell, html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody()
    private function _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns(
        $column, $class, $meta, $map, $_url_params, $condition_field,
        $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $transform_options,
        $is_field_truncated, $analyzed_sql_results, &$dt_result, $col_index
    ) {
        $original_length = 0;

        $is_analyse = $this->__get('is_analyse');
        $field_flags = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fieldFlags($dt_result, $col_index);

        $bIsText = gettype($transformation_plugin) === 'object'
            && strpos($transformation_plugin->getMIMEtype(), 'Text')
            === false;

        // disable inline grid editing
        // if binary fields are protected
        // or transformation plugin is of non text type
        // such as image
        if ((stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD)
            && ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'all'
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'noblob'
            && !stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD))
            || ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ProtectBinary'] === 'blob'
            && stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD))))
            || $bIsText
        ) {
            $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);

        if (! isset($column) || is_null($column)) {
            $cell = $this->_buildNullDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
            return $cell;

        if ($column == '') {
            $cell = $this->_buildEmptyDisplay($class, $condition_field, $meta);
            return $cell;

        // Cut all fields to $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
        // (unless it's a link-type transformation or binary)
        if (!(gettype($transformation_plugin) === "object"
            && strpos($transformation_plugin->getName(), 'Link') !== false)
            && !stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD)
        ) {
            ) = $this->_getPartialText($column);

        $formatted = false;
        if (isset($meta->_type) && $meta->_type === MYSQLI_TYPE_BIT) {

            $column = Util::printableBitValue(
                $column, $meta->length

            // some results of PROCEDURE ANALYSE() are reported as
            // being BINARY but they are quite readable,
            // so don't treat them as BINARY
        } elseif (stristr($field_flags, self::BINARY_FIELD)
            && !(isset($is_analyse) && $is_analyse)
        ) {
            // we show the BINARY or BLOB message and field's size
            // (or maybe use a transformation)
            $binary_or_blob = self::BLOB_FIELD;
            if ($meta->type === self::STRING_FIELD) {
                $binary_or_blob = self::BINARY_FIELD;
            $column = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(
                $binary_or_blob, $column, $transformation_plugin,
                $transform_options, $default_function,
                $meta, $_url_params, $is_field_truncated
            $class = $this->_addClass(
                $class, $condition_field, $meta, '',
                $is_field_truncated, $transformation_plugin, $default_function
            $result = strip_tags($column);
            // disable inline grid editing
            // if binary or blob data is not shown
            if (stristr($result, $binary_or_blob)) {
                $class = str_replace('grid_edit', '', $class);
            $formatted = true;

        if ($formatted) {
            $cell = $this->_buildValueDisplay(
                $class, $condition_field, $column
            return $cell;

        // transform functions may enable no-wrapping:
        $function_nowrap = 'applyTransformationNoWrap';

        $bool_nowrap = (($default_function != $transformation_plugin)
            && function_exists($transformation_plugin->$function_nowrap()))
            ? $transformation_plugin->$function_nowrap($transform_options)
            : false;

        // do not wrap if date field type
        $nowrap = (preg_match('@DATE|TIME@i', $meta->type)
            || $bool_nowrap) ? ' nowrap' : '';

        $where_comparison = ' = \''
            . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($column)
            . '\'';

        $cell = $this->_getRowData(
            $class, $condition_field,
            $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map, $column,
            $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap,
            $where_comparison, $transform_options,
            $is_field_truncated, $original_length

        return $cell;

    } // end of the '_getDataCellForNonNumericColumns()' function

     * Checks the posted options for viewing query results
     * and sets appropriate values in the session.
     * @todo    make maximum remembered queries configurable
     * @todo    move/split into SQL class!?
     * @todo    currently this is called twice unnecessary
     * @todo    ignore LIMIT and ORDER in query!?
     * @return void
     * @access  public
     * @see     sql.php file
    public function setConfigParamsForDisplayTable()

        $sql_md5 = md5($this->__get('sql_query'));
        $query = array();
        if (isset($_SESSION['tmpval']['query'][$sql_md5])) {
            $query = $_SESSION['tmpval']['query'][$sql_md5];

        $query['sql'] = $this->__get('sql_query');

        if (empty($query['repeat_cells'])) {
            $query['repeat_cells'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['RepeatCells'];

        // as this is a form value, the type is always string so we cannot
        // use PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['session_max_rows'], 'integer')
        if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['session_max_rows'], 'numeric')) {
            $query['max_rows'] = (int)$_REQUEST['session_max_rows'];
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['session_max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS) {
            $query['max_rows'] = self::ALL_ROWS;
        } elseif (empty($query['max_rows'])) {
            $query['max_rows'] = intval($GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxRows']);

        if (PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['pos'], 'numeric')) {
            $query['pos'] = $_REQUEST['pos'];
        } elseif (empty($query['pos'])) {
            $query['pos'] = 0;

        if (PMA_isValid(
                self::DISPLAY_PARTIAL_TEXT, self::DISPLAY_FULL_TEXT
        ) {
            $query['pftext'] = $_REQUEST['pftext'];
        } elseif (empty($query['pftext'])) {
            $query['pftext'] = self::DISPLAY_PARTIAL_TEXT;

        if (PMA_isValid(
        ) {
            $query['relational_display'] = $_REQUEST['relational_display'];
        } elseif (empty($query['relational_display'])) {
            // The current session value has priority over a
            // change via Settings; this change will be apparent
            // starting from the next session
            $query['relational_display'] = $GLOBALS['cfg']['RelationalDisplay'];

        if (PMA_isValid(
                self::GEOMETRY_DISP_WKT, self::GEOMETRY_DISP_WKB,
        ) {
            $query['geoOption'] = $_REQUEST['geoOption'];
        } elseif (empty($query['geoOption'])) {
            $query['geoOption'] = self::GEOMETRY_DISP_GEOM;

        if (isset($_REQUEST['display_binary'])) {
            $query['display_binary'] = true;
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['display_options_form'])) {
            // we know that the checkbox was unchecked
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['full_text_button'])) {
            // do nothing to keep the value that is there in the session
        } else {
            // selected by default because some operations like OPTIMIZE TABLE
            // and all queries involving functions return "binary" contents,
            // according to low-level field flags
            $query['display_binary'] = true;

        if (isset($_REQUEST['display_blob'])) {
            $query['display_blob'] = true;
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['display_options_form'])) {
            // we know that the checkbox was unchecked

        if (isset($_REQUEST['hide_transformation'])) {
            $query['hide_transformation'] = true;
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['display_options_form'])) {
            // we know that the checkbox was unchecked

        // move current query to the last position, to be removed last
        // so only least executed query will be removed if maximum remembered
        // queries limit is reached
        $_SESSION['tmpval']['query'][$sql_md5] = $query;

        // do not exceed a maximum number of queries to remember
        if (count($_SESSION['tmpval']['query']) > 10) {
            //echo 'deleting one element ...';

        // populate query configuration
            = $query['pftext'];
            = $query['relational_display'];
            = $query['geoOption'];
        $_SESSION['tmpval']['display_binary'] = isset(
        $_SESSION['tmpval']['display_blob'] = isset(
        $_SESSION['tmpval']['hide_transformation'] = isset(
            = $query['pos'];
            = $query['max_rows'];
            = $query['repeat_cells'];

     * Prepare a table of results returned by a SQL query.
     * @param integer &$dt_result           the link id associated to the query
     *                                      which results have to be displayed
     * @param array   &$displayParts        the parts to display
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param boolean $is_limited_display   With limited operations or not
     * @return  string   $table_html   Generated HTML content for resulted table
     * @access  public
     * @see     sql.php file
    public function getTable(
        &$dt_result, &$displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results,
        $is_limited_display = false
    ) {

         * The statement this table is built for.
         * @var \SqlParser\Statements\SelectStatement
        $statement = $analyzed_sql_results['statement'];

        $table_html = '';
        // Following variable are needed for use in isset/empty or
        // use with array indexes/safe use in foreach
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta');
        $showtable = $this->__get('showtable');
        $printview = $this->__get('printview');

        // why was this called here? (already called from sql.php)

         * @todo move this to a central place
         * @todo for other future table types
        $is_innodb = (isset($showtable['Type'])
            && $showtable['Type'] == self::TABLE_TYPE_INNO_DB);

        if ($is_innodb
            && PMA_isJustBrowsing($analyzed_sql_results, true)
        ) {
            // "j u s t   b r o w s i n g"
            $pre_count = '~';
            $after_count = Util::showHint(
                    __('May be approximate. See [doc@faq3-11]FAQ 3.11[/doc].')
        } else {
            $pre_count = '';
            $after_count = '';

        // 1. ----- Prepares the work -----

        // 1.1 Gets the information about which functionalities should be
        //     displayed

        )  = $this->_setDisplayPartsAndTotal($displayParts);

        // 1.2 Defines offsets for the next and previous pages
        if ($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1') {
            list($pos_next, $pos_prev) = $this->_getOffsets();
        } // end if

        // 1.3 Extract sorting expressions.
        //     we need $sort_expression and $sort_expression_nodirection
        //     even if there are many table references
        $sort_expression = array();
        $sort_expression_nodirection = array();
        $sort_direction = array();

        if (!empty($statement->order)) {
            foreach ($statement->order as $o) {
                $sort_expression[] = $o->expr->expr . ' ' . $o->type;
                $sort_expression_nodirection[] = $o->expr->expr;
                $sort_direction[] = $o->type;
        } else {
            $sort_expression[] = '';
            $sort_expression_nodirection[] = '';
            $sort_direction[] = '';

        $number_of_columns = count($sort_expression_nodirection);

        // 1.4 Prepares display of first and last value of the sorted column
        $sorted_column_message = '';
        for ( $i = 0; $i < $number_of_columns; $i++ ) {
            $sorted_column_message .= $this->_getSortedColumnMessage(
                $dt_result, $sort_expression_nodirection[$i]

        // 2. ----- Prepare to display the top of the page -----

        // 2.1 Prepares a messages with position information
        if (($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1') && isset($pos_next)) {

            $message = $this->_setMessageInformation(

            $table_html .= Util::getMessage(
                $message, $this->__get('sql_query'), 'success'

        } elseif ((!isset($printview) || ($printview != '1')) && !$is_limited_display) {

            $table_html .= Util::getMessage(
                __('Your SQL query has been executed successfully.'),
                $this->__get('sql_query'), 'success'

        // 2.3 Prepare the navigation bars
        if (!mb_strlen($this->__get('table'))) {

            if ($analyzed_sql_results['querytype'] == 'SELECT') {
                // table does not always contain a real table name,
                // for example in MySQL 5.0.x, the query SHOW STATUS
                // returns STATUS as a table name
                $this->__set('table', $fields_meta[0]->table);
            } else {
                $this->__set('table', '');


        // can the result be sorted?
        if ($displayParts['sort_lnk'] == '1') {

            // At this point, $sort_expression is an array but we only verify
            // the first element in case we could find that the table is
            // sorted by one of the choices listed in the
            // "Sort by key" drop-down
            list($unsorted_sql_query, $sort_by_key_html)
                = $this->_getUnsortedSqlAndSortByKeyDropDown(
                    $analyzed_sql_results, $sort_expression[0]

        } else {
            $sort_by_key_html = $unsorted_sql_query = '';

        if (($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1') && (empty($statement->limit))) {
            $table_html .= $this->_getPlacedTableNavigations(
                $pos_next, $pos_prev, self::PLACE_TOP_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN,
                $is_innodb, $sort_by_key_html

        // 2b ----- Get field references from Database -----
        // (see the 'relation' configuration variable)

        // initialize map
        $map = array();

        $target = array();
        if (!empty($statement->from)) {
            foreach ($statement->from as $field) {
                if (!empty($field->table)) {
                    $target[] = $field->table;

        if (mb_strlen($this->__get('table'))) {
            // This method set the values for $map array

            // Coming from 'Distinct values' action of structure page
            // We manipulate relations mechanism to show a link to related rows.
            if ($this->__get('is_browse_distinct')) {
                $map[$fields_meta[1]->name] = array(
        } // end if
        // end 2b

        // 3. ----- Prepare the results table -----
        if ($is_limited_display) {
            $table_html .= "<br>";

        $table_html .= $this->_getTableHeaders(

        $table_html .= '<tbody>' . "\n";

        $table_html .= $this->_getTableBody(

        $this->__set('display_params', null);

        $table_html .= '</tbody>' . "\n" . '</table>';

        // 4. ----- Prepares the link for multi-fields edit and delete

        if ($displayParts['del_lnk'] == self::DELETE_ROW
            && $displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::KILL_PROCESS
        ) {

            $table_html .= $this->_getMultiRowOperationLinks(


        // 5. ----- Get the navigation bar at the bottom if required -----
        if (($displayParts['nav_bar'] == '1') && empty($statement->limit)) {
            $table_html .= $this->_getPlacedTableNavigations(
                $pos_next, $pos_prev, self::PLACE_BOTTOM_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN,
                $is_innodb, $sort_by_key_html
        } elseif (! isset($printview) || ($printview != '1')) {
            $table_html .= "\n" . '<br /><br />' . "\n";

        // 6. ----- Prepare "Query results operations"
        if ((! isset($printview) || ($printview != '1')) && ! $is_limited_display) {
            $table_html .= $this->_getResultsOperations(
                $displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results

        return $table_html;

    } // end of the 'getTable()' function

     * Get offsets for next page and previous page
     * @return  array           array with two elements - $pos_next, $pos_prev
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _getOffsets()

        if ($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS) {
            $pos_next     = 0;
            $pos_prev     = 0;
        } else {

            $pos_next     = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
                            + $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];

            $pos_prev     = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos']
                            - $_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'];

            if ($pos_prev < 0) {
                $pos_prev = 0;

        return array($pos_next, $pos_prev);

    } // end of the '_getOffsets()' function

     * Prepare sorted column message
     * @param integer &$dt_result                  the link id associated to the
     *                                              query which results have to
     *                                              be displayed
     * @param string  $sort_expression_nodirection sort expression without direction
     * @return  string                              html content
     *          null                                if not found sorted column
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _getSortedColumnMessage(
        &$dt_result, $sort_expression_nodirection
    ) {

        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta'); // To use array indexes

        if (empty($sort_expression_nodirection)) {
            return null;

        if (mb_strpos($sort_expression_nodirection, '.') === false) {
            $sort_table = $this->__get('table');
            $sort_column = $sort_expression_nodirection;
        } else {
            list($sort_table, $sort_column)
                = explode('.', $sort_expression_nodirection);

        $sort_table = Util::unQuote($sort_table);
        $sort_column = Util::unQuote($sort_column);

        // find the sorted column index in row result
        // (this might be a multi-table query)
        $sorted_column_index = false;

        foreach ($fields_meta as $key => $meta) {
            if (($meta->table == $sort_table) && ($meta->name == $sort_column)) {
                $sorted_column_index = $key;

        if ($sorted_column_index === false) {
            return null;

        // fetch first row of the result set
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result);

        // initializing default arguments
        $default_function = 'PMA_mimeDefaultFunction';
        $transformation_plugin = $default_function;
        $transform_options = array();

        // check for non printable sorted row data
        $meta = $fields_meta[$sorted_column_index];

        if (stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD)
            || ($meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD)
        ) {

            $column_for_first_row = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(
                $meta->type, $row[$sorted_column_index],
                $transformation_plugin, $transform_options,
                $default_function, $meta

        } else {
            $column_for_first_row = $row[$sorted_column_index];

        $column_for_first_row = mb_strtoupper(
                $column_for_first_row, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
            ) . '...'

        // fetch last row of the result set
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, $this->__get('num_rows') - 1);
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result);

        // check for non printable sorted row data
        $meta = $fields_meta[$sorted_column_index];
        if (stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD)
            || ($meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD)
        ) {

            $column_for_last_row = $this->_handleNonPrintableContents(
                $meta->type, $row[$sorted_column_index],
                $transformation_plugin, $transform_options,
                $default_function, $meta

        } else {
            $column_for_last_row = $row[$sorted_column_index];

        $column_for_last_row = mb_strtoupper(
                $column_for_last_row, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
            ) . '...'

        // reset to first row for the loop in _getTableBody()
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, 0);

        // we could also use here $sort_expression_nodirection
        return ' [' . htmlspecialchars($sort_column)
            . ': <strong>' . htmlspecialchars($column_for_first_row) . ' - '
            . htmlspecialchars($column_for_last_row) . '</strong>]';
    } // end of the '_getSortedColumnMessage()' function

     * Set the content that needs to be shown in message
     * @param string  $sorted_column_message the message for sorted column
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
     * @param integer $total                 the total number of rows returned by
     *                                       the SQL query without any
     *                                       programmatically appended LIMIT clause
     * @param integer $pos_next              the offset for next page
     * @param string  $pre_count             the string renders before row count
     * @param string  $after_count           the string renders after row count
     * @return Message $message an object of Message
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _setMessageInformation(
        $sorted_column_message, $analyzed_sql_results, $total,
        $pos_next, $pre_count, $after_count
    ) {

        $unlim_num_rows = $this->__get('unlim_num_rows'); // To use in isset()

        if (!empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit)) {

            $first_shown_rec = $analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit->offset;
            $row_count = $analyzed_sql_results['statement']->limit->rowCount;

            if ($row_count < $total) {
                $last_shown_rec = $first_shown_rec + $row_count - 1;
            } else {
                $last_shown_rec = $first_shown_rec + $total - 1;

        } elseif (($_SESSION['tmpval']['max_rows'] == self::ALL_ROWS)
            || ($pos_next > $total)
        ) {

            $first_shown_rec = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'];
            $last_shown_rec  = $total - 1;

        } else {

            $first_shown_rec = $_SESSION['tmpval']['pos'];
            $last_shown_rec  = $pos_next - 1;


        $table = new Table($this->__get('table'), $this->__get('db'));
        if ($table->isView()
            && ($total == $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxExactCountViews'])
        ) {

            $message = Message::notice(
                    'This view has at least this number of rows. '
                    . 'Please refer to %sdocumentation%s.'

            $message_view_warning = Util::showHint($message);

        } else {
            $message_view_warning = false;

        $message = Message::success(__('Showing rows %1s - %2s'));

        if ($message_view_warning !== false) {
            $message->addParam('... ' . $message_view_warning, false);
        } else {


        if ($message_view_warning === false) {

            if (isset($unlim_num_rows) && ($unlim_num_rows != $total)) {
                $message_total = Message::notice(
                    $pre_count . __('%1$d total, %2$d in query')
            } else {
                $message_total = Message::notice($pre_count . __('%d total'));

            if (!empty($after_count)) {
            $message->addMessage($message_total, '');

            $message->addMessage(', ', '');

        $message_qt = Message::notice(__('Query took %01.4f seconds.') . ')');

        $message->addMessage($message_qt, '');
        if (! is_null($sorted_column_message)) {
            $message->addMessage($sorted_column_message, '');

        return $message;

    } // end of the '_setMessageInformation()' function

     * Set the value of $map array for linking foreign key related tables
     * @param array &$map the list of relations
     * @return  void
     * @access  private
     * @see      getTable()
    private function _setParamForLinkForeignKeyRelatedTables(&$map)

        // To be able to later display a link to the related table,
        // we verify both types of relations: either those that are
        // native foreign keys or those defined in the phpMyAdmin
        // configuration storage. If no PMA storage, we won't be able
        // to use the "column to display" notion (for example show
        // the name related to a numeric id).
        $exist_rel = PMA_getForeigners(
            $this->__get('db'), $this->__get('table'), '', self::POSITION_BOTH

        if (! empty($exist_rel)) {

            foreach ($exist_rel as $master_field => $rel) {
                if ($master_field != 'foreign_keys_data') {
                    $display_field = PMA_getDisplayField(
                        $rel['foreign_db'], $rel['foreign_table']
                    $map[$master_field] = array(
                } else {
                    foreach ($rel as $key => $one_key) {
                        foreach ($one_key['index_list'] as $index => $one_field) {
                            $display_field = PMA_getDisplayField(
                                ? $one_key['ref_db_name']
                                : $GLOBALS['db'],

                            $map[$one_field] = array(
                                ? $one_key['ref_db_name']
                                : $GLOBALS['db']
            } // end while
        } // end if

    } // end of the '_setParamForLinkForeignKeyRelatedTables()' function

     * Prepare multi field edit/delete links
     * @param integer &$dt_result           the link id associated to the query which
     *                                      results have to be displayed
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param string  $del_link             the display element - 'del_link'
     * @return string $links_html html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _getMultiRowOperationLinks(
        &$dt_result, $analyzed_sql_results, $del_link
    ) {

        $links_html = '<div class="print_ignore" >';
        $url_query = $this->__get('url_query');
        $delete_text = ($del_link == self::DELETE_ROW) ? __('Delete') : __('Kill');

        $links_html .= '<img class="selectallarrow" width="38" height="22"'
            . ' src="' . $this->__get('pma_theme_image') . 'arrow_'
            . $this->__get('text_dir') . '.png' . '"'
            . ' alt="' . __('With selected:') . '" />';

        $links_html .= '<input type="checkbox" '
            . 'id="resultsForm_' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '_checkall" '
            . 'class="checkall_box" title="' . __('Check all') . '" /> '
            . '<label for="resultsForm_' . $this->__get('unique_id') . '_checkall">'
            . __('Check all') . '</label> '
            . '<i style="margin-left: 2em">' . __('With selected:') . '</i>' . "\n";

        $links_html .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
            'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_change',
            __('Edit'), 'b_edit.png', 'edit'

        $links_html .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
            'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_copy',
            __('Copy'), 'b_insrow.png', 'copy'

        $links_html .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
            'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_delete',
            $delete_text, 'b_drop.png', 'delete'

        if ($analyzed_sql_results['querytype'] == 'SELECT') {
            $links_html .= Util::getButtonOrImage(
                'submit_mult', 'mult_submit', 'submit_mult_export',
                __('Export'), 'b_tblexport.png', 'export'

        $links_html .= "</div>\n";

        $links_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="sql_query"'
            . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($this->__get('sql_query')) . '" />'
            . "\n";

        if (! empty($url_query)) {
            $links_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="url_query"'
                . ' value="' . $url_query . '" />' . "\n";

        // fetch last row of the result set
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, $this->__get('num_rows') - 1);
        $row = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dt_result);

        // $clause_is_unique is needed by getTable() to generate the proper param
        // in the multi-edit and multi-delete form
        list($where_clause, $clause_is_unique, $condition_array)
            = Util::getUniqueCondition(
                $dt_result, // handle
                $this->__get('fields_cnt'), // fields_cnt
                $this->__get('fields_meta'), // fields_meta
                $row, // row
                false, // force_unique
                false, // restrict_to_table
                $analyzed_sql_results // analyzed_sql_results
        unset($where_clause, $condition_array);

        // reset to first row for the loop in _getTableBody()
        $GLOBALS['dbi']->dataSeek($dt_result, 0);

        $links_html .= '<input type="hidden" name="clause_is_unique"'
            . ' value="' . $clause_is_unique . '" />' . "\n";

        $links_html .= '</form>' . "\n";

        return $links_html;

    } // end of the '_getMultiRowOperationLinks()' function

     * Prepare table navigation bar at the top or bottom
     * @param integer $pos_next         the offset for the "next" page
     * @param integer $pos_prev         the offset for the "previous" page
     * @param string  $place            the place to show navigation
     * @param boolean $is_innodb        whether its InnoDB or not
     * @param string  $sort_by_key_html the sort by key dialog
     * @return  string  html content of navigation bar
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTable()
    private function _getPlacedTableNavigations(
        $pos_next, $pos_prev, $place, $is_innodb, $sort_by_key_html
    ) {

        $navigation_html = '';

        if ($place == self::PLACE_BOTTOM_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN) {
            $navigation_html .= '<br />' . "\n";

        $navigation_html .= $this->_getTableNavigation(
            $pos_next, $pos_prev, $is_innodb, $sort_by_key_html

        if ($place == self::PLACE_TOP_DIRECTION_DROPDOWN) {
            $navigation_html .= "\n";

        return $navigation_html;

    } // end of the '_getPlacedTableNavigations()' function

     * Generates HTML to display the Create view in span tag
     * @param array  $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param string $url_query            String with URL Parameters
     * @return string
     * @access private
     * @see _getResultsOperations()
    private function _getLinkForCreateView($analyzed_sql_results, $url_query)
        $results_operations_html = '';
        if (empty($analyzed_sql_results['procedure'])) {

            $ajax_class = ' ajax';

            $results_operations_html .= '<span>'
                . Util::linkOrButton(
                    'view_create.php' . $url_query,
                        'b_view_add.png', __('Create view'), true
                    array('class' => 'create_view' . $ajax_class), true, true, ''
                . '</span>' . "\n";
        return $results_operations_html;


     * Calls the _getResultsOperations with $only_view as true
     * @param array $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @return string
     * @access public
    public function getCreateViewQueryResultOp($analyzed_sql_results)

        $results_operations_html = '';
        //calling to _getResultOperations with a fake $displayParts
        //and setting only_view parameter to be true to generate just view
        $results_operations_html .= $this->_getResultsOperations(
        return $results_operations_html;

     * Get copy to clipboard links for results operations
     * @return string $html
     * @access  private
    private function _getCopytoclipboardLinks()
        $html = Util::linkOrButton(
                'b_insrow.png', __('Copy to clipboard'), true
            array('id' => 'copyToClipBoard'),

        return $html;

     * Get printview links for results operations
     * @return string $html
     * @access  private
    private function _getPrintviewLinks()
        $html = Util::linkOrButton(
                'b_print.png', __('Print'), true
            array('id' => 'printView'),

        return $html;

     * Get operations that are available on results.
     * @param array   $displayParts         the parts to display
     * @param array   $analyzed_sql_results analyzed sql results
     * @param boolean $only_view            Whether to show only view
     * @return string $results_operations_html  html content
     * @access  private
     * @see     getTable()
    private function _getResultsOperations(
        $displayParts, $analyzed_sql_results, $only_view = false
    ) {
        global $printview;

        $results_operations_html = '';
        $fields_meta = $this->__get('fields_meta'); // To safe use in foreach
        $header_shown = false;
        $header = '<fieldset class="print_ignore" ><legend>'
            . __('Query results operations') . '</legend>';

        $_url_params = array(
                    'db'        => $this->__get('db'),
                    'table'     => $this->__get('table'),
                    'printview' => '1',
                    'sql_query' => $this->__get('sql_query'),
        $url_query = PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params);

        if (!$header_shown) {
            $results_operations_html .= $header;
            $header_shown = true;
        // if empty result set was produced we need to
        // show only view and not other options
        if ($only_view) {
            $results_operations_html .= $this->_getLinkForCreateView(
                $analyzed_sql_results, $url_query

            if ($header_shown) {
                $results_operations_html .= '</fieldset><br />';
            return $results_operations_html;

        // Displays "printable view" link if required
        if ($displayParts['pview_lnk'] == '1') {
            $results_operations_html .= $this->_getPrintviewLinks();
            $results_operations_html .= $this->_getCopytoclipboardLinks();
        } // end displays "printable view"

        // Export link
        // (the url_query has extra parameters that won't be used to export)
        // (the single_table parameter is used in PMA_getExportDisplay()
        //  to hide the SQL and the structure export dialogs)
        // If the parser found a PROCEDURE clause
        // (most probably PROCEDURE ANALYSE()) it makes no sense to
        // display the Export link).
        if (($analyzed_sql_results['querytype'] == self::QUERY_TYPE_SELECT)
            && ! isset($printview)
            && empty($analyzed_sql_results['procedure'])
        ) {

            if (count($analyzed_sql_results['select_tables']) == 1) {
                $_url_params['single_table'] = 'true';

            if (! $header_shown) {
                $results_operations_html .= $header;
                $header_shown = true;

            $_url_params['unlim_num_rows'] = $this->__get('unlim_num_rows');

             * At this point we don't know the table name; this can happen
             * for example with a query like
             * SELECT bike_code FROM (SELECT bike_code FROM bikes) tmp
             * As a workaround we set in the table parameter the name of the
             * first table of this database, so that tbl_export.php and
             * the script it calls do not fail
            if (empty($_url_params['table']) && ! empty($_url_params['db'])) {
                $_url_params['table'] = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue("SHOW TABLES");
                /* No result (probably no database selected) */
                if ($_url_params['table'] === false) {

            $results_operations_html .= Util::linkOrButton(
                'tbl_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params),
                    'b_tblexport.png', __('Export'), true
            . "\n";

            // prepare chart
            $results_operations_html .= Util::linkOrButton(
                'tbl_chart.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params),
                    'b_chart.png', __('Display chart'), true
            . "\n";

            // prepare GIS chart
            $geometry_found = false;
            // If at least one geometry field is found
            foreach ($fields_meta as $meta) {
                if ($meta->type == self::GEOMETRY_FIELD) {
                    $geometry_found = true;

            if ($geometry_found) {
                    .= Util::linkOrButton(
                        . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params),
                            'b_globe.gif', __('Visualize GIS data'), true
                    . "\n";

        // CREATE VIEW
         * @todo detect privileges to create a view
         *       (but see 2006-01-19 note in display_create_table.lib.php,
         *        I think we cannot detect db-specific privileges reliably)
         * Note: we don't display a Create view link if we found a PROCEDURE clause
        if (!$header_shown) {
            $results_operations_html .= $header;
            $header_shown = true;

        $results_operations_html .= $this->_getLinkForCreateView(
            $analyzed_sql_results, $url_query

        if ($header_shown) {
            $results_operations_html .= '</fieldset><br />';

        return $results_operations_html;

    } // end of the '_getResultsOperations()' function

     * Verifies what to do with non-printable contents (binary or BLOB)
     * in Browse mode.
     * @param string  $category              BLOB|BINARY|GEOMETRY
     * @param string  $content               the binary content
     * @param mixed   $transformation_plugin transformation plugin.
     *                                       Can also be the default function:
     *                                       PMA_mimeDefaultFunction
     * @param string  $transform_options     transformation parameters
     * @param string  $default_function      default transformation function
     * @param object  $meta                  the meta-information about the field
     * @param array   $url_params            parameters that should go to the
     *                                       download link
     * @param boolean &$is_truncated         the result is truncated or not
     * @return mixed  string or float
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns(),
     *          _getSortedColumnMessage()
    private function _handleNonPrintableContents(
        $category, $content, $transformation_plugin, $transform_options,
        $default_function, $meta, $url_params = array(), &$is_truncated = null
    ) {

        $is_truncated = false;
        $result = '[' . $category;

        if (isset($content)) {

            $size = strlen($content);
            $display_size = Util::formatByteDown($size, 3, 1);
            $result .= ' - ' . $display_size[0] . ' ' . $display_size[1];

        } else {

            $result .= ' - NULL';
            $size = 0;


        $result .= ']';

        // if we want to use a text transformation on a BLOB column
        if (gettype($transformation_plugin) === "object") {
            $posMimeOctetstream = strpos(
            $posMimeText = strpos($transformation_plugin->getMIMEtype(), 'Text');
            if ($posMimeOctetstream
                || $posMimeText !== false
            ) {
                // Applying Transformations on hex string of binary data
                // seems more appropriate
                $result = pack("H*", bin2hex($content));

        if ($size <= 0) {

        if ($default_function != $transformation_plugin) {
            $result = $transformation_plugin->applyTransformation(

        $result = $default_function($result, array(), $meta);
        if (($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_binary']
            && $meta->type === self::STRING_FIELD)
            || ($_SESSION['tmpval']['display_blob']
            && stristr($meta->type, self::BLOB_FIELD))
        ) {
            // in this case, restart from the original $content
            if (mb_check_encoding($content, 'utf-8')
                && !preg_match('/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x80-\x9F]/u', $content)
            ) {
                // show as text if it's valid utf-8
                $result = htmlspecialchars($content);
            } else {
                $result = '0x' . bin2hex($content);
                // skip 3rd param
            ) = $this->_getPartialText($result);

        $url_params['where_clause_sign'] = Util::signSqlQuery($url_params['where_clause']);

        /* Create link to download */

        // in PHP < 5.5, empty() only checks variables
        $tmpdb = $this->__get('db');
        if (count($url_params) > 0
            && (!empty($tmpdb) && !empty($meta->orgtable))
        ) {
            $result = '<a href="tbl_get_field.php'
                . PMA_URL_getCommon($url_params)
                . '" class="disableAjax">'
                . $result . '</a>';


    } // end of the '_handleNonPrintableContents()' function

     * Retrieves the associated foreign key info for a data cell
     * @param array  $map              the list of relations
     * @param object $meta             the meta-information about the field
     * @param string $where_comparison data for the where clause
     * @return string  formatted data
     * @access  private
    private function _getFromForeign($map, $meta, $where_comparison)
        $dispsql = 'SELECT '
            . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][2])
            . ' FROM '
            . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][3])
            . '.'
            . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][0])
            . ' WHERE '
            . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][1])
            . $where_comparison;

        $dispresult = $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery(

        if ($dispresult && $GLOBALS['dbi']->numRows($dispresult) > 0) {
            list($dispval) = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchRow($dispresult, 0);
        } else {
            $dispval = __('Link not found!');


        return $dispval;

     * Prepares the displayable content of a data cell in Browse mode,
     * taking into account foreign key description field and transformations
     * @param string        $class                 css classes for the td element
     * @param bool          $condition_field       whether the column is a part of
     *                                             the where clause
     * @param array         $analyzed_sql_results  the analyzed query
     * @param object        $meta                  the meta-information about the
     *                                             field
     * @param array         $map                   the list of relations
     * @param string        $data                  data
     * @param object|string $transformation_plugin transformation plugin.
     *                                             Can also be the default function:
     *                                             PMA_mimeDefaultFunction
     * @param string        $default_function      default function
     * @param string        $nowrap                'nowrap' if the content should
     *                                             not be wrapped
     * @param string        $where_comparison      data for the where clause
     * @param array         $transform_options     options for transformation
     * @param bool          $is_field_truncated    whether the field is truncated
     * @param string        $original_length       of a truncated column, or ''
     * @return string  formatted data
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getDataCellForNumericColumns(), _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns(),
    private function _getRowData(
        $class, $condition_field, $analyzed_sql_results, $meta, $map, $data,
        $transformation_plugin, $default_function, $nowrap, $where_comparison,
        $transform_options, $is_field_truncated, $original_length=''
    ) {
        $relational_display = $_SESSION['tmpval']['relational_display'];
        $printview = $this->__get('printview');
        $decimals = isset($meta->decimals) ? $meta->decimals : '-1';
        $result = '<td data-decimals="' . $decimals . '"'
            . ' data-type="' . $meta->type . '"';

        if (! empty($original_length)) {
            // cannot use data-original-length
            $result .= ' data-originallength="' . $original_length . '"';

        $result .= ' class="'
            . $this->_addClass(
                $class, $condition_field, $meta, $nowrap,
                $is_field_truncated, $transformation_plugin, $default_function
            . '">';

        if (!empty($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->expr)) {
            foreach ($analyzed_sql_results['statement']->expr as $expr) {
                if ((empty($expr->alias)) || (empty($expr->column))) {
                if (strcasecmp($meta->name, $expr->alias) == 0) {
                    $meta->name = $expr->column;

        if (isset($map[$meta->name])) {

            // Field to display from the foreign table?
            if (isset($map[$meta->name][2])
                && mb_strlen($map[$meta->name][2])
            ) {
                $dispval = $this->_getFromForeign(
                    $map, $meta, $where_comparison
            } else {
                $dispval = '';
            } // end if... else...

            if (isset($printview) && ($printview == '1')) {

                $result .= ($transformation_plugin != $default_function
                    ? $transformation_plugin->applyTransformation(
                    : $default_function($data)
                . ' <code>[-&gt;' . $dispval . ']</code>';

            } else {

                if ($relational_display == self::RELATIONAL_KEY) {

                    // user chose "relational key" in the display options, so
                    // the title contains the display field
                    $title = (! empty($dispval))
                        ? ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($dispval) . '"'
                        : '';

                } else {
                    $title = ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($data) . '"';

                $_url_params = array(
                    'db'    => $map[$meta->name][3],
                    'table' => $map[$meta->name][0],
                    'pos'   => '0',
                    'sql_query' => 'SELECT * FROM '
                        . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][3]) . '.'
                        . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][0])
                        . ' WHERE '
                        . Util::backquote($map[$meta->name][1])
                        . $where_comparison,

                $result .= '<a class="ajax" href="sql.php'
                    . PMA_URL_getCommon($_url_params)
                    . '"' . $title . '>';

                if ($transformation_plugin != $default_function) {
                    // always apply a transformation on the real data,
                    // not on the display field
                    $result .= $transformation_plugin->applyTransformation(
                } else {

                    if ($relational_display == self::RELATIONAL_DISPLAY_COLUMN
                        && ! empty($map[$meta->name][2])
                    ) {
                        // user chose "relational display field" in the
                        // display options, so show display field in the cell
                        $result .= $default_function($dispval);
                    } else {
                        // otherwise display data in the cell
                        $result .= $default_function($data);

                $result .= '</a>';

        } else {
            $result .= ($transformation_plugin != $default_function
                ? $transformation_plugin->applyTransformation(
                : $default_function($data)

        $result .= '</td>' . "\n";

        return $result;

    } // end of the '_getRowData()' function

     * Prepares a checkbox for multi-row submits
     * @param string $del_url           delete url
     * @param array  $displayParts      array with explicit indexes for all
     *                                  the display elements
     * @param string $row_no            the row number
     * @param string $where_clause_html url encoded where clause
     * @param array  $condition_array   array of conditions in the where clause
     * @param string $id_suffix         suffix for the id
     * @param string $class             css classes for the td element
     * @return string  the generated HTML
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody(), _getCheckboxAndLinks()
    private function _getCheckboxForMultiRowSubmissions(
        $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
        $id_suffix, $class
    ) {

        $ret = '';

        if (! empty($del_url) && $displayParts['del_lnk'] != self::KILL_PROCESS) {

            $ret .= '<td ';
            if (! empty($class)) {
                $ret .= 'class="' . $class . '"';

            $ret .= ' class="center print_ignore">'
                . '<input type="checkbox" id="id_rows_to_delete'
                . $row_no . $id_suffix
                . '" name="rows_to_delete[' . $row_no . ']"'
                . ' class="multi_checkbox checkall"'
                . ' value="' . $where_clause_html . '" '
                . ' />'
                . '<input type="hidden" class="condition_array" value="'
                . htmlspecialchars(json_encode($condition_array)) . '" />'
                . '    </td>';

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getCheckboxForMultiRowSubmissions()' function

     * Prepares an Edit link
     * @param string $edit_url          edit url
     * @param string $class             css classes for td element
     * @param string $edit_str          text for the edit link
     * @param string $where_clause      where clause
     * @param string $where_clause_html url encoded where clause
     * @return string  the generated HTML
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody(), _getCheckboxAndLinks()
    private function _getEditLink(
        $edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html
    ) {

        $ret = '';
        if (! empty($edit_url)) {

            $ret .= '<td class="' . $class . ' center print_ignore" '
                . ' ><span class="nowrap">'
                . Util::linkOrButton(
                    $edit_url, $edit_str, array(), false
             * Where clause for selecting this row uniquely is provided as
             * a hidden input. Used by jQuery scripts for handling grid editing
            if (! empty($where_clause)) {
                $ret .= '<input type="hidden" class="where_clause" value ="'
                    . $where_clause_html . '" />';
            $ret .= '</span></td>';

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getEditLink()' function

     * Prepares an Copy link
     * @param string $copy_url          copy url
     * @param string $copy_str          text for the copy link
     * @param string $where_clause      where clause
     * @param string $where_clause_html url encoded where clause
     * @param string $class             css classes for the td element
     * @return string  the generated HTML
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody(), _getCheckboxAndLinks()
    private function _getCopyLink(
        $copy_url, $copy_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, $class
    ) {

        $ret = '';
        if (! empty($copy_url)) {

            $ret .= '<td class="';
            if (! empty($class)) {
                $ret .= $class . ' ';

            $ret .= 'center print_ignore" ' . ' ><span class="nowrap">'
               . Util::linkOrButton(
                   $copy_url, $copy_str, array(), false

             * Where clause for selecting this row uniquely is provided as
             * a hidden input. Used by jQuery scripts for handling grid editing
            if (! empty($where_clause)) {
                $ret .= '<input type="hidden" class="where_clause" value="'
                    . $where_clause_html . '" />';
            $ret .= '</span></td>';

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getCopyLink()' function

     * Prepares a Delete link
     * @param string $del_url delete url
     * @param string $del_str text for the delete link
     * @param string $js_conf text for the JS confirmation
     * @param string $class   css classes for the td element
     * @return string  the generated HTML
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getTableBody(), _getCheckboxAndLinks()
    private function _getDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, $class)

        $ret = '';
        if (empty($del_url)) {
            return $ret;

        $ret .= '<td class="';
        if (! empty($class)) {
            $ret .= $class . ' ';
        $ajax = Response::getInstance()->isAjax() ? ' ajax' : '';
        $ret .= 'center print_ignore" ' . ' >'
            . Util::linkOrButton(
                array('class' => 'delete_row requireConfirm' . $ajax),
            . '<div class="hide">' . $js_conf . '</div>'
            . '</td>';

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getDeleteLink()' function

     * Prepare checkbox and links at some position (left or right)
     * (only called for horizontal mode)
     * @param string $position          the position of the checkbox and links
     * @param string $del_url           delete url
     * @param array  $displayParts      array with explicit indexes for all the
     *                                  display elements
     * @param string $row_no            row number
     * @param string $where_clause      where clause
     * @param string $where_clause_html url encoded where clause
     * @param array  $condition_array   array of conditions in the where clause
     * @param string $edit_url          edit url
     * @param string $copy_url          copy url
     * @param string $class             css classes for the td elements
     * @param string $edit_str          text for the edit link
     * @param string $copy_str          text for the copy link
     * @param string $del_str           text for the delete link
     * @param string $js_conf           text for the JS confirmation
     * @return string  the generated HTML
     * @access  private
     * @see     _getPlacedLinks()
    private function _getCheckboxAndLinks(
        $position, $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause,
        $where_clause_html, $condition_array,
        $edit_url, $copy_url, $class, $edit_str, $copy_str, $del_str, $js_conf
    ) {

        $ret = '';

        if ($position == self::POSITION_LEFT) {

            $ret .= $this->_getCheckboxForMultiRowSubmissions(
                $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause_html,
                $condition_array, '_left', ''

            $ret .= $this->_getEditLink(
                $edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html

            $ret .= $this->_getCopyLink(
                $copy_url, $copy_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, ''

            $ret .= $this->_getDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, '');

        } elseif ($position == self::POSITION_RIGHT) {

            $ret .= $this->_getDeleteLink($del_url, $del_str, $js_conf, '');

            $ret .= $this->_getCopyLink(
                $copy_url, $copy_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html, ''

            $ret .= $this->_getEditLink(
                $edit_url, $class, $edit_str, $where_clause, $where_clause_html

            $ret .= $this->_getCheckboxForMultiRowSubmissions(
                $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause_html,
                $condition_array, '_right', ''

        } else { // $position == self::POSITION_NONE

            $ret .= $this->_getCheckboxForMultiRowSubmissions(
                $del_url, $displayParts, $row_no, $where_clause_html,
                $condition_array, '_left', ''

        return $ret;

    } // end of the '_getCheckboxAndLinks()' function

     * Truncates given string based on LimitChars configuration
     * and Session pftext variable
     * (string is truncated only if necessary)
     * @param string $str string to be truncated
     * @return mixed
     * @access  private
     * @see     _handleNonPrintableContents(), _getDataCellForGeometryColumns(),
     *          _getDataCellForNonNumericColumns
    private function _getPartialText($str)
        $original_length = mb_strlen($str);
        if ($original_length > $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
            && $_SESSION['tmpval']['pftext'] === self::DISPLAY_PARTIAL_TEXT
        ) {
            $str = mb_substr(
                $str, 0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['LimitChars']
            ) . '...';
            $truncated = true;
        } else {
            $truncated = false;

        return array($truncated, $str, $original_length);


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