/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* function for the main export logic
* @package PhpMyAdmin
use PMA\libraries\Message;
use PMA\libraries\plugins\ExportPlugin;
use PMA\libraries\Table;
use PMA\libraries\ZipFile;
* Sets a session variable upon a possible fatal error during export
* @return void
function PMA_shutdownDuringExport()
$error = error_get_last();
if ($error != null && mb_strpos($error['message'], "execution time")) {
//set session variable to check if there was error while exporting
$_SESSION['pma_export_error'] = $error['message'];
* Detect ob_gzhandler
* @return bool
function PMA_isGzHandlerEnabled()
return in_array('ob_gzhandler', ob_list_handlers());
* Detect whether gzencode is needed; it might not be needed if
* the server is already compressing by itself
* @return bool Whether gzencode is needed
function PMA_gzencodeNeeded()
* We should gzencode only if the function exists
* but we don't want to compress twice, therefore
* gzencode only if transparent compression is not enabled
* and gz compression was not asked via $cfg['OBGzip']
* but transparent compression does not apply when saving to server
$chromeAndGreaterThan43 = PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT == 'CHROME'
&& PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER >= 43; // see bug #4942
if (@function_exists('gzencode')
&& ((! @ini_get('zlib.output_compression')
&& ! PMA_isGzHandlerEnabled())
|| $GLOBALS['save_on_server']
|| $chromeAndGreaterThan43)
) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Output handler for all exports, if needed buffering, it stores data into
* $dump_buffer, otherwise it prints them out.
* @param string $line the insert statement
* @return bool Whether output succeeded
function PMA_exportOutputHandler($line)
global $time_start, $dump_buffer, $dump_buffer_len, $save_filename;
// Kanji encoding convert feature
if ($GLOBALS['output_kanji_conversion']) {
$line = PMA_Kanji_strConv(
isset($GLOBALS['xkana']) ? $GLOBALS['xkana'] : ''
// If we have to buffer data, we will perform everything at once at the end
if ($GLOBALS['buffer_needed']) {
$dump_buffer .= $line;
if ($GLOBALS['onfly_compression']) {
$dump_buffer_len += mb_strlen($line);
if ($dump_buffer_len > $GLOBALS['memory_limit']) {
if ($GLOBALS['output_charset_conversion']) {
$dump_buffer = PMA_convertString(
if ($GLOBALS['compression'] == 'gzip'
&& PMA_gzencodeNeeded()
) {
// as a gzipped file
// without the optional parameter level because it bugs
$dump_buffer = gzencode($dump_buffer);
if ($GLOBALS['save_on_server']) {
$write_result = @fwrite($GLOBALS['file_handle'], $dump_buffer);
// Here, use strlen rather than mb_strlen to get the length
// in bytes to compare against the number of bytes written.
if ($write_result != strlen($dump_buffer)) {
$GLOBALS['message'] = Message::error(
__('Insufficient space to save the file %s.')
return false;
} else {
echo $dump_buffer;
$dump_buffer = '';
$dump_buffer_len = 0;
} else {
$time_now = time();
if ($time_start >= $time_now + 30) {
$time_start = $time_now;
header('X-pmaPing: Pong');
} // end if
} else {
if ($GLOBALS['asfile']) {
if ($GLOBALS['output_charset_conversion']) {
$line = PMA_convertString(
if ($GLOBALS['save_on_server'] && mb_strlen($line) > 0) {
$write_result = @fwrite($GLOBALS['file_handle'], $line);
// Here, use strlen rather than mb_strlen to get the length
// in bytes to compare against the number of bytes written.
if (! $write_result
|| $write_result != strlen($line)
) {
$GLOBALS['message'] = Message::error(
__('Insufficient space to save the file %s.')
return false;
$time_now = time();
if ($time_start >= $time_now + 30) {
$time_start = $time_now;
header('X-pmaPing: Pong');
} // end if
} else {
// We export as file - output normally
echo $line;
} else {
// We export as html - replace special chars
echo htmlspecialchars($line);
return true;
} // end of the 'PMA_exportOutputHandler()' function
* Returns HTML containing the footer for a displayed export
* @param string $back_button the link for going Back
* @return string $html the HTML output
function PMA_getHtmlForDisplayedExportFooter($back_button)
* Close the html tags and add the footers for on-screen export
$html = '</textarea>'
. ' </form>'
// bottom back button
. $back_button
. '</div>'
. '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n"
. '//<![CDATA[' . "\n"
. 'var $body = $("body");' . "\n"
. '$("#textSQLDUMP")' . "\n"
. '.width($body.width() - 50)' . "\n"
. '.height($body.height() - 100);' . "\n"
. '//]]>' . "\n"
. '</script>' . "\n";
return $html;
* Computes the memory limit for export
* @return int $memory_limit the memory limit
function PMA_getMemoryLimitForExport()
$memory_limit = trim(@ini_get('memory_limit'));
$memory_limit_num = (int)substr($memory_limit, 0, -1);
$lowerLastChar = strtolower(substr($memory_limit, -1));
// 2 MB as default
if (empty($memory_limit) || '-1' == $memory_limit) {
$memory_limit = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
} elseif ($lowerLastChar == 'm') {
$memory_limit = $memory_limit_num * 1024 * 1024;
} elseif ($lowerLastChar == 'k') {
$memory_limit = $memory_limit_num * 1024;
} elseif ($lowerLastChar == 'g') {
$memory_limit = $memory_limit_num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
} else {
$memory_limit = (int)$memory_limit;
// Some of memory is needed for other things and as threshold.
// During export I had allocated (see memory_get_usage function)
// approx 1.2MB so this comes from that.
if ($memory_limit > 1500000) {
$memory_limit -= 1500000;
// Some memory is needed for compression, assume 1/3
$memory_limit /= 8;
return $memory_limit;
* Return the filename and MIME type for export file
* @param string $export_type type of export
* @param string $remember_template whether to remember template
* @param ExportPlugin $export_plugin the export plugin
* @param string $compression compression asked
* @param string $filename_template the filename template
* @return array the filename template and mime type
function PMA_getExportFilenameAndMimetype(
$export_type, $remember_template, $export_plugin, $compression,
) {
if ($export_type == 'server') {
if (! empty($remember_template)) {
} elseif ($export_type == 'database') {
if (! empty($remember_template)) {
} else {
if (! empty($remember_template)) {
$filename = PMA\libraries\Util::expandUserString($filename_template);
// remove dots in filename (coming from either the template or already
// part of the filename) to avoid a remote code execution vulnerability
$filename = PMA_sanitizeFilename($filename, $replaceDots = true);
// Grab basic dump extension and mime type
// Check if the user already added extension;
// get the substring where the extension would be if it was included
$extension_start_pos = mb_strlen($filename) - mb_strlen(
) - 1;
$user_extension = mb_substr(
$filename, $extension_start_pos, mb_strlen($filename)
$required_extension = "." . $export_plugin->getProperties()->getExtension();
if (mb_strtolower($user_extension) != $required_extension) {
$filename .= $required_extension;
$mime_type = $export_plugin->getProperties()->getMimeType();
// If dump is going to be compressed, set correct mime_type and add
// compression to extension
if ($compression == 'gzip') {
$filename .= '.gz';
$mime_type = 'application/x-gzip';
} elseif ($compression == 'zip') {
$filename .= '.zip';
$mime_type = 'application/zip';
return array($filename, $mime_type);
* Open the export file
* @param string $filename the export filename
* @param boolean $quick_export whether it's a quick export or not
* @return array the full save filename, possible message and the file handle
function PMA_openExportFile($filename, $quick_export)
$file_handle = null;
$message = '';
$save_filename = PMA\libraries\Util::userDir($GLOBALS['cfg']['SaveDir'])
. preg_replace('@[/\\\\]@', '_', $filename);
if (file_exists($save_filename)
&& ((! $quick_export && empty($_REQUEST['onserver_overwrite']))
|| ($quick_export
&& $_REQUEST['quick_export_onserver_overwrite'] != 'saveitover'))
) {
$message = Message::error(
'File %s already exists on server, '
. 'change filename or check overwrite option.'
} elseif (@is_file($save_filename) && ! @is_writable($save_filename)) {
$message = Message::error(
'The web server does not have permission '
. 'to save the file %s.'
} elseif (! $file_handle = @fopen($save_filename, 'w')) {
$message = Message::error(
'The web server does not have permission '
. 'to save the file %s.'
return array($save_filename, $message, $file_handle);
* Close the export file
* @param resource $file_handle the export file handle
* @param string $dump_buffer the current dump buffer
* @param string $save_filename the export filename
* @return object $message a message object (or empty string)
function PMA_closeExportFile($file_handle, $dump_buffer, $save_filename)
$write_result = @fwrite($file_handle, $dump_buffer);
// Here, use strlen rather than mb_strlen to get the length
// in bytes to compare against the number of bytes written.
if (mb_strlen($dump_buffer) > 0
&& (! $write_result || $write_result != strlen($dump_buffer))
) {
$message = new Message(
__('Insufficient space to save the file %s.'),
} else {
$message = new Message(
__('Dump has been saved to file %s.'),
return $message;
* Compress the export buffer
* @param array|string $dump_buffer the current dump buffer
* @param string $compression the compression mode
* @param string $filename the filename
* @return object $message a message object (or empty string)
function PMA_compressExport($dump_buffer, $compression, $filename)
if ($compression == 'zip' && @function_exists('gzcompress')) {
$filename = substr($filename, 0, -4); // remove extension (.zip)
$zipfile = new ZipFile();
if (is_array($dump_buffer)) {
foreach ($dump_buffer as $table => $dump) {
$ext_pos = strpos($filename, '.');
$extension = substr($filename, $ext_pos);
'_' . $table . $extension,
} else {
$zipfile->addFile($dump_buffer, $filename);
$dump_buffer = $zipfile->file();
} elseif ($compression == 'gzip' && PMA_gzencodeNeeded()) {
// without the optional parameter level because it bugs
$dump_buffer = gzencode($dump_buffer);
return $dump_buffer;
* Saves the dump_buffer for a particular table in an array
* Used in separate files export
* @param string $object_name the name of current object to be stored
* @param boolean $append optional boolean to append to an existing index or not
* @return void
function PMA_saveObjectInBuffer($object_name, $append = false)
global $dump_buffer_objects, $dump_buffer, $dump_buffer_len;
if (! empty($dump_buffer)) {
if ($append && isset($dump_buffer_objects[$object_name])) {
$dump_buffer_objects[$object_name] .= $dump_buffer;
} else {
$dump_buffer_objects[$object_name] = $dump_buffer;
// Re - initialize
$dump_buffer = '';
$dump_buffer_len = 0;
* Returns HTML containing the header for a displayed export
* @param string $export_type the export type
* @param string $db the database name
* @param string $table the table name
* @return array the generated HTML and back button
function PMA_getHtmlForDisplayedExportHeader($export_type, $db, $table)
$html = '<div style="text-align: ' . $GLOBALS['cell_align_left'] . '">';
* Displays a back button with all the $_REQUEST data in the URL
* (store in a variable to also display after the textarea)
$back_button = '<p>[ <a href="';
if ($export_type == 'server') {
$back_button .= 'server_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon();
} elseif ($export_type == 'database') {
$back_button .= 'db_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(array('db' => $db));
} else {
$back_button .= 'tbl_export.php' . PMA_URL_getCommon(
'db' => $db, 'table' => $table
// Convert the multiple select elements from an array to a string
if ($export_type == 'server' && isset($_REQUEST['db_select'])) {
$_REQUEST['db_select'] = implode(",", $_REQUEST['db_select']);
} elseif ($export_type == 'database') {
if (isset($_REQUEST['table_select'])) {
$_REQUEST['table_select'] = implode(",", $_REQUEST['table_select']);
if (isset($_REQUEST['table_structure'])) {
$_REQUEST['table_structure'] = implode(
} else if (empty($_REQUEST['structure_or_data_forced'])) {
$_REQUEST['table_structure'] = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['table_data'])) {
$_REQUEST['table_data'] = implode(",", $_REQUEST['table_data']);
} else if (empty($_REQUEST['structure_or_data_forced'])) {
$_REQUEST['table_data'] = '';
foreach ($_REQUEST as $name => $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$back_button .= '&' . urlencode($name) . '=' . urlencode($value);
$back_button .= '&repopulate=1">' . __('Back') . '</a> ]</p>';
$html .= $back_button
. '<form name="nofunction">'
. '<textarea name="sqldump" cols="50" rows="30" '
. 'id="textSQLDUMP" wrap="OFF">';
return array($html, $back_button);
* Export at the server level
* @param string $db_select the selected databases to export
* @param string $whatStrucOrData structure or data or both
* @param ExportPlugin $export_plugin the selected export plugin
* @param string $crlf end of line character(s)
* @param string $err_url the URL in case of error
* @param string $export_type the export type
* @param bool $do_relation whether to export relation info
* @param bool $do_comments whether to add comments
* @param bool $do_mime whether to add MIME info
* @param bool $do_dates whether to add dates
* @param array $aliases alias information for db/table/column
* @param string $separate_files whether it is a separate-files export
* @return void
function PMA_exportServer(
$db_select, $whatStrucOrData, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url,
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates,
$aliases, $separate_files
) {
if (! empty($db_select)) {
$tmp_select = implode($db_select, '|');
$tmp_select = '|' . $tmp_select . '|';
// Walk over databases
foreach ($GLOBALS['dblist']->databases as $current_db) {
if (isset($tmp_select)
&& mb_strpos(' ' . $tmp_select, '|' . $current_db . '|')
) {
$tables = $GLOBALS['dbi']->getTables($current_db);
$current_db, $tables, $whatStrucOrData, $tables, $tables,
$export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation,
$do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases,
$separate_files == 'database' ? $separate_files : ''
if ($separate_files == 'server') {
} // end foreach database
* Export at the database level
* @param string $db the database to export
* @param array $tables the tables to export
* @param string $whatStrucOrData structure or data or both
* @param array $table_structure whether to export structure for each table
* @param array $table_data whether to export data for each table
* @param ExportPlugin $export_plugin the selected export plugin
* @param string $crlf end of line character(s)
* @param string $err_url the URL in case of error
* @param string $export_type the export type
* @param bool $do_relation whether to export relation info
* @param bool $do_comments whether to add comments
* @param bool $do_mime whether to add MIME info
* @param bool $do_dates whether to add dates
* @param array $aliases Alias information for db/table/column
* @param string $separate_files whether it is a separate-files export
* @return void
function PMA_exportDatabase(
$db, $tables, $whatStrucOrData, $table_structure, $table_data,
$export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url, $export_type, $do_relation,
$do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases, $separate_files
) {
$db_alias = !empty($aliases[$db]['alias'])
? $aliases[$db]['alias'] : '';
if (! $export_plugin->exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias)) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportDBCreate($db, $export_type, $db_alias)) {
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
PMA_saveObjectInBuffer('database', true);
if (($GLOBALS['sql_structure_or_data'] == 'structure'
|| $GLOBALS['sql_structure_or_data'] == 'structure_and_data')
&& isset($GLOBALS['sql_procedure_function'])
) {
$export_plugin->exportRoutines($db, $aliases);
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
$views = array();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$_table = new Table($table, $db);
// if this is a view, collect it for later;
// views must be exported after the tables
$is_view = $_table->isView();
if ($is_view) {
$views[] = $table;
if (($whatStrucOrData == 'structure'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data')
&& in_array($table, $table_structure)
) {
// for a view, export a stand-in definition of the table
// to resolve view dependencies (only when it's a single-file export)
if ($is_view) {
if ($separate_files == ''
&& isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_view'])
&& ! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'stand_in',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
) {
} else if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_table'])) {
$table_size = $GLOBALS['maxsize'];
// Checking if the maximum table size constrain has been set
// And if that constrain is a valid number or not
if ($table_size !== '' && is_numeric($table_size)) {
// This obtains the current table's size
$query = 'SELECT data_length + index_length
from information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = "' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($db) . '"
AND table_name = "' . $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString($table) . '"';
$size = $GLOBALS['dbi']->fetchValue($query);
//Converting the size to MB
$size = ($size / 1024) / 1024;
if ($size > $table_size) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'create_table',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
// if this is a view or a merge table, don't export data
if (($whatStrucOrData == 'data' || $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data')
&& in_array($table, $table_data)
&& ! ($is_view)
) {
$tableObj = new PMA\libraries\Table($table, $db);
$nonGeneratedCols = $tableObj->getNonGeneratedColumns(true);
$local_query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $nonGeneratedCols)
. ' FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)
. '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table);
if (! $export_plugin->exportData(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, $local_query, $aliases
)) {
// this buffer was filled, we save it and go to the next one
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
PMA_saveObjectInBuffer('table_' . $table);
// now export the triggers (needs to be done after the data because
// triggers can modify already imported tables)
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_trigger']) && ($whatStrucOrData == 'structure'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data')
&& in_array($table, $table_structure)
) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'triggers',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
PMA_saveObjectInBuffer('table_' . $table, true);
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_view'])) {
foreach ($views as $view) {
// no data export for a view
if ($whatStrucOrData == 'structure'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data'
) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $view, $crlf, $err_url, 'create_view',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
PMA_saveObjectInBuffer('view_' . $view);
if (! $export_plugin->exportDBFooter($db)) {
// export metadata related to this db
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_metadata'])) {
// Types of metadata to export.
// In the future these can be allowed to be selected by the user
$metadataTypes = PMA_getMetadataTypesToExport();
$export_plugin->exportMetadata($db, $tables, $metadataTypes);
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
if (($GLOBALS['sql_structure_or_data'] == 'structure'
|| $GLOBALS['sql_structure_or_data'] == 'structure_and_data')
&& isset($GLOBALS['sql_procedure_function'])
) {
if ($separate_files == 'database') {
* Export at the table level
* @param string $db the database to export
* @param string $table the table to export
* @param string $whatStrucOrData structure or data or both
* @param ExportPlugin $export_plugin the selected export plugin
* @param string $crlf end of line character(s)
* @param string $err_url the URL in case of error
* @param string $export_type the export type
* @param bool $do_relation whether to export relation info
* @param bool $do_comments whether to add comments
* @param bool $do_mime whether to add MIME info
* @param bool $do_dates whether to add dates
* @param string $allrows whether "dump all rows" was ticked
* @param string $limit_to upper limit
* @param string $limit_from starting limit
* @param string $sql_query query for which exporting is requested
* @param array $aliases Alias information for db/table/column
* @return void
function PMA_exportTable(
$db, $table, $whatStrucOrData, $export_plugin, $crlf, $err_url,
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments, $do_mime, $do_dates,
$allrows, $limit_to, $limit_from, $sql_query, $aliases
) {
$db_alias = !empty($aliases[$db]['alias'])
? $aliases[$db]['alias'] : '';
if (! $export_plugin->exportDBHeader($db, $db_alias)) {
if (isset($allrows)
&& $allrows == '0'
&& $limit_to > 0
&& $limit_from >= 0
) {
$add_query = ' LIMIT '
. (($limit_from > 0) ? $limit_from . ', ' : '')
. $limit_to;
} else {
$add_query = '';
$_table = new Table($table, $db);
$is_view = $_table->isView();
if ($whatStrucOrData == 'structure'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data'
) {
if ($is_view) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_view'])) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'create_view',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
} else if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_table'])) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'create_table',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
// If this is an export of a single view, we have to export data;
// for example, a PDF report
// if it is a merge table, no data is exported
if ($whatStrucOrData == 'data'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data'
) {
if (! empty($sql_query)) {
// only preg_replace if needed
if (! empty($add_query)) {
// remove trailing semicolon before adding a LIMIT
$sql_query = preg_replace('%;\s*$%', '', $sql_query);
$local_query = $sql_query . $add_query;
} else {
// Data is exported only for Non-generated columns
$tableObj = new PMA\libraries\Table($table, $db);
$nonGeneratedCols = $tableObj->getNonGeneratedColumns(true);
$local_query = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $nonGeneratedCols)
. ' FROM ' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db)
. '.' . PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . $add_query;
if (! $export_plugin->exportData(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, $local_query, $aliases
)) {
// now export the triggers (needs to be done after the data because
// triggers can modify already imported tables)
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_create_trigger']) && ($whatStrucOrData == 'structure'
|| $whatStrucOrData == 'structure_and_data')
) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportStructure(
$db, $table, $crlf, $err_url, 'triggers',
$export_type, $do_relation, $do_comments,
$do_mime, $do_dates, $aliases
)) {
if (! $export_plugin->exportDBFooter($db)) {
if (isset($GLOBALS['sql_metadata'])) {
// Types of metadata to export.
// In the future these can be allowed to be selected by the user
$metadataTypes = PMA_getMetadataTypesToExport();
$export_plugin->exportMetadata($db, $table, $metadataTypes);
* Loads correct page after doing export
* @param string $db the database name
* @param string $table the table name
* @param string $export_type Export type
* @return void
function PMA_showExportPage($db, $table, $export_type)
global $cfg;
if ($export_type == 'server') {
$active_page = 'server_export.php';
include_once 'server_export.php';
} elseif ($export_type == 'database') {
$active_page = 'db_export.php';
include_once 'db_export.php';
} else {
$active_page = 'tbl_export.php';
include_once 'tbl_export.php';
* Merge two alias arrays, if array1 and array2 have
* conflicting alias then array2 value is used if it
* is non empty otherwise array1 value.
* @param array $aliases1 first array of aliases
* @param array $aliases2 second array of aliases
* @return array resultant merged aliases info
function PMA_mergeAliases($aliases1, $aliases2)
// First do a recursive array merge
// on aliases arrays.
$aliases = array_merge_recursive($aliases1, $aliases2);
// Now, resolve conflicts in aliases, if any
foreach ($aliases as $db_name => $db) {
// If alias key is an array then
// it is a merge conflict.
if (isset($db['alias']) && is_array($db['alias'])) {
$val1 = $db['alias'][0];
$val2 = $db['alias'][1];
// Use aliases2 alias if non empty
= empty($val2) ? $val1 : $val2;
if (!isset($db['tables'])) {
foreach ($db['tables'] as $tbl_name => $tbl) {
if (isset($tbl['alias']) && is_array($tbl['alias'])) {
$val1 = $tbl['alias'][0];
$val2 = $tbl['alias'][1];
// Use aliases2 alias if non empty
= empty($val2) ? $val1 : $val2;
if (!isset($tbl['columns'])) {
foreach ($tbl['columns'] as $col => $col_as) {
if (isset($col_as) && is_array($col_as)) {
$val1 = $col_as[0];
$val2 = $col_as[1];
// Use aliases2 alias if non empty
= empty($val2) ? $val1 : $val2;
return $aliases;
* Locks tables
* @param string $db database name
* @param array $tables list of table names
* @param string $lockType lock type; "[LOW_PRIORITY] WRITE" or "READ [LOCAL]"
* @return mixed result of the query
function PMA_lockTables($db, $tables, $lockType = "WRITE")
$locks = array();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$locks[] = PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($db) . "."
. PMA\libraries\Util::backquote($table) . " " . $lockType;
$sql = "LOCK TABLES " . implode(", ", $locks);
return $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery($sql);
* Releases table locks
* @return mixed result of the query
function PMA_unlockTables()
return $GLOBALS['dbi']->tryQuery("UNLOCK TABLES");
* Returns all the metadata types that can be exported with a database or a table
* @return array metadata types.
function PMA_getMetadataTypesToExport()
return array(
* Returns the checked clause, depending on the presence of key in array
* @param string $key the key to look for
* @param array $array array to verify
* @return string the checked clause
function PMA_getCheckedClause($key, $array)
if (in_array($key, $array)) {
return ' checked="checked"';
} else {
return '';